Finding MH370 black box, wreckage could take years, says USA Today

The Malaysian Insider
March 25, 2014

The announcement last night that MH370 crashed into the Indian Ocean does little to solve the mystery of its disappearance, as aviation experts say it may take months or years to find the black box and wreckage, USA Today reported today.

It could also take years before an accident report was released with a probable cause, the report quoted experts as saying.

Analysis of satellite data was at a preliminary stage and the plane’s wreckage and the recorders must be recovered before facts were established, former National Transportation Safety Board accident investigator Al Yurman was quoted as saying.

“Some parts have to be recovered and positively identified that they came from that Malaysia Airlines plane,” Yurman said.

Once there was positive identification, investigators “have to backtrack” and find a debris field to determine whether the plane made a controlled or an uncontrolled descent into the ocean, he told USA Today. – March 25, 2014.


2 Replies to “Finding MH370 black box, wreckage could take years, says USA Today”

  1. Sorry world.
    Sorry to say this.
    But do hold your breath for a second longer.
    Just a precautionary move.
    I mean you never know.
    Yeah, of course the official announcement has been issued.
    But you see umno is a bigot party which is full of endless possibilities.

  2. Same as his (Nak Harga pm) first PC, this only second PC called by him was not based on solid evidence, eg. absence of any wreckage being confirmed, so far.
    Hence, his first PC was more on pure SPECULATION basis ” oh, someone switch-off,,,,,, and deliberate action,,, casting guilt on Pilot(s),,, “, BUT ALL unsubstantiated !.
    Now, this second PC more like, rather he is seeking “closure” for himself on this tragic event, as he found himself “scare ! ” to take Q & A and have to scurried away fast like a “RAT” , after PC.

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