Let’s de-segregate our schools

Let’s de-segregate our schools
Azly Rahman

“School is not preparation for life, but school is life,” wrote American pragmatist philosopher John Dewey.

We need to begin a national project of desegregating schools. I propose that all schools and educational institutions now catering to one particular race – be they Malay, Chinese, Tamil, Kadazan or Iban – must be integrated systematically and reorganised along the principles of multi-cultural education.

We must create a new breed of bumiputera – the neo-bumiputera class.

I do not see any other way we can become a truly multi-cultural nation and create an egalitarian society based on the way we currently organise our educational institutions. We may have a grand design that will take to the year 3000, but without a conscious effort to educate students to become critical, creative, ethical and futuristic radical human beings, we will drown in the wave of globalisation.

We may have a hardware worth RM23 billion and a software plan in hand, but without a mind-ware powerful enough to help develop governors of a future republic of virtue and social justice, our schools will continue to be better camps for totalitarianism.

However, as the great Brazilian educator Paulo Freire might say, there is a philosophy of hope, we can all explore.

I want to share the beauty of an effective philosophy of education that ought to now be experimented at a different level – true to our nation’s commitment to create a Bangsa Malaysia.

It is a system that has benefitted many and produced excellent individuals that are now the movers and shakers of our economy. We have great professors, politicians, scientists, lawyers, corporate figures, surgeons, entertainment gurus, and even rocket scientists from a system that has helped the poorest of the poor ‘bumiputeras’. I am talking about the Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) system.

I believe that education is not all about following blindly but making changes and creating alternate realities. I believe that we must put the best resources we have into creating a new breed of Malaysian who will destroy the barriers of race and class.

Education at all levels must be desegregated and all forms of protectionist policies and strategies of racial containment must be abolished. If we failing to do, we will see increasing erosion of race relations. I believe, too, that education is about extending a helping hand to those less fortunate.

Progressive education

The MRSM of the 1970s especially was a good experiment in human capital revolution and social engineering. It had great dedicated teachers – Malays, Chinese, Indians, Americans – who served selflessly. May God bless them.

Not only was I a child of the MRSM ‘experiment’ and a ‘product’ of the New Economic Policy (NEP), but I went on to teach in the college for several years, consulted for it when I went on to teach in university, and wrote papers on it. Twelve years ago, I even went on write a PhD proposal for Stanford University on MRSM and I still keep in touch with friends from the college. It is a good system that worked in the early years but lost its essence decades later.

MRSM taught its early students how to think critically and creatively, not to kowtow to leaders who abuse power and who are corrupt to the core. The philosophy was to create leaders, not followers. It was meant to transform the nation into an ethical polity, not destroy it beyond repair.

Because it is such a good system of education, because my interest is in the colour-blind profession of education, because education knows no discrimination based on colour, creed, or racial origin, and because the NEP and MRSM, in their hidden curriculum taught me about humanism more than racism, I think I have a better perspective now.

I believe the early MRSM philosophy can and should be used to educate the nation toward economic advancement and racial tolerance. MRSM should promote radical multi-culturalism, and produce great thinkers and doers and movers and shakers of all who call Malaysia their home and motherland. It should create leaders who are ethical, life-long learners, lovers of wisdom, and who will work for the poor of all races. After all, the government that funded MRSM is one for all races.

Not an elitist enterprise

We can no longer have segregated schools if we are to survive as a nation. This is the reality I have learned as I explore further the meaning of education. Looking at poverty and economic development in America, especially in New York city (Harlem, the Bronx, etc,) has taught me what is possible, humane, and socially just for children of all races.

Our children and grandchildren must be taught that education is not an elitist enterprise that only serves the rich and the privileged. The children of all races, especially from families of the abject poor must be taken out of their dehumanising condition, given the privileges of the bumiputera, educated by the best and brightest teachers who do not hold any prejudices, and groomed to become the ‘new bumiputera’ who will be committed to establish a new republic of virtue and social justice.

Imagine children of the poor of the newly arrived immigrants of different ethnic groups and faith, coming together in a system that teaches them what a living democracy means and about religious tolerance and peaceful solutions. Dare we create this new breed of bumiputera, with the mind of a 5th century BC Athenian?

I believe Islam and all religions do not approve educational apartheid. We need to ride the wave so that we may not be drowned in a tsunami of our economic contradictions. Therefore, let the successes of MRSM be replicated to help children of all races succeed.

In the early 1970s, MRSM had great teachers of all races who taught many what humanism means. In a similar vein, we must work together to gradually but surely dismantle schools and educational institutions that perpetuate the hegemony of one race over others.

Let us think of declaring educational segregation as unconstitutional. The US Supreme Court ruling of Brown versus Board of Education taught Americans what humanism in education means.

Dare we create a new Malaysian social order?

Dr. Azly Rahman,
Educator & Adjunct Professor;
Foundations of Civilizations, Education, & Politics

29 Replies to “Let’s de-segregate our schools”

  1. well, dr. it is nice to know tt u do not approve of e education segregation and i also have read your other earlier writings. however, i think all that u wrote will juz b good bedtime stories as nothing is done to work towards it. i think it is about time to write about why bn should not continue to be e ruling gov n disseminate this information to all malaysians. else, whatever u write, it is juz nice to hear, nothing to see. u want to c ur aspirations materialize? then stop those deadweights fr being e roadblocks

  2. I disagree with this proposal.

    I reject it simply because I don’t have the confidence in our existing integrated education framework and the way it is being managed, poorly.

    In fact, Chinese schools have been non-discriminatory in its intake of students. We don’t see Chinese schools bar students of different races and religions. I even think Chinese schools are the standards to be followed. Bakri Musa also suggested, although there’s still room for improvements, the national schools should learn from Chinese schools.

    If there’s to be a totally integrated schools, who calls the shot?

    We’ve seen how politics (UMO politics) ruined our education. Raja Petra contends, the MCKK was ruined the moment the ministry took over from the British. Our Form Six used to be quite influential in this region. And I still remember our universities are dropping out of the top 200 THES ranking.

    Don’t forget our government has been trying to abolish vocational schools by telling us the same justification like the above.

    No way. I reject such a ploy. Simple as that. If they want integrated schools, then use OUR integrated schools.

  3. Dr Azly Rahman wrote:
    “In the early 1970s, MRSM had great teachers of all races who taught many what humanism means. In a similar vein, we must work together to gradually but surely dismantle schools and educational institutions that perpetuate the hegemony of one race over others.”

    Despite what Ahkok said, I would commend you on yr idealism. Then, rightly as ahkok pointed out, these ideals must form the foundations for some pragmatic measures to stem the red tide of racially-segregated education. Of course, there are many hurdles – some would resist on grounds of cultural and linguistic diversity etc. Notwithstanding, there is a case for the theme and movement you have so fervently written about.

    I think if the government is serious and wishes to impress on the entire nation its desire for such a movement, it must first declare an all-out war on discrimaination and mediocrity and place meritocracy on its rightful pedestal. There is no way the people, particularly the non-Bumi will espouse the government’s educational programs till there is real commitment and not mere lip-service to change and improve.

    The non-Bumis are spending billions annually to give their chlldren alternative routes to educational excellence, having no faith in the government’s programs that produce, by their own admission, unemployable graduates who are of little good for the globalised economy! Now, do you think for one moment the non-Bumi citizens of this country are so rich to afford all this. No, great numbers beg and borrow because they realise that education is the surest means to break free from the cycle of poverty and the rut of a mundane existence that the rest of the masses in this country will go through because we aren’t competitive enough or are insufficiently well-trained to cope with the rigors and challenges of modern-day life in the globalised economy.

    So what you have written, Dr, is excellent. But what the government has to do now – putting the horse where it belongs, before the cart – is to re-establish meritocracy and credbility. Sadly, we have to begin with square one but it’s never too late!

    Otherwise, the foolish politicians who inhabit the corridors of power here can go on gabbing forever about being ‘first-world’ and live with the mirage but its actually meaning will elude them forever because they are trapped by their tragic third-world mindset.

  4. I agree with Dr.Azly that the the desegregation of all schools is vital for the good of Malaysia.This is not going to happen overnight but the authorities should consider a phased plan. For example in year 1 10% of the students can be from other races. This can be increased to 20% the following year and so on up to the 5th.Year 5. After the 5th. year all entries. into school should be on merit.

  5. I was standing in front of a school that has been handed a top prize in national level clean and beauty contest among national schools. They have spend a lot of money to make it look more than an ideal place. Calm cool breeze was flowing and yet no one was in sight except some teachers. Not a single student was seen. Saturday perhaps!Just to sit or play or gaze..
    I got curious and asked a school bus driver who was outside the compound. Why not a single student could be seen in this beautiful school? He just gave one word answer….”prison”
    For a long time we have been looking for prisoners to lock up..just go and read all those research done on schools. (start off with John Holt)

  6. While there is no argument that segregation is wrong, the comparison of our situation to Brown vs. BOE is wrong. Brown Vs. BOE says that legal segregation is wrong. While it further says that the only remedy to the historical and systematic segregation was by force because of limited option, any forced de segregation in Malaysia can only further perpetuate the injustice of further limiting choice.

    Our issue is not an issue of ‘separate but equal’, our system is ‘separate BECAUSE it is unequal’. It is not the same case.

    The only relevancy of Brown Vs. BOE is that the Malaysian government has perpetuated a wrong since the 1970s and in fact should be liable for class-action suit under US laws.

    It is highly dissapointing with Mr. Rahman choose to address the issue just that of just systematic issue rather that there is a perfectly illegal and unjust issue in the first place. Mr. Rahman is condemning us Malaysian to the immorality of what happened in the US went we have never done that. We don’t have a history of slavery, segregation historically was by colonial masters and our founding fathers tried to rectify it only to be hijacked by underserving beneficiaries. There is no proof that left to our own device, we are as evil as the ignorants slavers and bigots of American history. I don’t claim that we Malaysian are a great people but its not in our history to have done evil things…

  7. Bigjoe: “Our issue is not an issue of ’separate but equal’, our system is ’separate BECAUSE it is unequal’. It is not the same case.”

    Well said, mah man! Well said.

  8. Dr Azly, brilliant article, especially if I were to have been a bumiputera. Do you know that this line of thought would have been the exact same thought that leaders of your time in MRSM had. Then greed got to them and it all fell apart to what it is now.

    The ‘neo-bumiputeras’ should be Malaysians of all races who were born here with parents who were born in Malaysia too. Unique and equal, no buts…

    I was speaking to my best friend in Malaysia, who is a Malay, and even with the best intentions he still called me an ‘orang luar’ to my dismay. Now that is what he has been educated to say, subconsciously. Your proposal is very ideal but it will result in the same outcome a few decades after as you have experienced.

    Top marks for trying though!

  9. Desegregate? First the teaching profession must not be dominated by a particular race and religion: ie. a mertitocatic system for teachers, headmasters and education dept. officials. otherwise there is a tendency to promote and side one race and religion by some zealots. If that is possible, then integration is possible, otherwise Chinese parents will look upon national schools as unsuitable for their children. They had no qualms sending their kids to colonial schools in the old days because they see the schools as egalitarian with no biased teachers.

  10. I agree with Azly that segregated schools is not good for the country. However, de-segregation them under the current politically driven environment will be a tragedy for the country.

    Education should be focused on equipping people in facing the future needs in this ever competitive world. But, the current recipe dished out for the national institutions fall short in many aspects that don’t make much practical sense. It seems very much like political brainwashing centers to me.

    With the disastrous track records the government have in managing our education system, who would trust the government to do the right things? Although I was educated in national schools, I will not send my children there. I believe most parents have the same sentiment. So, to de-segregate, get the basics right first.

  11. Let me recall my school days from 1963 to 1969 when it was still under our honourable PM Tunku Abdul Rahman , the friendships within all races appeared everywhere in the town and school compound.Students of all race and religions disregards of male and female putting on only shorts in the Physical Education class and eat and drink together in the school canteen. we used to visit classmates house to discuss homework and stayed overnight in their durian estate like brother and sisters.
    All these relationships had been ruined after the book The Malay Dilema was seen on sale in the market. Many misunderstanding and wrong infor were found in the book that might have created hatred among different race.
    No matter how, schools of different medium of instruction is not a constraint to unite the Malaysian if you recall the time of Tunku’s administration. Only at the later stage religion and culture were raised and mixed into politics and the unfairness of the government policy execution are the main reasons that resulted the splitting up of all different races.
    Remember no matter what race u are belong what religion u are believing, and what education u are taking up,u are always taught to be kind and affectionate.
    Thus, dirty politicians in the BN government are to be blame and responsible for the splitting up of the Malaysian! not the different medium of instructions of the education.

  12. Yes. Malaysians have come to be divided as there are today through the activities of self-serving politicians – but not only from UMNO, MCA and MIC but also from the other parties both in the national coalition and in the opposition . Those who were schooling in the 50s and 60s could testify to the ‘racial harmony’ then. There was ‘racial harmony’ only because the races were living separately though making their living together. It was fragile at best.

    Malaysians we were made painfully aware of this fragility through the shock and awe of the events today referred to as May 13 1969. In truth the origins and causes go back before that. It is politically convenient for the ruling party to blame the British for its divide and rule policy. But then the Brits were not in colonial Malaya to keep the ‘natives’ and ‘immigrants’ happy. They were here to exploit the country’s natural resources of rubber and tin, to keep their factories at home working at full capacity and their workers gainfully employed and to protect their own standards of living at home.

    The question today is why is ‘racial harmony’ so elusive after almost half a century of independence? Could it have been better with the ‘right’ policies or no policies at all? Had our politicians in government not tinkered so much with ‘nation building’ (the catchword then along with words like ‘developing’ nations – all catchwords in the immediate post world war period) would we today be better Malaysians with each other? Or are we still Chinese, Malays and Indians?

  13. “We must create a new breed of bumiputera – the neo-bumiputera class.” Dr Azly Rahman

    Excuse me??

    Do we need to create a new breed of anything? Certainly not a new breed of bumiputeras. Colonialism replaced by neo-colonialism?? No, thank you.

  14. Many things worsen because it has more political factors than necessary.

    Having races are facts for a great number of countries. Education should be defined as to guide the youth to know how to be a human to live among human with the ability to learn, compare, create, etc.. to be independent for their living and to live among their relatives, neighborhood and be able to “integrated” into a harmonic society or even to the world at large towards globalization.

    The existing of a harmonic society is another basis for such possibility where this is the responsibilities of the “adults”. When the society is not providing what should be “BLACK” and “WHITE” with so many high officials falling out of their responsibilities and still talking loud of their “innocences” with misleadings. Will any education be successful in this type of atmosphere?

    -The basis of an human being towards himself and people around him/her and the society is RESPONSIBILITY.
    -The attraction of the educated youths into the society is to be able to work in the right place where ability counts.

    If the GOVERNMENT or the SOCIETY is not working in this direction, can the education pin-point to the youth any direction for their study or future?

    An integration should be the co-existence of differences to suit the differences to allow the development of each ability towards a co-operation or helping each other to grow together. Each school should be allowed to develop according to their experience and the demand of the society. The demand and supply will eventually guide the direction to best suit the requirements that could be changing as time goes by. The school should be encouraged to be self-motivated with more independent towards their own survival and specialty. Racial experience is a gem if to be polished well and not for conflict if they are led in their right direction.

    Give the school a fair share of resources and give them flexibility to grow. A steering committee is advisable but to work together with the parents and teachers.

    EDUCATION IS AN ART BY ITSELF. It should be on basis of joint-effort which is also the basis for the development or operation of the society.

    Politicians are to listen to what are needed and then try to support what are required. The society and so is the school (a mini-society) is to be built by the people collectively and not a few politicians.



    Bumi should not be emphasized but rather Malay or Malaysian!! When Chinese school or Indian school or Malay school are to remain as categories, they should be for their philosophies of life and not the races!!

  15. I’ve always felt that segregated schools aren’t good for social integration between the races. The fact that this country, after 50 years of independence, is still struggling with racial issues, and has in fact, witnessed a deterioration in race relations since then, bears testmony to this. Of course, the schools are not the sole cause, but it is notwithstanding no small or insignificant factor.

    Of course, an integrated school system would indeed raise many issues, such as, what system do we adopt, the Chinese school system? – which some say has yields a high success rate, or the National school system? – which others may argue has its own merits, or the Tamil system, which of course, being the in the minority, yet stands to make an impression.

    The utopian ideal would be to harness the strengths of all 3. But then, such an ideal would be wishful thinking for many, given the frail state of racial relations presently. Even if a system is eventually put together, there will be the challenge of keeping the peace between the policy makers.

    As an optimist, I’m remain all for it, wishful thinking or otherwise.

  16. all religion preach love and peace.
    education educates the mind and heart.

    it is corrupt & selfish politicians who abuse honorable systems for their own racist gains.

    want educational reforms? vote the BN out of govt!

  17. “Let us think of declaring educational segregation as unconstitutional. The US Supreme Court ruling of Brown versus Board of Education taught Americans what humanism in education means.”

    Apparently, Dr. Azly you’re so divorced from reality that you need to pause for a second and take a deep breath.

    In the U.S. there are ethnic schools or have you forgotten?

    In Malaysia, the importance of vernacular schools could be seen in the constitutional protection given to it – under the generic term referred to as the ‘legitimate interest of the non-Malays’ as opposed to the special Malay privileges.

    So what are you talking about declaring educational segregation as unconstitutional?? To make such a declaration on the other hand would be unconstitutional.

  18. The problem with the thinking of Dr. Azly Rahman, a success story of the NEP, that he believes its all about affirmative action. The NEP is only partially about affirmative action – the awarding of contracts to bumiputeras only, quotas in education, etc. The other side of NEP is pure negative discrimination (some argue the term positive discrimination but its an oxymoron argument, because positive discrimination is affirmative action) – the forced selling of non-bumi companies to bumiputera for listing purposes, the denial of expansion of vernacular primary schools, etc.

    By US constitutional law, our NEP is illegal. If segregation is unconstitutional, the first and biggest party that is guilty is our own government itself. I am all for declaring segregation unconstitutional but only if the courts independence can be guaranteed so that it will be desegregation and not about assimilation.

  19. Currently the non Malays are very sensitive of the the situation and have become skeptical of government programs and question the sincererity. I don’t blame the people for having minimum trust on the government. The issue below is one example.

    Recently the Malaysian Education minister announced that, as part of effort to promote racial integration and attract more non-Malays to government schools, People’s Own Language (mother tongue) will be taught in government schools if the request comes from more than 15 students. But the execution of this policy was totally opposite with reference to original objective.
    Parents got a shocking news from primary school in Kulim Hi-Tech Park. The letter sent to parents stating that all year 1 students are required to attended Arab Language class!!! And the class is after normal school hours (12.45noon to 1.15pm). Can any of you beleive that????? This really happened a few weeks ago.

    Since when Arab language become mother tongue to any of the major races in Malaysia? What is the rationale for an Indian/Chinese who are either Hindus, Christians, Buddhists or Sikhs to learn Arab? Will this act promote more non-Malays study at this school?

    This issue was stopped when some of the parents objected to it.

    The main question is the sincererity of government policy, they say one thing and do other stuff.

    To be frank, the Malaysia Education system has gone to the dogs, there is no hope for it.

  20. Remember these:
    – non-bumi lecturers in government universities had been reduced from 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004.

    – all vice-chancellors in public universities are held by bumis.

    And remember this:
    “During Independence in 1957, there were 1,333 Chinese primary schools with an enrolment of 310,000, but 43 years later, Chinese primary school enrolment has doubled to over 620,000. There had been no matching doubling of the number of Chinese primary schools in the past four decades, but a reduction of some 50 Chinese primary schools instead to 1,284 schools.”

    There are many more examples like textbooks becoming more Islamic and the Ethnic Relations textbook saga…etc.

    This is not education. This is brainwashing and UMO-ism.

    After what they did to our STPM standard and public universities, does anyone here still want them to touch our still-surviving vernacular schools?

  21. I wish to highlight the tragic result of decades of brain-drain and discrimanatory education policies.
    Yesterday was indeed a sad day for me as I heard my friend recounted her misfortune. She had contracted nasopharangeal cancer (NPC) some years back, was treated at a specialist hospital in Johor Bahru on two occasions to minimize her chances for a relapse. Unfortunately, last year cancer was detected on a lymph node. Her oncologist recommended surgery and she was referred to the resident surgeon, who only insisted on surgery but was unable to answer her concerns satisfactorily. My friend went on the internet to research on her options. She was almost well-informed when she went to seek consultation at the S’pore General Hospital. The professor explained clearly the need for a PET scan even though she recently had a CT scan done. He also explained the inherent risks. The surgery including hospital stay would take up one week at an estimated cost of SGD 22,000. (as opposed to 3 days and RM 10,000 at the local specialist hospital) She had the surgery done in December. Unfortunately, there were some complications as a nerve was lacerated during surgery. This required another corrective surgery and a longer hospital stay. During her recuperation, she enquired if she could be admitted to Hospital Sultan Ismail (HSI), Johor (reportedly with state-of-the-art oncology department) only to be told that they do not have a special pump to regulate her lymphatic function and that the services of a 24-hr nursing aide was not available! Apparently, the oncologist and the assitant still treats cancer patients at the Sultanah Aminah General Hospital. HSI do not even have a radiologist to operate the radiology department! She was flabbergasted and ashamed. Her entire medical bill came to more than SGD33,000 (RM82,000)

    It is sad that after all the mony spent we still have to put up with sub-standard healthcare services.

  22. ///I do not see any other way we can become a truly multi-cultural nation and create an egalitarian society based on the way we currently organise our educational institutions. We may have a grand design that will take to the year 3000, but without a conscious effort to educate students to become critical, creative, ethical and futuristic radical human beings, we will drown in the wave of globalisation.///

    A dictionary definition of egalitarianism reads : a belief in human equality especially in social, political and economic affairs, or a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among men. So, the location where people of different races are educated does not determine or prevent the promotion of a belief in human equality. It is the government policies which influence the behaviour of the people that would mould the belief of the population.

    NEP even in its idealistic form is against the belief of human equality when the state believed that government regulations should be implemented based on race. There can therefore be no equality among people across the racial divide. The NEP as implemented has changed the basis of helping the weak and poor in the name of leveling the playing field, to the rationale for fulfilling the privilege for being the first arrivals among the pendatangs. When the privilege remains, the belief of human equality cannot coexist.

    Globalisation allows movement of services across national boundary without the physical presence of service providers. But it means that competition is on a world-wide basis. Yes, students should be trained to be creative and ethical, but that can be done in any teaching institutions. When NEP remains, it would be impossible to preach ethics to students when national leaders practice something else.

  23. “Since when Arab language become mother tongue to any of the major races in Malaysia?”

    This is to keep pace with the rest of the world. The U.S. is looking for Arab speaking individuals to infiltrate the ranks of Muslim extremist groups all over the world. It would be easier for you to find employment and perhaps become U.S. citizens if you’re able to speak and write Arabic. You can then work for the CIA.

  24. //She was flabbergasted and ashamed. Her entire medical bill came to more than SGD33,000 (RM82,000)//

    Had she planned for it, and had the foresight she could find temporary work in the U.K. or the U.S. With the benefit of insurance, she not only would have the best treatment possible in the world but the surgery would have cost a mere fraction of what she has had to pay i.e. about SGD500.00

  25. The unity of this nation must start from the politicians and the formulation of governnment policy. Vernacular school is not the hurdle of the unity in any nation. It is the politicians who making their gain at the expense of the unity of this nation.

    In Malaysia, we are a very segregated society, we are divided by the bumi, non-bumi and pre bumi in race, east and west as well as religion etc etc. If you dont believe, just look at any form in the government department where race and religion column still required for most of the transactions……. and look at the word “national” in all aspects is used and dominated by one race and religion ….

    So please do not talk about unity, we must be glateful as long as we are in living in harmony

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