A Malaysia where all Malaysians are equal, that’s the perfect tribute to Karpal, says Gobind

by Looi Sue-Chern
The Malaysian Insider
May 06, 2014

The greatest tribute Malaysians could give to the late Karpal Singh would be to build a new Malaysia where everyone will be treated fairly and equally. That was the message at the last leg of a series of tributes for the Bukit Gelugor MP which coincided with the first anniversary of GE13.

Karpal’s son Gobind Singh Deo yesterday urged the people to remember his father’s fighting spirit and see his dreams realised with a new government in Putrajaya in the next general election.

“What is important is to remember how he lived because he was a man who fought for us and this country, believing that this country can change one day… a Malaysia where all Malaysians are equal and treated fairly by our government.

“If there was darkness, Karpal was the light. If there was weakness, it was him who gave us strength.

“But now that he is no longer with us, are we going to back down now because Karpal is no longer with us? Do we stop our fight because he is no longer here with us? Or do we remember the fighting spirit that the Tiger of Jelutong has left behind?” he said at the memorial held in Penang last night at the Hanchiang High School’s Lim Lean Teng hall.

Though there was a drizzle during the event, it did not hamper the spirits of the people, who made their way to the seventh and last memorial which was held to remember Karpal. The late DAP leader died in a road accident at KM306.1 of the North-South Expressway near Gua Tempurung in Kampar on April 17.

National laureate Datuk A. Samad Said recites a poem to late Karpal Singh at the memorial service yesterday. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, May 06, 2014.
National laureate Datuk A. Samad Said recites a poem to late Karpal Singh at the memorial service yesterday. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, May 06, 2014.
Famous faces such as Parit Buntar MP Datuk Mujahid Yusuf Rawa of PAS and national laureate A. Samad Said also attended the event.

Gobind also asked the people never to forget the man and the name Karpal Singh.

He spoke of “Karpalism” – the new word coined to honour Karpal, who fought fearlessly for justice in both his legal and political careers.

He said “Karpalism” means the spirit of courage to speak and fight for the underdogs.

“Is there Karpalism in you? Is there Karpalism in us?

“Will there be Karpalism in the fight to make sure there is a new government in Malaysia in 2018?” he said.

DAP parliamentary opposition leader Lim Kit Siang said the 14th general election should be dedicated to Karpal, whom he called a Malaysian legend.

“The best we can do for him is fulfilling the dream of a Malaysians’ Malaysia where everyone can develop their full potential.

“Let us win the next general election to honour the memory of Karpal, who gave his life for a more just and equal society in Malaysia,” he said.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said Karpal must be remembered for his fighting spirit, his struggle against what is wrong, and the faith and belief he had in the people of the country.

“He believed that as long as we never give up, we will overcome,” he said.

He said his father Kit Siang wept and mourned for Karpal, who was DAP national chairman and his comrade of 44 years.

“He wanted Karpal to be there when PR finally throws out BN… sometimes fate can be cruel.

“Even if he is not here with us, we must make this happen for Karpal (in the next general election),” said Guan Eng, who is Penang chief minister.

Gobind Singh Deo, son of the late Karpal Singh, shares his experience about his father and said that to truly honour the late politician-lawyer, Malaysians must fight for a country that treats everyone equally. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, May 06, 2014.
Gobind Singh Deo, son of the late Karpal Singh, shares his experience about his father and said that to truly honour the late politician-lawyer, Malaysians must fight for a country that treats everyone equally. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, May 06, 2014.
At the memorial, Gobind and brothers Jagdeep Singh Deo and Ramkarpal Singh also spoke of their father, namely the time Karpal was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) in 1987.

Jagdeep said he was sitting for his Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) exams when his father was taken.

He said Karpal told him to proceed with furthering his studies abroad despite the tense situation of being detained under the act.

“He was hospitalised during his detention… he was handcuffed to the bed then. I asked him how he could tell me to study law when it appears that there were no laws.

“My father said: ‘Son, you must always believe in the law and not lose faith.’ That was the man that he was,” Jagdeep said.

Gobind paid tribute to his mother Gurmit Kaur, who stood steadfast with Karpal through thick and thin, especially when his father was detained under the ISA.

He also paid tribute to his father’s aide Michael Cornelius, 39, who used to fast every Tuesday so that Karpal might one day walk again.

Michael, a trained nurse from India, died with Karpal in the accident.

“Michael was the man who stood behind Karpal. I have seen Michael facing difficult situations. He would take Karpal in and out of Parliament.

“But this was a man who was committed in making sure that his boss always stood high in society,” he said. – May 6, 2014.


5 Replies to “A Malaysia where all Malaysians are equal, that’s the perfect tribute to Karpal, says Gobind”

  1. The outpouring of tribute from everyone for Karpal is not matched by some who pushed the Hudud agenda and the AG and judicial system actions..You have got to be blind if you cannot see that what we have is a broken nation, a broken society.

    Paying tribute to Karpal? Those people have moved very quickly to negate it. We are on certain road to failure. Karpal will be given tribute by history whether we do or not. We better worry about ourselves.

  2. D TRUTH of d matter is KS is DOWN n OUT

    No matter how much memorable EULOGIES showered upon him, there R oredi lots of ppl (including his so-called fellow PR kaki) overstepping his body 2 push 4 hudud n 2 CHARGE PR politicians under all sorts of possible Acts

    So, dis 1DERful land got HOPE meh
    Oredi taps r running dry, WATER costs $$$, soon even clean AIR not free any more, costs $$$ + GST (don’t forget)

  3. “A Malaysia where all Malaysians are equal
    NO joke! R U serious, SON of Karpal S?

    U NO listen 2 d president of Isma which said dat Chinese who came 2 Malaya were “tresp@ssers” n are protected until this day, n questioned d citizenship and wealth GIVEN 2 them
    Furthermore, he declared dat dat was a mistake which had to be corrected (HOW – no mention of d SOLUTION yet)

    Sure same same applies 2 Indians n all nonMalays

    Mayb veri soon all nonMalays must TATOO an X on their foreheads 2 indicate dat they r trespa$sers here n paint a big fat X in front of their houses

    Sounds FAMILIAR? Ketuanan Meayu n Aryans

    So, SON of Karpal S, still want 2 build a NEW M’sia where everyone will be treated fairly n equally?

    Can meh? GET REAL lah

    Yeah, according 2 Isma (surely Perkosa-UmnoB/BN too), we r going 2 get a BRAND NEW M’sia where nonMalays MUST truly kow tow 2 Malays

    Famous words of Isma’s president: “Standing in the way of Malay ambition and denying Malays their right in determining the future of the nation is a challenge and an act of overstepping by a foreign race”

    N dat is NOT seditious at all leh

  4. “a foreign race” = a new term n istilah

    When filling gomen forms, under “RACE”, write “non-foreign” or “foreign”, NOT “yes, want to” or “no, don’t want to”

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