Blog access

Note from sys admin :

We continue to receive complaints regarding access to the blog. Such as,

Sdr Lim, i have no problem accessing to other sites except your blog. I think they blocked your site. Please tell your IT people.

We strongly believe this is mainly due to the damage to TM Net’s
international link to North America via Asia Pacific. The international link named by TM Net in an announcement on 24 February 2009 is APCN2. According to their statement, “TM expects the complete recover of its services by 5 March 2009.”

We also understand that not all streamyx users are affected equally. Those with IP address starting with 118, 115 and 124 are affected severely while those with IP address starting with 60 experience almost no interruption. To check what IP address you are on, visit

You may get around the APNC2 problem by directing the traffic via Europe. To do this, you will have to use a proxy server located in Europe. We recommend the proxy in Britain listed at the following website :

Please note, using the proxy recommended below will not allow you to login to the blog to comment due to limitation of free service.

To set proxy on Firefox in Windows;
1.Click Tools, Options
2.Click Advanced, Network, Settings
3.Click Manual proxy configuration:
4.Key in for HTTP Proxy: and 3128 for Port:
5.Click Ok and you are done.

To set proxy on Internet Explorer 7:
1.Click on Tools, Internet Options
2.Click on Connections, LAN settings
3.Check the Proxy server option
4.Key in for Address: and 3128 for Port:
5.Click Ok and Ok again and you are done.

A note : Please do not use open proxy to login to any online banking website or paypal or equivalent website.


12 Replies to “Blog access”

  1. It is very good of LKS posting this message. Now it is so clear.
    I was about to get the service of a programmer to service and refresh my system….and was told by one honest guy..nothing wrong with my computer…and suspected Streamyx is faulty. Now we know the real reasons.
    Mine falls under 115….and got to live with it till March 5th?
    By that time…they may have other reasons to extend period….so we keep paying for lousy services….exactly like Astro..which is another pain in the arse monopoly business. You keep paying to watch programs repeated and repeated…throughout the whole year…in Discovery channels….movies…and at 711..712…channels!!
    I just stop subscribing on movies…and will see what next.
    We are made suckers by these people!!

  2. Aiyah! Thought I was so lucky when I got that 118 number… one time when the TM Help Desk’s advice to ‘try switching off and on’ is actually relevant! I’ve had 118 addresses since Feb 17, when I restarted my Streamyx contract, but only noticed problems with LKS blog.

    Another alternative to using a proxy is to use one of the search engine’s ‘translate’ pages. I do that to check sites I host from my own desk. Just copy and paste the URL from LKS’ blog into (for example)…, select translate from (for example) Spanish into English. Tada! You get the page from Google! I’ve a feeling they strictly limit the number of times you can use the translate service in any period. Then again, I think most proxies limit the number of times you can use them for free.

  3. My IP address starts with 118 (Kuala Lumpur location). I experience great difficulty in accessing LKS website.

    Most of the delay came from the WORDPRESS page during log in. To overcome this problem wait for WORDPRESS page to be roughly 3 quarter loaded (check green color loading status bar); if you are using Firefox, just click FILE and select “New Tab” and click LKS website. You will find that log in has already completed even though WORDPRESS page (in the old Tab) is only 3 quarter loaded!

  4. Thanks for the info. I checked my IP address. It starts with 60 and though surfing via firebox is reasonably good I do not think it is trouble free. Internet explorer is almost impossible. Logging into my blog accounts are also very difficult. MSN is completely inaccessible.

  5. Some are still having problems with European sites.

    I know friends who actively trade with the US markets but have not been able to do so recently. Some also suffered losses due to the inability to log in into their accounts and were caught with bad positions.

    With TM having and giving all these frequent problems, how does it propose to compensate its subscribers for the inconvenience and trading losses?

  6. how does it propose to compensate
    As usual, show you the way to KLIA!

    I changed my 118 address for a 60 address earlier by unplugging the telephone line from the modem for a few seconds. Plug back in, and I get a new IP address after a few seconds more. I think I got about six 118 addresses and one 115 address before I finally got a 60 address. Try it! It could become the new Malaysian lottery!

    I leave my modem switched on constantly (I host some projects from my desk), so I should have that for a few weeks. If you only switch on when you go online, you’ll have to go through the funny routine every time you want to ‘fish’ for a 60 address.

  7. My modem has got an independant power suppy, so i’ve got to shut off the power supply in order to get a new ip
    Yep one has to try a few times to the get the 60 address.
    By the way one may have a better luck if tried in the morning.
    The 60 add is not completely without problem, but i’ll think it may be slighlty better till march 5th.Just be prepared the march goal post may shift.
    Do you know that you got to get a number even to get a rebate for streamyx lousy service?( No reg number no rebate cos u didn’t complain is their system) The dead guys may take 1-3mths for investigations b4 they finally say,,well your guess is better than mine.
    So if 500 or so Indians bro can brave the water cannons to lodge a complain, what abt armchair warriors? Just call 100, internet, and select bill. make sure you get your number.Just shake the ball shakers balls down cos they got no official complains

  8. Is there anybody here who works as a telecommunication engineer in Intel Penang?

    I need the advice from Intel engineer on how I can bypass Telekom Malaysia’s backbone computer in order to get connected to internet through a satellite service.

    An interruption in the international link of TM Net’s global networking has been cited too often as the reason for the inefficiency in internet services provided by TM Net. Since we already live in satellite era for quite a long time, why should we continue be deceived with such a lousy excuse again and again? If TM cannot perform, then please don’t try lobby the Federal Government in order to obtain the special privilege of monopoly in the telecommunication Business. I am sure there will always be other telecommunication company which can offer a much better service than TM!

  9. how I can bypass Telekom Malaysia’s backbone
    You can, but almost all the options are expensive and crap. Satellite really does work, but it’s quite a long distance for short-wave radio to travel, so rain can cause it problems, particularly tropical rain. Also, the bandwidth available ‘upstream’ is very expensive – most home installations either have very low transmit-to-satellite bandwidth or use your telephone for sending requests, responses arriving from orbit as usual. You can use home satellite for Voice Over Internet, but it would be a disappointing experience, unless you live in the Arctic or the middle of the Pacific and you’ve never experienced anything else. It would be all right, if expensive and slow, for plain old browsing. If you use an out-of-Malaysia (the satellite ground station is overseas) satellite company, and your satellite dish was well designed and maintained, info you transmit would be secure. The information you receive is broadcast from orbit, so any dish can see what you’re receiving. That’s slightly better than normal wireless, where it’s broadcast both ways.

    You could convince some friends to invest in a submarine cable, but I suspect there’s a legal problem – something to do with ownership of the coastline and local seabed. Also, that’s a very expensive option: if you weren’t able to sell bandwidth from it, the cost would be prohibitive. Going by the ruling on FibreComm, I don’t fancy your chances of getting a licence to sell wired access: you might start a monopoly! I think if you could sort out the legal aspect, submarine cable would be the way to go.

    You could use microwave dishes to a nearby country. They also suffer from atmospheric conditions, and I suspect you’d need some very expensive licence to operate high power radio equipment. Cheaper to licence would be packet radio over amateur radio bands, but you’d need a community of people who wouldn’t mess up the licensing side of things by trying to charge for access.

    There is one super-cheap no-licensing method that might just work over a border, and that’s visible light: there’s an open-source project called RONJA from Twibright Labs that uses visible red light (not lasers, so no health issue) to carry 10Mbit/s traffic over a kilometre or so. You’d need 2 friendly people in sight of each other on either side of a border, and a network of people to extend it. You could always try VPNs on the local networks if you were desperate. Although it isn’t laser, the light is lensed, so for someone to snoop your traffic, I think they’d have to get quite close to the line of sight between the two ends – covert snooping would be much harder than with radio.

    One last option, something I just dreamed up while typing, is to try to get something running using NASA’s / Vint Cerf’s InterPlaNet – a delay-tolerant network. All you’d need is a friendly taxi / courier / pizza delivery company somewhere near a border, even a dedicated man-on-a-bike (or several) would do. They’d just drive back and forth between your office and the office on the non-TM network, swapping a drive full of data for a new one at each end. Bandwidth could be vast – possibly GB/s but latency would be awful, it would be like mission control for some deep-space probe. Great for email and p2p, terrible for browsing (for new content, for older than 20 minutes it makes no difference) and impossible for gaming or Voice Over Internet.

    Apart from your own submarine cable, all of these methods would have little problems and quirks, and if you did them yourself, you’d probably experience frequent outages and slow-downs. At least you’d know who to shout at! Satellite is the only real option for avoiding TM’s network altogether (but you would have to avoid companies whose ground station is in Malaysia) – all the other options depend on you being close to a border, or having a continuous network of friends all the way!

    Now that Malaysia has joined the space race, perhaps we should build our own satellite network? The jalur gemilang is a great flag (moon and star) for a space-faring nation, it’s such a pity really…

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