If Najib really believes that PR’s Buku Jingga is “not worth the paper it’s printed on”, he should stop shying away from a debate with Anwar and agree to have one within a fortnight

At the 44th Gerakan national delegates conference in Kuala Lumpur today, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak made two remarkable statements, viz:

• That the Pakatan Rakyat’s Buku Jingga is not worth the paper it is written on; and

• That Pakatan Rakyat is not a credible alternative to Barisan Nasional.

Both assertions are easily disposed of, viz:

Firstly, if PR’s Buku Jingga is not worth the paper it is written on, then why is Najib shying away from a public debate with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim which would give him the opportunity to tear both Anwar and PR’s Buku Jingga “to pieces”?

Secondly, if Pakatan Rakyat is not a credible alternative to BN, why he keeps postponing calling for the 13th General Election, keeping the country on an election-mode for the longest period under any Malaysian Prime Minister – even to the extent of gaining the dubious record of being the Prime Minister without an elected mandate of his own for the longest period when compared to all the previous four Prime Ministers after Tunku Abdul Rahman, including his father Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah?

I am sure Najib is fully conscious of such a dubious record and given a choice, would not want to have it cited in his c.v. that he is the PM without an elected mandate of his own for the longest period.

But what he feared most is not be known as the Prime Minister without an elected mandate of his own for the longest period, but to end up as the last UMNO Prime Minister in Malaysia!

As a result, his survival instincts have got the better of him and he is still agonizing over the decision as to when is the best time to hold the 13 General Election, despite two election budgets, two BR1M payments and all the bragging about going onto the offensive and flaying the PR as not a credible alternative to BN and the PR’s Buku Jingga as not worth the paper it is written on.

Najib should tell it to the marines unless he is prepared to stop shying away from a public debate with Anwar and agree to have one within a fortnight, and to forthwith dissolve Parliament and call for the 13th general election to secure his own mandate as Prime Minister.


5 Replies to “If Najib really believes that PR’s Buku Jingga is “not worth the paper it’s printed on”, he should stop shying away from a debate with Anwar and agree to have one within a fortnight”

  1. Ouch!

    Najib’s statements are based on arguments that PR’s partners are “not (ideologically” on same page as evinced by their not being able to even show a line up of a shadow cabinet. So his argument, if you can’t come up with that (before winning election) how could you (after winning)? The 3 component parties sure to fight. That’s the thrust of his remarks.

  2. The point here is very valid. Najb’s remarks lately especially starting with the Budget speech, have been snide and sarcastic and yet he is running away from a debate with Anwar. Najib sounds like the cackling of an old bitter witch rather than the leader of Malaysia..

    Najib has inadvertently open up criticism of running away from a debate with Anwar with his remarks..

  3. Najib reminds me of a man who needs protection with bodyguards….then he can talk big…insulting others and brag how good he is.
    Such a man….have no guts to talk like that…..if he has no bodyguards {police & military included}.
    Such a man must have tons of money to buy protections.
    Con-Man…big time crooks all over the world have the same mentality and personality.

  4. However….innocent powerful people also need bodyguards because they are out to expose the crooks…and their jobs…which no one wants… are very risky indeed.
    They do that for accepting the said job….like great crime busters…. or doing that voluntarily for love of country and people.
    In Malaysia..for the love of the country and people…millions upon millions of them…and these are labelled as traitors to Najib.
    That itself shows what kind of a man this unelected PM is….childish…no class..famous flip flopper….no qualification nor experiences…whatsoever to be a PM at all.
    “You help me. I help you” is actually made famous by Mahathir.
    The father helped him….he return the favor ..helping the son….with great delights…for Mahathir knows…the son needs help to be the best puppet PM in the world.

  5. Najib knows that he has to call elections soon, very soon and he needs urgent support. A few percentage points swing to him and BN would ensure a victory and a narrow victory is still acceptable to him.

    So his budget deliberately ensures that every sector of the populace will get something in the coming weeks and months. Its definitely coming so the people will not want to miss it.

    They will get it unless they do a stupid thing by voting PR. As it stands, PR does not have anything planned for the people (voters) that they can receive in the immediate future. Being practical people, some voters will be tempted to vote BN and Najib and a few percentage points swing to BN might seal Pakatan’s fate.

    So expect a snap elections in November or December as Najib’s incentives will start to flow immediately after this.

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