Malaysia at new crossroads – unite as one people to withstand the worst effects of the global economic tsunami

    2009 New Year Message

2008 is the year of the political tsunami in Malaysia – with five state governments under Pakatan Rakyat, the end of two-thirds parliamentary majority of Barisan Nasional and a totally new national mindset where the toppling of the Umno-Barisan Nasional coalition government at the national level is no more impossible or unthinkable but eminently possible and a matter of time.

In 2009, the world expects the worst economic tsunami in 80 years wreaking even greater economic devastation world-wide than that caused by the global financial crisis this year which had already plunged the United States, Europe and Japan into recession and slowed down world economic growth – and the two great economic powerhouses, China and Japan, will not be spared.

Malaysia is at a new crossroads. We have lost our way after half-a-century of nationhood as illustrated by the tragic fact that the objective of a Bangsa Malaysia as proclaimed in Vision 2020 has become a subject of discord rather than concord among Malaysians and our continued slippage in international competitiveness whether in terms of university rankings, corruption perception indices, human rights or good governance ratings.

The year ended with Parliament passing two reform bills aimed to restore confidence in the independence and integrity of key institutions of the country, to eradicate corruption and to restore an independent and impartial judiciary, but under great national cynicism that there is the real political will to carry out these reforms.

Such cynicism were only reinforced when nothing was revealed in the so-called “tell all” press conference into the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone bail-out scandal after the reforms bills were passed.

The great challenge facing Malaysia in the coming year is whether Malaysians can unite as one Malaysian people to withstand the worst effects of the global economic tsunami in the coming year and regain our lost ground in the international competitiveness stakes to forge a united, just, progressive, caring and meritocratic nation.


57 Replies to “Malaysia at new crossroads – unite as one people to withstand the worst effects of the global economic tsunami”

  1. The year of the Ox has not brought anything good in the past. From my personal experiences in 1985 and 1997, the year of the Ox is full of struggle and is a tough time. The collapse of the US economy at the end of this year marks the beginning of a whole series of chain reaction in world economy.

    Malaysia may regard itself as being blessed due to non-investment by US in the past few years, thus this time around, the effect is not so significant. But it can never escape the effects of the US economy collapse. Who would have expected AIG and Citibank to face financial problems? These are two well-established and strong financial institutions in the US with worldwide fame.

    Anyway, let us all cross our fingers and work extra hard to overcome the adverse effects of the economic slowdown.

  2. I don’t think Pakatan can be serious enough to expect a national unity on any level seeing that people have never been more divided. Do I smell a sense of hopelessness in the face of BN’s revival? I also hear that Anwar has no confidence in state PKR leaders to lead campaigns in Sabah and Sarawak. Coupled with disillusionment with PAS and the 50 Indian leaders in PKR decide on their future in the coalition, it is anxious time don’t you think?

  3. I wish Malaysia will continue evolving under a new leadership. The new leadership will definitely bring back a higher degree of confidence among Malaysians and investors.

    All in all, Negarawan Ulung Tun Dr Mahathir is the greatest PM of all time and undisputedly the best in South East Asia. No other word could ever describe everything Dr. M has done to our beloved Motherland. No one could deny the success and countless development he brought to the country.

  4. Expect the unexpected! umno still got many dirty tricks coming from their anus! Hope PKR can shove it all back into their anus with a baseball stick.. not d**k.. Wishing PKR and YB Lim a blessed New Year and Chinese New Year and wishing umno the baddest and rotten luck in the year 2009!!

  5. Year 2009 is the year all poorer Malaysians especially the Malays need to start serious family planning and birth controls!

    Under such severe economy tsunami, having 4, 5 or more kids will make life miserable for all Malaysians!

  6. Hi Mandela, I don’t really like to discuss about this but your call for Malays to start family planning has a very deep meaning. Are you trying to hide the incapability of certain community to produce its new generation by making that call? So what’s wrong with population growth?

  7. Happy New Year 2009 to YB Kit and family.
    May all of us , as Malaysians be able to ride through the global economic storm.
    As for UMNO, if they are still clinging to the ethno-racist ideology of the past, not mending their corrupt, bullying and abusive practices and not listening to the wishes of the people..then be prepared for your demise..soon..

    Hidup Pakatan Rakyat!!

    Let’s an unmistakable and blunt message to corrupt BN/UMNO regime by winning KT by-election by a landslide.

  8. @mendela:
    I think the theme is unity … maybe you could try again.

    Ah cintanegara! Come here for a friendly man-hug. Happy New Year mate! It wouldn’t be LKS blog without you. Nice shot with the Mahathir joke – like bringing ham sandwiches to a synagogue! Where would we all be without our ‘sensitive issues’? Nearer to 2020, probably. Good luck with your continuing evolution, I hope it works out well for you.

  9. OrangRojak, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. For a moment, let’s put aside the political differences among us in the name of unity.

    Not to forget my dearest friends. Ah Pek, Oedipus, Zak_Hammad, Godfather, Jeffry, katdog, Kasim Amat and many more for being so rationale while debating on the posted topics. In 2009, let’s continue expressing our opinions in healthy and civilized manner….

  10. cintanegara, poor Malays will stay poor if there is no serious family planning. How could a family of 6 or 7 survives from a monthly salary of RM 1500?

    With current record budget deficits, how could Malaysia continues to sponsor the poor?

  11. “OrangRojak, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and prosperous new year. For a moment, let’s put aside the political differences among us in the name of unity.” cintanegara

    You kidding me? Put aside political differences in the name of unity is like asking people to condone abuses of power and corruptions in the BN government. Happy new year? Very unlikely.

  12. Mandela, I thought helping the poor is in line with Malaysian Malaysia, Malaysian first or whatever concept brought by DAP? We are living in prosperous country and it’s our duty to help the poor despite of being so kiasu like the other country.

    It would be more beneficial if you urge the young generations of certain communities to increase the birth rate, so that the population would be more balance. At least we don’t end up ‘importing’ people from Hong Kong or Taiwan, like what another country did.

  13. dawsheng: “You kidding me?”
    He only suggested it was for a moment. You could just pretend every Malaysian was your brother just until midnight comes, to get a feel for a ‘Malaysian Malaysia’, and then get right back to business for the rest of 2009.

    Perhaps Uncle Lim should have included a reference to the salutary tale of The Christmas Day 1915 Football Match in the Somme:

    Malaysia isn’t quite the Somme, but there are some entrenched positions.

  14. YB Good Wishes to you and your family. To wish you lots of good health and strength for the New Year. I thank you for all your selfless efforts to see us well.
    Malaysia is at the crossroads, it has always been stuck in the crossroads for a long time . Its leaders fail to see the bearing .as every spin is towards a cover up nothing is for the justification of a process. They are more a brigand . Facts speak more than spins They have no sense of integrity to see the nation thro this precarious phase! Existence echos its cries, they seem deaf!

  15. Malaysia still has got a long way when it comes to unity. With the UMNOputra’s and their xenophobic mentality of ‘Malaysia for the Malay’s only’, multiracial unity would be next to impossible. With PR, we have but a slim chance.

    Only the naive believe in fairy tales that Malaysian society would miraculously change overnight after Mar 8. But at least with PR we have a chance to try a different path than what the UMNOputra’s like Dr. M had set forth for us. (Dr. M now claims Mar 8 would be the reason Vision 2020 will not be met in time. That’s utter bullshit as Vision 2020 would not have been met either way what with the UMNO government)

    And a note for Cintanegara, ‘importing’ talented individuals is actually the SMART way of developing your country. Consider the cost of raising and providing a WORLD CLASS education to a child from 1 – 21 years of age (i emphasize world class in order to point out i am not going to consider the production of thousands of unemployable ‘graduates’ with nothing more than paper degrees). Now consider the cost of encouraging a talented 21 year old to come and work for your country. See the difference?

    Only the short sighted narrow minded fool would consider the importing of foreign talent as something bad. After all, today we are already importing thousands of Indonesian labourers, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Filipino maids and even Indian nurses. What could be wrong about importing people from HK or Taiwan if they bring in badly needed talent?

    Already our tiny country has a population that exceeds that of Australia and far exceeds that of Singapore. Yet the Singaporeans and Australians have far better standards of living and education compared to us. So how is making more babies going to help our nation? It’s not how many people you have but rather the quality of the people that makes the difference.

    Happy New Year!!!

  16. Happy new year 2009 ..let hope the new dawn of political maturity in Malaysia ..peace to the world..
    With the departure of PakLah in Malaysia political scene from march 2009 let have the new generation of leaders in Malaysia leading their own party who do not have baggages of the past ..the time is right for ustaz hadi, Nik Aziz, Karpal ,Sammy velu ,Kit Siang ,Taib ,Annuar and the old guard to past the baton the young leaders .

  17. Uncle Lim, the people, together with the PR, will make meaningful change their agenda.
    We have enough of people who built the Palace of Justice when there is no justice in the country; it’s an absolute mockery.
    Together we will prevail.
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  18. While you people in Bolehland have many things to complain about, you have not ponder to count your blessings. You are too negative. Look things at the positive angle. When compared to our southern neighbour, Singapore, we are truly very fortunate indeed.

    While Singapore continues to add up more world-class achievements to their laurels, this is normal and expected. Anything that is predictable is not exciting. Life needs to be unpredictable and full of fun.

    In Singapore everything is so clinical, tidy and well-oiled; and mind you, there are many things that Singaporeans cannot do that the denizens in Bolehland can. Try throwing a cigarette butt in the street and you would fined immediately. In Bolehland we can throw all types of rubbish in the streets, in the drains, in the rivers, in the parks and we can still live happily without being burdened with fines.

    In Singapore the politicians are very predictable and dull. They are efficient, their hand are very clean, they are intelligent and of high caliber, and they don’t talk rubbish in Parliament. So what? It’s all predictable and dull and that is expected of them. But in Bolehland we don’t need to have politicians of high caliber and intelligence, but they must be colourful. We have all types of animal species in our politicians: orang hutang, monyets, monkeys, tigers, lions, kataks and ulars. In Parliament we can see all types of animal antics from such colorful characters such as Nasri, Bung Moktar, Khairy, Botak Hamid, and the Sleepy Beauty who can sleep peacefully while pandemonium broke out in the august house. Do you find such entertainment in the Singaporean parliament? And best of all, it’s being televised live for all the people in Bolehland to enjoy.

    Singaporean politicians are not allowed to amass anything that they cannot account for. Not so in Bolehland. Politicians especially of the UMNOputra breed can grab everything and anything that they can lay their hands on and it’s legal because the Anti-corruption Agency can never find any dirt on them. One colourful character is Zakaria Deros of the Klang istana fame. From a humble gatekeeper, this guy can run rings around the local authorities and boss over everyone in power. He can even make a monkey of the Sultan of Selangor and holiday in Malacca when he said that he was sick and cannot meet the Sultan when summoned. Singaporean politicians are really green with envy since they cannot practice such hanky-panky and go scot-free in efficient and squeaky-clean Singapore.

    We have entertainments and circuses aplenty all year round in Bolehland. We have the sequel of the Great Sodomy trial – all with the same plot, the same characters, and a new star: Saiful who peddle his asshole to the DPM and got top billing in the Pematang Puah by-election. However, part of his fame was stolen from under his asshole when the imam who presided over his swearing revealed that Saiful is a fake! Then we have the 40 BN politicians who jumped out from Anwar Ibrahim fishing-net and escaped to Taiwan to learn the science of agriculture and came back with nothing to show of their expensive trip, which was sponsored by the good people of Bolehland.

    Next, the big jam-up of the traffic in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor based on faulty intelligence of the police. There was no demonstation as blown up in the MSM and there was no arrest. But the people of Bolehland wasted million of gallons of expensive petrol in the wake of the great hike of petrol prices. Prices spiralled out of control with this hike and yet remained in the stratosphere even after oil prices drop like a ton of bricks 3 months later.

    Accompanying this development is the murder of a Mongolian beauty. Only in Bolehland, the chief suspect decided to swear on the koran and the long arm of the law was checked and stopped in its tracks. Try that in Singapore? Well, criminals in Bolehland are very fortunate indeed.

    And the most unexpected thrill of all was when the people of Bolehland woke up one fine morning in March and found that the undestructible BN Titanic that have ruled the Malaysian waters for half a century struck a coral reef and is sinking fast. The sky suddenly became clear and the air became less suffocating. Malaysians were walking more briskly with an unseen bounce in their stride. This was the most exhilarating experience that Malaysians have enjoyed in a long, long time.

    Singaporeans are still stuck with their old and trusted PAP Bismarck. How unfortunate!

    If indeed there are any awards that Bolehland can win we can sweep all the Oscars presented by Hollywood and Bollywood combined. It’s no accident that Malaysia is better known under the moniker of Bolehland – the land where everything is possible.

    There are still many exciting tales to regale but I think I will leave the rest to others to relate.

  19. In 2009, the world expects the worst economic tsunami in 80 years wreaking even greater economic devastation world-wide than that caused by the global financial crisis this year which ……………… two great economic powerhouses, China and Japan, will not be spared. Kit

    Developing countries, particularly those from East Asia, must learn to grow their economies other than through export. Why is there so much poverty despite our endless streams of exports? Why can’t we consume and generate our own demand domestically and create happiness and welfare among our own people?

    If by so doing we grow a little slower, so be it. There is no need to rush if at the end what we get is a piece of wasteland with extreme income disparity, polluted air and water and filth everywhere.

    Global growth as we witnessed today was essentially due to US consumption binge. In return, may I know what did the developing countries like Malaysia get? Oh yes, what we get are heightened global financial and economic volatilities and an increasing amount of US papers we call foreign exchange reserves that our central bankers are happily parading. Undergrad2, does US have a single cent of foreign exchange reserves?

    Undergrad2 may be supportive of US due to his reliance on the US bankrupt system to earn a living. The US is essentially having unlimited free lunches and leveraging on the rest of the world for their good life. The world economic and financial turmoil will not go away unless the US and the rest of world resolve the gross imbalance which will only give rise to bigger bubble in the future.

    The mighty US dollar is not as great as most of us think. It is great now because we Asian suckers allow it and attach great value to that piece of paper!

  20. 2008 was a great year! It will go down in history as the year Malaysians united to DENY UMNO & BN 2/3rds Majority!
    2009 will see the continuous demise of UMNO & BN especially with the new PM i.e. Rosmah, err I mean Najib (as Altantunya’s ghost will continue to haunt her killers until justice is served!).
    Eventually the next GE will completely eradicate UMNO & BN!
    A Happy New Year & may God continue to bless Malaysia with brave Opposition Leaders like Kit Siang, Guan Eng, DSAI, Karpal Singh & Tok Guru Nik Aziz!!!!!

  21. Dear All,

    First and foremost I wish all Malaysians a Very Happy New Year 2009.

    Year 2008 had been both memorable and challenging in more ways than one to Malaysians. Politically, it marked the end of UMNO hagemony, the two-third majority of Barisan Nasional (BN) and the beginning of a new phase for opposition parties, where the newly formed Pakatan Rakyat (PR) governs 5 valuable states in Malaysia. I envisage this new phase will involve tremendous amount of challenges and pitfalls for PR and many Malaysians are expecting them to generously return the favour what they had so kindly given them in the form of votes. As I reminisces over the political events thus far, both major and minor, I quickly realize that we are where we are today because of the decisions taken by us over the choices presented. For example, we have been bitterly complaining the hagemony of UMNO, the emasculated MCA and how unfair certain races been treated by the ruling BN for umpteen years now. Year 2008 has been an anomaly where we have been presented the unusual gift i.e. a worthy political alternative party. however, after just 8 months governing the 5 valuable states, we are hearing rippling drops of voices which may eventually rip this alternative political vehicle altogether. Along with it would dash and shatter the many dreams that many Malaysians been praying for. While I have no credible information to intelligently comment for what is developing internally of PR but what I do hear and see is that BN has worked out a worthy scheme to break them up. I sincerely believe that the shape of Malaysian political landscape to come rests entirely in the hands of several big time politicians, both from the ruling government and opposition. The latest scenario where the anti-ISA rally organized by the opposition was countered with the anti-pig rearing campaign is a very unhealthy political development for Malaysia as certain groups of people are preparing to unwrap some nasty surprises. Look at Thailand today. The leaders had chosen anarchy to settle political deadlocks and we have anarchy in Thailand today.

    Economically Malaysia had been hammered severely due to the sudden and sharp falls of petroleum and crude palm oil prices. While I would believe a mild price recovery of crude palm oil but the entire gloomy outlook for world economy will drag down the overall pace of our economy next year.

    Having said that we should thank God for presenting us the presents both politically and economically in 2008.

  22. Limkamput says:
    Why can’t we consume and generate our own demand domestically and create happiness and welfare among our own people?

    well simply bcoz our population size is too small to support domestic consumption.

    well may b the more viable choice on domestic consumption will be China & India say another 10 yrs down the road ?

  23. Cintanegara says:
    No one could deny the success and countless development he brought to the country.

    Cintanegara ,
    Malaysia comprises W.M & E.M. , therefore in terms of development for our country , was the development being spread out evenly ? i.e. balanced…..

    i doubt so , as most development projects took place in W.M.
    EM is lagging behind most WM states……

  24. As firecrackers are going all around ( illegal, isn’t it ? ), talking about the economic crisis, the world has overspent. Unnecessary wars. Expensive space programmes. Major God sent castatrophes. Stock market crashed. Big companies closed. Outsourcing withdrawn. Global pollution. Creatures going extinct. Doesn’t it remind some of you the printing of useless yen during world war II ? 2009 is here. It is time to save. Reduce the love of money because it is the root of all evils. Reduce commercialism. Reduce materialism. Go back to the past when the world practised genuine organic farming, when there were no equipments, no chemicals, no know how. Education is supposed to make us more intelligent if not wiser. There will be a shift of power. U.S.A. is losing money. Singapore may be a millionaires’ paradise but she has her own weaknesses, she is not exactly that clean, she is not exactly that honest, you see people spitting and nobody making any arrest, you see foreigners entering and nobody is stopping them, you see foreigners puffing away and nobody stops them and so it is not as heavenly as some of you have painted. No doubt she has the financial power. Money is power. So what does the new year hold for Malaysia ? May 2009 be a better year for us all. God Blesses Malaysia !

  25. Happy New Year 2009.

    Somebody had mentioned about some other country which ‘imported’ people from Hong Kong or Taiwan. May be that refers to this country which recently ‘imported’ a famous actress from China. But probably most of us do not know is that it has also ‘imported’ or ‘brain-drained’ people from our beloved Bolehland.
    I knew this Bolehland PhD holder who had answered the call of Bolehland’s previous leader, who had asked for highly qualified Bolehlanders to return home and join this organisation which the said former leader had the government set up with a foreign R&D company in Cyberjaya. But after the interviews and being fed up of the long period of waiting, this Bolehland PhD holder had to accept a similar job which was quickly offered by a similar organisation in that other country. As for that organisation in Cyberjaya, it did not turn out as well as expected despite the large amounts of money pumped in by the government, and was eventually closed down. That Bolehland PhD holder was relieved and fortunate to have made the right choice or would have ended up jobless, even if it meant leaving Bolehland and working in another country. Last I heard is that this PhD holder from Bolehland is working on some alternative energy project for a famous automotive company. Bolehland could have benefitted from the talent of its own citizens, but that other country was quicker in grabbing the opportunity.

  26. Vsp, there is no need to praise them as if you know better than the Johoreans. Money means nothing if you cant afford to stay in a landed property. High income means nothing if you cant find a nice beautiful beaches in your own country and have to cross to the neighboring country to enjoy your holiday. If animals could talk, they would prefer to live in a jungle rather than a zoo.

    If our beloved motherland were too bad as you claimed why tourists still come visiting our country? Why hotels in Tioman, Desaru, A Famosa, Cherating, Redang, Langkawi and many more were fully booked during school holidays. Who made the bookings? What Nationality are they? Even during off peak season or weekends, you may see thousand cars with foreign registration numbers occupying our beloved soil. If you live in KL, just go to Petronas after Seremban KL tol on Saturday and witness for yourself.

    On the other hand, someone cannot be regarded as extremely civic-minded just because he/she scared of getting fined. Can we still consider someone as first class society when he/she starts speeding on the highway and sometimes littering on our streets? I thought civic minded people will consistently behaving responsibly and naturally no matter where they are.

    Last but not least, let’s proud of our country and stop exposing to the entire world bad things about our beloved motherland. We must protect our sovereignty, our unity and the country’s security. God Bless Malaysia…..

  27. King Cobra, don’t follow Mamathir’s idea – the bigger the population, the better. Population is not everything. That is why we ended up with families having 5 – 6 children all poorly fed and educated. Talking about population, why China and India need another 10 years? Why not now? Didn’t they export like no tomorrow to all over the world. In return what do they get? By the way, Indonesia has more than 200 million people, are they consuming? Somehow, we must make the best shoes, shirts, and computer chips for the “do nothing” Americans to consume and in return what we get are those hopeless US dollars.

    Undergrad2, what is bloviating? I checked the Cambridge dictionary, and there is no such word. Are you half baking again?

  28. Both the PM and DPM stressed on unity in their new year message. I just want to remind them that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. There are thousands and one thing we can do to promote unity or to mitigate disunity. You know what, the first thing the UMNO-BN racists talk about is the existence of vernacular schools and how these schools caused disunity. How can we ever have unity when we are forever racist in our orientation. So what our children go to different schools? Didn’t the policies over the last 50 years emphasize differences rather than our similarities. Honestly, PM and DPM, we must all touch our hearts and say honestly whether or not we are in fact promoting two societies – separate, unequal and distinct, irrespective of vernacular schools?

    All leaders must start 2009 with an honest heart. We must critically examine the separateness, the religious bigotry and the systematic marginalization that we tacitly and openly promote.

    We must get rid of all the hypocrisies and double talks. The time is now if we really want to make a clean break. Please do it now. This nation has no more time to waste. I challenge you not to close down the vernacular schools but to make them irrelevant with your sincere inclusive policies.

  29. Limkamput ,

    in my comment had i mention Mahathir’s idea ?
    i only mention 2 countires whose population is huge mainly “China” & “India” only & did not mention Indonesia…..

    wait another ten yrs is bcoz 2009-2010 will be a difficult yr , both asian powers are not spared from the economic crisis……..

    mind u , i’m not a supporter of mamakthir’s idea……

    gd day to u limkamput……happy 2009

  30. Everybody seem to think we are in transition but I get the sense that changes are already set and not much else is going to change fundamentally. I get the sense that all we will see is just people fighting over whether ‘change’ actually taking place. In other words, the only thing to expect is people getting tired of leaders fighting over what is happening which is likely to be marginal. In other words, less drama and more bikering. That is all we will see.

    Government and leadership is much harder and we are going into a period where the talents are mediocre compared to the challenges. Its a classic class struggle and the elites are going to take care of themselves first before they will take care of those who truly need and deserve it. Divide and conquer is the best strategy and the marginal will get cut up. It means that MIC. MCA and especially Gerakan are minced meat but it also means PKR and PAS will have a tougher time.

    DAP is in great position but the challenge for it to lead is even greater. I half suspect that Sabah and Sarawak is where the future of DAP lies and for that it must really put in nothing less than an epic effort. Without DAP stong gains, PKR and PR will not get far in Sabah and Sarawak but the bad news is that DAP powress will not match the benefit it will receive for its effort. How it manages that disporportionate and unfair distribution of benefits to those that work for it will be DAP’s challenge.

  31. No country or nation is perfect because people are not perfect in the first place. But that should not stop the people from trying as much as possible to turn their own place into their ideal ‘utopia’. It’s a matter of whether their government wisely utilises the nation’s resources to improve the standard of living, not only just in material means but also morally.
    Citizens of first world nations do flock into certain third world nations as tourists, attracted to the climate, to the much less disturbed and still natural flora and fauna, sights and sounds, and to the favourable exchange rate advantage, but still, most of them will return to their home countries once the vacation time is up.
    Citizens from a smaller country would want to visit a larger neighbouring country to enjoy the wider open spaces, cheaper services and goods, and again the still undisturbed natural flora and fauna. Of course, they can’t be also expected to behave like perfect angels if their hosts in that larger neighbouring country also litter, break the speed limit, etc, with the existence of less strict law enforcement in those areas. And again, when the holiday season is over, those tourists will retreat back to their own ‘utopia’ in their smaller country.

  32. Everything boils down to …..every action has an equal reaction.
    World disasters….man made. Disturb the earth’s atmosphere. Raping the natural forests cutting trees..non stop….killing millions of other living things…with no regrets.
    Countries..Banks…commercial firms …are managed by people.
    People play dirty politics…people are corrupted…usually have signs and results…..what we are seeing today.
    Therefore we can safely say….world governments are not totally sincere to their country…to their citizens… and to the world.
    Small helpless….poor countries cannot escape the they depend on these mighty countries for financial assistants.
    Malaysia is blessed with so much wealth…with so many thousands smart Malaysians.
    UMNO tell Malaysians to be prepared for the worst……based on what’s happening to the world.
    UMNO is famous to tell half truths and blame others for their failures…their evil deeds.
    We are suffering due to bad management and massive corruptions..after effect.
    Government always short of money….so tax here tax there…and when kitty is full….empty the billions…through their usual so call huge developments. Only in Malaysia…a small bank can buy up huge ones.
    I think most educated Malaysians are aware…our su8fferings are due to non stop corruptions. Our people are buried alive…with buildings tumbling down…..due to corrupted managements on developments. Our minds….poisoned daily for 50 years on race and religion politics……on going.a winning formula to win votes….by UMNO.
    How sincere can a government be..separating the races…to divide and rule.
    Malaysia will feel the effect…maybe due to less exports….as customers have no money to buy so much.
    As we are depending on the strength of world money….that may also make us rich or poor…like speculating and playing shares.
    We are so filthy rich….good sincere managements can lead us to withstand all these. Government should go all out…to make hawkers reduce their food prices.
    Hawkers are enjoying good life…why not!!
    UMNO dare not confront them….fearing to loose more votes.
    So half truths….mismanagements..massive corruptions in Malaysia are the main reasons…that make Malaysians suffer.
    Cover up upon cover up…you can hear that from Dollah’s new year live speech.
    That man is a gone case…changed so much to be a devil himself…totally useless.

  33. “On the other hand, someone cannot be regarded as extremely civic-minded just because he/she scared of getting fined. Can we still consider someone as first class society when he/she starts speeding on the highway and sometimes littering on our streets? I thought civic minded people will consistently behaving responsibly and naturally no matter where they are.” – cintanegara


    In Bolehland there is life and colour unlike Singapore which is too sterile and insipid for many of its citizens. So every weekends we have thousands of Singaporeans pouring into Malaysia to sample its wonders.

    I have a Singaporean friend who like to remark that the rivers in Malaysia are full of character unlike in Singapore where he doesn’t see any appreciable changes in the character of the rivers: they are all the time sparkling clear and it’s nothing to shout about. But rivers in Bolehland has their temperaments: one moment they would be like tea-tarik, the next moment they would turn into kopi-o, or Milo or chengdol green.

    Singaporean when they are in their home country would be very docile and work their butt out like rats. Everything they do they have to watch out for Big Brother. This thing tak boleh; that thing tak boleh; everything tak boleh. That why they are very well-behaved.

    Once they are in Bolehland they will literally let their hairs down. They are out of the watchful eyes of Big Brother and they will quickly transformed themselves into Bolehlanders. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is what they took to heart. What they cannot do in Singapore now they will do in double gusto. Yes, everything now would be “Boleh”. They will throw out all types of rubbish everywhere; they will break all traffic rules; they will spit here, there and everywhere; and they become very kiasu and turned into ugly Singaporeans. Of course they have to go back home after the weekends. To them Fridays are “Thank God, it’s Friday”, and Mondays will be “Moody Blue”.

    Singaporeans do agree that Bolehland is the place to be anytime. However their ministers are warning them to tighten their belts because the economic tsunami will be descending hard on them. But in Bolehland they haven’t heard such dire message yet!

    All over the world, people are bracing for a recession. Not so in Bolehland. Our top-rated economists and ministers have declared that Bolehland is immuned and can carrry on business as usual. So we people in Bolehland are very fortunate that our great and wise leaders have not needlessly frightened everyone out of their wits. Carry on, happy people of Bolehland while the whole world sinks and quakes in a state of depression and fear. We are the envy of everyone.

  34. Let me add my voice to that of all the small experts.

    I actually believe there is no hope for Malaysia becos u just simply cannot hope at all with the brainless and rudderless BN at the helm.

    All of just will just have to tighten our belts and weather the storm.

    Hopefully, PR states, especially Penang, will come out bobbing and triumphing over the tsunami. I think neither Pak Lah or Najib and their cabaret (repeat: “cabaret and not merely cabal”) of advisers have d brains or means to beat the deluge.

  35. “Undergrad2, what is bloviating? I checked the Cambridge dictionary, and there is no such word. Are you half baking again? ” limkaput

    You don’t know what a common word like “bloviating” means? It means to “blow” and “wait”. OrangRojak would be more than pleased to demonstrate to you! You may have to pay a small fee.

  36. limkamput: “what is bloviating?”
    Checking the Cambridge dictionary is so last millennium. Try Google or even Wikipedia. ‘bloviate’ is a commonly used word in English, the language of America. I had never heard of it before either, but then I don’t speak English, I speak British, or maybe even Thames Estuarine.
    Undergrad2 appears to be obsessed with law and unusual sexual encounters: a recipe for great success.

  37. Together For 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia

    2 January 2009

    To YB LKS and All Malaysians,

    A bridge too far and a test on our patience and resolve to bridge the gap of divide among leaders/Barisan National and Pakatan Rakyats/races/religion/languages/genders; etc, etc.

    Is Malaysia too small for all Malaysians to be obsessed with self gratification, pride, egos, self denials of our failings and wastages of money, resources and time?

    Singapore was ours and poor at the point of split. RM1 equal to SGD1 and the new nation of Singapore depend heavily on Malaysia for trade and survival. But today at SGD1 equal to RM2.37 our poor servant is now too expensive and lord over Malaysia without any natural resources. “Tuan sudah jadi Hamba dan Hamba sudah jadi Tuan.”

    What have Singapore got that Malaysia is missing after 5 decades?

    Together For 1 Nation, 1 Singapore as 1 United Bangsa Singapore

    Bukan Melayu sahaja Mudah Lupa! Warga Negara Malaysia pun Mudah Lupa!

    Bangunlah Malaysia Lupakanlah segala-gala yang tak betul. Bersatu padu, sejiwa dan sehati melaungkan Majulah Bangsa Malaysia Majulah Malaysia detik ini.

    It is never too late if only we set our differences and nurture our strengths in diversities of race/religion/languages/cultures; dll. As 1 United Bangsa Malaysia. Sekelip mata sahaja with our God’s endowed natural resources Together For 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia surely RM1 = SGD1 is not a dream. It should even be better.

    Lets not waste another 50 years as we will have to meet in heaven. Before then, we may suffer the fate of a Malaysians Condominium (MC) jointly developed by a private developer with land from the Local Council which is now managed by a Joint Management Body (JMB) formed under Act 663 with effect from April 2008 .

    The JMB is Chaired by a cohesive minority group with 3 foreigners of the small traders and working class. 4 of the Joint Management Committee members are also related by marriage and blood tie. No audited accounts was presented for 1 decade since 1998. The JMB is also not able to provide any monthly accounts since April 2008 and buy time under Act 663 that the accounts will be audited in due course!

    A sum of RM3.2 millions Sinking Funds billed by the developer/property manager appointed by the Local Council since Day 1 was not accounted for.

    No action was taken by the JMB on the RM3.2 millions and instead JMB now intends to collect further Sinking Funds from owners although JMB have given notice on 8 May 2008 to owners that JMB waived the 7 sens psf Sinking Funds.

    All these are happening with full knowledge of the Authority without any enforcement action made against the JMB to address the issues.

    Surprise of surprise some of the first owners listed in MC are royalties, Tan Sris, Datuks and high ranking civil servants together with foreigners of the expatriates class.

    What a fall from grace and Rakyats Malaysia continue to face shoddy maintenance and services and facilities not provided but billed for by the developer/property manager and now The JMB!

    Perhaps fellow 1 Bangsa Malaysia, you may be able to assist to resolve the 1 decade old issues faced by MC?

    Rakyats MC do not want a repeat of Bukit Antarabangsa when the 40 odd storey’s MC lifts crashed with lost of lives.

    Thank you.

    Together for 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia and 1 United Bangsa Malaysia.

  38. Together For 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia

    5 January 2009

    To YB LKS and All Malaysians,

    Speaking from land of opportunities and American Dream that Graduate 2 feels that American Race does not exist basically affirmed the notion that 1 must not loose touch of 1 roots. Human beings are by nature SELF CENTERED with SELF GRATIFICATION, PRIDE, EGOS, SELF DENIALS of 1 failings with end game of SELF DESTRUCTION.

    By being physically present in America does not Guarantee 1 rights to American Dreams because you are not American. Graduate 2, you should count your lucky star that you can still return to The Malaysians Dream of Together For 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia. Why not actualized this dream as we are all born in Malaysia and will eventually RIP in Malaysia!

    If Malaysians can not achieve equality in Malaysia the fault can not lie in the so called “Social Contract” for Merdeka, partisan patronage political system of BN with its TOLERANCE CONCEPT for peace and harmony and stability and the CLUELESS, GUTLESS, BONELESS and BRAINLESS leaders who are not ISSUES CENTERED but for their SELF SURVIVAL for continued power abuse and money.

    The continued ills of preferential treatments and divisive policies in Malaysia exist because The Rakyats are not ISSUES CENTRED and UNITED as 1 UNITED BANGSA MALAYSIA to bridge the gap of divide among leaders/Barisan National and Pakatan Rakyats/races/religion/languages/genders; etc, etc.

    It is only through 1 Malaysian race that our leaders can not Champion for the rights of any particular race and religion because the are not relevant to lead. The politicians from both political divide from BN and Pakatan Rakyats will have to be ISSUES CENTERED for Nation Building and a better tomorrow for Malaysia.

    Is Malaysia too small for all Malaysians to be obsessed with self gratification, pride, egos, self denials of our failings and wastages of money, resources and time?

    Singapore was ours and poor at the point of split. RM1 equal to SGD1 and the new nation of Singapore depend heavily on Malaysia for trade and survival. But today at SGD1 equal to RM2.37 our poor servant is now too expensive and lord over Malaysia without any natural resources. “Tuan sudah jadi Hamba dan Hamba sudah jadi Tuan.”

    What have Singapore got that Malaysia is missing after 5 decades?

    Together For 1 Nation, 1 Singapore as 1 United Bangsa Singapore

    Bukan Melayu sahaja Mudah Lupa! Warga Negara Malaysia pun Mudah Lupa!

    Bangunlah Malaysia Lupakanlah segala-gala yang tak betul. Bersatu padu, sejiwa dan sehati melaungkan Majulah Bangsa Malaysia Majulah Malaysia detik ini.

    It is never too late if only we set our differences and nurture our strengths in diversities of race/religion/languages/cultures; dll. As 1 United Bangsa Malaysia. Sekelip mata sahaja with our God’s endowed natural resources Together For 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia as 1 United Bangsa Malaysia surely RM1 = SGD1 is not a dream. It should even be better.

    Lets not waste another 50 years as we will have to meet in heaven. Before then, we may suffer the fate of a Malaysians Condominium (MC) jointly developed by a private developer with land from the Local Council which is now managed by a Joint Management Body (JMB) formed under Act 663 with effect from April 2008 .

    The JMB is Chaired by a cohesive minority group with 3 foreigners of the small traders and working class. 4 of the Joint Management Committee members are also related by marriage and blood tie. No audited accounts was presented for 1 decade since 1998. The JMB is also not able to provide any monthly accounts since April 2008 and buy time under Act 663 that the accounts will be audited in due course!

    A sum of RM3.2 millions Sinking Funds billed by the developer/property manager appointed by the Local Council since Day 1 was not accounted for.

    No action was taken by the JMB on the RM3.2 millions and instead JMB now intends to collect further Sinking Funds from owners although JMB have given notice on 8 May 2008 to owners that JMB waived the 7 sens psf Sinking Funds.

    All these are happening with full knowledge of the Authority without any enforcement action made against the JMB to address the issues.

    Surprise of surprise some of the first owners listed in MC are royalties, Tan Sris, Datuks and high ranking civil servants together with foreigners of the expatriates class.

    What a fall from grace and Rakyats Malaysia continue to face shoddy maintenance and services and facilities not provided but billed for by the developer/property manager and now The JMB!

    Perhaps YB LKS and fellow 1 Bangsa Malaysia, you may be able to assist to resolve the 1 decade old issues faced by MC?

    Rakyats MC do not want a repeat of Bukit Antarabangsa when the 40 odd storey’s MC lifts crashed with lost of lives.

    Thank you.

    Together for 1 Nation, 1 Malaysia and 1 United Bangsa Malaysia.

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