Najib commended for breakthrough with the handover of the two black boxes of MH 17 and the transportation of the remains of most of the 298 victims from Torez to Amsterdam

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is to be commended for the breakthrough with the handover of the two black boxes of Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 which was shot down in Ukraine on Thursday night and the transportation of the remains of most of the 298 victims from Torez in rebel-controlled Eastern Ukraine to Ukraine-controlled Kharkiv and onwards to Amsterdam.

For four days, the international outrage over the heinous and senseless crime against humanity in the shooting down of a civilian airliner with 298 passengers and crew on board, including 80 children, had been further incensed and aggravated by the gruesome and insensitive disrespect shown to the remains of the MH 17 victims as well as the looting and contamination of the crash site.

But it is still to be seen whether international calls for full, independent and credible international investigation into the criminal downing of MH 17, as well as the United Nations Security Council unanimous resolution last night demanding investigators to be given immediate access to the crash site and calling for a ceasefire in the area, will be heeded by all the three parties to the Ukraine conflict – the Russian-backed separatists, Russia and the Ukraine government.

All Malaysians and the world community as the victims of the MH 17 air disaster come from some 10 countries are entitled to know as to who shot down the MH 17 civilian airline!

But Malaysians and the world must be prepared for a long haul for the horrendous and horrific MH 17 disaster, as experts have warned that the probe into the air tragedy in Ukraine could be a long drawn-out affair which may take up to three years.

Be that it as it may, Malaysians must remain united as one people on the MH 17 disaster continuing to give full backing to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the government to demand “swift justice” against the perpetrators of the crime against humanity who blew the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 jetliner out of the Ukranian skies and murdered the 298 passengers and crew on board in cold blood on July 17, 2014.

6 Replies to “Najib commended for breakthrough with the handover of the two black boxes of MH 17 and the transportation of the remains of most of the 298 victims from Torez to Amsterdam”

  1. Here is my reply to Mrs Russian Ambassador to Malaysia, YOU DON’T GET TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE OTHER SIDE WHEN YOU SINK TO THE LEVEL LOWER THAN YOU ACCUSE THEM OF. After you sink lower, when you mess up , no one cares..

    – its a lesson, some groups here, lesser in character then the Russians, also need to learn..

  2. However, it is not sure if one may deal with the ‘terrorists’ like that, if the rebels were the one to take down MH17.

    Russia’s tactic is to separate Malaysia from the western nations, and mean while to advertise the legitimacy of the separated Republic that dealt directly with Malaysia.

  3. of course, if the western nations turn away from malaysia, we will be in great trouble. we cannot explain why we decided to continue with the route through the highly risky war zone. If you say it was not really risky, then how do you account for the shot down of MH17?

    There is a possibility that malaysia may be left alone to deal with this tragedy.

  4. Najib version of diplomacy is “Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu”. Najib is so hungry for praises that he will try by hook or by crook set to achieve such aim. The question now to ask: how many millions of ringgits have changed hands.

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