Not telling the truth is not an option, Ku Li tells those in the know of Malaysia’s problems

The Malaysian Insider
14 July 2015

Knowing the facts and the problems but not telling the truth is not an option, Malaysia’s longest-serving lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said in his Hari Raya Aidilfitri message tonight.

The Gua Musang MP and Barisan Nasional backbencher said those in the know about the country’s problems should stand by their principles and help in resolving them.

“We earnestly hope that there is still honour left in our beloved country and that there are honourable men who have the relevant facts to put the matter to rest,” he said, in a veiled remark aimed at authorities looking into various controversies plaguing the country including, debt laden 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

“They should stand fast by their principles and take the moral high ground to assist in the resolution of the problem.

“If this was the case, surely there is no necessity for us to waste time instituting inquiries and investigations.

“Knowing the facts and the problem but not telling the truth is not an option,” he said.

The former Umno vice-president’s statement appeared to be in the same vein as that of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who earlier said that covering and hiding of evidence were also considered as crimes.

As Putrajaya hunts down those behind information leaks about an ongoing probe into 1MDB and allegations of fund transfers to the prime minister’s accounts, Dr Mahathir urged those with information but who were covering up to “make the right decision”.

“You are really between the devil and the deep sea.

“You must make the decision now or forever regret,” he wrote in his popular blog.

Tengku Razaleigh in a more subtle reminder said that telling the truth is essential to rebuild the confidence of the people that was painstakingly developed by the country’s founding fathers.

“Such an action will enable the country to restore our battered and damaged image and dignity within the world community.”

At the moment, he said that despite being bombarded with news about the sorry state of the nation’s finances, controversies and purported mega financial scandals, nothing has changed.

“In effect, currently there is much confusion in the people’s minds, which have to process statements, whose veracity is suspect and might not reflect the true situation.”

For Malaysia to reach its potential, Tengku Razaleigh said leaders must remain focused on matters of immediate concern faced by the people.

He listed economic and financial difficulties due to the shrinking ringgit, indifferent take-home salaries and wages made worse by the spiralling cost of fuel and burdensome impositions such as the goods and services tax as among some of the main worry.

“We must alleviate the hardship of the people in their trying to make ends meet. We must address how the ever increasing living cost can be mitigated and overcome.”

Another particular socio-economic issue worrying the people is the lack of a financial safety net to provide economic security for retirees and education.

As a solution, he said leaders must put a stop to the constant bickering, squabbling and politicking.

“We must close rank and come together to achieve the rich potential that has always been our feature. We should consider a total overhaul of the system.” – July 14, 2015.

2 Replies to “Not telling the truth is not an option, Ku Li tells those in the know of Malaysia’s problems”

  1. /// They should stand fast by their principles and take the moral high ground to assist in the resolution of the problem. ///

    You are assuming these people have principles. Yeah right. They have principles – but what kind of principles? Their principles are – whoever promise us high positions or pay us the most will have our backing and connivance. Give us the principals, plus interests.

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