Let 100 Karpals take his place

– Robert Chaen
The Malaysian Insider
April 22, 2014

Karpal Singh was Malaysia’s Gandhi. He was killed in a car accident on April 17 at 1.10am.

Karpal once said that even if he is gone there would be 100 Karpals to take his place.

My name is Robert Chaen, the creator of this cause.

As a tribute to the legacy of the Malaysian icon Karpal Singh and the principles he stood for, we request social media users to change your Facebook and other profile pictures to a Karpal picture, and to share this post on their FB timeline.

We want to inspire netizens to have the courage to stand up for your human rights and principles. We want to send a powerful message to the authorities in Malaysia and any nation in the world to uphold the rule of law, that they can’t silence us through tyranny, and they can’t jail us all.

Take a stand for the rule of law today. Sitting on the fence, constantly complaining about what’s wrong with Malaysia, and doing nothing will not change Malaysia.

Gandhi said “Let me be the change I want to see in the world”.

If you love Malaysia, then do something, express your dreams about a better Malaysia, share your values, let your neighbours and the world know the truth of what’s really happening in Malaysia, unite as true Malaysians – without borders of race and religion.

If you think that Malaysia have gone much worse in terms of racial and religious harmony, crime, corruption, incompetence, integrity, weak leadership, judiciary independence, press freedom, and gross waste of taxpayers’ money since the “golden years” of Tunku Abdul Rahman, decide to be the new “change leader” today.

Start with baby steps and little pockets of change with your relatives, friends, and colleagues. And soon it will be a positive social change tsunami…

My two favourite Victor Hugo quotes: “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come”.

“You have enemies? Why, it is the story of every man who has done a great deed or created a new idea.”

There will be people who will hate you for your stand. Have the conviction of the heart, and the courage of the spirit of the Tiger of Jelutong. Know that you are not alone… there are hundreds of thousands of true Malaysians here and in every country on Earth. This is way bigger than Karpal, me, and us…

The only thing I request of you is to stay positive, truthful, loving, giving, empowering, caring, and respecting. But not to stoop so low, so negative and petty as to insult and curse others, to control and bully the defenceless through tyranny and religious punishment.

These people are “toxic, ugly, false” Malaysians. They are so unlike Prophet Muhammad, Christ, Buddha, Shiva, Guru Nanak… that they hypocritically profess to follow.

Netizens can keep Karpal icon as your profile picture for as long as you like say for 7-21 days to have greater impact. Or you can re-post this whenever an occasion for reinforced awareness arises.

You can choose to respect Karpal as a person with your favourite icon picture. Or to respect Karpal as a person with his passionate connection with DAP and its platform.

Like and share this post and Karpal Singh icon with as many netizens here and around the world.

Choose one of the two Karpal Singh icon profile pictures.

One is a silhouette of Karpal Singh and a slogan.

The second one is a silhouette of Karpal Singh, a slogan, and the DAP logo superimposed as he had a passionate connection with DAP in his illustrious career.

The cause slogan reads: I uphold the rule of law. They can’t jail us all.

The second line of the slogan is an adaptation of a Hong Kong public rally on March 2 to protest against the attack on former Ming Pao chief editor Kevin Lau Chun-to, and to rally support for press freedom. The slogan by the organiser Press Coalition against Violence was “They can’t kill us all”.

How to change your Facebook profile picture: copy and save your preferred Karpal icon, update your FB profile picture. It’s that simple. – April 22, 2014.

* Robert Chaen is an international change expert and online pollster. He writes at www.RobertChaen.Wordpress.com and www.Facebook.com/RobertChaen

4 Replies to “Let 100 Karpals take his place”

  1. I think it’s kinda over rated. No disrespect to Karpal. I would rather liken Karpal to David Marshall. But not politically. In the legal service. I believe LKS would agree with me

    Guys & Gals,
    Who was David Marshall? David Marshall was the only JEW Singapore chief minister. Politically, he has done one thing great. Jus soli to all singaporeans. Yes, no even Tunku dared to offer jus soli to Malayans, fearing that Malaya would be overwhelmed with non malays.
    The more remarkable David Marshall’s acts are in the legal service

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