Democracy Tree plaque vandalised

After five days, the Democracy Tree plaque in Ipoh has been vandalised.

The vandals came in the small hours of the night and smashed into smithereens the top portion of the democracy plaque, leaving behind a “democracy relic”. (pic)

How contemptible.

Everybody knows who are the dastardly masterminds of the latest sacrilege against democracy in Perak and Malaysia.

Photo after vandalism“Democracy Relic”
Sacrilege Against Democracy

Photo before the vandalism“Democracy plaque”
Plaque commemorating the Tree of Democracy

52 Replies to “Democracy Tree plaque vandalised”

  1. these people have no respect to democracy..they are still living on the tree and dare not come down while the meeting was ongoing under the tree,no courage to face the voters for fresh polls…
    by vandalising the plaque and go up to the tree again & hide,once again they have showed their gutter tactics.
    Leave the plaque as it it to let the world watch…

    ….Trees Lover..

  2. They raped the Constitution AND NOW, THEY KILLED THE DEMOCRACY……

    Gangster(threatening Karpal), robber(robbed Perakian), thief(corruption), rapist(raped the constitution), murderer(C4)….. you named it, they have it!

  3. This happening brought to my mind, the hooligan skin heads who vandalized the tomb stones of the jews…even the dead offend these low down beings.
    Who did it, no prize for guessing. What can one expect, when we have scumbag leaders in the ruling party who themselves have no respect for the laws, this sort of behavior will undoubtedly follows down to the ranks.
    I wonder what will happen if the opposition do likewise!
    Then again, the opposition are more tolerant and sober minded people, who do not resort to samseng behavior.

  4. Make many more of the same plaque as standbys. Replace the broken ones whenever such vandalism occurs again. Keep the broken ones as proof of the enmity and resistance to the practice of democracy, justice and liberty in our society. Maybe someday such relics should be displayed in museums throughout the country to remind the people of the importance of democracy and the spirit and determination of right-minded people to restore and uphold it.

    The plaques may be broken, but not the spirit of the people.

    It is the spirit that moved the mountains, not the symbols.

    The movement towards a more democratic and tolerant society had been sown on the fateful day of “308”. The message had been delivered loud and clear. It is only a matter of time that that consciousness would pervade and fill the entire country and help push that movement to reality.

    May democracy and tolerance prevail.

  5. I expected something like this to happen. Really disgusting! In fact just last week, I was talking to one of the DAP Perak State Assemblymen and warned him that the tree will be chopped down by the municipal authorities as they will deem it ‘dangerous to the houses nearby’.

  6. For the moment, the democracy plaque was vandalised.
    Later, the raintree will be chopped down and burnt in a u-no-who camp fire.
    Aiyah, see what disaster PR politicans brought to the raintree that grows innocently for so many years without any worry for its survival. Now it has become the #1 hate target of the BN and three toads!

  7. This is the MOST WANTED tree in the whole of Malaysia. I won’t be surprised if they put a RM1million price tag to get it chopped down. PR should know from Day 1 that enshrining this tree will make it very vulnerable from attacks from YOU KNOW WHO.

    Therefore, just let it be symbolic, no need make it physical. It will be a waste of money just to use CCTVs or even humans to guard a tree. You can just have a website dedicated to it, not really a physical plague saying “Here stands the tree of democracy.”

  8. Even if you caught the culprits red handed… make a police report, you will get an outcome 20 years later…..NFA……you already know the answer before you even report the case. Waste of time, energy and effort. By the way, what is the point of making police reports against UNKNOWN, i mean YOU KNOW WHO? you all will know the end result. why waste your resources? NFA is all you get. full stop.


    No, it wasn’t vandalised. According to the 10 witnesses, the shady tree is in a parking area. There was this small-sized woman who reversed her brand new, gleaming KL registered Mercedes Benz car into it damaging a corner of the plaque.

    She limped out of her brand new KL registered Mercedes Benz to inspect at the damage to her car. “Oooops”, she exclaimed when the 10 eye-witnesses approached her. “Not a scratch to my brand new gleaming KL registered Mercedes Benz”, she added.

    She then quickly limped back into her brand new gleaming KL registered Mercedes Benz and quickly drove off.

    You know how it is. Women drivers. Not used to driving brand new gleaming Mercedes Benzes.

    So it was just an “accident”.

    She has lodged a complaint with the Ipoh City Hall to have the tree and plaque removed as it is blocking her new parking space and might damage her brand new, gleaming KL registered Mercedes Benz car.

  10. Ohh! a woman BN political operative. I suggest that the plaque be left in the damaged condition. As a reminder to one and all of of BN dastard underhanded method. Let it be a reminder of the shame called BN.

  11. Well, it was a nice publicity stunt while it lasted. I’m surprised it lasted so long. I hope the plaque was cheap. It’ll make a nice footnote in the potted history of Malaysia one day. Forget it. Move on to something practical. I still like the idea of celebrating the Pokok Demokrasi in a Pakatan Rakyat banner.

    I quite like One4All4One’s idea of collecting the bits and displaying them all one day when this all seems like a bad dream – I suspect there’s an artist inside him yearning for freedom! Make sure when you do get round to crafting your installation that you encase it in concrete and stainless steel, maybe with some bullet-proof glass over it.

  12. Uncle Lim, why not make this tree a logo of the PR? Since Pakatan Rakyat has no logo yet, like the BN’s unequal weighing machine. If you don’t like my idea, why not PR organize a contest to create a logo for the alliance? It is time to make an official logo to champion the party’s ideals!

  13. I used to buy a keyholder with a plaque showing DAP’s rocket logo during 1970s.

    Perhaps DAP should consider making keyholders with a decor plaque showing the Pokok Demokrasi for sale as fund raising item. I believe the keyholders can be sold to the tourists like hot cake!

    There are still many other ways to launch a commemorative publicity on the victory of democracy, besides the democracy plaque. No one is going to be able to successfully stop the proliferation of the ideology of democracy in Malaysia!

  14. Dear All,

    It is a pity that there are still people out there unhappy with the progress of Pakatan Rakyat and would not hesitate to resort to such despicable act. I was told that many people went to the plaque and had their photographs taken while some were clamouring for plaques in different languages so as to reflect the plural society and linguistic used in Malaysia. This goes to show that supporters of UMNO-BN will probably resort to harsher acts if Pakatan Rakyat continues to demonstrate resilience in its fight to recapture Perak.

  15. Yeah, DAP, key rings! Why don’t you have a DAP Shop on your website? Why not sell keyrings, tee shirts, mugs, mouse mats, tea towels, umbrellas, baseball caps etc? Seems like it couldn’t hurt to get your logo better known so it doesn’t look so alien at election times.

  16. during election campaign. toll issue always being used by opposition.
    ‘hapuskan toll” hapus kan toll”
    when times came, opposition already take over selangor state.
    yes, highway is under ROW.
    opposition have execuse to said it. but do PR forgot beisde highway always have a existing old road? lastime when BN control the state. the toll-free old road is poor maintainance and road surface is poor too.
    since PR cant hapus the toll now. they can do is resurface the old road. so rakyat can use the good condition old road to escape the highway.

  17. one more thing, to whom always being local council in selangor.
    they have experience.
    different local council , different guidelines. especially in building department.
    since all is under selangor. why all council guideline cant make it same ? why want to confuse people ?

  18. This type of disgusting behaviour is expected from them Soon the city council will give orders for the whole tree to be chopped down with the excuse that it is ‘dangerous to the houses nearby’.

  19. The ‘Democracy Tree’ plaque was vandalised.

    What happened to the 5 saplings symbolising the “5 pillars” of PR – justice, transaprency trustworthiness, welfare and integrity?

    According to Malaysiakini reports filed by Andrew Ong | Mar 13, 09 Perak DAP secretary Nga Kor Ming told Malaysiakini that Pakatan was not only determined to restore the plaque, but aims to make the memorial multilingual. “If one falls, thousands will rise up. This will not defeat Pakatan’s strong will to defend parliamentary democracy,” said Nga, who is Pantai Remis assemblyperson and Taiping MP.”

    Thousands will rise up?

    That’s like pronouncing death sentence on that 100 year only Angsana tree, already accused of being a tree of “treason”.

    The tree is located on road reserve, which is under the Ipoh City Council jurisdiction. Won’t they not eventually chop down the tree if you keep putting up plaques there?

  20. Take some time off politics, lighter moment tomorrow night, Man Utd vs Liverpool at 8.30pm.

    In the mean time, sonofpenang wanna fcuk off Rooney for his arrogance …

  21. sightseeing Says:

    Today at 13: 32.23 (10 hours ago)

    Do you have anything else to say or add to your comment? You sound like you are happy with the destruction of the plaque.”

    Yes sir, I have. It means democracy is alive.

  22. Put up a new one, then mount a hidden camera to record it. Put the recordings up in U-tube and let the world see that this ruling party (BN/UMNO) destroying Democracy.

    Gather a few samseng anti UMNO, ambush these pro UMNO samseng, and kick the hell out of these f&^kers.

  23. It must be some mischievous monkeys coming down from that tree looking for some free lunch and broke the plague. Don’t blame them for they don’t know what is democracy and how to behave.

  24. Gentlemen, I suggest we don’t waste time with this overaged 101 undergrad. He is at least 60 year old now working in one of those good for nothing and do nothing international organisations – you know organisations that only enrich those who work there and care nothing of the international conditions.

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