A reply to Benjamin

BY Eddy

Dear Benjamin,

Thank you for forwarding this email of yours.

Although there is no doubt that my sympathies lie with the DAP. I need to clarify that I am not, and was never a member of any political party. I did once toy with the idea of signing up, but that was about as far as my political ambitions went. Nevertheless, I never stopped admiring Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and his son, Guan Eng given their courage, honesty, selflessness, sacrifice and tenacity

The arguments contained in your email are persuasive and interesting. To be fair to DAP though, I think the party has already embarked on the very path that you are advocating. After all these years, I believe they are quite aware of the political landscape.

With the benefit of hindsight, I think Kit Siang – more idealistic than politically savvy at that time – overstretched himself in wooing the Malay votes. He paid a high price and almost led his party to the wilderness after attempting to forge a united front with PAS during the 1999 general election. Ideologically, the two parties were much too far apart. The unholy alliance merely served to rouse the fear and distrust of DAP traditional supporters. Besides, floating Chinese voters throughout the country deserted DAP in droves during the subsequent election, and the party was badly trounced.

From my personal observation of the recent general election, I think the DAP have finally got it right this time. The party stalwarts made a very wise (and strategically correct) move in throwing its full support behind Anwar Ibrahim’s Keadilan. Despite their bad experience with PAS, they still managed to convince members to once again put away personal and party’s interests to form a united opposition front with Keadilan and PAS. To achieve that, I believe the DAP made significant electoral concessions (far more than PAS was prepared to give in return). I would therefore be surprised if anyone would accuse DAP for lack of trying.

As we saw, judging from the extraordinary outcome of the poll, I think the DAP leaders have largely been vindicated. They have shown true political wisdom and maturity. The resultant united Opposition Front was able to convince the whole spectrum of voters in the electorate – Malay, Chinese, or Indian – that they are indeed a worthy and credible alternative to the Barisan. If not for East Malaysia, UMNO would have been booted out of office by now! Regardless, it was still a historic result for DAP and the Opposition.

Now that Lim Guan Eng is the Chief Minister, I think it is highly commendable of him to appoint a Malay and also, an Indian to be his deputy. Moreover, he was neither rash nor over-hasty in dismantling the long established NEP policies of the previous governments. Wisely, it has been a measured, softly-soft approach which has helped soothed fears and concerns of the Malays who are long used to their special privileges. Such a fundamental change of what some may call a “welfare mentality” among the Malays certainly needs time and patience.

It is true that the Malays are a majority in Malaysia. With a superior birth rate and with their numbers continually incremented by never ending waves of Indonesian migrants, they certainly enjoy a clear majority. You are correct of course in saying that “Malays will always support UMNO.” However to be fair, this blanket statement ought now be tempered by the fact that some Malays these days – particularly the more educated ones – are disenchanted with UMNO for the very reasons you have elicited. Anwar is therefore not alone in condemning UMNO for its wholesale corruption and the failures of the NEP. I have read some eloquent letters by articulate Malay intellectuals who are now prepared to stand up, question UMNO and indeed, defend the rights of non-Malays as well.

I fully support the DAP simply because Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Lim Guan Eng and many of their leaders have consistently demonstrated their selflessness and sincerity to all. They have made untold sacrifice for fellow Malaysians regardless of their race, creed, colour or religion. Like these leaders, I firmly subscribe to an honest, efficient, fair and just government. Unlike UMNO, I do not tolerate, or condone human rights abuse, corruption or racism in any form. I too am for a Malaysian Malaysia. This land is big enough a place for all. Every race has contributed to the making of this great country.

If I were a DAP member, I would certainly give due consideration to some of your suggestions. In particular, I agree that DAP members ought to be even more proactive in wooing Malay members and voters. However, I cannot agree that DAP members ought sacrifice their own customs and beliefs, or discard their heritage and cultural identity. Not at any price. As far as I am concerned, human relationships must be based on the principles of mutual respect and natural justice. If not, they are not worth having to begin with.

There is no need for any Malay or Indian to put on Chinese clothes before coming over to court my vote. It is their proven words and deeds that will serve to move me – not what they wear. Likewise, why should DAP members – whether Chinese, Indian or others – start wearing a sarong and songkok? If these guys are that servile, then they might as well go jump into bed with UMNO! No sir, there are already too many sycophants and ass kissers around as it is! Mind you, even the MCA and MIC – the despicable lot – have yet to stoop that low.

Regardless, I am delighted to see that you care enough to write this letter of yours. UMNO does not have the slightest regard for human rights – let alone fairness and justice for the people. Karpal Singh, Kit Siang, Guan Eng and so many of their leaders have endured years of untold physical and mental hardship for the sake and welfare of their fellow Malaysians. I salute them! They are true Malaysians. They therefore deserve our sympathy and our fullest support. DAP is absolutely correct in throwing their weight behind Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar is a leader with certain charisma and who enjoys the trust and goodwill of all races. He also has the support of the majority in the country – and UMNO knows this! This is why Mahathir, and now his enemies in UMNO, have resorted to such despicable means and measures to try stop and destroy him.

Sure, Anwar is no angel and is not perfect, but who is? At the very least, he has shown tremendous courage and fortitude by challenging our erstwhile PM, Mahathir and alerting the country of his evil deeds and doings. And now, Anwar is taking on Badawi and Najib. Just like Kit Siang and Guan Eng, Anwar endured untold suffering and almost lost his life while being tortured by Dr. M’s henchmen. Till today, he and his family continue to be threatened by sinister forces. A lesser man would have long given up, and this is why I believe Kit Siang and the DAP are doing precisely the right thing by pulling out all stops to support Anwar and to align itself with Keadilan and PAS.

All the best!

33 Replies to “A reply to Benjamin”

  1. I agree with Eddy’s posting above. Reality dictates that we must support a charismatic Malay leader because fighting UMNO without Malay support will inevitably lead to racial problems for which there can be only one winner.

    Incidentally, I received a forwarded email today, and I wondered if the original recipient of this email was Din Merican:



    I’m a Somali living in Malaysia who follows the local scene here very much. I would have to admit that Tun Dr M’s greatest disadvantage is his pure, unadulterated hatred for anyone who disagrees with him. Never have I seen a human being whose sole motivation, drive and engine is pure hatred. Just visit his blog which is read by friends and foes, locals and foreigners and I must tell you it epitomizes him in every way.

    Since he started it after complaining of UMNO media strangulation, did you see an article that he has written concerning the poor, the needy, the widows, the orphans, the handicapped, the downtrodden, the wayfarers, compassion, empathy, sharing, sacrifice, charity, morality, accountability, God’s fear and Judgement, forgiveness, patience (etc)? No.

    Always it is about some people, blaming others, calling them names, dishing out unvanished, pure hatred. Blaming others for this and that and exonerating himself from all blame? Surely, at this age? You can’t build a society and a nation through hate, vengeance, intense anger and mean spirit. You would have to remind the people the higher purpose of life for them to get motivated and work harder for the less fortunate and for themselves. Finger pointing, blaming others, planting defeatist culture in the Malays, reducing them to mad people (we are sensitive, we will run amok society that makes even foreigners despise the Malays) will not help this society and nation.

    My people (the Somalis) suffered from cruel leadership and when the hatred became too much, we turned to each other and till today, we the only nation with no Central govt. The Malays share with us almost every trait, very feudal, manipulated easily, territorial, misuse of Islam for expediency, rigid explanation of Islam and too much interest in outward Islam than inward Islam that strengthens the hearts, our only difference is that the Malays have the Chinese and the Indians around that make them watch out for the “enemies.”

    For us, we didn’t have that and that’s why we turned to each other. If God has loved the Malays and Malaysia, it is because He brought other people here. If some Malays regret the presence of the Chinese and Indians, ask us the Somalis and you will know what it means to be an incestous (homogenous) society and you will praise the Almighty day in day out. If it was possible, I would have shipped the Chinese and Indians to Somalia to create diversity in my nation but it is wishful thinking.

    The other person who makes me cringe in shame is one Curry[Khairy] Jamaluddin. Never have I seen a more uncouth, uncultured, degenerate, pugancious, ill, nefarious and utterly infantile being than this young man. I have a big heart who tries to understand everyone and put myself in their place, but I don’t think my heart can accommodate one Curry Jamaluddin. He is a primate and deserves the worst treatment (though I hate it because we are Muslims and human beings) but honestly he is too much.

    October 25, 2008 at 5:43 pm


    Heed the warning, folks. Mahathirism must never be allowed to rise again.

  2. Well written Eddy, in reply to a very articulated article by Benjamin.

    Both of you sum up the political realities in Malaysia very well.

    DAP after the March 8 elections had to face the realities of Malaysian political environment i.e work with PAS to become a formidable front with PKR to face the might of BN or face a lose-lose scenario. Henceforth, you get 5 PR opposition states. Without this cooperation, the most will be 2 opposition states with stability. Thanks to the vision of Anwar, Lim Kit Siang and the likes of Tok Guru and Hadi Awang, the concept of PR is now snowballing and getting steam.

    No matter how BN demonise Anwar, the truth will finally prevails.
    The rakyat are more informed nowadays and the more they push him to the wall, the more support he will get.

  3. In the Art of War ( the off misquoted / overquoted ancient military thesis) , certain strategems were outlined as either strategic or tactical manoevers to overcome the enemy at a certain place at a certain time with a certain resource. It is a veery good down to earth guide but just a guide nevertheless.

    Malaysian Politics is as we believe , like a multiple chess game with varying degrees of difficulty and circumstances , and different players all at one go or one after another at all times , except that there is no clear rules , as anything goes as long as it is legal ( or illegal) !

    Just like a complicated virtual ( or physical) War , what is right now may be wrong tomorrow and vice versa. it is not so simplistic as 1 +1 equals 2 and so on.

    Malaysian politics is as complex as it is illogical and emotional , with religious , race , genders etc thrown in. Red herrings , wayangs , poke games , Russian roulettes , and fakeness is the order of the day. Nobody really knows what is true or what is untrue ! and neither does anybody really care , as long as they themselves 9 or their close ones ) are OK ! Call it pragmatic , call it selfish , call it survival of the fittest , it is the greatest hallmark of human beings, and Malaysians ! And the greatest staged show on earth !

    Your blog as we know it is just a sounding board and real solutions and answers lie somewhere else . To begin to provide cutting edge answers here will be a joke and it is of no use at all to propound a few more long winded thesis as some of your esteemed readers are trying to do here !

  4. I’m actually very interested to see a DAP member/leader replying Benjamin’s letter… Hopefully Kit you could write us some… ;)

    I’m as a voter and supporter to DAP, feel more and more worry seeing the party won decisively in the 12th GE, but losing out in term of “wooing” party members…

    2 biggest arguments about why people turned down DAP are usually “too much in-problems” and “not multi-racial enough”…

    2 of them remain deadly…

    Not that the other parties don’t have infighting problem… But too much stories about Lim dynasty, Party ruling fragments versus sidelined fragments etc…

    Is there something wrong with the party’s democracy mechanism? Is there something wrong with the party’s leadership that may or may not be able to unite the fragments within the party? I think the party’s leadership should be well awared with these questions.

    As for the second issues, the insufficient Malays (and Indians), I took a close look to the existing Malay members from DAP, and found that most of them joined the party since 20~30 years ago, the so-called “left” years… The current situation, these 2 entries summed it up well…

    Ultimately, a party is to survive with its ideology… Has the party practised what it preached?

    I remember reading somewhere that Kit once lead a team to meet up with Kedah’s MB… but talked about state’s Chinese problem, and the shrinking of Chinese representation in local governments… Will this help forging a more multi-racial outlook of the party?


    The thought of PR’s lineup in the next GE got me shivering…

    The party is the smallest in term of member-base… past GE saw DAP gave up couple of important seats to its alliance… while keeping most of the Chinese-Indian based seats…

    Will it be even possible for DAP to file malay candidates into a Malay-based seat (i.e. held by PKR/PAS previously)? Can the DAP (which has highest winning ratio in the past GE among PR) get to contest more seats in the next GE? Or will DAP just get to stay onto the original (and already small) contest base or even worse, see its base shrinking?

    If it is the latter, then it is safe to say that the party, if remaining in PR, will forever run in a confined or shrinking space, and vanish soon or later like PPP/Gerakan… The DAP will then stick to its mainly-Chinese-partly-Indian members base… and it will forever be remembered as an imprint of MCA+MIC… The “multiracial” and “Malaysia-for-Malaysian” DAP may then see its ideology crashed…

    I’m no prophet, and I don’t like to see this happening… But the day, the next nomination day for general election, will definitely test the leadership of not just DAP, but also PR, and determine the longevity of this still-loose-alliance…

  5. Somehow, I think many people are thinking along political lines. Yes, I do agree that it takes political knowledge to maneuver through a tough and difficult political scene as what Malaysia is. But on the other hand, I would prefer a politician who does not know how to be political.
    Think of it this way. You have a politician who is very good in political games. Rhetoric, divide and rule, playing the power game, feel good slogans, spins and all… In the end, what is to be believed, what is true, what is false, what is half-truth, how do you decide? research? How many of us have time to do research to find out what the politicians say are true? Maybe just a handful while the rest will just take everything that the politician that they support at face value.
    I for one, would prefer to have politicians who are straight forward like Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng or Teressa Kok. What they say or do are straight forward, according to the book, by the law and no spinning around to make a feel good atmosphere. From there we can see in actuality that a cake is a cake and a pile of crap is just what it is. No added salt or sugar or ajinomoto. Would that not be better? I do think so.
    So although DAP is currently not the TOP DOG in malaysia’s political scene, I do hope that DAP remains as it is and have more people who are like the 4 mentioned earlier. I do think that it would make the political scene less “interesting” than it is right now but I think all of us have had enough of all those rhetoric and slogans to last a lifetime. Anyone out there who has the same thinking???

  6. What a feeling after reading this article. Rightly so it is mutual respect that we need in order to move the nation forward. Everyone must be allowed to do thing as they wish as long as it doesn’t hurt others but the important thing is the national interest. Malaysians must be fully aware of the BN dirty political maneuver.
    Though I am not affiliated to any political party but my gut feeling tell me that LKS, Karpal Sigh and LGE and many others of the same kind of political group have suffered in their quest to make this country move forward and definitely they deserve the support. Can any one imagine what will happen to this nation without LKS and Karpal sticking their neck out? Point to ponder for all Malaysians, let us change for the betterment while this people are still strong and willing to fight for the rakyat. May God bless them with good health.

  7. You think the new upstarts like Mps of Puchong, Segambut and a few others are going to learn anything from here?

    I am not sure I could put this correctly. I think the Malays may eventually accept non Malays asking for equal rights in this country but they will never accept non Malays to have more rights or power than them in this country. Sometimes, rightly or wrongly, some members of the opposition are giving me the impression that they are being too pushy and “kurang ajar”, fighting for issues that are fundamentally unimportant but only aiming at creating sensation and animosity.

  8. Thanks Eddy for writing this..

    “I cannot agree that DAP members ought to sacrifice their own customs and beliefs, or discard their heritage and cultural identity”, just to woo Malay votes…

    Mr Benjamin certainly doesn’t understand well the DAP’s history, ideology and its struggle for a better Malaysia in the past 40+ yrs..

    I suggest to Mr Benjamin that in order for him to know DAP better, he should read a book written by Hew Kuan Yau (Mr Lim’s former political secretary) – “Beyond Dogma and Pragmatism – A Research on DAP” (2007) [in Chinese].. The book gives a very fair account of what has DAP done for the past 40 yrs..

  9. I agree with Eddy that non-Malay should not wear sarong or songkok just to please someone. Whatever one wants to wear is his / her own choice, no one should force another what to wear.

    As what we can see, many ladies choose to wear baju melayu at their own wish without any force.

    If requirement of wearing songkok is to show of ‘ketuanan’ mentality, then it defeats the whole purpose of the so-called ‘harmony’ amongst people of Malaysia.

    I always believe trust amongst races should be nurtured on equal ground, with all fairness and with natural justice. One’s supremacy over the other is reflected through humbleness and not through arrogant.

    DAP can win over Malay supports through its sincerity, uphold truth and justice. Though this may takes sometime, I believe that is the best way. After all, money cannot buy everything in this world.

    Thank you for sharing both letters to us, Mr. Lim Kit Siang.

  10. I think that the original letter mentioned the songkok wearing issue with relation to the MB ceremony where some DAP ADUNs were at first not willing to wear a songkok. In this case, it is a matter of showing deference to the Sultan, not stooping to a new low to please someone (the Sultan is not just any ‘someone’).

    When Teresa Kok came to visit us last year, some of us raised a pertinent point. DAP can say all it wants that it is a multi-racial party and all that. However, actions speak louder than words. DAP should rise to the challenge of wooing the Malay voters. Let’s try to have more than a solo ADUN in Kedah, for example.

    While the older generation may choose to vote along racial lines, things are a little different with the younger generation. We are sick and tired of all this racial bickering. You have a chance to show a different face to the younger generation. Seize it.

  11. Malay is also human being, so it is ok for them to join the party. Let me put it bluntly what is the mentality of the Malays. Malays who support UMNO is corrupt, racist and most importantly, lazy. That’s all, seriously.

  12. I do business in Malaysia few years back and I know how corrupt UMNO supporters can be, from Telekom to TNB and just about anything. How are you going to change that kind of mentality? And it is not just about the UMNO Malays, the same goes with MCA and Gerakan Chinese, MIC Indians, they are even worst.

  13. What Eddy wrote is what all peace loving loyal Malaysians…loyalty to no party wants desperately.. a change of government..especially under Mahathir’s last election.
    We patiently.. waited and waited till election time….to vote him out…if not the whole government.
    LKS did the most stupid thing in his life…by teaming up with PAS…ans the Chinese votes gave UMNO and Mahathir.. the slim edge again…with LKS voted out from all fronts.
    Then….smartly…Mahathir gave up…and we know…who Dollah is.
    Yes…that was history and the teaming up with keDAILan and PAS…this is a smart god move..with Karpal Singh watching like a hawk on PAS….do not go extreme in race and religion politics.
    So far so good.
    If there is no change of government in the next election….it will be the failures of the three..especially on corruptions….and outcome of Anwar’s court case….not Malaysians.
    But whatever it is…DAP will retain Penang for a long long time.
    I am hoping to see change of government in my lifetime…to let Malaysians feel true democracy and the power of their individual votes…and not be lead…like a heard of brainless sheep.

  14. Both writers’ opinions are constructive and very enlightening. Thank both of you for the efforts and concerns.

    As far as I know, DAP’s political straggles are always consistent. Leaders like Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh, Tang Seng Giaw, Teng Chang Khim, etc.; and also ex-leaders such as P. Patto, V. David, etc. are true Malaysians with great patriotism. I treasure their leadership quality and linguistic skills. They are fearless, and have endured years of untold physical and mental hardship for the sake and welfare of their fellow Malaysians as rightly praised by Eddy. I salute them, too!

    My whole family of 10 adults (all non-DAP members) have voted for DAP since the days we were registered as voters. We will continue to vote for DAP or the Pakatan Rakyat candidates in all future general election. Hidup DAP!

  15. I think dawsheng is unfair with his remarks.
    A… All races are puled into race and religion politics by UMNO and BN.
    Malays maybe slow to change…but they are more loyal to Malaysia than other races. However..the senario…is that..vast majority now proudly identify themselves .as Malaysians…and that is the magic word..to change the government.
    B…Everyone knows other races cannot succeed in doing businesses with the government….since Merdeka time…..why complaint?
    And may I add… some Chinese is the one…that kept the government alive too.
    C….I will refrain from commenting on your third unwarranted remark. If that is true…you also can be bought..if given the chance.

  16. “Hello World, hope you’re listening. Forgive me if I’m young, or speaking out of turn…”
    -Come Home, sung by OneRepublic.

    I’m a probably just a baby in comparison to all of you here thus I may not know much on how our country works, but I have questions I need to ask.

    Was Malaysia always like this? Before Malaysia became “independent”, were Malaysians equally heartless, ignorant and out of control in trying to demand control?

    I’m thankful that Irene Fernandez is finally free… but what did she do that was SO inhuman to punish her for 13 years? 13 years? When I grow up, will I be free to speak my mind or will I be jailed for 13 years too? If we as human beings can’t speak, why were we given voices?

    I remember those TV/print ads that portray Malaysia as harmonious, living together happy with one another. And yet, our Muslim brothers and sister just may be banned from doing a simple exercise of yoga. Those who are banning it, have they even done the exercise? Why do they judge something they’ve never experience? Will they be banned from doing tai chi or taekwando too if there are buddhism elements in them?

    What about our Chinese and Indian brothers and sisters who may never see the fair share of the stick? They work just as hard if not harder than the one who automatic get the privileges for being born. How can Malaysia boast harmony and fairness everyone knows who gets the bigger piece of the pie? Why am I punished for being born the wrong race?

    What about our non-Muslim brothers and sister who are neither Malay, Chinese or Indian. They fall under the “others” category and are swept aside to a corner and forgotten. I once visited a Orang Asli kampung. While the rest of the major races fight over … something… the real bumi putera’s are at home, quiet, loss of hope. Loss of living.

    Has Malaysians always been so greedy for power that they may not deserve?

    I was born and raised in Malaysia. I was brought up in a family to be proud of my country… but how can I love a country that doesn’t love me back? How can I feel safe in a country where police/authority decide the games they want to play with you? And there is still such a thing as ISA…? What “peace” do they fight for?

    Do they realize that a colored man is now president of the United States of America? Or do they think that this doesn’t apply to them? Isn’t the lesson here that we should be living as one? In unity? Or is this too idealistic? We preach for happiness, freedom and peace and yet we just can’t seem to practice this?
    We are soon welcoming the year 2009. Do they realize that the whole world think of us as one big joke.
    We are human beings. We are supposedly the smarter one in the food chain… supposedly.

    It looks like all we do is complain but nothing is being done. And when we do fight, how is it that the bad side wins? Why are we no longer evolving, but deteriorating? Would it have been better to colonized by the British? Were we more civilized back then?

    Would our Sri Tunku Abdul Rahman be proud of what we have become? Would our Tan Sri P. Ramlee be proud to see that our smiles and happy faces are just a facade?

    How dare we let this happen? Why do we keep hurting each other? Are we really that cold-hearted?

    Like I said, I am young and may not know much. You may mock me. I don’t think I care anymore. Nevertheless, my last question is the most important to me. Laugh all you want about the rest of my comment, but answer me this;

    If I’m losing faith and hope, losing the war for my homeland, Negaraku… who can I go to now for help?

  17. These 2 e mails representing the manifestation of 2 opinions by the Malaysian Chinese . 1 group represented by Benjamin the Pragmatic realpolitik the group that want to work and cooperate around the Malay majority . the 2nd group represent by Eddy the old school of thought out of fashion race based . Together we must make the new Malaysia no zero sum game . you have to sacrifice you cannot win all. Are we ready to become Thailand or Indonesia even name cannot diff them.

  18. Tell the Malays, what are the Malaysian The Independent Father Tunku Abdul Rahman. and the Malay Rulers their dream/vision in Malaysia.

    Their dream/vision is equal rights, privileges and opportunities and there must not be discrimination on grounds of race and creed.

    Then those civilized Malays can join in to fight this dream with you,
    those fight this dream with you they can speak so loud with Independent Father Tunku Abdul Rahman. and the Malay Rulers so they may even can tell the UMNO supporter they are against the Independent Father Tunku Abdul Rahman and the Malay Rulers dreams/vision.

    They can feel proudly to support the dreams of MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA.

    The Malays need something to stand in order with you same side to achieve the MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA.

  19. Its intellectual pretension to argue that they key is to change the Malay mindset. How do you do it when even the reformist Keadilan do NOT have a clear idea. Of course supporting Keadilan is the logical choice. But how?

    We are talking about the believe in self-determination over state largesse in the end. It does not sell that well even in the most thriving democracies of the West. The US Republican party has been drumming that message since Reagan took office and look at the mess they created now! Tell them of the Swiss model and even rich malays have no idea what you are talking about let alone believe it.

    Truth be told, negative campaigning is the only realistic choice for DAP to support Keadilan – scandals, dirt, not ideology and programs. But being able to sell dirt is still a highly skilled task because he the lowest form of animal learn how to cover his tracks better with time. That is the real challenge for DAP is to learn how to take dirt and make it smell all over…

  20. No doubt Dr M is the greatest ever and most influential leader in South East Asia. He is regarded as Bapa Pemodenan (Father of Modernisation) where he turned Malaysia into a sophisticated high-tech manufacturing, financial, and telecommunications hub. Majority Malaysians, regardless of race or religion will remember him as a true hero.

  21. The other side of Mahathir over weighs what cintanegara wrote.
    Useless for me to repeat the long long list.
    Can cintanegara confirm….does he know Mahathir established himself…as a Dictator for 22 years.
    Do you like dictatorial government…….or a democratic one?
    Are we united as Malaysians by Mahathir..for 22 years……for far more apart than before?
    Dawsheng finally got it! Yes…it’s the young voters that count.

  22. BNseedell Says:

    As far as I know, DAP’s political straggles are always consistent. Leaders like Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh, Tang Seng Giaw, Teng Chang Khim, etc.

    Have you forgotten Ahmad Noor or perhaps, he is not one of your great leaders? Pity him, after all, his contribution was not remembered and no one had ever suggested to name a road after him.Is this in line with Malaysian Malaysia concept?

  23. “No doubt Dr M is the greatest ever and most influential leader in South East Asia. He is regarded as Bapa Pemodenan (Father of Modernisation) where he turned Malaysia into a sophisticated high-tech manufacturing, financial, and telecommunications hub. Majority Malaysians, regardless of race or religion will remember him as a true hero.” Cintanegara

    True Hero ? Mamakthir is regarded as the father of modern corruption, the sophistication of which far exceeds the crude corruption we normally see in tin-pot countries. Mamakthir brought financial corruption and moral corruption to new levels never before seen in a sovereign state. Yes, he led the way for similar atrocities in many other countries. For that, we shall not name any road after him.

  24. To Cintanegara,

    No, I have not forgotten Ahmad Noor. In fact, he is one of the etcs. after V. David. Please read my comment once more. I wanted to mention a few more names but I just shorten my sentence with “etc.”

    Ahmad Noor was a respected unionist and many of us are more familair with his achievements in union movements than he was with DAP’s struggles. DAP should have more Malay members like Ahmad Noor, Zaid Ibrahim, Faris Noor, etc. Better still, DAP should form DAP Clubs for DAP supporters who are working and living abroad.

    Any comment on this proposal?

  25. I do not mean be a racist.

    I wish to tell the true that CHINESE people running the administration have proven record the countries will be very rich in finance and proper adminitration.

    I can only see the Malay administration from UMNO is corrupted, and can even bestrayed their rulers by abolished their power in the constitution who have given Malay privilege, to get more power under their UMNO administration to be more corrupted.

    How can you ask me to trust them? leh

    Can you see the proven records?

  26. bc,

    I do not mean be a racist too, but your statement is double standard. How could you tell only CHINESE people can run the country effectively. What is the benchmark for to come out with such statement? For the past 51 years, Malaysia is well progressing, particularly under the adminstration of our Negarawan Ulung, Dr M. Malaysian should be greatful and gratitude that our country is rich and blessed by the all mighty.

    Finally, let’s think about this rasionally. The reason BN lost many seats in last GE was not due to strong oppostions. It is due to BN members dislike the present PM and his associates. Things will change drastically after the new PM resumes duty and there after, BN will win back the states it lost in last GE.

  27. cintanegara,

    Do you know that at first the sultans no request any religions for state but later sultans requested the British that Islam as state religion?

    Do you know that Malay privilege was given by the sultans?

    Do you know that before independent all parties in alliance agreed to be review the Malay privilege from times to times by Cabinet and the Agong?

    Do you know that the amendments to the Sedition Act that made illegal the questioning Article 153 – Malay Privilege passed in 1971 as law may mean even the Agong can not ask a review of it?

    Where is the agreement and trust what agreed before the Independent review of Malay Privilege?

    Later, even the Malay Rulers power in Constitution are nearly abolished?

    Until now, not even one review of this Malay Privilege quota.

    Can you ask me is that anyway I can trust them?

    This is all black and white written records.

    Not lip services.

  28. Here is the a note about Malaysia state:

    Abdul Rahman upheld the independence social contract of a secular Malaysia with Islam as its official religion. On the occasion of his 80th birthday, Abdul Rahman stated in the The Star newspaper of 9 February 1983 that the “country has a multi-racial population with various beliefs. Malaysia must continue as a secular State with Islam as the official religion.” In the same issue of The Star, Abdul Rahman was supported by the third Malaysian Prime Minister, Hussein Onn, who stated that the “nation can still be functional as a secular state with Islam as the official religion.”

  29. To be fair to the Civil Service of this country, in the earlier days the Malay administrators were as good as any other; essentially they were promoted on even keel or at least based on an expected ability. I have had worked and known many senior Malay civil officers, they were fair and reasonable. only when NEP was strictly enforced, you get in TDM’s words ‘ half-past six Gomen which also created the half-past six civil service ‘. [ Of course, he had a hand in this ]
    This came about simply because there was [and is] no accountability by anyone at all! And this could come about essentially because the political leadership dare not hold the DG of the Ministry accountable. Why? because he himself is not accountable in the first instance!
    All this boils down to political will! so one can hardly blame the civil service! I know of a former staff who subsequently worked at the Klang Council. He still is an UMNO member but owing to his experience with the late Zakaria, he swore his family would never vote for BN! here you have it! His family supported Umno historically but with his experience, he had decided otherwise!! so even among them, you can still find someone who can think.

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