8,787 Chinese voters – “kingmakers” in a historic mission in KT by-election

With the 88% Malay voters in the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election in a very tight contest, the 8,787 Chinese voters representing 11.4% of the Kuala Terengganu electorate have emerged as the “kingmakers” in the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary by-election on January 17, 2009.

They will decide which candidate wins the Kuala Terengganu by-election.

Last night after the morning nomination, I attended a 10,000-peope mammoth PAS ceramah at Astaka, Tanjong as well as a close-to-a-thousand-people dinner ceramah organized by Kuala Terengganu DAP within 24 hours.

Mammoth PAS ceramahs are not unusual in Terengganu but what was unprecedented and most encouraging was the very enthusiastic support at the dinner ceramah, not only by the some 500 people at the dinner but also by the 300-400 people who stood outside the restaurant to follow the four hours of speeches.

Was this a sign that the Chinese in Kuala Terengganu have woken up and are standing up, not only for their rights as voters in the state but as citizens of Malaysia?

I was told that the Chinese voter support in Kuala Terengganu leaned 60 to 40 in favour of the PAS and Pakatan Rakyat candidate, Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut as against the Umno and Barisan Nasional candidate Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh.

But I learnt that these were also the odds at the start of the general election in March last year with the PAS candidate Mohd Sabu taking an early lead against his opponent Razali Ismail immediately after nomination – but the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary race in the last general election ended in 60-to-40 in favour of the Umno candidate among the Chinese voters.

As I told the dinner ceramah last night, the Chinese voters of Kuala Terengganu must not allow a repeat of the last general election outcome, with the favourable odds of 60 – 40 Chinese voter support for Mohd Sabu at the beginning of the election campaign turned around to 40-60 on polling day.

Instead, the Kuala Terengganu Chinese voters should ensure that their support for the PAS and Pakatan Rakyat candidate is increased to 70-30 by polling day on January 17 to seal their role as the “king-makers” in the by-election.

The January 17 by-election is an unique opportunity for the 80,229 voters of Kuala Terengganu to write history for they will be voting not just who should be their MP as their votes will have with greater import and more far-reaching consequences.

They should use their votes on January 17 not just to speak for themselves but for 27 million Malaysaians for political change and national renewal.

If they vote and elect the PAS and Pakatan Rakyat candidate to be the MP for Kuala Terenganu, they will be launching a second wave of political tsunami after the March 8 general election last year – sending out the clear and unmistakable message that Malaysians are prepared to transform the national political landscape even with a change of the federal government in the next general election.

This will make the role of the 8,787 Chinese voters even more significant – not just as the “kingmakers” of who is to win the Kuala Terengganu by-election but to spearhead a historic mission to trigger a new political tsunami to bring about far-reaching political, economic, educational, social and nation-building reforms after more than half-a-century of nationhood.

The January 17 Kuala Terengganu by-election is thus a historic mission for the 80,229 voters as well as for the 8,787 Chinese voters!


57 Replies to “8,787 Chinese voters – “kingmakers” in a historic mission in KT by-election”

  1. The wind of change is real in Terengganu and whole of Malaysia.
    So glad to note that…Lim Kit Siang does not fall into Ong Ta Kut…cheap stunt.
    Yes….MCA and Gerakan are sooooo democratic..that majority members want out….yet they stay..in the BN.
    Now we know….who are the selfish actors …not politicians at all… and who are the freedom fighters.

  2. Dear All,

    It is definitely nice to hear that the Chinese are slanting towards Pakatan Rakyat by a wide margin of some 20%. It is also about time for the Chinese to send a salutary signal to UMNO and BN that they have already had enough of being treated as second class citizen in Malaysia, a country which they were born into.

    However, I certainly believe that the two new board members with notable experience and close friends of Ong Tee Keat, whom Star has roped in would definitely be less slanted towards Pakatan Rakyat.

  3. ch…When a man can be slanting to left or right…he has no backbone.
    And if he is doing that in political matters….he is a selfish yes man with no principles in life.
    And if he can slant to and fro…showing he has a backbone…then he is an animal…not a human being at all….probably a dog.

  4. Is Chinese New Year coming early to KT?
    Very likely, you will see OTK with his ‘junior beggars’ going around handing out red packets. This is the standard practise of ‘Malaysian Corrupted Party’…an insult to the Chinese community.
    I hope the Chinese in KT, will sweep them off with a broom from their houses, if these UMNO lapdogs come knocking at their doors!

  5. “Was this a sign that the Chinese in Kuala Terengganu have woken up and are standing up, not only for their rights as voters in the state but as citizens of Malaysia?” KIT

    Instead of standing up, some Malaysians prefer to squat. For far too long, the Chinese have been “squatters” in their own country. It is time they stand up!

    Don’t listen to the blog’s gasbag, Lee Wang Yen!

  6. Chinese voters beware of MCA&Gerakan trick.OF course their favourite trick is the famous hudud law by PAS which will be implemented once they come to power.I like to ask the non muslim Barisan partners who actually started the HUDUD game.
    When UMNO introduce that all muslim are automatically under SYARIAH LAW and non muslims are under civil law who supported this act in parliament.Is a dual legal system good for the unity of the people in this country.As a result
    1. Non muslims have to convert to islam to marry a muslim(one way traffic which will further reduce the non muslim population.)
    2. Non muslims who have converted to islam and prefer to revert to the original religion find it is almost impossible because they are subject to syariah law.
    3. This bias system goes against the universal declaration on human rights.

    This is partly hudud and.PAS is only trying to complete the HUDUD (criminal aspect of hudud law)I don’t understand why UMNO has ommited this particular law but they might have their own agenda.-maybe to attract more non mulims to convert.People who voice out their opinion might be arrested under ISA another dangerous law which PAS opposes.ANYWAY WHY THE FEAR WHEN PAS HAS SAID ONLY MUSLIMS WILL BE SUBJECTED UNDER HUDUD……..

  7. Look at Trengganu – unimaginable, an oil producing state, see the pathetic condition the KT town is in?! After 2 terms under UMNO/BN, where have all the oil money gone to and they got the cheek to come asking for another term?

    I call on K.Trengganuites, say “NO to umno/BN”! Send them packing, let the monsoon wind sweep them out into the South China Sea. Give them a sea burial!

  8. Yes, only when Chinese support a candidate of Malay and Islam origin of PAS, then we said there is no true racial and religious barrier. This will be a breakthrough in the boleh political history.

  9. Jong Says:

    Today at 21: 49.44 (28 minutes ago)
    Look at Trengganu – unimaginable, an oil producing state, see the pathetic condition the KT town is in?! After 2 terms under UMNO/BN, where have all the oil money gone to and they got the cheek to come asking for another term?”

    You need to understand the mentality of Kelantanese and Trengganu Malays. In the case of Kelantan it has helped PAS maintain its control. They don’t measure ‘progress’ in the same terms.

  10. Jong Says:

    Today at 22: 32.05 (1 minute ago)
    Then what is ‘progress’ for them, you tell me?
    To be able to enjoy the laidback lifestyle, enjoy kropok lekor by the reban ayam …”

    They are afraid the Chinese will come and change the image of the Trengganu ‘ayam’ forever – from one that lays the eggs to one that fights for the eggs.

  11. I hope KT will wake up and realise that it’s not about KT alone, it’s about the whole UMNO/BN machinery that is all out to strategically destroy the country.

    We must deprive those b*st*rds of the slightest hope to get near it.

  12. The Chinese in Trengganu will take heart from what happened in the other states during the last GE. They will know that change is possible, that change is within grasp, that the corrupt regime can be put to the sword.

    Heck, even the Malays will take heart from the lessons of March 2008. Why continue with a regime that lies, cheats, and steals ?

    We have to copy Obama’s campaign battlecry:


  13. I was happy to see Kit, Tok Guru and Anwar together at the massive ceramah. These are the people who know that right is might, and not the other way round. These are the leaders who believe that change is possible – nay, change is probable. These are the people who have taken a stand, and not sit on the fence calculating their utility values.

    These are the people who have placed their lives on the line. We have to respond, we have to give them our support, and not downplay their sacrifice, their efforts.

  14. Godfather Says:

    Yesterday at 23: 54.40
    The Malays in Trengganu worried about relinquishing control of the state to the Chinese from other states ?\

    That’s their perception. However, ridiculous it may seem to the rest of us, it is real to them. Among others, they are scared of the ‘ayam’ culture, the corruption of their core values as Malays and Muslims etc.

    The fear is that gasbags like Lee Wang Yen may come and pollute their minds with rational thinking and convince them through the analysis of cost and benefit to sell their land and move to the more remote areas of the state until they have their backs to the sea. How do you think Trengganu Malays become such good fishermen??

  15. We should all be PR suppoprter at this point not DAP, PKR or PAS supporter. Hudud or no hudud you will never get there if you cannot stop biockering because the WINNER is BN. You can continue to put your stand but it will be useless if you cannot come to power. I bet BN would like DAP and PAS kill each other with Hudud. Rakyat like me don’t care about that we just want BN out of power for good. At least for now. If PR make the wrong moves after they come to power guess what rakyat can throw them out and vote BN in again. This way rakyat is the king maker not Malay, Chinese, Indian or others and that should be the way.

  16. Godfather Says:

    Today at 00: 06.03 (19 minutes ago)
    I was happy to see Kit, Tok Guru and Anwar together at the massive ceramah. These are the people who know that right is might, and not the other way round.”

    But Malaysia seeks to be a democracy! In democracy might is always right. Of course, we all know better.

  17. “BN would like DAP and PAS kill each other with Hudud.” – Daryl

    No, I disagree.
    BN wants DAP to kill PAS for fear if Hudud Law is allowed to be enforced, they in UMNO/BN will all be without hands!

  18. Prof Lee Wang Yen has this to say earlier:

    “This is because a typical real-world lottery ticket has a very low probability of being a winning ticket and thus also a very high probability of being a losing ticket. For example:

    E(V) = P(winning ticket)x(Utility value of winning)+P(losing)x(Utility value of losing)
    E(V) = 0.001x(1000-10)+0.999(-10)”

    I thought this is a political blog!

  19. Now don’t you rouse him from his slumber !

    He’s already miffed that Kit did not heed his “advice” to quit PR. And some others are also miffed that their cries for Kit to boycott the by-election have been ignored.

    Let sleeping dogs lie.

  20. I was in Bangkok having my breakfast and was sitting there laughing to myself watching those Arabs having nice plates of bacon and eggs. Told myself, “wow they really know how to enjoy, once out of their country, huh?” :D

  21. “Pas vice-president Husam Musa’s recent remarks that his party would want to introduce Hudud, the strict Islamic code which prescribes amputation, stonning and whipping as punishment for criminal offences, had touched off criticisms from non-Muslim groups, including PR partners DAP.”

    A Malay boy caught kissing a Chinese girl is like him having bacon for breakfast. Does that mean they would have to cut his tongue off – under hudud law??

  22. ‘Siti Fatimah’ conversion ruling in March

    Athi Veeranggan | Jan 7, 09 5:14pm
    Penang-based Muslim convert Siti Fatimah Tan Abdullah wants to revert to Buddhism, but will have to wait until March 16 to know if she can leave Islam.”

    I’d like to see Anwar Ibrahim issue his statement on where he stands on this issue.

  23. I had an iranian housemate in london years ago. He is a pork eating muslim. “I am not bother” was his reply to my curiousity laced question.

    BTW, Najib is the wrong man to head umno’s campaign in kt. His presence is destructive to umno.

  24. I don’t know if KT Chinese vote is that important anymore. PAS strategy of attacking Wan Farid personally is working and have the legs to take it all the way to swing the Malay votes against him.

    The man has too many personal negatives. He does not have a common touch, not a good speaker and his Islamic cred is weaker than PAS candidate. His personality is actually weak and the BN campaign is highlighted by state and national leaders even though they did not plan it to be. The man has to be told to smile more by the PM-to-be!!!!

    Now that Pak Lah has officially made him a puppet of Pak Lah, PAS can label him a clown of out-going PM and say he will be useless once Pak Lah leaves and the national and state leaders move on to more important issues.

    If KT Chinese sense Wan Farid is a puppet of Pak Lah and that the Malay vote go against him and promises made will be worthless, they will vote opposition to protest against larger national issues which they are unhappy with.

    So KT Chinese may not be the decider but they can send a larger message, an important message.

  25. YB LKS and All Malaysians,

    What a shame to play along racial line and trappped in \KING MAKING\ when PR and BN professed to be multiracial after 308 for 1 United Bangsa Malaysia, with 1 Nation and 1 Malaysia for THE RAKYATS regardless of race/language/religion/culture/believes etc!

    Malaysia’s Parliament also work overtime over GAZA and GOD KNOW who is fighting who and who is right and who is wrong on JUDGMENT DAY!


  26. undergrad2 said:

    “A Malay boy caught kissing a Chinese girl is like him having bacon for breakfast. Does that mean they would have to cut his tongue off – under hudud law??”

    Hahaha, I love to hear out those strong advocates of Hudud Law from both sides of the divide – PAS, UMNO and PKR(Anwar Ibrahim). Let’s hope there won’t be any double standard, law made tilted to disadvantage their Muslim womenfolk alone.

    It will be interesting to see how many Malaysian Muslims will be without tongues and menfolk, their little brothers?!!! :D

  27. Kit talked about Chinese in KT being kingmakers. What “kingmakers” role are we talking about when the final outcome is either UMNO or PAS. What is the difference between race supremacists UMNO and holier than thou supremacists PAS? I don’t think we are kingmakers. We are grave diggers, both ways.

  28. YB,

    If Karpal Singh wants to fall into the trap to discuss Hudud Law it is his problem and should not draw others into the trap he has fallen into. What is the use to discuss Hudud Law when he is unlikely to live to see it implemented.

    Let those who are young enough to make decision to decide. Do not spoil their chances of forming the next government. I am not trying to be sarcastic, but just ask ourselves,

    1)How many Karpal Singh, Ranjit Singh and Rattan Singh are there now without turbans and do not carry the swords. Are we to say they are no longer of the religion which is believed by those with turbans and carry swords. So we see a religious practice can change. The Karpal Singh has also changed, so why can’t Hudud Law change?

    Can we say that those who practise yoga are Hindus? This cannot be true, as many Christians, Muslims, Buddhist and Taoist are practicing Yoga and nobody wants to discuss Hinduism in this manner. So who say Yoga is only for the Hindus?

    2)Another example is Tai-Chi, if we see Tai Chi in its present form, the Chen founders and the Shaolin Masters would cry and object to the manner the art is debased. It is the highest form of Martial art and now it is just a lady’s exercise for everyone and not part of Taoism or Buddhism. Why? It is because the people have changed the art and the practice.

    So Hudud Law can also change with the passage of time. It may come to a point when it is only symbolic when all the citizens of this country of different races and religion can accept it.
    What form and manner it is to be evolved and how it can be adapted to the Constitution is for the future young generation to accept and not by those who have passed their prime time in life.

    3)I always said China is a good example for all the leaders in the world to follow. China is a Communists Country. Rightly the Christian, the Muslims and the Hindu would have nothing to do with China. Karl Marx says religion is the opium of the masses. But look now, all the countries in the world are eagerly and willingly to do the business and have cultural contacts with China. Why are they doing so, when China is a communist country. We cannot say that it is not a Communist Country or else the Portrait of Mao Tse Tung would be taken down immediately. The Chinese dare not say they are not communist but we all know that they are capitalist.

    4)We say this is symbolic. We accept a concept that is good, but, be practical in the way we want to do things and China has shown the example. They have accepted Adams Smith (the Wealth of Nation), so we hope that the dogmatic attitude of Karpal Singh should not affect the future generation and please phase away gently, for the good of those who are working to establish a new era , free from corruption, inefficiency and inequality. Let there be democracy, let each party advocate what is best and let the people decide what is good.

    “ The Gift of Truth excels all other Gifts”- Buddha.

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