Dyana braver than me for joining DAP, says PAS’s Hadi

MAY 26, 2014

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang toda‎y praised DAP’s Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud as “brave” for contesting on behalf of DAP, saying that such bravery was needed in an opposition lawmaker.

“We must vote in someone who is energetic, someone who is courageous. We consider Dyana as brave, as she is willing to become a candidate, a DAP candidate at that.

“I myself will not be willing to become a DAP candidate,” said Hadi in jest, prompting laughter from the crowd of about 100 PAS supporters at a hi-tea in Teluk Intan.

Hadi arrived in Teluk Intan today to join PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang, as campaigning gathers momentum ahead of polling day on May 31.

Addressing a predominantly Malay crowd, Hadi said the candidate’s character and what he or she stood for, and not race, was important in the by-election.

“If we were smart, we wouldn’t be talking about race. The person who we choose will be our representative and will speak on our behalf in Parliament.

“We believe that this young lawyer, Dyana, if she wins, she will speak out, she will be brave. And she has a role to play in DAP.”

On the other hand, Hadi said Gerakan president Datuk Mah Siew Keong, the Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate, would only be a “yes-man” in Parliament.

Hadi, however, said he feared BN would hand out cash and gifts to Malay areas in the constituency in return for votes‎, “because the candidate is rich”.

“The money is bait. The people here are fishermen, they live near the river. There are clever fish and there are stupid fish.

“The clever fish will eat the bait but avoid the hook. The stupid fish will swallow the hook whole. And they will die,” added Hadi.

Several ministers who have arrived in Teluk Intan to campaign for Mah have promised a host of good‎ies for the people, including faster Internet speed, a crematorium and a wedding hall for the Indian community, and new uniforms for members of voluntary corps Rela.

Mah has however distanced himself from the promises, saying he was only responsible for his own manifesto.

2 Replies to “Dyana braver than me for joining DAP, says PAS’s Hadi”

  1. “The money is bait. The people here are fishermen, they live near the river. There are clever fish and there are stupid fish.” – money can’t buy luv n that is a fact or is it ? but when people are poor/desperate take the money coz it is offered but vote is your own business. vote for justice, fairness, freedom and equality.

  2. Dyana is definitely braver than the rest of you muslim(read Hadi n Pas) or non muslim because she fights for equality and fairness which is what true muslim and other religion adherents preach.

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