Alumni: Seminar soiled alma mater’s reputation

May 8, 2014

The organisers of a controversial seminar at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) have discredited the institution which is dedicated to educating underprivileged Malays since 1956.

Dyana Yusoff (left), an UiTM alumni, said the seminar which allowed Indonesian Muslim scholars to demonise Christianity before students was not only anti-unity but also alienated UiTM’s Christian staff and students.

“This incident discredits my alma mater and I, along with many of my UiTM brothers and sisters, are definitely not happy with it.

“UiTM should have organised an inter-faith seminar highlighting shared basic principles across religions to show how our differences are superficial and our similarities are deep, encouraging understanding among different religions and strengthen unity and togetherness,” she added.

Dyana, who is also the political secretary to DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, said participants may have even been duped into attending the seminar.

She said all UiTM undergraduates who were taking Sejarah Malaysia and ethnic relations courses, amongst others, were asked to attend the seminar and with class exemptions given.

“Looking at the title of the seminar, I myself as a graduate from UiTM was pleasantly surprised with UiTM’s openness to discuss a very sensitive issue and encourage intellectual discourse among the participants.

“Obviously, I was wrong after finding out that the content of the seminar was to demonise Christianity in the eyes of the participants.

“As stated in the event programme, there was a slot entitled ‘Christianity threat’ delivered by Tuan Haji Insan L.S Mokoginta from Indonesia,” she added.

Dyana urged UiTM not to stoop so low again in order to satisfy the agenda of certain parties who are “closed-minded, full of hatred and obviously very backwards.”

She also questioned why no action has been taken against the organisers while UiTM authorities were quick to punish student Mohd Fathihie Gadius for posting an anti-GST (goods and services tax) statement on Facebook.

The seminar was organised by Contemporary Islamic Studies Academy (ACIS), Warisan Ibnu Aaby and Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (MAIS).

The event was supported by Utusan Malaysia, Karangkraf Group of Companies, TV al-Hijrah, Zikay Group and Pantai Group of Companies.

6 Replies to “Alumni: Seminar soiled alma mater’s reputation”

  1. I know some very wonderful people who are MARA Alunmi and I urge everyone not be pre-judge anyone from it, but for the life of me, I can’t understand anyone from MARA not knowing or admitting its a RACIST institution no matter what contribution they have done. Those people I know, freely admits it.

  2. what can we expect from this kind of ojipara university?

    the university ranking reflected accurately the standard of our society, all of which are below average. performance of politicians, government servants, …. education is the basis of our society.

  3. Forget Mara, forget Isma, the one that ultimately must land the blame is UMNO and Najib – they are the ones that must pay the price for these things ultimately and its time now, first and foremost.

    Have no one noticed that Najib has not said anything but got some aide to do his expected “cool down” to distance himself from taking responsibility? He won’t even say it himself because he knows he will get blasted with even more questions and demand into the very mess of Hudud, he thought himself smart to play chicken with PAS..

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