Can IGP explain police double-standards in not enforcing the law against former Appeal Court judge and former Education Director-General despite their offences of sedition?

The claim by the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar that the police are “fair and unbiased” in carrying out their duties and that “those who break the law have to face the music” are so ridiculous and outrageous that they cannot even bear a minute of scrutiny by the ordinary citizenry.

For a start, can Khalid explain police double-standards in not enforcing the law against the former Court of Appeal judge, Mohamad Noor Abdullah for making the most racist and seditious speech in public in the past 44 years and the pro-chancellor of UiTM and former Director-General of Education, Tan Sri Dr. Abdul Rahman Arshad for committing sedition in calling for the closure of Chinese and Tamil primary schools?

If we have a police force which is “fair and unbiased” and which enforces the law without fear or favour, both Mohd Noor and Abdul Rahman would have been questioned by the police, arrested and charged in court for under the Sedition Act.

Let Khalid answer the queries about the special treatment which the police leadership had given to the former Court of Appeal judge and the former Education Director-General Education before repeats meaningless statements like the police being “fair and unbiased” in enforcing the law/

Was the police ever given directives, directly or indirectly, by the top government and political leadership not to “touch” the former Court of Appeal judge and the former Education Director-General despite their blatant and flagrant crimes of sedition?

Yes, Malaysians want a police force which is efficient, professional, impartial, incorruptible and world-class whose first duty is to keep down the incidence of crime to make citizens, tourists and investors safe from crime and the fear of crime and not to make the Umno/BN political leadership safe from the civic and democratic challenges to their positions in government.

In Malaysia today, ordinary Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region, are worried sick about the rampant crime and the paralysing fear of crime, while Khalid is worried sick how to defend the Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN leaderships from civic and democratic challenges from the people.

Every day, there is the tragic story of how Malaysians have fallen victim to rampant crime – in today’s press for instance, there is the heart-rending report of a 40-year-old woman, Tar Bee Lin, believed to have been a snatch theft victim, who died at the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Sultanah Aminah Hospital (SAH) in Johor Baru on Sunday after fighting for her life for four days.

Tar, a clerk who hails from Paloh, Kluang, was believed to have been attacked while waiting alone at a bus-stop near her home in Taman Century to work in the 8am incident on May 23.

She was later found lying unconscious on the ground with her handbag containing a notebook and some clothes missing.

Tar, who had been taking the bus to her office in Taman Molek for the last 20 years, did not wake up from her coma.

Khalid has given the impression that he is not that concerned, touched or moved by the daily and tragic toll on the lives of ordinary Malaysians because of the runaway crime situation, particularly Johor Baru which the police had not been able to eradicate its appellation as “capital of crime in Malaysia”, as compared to protecting the Umno/BN political leaders and regime from civic and democratic challenge from the people!

The re-arrest of PKR MP for Batu, Tian Chua, Anything But Umno (ABU) chief Haris Ibrahim and PAS activist Tamrin Ghafar, together with veteran activist Hishamuddin Rais and student activist Safwan Anang and charging them under the Sedition Act is an illustration of the warped sense of priorities of the top police leadership in the country.

It is now very clear that the police application last Friday to remand Tian Chua, Haris and Tamrin for another seven days for investigations under the Sedition Act 1948 was a gross abuse of power and the legal process, as there was no need for the police to detain the trio even for an extra minute – as illustrated by the immediate preferring of the charges of sedition against the trio today without any further remand or investigations.

With the police caught red-handed in unnecessarily applying for a seven-day remand of the trio, probably just to satisfy the vendetta and vindictive ego of the most political “Home Minister” in the nation’s history, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamid, how can Khalid convince Malaysians that he would be a bulwark against any police abuses of power when he did nothing to stop gross abuses of police power in wanting to remand the trio by another seven days?

It is fortunate that the country is having judicial officers like the magistrate Norashikin Sahat who is a better guardian of the law and protector of the public interest than the police, and who rejected the police application to remand the trio by another seven days when there can be no grounds for such application.

Can Khalid explain how his claim of the police being “fair and unbiased”

in carrying out their duties bear scrutiny in the totally unjustifiable police application for seven-day remand for Tian Chua, Haris and Tamrin last Friday?


16 Replies to “Can IGP explain police double-standards in not enforcing the law against former Appeal Court judge and former Education Director-General despite their offences of sedition?”

  1. ///“This data is alarming, as it points to an average of at least one death in police custody per month since 2000,” the Malaysian Bar’s president Christopher Leong said in a statement today.///

    Dear Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, the ball is at your feet. Please stop wasting time with politics and get serious.

  2. Double standards is the very being of UMNO/BN and Mahathirism. The fact is they don’t have a standard – nothing they do is wrong including resulting in innocent death and murder. Whereas, who they are against, even being angel from heavan is a sin and crime..

  3. The police are “fair and unbiased”? My foot! If the police are really “fair and unbiased”, charges would have been pressed against the ex-judge and ex-DG of Education for sedition a long time ago. It looks set that these two racist bigots are going to get away absolutely scot-free. Perhaps they echoed the general UMNO view and are hence untouchable.

  4. The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced justly and fairly. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this.

  5. The police hardware and software are already badly infested with trojans, viruses and other malwares and badly needs a thorough clean-up. What software will do the trick? Will Bersih v4 or Black 505 do the trick? A defrag? A re-installation of the programmes? Any technicians out there ?

  6. My believe is the issue is not he double standards, and its not even the RISING double standards..Its who they are and they are going to scratch that dirty itch no matter what you tell them..

    The issue is the end-game, when the rising double standards rise in cresendo resulting in a god-knows-what mess, WHO is responsible? Can they get away with denying responsibility? That is the issue..

    The onus is on PR to make sure the responsibility and blame lies with them because it simply already does and anything else leads to nowhere for everyone..

  7. In presidential election, the person who is most popular will be elected president. He will appoint a team to run, and Perkasa cannot do a thing.

    In parliamentary election where the majority seats together form a government,many persons need to be elected. The leader may not be racist, but he will be transformed into one when he needs the support of others winning the election as racist champions. Hence parliamentary system perpetuates racism. Consequently, gerrymandering becomes the favorite game to cheat.

    Malaysia should move to presidential system of government, and cabinet ministers will face confirmation hearing to prove that they are up to the job.

    Najib claims to have 60% popular support. He should move to the Presidential system before he is toppled by Perkasa reading Mamakthir’s lip.

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