Just as 13GE ended Johore as BN “fixed deposit” state, PR must end Sabah and Sarawak as “fixed deposit” states to reach Putrajaya in 14GE

One of the highlights of the 13th General Elections was to transform Johore, one of the three “fixed deposit” states of Barisan Nasional with Sabah and Sarawak, into a Pakatan Rakyat front-line state.

During the last general elections, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir not only led the campaign to ask the people of Johore to ensure that Gelang Patah become my “kubur”, Barisan Nasional leaders talking about making Johore into an “zero-opposition” state.

In the event, Johore achieved the greatest political breakthrough for Pakatan Rakyat in the 13GE, increasing from one parliamentary to five parliamentary seats (500% increase) and six State Assembly seats to 18 State Assembly seats (300% increase). In popular votes, Pakatan Rakyat achieved the biggest increase of 10.3% from 34.7% in the 12GE in 2008 to 45% in the 13GE – transforming Johore from a BN “fixed deposit” state into a PR “front-line” state.

NEGERI PR% 2013 PR% 2008 PR Change (+/-)
PERLIS 44.3% 39.9% 4.4%
KEDAH 48.5% 53.2% -4.7%
KELANTAN 53.7% 55.0% -1.3%
TERENGGANU 48.5% 44.7% 3.7%
PULAU PINANG 67.8% 63.0% 4.8%
PERAK 54.7% 53.3% 1.4%
PAHANG 44.4% 40.5% 3.8%
SELANGOR 59.4% 55.4% 4.0%
W.P. KL & PUTRAJAYA 63.9% 61.6% 2.4%
NEGERI SEMBILAN 47.3% 45.1% 2.2%
MELAKA 46.2% 42.6% 3.6%
JOHOR 45.0% 34.7% 10.3%
SABAH 35.9% 32.5% 3.4%
SARAWAK 37.3% 28.3% 8.9%
TOTAL MSIA 50.9% 47.6% 3.2%

The table above shows that apart from Johore, which registered a 10.3% increase of voter support for PR, Sarawak is the second state with the largest increase of voter support of 8.9% for Pakatan Rakyat in the 13GE as compared to 12GE.

The five states where Pakatan Rakyat retained majority popular voter support in the 13GE are Penang (67.8%), Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (63.9%), Selangor (59.4%), Perak (54.7%) and Kelantan (53.7%).

Just as 13GE ended Johore as BN “fixed deposit” state and transformed it into a “front-line” state, PR must end Sabah and Sarawak as “fixed deposit” states to reach Putrajaya in 14GE.

I have said that bnased on present redelineation, the Battle for Putrajaya in the 14GE will depend on the outcome in 80 marginal seats – 51 presently held by Barisan Nasional and 29 from Pakatan Rakyat.

Taking more than 55 per cent vote secured in the 13GE as a “safe” seat, BN has 82 safe seats while Pakatan Rakyat has 60 safe seats.

In the 13GE, Pakatan Rakyat won the popular vote but robbed of Putrajaya as Barisan Nasional is the federal government with the majority of seats – 89 for Pakatan Rakyat as against BN’s 133 seats.
If Pakatan Rakyat had won another 23 seats in the 13GE, PR would have the simple majority of 112 out of 222 seats.

In the 14GE, apart from retaining all our 89 parliamentary seats, Pakatan Rakyat should not just aim at winning 23 of the 51 BN marginal seats, but should aim to double this target to win over 46 out of the 51 BN marginal seats so that the Pakatan Rakyat can win a total of 135 out of 222 parliamentary seats with a parliamentary majority of 48 – with the seats evenly distributed among the three Pakatan Rakyat parties, i.e. PKR, PAS and DAP each having 45 parliamentary seats.

At present, DAP has 38, PKR 30 and PAS 21 MPs. This means DAP has to win another seven parliamentary seats, PKR another 15 and PAS another 24.

I call on all DAP veterans and supporters to help, NOW and not until the 14GE whether in 2016, 2017 or 2018, Pakatan Rakyat to achieve the goal of winning not only majority popular vote but majority parliamentary seats in the next general elections, with the target of 45-45-45 seats each for DAP, PKR and PAS as everyone’s individual patriotic mission.

(Speech 2 by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Gelang Patah Lim Kit Siang at the DAP Veterans Club Fourth Congress in Butterworth on Sunday, 17th November 2013at 10 am)


3 Replies to “Just as 13GE ended Johore as BN “fixed deposit” state, PR must end Sabah and Sarawak as “fixed deposit” states to reach Putrajaya in 14GE”

  1. Not only should PR go all out to change the fixed deposit in Sabah and Sarawak into an ordinary account, it must also attack the last bastion of UMNO.
    And that is the civil service and the armed forces.
    Make the federal government as insecure and jittery as possible.

  2. SURE can 1 aaah? Can meh? Sabahans n S’wakians r different 1, U know
    Just look at PKR’s record in Sabah – kaki elected in GE13 on PKR ticket, in less than 1 yr, r hopping, stepping n jumping OUT of PKR/PR 2 bcome independent first (then with better $$ fr d dark side later, will rakyat b surprised 2 C them induced 2 masuk d dark side?)
    What happened 2 d ex-DAP’s Jelapang hee hee hor hor rich kaki?

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