Malaysian politics are dirty and polluted enough without Mustafa having to leap into the swamp with lies and falsehoods to demonise and character-assassinate PAS progressives

(Scroll down for English text)

Politik Malaysia sudah pun kotor dan tercemar tanpa perlu Mustafa Ali melompat masuk ke dalam lubuk politik ini dengan pembohongan dan fitnah untuk memburukkan serta membunuh wibawa Progresif PAS yang masih lagi bersamanya sebagai rakan seperjuangan PAS

Dua hari lalu, saya terkejut apabila Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, telah meniru suara propagandis dan tentera maya UMNO dengan menuduh DAP sebagai “cauvinis” semata-mata kerana DAP menuntut dihidupkan kembali pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan, yang sememangnya terkandung dalam Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat Nasional dan Manifesto Pakatan Rakyat Selangor dalam pilihanraya umum ke-13 yang lalu.

Hadi seolah-olah tidak tahu bahawa pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan wujud di Indonesia, Turki dan Iran. Tak kanlah Hadi nak menuduh Presiden Jokowi dari Indonesia, Presiden Erdogan (Turki) dan bekas Presiden Ahmadinejad (Iran) adalah “komunis” dan “cauvinis” kerana mereka melaksanakan pilihanraya tempatan?

Hari ini saya terkejut apabila seorang lagi pemimpin kanan PAS, bekas Setiausaha Agungnya Datuk Mustafa Ali yang turut meniru suara propagandis dan tentera maya UMNO kononnya parti baru yang akan ditubuhkan oleh kumpulan progresif PAS bakal menghadapi masalah kerana ia adalah proksi DAP, dan dengan itu, orang Melayu tidak akan percaya kepada parti itu.

Sedangkan Mustafa sendiri telah mengakui bahawa label “proksi DAP” ini telah digunakan terhadap PAS apabila PAS bekerjasama dengan DAP dalam Pakatan Rakyat.

Adakah PAS pernah menjadi proksi DAP? Adakah ia menjadi sebab mengapa PAS sukar mendapat sokongan orang Melayu?

Jangan lupa bahawa pada masa yang sama, PAS telah dituduh menjadi proksi DAP oleh UMNO di kalangan orang Melayu manakala DAP dituduh menjadi proksi PAS oleh MCA dan Gerakan di kalangan orang Cina.

Malah, tewasnya saya di kerusi Parlimen Bukit Bendera (dan juga kekalahan Karpal Singh di kerusi Parlimen Jelutong) dalam PRU 1999 adalah kerana kejayaan propaganda “hitam” MCA/Gerakan, iaitu mendakwa kononnya apabila DAP bekerjasama dengan PAS, maka ia telah menjadi ejen dan alat PAS.

Propaganda MCA/Gerakan pada masa itu untuk menakutkan pengundi Cina telah mendakwa bahawa undi untuk DAP adalah undi untuk PAS dan “Negara Islam”, iaitu tidak akan ada lagi daging babi, tiada alkohol, tiada kuil, tiada gereja, tiada karaoke, tiada sekolah Cina, tiada gincu bibir untuk wanita, semua wanita dipaksa memakai tudung, wanita cantik tidak dibenarkan bekerja dan akan berlaku hukuman potong tangan dan kaki.

Kerana propaganda ini, saya telah kalah (dan begitu juga dengan Karpal) tetapi kami tidak tunduk kepada hujah bodoh dan pembohongan, sebagaimana kami tidak pernah berkompromi prinsip politik dan matlamat Impian Malaysia, sama ada demi habuan wang atau jawatan.

Para pemimpin DAP bukan proksi PAS sebagaimana pimpinan PAS tidak pernah menjadi proksi DAP.

Ini adalah pembohongan dan fitnah yang dihamburkan oleh ahli-ahli politik yang tidak berprinsip serta oportunis dalam UMNO, MCA dan Gerakan untuk memburukkan serta membunuh wibawa para pemimpin DAP dan PAS.

Mengapa kini Mustafa mahu menjatuhkan maruahnya ke tahap propagandis dan tentera maya UMNO untuk memburukkan serta membunuh wibawa Progresif PAS, dengan cara memindahkan label “proksi DAP” yang diberikan untuk PAS dahulu kepada Progresif PAS, sedangkan Mustafa tahu di lubuk hatinya bahawa label-label ini tiada asasnya sama sekali, sama ada untuk pemimpin PAS atau Progresif PAS?

Politik Malaysia sudah pun kotor dan tercemar tanpa perlu Mustafa melompat masuk ke dalam lubuk politik ini dengan pembohongan dan fitnah untuk memburukkan serta membunuh wibawa Progresif PAS yang masih lagi bersamanya sebagai rakan seperjuangan PAS.

Walaupun Mustafa mungkin tidak bersetuju dengan Progresif PAS tentang soal prinsip dan politik Islam serta pendekatannya, beliau tidak sepatutnya mempertikaikan wibawa, keikhlasan dan integriti Progresif PAS.

Marilah kita amalkan politik yang bersih dan jujur walaupun kita sedar tanah air kita ini penuh dengan para pemimpin yang korup dan zalim.

(Kenyataan media di Kuala Lumpur pada Rabu, 15 Julai 2015)

(English text)

Two days ago, I was surprised that the PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang was parroting the line of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers accusing the DAP of being “chauvinistic” in wanting to have local government elections although the restoration of local government elections was in both the Pakatan Rakyat national manifesto and the Selangor PR state manifesto in the 13th General Elections.

Hadi also did not seem to know that local government elections are held in Indonesia, Turkey and Iran. Surely, Hadi is not suggesting that President Jokowi of Indonesia, President Erdogan of Turkey and former Iranian President Ahmadnejad are “communist” and “chauvinist”?

Today, I am shocked that another top PAS leader, former PAS Secretary-General Datuk Mustafa Ali is parroting another line of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers that the new political party to be formed by PAS progressives will have a hard time making any headway as it is a DAP proxy and will not be trusted by the Malays.

Mustafa has himself admitted that this label of a DAP proxy had been used against PAS when PAS worked with DAP in Pakatan Rakyat.

Was PAS ever a DAP proxy and was it the reason PAS found it hard to get support from the Malays?

Don’t forget that at the same time that PAS was accused of being DAP proxy by UMNO in the Malay ground, DAP was accused of being a PAS stooge by MCA and Gerakan in the Chinese areas.

In fact, my defeat in Bukit Bendera parliamentary seat (as well as Karpal’s defeat in the Jelutong seat) in the 1999 general elections was because of the success of MCA/Gerakan “black” propaganda that by co-operating with PAS, we had become agents and stooges of PAS, that a vote for DAP was a vote for PAS and an Islamic state where there will be no pork, no alcohol, no temples, no churches, no karaokes, no Chinese schools, no lipsticks for women, women will have to cover their heads, beautiful women cannot find jobs and that there would be the chopping and hands and feet.

I lost (just as Karpal also lost) but we did not bow down to such sophistries and lies, as we had never compromised our political principles and objectives of the Malaysian Dream whether for lucre or office.

DAP leaders are not proxies of PAS, just as PAS leaders have never been proxies of DAP.

These are lies and falsehoods churned out by unprincipled and opportunistic politicians in UMNO, MCA and Gerakan to demonise and character-assassinate leaders in DAP and PAS.

Why should Mustafa now descend to the level of UMNO propagandists and cybertroopers to demonise and character-assassinate PAS progressives, seeking to transfer the “DAP proxy” label from PAS to the PAS progressives when Mustafa knew in his heart of hearts that these labels are without basis or substance, whether for PAS leaders or PAS progressives?

Malaysian politics are dirty and polluted enough without Mustafa having to leap into the swamp with lies and falsehoods to demonise and character-assassinate PAS progressives, who are still his comrade-in-arms in PAS.

Mustapha may disagree with PAS progressives about political and Islamic principles and approaches but the last thing he should do is to doubt the character, sincerity and integrity of PAS progressives.

Let us practise clean and honest politics even in the land of the corrupt and the decadent.


4 Replies to “Malaysian politics are dirty and polluted enough without Mustafa having to leap into the swamp with lies and falsehoods to demonise and character-assassinate PAS progressives”

  1. The comments from the PAS ulamaks, is not unexpected. They all feel threatened, and they will paint DAP as black as possible, and step on the PAS progressives as much as possible, Ramadan or not. They are also fighting for their own survival. The PAS progressives must remain focused, and get on with getting grass roots support. The more progressive PAS grass roots they can win over, the more bricks will be thrown at DAP and PAS progressives. Let them thrown the bricks. We just keep our heads down, roll up our sleeves and get our job done. Do not care about them. They are more worried than us. GE 14 is 2-3 years away. UMNO is imploding, we just get our selves organised and get ready for Putrajaya.

  2. After all these years, it looks like most Malaysian politicians had learned how to survive with either half-truth or outright lies knowing for a fact that the majority of Malaysian voters are indeed illiterates in their thinking [hence we refuse to allow our universities to be compared in any kind of surveys] In such scenario, one shouldn’t be surprised by Mustapha’s action. We have had lived through over a generation of lies because of politics and the only question remains is how long would such scenario continue? Maybe when we started to print notes like Zimbabwe: rm$1,000,000,000.00 to buy a loaf of bread!

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