If only Putrajaya’s words ever come true

19 October 2014

If only…

* Words count for something in Malaysia, then the cloud of pessimism that envelopes the country would long be gone.

But words have a hollow sound here, especially when they emanate from higher the political ladder.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak rightly said that political leaders must lead the way with moderation. And then came the letdown.
He said Barisan Nasional and Umno leaders rejected all forms of extremism. Really? Is Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi still a member of Umno? What about Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin?

What about the collection of Umno division chiefs who have pressured the authorities to use the Sedition Act as a dragnet to silence legitimate dissent in “moderate” Malaysia?

Extremism takes many forms. Some extremists use explosives to make a point, others use race and religion to divide and rule, and cling to power.

If BN and Umno truly believed that Malaysia is a multiracial and multi-religious country, then it would not provide coverage for the likes of Perkasa, Isma and the increasing number of small but incendiary government-friendly NGOs.

If BN, Umno and Najib truly rejected extremism, then it would not use some cockamamie reason not to haul up someone who threatened to burn the holy book of another religion.

Words must count for something whether the venue is the United Nations, the Gerakan AGM or a ceramah in a kampung.

If only…

* Gerakan would grow some spine, it would not be skirting with irrelevance across Malaysia. Their delegates today roared in approval at PM Najib’s speech and a couple of their leaders grumbled about the caustic remarks and racist tones in social media.

Nothing happens in a vacuum. Nothing. Datuk Nicol David did not become a world champion by sitting around doing nothing. Malaysia did not become football also-rans by chance.

The heady cocktail of incompetence, lack of grassroots development and the weak mental strength of our football players have all contributed to the disgrace on the pitch.

Similarly, the angry comments by Facebook users, on Twitter and other social media platforms did not happen by chance.

It is the result of a slow boil over a laundry list of issues, from endemic corruption to plunder of the country’s resources, world-class joke of an education system, hollowing out of once-trusted institutions and hopeless politicians.

Malaysians are frustrated over the direction the country has been going for some time now.

They feel a need to vent, to shout and be heard. They would love if their elected representatives could feel the pulse of the nation and carry the message of despair to Putrajaya.

Instead, they have apologists for a decrepit and depraved system.

Instead, they have politicians more interested in keeping their YB status, having a bodyguard, a driver and all the perks of public office. – October 19, 2014.

5 Replies to “If only Putrajaya’s words ever come true”

  1. Najib’s very clear and even public hypocrisy is now well-understood. Go even to UMNO’s heartland and they will admit he is a two-face liar. But the fact of the matter is, its not enough for UMNO heartland voters to rid him.

    What the heartland voters don’t get is that the same hypocrisy that has failed to bait 52% of voters in the last GE is going to lead eventually to broken promises to those that voted for him even if he is hypocritical on THEIR side. The hypocrisy is simply manifestation of mediocrity – mediocrity that is broad and deep that will fail all the things he promises and attempt to do. In other words, if he can fail the 52% so obviously, he will fail most of the 48% eventually..

  2. Gerakan President Mah Siew Keong says the party will come up with a comprehensive plan to retake Penang within 3 months. He has given the undertaking that he will resign if Gerakan were to fare worse off than GE13.

    This reminds me of the ultimatum from Chua Soi Lek to the Chinese that the MCA will decline all cabinet posts if the party were to do badly in GE13. The voters granted him his wish and turned the MCA into a 7-11 convenience store. He was then ousted by that deputy of his who wasted no time in getting back on the gravy train with his beloved Prime Minister.

    Mah Siew Keong may just have his wish comes true in GE14 so he may retire with his family in Australia. The Gerakan will then be known as a party of woodpeckers.

  3. For all of Najib’s lying, his greatest lie is to UMNO themselves. The latest poll in Selangor proves that the change in Selangor is Permanent – UMNO/BN will never get back Selangor without radical change. MCA, Gerakan missed an opportunity to tell Najib the truth that he is leading UMNO/BN to nowhere even when they have backwinds of high-economic growth in their backs.

    MCA, Gerakan rather than confront Najib with the ugly truth seeks to play conformist proving they are, as their critics have claim they have been for a long time now, merely rent-seekers and opportunists seeking to hold on to the last remnant of a failing idea, no matter how slow and determine they are not to exit..

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