The conduct of Umno leaders

– Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
February 12, 2014

In an earlier article, I have mentioned a bit about the late Tun Dr Ismail. Some people cannot accept the comparison saying there’s no need to drag in Tun Ismail in the issue in question. Or saying Tun Ismail’s time was history.

Of course the personal attacks against me continue. I am after all a running dog of the “da PIGs” and my tokongs are the Lim Family. These diatribes and vitriol are of no consequence to me. I, a Malay and a Muslim and a rightful citizen of Malaysia find no contradiction being in the DAP. We can all coexist because we are united and resolute in struggling and fighting for a just, equitable and fair society through the instrument of the democratic process. I hope this can be sufficiently understood by people with sufficient intelligence.

People are free to believe in Umno and what it struggles for. We are likewise free not to believe in Umno.

We reject violence and unconstitutional approach to changing government. That is the basis which unites Malaysians who want to be in the DAP. I find it laughable the call from some Malays that they enter DAP to get into the CEC or get some posts. If they join DAP to get these, then don’t join. Let only those with similar convictions join.

So, in reprising the role of Tun Dr Ismail, what’s the issue? The issue here is the conduct of a leader. And Tun Ismail is a pertinent example for us to compare him and the current home affairs minister who has acted imbecilic so many times. Using Tun Ismail as an example further reinforces our argument about the absence of leadership in Malaysia. Tun Ismail is an example of responsible conduct and to act fairly, justly and in accordance to the rule of law.

One cabinet minister wanted to bring his daughter in law who was from China into Malaysia. Malaysia then had no diplomatic relations with Communist China as well as with some iron curtain countries. Malaysian citizens cannot go into communist countries and citizens from communist countries were not able to come into Malaysia. That was the law in regards movement of citizens between countries with no diplomatic ties. The cabinet minister didn’t have the courage to ask Tun Ismail directly and therefore asked Tunku Abdul Rahman to intercede. Tunku wrote a note to Tun Ismail to help out. Tun Ismail sent back the request with a short reply. YAM Tunku, there is not even a legal provision in our country to consider this case.

I mentioned of a quote which Tun Ismail was fond of saying: “an honest man is not necessarily a nice man.” He was a man prepared to act truthfully and honestly even at the risk of being un-nice. Readers can read more about Tun Ismail from the book The Reluctant Politician. As for me, I will relate some of the nuances and unconscious personal inflexions associated with Tun Ismail. I am sharing some minor details about the life of Tun Ismail which were related to me by someone who worked with Tun Ismail at the Home Ministry for a very long time.

The importance of Tun Ismail lies not in an attempt to paint Tun Ismail as a person bigger than life. He has earned that place already in our history. More importantly, we can treat Tun Ismail for his exemplary conduct – unflinching in holding up the rule of law. In the aftermath of May 13, there was still ISA and I mentioned about it in the earlier article, because that was what was said. I could have sanitised it by saying- if you don’t retract the letter, I will send you to jail.

We are familiar with the saying, with great power comes greater responsibility. Tun Ismail has sought to live to the maxim as honestly and truthfully as he could.

It seems leadership lessons from Tun Ismail are more important nowadays. We have a prime minister who seems to act and conduct himself as a PM for Umno not of the nation. On matters that threaten social cohesion, he has chosen to remain aloofly silent. We then have a Home Affairs Minister who acts and conducts himself as a home affairs minister for Umno and the underground elements. After all he says these people are his friends.

What can we learn from Tun Ismail? He can be cited as an example of a person who acts responsibly with the powers with which he was given. A person should always conduct himself honourably when dealing with others whose fates are likely to be affected by his actions.

Even from the Islamic standpoint, it is more important to exercise proper conduct according to the Islamic principles rather than behaving like a mere Muslim. Especially in these turbulent times, it is necessary and important to distinguish between being a Muslim and conducting oneself according to Islamic principles. In Malaysia as in many Muslim countries, there are many Muslims but little Islam is practised. Absent from daily routine is the tolerance, mutual respect and rejection of violence demanded from the religion of Peace.

Nowadays, many Malays like to portray themselves as Muslims without necessarily upholding Islamic principles. They represent themselves as Muslims through their speeches, clothing and attire and advertise themselves as pious Muslims. But more often than not, their conduct is un-Islamic.

Islam is a religion of peace. But so many among us depict the ugly side of ourselves when interacting with people of different religious and cultural backgrounds. –, February 12, 2014.

* Sakmongkol AK47 is the nom de guerre of Raub MP Datuk Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz.


6 Replies to “The conduct of Umno leaders”

  1. There is no doubt UMNO wanted the status quo to stay and sadly for this to linger on, they have to create a Malay society unable or should not think out-of-the box! Hence any change is deemed dangerous and cannot be tolerated at ALL COSTS! Given a more competitive scenario, all societies will progress , some albeit at a slower pace but over the years, even slow progress will bring along confidence and the guts to face challenges from within and without! Such scenario will awaken the REAL Malays to realize the real situation what what has happen to their aspiration all these years! Not just collecting BRIM 1! Collecting BRIM1 may bring some relief to the bottom 15% of the nation; but along with it your dignity! I have always asked as to why: Malays of my time can learn English as fast if not better than the non-Malays; and now the current generation finds it so hard? Is this caused by the indoctrination of fear of every in English? which can lead to books dealing in religious believes? Does it mean that when the Creator gave the human race the power to think and rationalize and this should be kept in the closet We should all be concerned on the long term impact on this nation; as Malays will eventually become the 90% inheritors of this nation and they will have to face an EVER CHANGING world based on technology and fierce competition!

  2. Believing in umno and BN is like believing pigs can fly. The only reason these goons are in power is to makan suap. Including those so called NGOs like perkosa, etc etc. all in disguise to protect the Malays, royalty and whatnot.

  3. 47% voters sure satisfy from before,now and forever as kaki pencacai Bumno,no need to work somemore.Lepak and do some samseng jobs when needed in between erection.Come close to GE just shout ketuanan melayu,Islam,A gong,hantam PR people sini sana mana mana pun ok,semua sure can kautim,NFC and back to usual daily life.

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