DAP Gelang Patah Declaration: A Vision & Strategy for Indian Empowerment

(On 31st March 2013, the DAP Gelang Patah Declaration “A Vision and Strategy for Indian Empowerment” was formally launched in Gelang Patah at a historic meeting attended by DAP national, state and local leaders including DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Ipoh Barat, M. Kulasegeran, DAP MPs Gobind Singh Deo (Puchong), Charles Santiago (Klang) and Manogaran (Teluk Intan), former Senator S. Ramakrishnan, DAP State Assemblymen including Perak Assemblyman for Sungkai A. Sivanesan and Negri Sembilan Assemblyman for Senawang P. Gunasekaren.

The DAP Gelang Patah Declaration will be the basis for the DAP continued espousal of the cause of the Malaysians Indians to end their deplorable status as the new underclass in Malaysia. – LKS)

DAP Gelang Patah Declaration – A Vision and Strategy for Indian Empowerment

DAP offers justice, peace and equality for all.

DAP puts the aspirations of the people at the centre of its social and economic policies.

DAP recognizes BN’s 56 year rule has created unequal distribution of wealth, resulting in poverty among Indians and other vulnerable groups. But we shall ensure fair and effective distribution of our national wealth. The needs of the marginalized groups will be addressed under DAP.

Our policies will help all marginalized communities, especially the Indian poor and the lower middle-classes.

The Gelang Patah Declaration aims to create an enabling environment for the Indian community. DAP recognizes the significant contribution and struggles of the Indian community and wants to re-affirm, through this Gelang Patah Declaration, that under our leadership there will be improvement of their inherent rights and standard of living.

The Gelang Patah Declaration is DAP’s promise to the Indian community in Malaysia.

1. To resolve the problem of the stateless Indians within 100 days of a Pakatan Rakyat administration

2. To establish a National Housing Board which will build decent and affordable housing for marginalized groups, especially for displaced Indian plantation workers

3. To ensure that all National School Type Tamil schools become fully funded and the infrastructure of every single school is up to par with Sekolah Kebangsaan.

4. To invest in technical and vocational training coupled with apprenticeship programs to provide an alternative education and career path for school drop outs from low income Indian families.

5. To provide jobs and raise the wages of low income Indians by implementing a-RM1,100 minimum wage scheme.

6. To increase the number of Indians in GLCs, local councils, and public services.

7. To alienate land for existing Hindu temples and burial grounds and find replacement land for temples and burial grounds which have to be relocated.

8. To provide microcredit and other financial assistance schemes to Indian small businesses, with a special focus on women, youths and home based business.

9. To put in place the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) and to eliminate deaths in police custody and custodial deaths.

10. To establish a special fund to promote Indian equity ownership in the country.

11. To establish a Commission to address urban poverty and social problems faced by the community.

12. To establish policies that could economically enable single mothers, including house ownership schemes.

13. To establish or enrol in existing residential schools outstanding Indian students from plantation and urban poor families.

14. To abolish all anti-rakyat legislation and to get rid of discrimination.

Gelang Patah 31st March 2013.


9 Replies to “DAP Gelang Patah Declaration: A Vision & Strategy for Indian Empowerment”

  1. Perhaps its time to remind the Indians that DAP was founded by an Indian – Devan Nair – AND all these years THEY HAVE BEEN THE STALWART OF INDIAN OPPOSITION…The Indians of DAP are no mandores NOR are the Chinese in DAP their ‘tokong’ but rather they are COMRADES…

  2. While I recognise that DAP and Pakatan needs all the support it can get, from all races, I am slightly disappointed in what I see as a change in course for DAP/PR.

    I was captivated – as many others were, I am sure – by Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s campaigning for affirmative action and all that across all races, based on needs. Here was a national leader saying that his government would help those who needed it, not those who are of a particular race. This is a government I could believe in.

    However, DAP is now making promises to the Indian community alone. While I do not begrudge my fellow Malaysians what is rightfully theirs, I have to admit that this is slightly disappointing after all the talk of putting less importance on race and more on need. Why couldn’t DAP and you, Mr. Lim, have announced promises not just for the Indian community but for all communities, just like in the Manifesto and Buku Jingga?

    If only we, Malaysians, can look past our racial background and select people for whatever job, position, or award based on merit alone. Why does the DAP need to say “6. To increase the number of Indians in GLCs, local councils, and public services.”? Choose who is best suited for the job based on merit, not race! To me, it doesn’t matter whether a Malay, Chinese, Indian, or Orang Asli gets the job. He/She is a Malaysian and is competent and that is enough.

    Sadly, politics will be politics. This declaration, Mr. Lim, has slightly disappointed one of your strong supporters – me. I hope that you and your fellow compatriots in DAP/PR learn from your bumbling rivals in the BN who promise different things to specific races and not to other races – this strategy ultimately is not healthy in the long run for racial unity and the Malaysian spirit.

    Otherwise, keep up the good work, sir!

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