BN has Delivered – the Highest Debt in the Nation’s History!

by Martin Jalleh



3 Replies to “BN has Delivered – the Highest Debt in the Nation’s History!”

  1. Why must the Government delivers now?
    55 years….no one delivers so much as Najib within two years…out of his closing unelected position.
    The more Najib delivers…the more he is guiding Malaysians away from the real issues….massive corruptions….stealing hundreds of billions and unsolved murders.
    It is clear…Najib wants Malaysians to feel good….happy.
    What kind of a country…Malaysia will become…where all rouges.. thieves…murders ..all can walk free.
    A country with Dictators can only do that.
    Do Malaysians want to kowtow to dictators??

  2. just a sidetrack,,,,,,but appreciate the info,,,foremost,,,
    Bumno probably will Spin / Hoodwink,,, like,,
    Macik, pacik ” semua orang ada hutang – betul kah, hanya sikit / lebih sahaja. Mesti lah Negara ada hutang pun, tentu lah banyak (mana boleh banding negara dengan kita orang la )
    And these are the targetted Rakyat (by pre-designed electorate delinenation) that Bumno have FOOL and HOODWINK to vote them back Putrajaya during each GE. (just a thought ,anyway)

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