Malaysia in US govt list of human trafficking offenders – Hamid should give full details in Ministerial statement to Parliament

Foreign Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar should present a Ministerial statement in Parliament on Monday giving a detailed rebuttal to the United States government’s inclusion of Malaysia on its list of human trafficking offenders.

It is not enough for Syed Hamid to brush aside the US government report as one-sided for not taking into account what Malaysia had been doing or just to express amazement as to how the US government could come up with such a report.

The listing of Malaysia in the US government list of human trafficking offenders must not be taken lightly.

Malaysians should not be left with having to accept either the Malaysian government or the US government claim without the facts, and this is why Hamid should present a detailed Ministerial statement in Parliament fully stating the case for Malaysia as to why it should not be included in any list, whether US government or otherwise, of human trafficking offenders.

In the Ministerial statement, Hamid should give a full report of the exchanges between the two governments on the issue, as there must be considerable interaction between the two governments before the inclusion of Malaysia in the US government list of human trafficking offenders. Let the entire file of the bilateral exchanges be made public.

Malaysia was listed in the latest US annual Trafficking in Persons Report as one of the 16 countries in the Tier 3 ranking, which includes Cuba, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Venezuela.

According to the report, countries with Tier 3 ranking “do not fully comply with the minimum standards (to fight trafficking) and are not making significant efforts to do so,” which makes them eligible for US economic sanctions.

The report said Malaysia was placed in Tier 3 for its failure to show satisfactory progress in combating trafficking in persons, particularly in the areas of punishing acts of trafficking, providing adequate shelters and social services to victims.

It said the Government needed to demonstrate stronger political will to tackle Malaysia’s significant forced labour and sex trafficking problems.

Malaysia was blacklisted despite Parliament having passed the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Bill in April, the timing of which had taken into account the US government’s annual Trafficking in Persons Report.

The bill states that human trafficking will be an offence that carries a maximum jail term of 20 years and a fine of up to RM500,000. It provides protection to victims and severely punishes those who trafficked, harboured or profited from the offence.

MPs would want to know why the enactment of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Bill in April had proved to be fruitless and resulted instead in Malaysia being included in the US government list of human trafficking offenders.

50 Replies to “Malaysia in US govt list of human trafficking offenders – Hamid should give full details in Ministerial statement to Parliament”

  1. Just vote for the US call for full economic sanctions on Iran in the UN General Assembly and Lo and Behold! Malaysia is taken off the US government list of human trafficking offenders. This is the way “democracy” works

  2. The good name of our country is tarnished again…..this is most shameful for a country that placed religion and morals as most significant part of our lives.

    How could our government allowed this gross abuse of human rights involving defendless women and childrens in our own backyard?

  3. We are again “famous” for the wrong reasons as usual, if the gov. continues to ignore surveys or reports made by others e.g. US or UN or other bodies and continues to behave as if we are the centre of the universal, our country will lose out eventually.
    If our gov. dont take others seriouly, why should others take us seriously!!
    While our PM is still having his honeymoon, concreate steps need to be taken to rectify all the short comings of our country. I hope I dont have to keep quiet or whisper in the near future when people asked me where I come from when overseas!!!

  4. “In the Ministerial statement, Hamid should give a full report of the exchanges between the two governments on the issue, as there must be considerable interaction between the two governments before the inclusion of Malaysia in the US government list of human trafficking offenders. Let the entire file of the bilateral exchanges be made public.” – YB LKS

    SPOT ON! I also believe there’s no smoke without fire. Mr Foreign Minister, over to you.

  5. With so many fake passports and Mycards around, coupled with loose immigration checkpoints, sure Malaysia will easily become a
    human trafficking center.

    To promote tourism in Malaysia, nowsadays many citizens of poor third world countries are allowed to visit Malaysia without a visa. Many of these people are here not meant to sight-seeing and tour Malaysia, their aims are to look for jobs here and some are using Malaysia as a transit point to get into a richer country like the USA, Britain and Australia.

  6. Syed Hamid Albar should never have just brushed aside the United States government’s inclusion of Malaysia on its list of human trafficking offenders; a standard reaction by all Malaysian Ministers whenever there is an international report of study that is negative to the government of Malaysia.

    He and his colleagues should learn to be positive of comments and reports, be they posotive or negative, and for him and his peers to learn a lot from them to improve continually.

    Don’t just said that the US government report as one-sided for not taking into account what Malaysia had been doing or just to express amazement as to how the US government could come up with such a report.

    There are merits in such investigative reports. Why US and for that matter UN always picked on Malaysian administration? We believe there is some truth in them and it is only good for government and minister to take note and act!

    That should be tha way forward for everybody.

  7. wait for 2 weeks and everything will be forgotten. the usual case.
    anyway, unless if the US really does apply economic sanctions, then at least there will be something to talk about. else, i dont see any changes.
    let me ask, how many still remember e bocor remarks? how many are still pursuing for their apology? i dont think there are any…. forget

  8. The trouble with our Malaysian ministers is they behave like thugs! This Syed Hamid guy like Samy Velu, they love to point fingers. They forget who they are dealing with. Hey, it’s not Bolehland lah, it’s United States of America, just incase you forget.

    For the US to come to such a major decision as to include Malaysia in their US Govt List of 16 countries – Human Trafficing Offenders, there must have been some thorough investigation followed by reports to convince their government of the seriousness of the situation that warrant such serious action.

    I am sure the Malaysian Government would have been in the know slready been forewarned of their(US Govt) intended decision. The response of our Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar in the press seemed to me as a big “surprise” for him. Syed Hamid, stop pretending, don’t lie through your teeth. You’ll lose more hair and more teeth if you do!

    Comeon, this is not some kind of child’s game – “masak-masak” or Malaysian Govt’s collapsed ceiling or pipe bocor. It’s Malaysia’s reputation at stake, damn it!

  9. As most of you have pointed out it is so so TYPICAL of Malaysian ministers culture! When there is always a bad report, they’ll give many excuses. Saying this and that. But when the citizens aren’t happy with the reports the ministers made, they’ll to you to just live with it!

    Malaysia is led by a bunch of bananas, which doesn’t even have a brain… Any living animals in the world be smarter than any of them. ROFL!

  10. The gov. is already rotten inside out!!! Shame on all those who get our taxpayers money and do nothing to improve the livelihood and living standards of our country men. Where to hide our face??Shame! Shame! Shame!! X MC2.

  11. As i read the report on Straits Times Singapore,can’t stop shaking my head..Report is ‘Misleading’ that was one smart excuse from Foreign Minister…while searching for something or somebody to take the flak!!! and ..and the brilliant part is..’we would not lodge a formal protest with Washington’!
    great just great..
    now we can add more our amazing achivement,piracy list,corrupt list,human trafficking list etc..etc
    whats next?
    ish ish ish..

  12. It is generally misunderstood that the term “human trafficking” is only confined to prostitution. It can never be more wrong. It includes receiving domestic help at such low rates of pay, holding passports and pay in escrow by employers etc. It includes the cruel and inhumane treatment of refugees fleeing persecution in their home countries, not giving them the protection they deserve and deporting them back to face the same persecution, handing over to foreign embassies for deportation and not prosecuting those responsible for their enslavement.

    Often victims of prostitution are blamed and are further victimised and in some countries are paraded out in the streets for all to see

    This is modern day slavery without doubt.

    To all this what has our Foreign Minister has to say?? The Report is skewed! What has the IGP got to say? No, it is the responsibility of those guys in Wisma Putra – and what has the Prime Minister got to say? I didn’t know this. I got to look into it and direct my Ministers to do something to stop this. If they don’t listen to me or don’t carry out what I tell them, what can I do?

    Every time the U.S. throws out its reports about all kinds of human rights abuses, Malaysia would say the report is biased or/and the U.S. should not interfere in the domestic affairs of another country! What crap!

    Make no mistake. The U.S. too is guilty of human rights abuses – like detention without trial of enemy combatants (who knows what “enemy combatants” mean except those running the Department of Justice and the White House!), the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo, putting to death mentally ill or under aged criminals. The U.S. too has their own human trafficking problems. But that does not mean it should not do anything to correct it. The U.S. is only fourth down the list of abusers of human rights in terms of the death penalty. It is illegal in most of Europe to put anybody to death.

    Bu what has Malaysia got to say?

    There is not one single prosecution of the head of any crime syndicates responsible for vice and prostitution. That tells a lot about our legal enforcement and forces responsible for it.

    What do our MPs do about all this? They sit in comfortable surroundings and when not shouting abuses at one another may but only may pass some legislation to help fight human trafficking. Passing legislation by legislators is only half the battle. We need to enforce legislation. Having 3-day workshops between police and NGOs at five star hotels are just ways of having a good time at the expense of the taxpayers and not do anything.

    If Malaysia is only interested in giving the usual xenophobic response to something as serious as human trafficking across its borders, nobody cannot stop it.

  13. The truth is the crime syndicates have their supporters in the highest law making body, in our courts and in our police. Human trafficking including organized vice and prostitution cannot exist if politicians, law makers and law enforcers and our courts are not involved in seeing that it goes unchecked.

    Governments combating organized crime may make example out of some expandable personalities from to time but that is a lot of eye-wash merely to show that they are doing something about it. But in the case of Malaysia, there has not been a single case of prosecution. All the police do is send mama-sans in charge of chicken houses to some remote rural area for two years.

  14. Malaysia is a destination country for human trafficking.

    Article 372 Federal Malaysian Constitution prohibits all forms of slavery including involuntary servitude.

    It also prohibits a lot of other things. Has anything been stopped because our Constitution prohibits it??

  15. Time magazine june 18 published global peace index which lists the least peaceful countries. This includes violence crime etc. US is in #96 our neighbor Singapore#29 and Norway #1 (very peaceful) Malaysia at #38.
    Crime has taken root in our society and very little is being done and now this.

  16. An officer in charge of police district told a relation in his office’ we don’t run monkey business here, now tell all ‘ he instructed an inspector to take down whatever was stated. This officer opened his diary and held his pen but never wrote a single line even after twenty minutes of complaint.
    Now I am able to comprehend what monkey business is all about.

  17. Malaysia is the centre for drug trafficking too. I can personally vouch to that. About 6 years ago, I was called by the Australian Fedral Police to be an interpreter for a Indian Malaysian who was caught with 5 Kgm of herion in his suitcase. He flew from KL. I am sure your govt is aware that many such cases originated from KL airports. So what are doing about it ???

  18. Let’s face it. Malaysia is now an international pariah. Our country has made it to all the infamous rankings that concern corruption, human trade, illegal drugs, murders and daylight robberies, religious persecution, racial discrimination, universities that cannot even match secondary school standard of some advanced countries etc. This is the stage the country is in and we have the BN to thank for it. Welcome to Bodoland.

  19. Uncle Kit, JB is infested with crimes, two incidents of gang rape happened on the same day. As I didn’t not read the newspaper I don’t know when it happened but it seems like all my friends knew about it. What is going to happen to us? How can we continue to live in fear?

  20. Yes, Kit should write something on the recent robbed and gang raped incidents in Johore!

    These 4 animals should be caned a thousand times and kill by 5-horse-split-carcas!

    Johore’s reputation is totally down the drain!

    No visitors will dare to visit Johore anymore after reading such babaric acts and violence!

  21. Human trafficking is no ordinary crime, it is a lucrative crime as well. From what I understand it is also runs by not ordinary criminals, these are criminals that have the connections, possibly well connected to Mr Johari and the police chief or some other politicians, it is a can full of worms but don’t we all know that already?

  22. Kit, did you get the facts right? – “Malaysia was blacklisted despite Parliament having passed the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Bill in April, the timing of which had taken into account the US government’s annual Trafficking in Persons Report.” The Cabinet had only given the approval (see Bernama April 22nd 07 report below), the Bill is not passed yet!

    “KUALA SELANGOR, April 22 (Bernama) — The Cabinet has given its approval for the Anti-Human Trafficking Bill 2007 to be tabled in Parliament. Women, Family and Community Development Minister said once the bill becomes law, the powers of the relevant authorities like the Police and Immigration Department would be greatly enhanced to combat the scourge of human trafficking”
    and PM Abdullah was quoted yesterday that “the Bill will be sent to Parliament in the next sitting”
    Misleading report? Is it any wonder why Malaysia is placed on Tier 3 and blacklisted by Washington? Our CID Boss Datuk Christopher Wan has on record (May 24 07, Bernama) admitted the police have “arrested 32,357 foreign women involved in vice activities in the country between 2000 April 2006” – an average of 5000+ a year and managed to rescue “344 foreign women from the clutches of unscrupulous vice operators between 2004 and 2006” – an average of 100+ a year.
    A dismal and futile effort on the part of the police; their hands are tied with the Tourism Minister calling the shots. The main problem is the relentless chase for the “tourist dollars” to pander to the whims and demands of the greedy fellows in the tourism industry. The immigration department has relaxed the rule – all and sundry arrivals (assumed tourists with thick wallets) are given “one-month-visa–on-arrival” and police are now looking for 20,000 + “free lancers” china dolls & other illegal Indian & other workers who have overstayed (Malaysiakini, Apr 23 07). Details are here
    and here
    Over the past few months, almost on a regular weekend basis, raids have been carried out at the red light areas in Bukit Bintang and Jln Pudu and other sleazy joints and massage parlors. As usual the big fish in the big hotels are spared to protect the high class hookers getting RM2K a night.
    Go here
    on a successful raid at the Bukit Bintang areas and see some of the pretty PRCs being nabbed

  23. The root cause of the human trafficking crime, as happening in Malaysia, by and large is attributed to the standard of law enforcers in this country, or rather a lack of it! On the one side, you have got the syndicates operating underground, on the other side, you have got the police and some other law enforcement agencies who simply lack the comprehensive skills and mindset to tackle the problems, let alone wipe them out! Sometimes, there are collusion among the parties.

    Is it not true that the majority of the civil servants could not actually find employment elsewhere? And the government, due to some political reason, has to absorb them, and hence has to bear the consequences of low efficiency, low standard, low morale and in general the state of lawlessness in this country. It has everything to do with our civil service human resource policies, in terms of selection, retention, training and role and responsibility understanding! If more youth from the minority races are keen to join the police force and make it multi-racial in texture and international in outlook, it should be more efficient and the crime rate in Malaysia should be manageable.Think about it!

    Sometimes I wonder, will those calls, pleas and appeals go anywhere? Will the power that be heed the public discontent? Very often, a lot of like-minded forums, blogs, etc are just a means to vent one’s anger and frustration and sooner rather than later, all of this and that just fizzle out.

    During General Elections,honestly, the outcome of those swing votes would not change the body politic in Malaysia, let’s call a spade a spade. The demographics and election demarcation would always ensure that the ruling party always rules. And that is always done in the name of democracy.

    Ironically, if you have got the Northern Irish IRA (Irish Republican Army) style groups in Malaysia that fight corruption, collusion and abuse of power, the power that be will definitely treat you as equals!

  24. Here’s what an unofficial spokesman for PDRM has had to say about the ‘lack’ of prosecution. There is no lack he says.

    “During 2005, 15 individuals were convicted under the Penal Code. During the first nine months of 2005, Malaysian law enforcement arrested over 4,600 foreign females for prostitution. According to interviews conducted by Suhakam in previous years, a significant number of these are women who were probable trafficking victims; hundreds of minor girls were also found in detention.”

    15 individuals he said were prosecuted and convicted. Any big fish among the 15?? None. Zilch! What does that show? An average of 500 per month prostitutions were arrested.

    This is pathetic!

  25. Illegal aliens to our Malaysian soil are no more different than the ones to the U.S. soil. Indonesia, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Burmese, Vietnames, Africa, Middle East; they all come with a dream much like many Latinos going into U.S. in search for that American dream. Sometimes they are welcomed. Sometimes they are not welcomed. Indonesians are welcomed because of their race and their religion. China Chineses are not welcomed because of the obvious political reason. If they say that China Chineses make a lot of problems, the problems are not lesser in the Indons and in the Filipinos and others. Many come on their own free will, taking the risks they know. Some are cheated. While it is not that correct to say we indulge in slave trade, yet we have ourselves to blame for welcoming aliens in the first place.

  26. The widening gap between the rich and poor is alarming….there are many causes to this situation, partly because of the failed government policies.

    This will result in economic exploitation of the poor and defendless……considering the grossly ineffective government administration and enforcement and lack of labour law to protect workers’ rights, including illegal, from abuse and exploitation by employers.

  27. The 2 faces of humans trafficking : one, problem of migrant workers in involuntary servitude is because they are lucrative business. Say, levy of RM1200 is imposed (by government) on employer per worker. Intermediary agent recruiters working in cahoots with officials and their cronies getting the licence/quota here pass cost to foreign workers who have to come out with RM5000 for working here. (Govt makes RM1200 from levy, the balance of RM3,800 per worker shared between officials with influence to issue the quota, their cronies fronting for them and the agent recruiter). If foreign workers cannot afford RM5000 to pay before they come, foreign workers will have pay the RM5000/- after they have come in via working for it. A deduction of RM200 is made by the employer from their (say) monthly RM600 wages. With RM400 left of their take home wages what could they do but live in servitude housed in employers’ quarters if they have not resorted yet to house breaking and other crimes to recoup? At RM200 per month they have to work in such conditions for 25 months to pay back the employers the RM5000. This is not the worst of their plight. In other cases of bogus recruitment supported by forged licence etc, the employers are ‘non-existent’ here even after the foreign worker has paid RM5000 to recruiter who after collecting the money, disappear leaving them stranded here. They try to merge into population and thrive on crime until caught and deported. They have to make enough from crime to bribe their way through and avoid deportation when caught by authorities.

    The other second face of female trafficked victims are from neighbouring countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines ending up as sex slaves or bonded labour here, the same thing happens where everyone – the recruiter, the pimp and triad operative, the close one eye authorities – take their cut.

    The problem here is that the exploiters are obsessed with making money where considerations of conscience, ethics and fairness are not in vocabulary, and they are able to so in complicity with officials bribed. You can say that the root problem is the pervasive culture of corruption in the country where the name of the game is to wear the public face of condemning it and the private face of making huge sums of money from it.

    The relentless muck raking drive to make money fast and as much as possible is because (1) opportunities are abundant if one has right connections with officials who are willing to ‘close one eye’ for a share in the loot and (2) everyone’s desire to make as much of money as possible to partly live up to the materialistic standards and culture here and keep up with inflation and the other indirect taxes and tolls of all kinds imposed everywhere by authorities and (2) yet save enough to provide the nest/security and an exit route out of the country perceived to be sinking like the Titanic!

    This is a self-feeding cycle.

    What else can Shahrizat Abdul Jalil say except a bare denial that putting Malaysia in the blacklist was “unfair and unreasonable?

    Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said it was pointless to react to the US State Department report because Malaysia knew what is best for the country. “We can’t react to something that do not take into account of what we have done. “No single country can act as investigator, prosecutor and judge against another,” Syed Hamid told The Star on 13th June.

    But what else can these ministers say? They know the problem is real and complaints empirically verifiable. They have been raised many times by civil societies, human rights activists and even Suhakam.

    The government cannot trackle human traffiking because it is rooted in corruption upon which many of its members also thrive and become politicians in the first place because of opportunities to it. It is a larger problem covering all other aspects of national life, the challenges of which cannot be addressed because the one who has authority to fight it, is very one who stands to benefit out of it.

  28. The last time Lee Kuan Yew submitted his affidavit for a court case in singapore and inter alia he mentioned increased crime and high car jacking in johor bahru our malaysian umnowallas asked him to retract that. Out of courtesy he did. Perhaps LKY knew or knows something that us here don’t.

  29. undergrad2 Says:

    June 15th, 2007 at 05: 52.53
    “Human trafficking is no ordinary crime, it is a lucrative crime …”

    Tell me about it!”

    Way back in the early 1990’s, indeed even earlier, human trafficking, particularly of foreign workers, was rife and a thriving trade. Reliable sources said even the then Minister of Home Affairs, Megat Junid, was indirectly involved in the business through his brothers who were bringing in droves and droves of Bangladeshi workers when other agencies could not because the approvals came directly from the Minister brother himself or at his direction.

    In those days, the unfortunate Bangladeshi workers pay as much as RM3,500 in agency fees or more to come to Malaysia. Multiply that by the tens of thousasnds who come both legally and illegally. That makes it a lucrative trade then. Today, it is still a billion-dollar business. That’s why government servants go on the take and Ministers are involved. It’s good money – and all in cash!

    Malaysian politicians from BN have no scruples or conscience when it comes to making money. They would fleece the lame, the maimed and the blind! Greater scums there are none on planet earth.

  30. infernal affair

    Our Current Government is losing its Focus..

    I could write on reasons why its is a domino effect.. when 1 falls the rest will follow suit.. The starting point of the domino effect is our government lack of accountability, corruption and dedication.. No accountability, no one is punished for their mistakes especially the head.. corruption means you can buy your way out.. dedication…lack of dedication, you just dont care what is happening to the country.

    Election is what we must to ensure NOT US but our children, to have a future in MALAYSIA, our COUNTRY our NATION. I dont want to build a brickwall surrounding my home..

  31. Losing its FOCUS is it! I am appalled by the reaction and stance of Suhakam Commissioner Siva Subramaniam. Has he also lost focus? SivaS was reported to have told AFP:

    “I agree a lot more has to be done … but placing Malaysia in Tier 3 is not a very fair thing for the United States to do. They should look at our progress,”

    – Every Malaysians know that Suhakam is toothless and what progress is he talking about? We want positive action, accountability and political will to move, not just talk.

  32. Very sad, this country has turned into a Mafia-like country. Government people are ripping off and bullying small people. Underworld people are ripping off and bullying people. Gangsters and government people are indistinguishable.

    Look at JB which LKY of Singapore commented as a criminal town two decades ago, and the horrible robbery cum rape to at least two couples just happened two days ago. And the police was so sluggish in doing anything. They only know how to cari makan again from the small people. What a horrible country this is!

    Kit, show us a way to get out of all these!

  33. As Malaysian,we tried everything to become like someone else except ourselves.
    We changed our own values to join the main group and just to stay with the “look good’ pack.
    We wanted so much ot be rich and richer until we stay poor all the times.
    We all jumped into the sea without knowing that it’s not safe to do so.
    Well, Happy swimming and pray that you will find a shore to land.

  34. Malaysia……… only! No results. And katak di bawah tempurung mentality. Everyone else is wrong.

    Thats why nations like Taiwan and Korea have overtaken us. Next you will see Thailand, Vietnam and even Indonesia overtaking us.

    And we will then still say, we are better than Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria…..etc Looks like there is no helping Malaysia.

  35. When leader/s throw money/opportunity at the people to keep them satisfied to win their votes… you think the people care about crimes and gross injustice inflected on others, in paricular illegal immigrants.

  36. “The government cannot trackle human traffiking because it is rooted in corruption upon which many of its members also thrive and become politicians in the first place because of opportunities to it. It is a larger problem covering all other aspects of national life, the challenges of which cannot be addressed because the one who has authority to fight it, is very one who stands to benefit out of it.” Jeffrey

    In a nutshell, yes! I cannot express the problem more succinctly than this.

    At one time, amidst the controversy I got approval of a certain Minister to bring in female Fillipinos (who were Christians) to work as caddies on a foreign owned golf course in the outskirts of KL. There was controversy even then because of complaints by Wanita UMNO that their husbands were not coming home and were playing at night!

  37. “There was controversy even then because of complaints by Wanita UMNO that their husbands were not coming home and were playing at night! ”


    Sorry I didn’t get you, did you say mention Ng Yen Yen?

  38. Before our politicians go about denying as is usually the case, they should find out why we are being rated in Tier 3, and what are the reasons that got us there. Then work on improving it.

    I suspect that we being training grounds for terrorists like JI and the fact that C4 can be spirited out of military bases, and women can be blown up (to hide the identity?) and the numerous Indonesians/Filipino (terrorists again?) that can end up instantly with Malaysian Citizenship and IC’s while many PR’s who have applied have waited for 10-15 years or more at the pleasure of the Home Minister.

    Perhaps knowing the detailed reasons why we are rated poorly may allow us to improve. But going on our normal denial syndrom,and going off on visits abroad without putting your home in order, is not going to do much to boost international confidence. Moreso because the remaining members of the team are worse than half past six!

    God Save Malaysia!……………..

  39. Taken from the CIA World Factbook on Malaysia updated 14th June 2007

    Refugees and internally displaced persons:
    refugees (country of origin): 19,153 (Indonesia), 14,208 (Burma) (2006)

    Trafficking in persons:
    current situation: Malaysia is a destination and, to a lesser extent, a source and transit country for men and women trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor; foreign victims, mostly women and girls from China, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam, are trafficked to Malaysia for commercial sexual exploitation; economic migrants from countries in the region who work as domestic servants or laborers in the construction and agricultural sectors face exploitative conditions in Malaysia that meet the definition of involuntary servitude; some Malaysian women, primarily of Chinese ethnicity, are trafficked abroad for sexual exploitation
    tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List – Malaysia is placed on Tier 2 Watch List for its failure to provide evidence of increasing efforts to combat trafficking, particularly its failure to provide protection for victims of trafficking
    This page was last updated on 14 June, 2007

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