81-Day Countdown to 13GE: Don’t allow Mahathir to divert attention from central problem before Sabah RCI, illegally legalising illegal immigrants in Sabah during 22-year Mahathir era which could range from 1.5 million to 1.9 million, with his ridiculous call for RCI on one million pre-Merdeka citizenship

The fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who is the longest-serving Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years from 1981-2003, continues to cast a dark shadow on the politics and future of Malaysia – long after his retirement ten years ago.

Yesterday, Mahathir made the ridiculous proposal for a royal commission of inquiry into the granting of citizenship of one million foreign immigrants in the Federation of Malaya before Merdeka, two days after Mahathir asserted that what he did in Project IC or Project M in Sabah was “lawful”, and that Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman “had done worse by giving citizenship to one million unqualified people in peninsula Malaysia” before Merdeka.

Mahathir even rhetorically asked: “Why is it when he does it, it is not wrong, and when I do it, it’s wrong”.

In one fell swoop, Mahathir had smeared the memory and good name not only of Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, but all the Umno/Alliance leaders involved in the Merdeka struggle, including Tun Razak, Tun Ismail, Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Sambanthan.

It is utterly shocking that three days have passed without a single voice from the UMNO/MCA/MIC leadership to defend Tunku, Tun Razak, Tun Ismail, Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Sambanthan.

I myself find it most unbelievable that after the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting on Thursday night, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak could mention with seeming agreement and approval Mahathir’s claim about Tunku giving citizenship to one million Chinese – which was why I called on Najib yesterday to clear the name not only of Tunku, but also Tun Razak and the one million citizens of Merdeka generation from Mahathir’s defamation.

Although Mahathir later tried the soften the shock effect of his ridiculous proposal by saying that his call for a RCI on one million pre-Merdeka citizenship was merely a suggestion, Sabahans and Malaysians must not allow Mahathir to divert attention from the central problem before Sabah RCI, i.e. illegally legalising illegal immigrants in Sabah during 22-year Mahathir era – which is not 200,000 but could range from 1.5 million to 1.9 million as the nefarious Project IC or Project M is only part of the long-standing problem which have reduced genuine Sabahans into a minority and strangers in their own land in less than half a century.


19 Replies to “81-Day Countdown to 13GE: Don’t allow Mahathir to divert attention from central problem before Sabah RCI, illegally legalising illegal immigrants in Sabah during 22-year Mahathir era which could range from 1.5 million to 1.9 million, with his ridiculous call for RCI on one million pre-Merdeka citizenship”

  1. I say it again, the man is Psychotic – its already a national shame we have allowed ourselves to follow him for decades and now when we can walk away, its simply a national duty to do so.. Its DYSFUNCTIONAL NOT TO DO SO..Are we a nation of suckling babies incapable of surviving away from the cradling of a mad man or are we qualified citizens with fundamental human dignity of right of self-determination?

    The man is vindictive, malicious and filled with IRRATIONAL HATE..Where he see similarities are actually completely DISCONNECTED, where he sees no relevance of wrong-doing when its obvious to even primary school children these days it is wrong.

    He is just one very sad hateful old man..He should be examined for DEMENTIA. He would be Pathetic if we are cruel like him. Those who don’t walk away from him are even more pathetic and demented.

  2. One more thing – I don’t believe for one moment that PBS did not know eventually what happened to them when they were toppled especially Harris Salleh – they have access to state immigration dept and could have found out easily. BUT they chose NOT to..

    There is no use asking PBS to pull out of UMNO/BN – they are at least guilty on purpose..

  3. MMK committed sins, crimes n now insulted TAR n pre-independent leaders who negotiated 4 Merdeka
    Y d BOH HOOD SILENCE of MCA, Gerakan, MIC, etc? Still terrorised n bola-squeezed by MMK n UmnoB?

  4. Mahathir is cornered and a cornered rat becomes desperate and will do and say all sorts of desperate and ridiculous things. This rat will grasp at straws but it looks like a hopeless case.

  5. Mamakthir is desperate. He is getting the racists and ultras of his adopted race to rise against constitutional change of government through the ballot boxes. He intends of have Najib dethroned not through the GE 13 but by his supporters so that he can head a military government. He will then have the constitution amended and have all non-Malays’ citizenship withdrawn. That prompted him into saying that Tunku gave away citizenship to “unqualified people”. But Mamakthir said that Filipinos and Indonesians who have been here, had the right to citizenship, and the Indian and Pakistani, countrymen of his former race had the privilege to be citizens within months of their arrival. If these Filipinos and Indonesians had the right to citizenship, in his mind, why are those non-Malays who had been in Malaya before Malaya was given Independence did not have the right? Mamakthir shows that he eats shit and shits rice by his logic in asking for RCI!

  6. ///When Mahathir mooted the idea of having an RCI on pre-independence non Malays I am wondering whether any self-respecting non-Malay Malaysian today will ever want to vote Mahathir’s Umno Or will they lay silent when the forefathers are dishonoured — sakmongkol blogspot com.///–MalaysianInsider

    Chua Soi Lek will still vote UMNO and it only shows that he has no self-respect.

  7. He who p@ssively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/martin_luther_king_jr.html#dvix10HkgQ7rx7ZI.99


  8. Pm Najib’s “seeming agreement and approval of Mahathir’s claim” is just to placate him (responsible for rise/fall of Malaysian PMs last 50 over yrs)! Why else? Certainly not on logical grounds. Otherwise why invoke RCI in the place, if there’s nothing wrong with what is commonly dubbed Project M? Project M has nothing to do with constitutional arrangement of ” giving citizenship to one million unqualified people in peninsula Malaysia” before Merdeka”. To question it, is to question the Federal Constitution itself no to mention UMNO’s own version of “Social Contract” of Malay privileges in exchange for Non Malays citizenship…” The Project M is neither constitutional sanctioned nor in accord with the “Social Contract” encapsulated in 20 point agreement for Sabah to join in 1963. In fact the very opposite of the spirit if not letter of these two (constitution as well as 20 point agreement)! No one in BN political firmament speaks up for Tunku now as no one did around 1969 then when TDM openly rebelled and galvanised support to remove the Tunku from power. If ” giving citizenship to one million unqualified people in peninsula Malaysia before Merdeka” had not taken place then we’re not sure whether TDM could have achieved his high office and where he is today.

  9. 81 day countdown to GE13 – and the issue will be whether the electoral process (factoring in all the communal based weightage of seats given to BN machinery/resources) will withstand changing mood of the country as regards whether Mahathir legacy and the communal system of politics now exacerbated by merger of Religion/Islamisation and State with all its ancillary support of political spin money/rent seeking politics and race/religious baiting will still work and triumph – or give way. It is a test. If the political tsunami of 2008 is belatedly encouraged to hit East Malaysian shores in next GE, to UMNo’s disadvantage, the last likely resort gambit and calculation based on constitutional electoral process (besides other non mentionable options) is that the incumbent ruling party could give more power sharing and prise the opposition apart by getting PAS to join UMNO in coalition to rule in the name of race/religious solidarity. So the man is no afaraid of saying whatever he is saying that may well alienate UMNO/BN’s voting support of last swathes of Sabahan or even Sarawakian voters disgusted with Project M.

  10. one day, the majority will ask for a referendum and vote Sabah as a state for the Sulu Sultanate.

    what should be do now with those granted citizenship by umno? send them to west malaysian states where umno is the majority. don’t bother the east malaysians, please.

  11. It is utterly shocking that three days have passed without a single voice from the UMNO/MCA/MIC leadership to defend Tunku, Tun Razak, Tun Ismail, Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Sambanthan. – End of quote

    For the chance of dipping their ladle into the gravy train, these scums will sell their ancestors!!!!!
    Nothing strange about that!
    So, equating TAR’s good act with this scum’s vile act is just normal!
    While one is done without any malicious intent, the other is done with every intention to ensure the ruling clique’s perpetual grip on power and the ability to siphon off the wealth of the country.
    This is another act the scums are famous for.
    Like trying to hang all their dirty laundry on the PR!!!!
    Even LKS was not spared, as he was portrayed as the instigator of May13!!!!
    But such falsehoods will only serve to add fuel to the already seething anger in all Malaysians to get rid of them.
    From now onwards, all right-minded Malaysians should have only one thought for the coming GE!

  12. I thought the granting of citizenship to one million residents in the Federation of Malaya before Merdeka was a precondition set by the British before granting independence to Malaya and had been agreed upon by all Alliance leaders. Like the special privilege of the Malays, it is a sensitive issue and not supposed to be brought up again. Those who bring up such sensitive issues can be charged with sedition. This mamak is getting more and more senile and muddled by the day. Perhaps he is obsessively worried about the spectre of the BN being defeated in the coming GE and the scenario of him being put on trial for his past misdeeds. He is an out and out racist.

  13. Ya, we have to stay focus on the issue/s here !
    1) Basically is on the illegal immigrants being given Mykads – RCI has to formally confirmed on this first.
    ( Dr. Mad though said this ,this now; knowing him when in desperate moment again will say that, that, later; and meanwhile throw you all a boner to chew on – also, he knows what can be done to him anyway ! ) His reference to Tunku had been in his ‘psychotic mind’ all this while and was spring when corner as a rat would do.
    2) The numbers has to ascertained in relation to the direct impact of voting rights and various consequences arising , immediate G13.
    3) What actions ? Here, this RCI will end up like others with all findings,recommendations (give benefit of doubt time being) KIV or NFA or ???
    Hence, for now we have to maintain our focus on issue and not be diverted whatsoever.
    The present ‘PM’ has his own agenda in all this, meanwhile and being a celup also has a redbook to leverage like Dr.MAD
    Stay focus on ABU and G13.

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