PAGE responds to NST interview with Deputy Prime Minister/Education Minister

By Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim, PAGE Chairman | September 10, 2012
The Malaysian Insider

Sept 10 — We read with interest NST’s Sunday Interview with the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) “Improving quality in all areas of education” (9 Sep 2012) in particular the response given to the question on the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English (PPSMI).

It appears that the DPM is more afraid that his ministry is seen as flip-flopping on the policy than its impact on our children and their future.

Although PAGE had representatives in most state dialogue sessions there were also even more supporters of the policy who are in favour of it to continue as an option, to be exact 250,000 online.

No doubt English proficiency is important, learning the scientific and mathematical knowledge, in its lingua franca which is English, our second language, should be capitalised on and not discouraged, a basic management strategy.

By abolishing the policy, the DPM is preventing many of our children from learning the knowledge in a language they are most comfortable with, a belief UNESCO has always advocated.

The objective of PPSMI is to learn the knowledge in science and mathematics and not to learn English. The DPM appears to have failed to understand this distinction.

In ignoring PPSMI in the blueprint, the DPM has failed to have a proper science policy in place to arrest the decline in the interest in science. The government has cautioned that of the 28 per cent of students who do proceed to higher education, only 17 per cent of these students pursue the science stream, and falling.

If it is the delivery method which failed the policy, then we must ask why it failed and how it can be corrected and improved upon. The answer is not to abolish it even more so after RM5 billion has been spent.

The government under the Prime Minister (PM) wants to bring the nation forward through 1Malaysia, science, technology and innovation but the policies of the DPM (specifically the abolition of PPSMI) are pushing the nation backwards in the acquisition of knowledge and in enhancing racial integration which is crucial for our continued success.

10 Replies to “PAGE responds to NST interview with Deputy Prime Minister/Education Minister”

  1. ///The government under the Prime Minister (PM) wants to bring the nation forward through 1Malaysia, science, technology and innovation but the policies of the DPM (specifically the abolition of PPSMI) are pushing the nation backwards in the acquisition of knowledge and in enhancing racial integration which is crucial for our continued success.///

    I am not at all surprised by the action of the DPM. I think he should wait of his turn (to be PM) patiently and not jump the gun.

  2. Expose….expose…continuously exposing.
    What do they do???…defend …defend or keep silent…or ignore.
    What a wonderful “1 Malaysia” ..Najib is building Malaysians to be.
    Angels Vs Devils…is he latest observation by Mahathir.

  3. Worst than that…pick up a small matter and blow it to be big issue to divert attentions.
    Young ones are being targeted.
    Be respectful to the King and country and never allowed elected politicians…being proven to be rouges and thieves to frighten anyone.
    They are afraid of change and 13th GE.

  4. You don’t need science and maths to be taught in English to be successful in Bolehland. Look at the thousands of Malay studies graduates that are now working in govt service. They are much more loyal to the gomen that those who had English-based education.

  5. All young Malaysians want Science & Maths to be taught in English.
    To keep improving their English too.
    It’s the UMNO b racists politicians that want Malaysians….especially Muslims…to hero worship the National language and be Malay first….Malaysia second.
    Without dividing….UMNO b will fail in 13th GE.

  6. ///No doubt English proficiency is important, learning the scientific and mathematical knowledge, in its lingua franca which is English, our second language, should be capitalised on and not discouraged, a basic management strategy./// PAGE. This is correct. English admitted as “our second language” is international lingua franca as well as linqua franca for “learning the scientific and mathematical knowledge”. PAGE’s statement, “The objective of PPSMI is to learn the knowledge in science and mathematics and not to learn English. The DPM appears to have failed to understand this distinction” is slightly not that consistent with its earlier statement. What’s wrong with learning English as well as “our second language” and also international linqua franca? If PAGE says that the sole purpose of learning English is not to be proficient in English but just to be proficient or facilitate proficiency in acquiring knowledge of maths and science expressed through medium of English, it opens the issue to contention whether that’s really the case when the German and the Japanese could acquire and excel in maths and science taught in their respective languages.

  7. The cling to solely depend on Bahasa Malaysia without getting the students to learn other languages has only ONE OBJECTIVE: to ensure the majority of the voters read just Utusan Melayu or Berita Harian so they they will believe all the lies and half-truths. Using English no doubt improve their English skills and doing science and Mathematics in English will further enhance their skill in logic. All these will add to have a majority of people not easily spun in the washing machines! If Malaysians in 2030 have to work in Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia or Laos; that would be NOT their problems, since Their children are equipped with some overseas English education background, they will still work in the gomen office! IF the average Malays think that this is the only way forward; then we can only pray for them!

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