Dissolve Perak State Assembly and hold state election

Perak Pakatan Rakyat Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is to have audience with the Sultan of Perak to seek the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and to hold state election.

Returning to the voters of Perak to seek a clear-cut mandate for the government of the state is the most honourable and democratic manner to end the political crisis in the state.

307 Replies to “Dissolve Perak State Assembly and hold state election”

  1. We love Pakatan Rakyat….
    We pray for it successes…
    Hope The Sultan of Perak will give his consent to dissolve the DUN..
    We the rakyat knows thed irty tactics played by the BN…
    We the rakyat esp from perak will fight till win for PR……

  2. Since Raja Nazrin said “Ruler needs to be neutral, non-partisan”…….so by being one (neutral) , let the rakyat decide whom they want to govern the state of Perak.That is the best give that the Ruler can give to Perak once and for all for a true and genuine stability.

  3. I sincerely pray that the Sultan of Perak will consent to the
    dissolution of the Perak State Assembly. Let the people in Perak
    vote the right government and end all this political crisis once at
    for all.

  4. Is there such a thing as unity government?

    Am sure majority of the people of Perak rejects BN.So how can there be “unity government”.

    The most appropriate way is to give way for a fresh state election and allow the people to decide once and for all.

  5. I have no doubt that BN has and is playing dirty in all this.

    But that apart, I think that PR needs to vet their candidates carefully before putting them in the race. The fact that it has come to this doesn’t augur well for PR.

    How do you expect the people to trust you when you can’t even keep your own house in order??

  6. If what has been said by our Perak ruler is sincere, then let the perakian to decide what is the best. we as perakian will support the state government of the pakatan rakyat. actually what has been done by the BN has made rakyat feel more anger and lose faith especially during the economy downturn. they should assisting the state government instead of making everybody miserable.

  7. Imagine the previous two PKR aduns that we trapped as being corrupted.And after their court case (if ever there is one) and were found guilty……what can they do besides being jailed?

    Can’t the royalty pardon them instead knowingly this is all Bn’s game afterall.

  8. New state elections are definitely the right way to go. By allowing the rakyat to give a clear mandate to the party of their choice, Perak will not need to go through long-term pain. Get this thing over with by having new state elections, and let the rakyat kick BN’s butt out of Perak for good.

  9. YES.. YES… YES … it’s time for Najib to lose as BN Perak Chairman !!!

    I am sure His Royal Highnesses knows the best. I am sure I will return to Perak to vote for Seah and I know many will do the same.
    I am sick of this game by BN.
    Also, bravo to Nasarudin for being so brave to go against Goliath.

  10. KUALA LUMPUR, Wed:http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Wednesday/Frontpage/20090204151444/Article/index_html

    At 4pm, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin will engage simultaneously in the destiny of the Perak Government — Najib to announce that BN has the numbers to form a new government while Nizar will seek the dissolution of the state assembly to clear the way for a snap election. Who will prevail? Reports after 4pm…

    Earlier, Nizar postponed a Press conference scheduled at his office at 1pm. His aide Wan Ahmad Junaid told reporters expecting a major announcement on Perak’s political crisis that they would be advised further. No reason was given for the postponement.

    However, in a hastily-called Press conference, Nizar said he is seeking the dissolution of the Perak assembly

    Chronology of events today
    10.45am: Members of the media rushed over to Jelapang assemblywoman Hee Yit Foong’s house in Taman Ehsan after being tipped-off that she might give a Press conference. It turned out to be a false alarm.

    12.30pm: Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin called for an emergency press conference at his office at 1pm but was postponed with no reasons given. However, word has it that he was to announce the dissolution of the Perak assembly.

    1.40pm: The wire services issued a flash that Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is calling for a Press conference at 4pm in his Putrajaya office, presumably to make an important announcement on the political status of the Perak Government.

    3pm: Members of the media rushed to Istana Kinta after learning that Nizar Jamaluddin is seeking an audience with Sultan Azlan Shah.

    3:40pm: Nizar told the NST that he has won an audience with the Ruler at 4pm. Nizar is believed to be seeking for the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly to clear the way for a snap state election.

    4:10pm: At Putrajaya, Perak BN assemblymen have assembled at Najib’s office.

  11. The UMNO government knowing what the outcome is going to be will definately fight desperately NOT to have a State Election in Perak at this time. A crushing defeat of BN here almost certainly spells the end for them and most indicators are pointing that direction. It would be interesting to see what kind of dirty tactic they will come out with next to avert the Perak State election.
    As I see it the Sultan of Perak will not have very much option other than to allow the State election. This is because the current predicament of having only a razor thin majority by PKR is highly unstable, and knowing BN, they will use and waste any amount of the country’s resources in its hand to induce some more cross over to take over control of the State. A State election will assauge the build up tension and prevent a prolong period of uncertainty. The majority by PKR from the by election will be so overwheming that it will dash any faint hope the BN has for a return.

  12. What we are witnessing right now in Perak is the display of sheer arrogance by the BN people thinking that by enticing a few law makers over to BN side, they will have a rightful state govt. Can such a precedent be allow in the first place ? Trying to do another Sabah style of showdown where PBS was dethroned in similar fashion. Well, all I can say is that even if they ( BN ) is able to take over the state of Perak by such devious mean, they will eventually lose out. As the saying goes, winning the battle but losing the war. Are they not robbing the people of Perak with such callous way ? Can His royal highness permits such a takeover if consent to dissolve state assembly is not permitted ?

    Just too many unknown questions. In any case, the PM to be has just shown some of his true colours even before he sits on his rightful throne. So people just be extra careful and don’t play, play as Phua Cho Kang said. Whatever is the outcome, we still have to face the economic downturn and to struggle to put food on the table for our family. To those corrupt politicians, since you have sold your body, soul and spirit, may you be so bless with those sudden windfalls. Let your conscience pricks you all the days of your lives and in search for peace, you will find it wanting. In search of joy, you will find sorrow and since you choose money, fame and power as your god, the devil as your immediate partner’s is not too far off.

  13. Who says Malaysian politics isn’t exciting? The Star is updating its “Nizar seeking…” story online every few minutes:

    Update 5: Still no news…

    It’s a cliffhanger! I’m going to fetch the kids from school, hopefully there’ll be a new Malaysia when I get back!

  14. To be fair to PR, they did not expect such widespread wins in the last G.E. so many of their candidates were stand-ins and not chosen carefully. In fact, PR did not even exist before the G.E. However this time round, PR must choose their candidates carefully.

    The fate of Perak lies with the Sultan now. I believe there is hope that His Majesty will act fairly and allow snap elections. My belief is based on the following:

    1) Raja Nazrin gave a strong hint when he said the Ruler must be above politics and act fairly and impartially.

    2) Allowing a state election instead of handing the govt over to BN on a 1 seat majority is the only way to be seen to be impartial.

    3) The fact that the Sultan agreed to see MB Nizar so soon is telling. If the game is for BN to take over, don’t you think the Ruler will delay until after Najib has made his announcement?

  15. This turn of events is not surprising. The only surprise is that it took so long for some PR reps to be bought over, perhaps they were haggling over the crossover price and conditions. In Malaysia, few politicians are in politics for the good of their constituents, many are there for what they can get, and it shows. It shows in so many ways, big and small, and this is the curse we have to put up with living in Bodekland. I hope for a snap election for the people to decide, anything less is an affront.

  16. Hee should never be forgiven for such a betrayal to the Rakyat. Her excuses about differences of opinions with DAP leaders in Perak are shown to be lame now. If she just disagrees with the DAP leaders, she can be an independent that is still “friendly” towards PR, but instead she is clearly siding with BN. Now the world can see that it is because of greed.

  17. PR will win hands down!!! DONT Worry, be happy!!! with economic crisis etc. etc. BN will fail miserably!!! It is not to BN advantages if election is called now!!! especially with the same reasons as with recent KT election results!!! UMNO BN and its partners are still talking about possible change in their party and yet PR had already implemented many changes but some were prevented by the federal govt like land reforms!!!
    Go!Go!Go! PR!!!

  18. ///4:10pm: Bota Assemblyman Nasarudin Hashim makes surprising appearance at Najib’s office. Also making a surprise appearance is DAP Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yit Foong. Two so-called independent assemblymen who quit PKR, Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu, are also present.

    5:15pm: Najib announces defections of four PR assemblymen into BN and declares that BN has the majority of state seats to form a new Perak Government. ///

    It is understandble that the present and former UMNO members hop around, but not Hee Yit Fong. She should be remembered as the person who brings down the Perak government, and should be cursed for generations to come. Unless Hee joins as a direct
    member of UMNO, the BN component party that accepts her will share the blame, and will certainly lose their pants, should a new election be held soon.

  19. All PR partners should start choosing the right candidates or already done so for all the constituencies!!! Another thing is the seat allocations!!! Iron out all this and Perak will be in the hands of PR for the next Century!!! Hahahahahahahaha

  20. SHAME SHAME ON YOU “HEE” How can you do this to people of PERAK. we selected you not BN, you are the shame of the people of PERAk.
    Dear Perak
    We have to work hard and go all out again for PKR.Long live MB of PERAK we love you.

  21. From the outset, I knew there was something not right with “HEE” when she said she turned off her hand-phone because she was sick. If DAP people wanted to find out her where about, they could always contact her husband because they had his phone number.

    Normally when we are sick, unable to go to work or cannot attend a meeting etc, the first thing we do is inform our superior or the person in charge of the meeting. We don’t wait for them to call us. It is very clear that “HEE” had already planned out the plot at an early stage to handover the Perak government to BN.

    She has betrayed the Chinese of Malaysia and stupidly ruined her political future.

  22. Yet another of the shameful political dramas engrossing Bolehland! People elect representatives not only as individuals, but also for the political party they represent. So how on earth can elected representatives jump from one party to another when they were in fact given mandate by their constituencies to represent them because of the party they belong to. This is gross misuse of trust and should be treated as such. There must be laws to tackle problems of this nature and to protect the interests of the people. These people are so corrupted that the only reason they are in politics is so that they will struck it rich one day. Little wonder that they would happily jump ship when RM10million (or is it RM15million?) is offered. Most Malaysians would never in their lifetime see RM1million.
    Too much is at stake for that Najis fler at this point in time to lose the game. He will do whatever to ensure he gets to become the PM comes this March, money politics is small game to him when you consider what else he is capable of doing! God helps us all when he does become the PM. Shudder to think what he will do to opponents standing in his way when he attains the highest and most powerful office. Mahatirism would seem like child play!!!

  23. As I had said before, the political turbulence or Tsunami sucked in all the good, bad and urgly during March 08 GE!!! It is time to test the real gold with fire!!! field in people with genuine desire to serve instead to be served!!! Remove all the bad apples based on track record, it is enough to see the track record based on 9 months performance!!!

  24. One wonders why a woman who struggled with her political party for 20 over years, and serving her people as 2-term ADUN would choose to do so…

    She deserves the bashing… but apart from that… the DAP should seriously ask the question… why?

  25. To BN govt, all the money belongs to them and it is right that they use it to their advantage to keep them in power to enrich themselves further, what is paying RM15 millions when they can get RM15 Billions or RM150 Billions in returns not for Malaysian but for their own pockets!!! BN and other crock politicians are the best businessmen in the world!!! They dont have to study MBA to do this!!! It is in their genes!!!

  26. The Sultan of Perak will decide whether the state assembly is dissolved, or the BN is allowed to take over the Perak state.

    If BN is allowed to take over, one can expect that Anwar will be allowed to do so if he has the majority in parliament. If Perak has a new election, then Anwar can only hope for a new election should he be able to gather enough frogs.

  27. The BN devils are very smart, they will sweet talk just like the MCA guy caught in Singapore for bribing a policeman!!! E.g. This is what they will say “What do you get by working so hard for so long and yet you are only driving a proton saga and live in small house!!! You and your childern dont have to work for the next 1000 years if you just accept our offer to cross over!!!”

  28. So now we all know where all the 7 billions “stimulus package” went to.It all went to stimulate some PR defectors into BN by hook or by crook as Anwar puts it.Am not surprise if this will also happens in other states.

    BN surely read Sun Tzu well(knowing everything like the back of its palm).I guess PR needs a lesson in this as all is not loss.BN are many steps in front of PR in this game of getting Defectors to cross over and it surely caught PR by surprise.It is just like a game of chess.Pretend to go One step backward and all of a sudden 5 steps forward or probably 6 steps forward or ahead in order to be very safe.They have been in communication with probable defectors ever since right after the 12th GE even without the knowledge of PR party people.It’s something like “stealth” and caught almost everyone with their pants down.PR may not acknowledged this but it is ok..as along as they do learn this hard lesson which do now come in any workbook.It is through experience.That shows how smart BN are in such a game and PR really need to learn to be wise..many times more so.As i said all is not loss…..and in every game of chess…….arrogance and being extremely confidence may also lead to down fall of BN Like a DOMINO.I think what BN read was just Sun Tzu but unfortunately they did not read the book that Sun Tzu wrote that were never published at all and this will DEFINATELY LEAD BN to FINAL DESTRUCTION ONCE AND FOR ALL.Poor BN

  29. I think it will be hard for PR to re-take Perak. Don’t underestimate the destruction power that BeEnd have. It even worst if headed by the bloody najis.

    “I will bathe my keris with Chinese Blood.”

    Who was really responsible for Mei 13? I don’t think it was Tunku.

    Now kerismuddion is joining the force.

  30. Hee is just another Lee Lam Thye in the making, selling out herself for benefits. I bet before long we can see a Dato’ Hee or Tan Sri Hee just like LLT! These people simply do not have principles and are easily swayed!

  31. If Hee really loves her family, then she should not have accepted the money offer from BN. What is the point of having a lot of money in her bank account but her family will always have to live in fear of being robbed or being kidnapped, especially when she is still required to carry out her duty as the state assemblyperson in such a country with high crime rate? And I believe not many people will want to learn her a helping hand if he has to be extorted or kidnapped or robbed in front of the public. Afer her defection, the electorates will probably spite on her if she is to walk on the street. What benefit can she really enjoy even if she can become rich in overnight?

    However, if Hee has the intent to keep the BN money and then donate it to DAP as campaign fund in Sarawak in the coming Sarawak State Election, that will be a totally different story to be made up? We can only pray for the best for DAP and Hee at the present chaotic moment!

  32. Did anybody see The Star 4th Feb 2009:

    KUALA KANGSAR: The Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah said the monarchy could be reduced to a “museum piece” if it was affected by misdeeds.

    Perhaps he wasn’t expected to get his opportunity to decide on the fate of the monarchy so soon.

  33. Hee kampong near my kampong…

    dun tell me she is deaf to hear Perakian laughter after PR in control… i believe she forgot her tough time in fighting RAKYAT rights and justices…

    maybe she’s busy counting money now…

    may GOD bless Perakian and hope DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah remember the days Perak under unscrupulous Barisan Najis dictatorship…

    WE WANT PR…!

  34. Although BN claim to have simple majority and qualify to form Perak state government, the fate of the two assemblymen is still unknown until they have been tried in court on their alleged corruption. If they are convicted, there may be by-elections. If PKR win in the by-elections, they will have 2 more seats and may nullify BN simple majority.

    The political situation is very shaky and complicated. The MB of Perak should also point out to the sultan of Perak, possible conviction of the two assemblymen by the court and its repercussion on the state’s political stability and request for dissolution of the state assembly.

  35. Gone, brothers! BN grabbed Perak from the back door. And all of us are sad now. Deep in our heart we shout \FIGHT IT BACK, NO MATTER HOW\!

    This is not the case of \bathe my keris with Chinese Blood\ (//concerned_citizen//), Pls stay away from that statement!

    ALL PR members, including all the best MALAY USTADs in Malaysia are with you, beside you. PAS will make sure all of us will get PERAK back into our hands. I am not sure about the Malays in PKR – they can be bought! Even a lady from DAP can also be bought. But look: Nobody managed to buy PAS!!! See!

  36. Mdm. Hee, you disgraced all Malaysian Chinese!

    Your party had given you the chance to work as a full time politician for the past years, and now you just turn your back on them and played the deciding role to crumble PR in Perak?!

    Don’t give excuses; if you are not able to go by your party discipline, out you go but why at this time? I salute you because this may be the best time for you to ask for the best price. Of course you would say no. If I were you, I would stay as independent but declare as PR friendly just to shake up your party, if you think really there is such a need to teach them a lesson. But, you’re for the dol…….! Surely you would find excuses next to retire from politic to enjoy your fortune, ci-la-ka, ‘mei-ku-chi’, ‘sia-sway’!

    Really hope that Nizar would get the consent of the Sultan to dissolve the state assembly.

  37. Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim is to be blamed for the present messy state of affairs. He started the ball game but was handicapped with no big windfall money to offer for effective cross-overs to materialise. Instead, it has now back-fired on Pakatan Rakyat.
    We need to be clean in everything we do! Perak will need a fresh mandate!

  38. If a new state election is not held, the Perak government will remain unstable. There is a possibility of “jumping” happening again either way anytime. Mahathir is right that UMNO has stooped so low to accept DUNS tainted with corruption. Obviously dirty deals were made. With the defections to BN, it will be no surprise corruption cases dropped, a few million in contracts made here and there. Let’s see how wise ruler is.

  39. There is a time when people of principles must speak out in righteous anger. Now is such a time.

    The treacherous betrayal of any elected reprsentative by defecting to another party is something very sad, shocking and shameful.

    Such a person has no moral principle and intergrity as he or he gives the unkindest cut to the party that has groomed him or her, nominated him or her for the election, supported his or her election campaign.

    Such a scum, an offscouring of humanity and a person without moral values and principles, a pariah to boot, has betrayed those who gave him or her their votes at the election and is not worthy of any respect, honour or dignity.

    The betrayal simply reflects the dark side of such a person who definitely lacks moral values, having no self-respect, personal intergrity, honesty, accountability and, above all, no god-fearing conscience.

    Such a person is shameless, has no sense of human dignity, and it is well that his or true colour is exposed by the disloyal, traitorous and perfidious defection.

    Perhaps, it is time we should demand that certain measures be taken to ensure that a candidate selected and nominated for an election be made to:

    (1) Make a sworn declaration which will be printed out as part of a personal election manifesto (see sample below),

    (2) Declare his or her personal and family assets publicly in the printed election literature,

    (3) Register with the Election Commission (EC) the sworn delcaration, together with a signed personal letter authorising the EC to declare his or her seat vacant in the event he or she resigns from the party that has fielded him or her to stand for election. This should be done when his or her nomination for contest has been accepted by the EC.


    This document acknowledges and confirms that I, _____________________________________,
    MyKad No: __________________,
    hereby declares under oath that:

    1. I am a candidate selected and nominated by the Demoncratic Action PartY (DAP) to stand for the general election / by-election on ________________ for the parliamentary / state constiuency of _______________,

    2. I am at all time merely standing for the said general election / by-election as an official representatitive of the DAP and am not representing my own individual person.

    3. I am therefore required and obligated to vacate the said parliamentary / state seat I won at the said general election / by-election as an official representative of the DAP if I resign or has been sacked as a member of the DAP.

    4. This declaration under oath is made by me voluntarily, without any pressure or force from anyone, in the presence of three witnesses, namely

    (MyKad No: ____________),

    (MyKad No: ____________),


    (MyKad No: ____________).

    5. This declaration under oath constitutes my own personal legal action and obligation as a person with self-respect, honesty, credibility, accountability and integrity, and I will, at all times and under all circumstances, including in a court of law, affirm it without reservation as my free and true conviction.

    6. This declaration under oath is duely attested, confirmed,and ratified by my own personal signature and thumbprint to be the true and final testament of my status as merely an official elected representative of the DAP and that I will be legally obilgated, without doubts or questions, to vacate my elected position the moment I cease to be a member in benefit of the DAP.

    7. If I ever violate the terms and conditions stated in this sworn declaration, which I accepted and signed without force or pressure, I shall be liable to pay a sum of RM2,000,000 (two million ringgit) to the DAP.

    Signed on this day of _________________

    and accompanied by my thumbprint


    in the prescene of:

    Witnesss 1: _____________________(MyKad No:_________)

    Witnesss 2: _____________________(MyKad No:_________)

    Witnesss 3: _____________________(MyKad No:_________)


  40. The people of Perak should leave the Sultan in peace to make his decision. Let us all see whether BN’s playing of dirty politics, together with the 4 kataks played at a time when the state is supposed to be celebrating the Sultan’s silver jubilee will end up with. The BN bunch acted like the Sultan did not exist.

  41. Dear All,

    It appears that UMNO cleverly used the same gameplan by Anwar to knock the Perak government off balance. As a Perakian, I am disheartened to note that all parties concerned have not sought the views of the people of Perak regarding the current political development in the state. As Perakians, I certainly believe it is our right to determine who we want as our state administration. As it currently stands, the fate of our beloved Silver State is being held and manipulated in the hands of several self-serving politicians. This is certainly not the way forward.

  42. Najib announced that with the support of two persons who had submitted letter of resignation on their seat in the state assembly, and an ex-DAP assembly man, BN had the number to form the government for Perak.

    Najibs’s announcement was made on doubtful basis. Are the two persons who submitted letter of resignation legally entitled to claim to retain their status as members of the Perak state assembly? Has the EC the institutional authority to deny the request by the state government to hold by-election on the vacancies created, as viewed by the state government? Since both issues could end up in court, the announcement by Najib was premature. Now that the MB of Perak has sought approval for the dissolution of the Perak state assembly, and if his wish is granted, the action of EC, and the claim by Najib would be irrelevant. Otherwise the new state government would be seen as seizing power with attendant doubts. The Perak state would be in a state of emergency.

  43. Malaysiakini reports Sultan Azlan Shah defers decision. “It is now up to Tuanku”, Nizar adds with a smile. The meeting lasted almost two hours.

    Why is he smiling? Is there hope?

    As for ‘political prostitute’ Hee, what is the use of gaining wealth for 3 generations but cursed for 7 generations?

  44. Things seem to be getting from bad to worse. Both sides are playing with fire here. Having another state election does not guarantee that we won’t come back to the status quo. Probably it is time to attempt to form a unity government? It’ll be interesting if things go this way (if it is legally allowable that is). This will teach these two parties that whether they like it or not, both PR and BN have to learn to live with each other and work together for the betterment of the country!

    By the way, why is it that when someone defects from BN to PR they are called heroes and are doing so for the rakyat. Then when someone defects from PR to BN they are labelled as corrupt, unethical etc.??.. Double standards and hypocrites are abound in this forum!

  45. Nasarudin re-joining UMNO… It is beginning to look like PKR took BN’s bait… hook and sinker in their obsession to seize power even if it means taking on board candidates with dubious credentials. ;)

    I am just shocked to read that the Perak government has collapsed. My dear friends….Take this as a lesson:


    PKR leadership learn by now that it is better to exercise the mandate given to them by the citizens with wisdom. All is not lost. If the Perak government is not dissolved, accept the decision and focus on serving the people who placed their trust in you. If you use the mandate given to you to sincerely serve the people it should not be a problem to take over the government in the next general election.

    I am as disappointed as everyone by this situation but I think one should reflect on what went wrong for this to happen. We should examine especially at the PKR leadership with sincerity and with a view to improve on any weaknesses.


  46. “By the way, why is it that when someone defects from BN to PR they are called heroes and are doing so for the rakyat. Then when someone defects from PR to BN they are labelled as corrupt, unethical etc.??.. Double standards and hypocrites are abound in this forum!”

    Because when they defect from BN to PR it is for principles. When they defect from PR to BN it is for money, position and dropping of corruption charges.

    See the difference?

  47. imranj78:

    Don’t be stupid with your comments. Ask yourself why someone from BN would jump to PR since the latter is by all accounts a poor coalition. There is only ONE reason why someone would jump from PR to BN and you should know what that is.

  48. hey 3 barwah dan haram jadah…Kita undi kamu sebab kita nak Pakatan Rakyat memerintah Perak bukan BN..Kalau kamu tak suka parti , keluarlah bangang..Kenapa nak lompat BN.. hey HEE..bukan orang cina sahaja, saya orang melayu pun sama2 sokong kamu..tapi kamu buat macam taik…kamu buat kita semua marah…kamu haram jadah..kami susah2 buat kempen dulu sebab nak tengok Pakatan rakyat memerintah perak..saya harap perak dapat di disolve untuk election baru..hidup pakatan Rakyat..Hidup Anwar…

  49. Federal government is still controlled by BN. Believe me, more PR ADUNs will jump over. BN controlled everything. (deleted) Trust me, there will be never a re-election.

    I am sure Ngeh-Nga-Nizar team had been doing great jobs in Perak. They can make things possible that BN claimed impossible. But still, their team mates are defeated by the new age God – lust of $$$. Let their leaders, especially Anwar educate the potential-leaders of tomorrow the real meaning of democracy.

    Perhaps Sultan can read MalaysiaKini & Malaysia-Today, He might change his mind. As an ex-Chief Judge, He knows very well the meaning of ‘KEADILAN’. Although in my heart I hope for a re-election, but I know it is not possible.

    I wish for a miracle to happen.

    Daulat Tuanku…

  50. Money Money Money in a rich men world. PR MPs why the silence.When Najib became the Finace Minister, He approve a RM 200.000.000 GRANT to his wife Rosmah, who is the head of PERMATA.
    It was in all MSM early this year.

  51. In any case, BN can’t form the next state government without the consent of the Sultan or through the formality of a state assembly vote. Nizar is still the CM until proven otherwise.

    Najib will try his level best to avoid a snap election. He has his hands full on the UMNO general assembly where by all accounts, several factions have been formed to jostle for votes for their favourite candidates.

  52. Najib beats Anwar in this dirty game. Anwar was used by the UMNO temporary turncoat who is now confirmed Kudatrojan. But it shows that Najib is just a politician who believes that the end justifies the means. He cannot be trusted to lead a nation to peace and development; but to ruins perhaps.

  53. KennyGan, Godfather,
    How do you know that when a person jumps from BN to PR its on principles and also not vice versa? The problem with people like you is that you only think that PR is good but you do not see that actually both BN and PR have good things to offer to this country. Don’t be stupid and be blinded by your blind allegiance to PR to think that everything PR does is good where else everything BN does is not. That is sheer ignorance!

  54. leave the Sultan in peace to make his decision
    Well said. He’ll probably not be getting much peace in the next few days.

    Perhaps we could resist the shoe-throwing/spitting/locating temptations too, and leave the final judgements to history. As for the relative respectability of direction and timing of ‘hop’. I hope the practice is finally laid to rest with some legal clrification. Malaysians vote for both a party and a person at the polls. If either is to change, a new mandate should be sought.

    I think whatever the outcome, PR can draw some useful lessons from the events in Perak.

  55. Even BN claim power it will not be long. Am sure about it. People hearts has gone long long ago. BN is corrupt beyond redemption. Money is drying even BN has the money it can’t buy what the people what. It will be a matter of time BN will vanish. A more just and corrupt system should be prevail in very soon.

    The Story of Three Kingdom can vouch for the changes and it is coming and very soon.

    What ever dirty tactic that BN used will not sustain.

    Survey shown that majority of the people wishes it go back to the voting board and let the people decide again.

    We also wish the Royal Highness will grant this wish to the people of Malaysia, and the people of Perak.

  56. Dr.Mahathir has criticized Umno for being so desperate. The fact that both PKR assemblymen have been charged in the court for alleged corrupt practice is something the BN should seriously consider before accepting them, says TDM.

    I wish to point the same reason to Tuanku. The two guys have proven themselves to be untrustworthy and unprofessional. If they could make this amount of lies within a couple of days, what surety we have they won’t do similar things in future.

    I sincerely hope the Sultan agrees to state assembly dissolution without further delay. Let the voters give a clear mandate who to rule.

  57. imranj78:

    The ignorant one is YOU. People stand with PR for change, for everything that is repulsive about BN. What is BN good for except for corruption, barang naik, cover up, bailouts, abuse of power, selective prosecution, etc etc ?

    Is Mamakthir your hero ?

  58. This he has betray the Perak People by jumping over to the corrupt and joint the gang of corrupt. she will go down to history with bad name for million years with out any chance for redemption. The people who want changes will remember her forever. The rocket should send her to hell of no redemption.

  59. During March 8, all these PR reps went on a common manifesto, and the campaigning was fairly intense. The message was VOTE FOR CHANGE. The message wasn’t “BN is good, but PR is better”. Understand the difference ?

  60. HRH Sultan Azlan Shah was popular to be a chief justice of the Federal Court who would give priority to justice before the interest of the Royalty. His giving consent to the Parliament to pass a law of establishing a Special Court for purpose of indicting a ruler in Malaysia during Tun Dr. Mahathir’s administration was the good proof of His Highness’s strong faith in the rule of law.

    I believe His Highness will give a serious thought on allowing the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly because the crossover from PR to BN of the two state assemblymen (Changkat Jering and Behrang) who are charged for corruption offence may be considered as the prelude to the judicial interference or judicial intervention by BN in the court proceedings.

    When His Highness was the Chief Justice, his agreeing to sign the bill of Constitutional Addition of Special Court into the law had displeased other state rulers. Perhaps this is the best opportunity for His Highness to please the other state rulers again by showing that His Highness is ready to protect the prerogative right of the state ruler in selecting a Menteri Besar to form the state government. Such a prerogative right of the state ruler is the basic bottomline for the state ruler to maintain the honour and respectability of the Royalty, i.e. the so-called “Kedaulatan” of the ruler.

    The prerogative right of the Sultan to appoint a Menteri Besar of His Highness’s personal choice should be deemed as the basic element of the systems of checks-and-balances being instituted into our Constitutional Monarchy System. I believe HRH Sultan Azlan Shah will be making a wise decision in order to protect the basic bottomline which is essential for the long-term survival of the Constitutional Monarch in Malaysia.

  61. So, this the the climax!

    Who said NR is weak and useless? He had done a great job for BN before he becomes the next PM. He had proven himself to be a great BN leader who can deliver! C4 yourself.

    Well, PR must learn from this lesson: select people who are of principle and have high moral and unshakable belief to be their candidates – not opportunists and katak-katak who will jump to BN the moment millions of RM are dangled before their greedy eyes!

    Voters are to be blamed too for voting them in and giving them the chance to be multi-millionaires! How sad!

    We should demand a new round of GE – at both the state and federal levels!

  62. betrayed by wakil Rakyat, but the people voted for Pakatan Rakyat!

    so for the scumbags and ms Hee-man, let’s see if you can survive the next GE, you traitors of the Rakyat!

    that is you scumbags can live until the next GE!!!

    People’s Power will RULES!!!!!!!

  63. 1) Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi – Behrang

    From PKR to Independent to UMNO

    2) Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu – Changkat Jering

    From PKR to Independent to UMNO

    3) Hee Yit Foong – Jelapang

    From DAP to Independent to MCA?

    4) Nasarudin Hashim

    From UMNO to PKR to UMNO

    These are cowards, turncoats and backstabbing YBs of the Year 2009. Each fellows for RM 50 millions?

    Enough of froggies! Sickening!

    Let’s seek the Sultan of Perak for the dissolution of Perak State Assembly for a fresh mandate from the people of Perak.

  64. Only the corrupt will can attract the corrupt and this evening the most corrupt lady has born in the year of golden OX. She was given a name of he he by BN.

    win with the DAP ticket and now she say she want money from BN during the crisis. Please remember that power come from the people and she will learn the lesson with the deepest pain in very short time to come.

    She has become the sinner of the Perak people. She will definitely given due recognition ” Yee Chou Wan Nian”

  65. “When His Highness was the Chief Justice, his agreeing to sign the bill of Constitutional Addition of Special Court into the law had displeased other state rulers.”

    Sorry, the above sentence is a slip of tongue. It should be replaced with the following:

    “When His Highness was the Yang Dipertuan Agong, his agreeing to sign the bill of Constitutional Addition of Special Court into the law had displeased other state rulers.”

  66. Nasarudin Hashim is after all a Trojan Horse virus that induces the transformation.

    Now we can all see how gullible PKR bosses are! Outsmarted by NR and Umnoputras.

    Money can make devils work for the paymasters.

    Now with some ex-PR state assemblymen crossed over to the dark side, what’s next? Send in the clowns and clones.

  67. It is the time now for HRH Sultan Azlan Shah to show that he is really a righteous ruler who will dispense grace in the name of justice and is not a puppet of Umno, by way of approving the dissolution of the State Assembly.

  68. Najib will try to avoid a snap election because there is a strong likelihood that BN will end up losing even more seats. That would not sit well with his new position at PM of the country. He will try to win the state government without any elections, and over the next day or so, more PR reps will be offered inducements to turn “independent”.

    This would be a far cheaper and less riskier course of action for the man who would be PM.

  69. Listening to TV3 news just now.just want to made me puke. I hope the Sultan will do the right thing… We Malaysian vote for the party and not the candidate.
    If we vote for the candidate we won,t have meter readers,form five drop out and YB,s who don,t even know the law at all.

  70. I thought the Lee Lam Thye legacy ended when Fong Po Kuan proceeded with her nomination as a DAP candidate in GE12, but it looks like he now has a new DISCIPLE, Hee! These people who cannot withstand the sufferings being part of the opposition and who yearn for prosperity of the corrupted BN are simply people without principles.

    DAP should get a Feng Shui Master to take a serious look at the feng shui of its HQ to see why these traitors (malefactors) are generated and take steps to ward them off for good. These are simply spoil sports who are shaky in their beliefs! Mark my words, Hee will soon be conferred a Dato’ or Tan Sri just like LLT!

  71. Very interesting!!

    What is happening in Perak could also happen in Sarawak and elsewhere. A precedent of sorts is being set up which is that whenever we face a change of government through cross overs of lawmakers, the way to go is through dissolution of the legislative assembly and fresh elections i.e. the sultan or governor has no choice but to agree to a dissolution.

    The song is given a new rendition but the lyrics are the same. Taxpayers end up carrying the burrden of fresh elections every time some lawmakers get paid millions of ringgit to cross over.

  72. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Today at 20: 08.29 (15 minutes ago)
    It is the time now for HRH Sultan Azlan Shah to show that he is really a righteous ruler who will dispense grace in the name of justice and is not a puppet of Umno, by way of approving the dissolution of the State Assembly”

    The same argument can be made both ways.

  73. There is only one correct way for Sultan Azlan Shah to decide, that is to dissolve the state assembly and call fresh elections.

    Allowing BN to grab the state govt with the assistance of two corruption tainted assemblymen, a flip-flop party hopper and a political prostitute would mean His Highness condone such immorality, corruption and devious acts in his state government.

    His Highness must take cognition of the fact that history will judge him by his action. The people of Perak look to him for wisdom and protection from corrupt politicians.

    The Sultan must be above politics. He should neither side PR nor BN but decide on the basis of what is just and good for his people. The facts of the case means that only by returning the mandate to the people will His Highness be seen to be acting impartially and wisely.

  74. Well, well, well. Kit, I hope that we have all learned our lessons. Never take BN lightly. They will stoop low, very low, and stop at nothing, to win. Choose your candidates carefully. There must be party discipline. Money politics is very much alive and kicking. PR is still too immature and naive to govern.
    But dont worry, BN seemed to have outplayed PR in this round, but they wont be there for long. I think all Malaysians and all Perakians, can see what is happening. We will know what to do the next round. I hope and pray that Sultan of Perak will decide wisely. I think that it is only fair that a new election be called.
    God help Malaysia.

  75. The defectors may cross over from PR to BN when they are being enticed by some monetary inducement from BN. However, when the defectors are still kept as the State Assemblypersons but under the new ruling party,i.e. BN, it is quite likely that other BN state assemblypersons who have not received money from BN yet may get jealous and may decide to cross over to PR in order to extort for money from BN. Finally, a vicious cycle of political leapfrogging will go on and on with no sign of stability in the state government.

    It is too obvious that it will be to the greatest benefit of the Perak people as a whole if His Royal Highness will permit the dissolution of the State Assembly in order to lay path for a state election for the sake of political stability.

  76. In a clear cut case where the MB no longer commands the confidence of the majority, he has the option of asking for the dissolution of the state assembly so fresh elections could be held. The sultan then has the discretion to either dissolve the assembly or to ask for his deputy to take over. Elections cost the rakyat lots of money – a national and bipartisan issue which the ruler would have to consider.

    In this case, the balance tilts in favor of a dissolution but the use of his discretion by a constitutional ruler would enter the law books as being politically motivated. It is likely to spark a constitutional crisis.

  77. Why do you folks think that when Zaid Ibrahim as de facto law minister wanted to introduce anti-hopping laws, most of the cabinet shot him down ?

    Anwar’s gambit to seek cross-overs have simply revealed the hand of the BN thieves. First they think that there should be a anti-hopping legislation. Then the realised that they have the money all along to offset anything that PR can promise, so anti-hopping legislation isn’t in their interest. Perak has revealed BN’s dirty hands for all to see.

  78. Even the worst scenario that BN claim power but all is not lost for PR. If you think long term this stupid move by BN will back fire on them in the coming GE. The people resolve to finish of the corrupt will further enhanced in the coming GE.

    Let not despair at this moment.

    Politic is for long term though each inch must be fight with sweat.

    The people has suffer for so long it dose not matter for another few more months.

    But we do pray the Royal Highness will let the people decide again.

  79. The Sultan should agree to call for fresh election – dissolve Peerak State Assembly. This toading around is not what Perak electorates want and it’s against our wishes if BN is allowed to form the Perak government.

    Yeah Sultans should be non-partisian so let’s see if the Sultan is the rakyat’s guardian …

  80. KennyGan Says:

    Today at 20: 32.32 (5 minutes ago)
    The Sultan must be above politics. He should neither side PR nor BN but decide on the basis of what is just and good for his people.”

    That’s right. He should not only be partisan in approach to a political situation such as this but be above politics – and not dissolve the state assembly based solely on a request from the MB.

  81. “In this case, the balance tilts in favor of a dissolution but the use of his discretion by a constitutional ruler would enter the law books as being politically motivated. It is likely to spark a constitutional crisis.”

    Another constitutional crisis. Both ways, dissolution or not are politically motivated. Like I said, his royal highness don’t have a choice.

  82. sorry I am not good at English but I pun want to write something here..We all vote for a change and hope that Pakatan Rakyat will bring happiness and unity to our country..If [deleted] people like Hee, osman and jamaluddin still in Pakatan Rakyat its disgrace for us to have them in…BN always like to have a bad one as they are bad..Let them have these four ungrateful [deleted]…Its time to clean Pakatan Rakyat..Lets go fo dissolution..we will makesure that we win majority and grab those place won by BN….Its a lesson for us…hope pakatan Rakyat could clean sweep the whole Perak this time..Traitor like HEE, Osman and Jamaluddin will have tough time to survive after this…Hidup Pakatan Rakyat..Perak

  83. For those who draw a conclusion that crossover of PR wakil rakyat to BN is a big victory to Najib, I would advise that you had better put trust in your own pet animals than in these political frogs. This is just another proof which shows that how good the human quality which BN has in its wakil rakyat – just a sheer pool of greedy and corrupt devils reincarnated, dirty traitors cum morally bankrupt political prostitute!

  84. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 20: 50.28 (2 minutes ago)
    Like I said, his royal highness don’t have a choice.”

    He does. There is another way to go which is not decide one way or the other and thereby paving the way for a statewide referendum. The issue should go to the people.

  85. The three assemblymen, Jelapang, Behrang and Changkat Jering are political PROSTITUTES without honour! Imagine a wife or a husband who change partners illicitly. The majority voters in Jelapang, Changkat Jering, and Behrang and the people of Perak in general must launch a public PROTEST towards the irresponsible and shameful actions of these three assemblymen and their pimp UMNO. They have betrayed the trust of the majority and they have made a mockery of the democratic process!

  86. Shame on Hee!!! Merely a few days ago, she was denying that she will be leaving DAP and pledging her loyalty to the party that she has been a part of for 22 years. She even had the nerve to ask LGE to appologise for not trusting her. Today has shown that she is a LIAR true and true. Let her political career be buried by this act of treachery. May all her friends, family, supporters shun her and disassociate from such a BLATANT LIAR!!! You have no place in Malaysia…LEAVE!!

  87. Will Perak show the other states leadership, as to how to proceed, how things should be done?

    Or will it be a state that has the honour of hosting Tanjong Rambutan, Kamunting, Bota Kiri, Bota Kanan, Pusing and Gostan?

  88. Pathetic …. Never imagine that this will happen to Deputy Speaker.
    She may be disabled physically but with due respect I salute her for growing to such a level.
    Unfortunately, her mental disabilities are dispicable. No stand, easily swayed, these cowardly acts of party hopping is unforgivable.
    I retract my earlier kudos to Nasaruddin for being “brave”. Coward !!!

    These assemblymen or women as well as Parliamentarians should be banned for life and had their pensions removed.

    I sure hope our dear Sultan Perak do the right thing. I had been proudly hanging my king scout photo in my study room receiving the scroll from Raja Nazrin nearly 15 years ago and I sure hope that I do not need to remove it soon and well as the certificate. Sigh ….. Just one day and all my utmost respect down the drain ??? I wonder ? Neutrality or biasness ?

  89. PR is missing something here. the ROOT CAUSE of the deflection is not BN/UMNO but the PR representative itself. Regardless how many times you seek for dissolution from god, if the state representative can be bought with RM100K or RM1.5M, you will still face this scenario again and again. is time to bloody wake up from your slumberland pakatan, opportunist are everywhere in malaysia, as long as you cant eliminate the ROOT CAUSE, you can keep on harping ‘time for change’ for all i care! take mr nasaruddin for example, give yourself a big slap in the face and wake up!!

    for all i know, ms.hee and family will just migrate to other countries with their money and start a good life. they dont give a damn what you ppl will have to say.

  90. Traitors like Hee Yit Foong besides being greedy for money are also stupid. Assuming that the state of Perak really does eventually falls into the hand of BN, how long does she think it will last. The longest I give the BN goons is the next election. All the pent out hatred, frustration and disgust with UMNO and BN will result in an outright trashing for them. They may have the resources to engineer some cross over now in one of two State but they certainly will not be able to afford to buy out the entire electorate of Malaysia come election day. The entire Federal Government will most likely fall into the hands of the Pakatan. When that happens it will be payback time for these hated traitors. See what the Taiwan government now is doing to its former President, that idiot Chen. They are going for life imprisonment for him. Does Hee thinks these type of ill gotten gains can escape the grasp of the new law under the new government. We shall see.

  91. If the Sultan should be above Politics and not to interfere with the political decision, then the political decison of the present MB from the PR camp shall prevail.

    For those who talk about the above politics status of the Sultan, I wish to advise that the Sultan is entrusted with the sovereign right to uphold the moral value and Islamic religious belief of the state. If the Sultan is only allowed to keep his eyes closed when there is hard evidence for the prelude happening of judicial interference or judicial intervention by BN in the court proceedings of the corruption cases, then what kind of moral suasion the Sultan is going to claim when His Royal Highness has to keep teaching his subject to behave in conformity to Law, Social Norms and Religious Teaching?

  92. “The issue should go directly to the people because in that way the institution of constitutional monarchy as we know it gets to remain intact.”

    Then we are a step closer to being Republic of Malaysia. It is only wise for his royal highness to act to dissolve the state assembly, which in effect, similar to a statewide referendum.

  93. If the sultan were to use his discretion to call for fresh elections, expect an outcry that it is unconstitutional use of his discretion. That will spark a long drawn out constitutional crisis and meanwhile the administration will suffer and so will the people.

    You don’t want that!

  94. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 21: 08.40 (18 seconds ago)
    Then we are a step closer to being Republic of Malaysia”

    Dawsheng, both of us are moving along the same road except we are at opposite ends. I believe the destructon or the continued chipping at the institution of constitutional monarcy will pave the way for those who like to see Malaysia become a republic.

    If I favor a republic, i’d encourage the sultan to involve himself in politics.

  95. If he agrees to dissolve the assembly, there’ll be a constitutional crisis with BN because this is not what BN wants. If he agrees to BN forming the next government, then there will be a public outcry. Caught between a rock and a hard place. In the meantime, there is still a PR government and a PR Chief Minister.

    However, what is to stop BN inducing further cross-overs to the point that the Sultan can’t ignore the overwhelming “support” for BN ? If the Sultan is to decide on elections, he better decide now. If he drags his heels, then I think it is game over for PR in Perak.

  96. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Today at 21: 07.22 (7 minutes ago)
    If the Sultan should be above Politics and not to interfere with the political decision, then the political decison of the present MB from the PR camp shall prevail.”

    It can be argued both ways depending on your perspectives.

  97. These three ADUN’s has no integrity , principles and honour.
    This will be the end of their political carreer once the episode is over i.e face the election or when the term of BN ends.

    Their ill-gotten gains will not benefit them as GOD is still great.
    To prostitute yourself to such low level for a sum of money just showed that they are worst than Chow Kit Road’s backlane solicitors.

    No good behaviour after this episode will make you man/woman.
    Search your conscience and soul and see whether your acts are appropriate !

  98. i guess that not all politics are clean after all, money is the greatest evil and sadly it came from PR/DAP as well. It is so sad that the 3 of them went to BN when the so-called ‘veteran’ of DAP just ‘jump’ after just telling everyone that she wont ‘jump’. Do they have the honor? Worst, this BN who just ‘jumped’, ‘jump’ back to his old ‘master’, total ‘running dog’. So now, we can conclude that politicians are dirty even for BN/PR…..next time, I’ll just void my votes.

  99. Godfather Says:

    Today at 21: 14.43 (3 minutes ago)
    “…what is to stop BN inducing further cross-overs to the point that the Sultan can’t ignore the overwhelming “support” for BN ?”

    Hence it is critical that the ruling party call for statewide referendum on the issue of fresh elections. Let the issue go to the people and not to the sultan. The issue is whether to have fresh elections.

  100. I was definitely disappointed and angry with how things progressed in Perak. All the more, I am ANGRY, VERY ANGRY with BN. As usual, their dirty politics again. Now, I really really hate the sight of Najib, Rosmah, Abdullah and all the crooks and bas***ds & bitches of BN.

    In the first place, I’d like to question the following :

    (1) If one wants to defect, must they defect ALL at the same time? Is it such a coincidence to defect at the same time?

    (2) I read somewhere that the 3 of them were at Najib’s office around 3pm? If you want to declare yourselves Independent, why must you go to Najib’s office? What the hell are you doing there?

    (3) Najib announced that these 3 Independents are “BN-friendly”. Why must HE announce specifically that they will be BN-friendly? Independents are independents. They are suppose to be neutral, i.e. BN- & Oposition friendly.

    (4) That Bota fella…decided to return to UMNO? What? After 9 days defecting to PKR? His credibity has gone down the DRAIN!!

    And with all this, Najib can still claim that NO MONEY WAS INVOLVED!!! Com’mon you stupid PM-to-be, you think we, Malaysians are as STUPID as you is it? Stop insulting our intelligence. We have had enough. The money that you used to “buy” them over is OUR, i.e. the RAKYAT’s money, the tax payers money. The money we pay to the Government is meant to help the poor and for development of this country. IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR YOURS & BN’S PERSONAL GAIN!!


  101. “If the sultan were to use his discretion to call for fresh elections, expect an outcry that it is unconstitutional use of his discretion. That will spark a long drawn out constitutional crisis and meanwhile the administration will suffer and so will the people” – undergrad2

    What constitutional crisis are you talking about? The constitution says that a Menteri Besar which has suffered a successful vote of no confidence can either:

    1) resign together with his govt or
    2) advise the Ruler to dissolve the state assembly and call for fresh elections.

    The Ruler can act on the advise of the MB and dissolve the state assembly or he can select another person which in his opinion commands the confidence of the majority to be MB.

    Note that Nizar is still the MB until a vote of no confidence is successfully carried against him.

    It’s all provided for in the constitution. Don’t you know anything?

  102. If His Royal Highness can tolerate the practice of political defection and double-crossing in his state, what kind of moral suasion can the Sultan possess for encouraging his subject to stay loyal and obedient to the Ruler?

  103. The 3 traitors have ZERO integrity, 100% greed and shame for betraying the rakyat who voted for them.
    I hope the rakyat will get real. It is NOT easy for the Sultan to dissolve the Stae Assembly which by right it should be done immediately. The reasons are obvious.
    An immoral party like BN to accept two bums who are supposed to be charged in court for corruptions and a ZERO integrity, greedy and soulless h_ndicap is downright shameful to the whole world.
    Only in Bolehland things like this happens.

  104. “Hence it is critical that the ruling party call for statewide referendum on the issue of fresh elections.” (undergrad2)


    Your comment on referendum just expose your ignorance about the state constitution or federal constitution of Malaysia. Our constitution is not similar to that of the United States and therefore no provision for referendum can be found in any constitution in Malaysia insofar.

    Perhaps you have lived in foreign country for too long and you are ignorant about the political reality or constitutional practice in Malaysia. The Sultan is not a puppet and His Royal Highness has been given certain rights of arbiter by the state constitution. This is not a blogsite of British people or American people. Please do remember to discuss issues within the context of Malaysian political situation in this blogsite for the readers to get a much better understanding about your opinions. Thank you.

  105. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Today at 21: 42.22 (21 seconds ago)
    Your comment on referendum just expose your ignorance about the state constitution or federal constitution of Malaysia. Our constitution is not similar …”

    Did I say I am an expert on anything? I don’t even have a copy of the state constitution with me. But I hope that is not a reason for anybody not throwing the monkey wrench into the works to see if the machine stalls.

  106. That is the power of the BN and with so many projects in the pipeline it will be difficult to hold the Party Line. We have to train a new breed of leaders who have an aversion to accumulation of personal wealth which we do in the hope of providing for seven generations to come. Little do we realize that by doing so we are depriving that same generation that we are trying to protect a chance to create and earn their own wealth for themselves.

  107. Off-topic, slightly: when all this is over, can PR please learn something from BN about how to market themselves as a political entity? You lot don’t even have a flippin’ website, as far as I can tell. Have you seen BN’s website? Puts the whole .gov.my domain to shame – you can see where their investment in IT has gone!

    Pull your fingers out, for all our sakes, and get some credible manifestos and campaigns online, some PR success stories from the PR States, and a coherent shadow cabinet, as one of your other commenters suggested recently. Online activism will get the votes of the ‘troublemakers’, but the more mainstream voters probably wants something that looks a lot more like a credible government-in-waiting and less like a loose alliance of opportunists.

    If it’s well done, it might help stop problems developing at an early stage by giving all in PR a clear sense of direction. I get the strong impression many in PR have never actually even met each other. When and where is the PR Annual Convention, anyway? 5 years is plenty of time to build your team, but you have to start now.

  108. ‘”If His Royal Highness can tolerate the practice of political defection and double-crossing in his state, what kind of moral suasion can the Sultan posses …”

    It is a political issue.’ (undergrad2)

    The misdeed of political defection and double-crossing is not only a political issue. It is also a ethical and religious issue. The Sultan is given the absolute rights in relation to all matters pertaining to Custom, Ethics, Social Norms and Religion and Moral Values. The Sultan surely has the sole discretion to make a wise decision based on his own judgement for dissolving the State Assembly when the request has been made by his appointed MB. Why must the Sultan complicate himself by delaying the declaration of the dissolution of the State Assembly when there is no motion of no confidence that has been tabled by any State Assemblyperson insofar against his own appointed MB? The state constitution provides that the Sultan should act in accordance with the advice of the MB in relation to all matters pertaining to Politics.

  109. Pakatan must learn from this episode: never accept anyone from the BN anymore. All these people are suspects; either they are Trojan horses planted by the BN or they are temporarily disgruntled but can be bought back if million of ringgits are dangled before their eyes. Nasarudin Hashim of Bota who double-frogged is an object lesson for Pakatan, especially PKR, to learn to be wary of any BN MPs in future. These people are in politics because of money and the easiest way to realise this dream is through the BN.

    Ten million ringgit is big money for any individual to resist and it’s no wonder that money win the day. Pakatan must push for anti-hopping legislation in order to kill this katak disease in Bolehland.

  110. If the Sultan refuses to dissolve the assembly and if PR is as dirty as Umno, they could very well buy over 3 BN assemblymen to snatch back the state govt.

    Don’t you think some greedy corrupt BN politicians will bite? As for money, they have all the resources of Perak state under their control.

    I’m not saying PR should do this. My respect for them will go if they do. My point is that PR won’t stoop as low as Umno.

  111. Uncle Kit,

    What do you call a Chinese defecting in China ? A running dog.

    This is what Hee Yit Foong is. If she is caught, during the Japanese occupation time, she will be skin alive.

    Today she have brought disgrace to the Chinese, her family and voters that that trusted her. She will be talked for generation to come. She may win 1 day but in the future…… mark my word, she will be remembered as the betrayer of the Malaysian people.

    No money, eat my foot.

  112. If the sultan were to feel it is not for him to decide on the issue of dissolution as it falls outside the ambit of the relevant article in the state constitution, as it is political, what next?? No doubt he will be advised by the state legal advisor but it is his decision to make. Let us not underestimate this sultan who being a former Lord President, has an independent mind and set views regarding the use of the royal discretion.

    Where is the master of hypothesis??

  113. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Today at 21: 54.32 (3 minutes ago)

    The state constitution provides that the Sultan should act in accordance with the advice of the MB in relation to all matters pertaining to Politics.”

    I believe you’re here re-writing both the state and the federal constitutions.

  114. For other races to cross over due to temptation of money is understandable, but for Hee Yit Foong, a running dog, to cross over for the sake of money, this is pure disgrace to her family. We have to admit that we are doomed under BN government, they are just too corrupt to the core.

  115. We’ve seen it in Hong Kong TV dramas now and then and it is happening here in Malaysian politics.
    There’s always some suspense in the middle and the ending is not over yet.
    Relax man! Nothing to worry!
    Get a good night rest everyone and wait for the next outcome.
    We, as an average layman, could understand what the whole plot is about, as starting from the beginning.
    As for the sultan, I’m sure he’s much wiser than us.
    It’s the people that he cares the most and not the BN.
    Najib will never be able to influence his highness with his evil plans.
    So, you people out there should know the conclusion.
    Almighty is very much alive!!!

  116. to those 4 traitors and betrayers of the Perak people, if i were to see your F**K pictures or face in Perak, i will definitely SPIT on you. especially the Hee-man Yit Foong!

    Hee will be the first polio woman in this world to loose my respect for being a liar and betrayer to the people whom voted for her party and NOT her.

    YB LKS, make sure you don’t have anymore of this characters in DAP.

  117. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Today at 21: 54.32 (11 minutes ago)

    “The misdeed of political defection and double-crossing is not only a political issue. It is also a ethical and religious issue”

    Here you need the help of the Professor of Logical Reasoning. What happened to him??

  118. What happened to him??
    You crucified him, so he left. I was expecting him to come back in 3 days, but I was disappointed. He obviously wasn’t the saviour of PR.

    It wasn’t that long ago. If you look back through the articles, there’ll be a long one where Godfather (I think, soz if I’m wrong) drove in the final nail. When the deed was done, a lot of people said they didn’t like you. Perhaps you should jot down some names, just in case you visit here and you want to know who to avoid.

  119. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Today at 21: 54.32 (3 minutes ago)

    The state constitution provides that the Sultan should act in accordance with the advice of the MB in relation to all matters pertaining to Politics.”

    “All matters pertaining to politics”??

    I thought as constitutional ruler, the sultan (and the Agong) is above politics. I’m sorry but re-wrting the state and federal constitutions is too daunting a task for a simpleton like me.

  120. I can’t wait any longer to hear the wise decision to be uttered from the mouth of HRH Sultan Azlan Shah in order for me to shout aloud “Long Live the Sultan” and “Daulat Tuanku”. I will keep upholding Perak people and the Sultan in prayer hoping that a long-tested and sustainable wisdom will be drawn from the Graceful and Almighty God and be passed to the Sultan for the overall betterment of Perak people!

  121. well … come to think about it, what BN had done so far is to make things worse. After losing KT, Najib will have no guts in gambling in Perak again.
    Another 4 years is not a very long time to wait. PR will win bigger the next election.
    PR in Perak has done a good job as far as I am concern even though only governing for less than 1 year. That’s why BN had to act or they will never win it back like Kelantan.
    Nevertheless, the weakness seen here is the cohesiveness of “component” parties within PR. It opened a window of oportunity to BN to slip in.

  122. OrangRojak Says:

    Today at 22: 20.41 (2 minutes ago)
    What happened to him??
    Perhaps you should jot down some names, just in case you visit here and you want to know who to avoid.”

    How do you do that in the U.K.? I mean – avoid somebody if they choose to read the crap that I write??

  123. The darkest hour comes before the dawn. Let us keep our hopes up. The battle is not over yet. Let us all pray that in his wisdom, Sultan Azlan Shah will make the right decision that reflects the will of the Perak people.

    I have faith that Sultan Azlan Shah, former Lord President and most learned and erudite of the Rulers will make the right decision that we all love to hear.

    And if I am wrong (which I believe is unlikely), BN will suffer a terrific backlash that will make ousting them in the next G.E. a piece of cake.

    Goodnight and sleep well!

  124. Onlooker Politics Says:

    Today at 22: 23.00 (9 minutes ago)
    I can’t wait any longer ….I will keep upholding Perak people and the Sultan in prayer hoping that a long-tested and sustainable wisdom will be drawn from the Graceful and Almighty God and be passed to the Sultan for the overall betterment of Perak people!”

    Amen to that!!

  125. “I thought as constitutional ruler, the sultan (and the Agong) is above politics. I’m sorry but re-wrting the state and federal constitutions is too daunting a task for a simpleton like me.” (undergrad2)


    The words “Above politics” carry the meaning that the ruler is just a symbolic figurehead in relation to all matters pertaining to politics. The Sultan has to sign documents when the MB advises HRH to sign but the political reality always requires the MB to pay due respect to HRH and to allow HRH to make the final decision based on HRH’s own sole discretion. Even though the decision so made could be unconstitutional, it is very difficult to challenge the derived power of the Sultan in relation to a political decision in court because it is going to be a constitutional crisis if the Sultan refuses to sign any legal documents or to sign a passed bill into law.

    The state constitution still has a big loophole in itself which will trigger off a constitutional crisis if there is a dispute between the Executive and the Ruler.

  126. KennyGan Says:

    Today at 22: 35.04 (6 seconds ago)

    I have faith that Sultan Azlan Shah, former Lord President and most learned and erudite of the Rulers will make the right decision that we all love to hear.”

    Who is “we”?? You? You who embodies the will of the people?? A bit presumptous don’t you think?

  127. “Even though the decision so made could be unconstitutional, it is very difficult to challenge the derived power of the Sultan in relation to a political decision in court because it is going to be a constitutional crisis if the Sultan refuses to sign any legal documents or to sign a passed bill into law.”

    Being in possession of an illegal substance could land you in jail. Convoluted reasoning may not.

  128. What can one say about the character of those four stooges? They represent the pinnacle of cheats, pretenders, liars, immorality, hypocrites, fools, prostitutes, greed, bigots, garbage, morons, etc., etc.

    People’s poison = BN’s “panacea”

    Better for them to leave than to discover them later to be a burden, handicap or liability. PR can do without such useless baggage.

    One step backward, giant steps later.

    Consider the current challenging situation as a temporary set-back. The people are solidly behind PR.

    BN may be able to score some dummies for now; the backlash awaits them. They are obviously making use of the government machinery and resources to maneuver around Perak’s landscape to their favour. However, reality will prevail in the end. Let’s be patient.

  129. We must all look at this setback for PR positively and creatively. Do not lose hope for Malaysia because God has a greater plan beyond the obvious cat and mouse game.

    Look at the irony of the situation: The unethical cross over planned by Anwar failed last September. However, God may allow the devious cross-over and reverse takeover of the Perak state government by BN for one very good reason: the whole population of Perak and the country will start to see how unethical and undemocratic is the BN in trying to gain power.

    Let them win the war of cross-overs but they will definitely lose the battle for the hearts and minds of the voters.

  130. If you talk about bills passed by the legislature and the monarch abstains from affixing his signature by remaining overseas say for 90 days, i believe it becomes law within 30 days in the case of the Federal Constitution. I don’t know what the state constitution says. Prior to the amendment, the constitution was silent on the issue of timing – until one rogue ruler came along and helped plugged the loophole.

  131. Just watched TV news… and PM says that
    Perak people would like BN to be the state government again!

    I am from Perak, staying in Subang Jaya now.
    I and many Perak rakyat want Pakatan Rakyat
    to be the state government of Perak, not BN!

    BN will lose very BIG TIME in the next general election!

  132. “Even though the decision so made could be unconstitutional, it is very difficult to challenge the derived power of the Sultan in relation to a political decision in court because it is going to be a constitutional crisis if the Sultan refuses to sign ..”


    You’re really messed up here!

    There is such a thing as the supremacy of the constitution. If a matter falls within the discretion the Sultan or the Agong and he misuses that discretion, then when challenged in court it’d no doubt precipitate a constitutional crisis. It will then take a long time to unravel and when it reaches the Federal Court guess who is the Chief Justice??

  133. Uncle Lim,

    How could u miss out the “Hee” virus in your party????
    Is she going to get enough sleep after her betrayal to the “rakyat”????Pls be extra careful in other PR states especially Kedah and Selangor as I think they will go to any extend to win back the states.Next GE pls ensure to choose a right candidate.We will always render our support to PR to teach BN a good lesson.Pls also advise yr partner AI to stop all the “Lompat Si Katak Lompat” as we rakyat voted you and you politician (PR or BN) should ensure to show some degree of loyalty to “rakyat”.Learn a lesson from the Perak incident.

  134. Once an opposition,
    who keep on fighting.
    They look in every option,
    to keep on fighting.

    A win in Perak,
    an upset it is.
    The loss of Perak,
    we cool with it.

    An uproar in Perak,
    that certain is it.
    Cause BN like a coward,
    just deal with it.

    We will fight,
    no matter what it is.
    Mind the obstacle,
    and we gonna win this.

    Never give up,
    that the spirit.
    Show them the REAL boss,
    cause they ain’t a LORD.

    We are unify,
    The ‘rakyat’ are with us,
    So, I guess?
    The winner had been decide.

  135. ntv7 8.00pm SMS poll showed 96% of its viewers believed that what BN did to re-capture Perak would have detrimental effects on the party’s performance in the next general election.


    It is also noted that there are only 2 non-Malays (including Hee) out of the 31 BN assemblymen lined up for the new Perak government. Surely that does not help BN portray a multi-racial make-up in the new state government.

  136. I am confident His royal highest the sultan will accede to the MB’s request to dissolve the legislative assembly.
    On the other hand, we are disappointed that the PM in waiting is willing to stoop so low to usurp power.
    This cannot be allowed !

  137. mother of three

    Shoe Throwing ceremony:
    1st ceremony- Iraq
    2nd ceremony- UK
    3rd ceremony-Perak-4 pairs of shoes, I guess…….

    yeah ….call those PR supporters..your unwanted shoe can really do the job now…

    Go to BN component office….100 n plus shoe throwing to their office will definitely bring up the message to whole Malaysia and the world spotlint that you are not against n unwelcome the BN for state Government.

    Doi it fast.

  138. This is totally outrage!!!! We should impose a law that any one who selected and who are part of forming government should quit its ADUN or MP, so that there is an auto by-election triggered by default…

    as this will prevent all the stupid a55hxle to jump like a stupid donkey…..

    i will vote for Pakatan Rakyat forever……. so Bee End please wrap up and go to sleeppp

  139. Go to BN component office….100 n plus shoe throwing to their office will definitely bring up the message to whole Malaysia and the world spotlight that you are against n unwelcome the BN for state Government.

    Doi it fast.

  140. I as a “rakyat” hope for a better Malaysia for my kids and my next generation under Pakatan Rakyat but unfortunately I’m slowly losing my faith towards PR.I’m unable to sleep at the moment. I’m watching the news and surfing the blogs hoping for some good news for Perak state.

  141. Remember “When point at others, remember 4 fingers point you back”

    Why curse Hee?

    What about your internal arrogant Ngeh and Nga? If you don’t want to look at your internal weakness of these arrogant Ngeh and Ngo and start blaming others like BN and Hee, how can DAP move forward and improve?

    Please be mature and do some sour searching.

  142. We, the RAKYAT can’t do much now. Just have to wait for GE 13 to wipe ALL those GOONS from the face of this beautiful country!
    Personally have made an effort to get as many NEW ELIGIBLE VOTERS to be registered for the next GE!
    In my immediate family alone, there will be 4 extra new votes for PR come GE 13!
    Since GE 12, 308, have started this habit of spreading the effort to get NEW voters because there are MILLIONS out there and if EVERYONE wants a BETTER FUTURE FOR OUR NEXT GENERATIONS, JUST START THE BALL ROLLING AND SPREAD THE NEWS!
    Do not accept the excuse of ‘ my one vote makes no difference’ BECAUSE EVERY VOTE COUNTS COME GE 13!

  143. Maybe the up-roar in Perak is a lesson for the PR coalition! Even in Selangor, I think the process and progress is rather tortise-like! Surely with its resources, much could have been done in Selangor. I am sad to note that even the issue of the Sentral bus Station seems to immobilize the PR Gomen!! In spite of all the groaning of the bottom half of the population over the poor location, the State Gomen is totally silent!

  144. “If I favor a republic, i’d encourage the sultan to involve himself in politics.”

    I know this can be the case but I believe Malaysia can be peaceful and prosperous under a constitutional monarchy. Under the present circumstances I don’t see how the Sultan can avoid politics, so I’d encourage him to get involve romantically.

  145. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 00: 23.00 “Under the present circumstances I don’t see how the Sultan can avoid politics, so I’d encourage him to get involve romantically.”

    Romantically? The excerpt below should prove interesting…

    “Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for dissolution of parliament. His role is purely formal.”

    Constitutional Monarchy, Rule of Law and Good Governance (2004) by Sultan Azlan Shah

    The question is will His Highness succumb under pressure?

  146. # singma Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 42.25

    Remember “When point at others, remember 4 fingers point you back”

    Why curse Hee?

    What about your internal arrogant Ngeh and Nga? If you don’t want to look at your internal weakness of these arrogant Ngeh and Ngo and start blaming others like BN and Hee, how can DAP move forward and improve?

    Please be mature and do some sour searching.


    Agreed with you but… The people curse Hee because she lied, several times, and went to do something totally unprincipled…

    and the people are cursing her… did you see any DAP people cursing her except saying she’s a shame? Didn’t she also taken her leaders to task?~

  147. PR is missing something here. the ROOT CAUSE of the deflection is not BN/UMNO but the PR representative itself. Regardless how many times you seek for dissolution from god, if the state representative can be bought with RM100K or RM1.5M, you will still face this scenario again and again. is time to bloody wake up from your slumberland pakatan, opportunist are everywhere in malaysia, as long as you cant eliminate the ROOT CAUSE, you can keep on harping ‘time for change’ for all i care! take mr nasaruddin for example, give yourself a big slap in the face and wake up!!

    for all i know, ms.hee and family will just migrate to other countries with their money and start a good life. they dont give a damn what you ppl will have to say or spit.

  148. Most of us involved in multilevel marketing to get PR voters for 2008 GE.End of the day we only able to watch some silly movie and the actor & actress are frogs.We should have done some multilevel marketing business so that at least now we should have earn some bonuses.

  149. Its a pity PR did not see the way of Nasa & Hee and had only concentrated on disputing with the EC on the other 2 defectors & in the end thought they even have time to give 48 hr ultimatum to EC to reverse their decision.

    When I read about the ultimatum yesterday, I was the first here to have commented about the danger of playing right into BN’s hand but unfortunately my comment was “moderated”. EC was there just to hold off PR’s attention so that BN has enough time to finish the final touches with Hee & Nasa. The result – PR has lost 1 full day to BN & now looks very likely to lose the state. What a costly mistake!

    We can only pray that HRH our Perak Sultan will choose do the right thing to go for a fresh state election.

  150. m.hwang Says:

    Today at 00: 29.05 (4 minutes ago)

    ““Under normal circumstances, it is taken for granted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong would not withhold his consent to a request for dissolution of parliament. His role is purely formal.”

    That does not say much as to the circumstances. Legally he could withhold his consent under certain circumstances. That personal discretion is not an unfettered one.

  151. Dear Hee,
    Maybe u are a millionaire now but u have lost the respect from the Malaysian especially the Chinese.Nobody will adress u as YB now. Your family member and supporters are shame on you.Please get out from Perak!!! I feel so sick when i saw u standing beside the DPM this evening.Like a………

    DAP forever!!!!

  152. undergrad2,

    You are right but HRH is pointing out thwe convention in situations like what we have in Perak now. HRH went on to give other examples of how the rulers always takes the advice of the MB or CM.

    My question is …will HRH now do the same? Or will he be pressured otherwise during tomorrow morning’s meeting?

  153. The party that controls the majority in the state assembly gets to form the government. If BN has the majority, then they would form the government. But the current MB comes from the minority party and a motion of no confidence would be tabled against him. He would then seek audience with the sultan to request for a dissolution so elections could be held.

    Question. Would agreeing to the request be unconstitutional? Would withholding his consent be unconstitutional?

  154. Where is Anwar the great leader of Pakatan ?Eng Guan has no comments he leave it to Pakatan Perak
    We were told Anwar in Turkey now meeting Erdogan trying to resolve Gaza invasion by Israel
    Pakatan been trying to woo BN to Xover finally they got their wish for 4 days and BN man Naza ( not Nizar the vertical transportation engineer) Xover becoming the trojan horse and came back with 3 others passenger what a classic war starategy
    Hee is a pragmatic politician she knew the repercussion to Rakyat with the antics of the cousins..

  155. m.hwang Says:

    Today at 00: 46.23 (1 minute ago)

    My question is …will HRH now do the same? Or will he be pressured otherwise during tomorrow morning’s meeting?”

    Rest assured this ruler is no ordinary ruler. He was the country’s Lord President and knows the law and is very capable of acting on his own and in accordance with the law as he sees it.

  156. My prayer is that the Sultan will disolve the DUN and call for fresh election as requested by the cirrent MB. LEt the people decide who they want and let the four be thrown out because they are incapable of making a decision.

  157. to the 4 traitors whom has just betrayed malaysians,

    how do you think you can SERVE the People of Perak whom you traitors have just BETRAYED?

    don’t forget that we did NOT vote for you in BN but we voted for Pakatan Rakyat, understand you bloody traitors?

  158. Hee will be remembered as a PARLIMENTARIAN….a DEPUTY SPEAKER and lastly a TRAITOR. With one act of betrayal, she has etched her name down in history….for all the wrong reasons of course….imagine how her family & future generations will feel. I’m not so much pissed at the fact that she jumped ship, just more of the fact that she LIED. I urge everyone to break all ties with the traitor. If she can betray her party….she might even betray YOU!!

    She may run away….heck maybe even leave the country…but i’m sure her conscience will haunt her the rest of her days…..hahah

  159. It is a sad day for Perak but an even sadder day for Malaysia. To think that so soon, so so soon after 308, we would see HOPE for a united Malaysia beyond racialist, sectarian and racist politics start to dim. I suppose the truth really is in PKR which supposedly champions a Malaysia for all races, in PAS which supposedly is above race and DAP which has never wavered from the vision of a Malaysian Malaysia, there are their respective lawmakers who are still fundamentally racists at heart. For them to jump ship so easily and cross over to a coalition that DIVIDES and RULES based on selfish divisive racist and communal interests after promising the RAKYAT CHANGE for a BETTER MALAYSIA hurts so, so deeply. If Perak is lost to BN, if the crossovers in Kedah happen and if PR’s hold on state government shrinks from 5 states to 3 states, then it is quite likely Malaysia will remain as it has always been – a country governed by a convenient coalition of RACISTS, MURDERERS AND THIEVES hell-bent on keeping the races at each other’s throats while they siphon away the wealth of the country for their own benefit. And Malays will continue to be the ‘ketuanan race’, Chinese the pendatangs and Indians the punching bags for all the ills of society. Equality for all races, meritrocracy, serving the rakyat, transparency in government, living in real harmony based on love and true understanding amongst the people and not a manufactured tolerance amongst the races will all be pipe dreams – wisps of smoke dissipating in the winds of communal politics, racialist policies and racist discrimation. God help Malaysia!

  160. We selected the candidate from DAP because we do want the UMNO to rule the state. That is very clear statement in last election. We hope for the change, we want to have a change.
    She should be shamed on what she has done. what she has promised during the election campaign.

  161. “Hee will be remembered as a PARLIMENTARIAN….a DEPUTY SPEAKER and lastly a TRAITOR. ”

    I used to have the same opinion as you but not anymore, spurious as it may sounds, I respect their decisions, let us move on.

  162. Why is the Sultan of Perak’s nod of consent for dissolution of Perak State Assembly taking so long? Could it be that he’s waiting for Najib’s visit?

    I agree the Sultan will always have the last word but the rakyat has the last say, don’t we?

    As the people’s guardian and a former Lord President, Sultan Azlan Shah is obliged to act appropriately and let the people decide which government they want. Calling for fresh election is the only way and only hope for peace and stability in the state and country.

    Here’s my comment still under moderation since some 5 hrs ago. I have done some adjustment, hope it works.

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Yesterday at 20: 56.11

    Nasaruddin the ‘trojan horse’! What a sandiwara and in under a week, …game’s over?

    This speaks volume of PKR’s(Anwar Ibrahim?) ability to choose good people. How many more scr*w-ups do they need in order to learn to a lesson? Remember Ezam, Saiful and now this!

  163. Whatever the outcome of this crisis, UMNO/BN will still be the loser. UMNO has shown itself lacking the political will to curb corruption in the system. Just recently they rushed to have MACC BILL approved by parliament. Now it has become very clear to all Malaysians it is only UMNO ‘sandiwara’ to try and win back the hearts and minds of the people. By accepting the 2 assemblymen who are facing corruption charges in court is a slap on their own face! They are not only not serious to make reforms; they are actually condoning corruption. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise for PR because these two ‘frogs’ will be UMNO/BN LIABILITIES in the next GE.

  164. My dear fellow Malaysians and fellow Perakians,


    I cannot, like many other concerned citizens in this blog and others, sit quietly by and not showing even an iota of care for what is happening and brewing in Perak ( and by extension, to the nation ).

    Like the many subjects of The Silver State and Malaysians from all walks of life, I would like to share my two cents worth and hopefully some sense of balance and righteousness may be kindled and hopes for a better situation may be ignited.


    It is soothing that words of wisdom, whenever they do emanate from the Perak royal household, comfort the rakyat in times of crises and need. They carry effective and poignant messages to guide those in power and authority to toe the line of fairness, integrity, accountability, transparency, responsibility and wholesomeness when dealing with the rakyat.

    The rakyat appreciates the unpretentious royal concern and affirmative response which help mitigate stressful times.

    It is well known that the royalty desires a state government which displays unity and fairness and one which is effective in attending to the needs of the rakyat and also able to develop the state progressively and peacefully to attain glory and greatness.


    It cannot be denied that the current government was hatched unexpectedly in the last general election. Unexpected though it may be, it reflects the Perak peoples’ desire and aspiration for change. And the people were united in making that collective decision. Which should augur well for the setting up of a “united government”, a true model of unity in diversity.

    That political parties of differing ideologies could come together to form a government is unusual and miraculous by itself. Many thought that there was “divine intervention” for that to happen.

    With differing historical and cultural baggages, it should be expected that minor clashes and friction would occur from time to time. Nothing serious and sinister in that. If the leaders could appreciate their differences, compromise whenever necessary and work together effectively, then there would be a lot of good that could come out of it.


    Being a government for only a short historical period of 11 months, and still trying very hard to work for the good of the state and people, the state administration could hold its head high indeed!

    The achievements are there for all to see. Issues which were unresolved and/or attended to partially and inappropriately for the past five decades were satisfactorily tackled to the peoples’ desire and wishes. It shows political will, tenacity and foresight where the previous state government (by extension, the federal government) failed.

    Many plans are afoot to make the state even more competitive and achievement-oriented. Simply put, works are in progress.

    The royalty cannot ignore and should acknowledge that the young government has done the state proud and should be allowed to proceed with the mandate to prove itself worthy of the vote and aspiration of the electorate.

    In actual fact, the PR government still has the majority of votes behind them which should favor their continued incumbency.


    That there were several resignations of elected representatives from their political parties and which may change the “political equation” in the state assembly should be studied carefully and sensibly.

    That BN’s claim to have the majority of assembly seats to form the next state government is indeed preposterous and uncalled for. The stance adopted is indeed unbecoming of the leader who would be leading the nation shortly and, incidentally, by default.

    Firstly, two of the defectors who are of questionable character as they are being accused of corruption and immorality and facing impending court charges must not be accepted as serious or valid candidates. By right such dubious representatives should be barred from the august house. Their presence tarnishes the assembly and also the good name of the royalty.

    That BN stooped so low to accept them to tip the balance in their favour cast a very serious doubt about their (BN’s) morality, integrity, judgment, motives and scruple.

    Secondly, the assembly person who quit DAP is most treacherous and sly, to say the least. If one defects on noble and strong grounds, everybody would understand, and even accept it. Her scheming and faithless ways are indeed unacceptable and do not reflect the qualities needed of a lawmaker.

    Thirdly, what can one make out of a person who jumped ship, and jumped back again to the fold of his former party for reasons known only to himself and perhaps to those who criticised his earlier defection? It surely smacks of sinister and unscrupulous intentions.

    All the defections and pledges of allegiance are made in order to tip the balance in BN’s favour to form the state government.

    The morality, principle, motives, transparency, accountability, and integrity of this bunch of crooked politicians should be questioned and doubted.

    As such all these five assembly persons should be disqualified on technical ground, and should not be counted to make up BN’s seats in the Perak Assembly.

    Deception and dishonest posturing and positioning simply cannot be accepted. Surely, his Excellency, the Regent of Perak who had set high standards of conduct and moral values would not be hoodwinked and misled by such “sandiwara”.


    The PR government of 11 months is still the choice of the majority. This fact cannot be discounted and overridden.

    Nobody can write off the popular votes garnered by PR in the last general election. Not by those who had been sterile, ineffective and not-too-friendly and who had been giving the rakyat raw deals all this while.

    So, it is either to maintain the status quo, i.e. allowing PR, even if it is a minority government, to continue with its work undisturbed until its term end, or to call for a fresh state election to seek a new mandate from the people.

  165. Jong Says:

    Today at 01: 41.00 (52 minutes ago)
    As the people’s guardian and a former Lord President, Sultan Azlan Shah is obliged to act appropriately and let the people decide which government they want.”

    I’m with you but I’m not sure if the courts are with us should the Sultan go one way and not BN-way.

  166. One4All4One Says:

    Today at 02: 34.36 (5 minutes ago

    In actual fact, the PR government still has the majority of votes behind them which should favor their continued incumbency”

    So where is the basis for seeking audience with the Sultan?? You can’t say we feel it is better this way or that way and then request for the dissolution of the state assembly. Where is the issue? There is no issue to bring to the Sultan!

  167. I trust Sultan Azlan will make a wise and learned decision that reflects the rakyat’s wishes..just as he has made a good decision in the selection or Perak MB previously.

    If the 3 (Jamaluddin, Osman, Hee) were with BN during 12th GE, the rakyat may not have voted for them..but to say the least, their political future is doomed now should there be snap election.

    With snap election, BN Perak and Najis will be humiliated to the core! Look on the bright side ppl, justice will prevail and this will instead backfire and work against Najis! This guy must be stopped from being PM else I worry for Malaysia’s future…instead of tackling economic woes now like any other Finance Minister, he is too busy politicking, threatening, bribing and hiding people!

  168. I am in Singapore currently…feeling so angry and sad hearing about today’s development. But should there be snap election, I will make sure I come back to not only vote against BN but also ensure everyone eligible voter I know in Ipoh votes against BN!

  169. One4All4One,

    It is none of the above.

    The only issue is when as a result of party hopping, cross-overs, the ruling party no longer enjoys the majority needed to form the government and govern. Instead it becomes the minority party in the state assembly.

    According to our country’s constitution whicever political party that wins the general elections gets the mandate to form the government and govern the country. That meant PR albeit by a small minority. But today as a result of cross overs (for whatever reasons and however done) it no longer enjoys the majority needed. The sitting MB is from the minority party. What has to happen is that a vote of no-confidence is tabled against the sitting MB, who then goes to the Sultan and request for a dissolution of the assembly which would then pave the way to fresh elections.

    BN would argue that seeking the consent of the Sultan to hold fresh elections, under those circumstances, would be illegal and the use of his discretion to grant the request would be unconstitutional.

  170. “# singma Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 42.25
    Why curse Hee?
    What about your internal arrogant Ngeh and Nga? If you don’t want to look at your internal weakness of these arrogant Ngeh and Ngo and start blaming others like BN and Hee, how can DAP move forward and improve?”

    1. She had been an ADUN for past 2 terms before the 308 when Nga/Ngeh were helming Perak DAP, why let go her fuss now? She should have declined her candidacy during the 308 election as her protest to the ‘arrogance’ (if its real) of party leaders. However, based on her ‘lies before the jump’, one could imagine what kind of people she is. She could only ‘redeem’ her mistake by declaring immediately she is ‘PR-friendly independent’ in the current turmoil. Would she? Doesn’t she knows the UMNOputras are many times more arrogant? I do not know Nga/Ngeh personally but I give high marks for what they have done for PR in this short 11 months of ruling in Perak based on infor gathered from BN controlled mass media.
    2. Also pray that HRH Sultan of Perak would dissolve the State Assembly; let His rakyat make their choice on this issue.
    3. Salute to ‘One4All4one’ for the good, enlightening and clear posting.

  171. mendela Says:

    Today at 04: 29.24 (48 minutes ago)
    Sure Perak Sultan will do the right thing for the people of Perak and for all Malaysians. He is the only hope to achieve a Malaysia for all Malaysians”

    But no one is above the Constitution. Not even the Agong or the Sultan or Governor! The Constitution is supreme. Period.

  172. chiakchua Says:

    Today at 05: 07.54 (14 minutes ago)
    Also pray that HRH Sultan of Perak would dissolve the State Assembly; let His rakyat make their choice on this issue.”

    This is not God’s law! It is man made law embodied in a sacred document called the Constitution. Our opinions don’t matter. Neither does the Sultan’s opinion nor that of his legal advisor matters. What matters is the intent of the state legislative assembly when the law was first passed. The courts will decide what that intent is or was.

  173. well lets see whether the sultan
    agrees to dissolve the state assembly.
    lets see whether he is so upright and
    just. lets see whehter he cares for the
    people. lets see whether he really is in tune
    with what the people of perak want.
    lets see whther nazrin shah also cares.

  174. The MB has not informed the people what he told the Sultan. Most probably he informed his Highness that two ADUNs had resigned and the EC had denied the request to organize a by-election. So, even without a vote in the state assembly, he has lost the majority, and requested the dissolution of the state assembly. The Sultan could agree or request another person to form the state government.

    Najib as Perak State Chief of BN announced that BN has the support of three independent candidates, of which the status of two is in dispute. So BN has only 29 ADUNs, and it has not a clear majority in the Perak Assembly.

    Would the Sultan agree to the request of BN when its claim of majority is in doubt, or agree to the request of the MB who had made the request to dissolve the assembly based on discernable fact that he has lost the majority, rather than a vote in the assembly? The decision should be known soon.

  175. the sultan should realize the gravity of the situation in that if he
    allows bn to form the state government it will be read by bn
    as a signal that they can go on with their corrupt ways.
    it will embolden these wicked people to ruin the
    country. if things go downhill from here
    the sultan will have had a part to play in it.

  176. I just have a gut feeling that the Ruler will not dissolve the state assembly to path way for fresh elections after Najib’s meeting with His Majesty today. If that really happened, my condolences to ALL THE CITIZEN IN THE STATE OF PERAK. You are just victimised by a doomsday conspiracy.

  177. Jong says :

    This speaks volume of PKR’s(Anwar Ibrahim?) ability to choose good people. How many more scr*w-ups do they need in order to learn to a lesson? Remember Ezam, Saiful and now this!


    I don’t like Anwar. I believe he carries too much baggage in the first place that bogs him down at every turn, but to be fair (looking at what is going on), it is beginning to look like the majority of those who enter politics in Malaysia are snakes, monkeys and morons – those who have mastered the art of two-faced fork-tongued deceit. So even though I can’t trust Anwar 100%, can’t really blame Anwar.

  178. aiyah…Another message of mine..under moderation.
    Let me try again!
    If the Sultan of Perak sees the situation as political…he will not interfere.
    Being a learned ex Lord President and trully love his subjects….and if he sees that the voters are being played out…then he may call for a State election.
    So far..voters have voiced out their anger and hope there is a State election.
    At this time..I am reading few bloggers saying the Sultan has declared for a State election.
    RPK feels PR will win at least 40 to 50 seats.
    This will be bigger than Permatang Pauh….and many Malaysians from other States will be there to give moral support to Anwar and Lim Kit Siang and Hadi Awang.
    People’s power must beat crooked and unscrupulous politicians.
    DAP Hee??? Let her conscience judge her.

  179. Let’s see whether the 2 tainted Exco councillors who jumped ship will be prosecuted or the prosecution will withdraw their corruption charges. The way they play their sandiwara showed that they are not fit to be toilet cleaners in the state assembly. They are after all multimillionaires and will retire with their ill-gotten gains which will be made into their flesh.

    For Hee’s crossover, she is getting elected and waiting to be traded for the right sum. Here , this unprincipled , material seeking woman have to be abandoned in the rubbish dumps of Jelapang forever.

    Can DAP initiate to have the people of Jelapang to call for her resignation from the seat ? If we have sufficient voters calling on her daily and petitioning for her removal as assemblywoman, the rakyat will prevail.

    The People’s parliament can also initiate this call

    The people of Perak deserves better representatives than these 4 clowns in the state assembly.

  180. “One wonders why a woman who struggled with her political party for 20 over years, and serving her people as 2-term ADUN would choose to do so…

    She deserves the bashing… but apart from that… the DAP should seriously ask the question… why?” – bentoh

    Ha ha ha, isn’t the “why” obvious enough?
    For her action, the stench of this traitor of the rakyat, will, like the Chinese saying goes, be felt for the next 10,000 years!!!
    How disgusting!!!

  181. Hi Everyone,

    Its me again, Abdul, Frankly speaking, I just couldn’t sleep since after knowing about the political turmoil in Perak, the state that I love very much..A very unique state with full of great unity, culture and tradition.I quickly sent a nasty comments to his blog attacking those 3 traitors, but rejected by the administrator..My 2nd comments accepted after moderation anyway…Even though I have been living in KL, I never fail to come back to Perak and enjoy each and everything about my beloved state, Perak.. When PKR won Perak in the last EC, each and everyone in my family moved back to Ipoh Perak as to support and feel this new govt of Perak.Sfter Pakatan Rakyat Won Perak and other places, our family have been very close to Chinese and Indians and other races..Pakatan Rakyat brought unity to everyone…I didn’t know that all this while, we have been having traitors in the party and started shaking our unity.. Pakatan Rakyat won each and everyone’s heart in his own way…Pakatan Rakyat is for everyone regardless of their race, religion, ethnics, language, etc…I never seen three major races Malay, Chinese and Indian are very close and live like a family in BN but I can witness that In Pakatan Rakyat.. Our parents used to live in a harmonious way during Tunku Abdul Rahman legacy..Avery much corrupted, racist, killer, poisonous, selfish BN has been screwing and tarnishing the unity that we had before until many of you don’t like us, Malays..Malays are very good and understanding and never screwed any other races in Malaysia..we like to live as a brother and sister and share this country with everyone…but BN (political leaders) created such a situations that planted hatred in each and everyone heart..In order to get Malays vote, they have poisoned Malays by through lies and instigation.. In order to get non-malays vote, they have poison them by telling that DAP or Pas will screw them if non- Malays vote for them…so they scored in many ways..I would regard BN as a real disaster to our country.. Don’t let them spoil our unity that we have been having since GE..Lets get together as one nation to bring unity that we have been hunger for many years…Don’t Let BN take over Perak and other states…Pakatan rakyat should rule us…Lets go for dissolution…Hidup Pakatan Rakyat…

  182. dawsheng Says:

    Today at 01: 28.26 (6 hours ago)
    “Hee will be remembered as a PARLIMENTARIAN….a DEPUTY SPEAKER and lastly a TRAITOR. ”

    I used to have the same opinion as you but not anymore, spurious as it may sounds, I respect their decisions, let us move on.


    True that we should move on…but let us not forget this act of betrayal. I believe her actions are not reflective of the voice of the people. Perakians voted for change!!! By remembering, we will be more cautious in the future.

    There is nothing to be respected about her decision. Its only by some personal vested interest that she has taken this step of shame. We will move on…for sure. But when judgement day comes, i hope she is ready!!! See you again Perak in GE13.

  183. Jelapang people will not forget. How good your service may be. The voters voted you not 10% because of your service but also the principle that the party carry.

    It was sad indeed, but life is tough so money is the god how many can resist anyway? How many can have values posses by Kuan Kung who is royal until his last breath.

    She has made great mistake and she will have to pay for her political folly by supporting BN which is equivalent to CORRUPTION in Malaysia.

    By showing your support BN is just alight your self to CORRUPTION.

  184. chiakchua Says:
    Today at 05: 07.54 (3 hours ago)

    She could only ‘redeem’ her mistake by declaring immediately she is ‘PR-friendly independent’ in the current turmoil. Would she?

    With 50 million ringgit cash safe in the bank, you think she will do it?

  185. To the other PR ADUNS, do not be disheartened. Hold the fort!! Dont give in to the bribery of the BN goons. Your time to bask in glory will arrive soon enough. When PR takes over for good, we shall not forget all those who have deserted us. You’ve waited for 50+ years, waiting another 4 years isnt too bad.

    The statement made by ex Penang CM….about the “Frog King”. I wonder who is the Raja Katak NOW!!!

  186. Never knew there are so many visitors/readers here – suddenly over 250 interesting comments, when much that is serious is at stake.

    However on the lighter side first, whenever passion/anger is aroused at our political frogs, I lament that prostitutes –ooops sex workers – get maligned!

    The people have been “betrayed and cheated by the three prostitutes from Jelapang, Behrang and Changkat Jering” negarawan said Yesterday at 21: 31.57 to be joined force by Ktteokt’s comments Yesterday at 23: 31.59, “Hee Yit Foong, the political prostitute…”

    If it’s any consolation, such comments are buttressed by the “astute” broadside of one such famous political practitioner who ruled popularly as 44th president of USA : “I used to say that politics was the second lowest profession and I have come to know that it bears a great similarity the first/oldest” – Ronald Reagan in “Observer” 13th May 1979!

    Be that as it may, a comparison of political frogs with sex workers has its limits : not only they do different type of ‘jumping’, but the latter provide an important service of therapeutic/physical value to hypocritical society. More important, you get what you pay, fair and square, but in the case of political frogs, you vote them under PR and they jump to BN in betrayal of the original bargain! The more active of course jumped from BN to PR and then shortly from PR back to BN!

    Unfortunately, this difference is ignored when we drag sex workers in to criticize people whom we regard would sell their principles for money.

    Here “principles” are not one’s private principles. If “private” and not affecting anyone else, who cares what they are?

    However here for “kataks’, ‘principles’ involve 3rd parties/public in the sense that they placed their trust to vote for you based on your claim to fight for their interest, and after getting there, use it as a bargaining chip to get a large wad of cash – that will take care of generations to come – for jumping to the opposite camp…..and this where the cutting edge of betrayal is keenly felt.

    Unfortunately, even as we become sanctimonious and criticize, it is good to question how many amongst us will resist the blandishments of Millions if the other side deems us “worthy” to buy?

    It appears that the difference between an honourable politician and a not so honourable one is the price for the soul/conscience or reputation, whichever more important : the first needs RM50 Million, the latter RM5 million?? Well whilst definitely we cannot say all and every single politician but we can say it for (maybe) 90+% of them?

    Running a political party/coalition needs management of checks and balance taking into account human frailty.

    It is interesting mother of three said in posting Yesterday at 23: 09.18 “Uncle Lim, How could u miss out the “Hee” virus in your party???? Maybe he forgot to ask Fong Po Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah) her insights? :)

  187. The reasons for her leaving DAP and PR should not be valid at all. Hee is not new to DAP, she has been a member of DAP for more than two decades! She should have understood very well what makes DAP tick, but now she turns back and give all sorts of excuses! The only thing I can see is that she has been “bought” over with RM! RM! and RM! If RM to her is worth more than her dignity and the respect given to her by the people in her constituency, then she is no better than a WHORE! Anyway, her political career can be pronounced dead and buried. DAP must look seriously into this problem and plug up this loophole to avoid more Hee(s) and LLTs from being generated within the party!

  188. part of Law professor Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi said in the Star today :–

    The Sultan, he said, had a heavy task when making a decision.

    “He has to bear in mind that the palace’s reputation is at stake should defectors be rewarded with the possibility of being king-makers.

    “It will be a bad precedent if a government is formed by relying on support by defectors.

    “Party-hopping is a despicable activity no matter which party does it. Not only does it bring shame to the political process, it is also a bad way to form a government,” he added.


    It actually does not really matter if BN manage to form next government but rather the impartiality of monarchy and “judiciary” issues.

    The EC as part of the “judiciary” as we lay man sees it, had proven to be a failure. It failed to deliver when put under the acid test !!!
    Now, HRH Sultan as a former CJ , seems to be in a very much tigther situation whereby to dissolve or not to. As the Prof. mentioned, it is a BAD precedent and the palace’s reputation gambled for BN’s success. Is it worth it when the ground sentiments is so bad against BN.

    Well, the Terengganu’s ruler’s Council made a right choice back then. Will the Perak Sultan / palace make the right one ? Let’s pray he does.

  189. Dear Sdr. Lim,

    As senior party leader, I feel you owe DAP supporter an explanation of how DAP rep of Jelapang can break rank. How is it that she is able to break rank with DAP senior leaders directive, to betray the cause of DAP. The only plausible reason for doing what she did if she has no faith in the entire DAP organisation (nationall NOT state wise). If her problem is with state organisation and personality, the senior leaders of DAP must explain how they could have let the state organisation become so chaotic resembling MCA, Gerakan warlord politics that it now betrays the national and long term agenda of DAP at crucial moment. DAP has struggled for years to get a chance to change this country fundamentally and how it can be subjected to derailment by the agendas of individuals is inexcusable.

  190. How DAP rep of Jelapang can break rank? Hold down the ‘shift’ key on your keyboard and press it a dozen times— that’s how Heeheehee broke rank. $$$$$

    The harshest attack against Umno of its takeover of Perak through defections came from former strongman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The ex-premier chastised the government he once led for accepting two former opposition leaders who are facing corruption charges.

    “If they are accepted now and then found not guilty, the so-called Umno-led government will be accused of influencing the court,” he wrote on his widely-followed blog. “True or not does not matter as the public’s perception is such.”

  191. And we thought mahathir was bad. Najib is badder by miles. And he is not even the pm yet. He may have denied the mongolian scandal and the weapons acquisition hu hah but with what he has done in perak are his denials seriously believable? What did his father do to rahman? A good chip isnt he?

    Mahathir succeded in bringing up a generation of ultra greedy and power crazy umnoputras and has shown a great readiness to succumb all who opposed him. What will najib do?

    Mahathir at least tried to legalise his actions by controlling the court and by setting up kangaroo tribunals (e.g. the one that was tasked with the eradication of some federal court judges). Najib i am afraid will not bother to do any of those. He would just execute (take action) and then deny his involvement.

    But of course mahathir is the smarter of the two. Being of lesser grey matter constitution najib will find the crude ways of cavemen natural and normal and hence acceptable. And of course he didnt realise that in this day and age cavemen are rare and caveman behaviour is a socialy oddity.

    In other words, he would stand up like a really sore thumb in umno and in the country. In other words, he would be instrumental in closing the final umno chapter.

    What he has done (cross-party money politics) will be remembered by the people and the real impact of his action will be felt by him in the next election (be it general or by election).

  192. Sorry for typo–

    Hold down the ’shift’ key on your keyboard and press the figure ‘4’ key a dozen times— that’s how Heeheehee broke rank. The next time around, all winners of elections need to be herded in temples and pledge before Hades that they would never ever break ranks, after slaughtering white cockerels, crossing their hearts and spitting on the devil.

  193. On subject of “kataks” and in response to an earlier challenge from the comment “by the way, why is it that when someone defects from BN to PR they are called heroes and are doing so for the rakyat”, KennyGan has answered Yesterday at 19: 20.50 “Because when they defect from BN to PR it is for principles. When they defect from PR to BN it is for money, position and dropping of corruption charges.”

    The latter part – “when they defect from PR to BN it is for money, position and dropping of corruption charges” – is of course commonly accepted as true.

    I am not too sure about the first part – “they defect from BN to PR it is for principles”.

    It flies in the face of the common assumption that if they were in the BN, they would not have placed high premium on principles in the first place.

    A change of heart, a sudden seizure of conscience, an apocalyptic revelation? Possible but not likely.

    The other interpretation : they were in BN because they were deliberately “planted” there in the beginning as trojan horses by some ‘mastermind’ to spy on its goings on….and at the right time, required to jump back to PR to balance the numbers, and then they later decide to jump again back to BN except that this time around it’s a bit hazy and we’re left wondering whether there’s other motivation (yet to be divined) beyond the commonly assumed ones!

    The beautiful part is that our politics don’t just involve unquantified number of political frogs or potential frogs : it is confusing because we’ve also got “Trojan horses” embedded in key areas to monitor events, identify and report back developments and so and so on. In war it would be undercover spies.

    PR may have a couple of “Trojan Horses” embedded within the BN, and vice versa : however it is not just “inter”-coalition/party as in PR versus BN, it is also “intra”-party/coalition in the sense that, supposing parties A, B and C are in a coalition, A may have its trusted lieutenants embedded as member of B or C…..

    Interesting isn’t it, having frogs and Trojan horses and not being able to tell who is who???

  194. What taking the sultan so long to make a decision?
    Well! he has to scrutinize every details with great care.
    He too, has to meet najib to get an explanation from him first for he does not wants to be biased on one side.
    The Sultan is not weak nor undecisive.
    The sultan is wise to know that if he’s to grant BN to rule the state, it will bring disaster to every part of the state.
    Because if he were to do that, Najib will use the same tactics to rob PR of the other remaining states.
    There were never be any more democracy then and the \election\ thing is just a play, play.
    Najib thinks that as a finance minister and with all the country’s cash in his hand, he could use it as if it belongs to his late father.
    Money can do wonders but money can sometimes cause downfall.
    I bet that money will sooner or later destroy those \scums\ their entire life.
    One more thing is that I would like to advise Anwar never to speak of anything that he can’t do again.
    It’s just like digging his own trap!
    We can’t trust any individual in PR, Independent or BN.
    Most of us voted only for the party and not the individual so to those who wish to jump, please don’t take the voters for a ride.
    Not only are you a traitor but a threat to national security too.
    You could also be selling our country’s top secret to our enemy for just a price, in future.
    You people deserve to be put in Kamunting as well!

  195. “The only plausible reason for doing what she did if she has no faith in the entire DAP organisation …” Big Joe

    If that is the sole reason, a woman with principle can just stand out and say quit.

    But the TIMING is such that it conincides with toppling the Perak govt makes one feel that there are some agreements/negotiations taking place (e.g. $,$$$,$$$, position, promises etc.). If this is the case, whatever reasons given is just a decoration.

  196. Is it not written that the darkest clouds come before the sun shines through?
    This BN victory(?) could turn out to be a Pyrrhic one : it may gain control of Perak but by doing so show more Malaysians that the BN is not fit to govern Malaysia.
    Let us pray that more Malaysians awake from their political apathy.

  197. Kenny Gan Said Yesterday at 21: 31.21 “The constitution says that a Menteri Besar which has suffered a successful vote of no confidence can either:1) resign together with his govt or 2) advise the Ruler to dissolve the state assembly and call for fresh elections”. OK true but that’s what the MB could do, and we know what he would do as well.

    The more important part of what KennyGan said was : “The Ruler can (a) act on the advice of the MB and dissolve the state assembly or (b) he can select another person which in his opinion commands the confidence of the majority to be MB.”

    Its not what the MB does that counts but what the Ruler does that count, isn’t it? What (besides hopes) makes us think that the Ruler may not opt for (b) if Najib presents the majority numbers?

    True, as StevePCH posted today at 08: 34.48, what Law professor Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi said in the Star today : “The Sultan, he said, had a heavy task when making a decision. He has to bear in mind that the palace’s reputation is at stake should defectors be rewarded with the possibility of being king-makers. It will be a bad precedent if a government is formed by relying on support by defectors. Party-hopping is a despicable activity no matter which party does it. Not only does it bring shame to the political process, it is also a bad way”.

    However ask yourself this question – if due to “party hopping” BN has majority number in Perak State Assembly now, would not the Ruler be entitled (in non partisan politics as befitting His neutral role as constitutional monarch) to fall back on the constitutional/legal premise of selecting another person which in his opinion commands the confidence of the majority to be MB????

    What about parrty hopping, one may ask. What about it?

    Regarding the “immorality” of party hopping (as basis of transferring power), is morality or immorality going to be of weight, in deliberations, when the law/judicial precedent as laid down by the highest apex court in Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan & Another v Nordin Salleh & Another says that party hopping is ok by reason that any restriction placed on it will contravene article 10(1)(c) Federal Constitution on Freedom of Association? Is morality overriding of law & constitution???

    Now I suddenly recall what Onlooker Politics said in posting Yesterday at 19: 58.27 – “When His Highness was the Yang Dipertuan Agong, his agreeing to sign the bill of Constitutional Addition of Special Court into the law had displeased other state rulers”.

    That’s true, some state rulers were displeased.

    However, Onlooker Politics, you should flip the coin and ask the other corollary question: who was the one person, whom you would speculate or deduce, would be pleased at that time?

    It is interesting to speculate on this other point : would Najib/BN blow up the issue in media and claim it would take over Perak state govt if they had, after long and serious thinking, believed the plan/coup would be impeded from being successful?

    Unless you think there’s not enough of long and serious thinking/planning put in to the matter by BN : is that likely?

    An earlier poster boh-liao said in posting Yesterday at 19: 48.12 : “So, this the the climax! Who said NR is weak…?”

    Hello it is ordinary that there’s a lot of work, tweaking here and there, much foreplay so to speak, before Climax! :)

    I shall leave it that…

  198. Typo omission in 5 para from bottom rectified in capital : “……would Najib/BN blow up the issue in media and claim it would take over Perak state govt if they had, after long and serious thinking, NOT believed the plan/coup would be impeded from being successful?…”

  199. Those idiots ‘aduns’ including the traitor Hee from DAP should be condemned.They actions are really sickening and they should be spat on and cursed.The Sultan should show his wisdom now by dissolving the Perak State Assembly and let the rakyat teach these human garbage a bitter lesson.

  200. i hope BN will take over PERAK with unpopular way this time.
    and i so glad MCA and GERAKAN will support BN.
    that case will only make BN totally flatten in NEXT GE.

    PR is just 10month old , and this is lesson for them to grow up.
    dont wait untill last majority seat lossing then only think to dissolve state assembly. its too late

  201. latest news from STAR

    Newsflash (10:35am) Perak Umno state chief Datuk Sri Najib Tun Razak and his deputy Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi leave Istana Kinta. Najib is expected to chair the state liaison committee meeting to discuss the Barisan candidate for the Perak Mentri Besar post.

  202. I hope your majesty will make a wise decision. This could will be a decision that creates history for Malaysia. It will set a precedent on how the country will move forward.

    Are we still going to be ignorant and stand by the \boleh\ attitude or do we really want to see this wonderful country of ours achieve greatness that it deserves? Your majesty is at this crossroad. How would you like your legacy to be remembered?

    Uncle Kit,
    I am no politician but would it be possible that party hoppers resign their office and stand on a new ticket to get a fresh mandate from the people (if they do decide to switch side)? This will ensure that the rakyat are behind his/her intended switch or not. (regardless of the side they are from)

  203. to Chicken Hee:

    You are soooo lucky you don’t live in Africa…..

    Do you know what they do to Traitors like you???

    Oh…. I am sorry, you cannot see? Your eyes COVERED with $$$???

    Nevermind then….

  204. A desperate act by a desperate man. I think that is what it is all about. Two by-election failures and a cupboard full of skeletons (which he denied) are simply too much for him and now he must show some good result. Of course the result must be significant enough to cover the two failures.

    The perak cross-over dust will definitely not settle even if umno takes over the state government. They forgot that peninsular folks (malays included) are mainly against them. They obviously thought that their umno corrupt ways and experience could be applied nilly willy to people outside the party.

    Voters have been angered. Rightly or wrongly, they are upset and dissapointed with the recent forced-jumps. Umno has been too bad for too long that voters basically do not now give them any benefit of doubt. On the contrary, they are prepared to give the benefit to pakatan. Hence a cross-over from pakatan to umno is tainted and from umno to pakatan is noble.

    There is nothing wrong or unfair about such attitude. In fact umno is both the father and mother of that attitude. Can umno complain? Instead of working towards re-building voters’ confidence after 308, umno decided to go for stunts that have in fact shocked and shook voters’ confidence further – something umno can ill-afford. Is this stupidity or desperation? Perhaps both.

    Najib must be in a great rush and I think he is mistaking the grave for his target. Under Captain Najib Umno will sink quicker.

  205. tkk asked: “would it be possible that party hoppers resign their office and stand on a new ticket to get a fresh mandate from the people (if they do decide to switch side)? This will ensure that the rakyat are behind his/her intended switch or not. (regardless of the side they are from)”

    I would like to know that myself

  206. Dear Mhwang,

    As goes the saying, what right for goose must be also right for gander. The point is that both BN and Pakatan Rakyat are involved in this so called “buying allegiance” from interested parties.

    It is not ethical for Hee to switch allegiance. The same also goes to Nasaruddin.

    As for Anwar , I hope he will learn the lesson now. The dagger now is pointing at him. He cant complain as he has been proclaiming to the world about Sept 16, 2008. He he got the bitter lesson from his greed and foolishness.

    He cant lecture on switching allegiance as he is the one encouraging BN MPs to switch camp. So, now he must understand that there is implication on bad idea. He may have forgotten that switching can go both way .

    As for BN, do remember what you did decades ago in Sabah can haunt you again 20 year later and this time innocent PM will suffer.

    I hope BN and PR accept reality of the situation. PR please accept reality that the rakyat has mandated BN to rule at FEderal Level. BN must also accept that PR is in charge in 5 states( or now maybe 4).

    As for Nizar, he must at least get proper advice before dissolving State assembly as that is clearly the right of the Sultan exclusively. He is putting himself in difficult situation. Should the Sultan refuse to dissolve the assembly, he( Nizar) will look like a moron( as what the Malays feel about him now ).

    As for politicians, please understand that integrity is a highly valued criteria. Changing allegiance may be a political harakiri. I will not vote for “katak’ again.

    I am tired at this childish antic from these politicians. Grow up. The world economy is upside down. Get real Uncle Lim. Get real Najib, Anwar or Haji Hadi. Get real or get booted out .

  207. Yes, AI and PR must know by now that they are good at cakap cakap saja. Change, change, change – but where is the change?
    NR and Umno are very good and fast workers. Action speaks louder than words. Boom – change. Just do it!
    Watch out, next change, for Kedah, Selangor, and Penang.

  208. The only honourable thing Hee can now do is to resign as state assemblyman and stand for election as an independent. The people of Perak did not vote for you but for DAP! By supporting BN, Hee is a traitor to the rakyat. We are very disappointed with you.
    According to the constitution the party that holds the majority form the state government- neither BN or PKR has this majority. So the only way to resolve this political fiasco is to give the rakyat the mandate!

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