First Things First With Najib Razak

by M. Bakri Musa

Barring divine intervention, or an incredibly stupid move on his part, Najib Razak is set to be Malaysia’s next Prime Minister come this April. He will assume office with an approval rating even lower than that of the man he will be replacing. He also has a dark cloud hovering over him that simply refuses to fade away.

Despite that, Najib could still lead Malaysia out of its current doldrums and on to greater heights. To achieve that, he must address two critical issues, one relating to his personal integrity and the other, his leadership. For the first, he must answer the many sordid allegations swirling around him, specifically with regard to the brutal murder of the pregnant Mongolian model Altantuya. With the second, he must select a cabinet and leadership team that would “wow” the nation.

One thing is certain. This is not the time for Malaysians to resort to extra constitutional means or set dangerous precedents that could later haunt us just to deny Najib his due. Asking the King to intervene is one such dangerous precedent. Allah aside, only Parliament or UMNO Supreme Council could legitimately remove Najib. As both moves are unlikely, we might just as well focus on the potentially more productive pursuit of at least trying to ensure that his tenure will be successful. We owe that to our children. Love for country should transcend obsession with politics.

This is also not the time to demonstrate on the streets just to express our loathing for the man. That would only hasten Malaysia’s degeneration towards another Pakistan. During these perilous economic times, Malaysians would not forgive their politicians should they indulge their followers in such theatrics.

Every new leader deserves the courtesy of a grace period. There will be time enough in the next election for us to express our judgment on Najib. Meanwhile be thankful that the incompetent and neglectful leadership of Abdullah is finally coming to an end.

The Mongolian Murder Mystery

For Najib to simply deny that he is not in any way involved with the murder or attribute evil motives on his critics – his current strategy – will not cut it. His swearing of innocence over the Quran may convince some mosque attendees but it will not remove the lingering suspicion. The alleged evidences against him are just too specific and detailed. There are the purported SMS exchanges with a prominent lawyer who was initially involved in defending one of the accused, as well as the erasure of the murder victim’s record of entry into the country.

I applaud Najib in not resorting to libel suits to silence his critics. This is a particularly pernicious habit of the powerful in the region, a reflection of their ingrained “might being right” mentality. This is also the addiction of those who think they are powerful (and thus beyond criticism) simply because they have privileged access to the court system.

What Najib should do is to have a full press conference open to all, including and especially foreign correspondents, representatives of the alternative media, prominent bloggers, and his severest critics. I would include here Malaysia-Today’s Raja Petra Kamarudin.

Apart from being thoroughly prepared, Najib should bring to and distribute at that press conference all possible exculpatory documents such as his phone logs and billing records, as well as copies of Altantuya’s visitor entry record. Anything less would only deepen the suspicion. Najib needs to prevail in the court of public opinion, not the court of law.

I am making a crucial assumption here, and that is, Najib is truly innocent. If he is in any way involved in the murder, no matter how tangentially, then he does not deserve to be in Putra Jaya. He should be sent to Pudu Prison instead.

A “Wow” Cabinet and Leadership Team

Tun Mahathir’s warning to Najib that he should not pick a corrupt cabinet, while headline grabbing and stern sounding, is neither insightful nor helpful. Of course no one wants to be associated with the corrupt. Unlike Mahathir’s advice, mine is more specific and practical.

Najib should dispense entirely with the current cabinet, bar none. This includes the most likely candidate for Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyuddin Yassin. This is the team that passionately supported Mahathir when he wanted to build that crooked bridge to Singapore, and then just as enthusiastically backed Abdullah when he cancelled it! These ministers are incapable of independent thought; they serve nothing more than as their leader’s echo chamber. Get rid of them all.

The job of finding enough fresh talent to fill his new cabinet would be made considerably easier if Najib were to substantially reduce its size to about a dozen members. Get rid of the Ministries of Women Affairs, Youth, Tourism, and Information, among others. Apart from the cost savings, such a move would also streamline his administration.

Widen the search beyond UMNO and Barisan, or even outside of politics. Malaysia does not lack for talent, only that many are currently turned off by politics.

Najib may not remember this, but his father effectively used the senate appointment route to recruit new talents. That was how he brought in such outstanding individuals as Tengku Razaleigh, Ghazali Shafie and Chong Hon Nyan. Tun Razak even sought those who had previously been expelled from the party, as he did with Mahathir. Likewise, Najib must be as daring and unconventional as his father was. This is no time to stick to the old tired playbook.

A pivotal decision for Najib would be his choice for Deputy Prime Minister. Although Muhyuddin is likely to be elected the deputy UMNO leader, he would be a poor choice as Deputy Prime Minister, Mahathir’s endorsement notwithstanding. Najib should politely decline Mahathir’s recommendation and buck party tradition.

Being of the same age and experience as Najib, Muhyuddin would bring nothing extra to the team. For another, there would always be the subtle and distracting rivalry between the two, with Muhyuddin impatiently waiting his turn. We have been through that before! In part to allay our fears of this, he has already displayed the stereotypical UMNO streak of sucking up to his superior, as evidenced by his over enthusiastic embrace of Najib. He also goes to great pain impressing everyone on how well he can work with Najib. In Freudian psychology they call that “reaction formation,” a tried-and-true defense mechanism.

Muhyuddin’s fatal flaw is that he views the office of Deputy Prime Minister primarily as Najib’s chief “gofer” rather than as the nation’s second in command.

Najib should break once and for all the current unhealthy coupling of party positions with governmental appointments. Thus he should keep Muhyuddin out of government and task him to reform UMNO, a monumental undertaking in itself. He had been chairing the committee to reform the party for the past few years. Let him continue there.

Najib should instead invite (beg if necessary) Tengku Razaleigh to be his Deputy. His considerable experience and wisdom would confer upon Najib’s team instant respect and credibility. While that is important it should not be the sole reason for picking him. Rather, Najib should maximally utilize Razaleigh’s skills and talent.

The major challenge would be to make Razaleigh accept the appointment. Appealing to the man’s sense of public duty would help, indicating that this would further his publicly-stated quest for a “unity” government.

The age, experience and temperament of the two are sufficiently different that the two would unlikely get entangled in a destructive rivalry. Instead they would complement each other, recalling the successful Tunku-Tun Razak’s partnership of two generations earlier, only this time with a role reversal.

Early in his term I suggested that Prime Minister Abdullah should choose Tengku Razaleigh as a sort of Co-Prime Minister. Such successful co-leadership teams are seen in many large corporations, the most visible being Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Had Abdullah done that, his (as well as the nation’s) fate would today be far different.

Apart from the cabinet, there are two other crucial senior governmental appointments: the chiefs of the police and the Anti Corruption Commission. Both institutions are now hopelessly corrupted and irreparably politicized; likewise their senior officers. The only way to regain the public trust is for Najib to recruit internationally, possibly from the FBI, Scotland Yard, or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Once he has reestablished trust, then he can revert to local talent.

A One-Term Mindset

To focus on these difficult tasks, Najib should develop a Reagan-like mindset of not worrying about the next election. He should act as if he would be a one-term Prime Minister. That would instill a much needed sense of urgency and discourage him from worrying about short-term political considerations. Such an attitude would also embolden him to make the necessary tough decisions.

By instituting these changes Najib would quickly assert his leadership as well as send the clear message that he is fully aware of the awesome responsibilities of his office and that he has the wherewithal to fulfill them. That would more likely make him succeed as Prime Minister, which in turn would ensure his party’s re-election.

These changes would of course trigger anger among the many powerful warlords in his party. Rest assured that as most of them are corrupt, a reinvigorated Anti Corruption Commission under professional leadership would keep them occupied.

However, first things first; Najib has to assure Malaysians that his personal integrity is beyond reproach. Frontally addressing the many ugly accusations leveled at him regarding the tragic end of that pregnant Mongolian model would be a good and essential start.

34 Replies to “First Things First With Najib Razak”

  1. A long story cut short.

    Though Bakri is right is this arduous search for solutions, Najib is bound to fail should he adopts the suggestion of eradicating all though in the present crop of \corrupted\ or perceived \corrupted\ UMNO lords. This is like searching for a pin in the deep blue ocean for non-corrupted politicians or civilians to replace those deemed \corrupted\.

    Why I said it will fail. It will definitely fail not in the search for those \pins\ in the deep blue ocean but failure to contain the revolt against him in the Parliament. As we all know, all MPs elected to the Dewan Rakyat are indeed members of UMNO and these warlords are the kingmakers who will decide the vote of confidence over Najib’s tenure as PM. Any such move by a ganged-up group of UMNO warlords would spell death to Najib’s continued stay as PM if Najib were to \overlook\ them. Only divine faith or Allah can help him to deflect or contain such a move.

    UMNO politics in particular and in general all other BN-allied allied parties will suffer the same faith (being allied to UMNO). It has been too deep-rooted that it is difficult to reform UMNO. Corruption, as what has been reported to be widespread, is the evil mother of all and it has entrenched too deeply within UMNO for anyone now to dismantle; lest it may even destroy the existence of that one person who attempts it, notwithstanding his position within UMNO.

  2. I may need also to highlight on the current scenario of MP composition.

    Though currently UMNO may not have the UMNO MP numbers as majority (discarding the others from other component BN parties) in Parliament to deny Najib the confidence vote, do you think the other MPs from BN-component parties would not join the fray in supporting a no-confidence Parliamentary vote against Najib?

    This possibility should be seen from two angles. Firstly, it is possible based on the last 50 years of Malaysian history pertaining to Alliance or BN experience. Component parties toe the line in decision making. They will join the fray. Secondly, Malaysian politicians seem to have the herd mentality and whoever dares (assuming any one of the leading warlords of UMNO) to initiate a revolt of the highest order (by instigating like one of them did against Abdullah), gang up with the assistance (and of course with the promises if it succeeded) of these other BN-component MPs.

    It has to be through the second scenario to achieve it and the remote chance of involving Pakatan Rakyat MPs is deemed slim. In short, it has to be a revolt of the entire spectrum of BN MPs unless they gang up with Pakatan Rakyat MPs to pass that motion.

    Thus it is not easy meat for Najib to handle these delicate situations. Who would want, in particular for Najib, to seek this path. Heads or tail, Najib will lose. He would not dare to undertake such treacherous path. As what Rosmah had said it all, “He has waited for his turn. It is his destiny to be PM.”

    It is doomed to see Najib able to eradicate corruption of the highest order in this Bolehland. What more with his low public opinion in terms of the heavy baggage he carries along into PutraJaya. He has to cleanse himself of these negative public opinions. This is indeed a trial of public opinion in a public court rather than in a legally constituted court of law.

  3. can we now stop using academia as consultation prize for the politicians?

    Najib’s mother to receive honorary PhD

    ALOR SETAR: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s mother, Tun Rahah Mohd Noah, will be conferred an honorary Doctorate of Philosophy (Education) at Universiti Utara Malaysia’s (UUM) 22nd convocation on March 28.

  4. Here is something for Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi or some other good captain Malaysian leader out there to perhaps seriously contemplate/chew on. It is taken from Idries Shah’s handbook “Seeker After Truth”


    A good man/woman is one who treats others as he/she would like to be treated.
    A generous man/woman is one who treats others better than he/she expects to be treated.
    A wise man/woman is one who knows how he/she and others should be treated: in what ways, and to what extent.

    The first man/woman is a civilising influence.
    The second man/woman is a refining and spreading influence.
    The third man/woman is a higher-development influence.

    Everyone should go through the three phases typified by these three men/women.
    To believe that goodness or generosity are ends in themselves may be good or it may be generous. It is, however, not an informed attitude – and that is the most generous we can be about it.

    If someone said: “Is it better to be good, generous or wise?” one would have to reply:
    “If you are wise, you do not have to be obsessed by being ‘good’ or ‘generous’. You are obliged to do what is necessary.”

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  5. When Bakri says that “resorting to libel suits” by those having “privileged access to the court system” is a “particularly pernicious habit of the powerful in the region” , we all know who he is referring to.

    Libel is resorted to by a private individual pursuing redress of a civil wrong in form of damages. The one against whom the suit is brought could defend himself on justification that what he said libelliously is true and could prove it.

    Which implies that not resorting to libel suit may also be consistent with behaviour of those libelled against who fear the truth revealed in open court by the opposite side sued under defence of justification!

    Now why would the powerful resort to libel suit when the State resources, which may be controlled, could be alternatively deployed as substitute to label the alleged wrong doing as a criminal act and prosecute the one who does not control what the mouth says or pen writes by criminal prosecution based on sedition, criminal defamation libel or even ISA?

    When one reads further about proposals to have a full “press conference open to all, including and especially foreign correspondents, representatives of the alternative media, prominent bloggers, and his severest critics” or excluding from one’s cabinet the number two elected as party’s deputy president and even invite (beg if necessary) a rival party critic of greater popularity or promise to take the former’s place in power sharing, one experiences a sense of surreal unreality that what is being proposed (though based on the best of innocent good intentions even by someone laboring under a disconnect with reality on the ground) is more suited for another Utopian place in some never-never land of phantasmagoria…..

  6. First things first, Najis.

    Commission an audit from an international firm like Kroll on the trail of the RM500 million in commissions from the submarine deal. Find out where the money has been transferred to, and on whose instructions. This should hopefully answer the next question of why Altantuya was killed.

    Next, commission a RCI on the Altantuya murder, focusing on how the C4 was released for use, and how Altantuya’s immigration records were erased. This should lead to the person or persons who gave instructions to the UTK personnel.

    If Najis has nothing to hide, and if he is sincere in wanting to know the truth like most of us on this despicable act, then he should do the right thing. If he continues to sweep everything under the carpet, then how could he win over us skeptics ?

  7. Badawi created the most bloated cabinet in the history of Bolehland. Will Najis downsize the cabinet ? Nah, he has had to make promises to too many people. Cabinet positions come with them perks like cars, political secretaries, fat salaries. It is a way of sharing the goodies around – although it is clear that the lion’s share of the goodies will stay with the President of UMNO.

  8. Everyone is working for the country to get rid of corrupt umno and najib. That is real national service. Chengho’s urging tantamouts to doing national disservice. So ignore him.

    Bakri laid down precisely what najib could not achieve and would not do and hence najib would be a disaster for the nation and all of us. Good of Bakri to put the issue and our stand in the opposite perspective. See dont say that opposition cannot have positive mind-set.

  9. Much as I like to be a optimist, I cannot see how anyone has the political will and talent to dismantle this reinforced corrupted structure….YB, UMNO needs a Superman to undertake this task.
    The PM-in waiting is definitely not one…he is too attached to the corrupted warlords. He simply will not stand a chance if he were to take the drastic approach to reform the party. It will be more realistic, if he reformed all the tainted Institutions, the Judiciary, PDRM and MACC…the priority be given removing all the rotten heads.
    It is better if he climbed the hill first than to tackle the steep mountain.
    Meantime, we just have to bite the bullet and tolerate another 3 more years……

  10. Technically while the ball is in Najib’s court in Malaysian politics, the truth is its really in the people’s court. Insisting on Najib to change things when he has no track record of doing it is unrealistic. He is what he is. He will make a few moves that he and his team will spin it far more than it really is and mosty people will be dissapointed.

    The issue really is what Malaysian will do when they are dissapointed again. What is notably different is that Najib is NOT PROMISING ANYTHING unlike Badawi which over-promise. In fact, he is covering his ass constantly.

    What do Malaysian do against CYA administration? The truth is historically Malaysian let them get away with it especially the Malay voters. We don’t get angry and moved to action by people with loads of excuses..

    So in the face of a incoming CYA administration PR only possible response is attack and relentlessly. We are going to be more fractious and there is no doubt in my mind more people will be detained under ISA and charged with Sedition Act. People will get more upset and if the economy recover strongly and no more major scandal before the next GE, Najib has a chance to hold on to power. But if the economy does not recover strongly or there is at least one major scandal, then all is lost for Najib & Co….

  11. Bakri Musa with his smart tongue twisting message…using Allah as a shield to protect Najib…on affairs concerning our daily..democratic rights,
    Hi Bakri…go to Allah to pray for the dead..helpless and sufferings…not to protect any UMNO crooks.
    You are 100% pro UMNO in everything you write.
    But it is good for LKS to post it here…to find out…if pro MCA..Limkamput will agree with Bakri.

  12. I think Bakri is writing this for the sake of putting this thoughts in print. He knows as much as I know that hardly any of his recommendations will be adopted. Najib is NOT capable of reform.
    In any case, Bakri has imposed two conditions – “address two critical issues, one relating to his personal integrity and the other, his leadership.”
    Will Bakri be disappointed if I say categorically that Najib will fail on both counts? Bakri is asking pigs to fly!!!!!!!!

    In fact at the mega press conference suggested by Bakri, I would also want PI Balasubramaniam to be present with his SDs and state the reason for his disappearance.
    I would also want Najib to settle the Perak Crisis.

    Bakri is day dreaming.

  13. ‘However first things: Najib has to ensure Malaysians that his personal integrity is beyond reproach.Frontally addressing the many accusations levelled at him
    regarding the tragic end of that pregnant Mongolian model would be a good and essential start.’ Bakri Musa.
    How would he ensure that short of charging all his accusers of spreading lies about him.Better still sue Dubus using French court and win.That would certainly clear out all doubt about this man and he will immediately start his job as PM on a clean slate.
    Come on Musa not on a full press conference open to all, you got to be kidding to say that would clear him!

  14. Malaysia is a beautiful country. Hope that Najib will make it more beautiful. First things first, to unite the people. We are very divided now. The world waits for nobody. We could be left behind sooner than you thought. Najib, do not waste time on in-fighting and money politics, please!! People are struggling for basic survival. Many have lost their jobs and more business are failing.

  15. Wanderer is absolutely spot on. How to correct a system which is already rotten to its core? Use the police? The MACC? They too have been absorbed into that rotten system and hence are incapable of discharging their proper and legal duties. What can one man do (assuming najib is that man which in my mind he is not). They only sensible way is to chuck it out of the window or flush it down the toilet bowl.

  16. The man is not capable of reform. For him to reform is like asking him to commit suicide. He is surviving only on the courtesy of the UMNO warlords and all the political appointees of the various govt institutions.
    To get Malaysia out of this rot the people will have to change this regime full stop.

  17. there is one same article published in 2 news portals today:

    The Australian
    Murder of ‘Far Eastern Mata Hari’ linked to Malaysia’s PM-in-waiting,25197,25225279-2703,00.html

    The Times of India
    Arms deal scam: Death of model rocks Malaysia

    why is malaysia having this type of publicity? this is sad.

    we should dare najis and rosie to sue the new portals till bankrupt!

  18. It is a really tall order for him to change UMNO and the system as he has been part and parcel of the system for umpteen years and has shown no sign of any reform actions.
    But there is always plenty of talk like most of the leaders. AAB with so much popular support did nothing much except give the ACA a makeover.
    Najib with little popular support can hardly do any more than make more interesting speeches. Besides he is also part of TDM’s legacy.
    The way the system works, it will simply be not possible to omit any of the so-called UMNO warlords in the Cabinet unless they change the way they award lucrative projects. Maybe if they adopt open tenders, people may not want to be ministers?
    Malaysia really needs a change of government or we will regress further.

  19. Jan said:

    “He is surviving only on the courtesy of the UMNO warlords and all the political appointees of the various govt institutions.”

    There is another reason. If (only an assumption) he (or for that matter his wife) is indeed the man behind the mongolian woman scandal then he would have no choice at all. He must hold on to power so that with all the power he weilds, he then could fend himself. By the same token, if (again an assumption) he is indeed involved, then he would need to ensure that he stay in power for donkey years like samy in mic.

  20. The worst baggage he has is Altantuya and this will be his Archilles heel for Muhyuddin to exploit to the fullest to wrest power plus the popularity rating on the eve of his ascension,one can reasonably say he would not last more than a term and who knows it might be before the remaining term is over!

  21. Ya,Bakri Musa,you ‘r right,first thing first for NR but I’m afraid he’s been keeping quiet or silence far too long and many have assumed he’s guilty as charged. You can imagine how extremely serious the accusation against him of the murder of a pregnant woman .It’s a double murder indeed.The style of the murder using C4 explosive killing both mother and child,is the most cruel thing I have heard of.The murderer or murderers have committed a highest callous,bloodiest merciless murder and yet the asscurer remained silence is hard to buy.It’s a great pity indeed and I sympathise all malaysians should NR becomes our prime mininister next month.Corruption is another very hard hurdle for NR to tackle in view of the fact that many of his closest aids who ,he ‘s obllgated to appoint to hold ministerial position,are corrupted one way or the other.This ‘s another reason people don’t have trust and confidence in NR’s leadership.Another fact,people don’t like NR is that he’s either been used by TDM for his creed or he’s his sponsor for mutual survival in the poltical arena. I think NR should clear all these murky cloud about him,then and only the rakyat will become to have faith in his leadership.

  22. It’s quite possible some people may have solid evidence to link him to the Mongolian murder. Didn’t RPK expose a military intelligence document implicating his wife? Those who have such documents can squeeze him for favors in the future. Therefore I cannot fathom how a tainted man such as this capable of reform. In fact he’s perceived to carry so much baggage he can easily be blackmailed to the detriment of our country.

  23. Talking about foreign blackmail of national leaders – that is a serious probability.
    There is a story about how LKY was offered something by the CIA. He agreed to the meeting and promptly got the operative exposed thereby enhancing his stature.
    As for any evidence, it should lie with the company that arranged to pay any commissions.
    With such a large sum, I am sure the top directors could not have listed such amounts under “miscellaneous” – I think the Dassault company in France had a case that read like an espionage novel.

  24. Call me a pessimistic if you want, but I firmly believe that, not only Najib, but as long as it is anyone from UMNO there will not be any changes for the better of Malaysia. Even if Tengku Razaleigh is brought into Government he will eventually sing the same old UMNO tunes. All of these currently out-of-favor UMNO and ex-UMNO guys are saying politically-correct things now just because they are out of the gainful circle of Government. I said it 3 years ago and over several times, UMNO will eventually destroy Malaysia.

  25. Dubus the French investigative reporter wrote an expose’ in The Liberation (a newspaper in France) linking the murder to the shadowy world of arms contracts has embarrassed the French warship firm DCNS.Armaris the manufacturer of the 3 submarines has now merged with DCNS sold the submarines to Malaysia for 937 million pounds.Attention was centred on why Armaris paid 107 million pounds (RM541 million) to a Malaysian company Perimekar owned by Razak.
    DCNS has refused to comment and is already subject of a French judicial investigation into corrupt practices thanks to whistleblower who has detailed bribery and industrial espionage allegations.
    Najib has avoided public comment but his politically influential wife,Rosmah told the French news agency that she was ‘shocked’ by attempts to link her husband and her to the case.

  26. sewer treatment plant is where the najis so go.

    i can’t believe it that the government is still pretending nothing has happened when the altantuya case was reported internationally and the PM in waiting was allegedly involved.

  27. “TAKDE CALON LAIN KE??” is an oft-repeated and heard phrase going around Klang Valley lately.

    If NR does become next PM, it is like telling the rest of the world that there is no other more suitable candidate to take over from Dollah. Surely this cannot be true! After 20+ years of ironhanded rule by MM and a soon-to-end brief period of stewardship by his weak but relatively more open and democratic successor, Malaysians deserve a leader who can hold his head high not just within his own political party but more importantly throughout the length and breadth of the country and abroad. If he is truly innocent, NR should step out voluntarily and freely avail himself to the courts over his alleged involvement in the Altantuya murder. Guilt or innocence can only be determined in a court of law, not by swearing in a mosque, church or temple.

    If NR should still become the next PM though I hope and pray it will not materialize, I suggest that we show our disgust by “borrowing” an idea from Earth Hour 2009 – switch off all lights at home from 8.30 – 9.30pm on the day NR is officially appointed. If necessary, we could repeat the exercise on the same day every week thereafter until he gets the message and steps down or is replaced.

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