Pointing fingers to cover up incompetence in Sabah

— The Malaysian Insider
March 24, 2013

MARCH 24 — Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein took time off from leading the war against the Kiram clan in Sabah to remind the youth to rally behind Barisan Nasional (BN).

The Umno vice-president said PKR leaders like Chua Tian Chang had insulted the country’s armed forces despite several of them losing their lives to protect Malaysia’s sovereignty.

“What is going on in Sabah should not be politicised, this is an issue on our sovereignty.

“Whose hand is it is behind the intrusion, is there a third party involved? Who is this person who would forsake his own race and nation just because he wants power?” Hishammuddin told some 1,000 party youth supporters who responded with loud shouts of “Kill Tian Chua”.

This comes from the home minister who sent a tweet on February 18 describing the Sulu gunmen as “Fact: Most of the intruders old or malnourished. Wear sarongs/slippers…a few… hv arms.”

All hell broke loose a few weeks later and eight Malaysian policemen and soldiers are now dead.

Because the authorities showed restraint, thinking that these Sulu gunmen are old, malnourished, and some say, because they are Muslims.

We know better now. We had to get real policemen and soldiers to fight our battles, not politicians who were tweeting pictures of themselves in bomber jackets and attending operational meetings in Sabah.

Hishammuddin’s comments are not surprising. He is trying to cover up the earlier incompetent handling of the Sabah crisis and his foibles that only ended when Datuk Seri Najib Razak ordered the troops in.

One can divert attention from the inept way Malaysia faced the crisis. But who is politicising it now if not Umno itself.

This from a man who said he will stay on in Sabah until the crisis is over. Fact is he flew back across the South China Sea for an event in Gombak, Selangor, where he admitted there is political violence but blamed it squarely on opposition provoction.

He should stop right there and tell the police to do their job, and not give Umno a free pass if their supporters are found to be behind such violent acts. No one should be spared of being taken to task but this minister is only good at pointing fingers at others.

That itself speaks volumes of this Umno minister, if not the handling of the Sabah crisis.

19 Replies to “Pointing fingers to cover up incompetence in Sabah”

  1. ///The Umno vice-president said PKR leaders like Chua Tian Chang had insulted the country’s armed forces despite several of them losing their lives to protect Malaysia’s sovereignty.AGAINST {This comes from the home minister who sent a tweet on February 18 describing} the Sulu gunmen as “Fact: Most of the intruders old or malnourished. Wear sarongs/slippers…a few… hv arms.”///–from the text put in place for easy reading.

    The duty of the armed services staff is to defend the country and to maintain law and order. That is the job, and the duties come with the job. Though the job entails danger nonetheless all employees of the government are servants of the people and are expected to perform their duties.

    We expect the ministers to perform their duties too, and more so since they offer themselves to be elected to perform. Some Ministers think that by sitting in their office they have performed. They are wrong. Why do they fight to get elected when they are not able to perform their duties, to get wealth and power? That is why corruption should not be tolerated. In a month we will not hear of Kerismuddin talking cock again.

  2. Tun Daim Zainuddin was right – axe “deadwood”. There is “too much deadwood” in the prime minister’s current Cabinet. Najib must reorganize his administrators and drop non-performers.

  3. The very very marginal finger pointing and brain-dead to allow, nay encourage “kill tianchua” shows that much of UMNO/BN are simply flaying in their attempt to fight for votes.

    BUT you have to hand it to Najib – he played Hindraf well – knowing full well that taking them out of the picture during the GE is victory for him already..Hindraf has already fallen into UMNO/BN trap and is a lost cause. The Indian leadership in this country is simply hopeless and really do need help.

    If Sabahan make the same mistake as Hindraf, they would never be bettter..

  4. ///Member of Parliament for Johor Baru, Tan Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad said by “killing” the MCA, the DAP hopes to become the sole representative of the Chinese in Johor.

    “This is the DAP plan and if it succeeds, the political landscape will be changed to politics based on racism. Is this what the Chinese community in Johor wants.”///–MalaysianInsider

    That is how politics based on racism would stop. Without MCA giving UMNO the excuse that UMNO looks after Malay interest, and MCA Chinese, then the ruling party has to look after the interest of all Malaysians. Would one call UMNO racist if it has to look after the interest of non-Malays? Or is it true that UMNO does not know how to look after the interest of non-Malays? In that case UMNO should cease to be a political party in a multiracial nation.

  5. Hindraf only hopes to be second class Malays, ahead of other non-Malay Malaysians. Hindraf no doubt tried to talk quota with Najib. They should know that if government policy is not race-based, Indians would not be where they are today. To stop that Hindraf should help Indians by helping to change the government. But they think that they should help the leaders of Hindraf first, and seeing Najib was free with distributing money, he might be free to distribute seats too.

  6. ///“What is going on in Sabah should not be politicised, this is an issue on our sovereignty.

    “Whose hand is it is behind the intrusion, is there a third party involved? Who is this person who would forsake his own race and nation just because he wants power?”///- Hishammuddin.

    These are the questions that most Malaysians would want to know from the Home Minister himself. Aren’t you the one who said that these people are not a threat as they were not terrorists despite armed to the teeths? Politicised? Just look at all the propaganda the TV stations churned out daily. Even the deads are not not spared.

  7. Step back and ask who is it who has been making deals with savages from Sulu and Jolo? Were the deals in the interest of Sabahans? The work of the police and the armed forces has been made that much more difficult because of an ambiguous attitude to this nonsense from the venerable Sulu Sultanate. The serumpun sentiments have been carried to absurd limits for the political gain of a certain Semanjung- based party which managed to get its foot behind the door of Sabah, through, among others, the Projek IC.
    “Take it from me”! These Pattani, Sulu, Moro and Achenese fellows, are double-edged swords. Both ways cut they will.

  8. Hishammuddin is still the same arrogant bulldozer. He must be made responsible for the deaths of our policemen for making such ill informed initial assessment of our enemies. He must be sacked as home minister!

  9. aiyah…beh tahan la…their sickening attitudes….mentalities …behaviors…and more.
    16 days more…NaJib keep throwing out goodies..telling the 8000 fortunate……”I help you. You help me”
    I think Najib is enjoying ..as much as he can…waiting for bad news.

  10. All I can say is Kerismuddin is infantile.
    He stumbles from one mistake to another.
    Each time he opens his mouth, he has this habit of putting a different shoe into it.

    This is why Kerismuddin would have made an excellent court jester if he had lived in shakespearean times.

  11. Just a Tin Kosong now trying to Divert Attention after the Scr*wed Up, big time – with lost of lifes. Both cousins Celup of MAMAK- the master of Diversion, Cover-Up and masterclass Sandiwara & Spin.

  12. “This comes from the home minister who sent a tweet on February 18 describing the Sulu gunmen as “Fact: Most of the intruders old or malnourished. Wear sarongs/slippers…a few… hv arms.””
    I think he was trying to justify that we should not be too harsh with this group of friendly intruders.
    “This from a man who said he will stay on in Sabah until the crisis is over. Fact is he flew back across the South China Sea for an event in Gombak, Selangor, where he admitted there is political violence but blamed it squarely on opposition provoction.”
    You provoke people only when you know that the police are on your side. It is unlikely that the police are on the side of the Opposition. So who is actually causing the political violence?

  13. Sorry to hear about your loss…Tak Tahan…{will not reveal your real name here}
    Take it easy…I know how close you are to him.
    Everyone has to go…one day. It’s all written in the fate lines of the palm.
    Once again…very sorry and my deepest condolences.

  14. Back to the post…..
    When has anyone read..seen or heard these Umno b crooks admit any mistakes???
    Classic example…Mahathir blames everyone…always.
    16 days to 13th GE…..everyone knows what to do now….and Najib is still trying to buy votes..splashing our money around by the millions.
    His only hope…”I help you. You help me” works for him….openly bribing.

  15. Hishammuddin told some 1,000 party youth supporters who responded with loud shouts of “Kill Tian Chua”.

    If only Hishammuddin can show the same fortitude defending Malaysian soil from armed invaders like these The Royal Army of Sulu, I might actually respect him. The same too for Perkasa Ibrahim Ali.

    If these guys walk the talk and actually defended Malay soil when the Nation is attacked, I would actually call them the real deal and give my respect.

    As it is, these Defenders of Malay rights can only fight other Malaysians, who won’t do much aside from write a few articles on the Internet.

    Real brave, guys. Real brave.

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