Lose the battle, win the war in Teluk Intan

– Raymond Lim
The Malaysian Insider
June 01, 2014

This phrase was written in one of the most popular war strategy book used by global top management schools for business strategies classes and it is called “The Art of War” by General Sun Tzu in 600BC. Yes, Dyana lose in the battle but the result and experiences will definitely be crucial in moulding future political strategies particularly in the next GE14, the war. Why is this so?

To me, the final result should be more devastating to Mah/BN even though Dyana/Pakatan had lost. For Dyana, a non-resident and a political novice to have such close fight (losing only 238 votes compare with a political heavyweight, the number one from Gerakan, born and was well known in Teluk Intan) also reinforces BN’s initial fear that there is now an undercurrent of fast changing political scenario that will not be easily controllable by any political parties in the next GE.

Yes, the Chinese may still support the Chinese or the Malay may still support the Malay and so forth. But, for this young Malay lady, who was given the opportunity to stand with a party such as the well-known Chinese chauvinist-dominated party, DAP, it had without doubt help to open up an era of endless possibilities for those progressive modern Malay who are fearless in their pursuit of what Malaysia should be.

To me, as a Malaysian, I am confident there is still an opportunity for a better tomorrow. The result in the just concluded by-election in Teluk Intan only prove democracy is still possible and all Malaysian, young and old, Bumiputera or non-Bumiputera will be given a fair opportunity to serve the Rakyat if they can prove to their parties. I am also confident that this will not be the only election we see a fight of such nature and temperament. It may turn out to be the way for all political parties to consider when fielding candidates for election.

A benchmark had been set and I am excited to look forward on how this will impact our next GE14 as a true breed Malaysian, even it may takes a long time. Just like any patriotic Malaysian, home is still home and Malaysia is still my home, let us all work towards a better Malaysia.

“Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and have peace with god”. – June 1, 2014.

5 Replies to “Lose the battle, win the war in Teluk Intan”

  1. ///Yes, the Chinese may still support the Chinese or the Malay may still support the Malay and so forth/// – Ramond Lim. That would be insinuating that non Malay voters in Teluk Intan are still racially focused, that’s why Dyana Sofya lost the “battle”. Is this an objective appraisal or a convenient excuse? How does it explain that DAP’s Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz (blogger Sakmongkol AK47) then defeated MCA’s Hoh Khai Mun for the Raub parliamentary seat while Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji had defeated MCA’s Chuah Boon Seong for the Mentakab state seat in Pahang – and DAP’s Zairil Khir Johari had also triumphed against Gerakan’s Teh Leong Meng in Bukit Bendera Parlaimentary seat in Penang last GE? Why in GE 13 non malays even voted PAS’s candidates!

  2. Continuing from post under moderation: There was a drop in votes from not just from Chinese but all races in the Teluk Intan by-election. Is it surprising when you just parachute from outside Dyana Sofya under banner of new race blind politics in “war” against called race-based BN politics’ and ignored the other realities – ie that people /grassroots want to vote someone they know (even the guy Mah from a coalition whose politics they dislike); that even your late Seah Leong Peng who won and knew about his the parliamentary constituency recommended better known candidates like DAP’s Hew Kuan Yau and Chong Zhe Min,Leong Mee Meng who worked at grass root levels throughout the years but by passed – with ambitions sacrificed in name of new politics ? And here you have your PAS partner campaigning for your new politic Dyana Sofya on one hand and advocating old politics of Hudud in Kelantan? If I were a voter working in KL would I come back to vote in Teluk Intan Does DAP not blame its ignoring of these realities or its own inconsistencies?

  3. The system is heavily stacked against meaningful reforms and the opposition alike. The struggle for justice and democracy and accountability must go on no matter what for I believe the will of the people will prevail in the long run. We should never give up.

    The EC came up with a figure of 40236 as the turnout that was different from the figure reported earlier as 39850. The last vote tally totaled 40619 more than 383 votes in excess. Endless possibilities?

    Having had to face the full brunt of the BN machinery was no mean feat. What more it is for a political novice? As to why the Teluk Intan voters voted the way they did, I guess we will have to wait for GE14 to know the answer.

    Dyana Sofya did not lose. On the contrary, she did exceptionally well. We should be proud of her.
    If there is to be any losses, it would have to be the voter themselves. One thing for sure, UMNO Baru will continue to do what it does best – the politics of divide. And Mah Siew Keong can continue to be the “Yes Man” that he is!

    For Dyana Sofya, this is not the last but only the beginning of bigger things to come for her. The DAP should ensure that.

  4. D FACT n RESULT point clearly 2 SOMETHING is NOT RIGHT with DAP/PAS/PKR/PR

    Some1 wrote: “DAP lost this by-election, BN did not win it from DAP”

    True meh?

    Y got “10,000 at DAP’s finale (a m@ssive crowd of over 10,000 people in DAP’s ‘Super Friday’ ceramah), 70 at BN talk” STILL lose 1?

    Future NOT bright 4 DAP/PAS/PKR/PR lah

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