Najib’s first test as PM on his “One Malaysian” concept – halt Umno’s irresponsible, destructive by-election campaign labelling majority of PR voters as anti-Sultan

Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been sworn in as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia, fulfilling the most famous political prophecy of RAHMAN on the first six Prime Ministers, although time will tell whether Najib will be the shortest-serving Prime Minister marking the end of the line of UMNO Prime Ministers in the country.

What is incontrovertible is that never before in the nation’s 53-year history has the ascension of a new Prime Minister in Malaysia been surrounded by so many questions, doubts and allegations raising serious questions about his suitability, credibility, integrity and legitimacy as in Najib’s case, not only among Malaysians transcending race, religion, political affiliation or region, but also internationally.

For the past month, Najib’s ascension as the new Prime Minister has been reported extensively in the international press and foreign countries, but there has not been one serious write-up which had not referred to the grave allegations hounding and haunting Najib, in particular the serious allegations about the C4 murder case of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shariibuu and the French submarine mega-defence commission.

These personal dilemmas of Najib have from today become national nightmares as they concern the honour of the highest political office of the land and that of the nation.

Is Najib just going to ignore these serious swirling doubts and allegations about his suitability, credibility, integrity and legitimacy as Prime Minister and soldier on regardless or is he finally going to end his denial and address these issues in a credible manner as by setting up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to put these doubts and allegations to rest, once and for all?

The timing of Najib’s takeover as Prime Minister could not have been worse, coming hours after Malaysia had been placed in the four-nation blacklist of non-cooperative tax havens by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD) for breaching international tax standards – as Najib had taken over the finance ministry since last September.

With the country facing the worst global economic crisis in a century, Malaysia needs a Prime Minister who can rally and mobilise Malaysians as one people to tide through a grave recession looming in the months ahead.

This is why Najib must get rid of his heavy personal baggage quick and fast or all his tantalising talk of a RM470 billion package for these two years to deal with the economic crisis will fail to achieve their full impact and results.

Najib talks of a “One Malaysian” concept. His first task as sixth Prime Minister is to prove he is serious about “One Malaysian” concept by immediately halting UMNO’s divisive and destructive by-election tactics in Bukit Gantang falsely trying to label the majority of voters in Perak as anti-Sultan for supporting Pakatan Rakyat.

The Bukit Gantang by-election is not about whether the voters are loyal or disloyal to the Sultan of Perak.

UMNO leaders, members and campaigners are doing a great disservice to nation-building, the constitutional monarchy and Najib’s “One Malaysian” concept by trying to poison the minds of the voters into believing that a vote for Umno/Barisan Nasional candidate is a vote for the Sultan of Perak while a vote for Pas/Pakatan Rakyat candidate is a vote for a “traitor” against the Sultan.

How can the cause of Malaysian nation-building and Najib’s “One Malaysian” concept be advanced in falsely creating the perception that the majority of the people in Perak are against the constitutional monarchy just because they had voted in support of Pakatan Rakyat when the loyalty of Pakatan Rakyat and the Pakatan Rakyat voters to the constitutional monarchy whether in last year’s general election or the forthcoming April 7 Bukit Gantang by-election cannot be doubted?

Is Najib prepared to immediately halt such irresponsible, divisive and destructive by-election tactics in the Bukit Gantang by-election or is his “One Malaysian” concept just an empty and meaningless slogan?

131 Replies to “Najib’s first test as PM on his “One Malaysian” concept – halt Umno’s irresponsible, destructive by-election campaign labelling majority of PR voters as anti-Sultan”

  1. The perception of him being controversially linked with the murder of Altantuya still haunts the nation. No body likes negative perception. Najib has never once try to remove these negative perception but instead retaliated via selective prosecution.

    Rhetoric slogans never works with the rakyat.

  2. A Malaysian visitor was asked by the people of the host country.
    Q:Where are you from???
    A: I came from the country above Singapore is.
    Q: Which country actually???
    A: The one, you know the one which has many scandals!!!
    Q: Oh I see, I know which one now. The one which has the most controversial person as the PM!!! Why you chose him as PM???
    A: I dont choose him. He is there because of the outdated system!!!

  3. It’s the return of Mahathirism which we have to worry about. The combination of their stranglehold on the mainstream press, the use of the Sedition Act and the ISA, the monitoring of “undesirable” bloggers, the persistent disappearance of witnesses and incriminating evidence – plus the use of military-grade explosives – makes life in Bolehland very interesting indeed.

    Mamakthir will use this opportunity to get rid of Badawi loyalists – and his target upon rejoining UMNO will be the son-in-law so that baby Mamakthir can get his chance to further the old man’s dreams. Is Najib going to be a puppet with Mamakthir as the puppeteer ?

  4. my reply to i_love_malaysia is “aku malu” coz suddenly Malaysia is famous ..

    I would like to hear from the PR saying,
    We will continue to speak for the Rakyat, together we will prevail.ok

  5. The one malaysian concept by NR will be modified in no time to ketuanan malayu or malay supremacy,hence like AAb’s work with me concept to work for me one,will similarly cause NR downfall pretty soon.I think umno’s most concern was to fullfil the RAHMAN prophecy and now that they have achieved it ,certain group allied to TDMn MY will find ground to remove NR. TDM might even collaborate with his PR political foe to topple him.The omen that NR will become malaysia’s shortest reign prime minister is showing sign now.

  6. ‘One should judge me by my actions,’ said NAR, after assuming his new position as Umno president.

    OK, let’s have a website that lists his actions from the day he became an MP and judge him. Let’s see all the skeletons in his cupboard. Let’s dip him in a reservoir and see if the water remains clear and clean.

  7. Being the finance minister, Najis must explain how the country could become a non-cooperative tax haven – a title that would tarnish the country’s reputation.

    Najis must be held responsible if the OECD impose sanctions on Malaysia.

  8. Someone asked why need to use C4 to blow up the body of siapa itu perempuan simpanan Abdul Razak.
    The answer was because those who asked the ones to use C4 thought that only C4 could blow up the skin of the poor woman as they thought her skin could be as thick as those who associated with her!!!

  9. Sammy value was found crying in the istana toilet!!! someone asked him why, he said: “you should know why, because I still dont carry Tun, while someone else just got Tun so easily!!!”. Sammy, Sammy, enke Sammy!!!

  10. “Someone asked why need to use C4 to blow up the body of siapa itu perempuan simpanan Abdul Razak.”… i_love_malaysia

    This is the only way to rid of any evident that could link her to the perpetrator.
    She was pregnant with someone’s child and can be DNA’ed tested to link to whoever has impregnated her.

    Now with her body blown to pieces, there will be no hard evident and only circumstances evident, so our court can easily dismissed the case with out a blink of one’s eyes.

    What is left is for someone to come out with some hard evident like checking into the same hotel, photo of dining together or something to the effect to link that the one najib knew the deceased Mongolian beauty model.

    I am just wondering why the Mongolian government has not raised the issue or is its leadership is also just as corrupted as ours.

  11. “Is Najib going to be a puppet with Mamakthir as the puppeteer?” (Godfather)

    Godfather may be overestimating the political influence of Dr. Mahathir. As clearly shown by the UMNO party election result, Dr. Mahathir’s camp did not win much of the party seats. The number of votes in favour of his son Mukhriz in the contest for the post of UMNO Youth Chief was lesser than that of Khir Toyol. How is Dr. Mahathir going to convince people that he still commands good confidence among the UMNO Party central delegates?

    Pak Lah already reached a compromise solution with Najib right even before the UMNO Party Election was held at end of last month. Pak Lah would be willing to give his full support to Najib so long as Najib continued to permit Pak Lah’s son-in-law KJ to ascend to a much higher level in UMNO. After the UMNO party election and the appointment of Najib as the PM, it is all up to Najib to form a new cabinet. Whether the new cabinet of Najib will include KJ or not is the acid test for how far Najib is going to commit himself in keeping his words of promise to Pak Lah. If KJ becomes a cabinet minister, Dr. Mahathir will be displeased. If KJ does not become a cabinet minister, Pak Lah will be displeased. No matter what, Najib will never be able to please both Dr. Mahathir and Pak Lah at the same juncture.

    I guess that KJ will be appointed as a cabinet minister because Najib sensed that Pak Lah’s influence on the UMNO MPs is much stronger than that of Dr. Mahathir. Let’s see for ourselves if KJ is to become a cabinet minister, whether Dr. Mahathir will keep his words of launching a sabotage campaign against Najib! I am just afraid that Dr. Mahathir has already turned senile and he no longer commands confidence of many UMNO grassroot people. Therefore, Dr. Mahathir shall not be a big threat to Nizar even if Dr. Mahathir helps to campaign for BN candidate in Bukit Gantang by-election!

  12. Huge banguet planned. Do you recall Mother Teresa canceled a banguet in honour of her receiving the Nobel Prize and said…that money given to her would save few thousands from hunger?
    If Najib was smart and sincere….he should cancel the banguet……saying….’times are bad..ties..lets save some money.”
    That may help him to get extra votes for the 3 by-elections.
    They are such big spender …with Malaysian’s money…and so filthy rich from so much commissions….the “One Malaysia”….is 35 years behind time…and just empty talks.
    Before 12th GE…….Dollah declared few CORRIDORS…worth billions…so call will create thousands of jobs and benefit hundreds of thousands. What happen?…….no more news.
    UMNO ministers love to say……”for all races”..never… “for all Malaysians”
    So what is this ….”One Malaysia”……that got MCA and MIC so excited about? Is it……one Malaysia for all races… each it’s own….same old policy….but with different ways of expressing?? I bet you…that is it.
    Why can’t it be Malaysian Malaysia?
    Those MCA and MIC bloody racialists love to see UMNO continue double standards.
    They have to agree to everything.
    Their parties and survivals depend so much on UMNO returning to power again as MCA and MIC have nve been so low in popularity. Those MCA ..mMIC leaders have no shame at all.
    Let the celebrations begin for Najib!!
    I hope they will enjoy everything they eat…with our money..while Malaysians are suffering more and more….each month.

  13. UMNO’s BN MP for Pekan had used the position of the monarchy to topple a state government.

    Now, this man is also doing the same in an attempt at intimidating the people into voting for UMNO’s BN in the coming by-elections.

    Hasn’t he any other way of campaigning for UMNO’s BN without resorting to this?

  14. OECD blacklist of non-cooperative tax havens:
    Costa Rica, Malaysia, Philippines and Uruguay.

    Why is a nation like Malaysia, that is blessed with such immense potential, wealth and human intelligence and diversity appearing in this shameful international shortlist?

    What has the UMNO/BN Government, the PM and other so-called political “leaders” got to say about this FACT?

    What is their justification for having brought Malaysia and the proud Malaysian People down to this shameful, demeaning level on the international stage?

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  15. tun mahathir check in and out, doesnot change the wind direction.
    hes irrelevant already.
    just let him shiock sendiri in out in out in.
    just let see what happen to tun fate in future . murid telah diajar, guru tiada.

  16. This is what I wrote on 30/03/2009:

    Within this week I predict that Najib will be playing and singing a beautiful tune that would surpass the ones sung by Mahathir and Abdullah Badawi.

    Yes, he is singing the ‘One Malaysia’ jingle. How beautiful it sounds!

    In addition to that he would do a David Copperfield act by releasing the Hindraf ISA detainees. Wait and see.

    MalaysiaInsider just reported:

    ‘New prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak tonight freed 13 ISA detainees and lifted the suspension of two opposition papers.’

    Bingo, my predictions come true.

  17. The new cabinet when formed by the new PM will show if there is going to be a change. We have to give the new PM a chance to prove his point. No point in harping his past mistakes etc.

  18. Will there anyone pls tell the chinese there is people insulting the CHINESE spreading a drawing of PR perak YB as COMMUNIST.

    It is so dirty and disguisting.

    It is so insulting to CHINA.

    Will there any politician please tell the BN do not ever go to state visit the china as they are attacking CHINESE as communist and they feel CHINA communist as an enermy.

    They are insulting the CHINA and all Chinese.

  19. how can Malaysia be a tax haven when we see the rates are so high and the tax collected are wasted! Read those Auditor General Report-lah.


    Najib’s vision for 1 Malaysia? Race-base politics is alive and well in Malaysia, really

  20. Najib has just lifted the ban on PKR’s and PAS’ newpapers. He has also released 13 ISA detainees, including 2 from Hindraf. He has also started the review of ISA hours after taking over the premiership. All these are all good news to all Malaysians irrespective of your political inclinations. I am highly encouraged by all these and a hopeful that Malaysia under Najib will be stronger !

    Congratulations Datuk Seri Najib on becoming our 6th PM. You have asked us to judge you by your actions and we will. Nevertheles, you’ve only been our PM for less then 24 hrs but in that short time, you have lifted our hope.

  21. wah! PM wants “one malaysia” that means no Tuanan melayu and malay, chinese and malay are bumipura. syabas! all considered malaysians. hope umno,mca, mic and all component parties are one.
    for your info please check you don’t have to be a malay to be UMNO member. just register yourself and you a a umno member.

  22. Don’t you think it is time to cut the crap and start the process asap to table a motion of confidence/no confidence in the Dewan rakyat?

    Or are we to conclude that ALL of the elected democratic representatives of the decent Malaysian People are still willing to collude and participate in the UMNO/BN political FARCE and so be prepared to bring Malaysia down further into the international and economic gutters?

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  23. anna brella… i wouldn’t exactly consider releasing ISA detainees and lifting restrictions on Harakah and Suara Keadilan as `crap’. I am sure many Malaysians would also agree. From what he has done in this short time, I don’t see the basis of a request for a confidence/no confidence motion. It is time PR uses its time in parliament for more construction actions for the betterment of the rakyat rather then excess and unnecessary politicking.

  24. again lets not get too carried away with malaysia
    being on some blacklist of the g20 for being an uncooperative
    tax haven. surely there must be a lot of people
    from their countries who are using labuan as a tax haven.
    so really f**k the g20. they should go after their own
    bloody people. malaysia doesn’t need to feel intimidated.
    another question why not let RBS and other cooporations
    in the us fail. why the hell are the whites bailing out
    their inefficient, incompetent failed instituitions.
    they were all for preaching that malaysia should have let
    malaysian instituions fail during the asian economic crisis.
    so what of it? the damn whites can joll well
    practice what they preach. and china can and should be jolly
    well be allowed to buy those failed companies for a song.

  25. imranj78:

    You are of course entitled to your own opinion and view of reality, as I am to mine.

    And if anyone still thinks Malaysia, or any other nation, can go it alone and stick to the old way of doing “business as usual” without being part of the new global financial system and its new regulatory regime, well then, I wish you good luck!

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  26. too bad, imranj78, you failed to convince the majority of us here about your boss.. not until he explains his relationship with Altantuya, how the Mongolian lady’s immigration records were erased, who authorised the use of C4 etc.

  27. Tonberry…. what relationship with Altantuya? Its time PR stops harping on an item which is based on rumour and hearsay. Up to now, not a single iota of evidence suggest that there is a link between DS Najib and Altantuya.

    PR is just using this is an issue to weigh down Najib as they know the swing in support he can bring back towards BN.

    And Najib is not only my boss… as the PM of Malaysia, he is our boss…. and that means all of us Malaysians irrespective of our political inclination.

  28. imranj78 Says:
    what relationship with Altantuya? Its time PR stops harping on an item which is based on rumour and hearsay. Up to now, not a single iota of evidence suggest that there is a link between DS Najib and Altantuya.

    In Bolehland, rumours always turn out to be true, especially when it involves politicians…

  29. “i wouldn’t exactly consider releasing ISA detainees and lifting restrictions on Harakah and Suara Keadilan as `crap’.” (imranj78)

    Here comes the thick-skinned apple polisher of the new political tycoon, Najib Razak! What is the big deal of releasing 13 ISA detainees and lifting ban on the Political Party affiliated newspapers such as Harakah and Suara Keadilan? Don’t you know that in ancient India there was a king who liked to issue decree to the whole nation in order to encourage people to catch any birds and then sell them to His Majesty himself just to enable him to do more good deeds of letting go some captured birds for purpose of cleansing up the sin of His Majesty in accordance with the occultic belief of His Majesty?

    Like the Chinese old saying goes, “A pussy cat is trying to cry over the untimely death of a pitiful little rat!” That just shows what a big hypocrite Najib can be!

  30. imranj78 Says: our boss
    What century is this? They are civil servants. We are their bosses. They are supposed to work for us. You cannot sensibly elect a civil servant until you understand that basic fact.

    Living in a democracy means that our elected officials might not even work for us. If you’re part of a minority that didn’t want the officials that were actually elected, they might actually be working against you. This is a basic fact of life in societies where people possess the ability to think for themselves.

    How do you feel about Prime Minister Anwar? PM Karpal? PM Kok? See? Not all of it feels good, does it? It could happen – democracy permits it! Deal with it! In 4 years time when you’re moaning about life under perempuan cina, will you want to be told “she’s your daddy”?

  31. computation… I don’t see any part of my post which can be construed as crazy. Please kindly point out specifically which portion is crazy and why do you think so? My primary school nephew can talk generalism but as an adult I am sure you are capable of more specifics.

    Tonberry… if you think all rumours related to politicians are true… are you also implying that DS Anwar’s supposedly `gay’ish overtures towards Saiful is also correct?

    Onlooker Politics.. ‘What is the big deal of releasing 13 ISA detainees and lifting ban on the Political Party affiliated newspapers such as Harakah and Suara Keadilan?’
    That’s a big deal and a courageous move seeing that he’s only been the PM for less then a day. If you don’t think thats significant then you are blind! I am no apple polisher.. I am only speaking about facts and what is actually happening.

  32. OrangRojak.. its time you get yourself an education on democracy before you write such posts. Do you really know the meaning of civil servants and the difference between civil servants and the executive branches of our country? The PM is technically not a civil servant. Rather he is a member of the executive branch of our government. While you are right that he must serve the people, it is also right to say that he is our leader..

    Hey.. I have nothing against other races. Anyone can be the PM for as long as he or she can garner the support of the majority and subscribe to the country’s constitution.

  33. imranj78

    do you seriously believe the current pm
    of malaysia has the support of the majority?
    i doubt the chinese or indians support him as
    the pm. hell the chinese and indians had no say
    at all in the matter.
    hell i don’t even think the ordinary malay in the
    street had a say in the matter either…
    majority? what majority?

  34. “And if anyone still thinks Malaysia, or any other nation, can go it alone and stick to the old way of doing “business as usual” without being part of the new global financial system and its new regulatory regime, well then, I wish you good luck!” (anna brella)

    Najib could have thought that he could run his business as a Finance Minister by closing the door of his office. No doubt, his late father Tun Abdul Razak was well-known in introducing a subsistence level economic policy of “Rancangan Buku Hijau” (Green Book Plan) during 1974 and hence helped to curb the escalating inflation rate during the happening of Oil Crisis in early 1970s. However, the similar policy as “Rancangan Buku Hijau”, if it is to be implemented again, will never gain any political mileage for Najib at the moment. Such a grace politics measure as giving out agricultural lands to the poor for cultivation purpose is no longer a viable vote-buying policy due to lack of distributable lands in Malaysia nowadays.

    Moreover, if there is any state lands available for free grant to the people, it is quite likely that those rich and influential UMNOputras will grasp the opportunities first either through the abuse of official powers for making land grant to the officer’s own nominees or through offering bribe to the land officers. Why did Najib fail to pledge to the whole Malaysia in his speech of inauguration that he is going to eradicate the CORRUPTION problem? Did he still want to futher commit himself in Money Politics?

  35. imranj78 Says
    if you think all rumours related to politicians are true… are you also implying that DS Anwar’s supposedly `gay’ish overtures towards Saiful is also correct?

    That’s why Anwar is prepared to answer it in court. But Najib did not. He is afraid of more skeletons falling from the closet… He keeps on dodging all questions regarding Altantuya and recently, even the “Altantuya” word is banned from political ceramah too.

  36. computation,
    i say that najib has the support of the majority based on the GE12 results where BN won the majority of the votes. Thats the best basis that we can use right now. What basis do YOU have for saying that he does not have the majority of Malaysians with him??

  37. Tonberry…
    Why does Najib have to answer in court when there is no single proof of links between him and Altantuya? You are being a hypocrite. To you, Anwar can do no wrong and all the rumours against him are untrue. But when it comes to BN, all the rumours are true for you.

    A word of advise – blind faith and allegiance to a person is not good for you! Be practical, be critical of both sides but never ever be overly obsessed with a person or a party.

  38. imranj78 Says:
    i say that najib has the support of the majority based on the GE12 results where BN won the majority of the votes. Thats the best basis that we can use right now. What basis do YOU have for saying that he does not have the majority of Malaysians with him??

    If you’re using 2008 GE as a yardstick, then i can frankly tell you, it is the worst GE BN ever had. If you want a better “measurement”, tell your boss to return the mandate to the people of Perak.. and we shall see then…

  39. “computation… I don’t see any part of my post which can be construed as crazy. Please kindly point out specifically which portion is crazy and why do you think so? My primary school nephew can talk generalism but as an adult I am sure you are capable of more specifics.”


    you see you may be absolutely right that there is
    absolutely no evidence of any relationship
    between the current pm of malaysia and that
    “mongolian woman”. but a sane and normal person
    taking into consideration the events that transpired in
    court during a certain trial where BOTH DEFENCE
    and prosecutor objected to a statement about
    a certain photograph made by a certain witness is
    very very strange. one need not go on and on about
    things like the disappearance of the PI and how the police
    say he is in a neighbouring country one day
    and then the next say they don’t know where he is
    blah blah blah. of course there are a whole lot
    of very strange events that i need not mention.

    you see it doesn’t mean that the lack of evidence of something
    means that that something is untrue. in certain cases a sensible
    and normal (i.e not crazy) person would, can and should appeal to
    common sense and make appropriate inferences etc.

    let me give an example because i guess you are not
    really that intelligent. i guess you probably got a degree
    from university of malaya at best, or some substandard national

    you see some time ago in the us people were making noise
    about the links between smoking and cancer.
    so the tobacco giants came out with their own
    studies saying that there was no evidence that smoking
    had any effect or caused cancers of the lung
    mouth throat etc. they were right of course.
    they selectively revealed parts of their studies. so at one
    point in time there was “no evidence” would you have been
    a fool to believe them? of course these
    tobacco giants were what you can call
    “white” companies. so you only have to see how the
    whites deceive their own kind and play dirty tricks.
    but that is besides the point here.
    later or course “it turns out” that there
    was a link between smoking and cancers.

    so stop trying to pretend to be smart or “legalistic”
    sane people in full command of their faculties
    don’t buy umno bull shit.

    i hope your nephew doesn’t turn out as stupid
    and peverted as you are.

  40. imranj78 Says:
    Why does Najib have to answer in court when there is no single proof of links between him and Altantuya?
    Not that there is no single proof, just that all the evidences have been either covered up or erased.

    Perhaps you’re the only one who still have faith in our kangaroo courts.. Anwar Ibrahim is in the dock because there’s is no fair persecution in this country. I am sure you’re aware of this fact too..

    Yer delusions are showing.

  41. “Onlooker Politics.. ‘What is the big deal of releasing 13 ISA detainees and lifting ban on the Political Party affiliated newspapers such as Harakah and Suara Keadilan?’
    That’s a big deal and a courageous move seeing that he’s only been the PM for less then a day.” (imranj78)

    Please get your new political boss to repeal or abolish the draconian ISA law immediately without dillly dally excuses. Otherwise, please ask Najib to stop showing off his pretense magnanimity or pretense generosity to the Malaysians simply by throwing some tokens on the face of the ISA detainees!

    As an ex-ISA detainee, I don’t find any good reason for me to show appreciation to the tyrannic UMNO Government on my being released. Please don’t expect the Malaysian people to be thankful to Najib because Najib simply temporarily pauses for a little while on the invocation of the draconian ISA in order to earn some big claps. Please ask Najib to show the People his true sincerity by annoucing an immediate repellation of the ISA law now! Otherwise, Najib will still have to face the music of the big tsunami which will engulf him sooner or later and make him oblivious from the political high helm.

  42. Tonberry..
    What evidence are you talking about that has been covered up and erased? Care to share? I am really interested to know!

    You are still in the clouds… everything that happens against Anwar is a conspiracy to you while every rumour against Najib is taken as a fact! I for one think that you’re the delusional one, not me.

  43. Onlooker Politics,
    Calm down…. you don’t repeal an act like ISA overnight. I for one do not agree that it should be abolished, rather that it be reviewed to make it more respectful of human rights.

    Najib has already started the ball rolling by announcing a review of ISA. Considering that he’s been in power less then 24 hrs, I find that to be good enough…. for now. Now if nothing happens in the coming future, I will then agree with you that his current moves are insincere. But as of now, there is no proof to say that he is not sincere is there?

  44. “computation,
    i say that najib has the support of the majority based on the GE12 results where BN won the majority of the votes. Thats the best basis that we can use right now. What basis do YOU have for saying that he does not have the majority of Malaysians with him??”


    ge12 is general elections. a few points

    1) general elections is just that. nobody was voting for
    someone to be the prime minister

    2) even then ASSUMING people were voting for a pm
    (which we know is nonsense)
    it was abdullah who was the pm then. so if
    you claim by some wild stretch of the imagination
    that the voting in the ge was for a pm then you can
    only say that the people were voting for abduallah
    NOT the current pm.

    with your logic i deduce you were and are an absolute
    failure in math.

    stop trying to be smart. do you think you are?
    who are you trying to kid? you can pull this kind of logic
    off on your nephew not with malaysians.

  45. Tonberry… Anwar seems to have been very proud that he could muster a 1 seat majority over BN in the parliament on Sept 16 through crossovers? (which unfortunately failed nevertheless)

    So I’m sure a few hundred thousand votes would deserve better standing :)

  46. computation,
    You have still not answered my question on what basis you have for saying that Najib does not enjoy the support of the majority. I will excuse you as probably you don’t have any basis in the first place :)

    I didn’t say GE12 results were the best basis, but thats the only basis we have right now am I correct? Like I said, if you have a better basis, please do share. If not, then probably its time for you to just sit tight and keep quiet in the corner of that little room of yours.

    There’s no need to question my maths. I assure you that I am more then competent in mathematics :)

  47. “Calm down…. you don’t repeal an act like ISA overnight. I for one do not agree that it should be abolished, rather that it be reviewed to make it more respectful of human rights.” (imranj78)

    Well, please mind your own words! Since you do not agree that the ISA should be abolished, I just hope that the ISA will not be used by the Opposing Party to put you to solitary confinement someday in the future. Let the ISA be reviewed to make it more respectful of human rights??? Of course, if the ISA is being placed in the hand of Anwar Ibrahim, he will make sure that those fugitives like you will receive some nasi lemak in the ISA solitary confinement room without having some sands being added on it!

    imranj78, I think for your own sake and for the sake of your political boss, you had better gotten Najib to repeal the ISA now before it is too late for him to do so!

  48. Onlooker Politics, its regretful to see posts such as yours above which is devoid of any substantial point nor trying to make any proper argument. Thus I’ll leave you to your fantasies :) Forums such as this is suited for quality discussions, not pointless ravings.

  49. imranj78

    are you crazy? you said that

    “najib has the support of the majority based on the GE12 results
    where BN won the majority of the votes. Thats the best basis
    that we can use right now”

    and now you say

    “I didn’t say GE12 results were the best basis, but thats the only
    basis we have right now am I correct?”

    WTF are you crazy?

    and why do you say that the GE12 is the
    only basis? and even IF it is, did i just not say the
    ge12 was not about voting for a pm?
    can you now answer my questions? don’t be like
    cintanegara who only asks idiotic questions without replying.

    i think you only “think”
    you are compentent in math.

  50. imranj78 Says:

    And Najib is not only my boss… as the PM of Malaysia, he is our boss…. and that means all of us Malaysians irrespective of our political inclination.

    Hey young chicko, speak for yourself. I will never consider him my boss, as long as he is chosen by UMNO goons!
    Until the day when the rakyat has a say who we want to be PM, he stays irrelevant to me.
    If you wish to polish his balding head that is fine with me…sorry, I am not too good with this sort of art.

  51. imranj78

    for someone who cannot even
    remember what he says

    i fear that a lot of interaction between you
    and your nephew will result in him becoming
    brain damaged. you should shut your trap.
    at least if you hadn’t opened your mouth
    to speak no one would know you were a moron.

  52. imrajn78

    you may or may not have noticed
    that i do not comment on any of cintanegaras
    remarks. the reason being that they are
    completely devoid of any sense.
    try to be more sensible. remove your blinkers.
    don’t be peverse.

  53. computation,
    I don’t see why you think my posts are crazy? They’re reasonably consistent in principal aren’t they? Of course a GE is not about voting a PM. But when voting, everyone knows who would be the PM and the DPM when voting for BN so it is not something unknown to people.

    Now can you care to answer my question as well? What basis do you have for saying that Najib does not enjoy the support of the majority?

    Whether you like it or not, Najib IS OUR elected and legal PM.. YOURS TOO irrespective of what you think. We are not like US who chooses their own president. Our system follows the British democratic system…. but it is democratic nevertheless!
    Polishing his balding head? haha very funny. Thats not something I do I’m afraid irrespective of what you think :)

  54. imranj78 Says: its time you get yourself an education on democracy
    Quite right imranj78, I should have said public servant. Technical corrections are gratefully received. I am a newcomer to politics. Politics is something I could happily live my life in total ignorance of, if only my phone worked. Being over-educated in physics and communications theory is particularly frustrating when my phone has a political fault.

    I wasn’t referring to race of potential future PMs, more their ‘controversial’ qualities. I could be mistaken again – I thought controversial qualities were the topic.

    Is it getting hot in here? I’ll keep this comment short!

  55. computation,
    I assure you that my posts make total sense to people who are open-minded and not obsessed with only their way being correct. I have even asked you for a better basis so that I may improve mine but alas you have not provided any.

    So you still owe me an answer? Are you going to give it or do you need a `talian hayat’? Maybe a phone call to Anwar? LKS? Or maybe you can do some research through all the various blogs out there?

  56. “its regretful to see posts such as yours above which is devoid of any substantial point nor trying to make any proper argument.” (imranj78)

    Those play with sword will die in sword! In this world, UMNOputras are not the only ones who know how to play gutter politics. If Pakatan Rakyat is to seize the political control of the parliament in GE13, then it will be your turn to put blame on PR for playing gutter politics because you agree to pass down an ISA legacy to the future government which opposes you! You will deserve to get some even-off responses from PR someday in the future. Since you like the ISA so much, it had better for you to have some taste on it too!

    Like the Chinese old saying goes, “Some persons will simply never drop their tears until they have seen a coffin sitting in their living room!”

  57. imranj78
    first do you agree you said one thing about he
    ge12 results being the “best basis…” and then later
    contradicted yourself by saying you didn’t say that?

    i have to know you are sensible before i continue.

  58. Onlooker Politics,
    If PR can do a better job for Malaysia then I have no problem with them in parliament. But the point is I am unconvinced at this stage. Probably if they can form a shadow cabinet I might be better convinced. On the ISA, I do not see why it needs to be abolished if we can amend it pragmatically. For example, detention without trial should only be allowable for a week or two after which the person must be charged and NOT indefinitely as how it is done today. The decision to charge a person under ISA should not lie upon a minister only rather a proper committee must be form. ISA has its uses especially when dealing with issues such as terrorism and that is why I still believe its relevant albeit in an altered form.

    I do not think my points above are unreasonable. In fact, I think it is a good compromise between our national security vs human rights.

  59. “Whether you like it or not, Najib IS OUR elected and legal PM..” (imranj78)

    Please ask your new political master to make a request to the Agong for a dissolution of the Dewan Rakyat now. A fresh election is the best proof to show that Najib is our elected and legal PM.

  60. computation,
    Don’t put words into my mouth. I have always been consistent on this matter. Please reread my posts properly. May I suggest you read slowly this time so that you can comprehend better.

  61. imranj78

    sorry its on record for the whole world to see you
    have contradicted yourself and are now denying it.
    you are not sensible you deserve nothing.
    you must be a moron. a product of matriculation
    and a substandard graduate of one of the malaysian

  62. Onlooker Politics,
    A fresh election? Right now? You must be kidding as there’s no justification for it considering the millions that must be spent and GE12 was concluded just a year ago. The fact is irrespective of how you try to spin it – legally Najib is our elected PM!

    Not happy with that? Tough! But that’s life.

  63. computation,
    Please oh please paste again what I wrote which is not sensible? I would love to see it. :)

    And don’t try to divert from our discussion point. People normally do that when they think they’re loosing the argument.

    And also don’t blame it on my education. I assure you that I have much better education then you think!! :)

  64. “ISA has its uses especially when dealing with issues such as terrorism and that is why I still believe its relevant albeit in an altered form.” (imranj78)

    Please don’t ever cite terrorism as a good reason to justify the continuance of the draconian ISA. Malaysia already has plenty of other laws for preventive detention under the emergency rule, such as the Police Act. The reason for you people to insist on the importance of the ISA to the national security is that when you hold the high power in the police and you also get yourself involved in the drug trafficking business, you can misuse the ISA to detain in the solitary confinement room the traitor who tries to turn you in to the rule of law! The ISA is also a very effective law to protect the drug trafficker who hides himself in the disguise as a police officer!

  65. Onlooker Politics,
    Hey if you say that there are already strong provisions in the Police Act which allows for immediate detention of terrorists, then I agree that ISA can be repealed. What does the Police Act say on this anyway? I am interested to know a bit more details please.

  66. “The fact is irrespective of how you try to spin it – legally Najib is our elected PM!” (imranj78)

    Is there a motion of confidence upon Najib which has been tabled in Dewan Rakyat and be passed with majority votes so far? If no, then please don’t ever claim that Najib is our elected PM!

    Najib pledged to uphold the Federal Constitution of Malaysia during his swearing-in ceremony as the PM. Did Najib ever realize that the Federal Constitution required a PM be elected through the majority votes of Dewan Rakyat, and not through the majority votes of UMNO Party only?

  67. I’m so cheap…

    imranj78 Says: Please oh please paste again what I wrote which is not sensible?

    imranj78 Says: Najib is not only my boss… […] he is our boss

    imranj78 Says: as I have said before, Najib is not my boss

    Small matter! I for one think imranj78 writes sensible comments more often than nonsense ones. That’s as good as it gets, in my view.

  68. “What does the Police Act say on this anyway? I am interested to know a bit more details please.” (imranj78)

    You may go visit the Simpang Rengam Corrective Centre and find out more about the functioning of the Police Act and the Emergency Act. Today the main topic is still focusing on Najib’s appointment as the PM and how strong is Najib’s commitment on abolition of the draconian ISA.

  69. OrangRojak,
    While it is a small matter, I just want to point out that the my 2nd and 3rd quote in your last post were made in different contexts.

    `Najib is not only my boss.. he is out boss’ statement is trying to make a point that Najib is the PM for all Malaysian.

    `as I have said before, Najib is not my boss’ statement is attempting to respond to allegations that I am a Najib a** kisser of sorts.

  70. Onlooker Politics,
    You seem to be someone well versed in the law thus that is why I asked you the details as to why you think the Police Act and the Emergency Act can deal with terrorism as effective as the ISA can. You might be busy but can’t you just summarize the key relevant points in the Police Act and Emergency Act so as to back your claims?

    This is a relevant request as it is only sensible that if ISA is to be repealed, another act must be in place (or already in place) to protect the country from terrorism. Thus this question relates directly to whether Najib should abolish ISA or rather amend it.

  71. Onlooker Politics,
    On the choice of PM, I am not aware of the need for a PM to be elected by the Dewan Rakyat. I have always thought that the winning party in a General Election will have their choice chosen as the PM and in this case BN; and it is an understanding within BN for the UMNO president to be the PM.

    I must admit that I am not an expert on the constitution but if you are right, then why hasn’t PR or anyone as a matter of fact attempted to bring this matter to the courts? Nevertheless, I will do some research so that I can better respond to your claims.

  72. “And don’t try to divert from our discussion point. People
    normally do that when they think they’re loosing the argument.”


    nope i’m not trying to divert any discussion.
    you have shown yourself to be peverse.
    you are trying to convince yourself that you
    are winning.

  73. Onlooker Politics,
    I have had a quick look at the constitution but cannot find any particular statement requiring the dewan rakyat to elect the PM.

    Article 40A Clause 2 states that the Yang Dipertuan Agong may act in his discretion to choose the PM. The closest that you may claim to support your basis is probably Article 43 Clause (4) but even then it doesnt say that the dewan rakyat has the right to elect the PM.

    Care to share which clause you are referring to in the constitution that supports your claim that the PM has to be elected by the dewan rakyat?

  74. computation,
    Let me assure you that I don’t have to convince myself that I’m winning. :)

    Whatever it is, I am here not too win. I am here to put my points across and have a quality debate. If you have a better argument, I am willing to accept and vice versa I hope you can also accept it if my arguments make sense rather then just putting everything I say aside and saying that they are all not sensible.

  75. “You might be busy but can’t you just summarize the key relevant points in the Police Act and Emergency Act so as to back your claims?” (imranj78)

    If you want to know how the emergency act and the police act function as the authoritative power being given to the police district police officers and higher ranking police officers at the state level or at the federal level, any senior police officers from the Special Branch or the OCPD will be able to tell you more about what they can do to initiate a preventive detention on the criminal suspects.

    If the emergency act and the police act had been able to help the police to curb the activities of the Secret Societies during 1960s and early 1970s, it should also work against terrorism. During the initial stage of the appointment of Musa Hassan as the IGP, the preventive detention had been invoked against some suspected loansharks from KL and other places of Peninsular Malaysia. That might be the probable reason why the loanshark slowed down significantly on their “wet paint pouring” activities for the past few years.

    So, by now you should be able to find good reason why the ISA must be abolished!

  76. imranj78

    for all your posturing you fail to realize that you
    contradict yourself. you are neither willing nor capable
    of seeing that.

    you have a capacity for wild peverse extrapolation.
    the reason why i say you are not sensible is simply because
    you refuse to admit you contradicted yourself. if you did
    this in error admit it. failing to do so just shows that
    actually you do not want a sensible argument.

    note also you were the first to say

    “And don’t try to divert from our discussion point. People
    normally do that when they think they’re loosing the argument.”

    which probably shows you think i am trying win an arguement.
    which probably shows you are trying instead to win.
    which i think again contradicts your statement in your post
    above that you are not here to win.

    all my answers are in my posts. i think it is your sheer
    stupididty and short sightedness which has resulted in your
    failure to draw the correct inferences from my replies.

    you are unable to deduce and infer correctly.
    you do however have a remarkable and i stress
    most peverse tendency and talent for wild

    you kid yourself.

  77. “Care to share which clause you are referring to in the constitution that supports your claim that the PM has to be elected by the dewan rakyat?” (imranj78)

    The Federal Constitution of malaysia has such a clause about the appointment of the Executive as mentioned in Chapter 3.

    “Chapter 3 – The Executive
    Article number: 39
    39. The executive authority of the Federation shall be vested in the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and exercisable, subject to the provisions of any federal law and of the Second Schedule, by him or by the Cabinet or any Minister authorised by the Cabinet, but
    Parliament may by law confer executive function on other persons.”

    Obviously, Parliament is given the ultimate authority to appoint the head of executive. Yang Dipertuan Agong is only given the authority to act in accordance with the recommendation of the Parliament. As for Najib’s case, did Najib command a confidence of the Parliament in so far? The answer is “no” because there is no black and white proof that the parliament has permitted the table of a motion of confidence upon Najib as the Head of Executive in so far!

  78. Onlooker politics

    in my opinion you are being too nice
    to imraj78. you are indulging him.
    he is a lazy bugger asking you to do the work for him.

    i suspect its quite normal for him to expect others
    to do the work for him. of course he tries to disguise
    this but really its plain to see.

  79. The Federal Constitution of Malaysia also has a clause in Article 43 which requires the Prime Minister to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat).

    “Article 43
    • (3) The Cabinet shall be collectively responsible to Parliament.
    • (4) If the Prime Minister ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives, then, unless at his request the Yang di-Pertuan Agong dissolves Parliament, the Prime Minister shall tender the resignation of the Cabinet.”

    Najib will still need to go through a process of tabling a motion of confidence in Dewan Rakyat before he can legitimately call himself the elected Prime Minister of Malaysia.

  80. A leader is only a leader because he/she has followers who recognise him/her as such and so are willing to accept him/her as a leader of their own volition and thus give that recognition/power to the leaders to lead the followers.

    So, it is the follower who gives the leader his/her power in recognition of leadership ability in the leader. A leader without any leadership ability will not have any followers (other than stupid people obviously) and without any followers to give them that recognition/power they are zilch as leaders, aren’t they?

    Similarly, no one is your boss unless you recognise them to be as such and so give them the power to be….er….your bossy, domineering boss. And this might come as a shock to some, but your line manager is not your “boss”. Managers are there in that role to handle as part of their overall management and coordinating responsibilities, a task referred to as staff management. So your manager is not there to be bossy to you, but to manage you as part of his/her overall staff resources.

    And extrapolating that line of thinking further, perhaps you can see why elected representatives of the People are never ever the People’s “bosses” or even “managers”. They are instead the People’s public/government SERVANTS because they have voluntarily offered to do public and national service for the People and nation.

    If you can get that simple principle, then perhaps you’ll understand why some of us cannot see the PM as anyone’s Boss and can clearly see UMNO/BN fast going down that slide into the wilderness of impending political oblivion.

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  81. “A leader is only a leader because he/she has followers who recognise him/her as such and so are willing to accept him/her as a leader of their own volition and thus give that recognition/power to the leaders to lead the followers. ”

    ann brella

    oh my gosh if you are female i would have fallen in
    love with you.

  82. Ew.

    Is there some substance to the “One Malaysia” thing? I’d vote for Najib, even with the ‘controversies’, if he:

    brought the Constitution into line with the UDHR: no mention of race anywhere.
    simplified tax laws, just a couple of bands, a tax ‘credit’ for anybody with a MyKad regardless of actual earnings, and accompanied the change with more draconian treatment of tax evasion / a nice TV commercial about a ‘unity tax’
    Lowered the voting age to 18
    Enacted race relations law that forbid discrimination on the grounds of race to employers and political organisations (he could always call it U Malaysians NO – it would be a nice gesture)
    defaulted race and religion on MyKid/Kad to ‘not stated’. Right to keep these matters private upheld by Constitution
    no need for media licensing
    freedom to assemble in a public place guaranteed
    enacted more stringent laws governing monopolies and abuse of market position
    Made it a capital offence to lay a road without a footpath within 5km of habitation or indoor employment
    fixed my phone

    Is that unreasonable? I think the ISA could stay for a while if freely-available newspapers could write “OMG WTF is he doing NOW?” on their front pages, and crowds could gather in KL booing any careless applications of the ISA.

  83. For far too long, we do not have great leader/s…….let’s see what Najib could do until the next election.

    The system is working for the well connected and rich people…..the ordinary people are made to pay for the mess.

  84. This guy Imranj 78 is truly a fake masquerading as someone who can only talk sense and not realising what he spills out are at best half baked truths and therefore gibberish.

    Nice work Onlooker Politics for exposing what he really is!

  85. I haven’t been following politics closely enough. Can someone please enlighten me on this: Does the “1 Malaysia” concept mean there is no more Malay/Chinese/Indian/etc,etc Bumi/non-Bumi etc,etc Muslim/non-Muslim etc,etc differentiations in Malaysia now? Wow! How great!.. Err, sorry to disappoint you folks! I will give NR my vote of confidence!

  86. ” Today , i ask you to join me in this task of renewing Malaysia . I urge you to rise to the challenge of building a 1MALAYSIA . People First , Performance Now ” Najib maiden speech…..
    P. Waythamoorthy immediately shave his head as a mark of gratitude to god for the the release of Kengadharan by Malaysian government and thankful to Najib

    “I know that for every citizen these are hard times and i remain focused in providing STRONG LEADERSHIP to lead out of this economic crisis and UNLEASH our full potential as a nation “-Najib

    Anwar has claimed credit for Najib decision to free 13 ISA ….
    PAS youth chief very happy with the decision to lift the Harakah suspension order
    Karpal want all the 62 ISA to be released , are u sure uncle Kit that inc islamic militants

    you can see the quality of leadership , we have MM and LKY in one package in Najib leadership….
    Ok yes CNBC , CNN ,BBC ,ALjazera, CCTV and Foxes news giving a good coverage to Najib…..

  87. Please don’t ever believe BN words and promise.

    When they start NEP, they told everyone is temporary helping the bumiputra.

    After over 45 years, now they tell us it is their rights not temporary.

    Don’t believe what they say, they are proven liars, telling lies to cheat you like a stupid human being again and again.

  88. “…….,we have MM and LKY in one package in Najib leadership…”.

    Equating him with Mamak,it’s perfectly alright with me.But when he equates him with LKY I ask you chaps “Isn’t that from the mouth of Eunuch Ar.e.o.e for he must be the one capable of such outrageous statement since the mouth and ar.e.ole are the one and the same thing!”.

  89. chengho,

    Thanks for recommending to us that great movie ! It’s very moving..many people shed their tears! It reminds me of another movie titled “The King and I” also by the same director NR, the script is somewhat like the following:

    King : I want to kill you!
    Subject : Please don’t, for I have done no wrong!
    King : …Ok, I won’t kill you!
    Subject : Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    All the other subjects, led by chengho, chant: Long live the King!

  90. Long live the kind of all idiots in this blog….who wished I get a heart attack!
    May all the souls do not disturb his superb brain.
    “Father forgive him….for he does not know not what he is doing”
    My father may forgive you….from above…but I will not!!
    Just you wait….chengho…just you wait… will be sorry…but that’s too late.

  91. la fax n Chengho,both from MCA,Malaysia Conmen Association.

    n thy are also running dogs for UMNO,have you seen any of their MPs fighting for chinese rights in the parliament?

    n now thy are demanding for a TPM,what’s the point of becoming a TPM and whn your boss (NR) ask you to keep quiet,sit down n you dare not protest?

    you call yourself chinese representative?i think it’s CHINESE REPRESENTATHIEVES!

  92. what’s so good about MCA ?

    if they claim to represent all chinese,
    then they must go with the majority who dumped MCA during the last general election, listen to their grouses,

    and not stay in the party for the position.

  93. Najib giving out election sweets. Its the same trick being re-used and re-cycled again and again. Dont forget. He and a large group of umno idoiots gathered at stadium negara years ago with the declared intention to burn down the chinese assembly hall and the petaling street. He cannot be trusted.

  94. So far so good – Najib talking and implementing reforms. But please listen for a while the political talk-cock shop in TV1 daily. If you agree to the analyses and propaganda vomited by half baked (phua tang sai) analysts (especially by this particular Indian and Chinese analyst), then you know the reform is fake. A reformed Malaysia can not be dogmatic centric, umno centric, race centric and religious bigotry centric, got it? Listen to TV1, trust me, it is all about:
    race supremacy,
    race insecurity,
    some fake notion of loyalty to royalty,
    about enemies behind very lamp poles, and
    about religious bigotry.

    So much about your reform, Najib. If you are not careful (or if you are not sincere, I really don’t know which is which), you will end up exactly like AAB. The fall of AAB is not because he is weak or incapable. The fall of AAB is because Mahathirism is too strong – you have too many racists, religious bigots, and corrupted people in your party and government. Get rid of them and empower people with calibre from different ethnic groups and backgrounds, deemphasize the overwhelming roles of religions, go for more liberal values and culture and stop the bloody wasteful spending – spending that has no meaningful impact in creating GDP potential. For goodness sake, build extensive LRT, not flower pots in the middle of the roads or fountains in the middle of the roundabouts. Leave the green turfs alone; don’t start building ugly cement tables and chairs on them. From now on, let the poorly managed banks fail, bail out only the depositors, not the banks (if you don’t understand what I am saying, ask your economic advisors, but please don’t ask your brother).

    Never ask bankers and financial wizards for advice. They are the source of problems. I want to tell Lim Guan Eng this also.

  95. Wow, people are dropping their spectacles for prematurely judging NR wrongly.

    NR showed that AAB was spineless and unable to make decisions while AAB was PM. Then AAB insisted that the Hindraf people locked up under ISA were national security threats and unfreeable. But within hours of AAB stepping down as PM and receiving his Tunship, NR immediately released some of the so-called national security threat chaps.

    This entire drama confirms what the botak guy declared a while ago that people are locked up under ISA for their own safety, not because they are national security threats. They can then be generously released at an appropriate time by someone in power to be acclaimed a kind-hearted ruler and to gain political mileage and support. Hail Caesar! Just-in-time release for the coming buy elections.

    Maybe this release is an ominous act of things akan datang. Perhaps Kamunting is running out of space. Some out to prepare for more in later. Beware of the imminent Operasi Lalang ala MMK.

  96. Yes,boh-liao,that’s more a likely assessment and intention behind the move of this person whose entire track record has been tainted with suspicion of
    grafts,threatening to bathe his kris with Chinese blood and lately no less than 6 foreign publications have come up with stories of his involvement in the murder of the mongolian girl.Is the leopard known to change its spots?
    Apparently some people here do think so with one particular chap jumping up and down exclaiming that’Najib has just lifted the ban on PKR’s and PAS’ newspapers.He also has released 13 ISA detainees,including2 from Hindraf.He also has started the review of ISA hours after taking over the premiership.’.More likely according to what you say is to make room for an already overcrowded Taiping 5 Star Hotel for more important guests in the days ahead of the by election or in the days ahead of the 13th GE.

  97. Najib’s motto of “One Malaysia, people first, performance now”, the prime minister vowed to “meet the needs, aspirations and concerns of all Malaysians”. —— sounds nice…….

    But…… recently concluded UMNO’s General assembly, it was totally a different tune sung by the delegates and leaders…..For them , as if their god have make them more special than other races that they deserve to be treated better then other citizens..

    So what Najib promised would likely to remain political rhetorics and empty promises unless he start to walk his talk—-he should start it by eliminating all race-based quotas (in business, education and employment).. prove it first only then the people can consider giving their votes to Barisan Nasional….otherwise BN don’t deserve the mandate to rule this country

  98. “Never ask bankers and financial wizards for advice. They are the source of problems. I want to tell Lim Guan Eng this also.” (TTDI_KL)

    TTDI_KL is talking about the truth. The banking industry is the most corrupted industry everywhere. If you want to borrow money from the commercial bank but you do not have adequate of fixed assets for use as the collateral to be pledged to the bank, don’t worry. Just pay some coffee money to the Credit Controller of the Bank and he/she will help you to polish your financial statements and sale and profit projections in order for you to meet the industry standard in the ratio analysis or market sensitivity analysis.

    If you find that the value of your land-based assets is far below the required amount of collateral as needed by the bankers, don’t worry. The credit controller can recommend to you one licensed property valuer who can make wonder in preparing a land valuation report which is overly inflated as compared to the net realisable value of the land-based assets. What you need to do is just to pay a professional fee which is much much higher than the normal market rate to the BIG TIPU land valuer!

    If you want a quick approval for bank loan application or fast release of approved bank loan, don’t worry. Just pay some coffee money to the branch manager or the general manager who approves your loan application and you will get the loan money released early.

    You are obtaining a project financing from the bankers which requires you to complete certain percentage of the project first before the banker’s agreeing upon the release of the drawdown money. Don’t worry! Just pay some coffee money to the bank credit control officer who comes assess the project completion status and he/she will sign the loan release recommendation paper with one eye closed!

    What are you going to do with your business then if you are already overgearing in debt-financing? Well, many western countries and developing countries will consider giving you a Permanent Resident Status if you have sufficient money to invest in anyone of these countries!

    Be careful: Banking industry is a Big Hoax Industry!

  99. Oi boh-liao, didnt badawi also make some similarly nice sounding pronouncements when he took office 6 yrs ago. 6 yrs later – no result to show. Yeah pass a few laws in a huff but really they were insufficient and in any case he was too late.

  100. computation:
    Thank you for your very charming iconic grin, but there is no need to panic as I hasten to add, hopefully without any cost to what seems to me to most likely be a sizeable ego, that I am not….er…quite human and so, sorry, am not into humans, assuming of course that you are one.

    That’s why I consider monsterball’s more interesting preachy-sided view of an IT-collared brolly in the pulpit as having some imaginary merit.


    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  101. Onlooker Politics,
    From my point of view, I do not think the clauses of the constitution that you quoted requires Najib to go back to parliament to approve his premiership. Yes, if he looses the support of the majority of the dewan rakyat then he has to step down as PM… But the prerequisite to invoking this clause is that Najib first be already elected as PM in the first place. To suggest that the dewan rakyat requires to approve Najib’s premiership or of anyone else is stretching it a tad too far I believe.

    You have yet to quote where you think I contradicted myself. Till you do, all your accusations are like dust in the wind…

  102. “To suggest that the dewan rakyat requires to approve Najib’s premiership or of anyone else is stretching it a tad too far I believe.” (imranj78)

    Our political system actually models after the political system of the Great Britain, which adopts the system of Westminster style of parliamentary democracy involving a constitutional monarch.

    Unfortunately, after about 53 years’ practising the same system, UMNO people have become so arrogant that they automatically assume the change in the UMNO president will also imply the change of the Prime Minister. There is even no convene of a leadership meeting among the leaders of all Barisan Nasional component parties in order to discuss on the appointment of Najib as the new Prime Minister. That really makes people wonder what kind of political position which the younger brothers of the Barisan Nasional family such as MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, PBB, SUPP, PBS, LDP, PBRS, UPKO, SPDP, PRS shall be duly given in the family. Shall all the younger brothers remain as just the silent and timid obeyers to the big brother UMNO?

    I wonder whether a table of motion of showing confidence upon Najib as the Prime Minister shall be permitted by the Speaker of Dewan Rakyat if such a motion shall be raised by SUPP or MCA? Who can confidently make an assurance and guarantee that all MCA MPs will cast a “sokong” vote for Najib in the event that Najib refuses to give in to MCA’s demand for a post of Deputy Prime Minister to be given to Dato Seri Ong Tee Keat?

    Can Najib be still holding the post of the Prime Minister if all the younger brothers of Barisan Nasional jointly decide that Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is a much more suitable candidate for the PM than Dato Seri Najib and all votes from the MPs of the younger brother BN components will be cast against Najib in Dewan Rakyat in order to remove him from the post of PM?

    We cannot totally rule out the possibility that Najib may be removed by the MPs of younger brother components of BN in collaboration with MPs of Pakatan Rakyat. Therefore, it is safe to conclude at the current moment that in theory Najib has not been elected as the Prime Minister legitimately as at todate because no proper procedure has been carried out in Dewan Rakyat in order to cast a vote of confidence upon Najib in so far!

    Najib is able to hold the post of PM at the current moment because the system of party whip is still deemed to be operational within Barisan Nasional. However, Najib has to prove his political legitimacy by seeking approval from Dewan Rakyat when the next session of meeting is to be convened at Dewan Rakyat. Otherwise, Najib is just a dictatorial PM who has not yet been endorsed by the younger brother components of Barisan Nasional! The assume of the duty of such a dictatorial PM without seeking approval from Dewan Rakyat by following the proper procedure of the constitution is therefore unconstitutional!

  103. “… without any cost to what seems to me to most likely be a sizeable ego, that I am not….er…quite human and so, sorry, am not into humans, assuming of course that you are one.”

    anna brella

    oh dearie me
    i am giggling like some inane school boy!

  104. One Malaysia? Ask Najis if he knows what is One Melayu, One People and One Nation before talking about One Malaysia. All I know is that there is a One Utama in PJ and the up and coming One Shamelin in Cheras!

  105. for over 50 years the subject has be debated abd reviewed and debated and review and today those same old ningkapoke gang replay the same old trick over and over again

    tired ka, no man, getting expert on it and damn good too…

    same lah the opposite side of the divide also become smarter by the day if not approaching a break through…it is not to far …it is call GE13.

  106. computation,
    i am repeating my request for the umpteenth time… please tell me where I have contradicted myself? Its not difficult to copy and past my inconsistencies isn’t it. Or could it be possible that you cannot find such inconsistency in the first place and all your accusations are utter gibberish like many of your other posts?

    If you don’t tell me where I was supposedly inconsistent the next time you post in this thread (with actual quotes from my posts), I will assume that you have no basis in your accusations and as such, I again invite you to please sit at that corner in your little room and be quiet :)

  107. What does Najib mean by “One Malaysia”? Does it mean that he is going to dissolve the divisive parties such as UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, PBB, SUPP, PBS, LDP, PBRS, UPKO, SPDP, PRS and then get all their members merged into a single party called “Barisan Nasional One Malaysia”? Does it mean that in Najib’s new cabinet of One Malaysia, the cabinet members will look similar to the following?

    Prime Minister: Najib Razak
    First Deputy Prime Minister: Muhyiddin Yassin
    Second Deputy Prime Minister: Ong Tee Keat
    First Minister of Finance: Nasir Razak (Senator)
    Second Minister of Finance: Nor Mohd Yakcop
    Minister of International Trade and Industry: Muhyiddin Yassin
    Minister of Defence: Najib Razak
    Minister of Home Affairs: Noh Omar
    Minister of Education: Hishammuddin Hussein
    Minister of Transport: Ong Tee Keat
    Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry: Mustapa Mohamed
    Minister of Works: Mukhriz Mahathir
    Minister of Housing and Local Government: Dr. Chua Soi Lek (Senator)
    Minister of Human Resources: Subramaniam Sathasivam
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
    Minister of Rural and Regional Development: Dr Jamaludin Jarjis
    Minister of Information: Abdul Latif Ahmad
    Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs: Mohd Shafie Apdal
    Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities: Peter Chin Fah Kui

    Minister of Energy, Water and Communications: Dr. Koh Tsu Koon (Senator)
    Minister of Higher Education: Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah
    Minister of Women, Family and Community Development: Chew Mee Hoon
    Minister of Health: Liow Tiong Lai
    Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation: Maximus Ongkili
    Minister of Natural Resources and Environment: Douglas Uggah Embas

    Minister of Tourism: Sharizat
    Minister of Youth and Sports: Khairy Jamaluddin
    Minister of the Federal Territories: Zulhasnan Rafique

  108. Green Lane or Red Lane
    How could Najib clear his baggage without getting indicted?
    When arrive at the airport, would you choose to take the Green lane or the Red lane if you have 10kg of cocane in your luggage?

    Simple analogy.

  109. /// monsterball Says:
    April 3rd, 2009 (3 days ago) at 18: 25.43
    Why can’t it be Malaysian Malaysia? ///

    Because the \Malaysian Malaysia\ slogan was used by Lee Kuan Yew more than half a century ago. Being the faithful and obedient disciple of Mahathir, Najib would not want it to be Malaysian Malaysia. More like Malay Malaysia. Looks like history is going to repeat itself….

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