Why is Universiti Malaya afraid of Anwar Ibrahim?

— P Ramakrishnan
October 27, 2014

OCTOBER 27 — We can understand why Barisan Nasional, particularly Umno, is so terrified of Anwar Ibrahim. If anyone can send the BN packing off from Putrajaya, it has to be Anwar.

He is the only one who can hold Pakatan Rakyat together and mount an effective challenge to unseat BN from Putrajaya. He is the only one who can galvanise the Malays and non-Malays to come together to bring about a change in government.

Anwar is undoubtedly a political threat to the BN’s power and position. So they fear him — with justification!

Why is Universiti Malaya afraid of Anwar? Is he any threat to UM? What kind of threat does he pose to UM? Why are they imposing a ban on his speaking engagement at the invitation of the UM Students’ Council?

No logical justification has been stated for barring him from speaking at Dataran Dewan Tunku Canselor in UM except some unconvincing and unacceptable reason extended by the UM’s vice-chancellor of student affairs, Professor Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof, who came up with the silly notion “that UM would never allow or support such a programme as it was against the university rules and had tarnished its reputation.”

What university rules have been breached? In what way can the university’s reputation be tarnished if Anwar were to speak at his alma mater?

Is UM colluding with the BN to bar Anwar from speaking to the students? UM is not an extension of the BN. It is not BN’s agency.

Is UM wilfully denying a free discussion and debate and exchange of ideas in UM?

Any university must live up to its reputation as a seat of learning. It must live up to the peoples’ expectation that it is a powerhouse of knowledge where future leaders are groomed and exposed to various contending issues so that they will come out as thinking and reasoning individuals who can uphold justice and freedom of expression.

But UM is deliberately stifling the growth of mature students who can decide for themselves and organise activities that are deemed necessary and suitable. Can’t the students act as thinking adults who are capable of organising themselves without any interference from the authorities?

If it is feared that Anwar would influence the students so easily, it is a terrible indictment of the university itself. Is it implied that UM students are an unthinking and unreasoning lot who can be swayed effortlessly in spite of their university education? If that is the implication, then it is a disgrace that UM has failed miserably in inculcating critical thinking and analysis.

But that is not the case. It would appear that UM is merely doing a favour to the BN by coming up with silly excuses to prevent Anwar from speaking to the students. They don’t want to give him space to curtail his influence.

Aliran calls on UM to rescind their totally unjustified ban on Anwar and salvage its tattered image caused by its silly actions.

8 Replies to “Why is Universiti Malaya afraid of Anwar Ibrahim?”

  1. On one hand, they had gone about saying no one would come out for Anwar now, but on the other hand they are doing everything they can that he not be heard.

    UMNO simply kills their own credibility again and again and expect the Malay electorate to be always confused and ignorant of the truth.

    Is it a wonder that Selangor voters continue to stay away from them EVEN going back to Pakatan despite their self-inflicted problems? Najib greatest lie is NOT to the Rakyat, its actually to UMNO/BN – that they have a future under his design. As soon as the feudal appetite realize that the pie they feeding on is shrinking and the narcotics they take too abusive, UMNO will turn on him predictably..

  2. D current grp of UM administrators (spring chickens) DID NOT experience d SPEAKERS’ CORNER culture under a tree in front of UM’s Main Library in the 1960s

    So, forgive them la 4 they only know how 2 TOE d line
    Bet U, a lot of pressure fr moo moo n UmnoB

    Anyway, like it or not, they r now part of HISTORY
    Their names will b mentioned again n again in years 2 come as d kaki who locked up UM n gave big fat lies 2 d world about damaged n dangerous electrical substations in order to BLOCK freedom of speech by d nation’s opposition leader, who happens 2 b a UM alumnus as well

    As academicians, they CANNOT even uphold this simple universal human rights principle: “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” – Mayb takut death n kena buang appointed positions by UmnoB

    Instead they chose dis most ridiculous line: “UM would never allow or support such a programme as it was against the university rules and had tarnished its reputation.”

    At least, rakyat pleased dat UM security personnel acted responsibly after d gate was opened, NO violence was committed, n d event went by peacefully

    2 d group of students who asked for police protection over worry dat AI’s visit to UM will create unrest on campus: UNREST, really? Pls search your soul n REFLECT, re-evaluate your values n moral mores; were U manipulated, paid & did U just parrot d words of some politicians n NGOs
    Hv a good look @ yourselves

  3. The morning after d storming of UM, it’s time 4 public SEKs education n legal education again

    Detailed descriptions of KY jelly (free publicity n advertisement – BRANDING – primary n secondary school kids may ask their parents: KY jelly, nice 2 EAT aah? We also want), anUs, semen, semen stains, position of seks act/sodo-mee, etc
    Excellent regular revision

    Also, excellent legal lessons 4 all legal eagles
    D ART of twisting selective evidence in order 2 convict

    Reality show in progress ……….

  4. Rakyat wonder if legs-n-hands (k’tangan) of UM feel PROUD or ASHAMED of their administrators (aka ‘academic leaders’) n also of themselves?
    Their students taught them a fabulous lesson on human rights, NO thanks 2 d academic staff
    A fabulous lesson not taught in d lecture halls

    Next year, UM’s world universities ranking MAY jump higher bcos of d students’ action last night, which is featured in news globally
    Great publicity n exposure
    UmnoB/BN gomen n UM administrators will hv 2 thank d students 4 enabling UM 2 move up d ranking order

  5. A veri strange trial case
    Selective materials admissible as evidence
    Selective individuals called as witnesses
    Prosecution did not call Hospital Pusrawi’s Dr Osman, a key witness

    Was AI given d benefit of d doubt?

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