‘Do it again and DAP HQ will burn’

Lee Long Hui
May 22, 2014

Umno Youth members issued a fiery warning to DAP, threatening to torch the party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur if its elected representatives hurled insults again.

Angry shouts of “let’s burn it down” and “kill them” rang out at a protest outside the building when Federal Territory Umno Youth chief Mohd Razlan Mohd Rafii asked if submitting a memorandum was sufficient.

He then warned DAP that the next insult would invite a “catastrophic” response.

“If we only wanted to submit a memorandum, we can e-mail or fax it. Remember what happened today.

“I warn you. If you humiliate our party and race again, we will burn this building down – this building, which has produced many racists,” Razlan thundered.

The protest comes in the wake of Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin’s condemnation of his wing’s members who stormed the Penang state assembly building on Tuesday.

Umno Youth is seething over DAP Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer’s refusal to apologise over his “celaka Umno” remark.

Rayer was referring to the protest organised by Umno in January where they unfurled a banner stating: ‘Because of DAP’s leaders mouth, May 13, 1969 happened… Want some more?’

Party billboard torn down

At the DAP headquarters this afternoon, witnesses claimed that Razlan and his men also attempted to burn an effigy of Rayer but the rain foiled their plan.

The 50 odd protesters came armed with banners and placards, which among others denounced the state assemblyperson as a “anak haram” (illegitimate child) and an “idiot”.

Whereas another banner read: “Jangan biarkan celaka bertukar menjadi malapetaka” (Don’t let the celaka insult turn into a catastrophe).

The Umno Youth members had also attempted to tear down the DAP headquarters billboard, which featured the party’s Rocket logo but were stopped by the police and staff.

However, one of the protesters later managed to pull it down.

After negotiating with the police, the protesters were allowed to send several representatives, including Razlan, to hand over the memorandum.

They were received by Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming and DAP headquarters head of administration department Chu Yoon Ming.

However, the discussion went awry went Ong criticised the protesters for behaving like hooligans.

Infuriated, Razlan tore the memorandum and threw it at the DAP MP. He then stormed out of the compound.

When it started to rain, the protesters gathered under the overpass next to the DAP headquarters and left went the rain subsided.

Prior to that, they thanked the police for their cooperation. No arrests were made.

Ong: Khairy must apologise

Speaking to the press, Razlan said the memorandum was to warn DAP against humiliating other races again.

“DAP Indian reps criticise Umno Malays, DAP Chinese reps criticise MIC Indians. That is not the way.

“In Malaysia, we need to protect harmony as we are a plural society,” he added.

He said that their action would fuel the spirit of other state Umno Youth chapters to follow suit and was confident that other Malays would rise up as well.

Contacted later, Ong said he supported the right for the group to hold a demonstration in front of the DAP headquarters, but criticised their behaviour.

“I call upon Khairy to apologise,” the DAP MP said.

20 Replies to “‘Do it again and DAP HQ will burn’”

  1. First we have Umno Youth’s member storming the Penang State Assembly.

    Now we have Umno Youth’s members threatening to burn down the DAP headquarters.

    Is the Umno Youth trying to give a double whammy to it’s leader Khairy Jamaluddin.

  2. If a political party were equated to race, then one, especially a political opponent, cannot ever in any democratic contestation or debate criticize or ridicule that party without being accused at the same time of insulting the race and hence being allegedly seditious. Shouts of “let’s burn it down” and “kill them” constitute criminal intimidation, which is a criminal offence, but strange no one asks the AG to investigate this. Is this country based on rule of law or mob rule?

  3. What ‘transformation’? What ‘change’? What “we know how to handle these things” – a line spoken by UMNO/BN again and again to the non-Malay Muslims and the outside world for decades on the excuse of not doing anything against these people? It completed PROVE that all UMNO/BN has done for the last four decades is merely give NARCOTICS to these people who, suffering from withdrawal from the real world in their doorstep, let loose the demons that they really are..

  4. P.S. Please note, that the whole thing can be USED as an excuse ala Ops Lallang and Mei 13..The last thing we need is for the opposition to react without using stepping up their self-controll

  5. Those who shout the loudest are the mamaks who think that they have the God-given right to this country, ignoring the fact that their forefathers migrated here around the same time as the Chinese.

    Gani Patail isn’t going to take any action even if reports were made against Penang UMNO. The AG’s Chambers, the PDRM and UMNO are abang adik.

  6. Even if these hooligans show up with a few truckloads of gasoline, the Police will not do anything. They will say that it is not illegal to have truckloads of gasoline, and even though the hooligans have threatened to burn down a building, they haven’t done so, and hence haven’t committed a crime.

    Sad state of affairs in this country. Wait for it to burn, and let Nero Najib fiddle while it burns.

  7. Shahidan wants AG to take action against those who insult UMNO. I have insulted UMNO for years. They know where I am, they know who I am. Come charge me then. In this country, being a stupid minister is not a crime, but those who criticize his stupidity must be charged with a crime.

  8. Ai say, man, here in dis 1derful land, some privileged individuals can say openly “SLAP dis person, REWARD RMXXX”, “U say dis, we BURN U, KILL U” – NO problemo 1, fantastico

  9. Shahidan is what Najib called “older leaders who can still serve and enjoy support from members” and together with like-minded Penang UMNO Youth members “UMNO’s “smooth” transformation”

  10. Now that Najib has respond to this incident, I have to say this:

    What is really so horrible about the term “UMNO celaka”?? I don’t condone bad cursing of any kind state assembly or even outside, but the truth is I have heard UMNO people who have been sidelined by using the terms before COUNTLESS TIMES.. What is so special about this term now and lets face it, WORST TERMS HAVE BEEN said even in state Assemblies and Parliament about UMNO by DAP or other parties.

    This is nothing but delusional indulgent rantings of UMNO right-wingers from their own frustrations – and Najib is now pandering to them indicating how low in the cesspool he is willing to wade and spread it around, the deep, deep lowly character that he really is..

  11. so umno youth feel insulted so they retaliate in the most honorable way they can think off, storming the legislative house.pelting eggs with all sorts of insults written,bordering on vulgarity. threatening to burn DAP HQ with, a party with more YBs than their they have common sense.. and on and on, shouting abuse at an MP whose only connection to the perceived slight is that both are from same party. Rayer’s perceived insult from his annoyance pales in insignificance to the self inflicted damage or anihilation of what dignity and honor UMNO has left, which the UMNO youth goons destroyed totally by their so honorable means to redeem their lost honour from the words which mean acccursed..

    so i mentioned this to a malay buddy of mine who actually is an UMNO supporter and I said ” celaka lah betul,,kau penyokong: and he rebuked me ” diam lah lu cina bingai”
    but then instead of threatening to burn my house down , he said ” joom lah , kita gi mamk kena teh tarik” … i said ” Beres” habis cerita..!


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