Hate groups getting louder as long as Putrajaya stays mute

May 09, 2014

In the past week, groups like Isma and others in academia have amplified their hatred for a section of the Malaysian population, going as far as to distort the country’s history to make it clear that Malaysia belongs to the Malays.

It does not help that Putrajaya has remained mute, except for some parties in the ruling coalition making some noises and calling for action to curb such talk. But the dominant Umno and its president, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, remain silent.

Also, these parties are not members of the administration and their voices have been ignored and in fact, Isma has even asked them to shut up.

If the prime minister cannot find it in himself to silence these groups that appear to ignore history and harmonious interfaith ties, then he and his government should just apologise to the Chinese and Christians for their inability to do anything about the matter.

Because their silence has emboldened a group funded and encouraged by the government to spew hatred and distort history of Malaysia – which is just more than Malays, Chinese, Indians as it also includes fellow citizens in Sabah and Sarawak.

The loudmouths at Isma should understand the meaning of the word trespass – the crime of going into someone’s land without permission – but that would be asking too much of the intellectually-challenged.

The fact is, Najib and Umno have encouraged the rise of groups like Perkasa and Isma rather than the usual blame that they rose up because of weak Malay support and stronger Chinese support for the opposition.

Results in the past two general elections show that the swing is among the Malay electorate, as much as it is among the Chinese and Indians – who are a minority in Malaysia.

Perhaps it is time for Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties such as the MCA, Gerakan, MIC and others to give the PM an ultimatum on quelling this dangerous trend of hate speech and distortion of the country’s history.

The PM’s silence on whether Chinese are trespassers will be nothing more than a confirmation that he shares the sentiment of Isma, a group purportedly about Islam but becoming more racist every day.

And that being the case, how can MCA or any other Chinese-based political party justify remaining in BN today? Perhaps the DAP is right, MCA does not want to jeopardise its place in the Cabinet while the Gerakan is still lamenting its loss unlike its former leaders who have the intellectual gravitas to challenge groups such as Isma.

Ultimately, the man whose face was emblazoned on all election posters and who pushed his 1Malaysia concept must open his mouth and speak his mind on this matter.

Does he want 1Malaysia to be a footnote in history or a laughing stock in Malaysia and the world?

Is his deafening silence a tacit realisation that his party is going the opposite way of his ideas and he cannot stop them? Or in fact, he agrees with them on this?

It is time the prime minister speaks, not squeaks. – May 9, 2014.


18 Replies to “Hate groups getting louder as long as Putrajaya stays mute”

  1. YB, it is for certain that this is an approach of intimation especially when we have all kinds of comments based on emotion which is the only source of expression among a great majority Malaysians after 50 years of educational policy based on indoctrination of fearing even one’ s own shadow. The sad truth is we are spending so much time going around such issues that the nation will be left scratching the bottom of the barrel soon; by then those responsible for this mess will have taken the flights of the country [hopefully not in the rebirth of another MH370] This desperate move must be expected as those already fattened because of their ability to spin such issues to the bewildered minds would continue to do so, just to preserve whatever they had extracted out of the nation. Maybe, for a change we just leave fate takes this nation to its destiny.

  2. the hon. PM has other matters on his mind; anwar jailing, karpal’s sedition, rosmah’s expenses, wolf of wall street, kok’s case, malindo air, senile dr. mahathir n so forth

  3. Isma has been blessed by Perkosa-UmnoB/BN 2 run dis 1DERful land leh
    Its president has been asked 2 take over d peeM post n 2 decide on new national policies


    Surely teapot n Perkosa-UmnoB/BN fully support

    We better start thinking of a NEW WAY 2 GREET each other
    NO more handshaking
    Not bcos tak halal 2 hv body contact BUT bcos soon lots of ppl NO hv hands 2 shake lor

  4. Mahathir telling Isma to shut up because they are hurting the country is sheer hypocrisy – HE created these groups with his BTN, Article 121(1a) and Islamisation programs, Perkasa, etc.

    Mahathir is a HACK in every idea he ever has. His ideas ALL ULTIMATELY LEADING TO FAILURE.. Privatisation, Islamisation, Heavy Industrialisation, Education, Judiciary, MSC, etc etc.. None of them any good in the long term, all of them sledgehammer ways of doing things that ultimately we have to fix and pay for his ego and arrogance – and he takes no responsibility when it all blows up..

    Now all he has to suggest is SHUT UP? Its long past that. You have to flush them out in the open, isolate them, cut of their entitlements and susidies, lock them up when they will eventually break the law. Its detailed accountable governance that will break these people.

  5. It would be a disaster for PAS if UMNO were to hijack the hudud issue and sink PAS in the process. Then, we would see that the Muslims who would lose their hands will be mainly from PAS, PR, their supporters, and the young university Malay students who oppose UMNO; but the thieves from UMNO would be left unmolested. Hudud under UMNO would be expanded from its original intention to incorporate other matters: Criticising UMNO would be justification to chop off the hands of PAS Muslims because it would be considered an abomination to go against the keeper (UMNO) of Allah’s “law”. Hudud could be the absolute weapon wield by the abusers of religion to silence their critics. Who can question them when this “law” is claimed to be from Allah and they are the appointed custodians? Look at the Spanish Inquisition when appointed religious authorities abused Christianity for their own selfish interests. Consequently, Europe was plunged into an Age of Darkness.

    PAS will regret the day when it let UMNO usurp it on the hudud question. PAS had not learnt from its bitter experience when it conveniently hopped into bed with UMNO in 1973–1978.

  6. It would be a disaster for PAS if UMNO were to hijack the hudud issue and sink PAS in the process. Then, we would see that the Muslims who would lose their hands will be mainly from PAS, PR, their supporters, and the young university Malay students who oppose UMNO; but the thieves from UMNO would be left unmolested. Hudud under UMNO would be expanded from its original intention to incorporate other matters: Criticising UMNO would be justification to chop off the hands of PAS/PR Muslims because it would be considered an abomination to go against the keeper (UMNO) of God’s “law”. Hudud could be the absolute weapon wielded by the abusers of religion to silence their critics. Who can question them when this “law” is claimed to be from God and they are the appointed custodians? Look at the Spanish Inquisition when appointed religious authorities abused Christianity for their own selfish interests. Consequently, Europe was plunged into an Age of Darkness.

    PAS will regret the day when it let UMNO usurp it on the hudud question. PAS had not learnt from its bitter experience when it conveniently hopped into bed with UMNO in 1973–1978.

  7. /// Hate groups getting louder as long as Putrajaya stays mute ///

    This was exactly the situation 50 years ago just before the racial riots broke out in Malaysia and Singapore. Tunku Abdul Rahman kept quiet when the hate groups were inciting race hatred. Are they trying to do a redux of May 13?

  8. 1M’sia now a HEAVEN n TRAINING GROUND 4 extreme Islamic n militant grps with international links, eg, Syria, Nigeria, the Philippines, Indonesia

    Eg, Somalia’s terrorist grp Al-Shabaab
    Heard of d bl00dthirsty militant Boko Haram (Nigeria)

  9. As shown by the GE13, there are many good malay moslems in the country. Why are these good malay moslems keeping quiet when those bad malay moslems are destroying the good name and the good of islam in Malaysia. The good malay moslems are not doing any thing good to islam by keeping quiet. OMG (oh my goodness); will the good malay moslems please speak up and redeem the good name of islam.

    By keeping quiet, a time may come when people will kidnap hundreds of young girls in the name of their god!

  10. Their law say it is against law interrupt religion officials and neglect religion officials, sound even police have to respect them and can not interrupt them

    What kind of world will be if Malaysia having these situation?

  11. They think they represent the almighty, other interrupt them are like against the almighty. Carry the work effectively by fear/violence/cruelty if necessary? Wondering, is heaven also having these?

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