Najib has delivered – the Most Corrupt Institution in Bolehland!

by Martin Jalleh



14 Replies to “Najib has delivered – the Most Corrupt Institution in Bolehland!”

  1. It seems that the more corrupted …one is in Umno b party…the more powerful he/she becomes.
    “Money is power” so said Mahathir…encouraging all Umno lawmakers to take as much as they can.

  2. Money sure is powerful and useful to life….but these rouges and thieves steal hundreds of billions…from be powerful.
    And they even claim they are defender of their own race and religion…fooling and stealing from the Muslims as much as from other races.

  3. Corruptions is a worldwide affairs…that becomes a way of life….that hurts no one…..but our Umno b rouges and thieves steals by the hundreds of billions……from Malaysians…using all sorts of dirty tricks to make some look clean and lawful.
    No need to talk in details…all Malaysians know.

  4. Pakatan don’t even have to go look for fiasco. Kinibiz and even pork sellers are digging out the fiasco themselves.

    Let me repeat. Najib’s excuse which he had said at the beginning of his tenure and somehow never asked again until now, is simply HOGWASH..You can’t get rid of all the corruption quickly but the big ones can be rid off under a single term – the rest of it, its more important to increase efficiency and productivity than tackling corruption of the small potatoes which Najib has not even done all that much. They claim victory prosecuting Khir Toyo who still lives in in million dollar mansion with fat bank accounts. Now nonsensical does it get?

  5. Malaysia has offer the world the most corrupt institution model . It all start with the Mahathir times and since flourishing over the decade. Najib has further polishing it until as solid as a diamond. Deep rooted in the heart of each of BN cronies and all their associates

  6. chengho, ROS can not declare Dapters illegal, only ROSmah has that power, but ROS can suspend DAP pending investigation.

    Then, LKS said he might be under PAS banner in Gelang Patah.

    So, macam mana? LKS bertanding bawah ticket PAS, kalau macam ini, lagi tiga tahun pun Parliament tak bubar.

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