I will employ Chew Mei Fun at a salary befitting her real qualifications – send me her cv


MCA Wanita chief and Pempena Executive Chairman, Datuk Paduka Chew Mei Fun publicly asked me on Thursday whether I will employ and “feed” her if she resigns from Pempena. (Sin Chew Daily, Guang Ming Daily)

My response – Chew should send me her job application with her cv and I will employ her at a salary befitting her real qualifications.

However, Malaysians are amazed at her crass audacity – which is typical of many MCA leaders – that Malaysians owe her a living, and the government must give her a job and “feed” her just because she lost to Tony Pua in the March general election in the Petaling Jaya Utara parliamentary constituency!

If this is the case, then Chew should have been truthful in the March general election campaign and should have owned up publicly that she would be “fed” by the Barisan Nasional government even if she loses in the parliamentary contest against Pua – that she was in an envious “cannot lose” situation, whatever the outcome of the election!

Be that as it may, Chew may be out of her job as Pempena Executive Chairman faster than she think, especially if the Star report “Pempena probe has Azalina fuming” (20.11.98) is to be believed, that the Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman is mulling over whether to shut down the subsidiary of the Tourism Ministry!

The report said Azalina was “irked” by the “nonchalant attitude” of those being questioned over the RM50 million Pempena Group of Companies scandals.

She said:

“I have been told the immediate standard response we have been getting is that it is the Government’s money and ‘why should we care’ statements as if it is the Govern¬ment’s obligation to invest with them.

“It is so disgusting when nobody cares. How can you not care when it comes to the people’s money?”

Lashing out at the poor Pempena investments, Azalina said:

“Pempena should close down if it cannot invest properly. If it fails, it fails. Then we pick up the pieces and carry on.”

What is most shocking is that such outrageous “nonchalant attitude” is fully inherited by the current Pempena executive chairman as illustrated by Chew’s utter contempt for accountability, transparency and good governance when she:

• Dismissed questions about Pempena scandals, declaring that she would not answer “on things that happened before my time” as she just wanted to focus on revamping the company; and

• Spurned questions as to whether “heads will roll” and action taken against those responsible for the tens of millions of ringgit of Pempena losses because of fraud and criminal breach of trust although the internal audit report detailing the various Pempena scandals had been completed and been in her hands for over three months.

If this is the attitude of the Pempena executive chairman, then I agree that Pempena should be closed down, as we cannot have an executive chairman who have no clue as to what are her responsibilities to the Malaysian public and taxpayers who are paying her RM10,000 monthly salary! Clearly, she does not know who are the “boss” and who are “feeding” her!

The case for the closure of Pempena is strengthened after I read the disclosures by Datuk Kee Phaik Chin, the Pempena Chairman from 2004-2006, who is astounded by the Pempena losses, as she had left Pempena in very good hands,with RM50 million reserves, even salary increases and bonus for the Pempena staff!


She wondered how Pempena could lose RM20 million in the two years she was no more in Pempena – a question which Chew and her immediate predecessor Datuk Chor Chee Heung have refused to answer!

In the circumstances, Azalina must personally answer these and other Pempena-related questions in Parliament next week when the Tourism Ministry come up for scrutiny in the 2009 Budget committee stage debate.

Let Azalina also tell Parliament next week whether she is going to close down Pempena or whether Chew is fit and competent to continue as Pempena Executive Chairman.

I met Azalina at the Senai Airport this morning and I want to remind her of my request for a copy of the internal audit report into the Pempena Group of Companies scandals, which was completed in August 2008 and the Final Report of the PricewaterhouseCooper’s report on “High Level Business Review of Pempena Group of Companies”.

39 Replies to “I will employ Chew Mei Fun at a salary befitting her real qualifications – send me her cv”

  1. Hahaha… You can employ her as your house maid. She will clean your house and look after your grand children. Who knows she may be a good cook. Judging form her response to this episode, I can gauge her level of intelligence and competency as a manager. She belongs to the clerical and labourers category, certainly not senior management.

  2. No wonder the MCA still supports UNMO despite losing heavily.They(MCA i.e.) are still dependant on them for a living! Here we talking about Vision 2020 and we are barely 11 yrs away with the Wanita MCA chief still lving in Bolehland expectind handout.
    And the men are no better.The top 2 are still bickering despite being elected by their ppl.What kind of message are they sending to the chinese electorates?
    We shud learn from the Americans,man.After winning the Presidential Elections, Obama quickly close ranks and even appointed his bitter foe,Hillary as Secretary of State and offered McCain an olive branch to come together to tackle the current issues i.e. the global credit crunch.This is what statesmanship is all about!
    Benefit the ppl who elected you to office,not the other way around.
    I am not an admirer of TDM but I totally agree with him ‘we have a bunch of half past six politicians’
    Vision 2020,dream on,lah.Not for another 50 yrs.
    Niamah,as Patrick Teoh,says.

  3. MCA leaders are hanging on to UMNO’s just for the perks of office. Not for the sake of the Chinese community or the nation. It is all about personal interests. They want to be ‘fed’ and in return they are prepared to be UMNO’s gate dogs.

  4. Chew should read Leo Tolstoy’s short story ” How much land does a a man need?” and then wake up from her daydreaming. A politician dejected by her electorate cannot demand a RM10,000 salary as a director of a bankrupt GLC

  5. This again proved that MCA is just a running dog for their Umnoputras masters. Claiming to represent the rakyat. My foot.
    It was amazing that a lady with such irresponsible and “tidak apa” attitude can run such organisation with a salary of 10 grand. I repeat 10 grand!!!
    The way she acted and behave, she is NOT even fit to be a poen in any Ah Kow shop. Perhaps a cleaning lady job will best suit her IF she is lucky to have somebody hire her.
    What a disgrace and shame to the chinese she claimed to represent. Again we urge MCA to close shop or dudok diam diam waiting for handouts from their Umno masters.
    We already have enough of you guys follies. This lady please dont be thick skin and please..disappear as soon as possible as u have been thrown out by the rakyat in the 0803 election. Even the blind can see it.

  6. Earlier I always thought Chew was a better people among MCA leaders, now I realized I was totally wrong.

    BTW, most of our ministries are in shit state. Tourism ministry always claims that the numbers of tourists to Malaysia are increasing rapidly. They are telling half truth, the only increase in numbers are the foreign workers. They treat such migrant workers as tourists too in their computation of total “tourists” coming to Malaysia.

    Of course, by inflating the figure, each year they will be getting a bigger budget to squander.

  7. that Malaysians owe her a living, and the government must give her a job and “feed” her just because she lost to Tony Pua in the March general election in the Petaling Jaya Utara parliamentary constituency! <- nice statement, YB Lim!

  8. 100% agree with Yee Siew Wah’ comments.

    Frankly, I don’t mind feeding and supporting a beautiful and sexy lover for RM10,000 a month but not this woman from the Malaysian Circus Associaton. She does not look attractive and certainly is not my type.

    She may be a good politician but surely not a good manager — bearing in mind she has been playing politics all this while till her defeat in the 2008 March 8 GE.

    She has lost her pride by asking Kit to feed her if she were to resign from Pempena. I think this is the first time a MCA key figure has asked an opposition leader for financial support when asked to quit. Wonder why her face is so thick (a cosmetic cover-up?) and so shameless??

    What more can the Chinese community expect from this Wanita Chief of MCA if one day UMNO were to ask her to quit her pos? Will she dare to ask UMNO president to feed her too??

    I have learnt something from CMF’s behaviour. I am going to do the same if one day my employer were to tell me to quit. I will ask my boss: ??????? (I quite, will you feed me?)

  9. chew,go and find someone else to feed urself.but definately not at the expense of the people’s money.
    10 thousand per month salary and a loosing 20m company and still have the guts to ask KIt to feed her if to were resign.Don’t she feel ashame when she meets the raayat?

  10. You are right! Nobody owes our present executive chairman of Pempena a living if she were to lose her job in the doomed subsidiary of the Tourism Ministry. For what must she be employed if she were to lose her job in Pempena? For irresponsibility, unaccountability and incompetency? Anyway, MCA can look after her financially for after all, the MCA is a billionaire’s party.

    And anyway, the ultimate soultion to stop all these quagmire in Pempena is to sack all the staff and curtains down for Pempena! This is what the Tourism Minister is looking into. Hopefully she will do it!

  11. “MCA Wanita chief and Pempena Executive Chairman, Datuk Paduka Chew Mei Fun publicly asked me on Thursday whether I will employ and “feed” her if she resigns from Pempena.”

    Uncle Lim, before you employ her (that is, if you find her worth employing in the first place) send her to get a evaluation from a psychiatrist!
    Her case is really serious!!

  12. i still remember after the 308, she told somebody dat she was jobless!
    in actual fact,Pampena paid her the April salary eventhough she was appointed as Exec Chairman on May!
    and on another issue,Lesbian azalina acknowledged in the parliament dat Pampena did offer Chew Mei Fen a car too but the latter ‘terang-2’ deny in a press statement!

    chew,.you are worst than a Gro,may i remind you dat for the recent recruitment banner by mca youth,you criticised them encouraging Gros to join mca youth(instead of wanita mca)and as a matter of fact,you are now just a clown ‘politician’!

  13. Hi everybody! Please don’t forget that she is now wanita MCA chief. This Ong Tee Keat fellow will definitely recommend to AAB that she be a Deputy MInister. Who is going to bet with me that she will be in the cabinet. She will be made a Senator. She is going to earn more money by being in the cabinet. What a waste of tax payers money. Anyway, happy that we voted her OUT.

  14. Financial scandals of millions and billions one after another for past 22 years since the depatured of the respected late Tun Hussein Onn. It is ridiculous to read many financial scandals involving taxpayers and public funds wasted due to mismanagement, corruptions, croynism, nepotism, abuse of power and poor governance . It is time for the RAKYAT to stop the culprits and to change for a “Better Tomorrow” leaders to save the nation wealth for our children next generations. Malaysians are very sick to read the declining Malaysia forex reserves felt below RM100 billions as announced by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). Why Pak Lah never sack the BNM governor for the poor forex reserves result rather to remove former UM VC for her bad performances for improving UM ranking in THES ? Oops ! Gender discrimination or who she knows ?

    RAHMAN theory will end at anytime with a SNAP election if the ruling parties dare to call, so that Malaysians can move forward to choose a leader begin with a title Á. PKR teams has a qualified leader called “ANWAR” who had gone for 360 degree changed TO FIGHT for all races of Bangsa Malaysia. Bravo !!! – Now Anwar is very small man today after his 916 dream failed. What a PITY ?

    Yes, Dont worry a good Master Chef is willing to employe Chew Mei Fun as an “‘Apprentice” kitchen helper and she begins to learn how to fry bee hoon mee or chinese called “‘chow mee fun” food before she can convince PJ voters to fire Tony Pua. Otherwise, her past experiences as an “Lokang PJ – MP “‘ is not suitable for Uncle LKS’s high profile jobs in Parliament.

    Pity to blame her current shit post in Pempena since she is appointed as a scapegoat to take full responsibilies of other culprits’ wrongdoings for causing RM20 millions losses in Pempena. She is too silly stupid to accept this HOT position without knowing the black longkang in PEMPENA. No choice for her since she is jobless after defeated by the ROCKET new kid.

    Do the Chinese communities selected a less smart – kurang bijak, MCA Wanita Chief to lead the Chinese ladies today ? MY GOD.

  15. Aiyah! Send her to the longkang. As an MP she was famous for looking after the longkang instead of looking into the bigger issue for the people.

    If she is smart, she can survive from the longkang, you know? She can find all types of food in the longkang: katak, lizard, kangkong and many other delicacies that an enterprising animal can forage for.

  16. go and be a hawker,frying mee-hun somewhere infront of Wisma MCA,DBKLl dare not touch you,all MCA members are required n compulsory to buy breakfirst,lunch and dinner,even supper from you,better still acted like a begger,asks uncle kit to feed you,are you intended to be his mistress?
    chow-mai-fun,not a bad idea though huh?

  17. you;ve made cmf lost her job, of course she has the right to ask you this! she has to sell her house in aman suria and move to bukit jelutong after ge12 you know, and her position at mca/bn is at stake….

    please have a heart/pity on her. ..

  18. She has mastered, fully embodied and manifested the MCA political philosophy – you are in politics only to make money. The RM10000 a month is the only reason why she is in the Pempena. All other considerations are not relevant. Pass the buck if you can, be thick-skinned if you can’t. The idea is to just hang on and make your money as much as possible within the shortest possible time. Simple political philosophy shared with UMNO and the MIC. Simple but it has worked so far. Who will feed me? – the same question asked by China dolls who sell their bodies to men with the hope of getting sympathy and catching a sugar daddy. Most prostitutes are in the trade solely for the money. Only a handful, if at all, are in there to enjoy themselves or to fulfil a social obligation or a wider public purpose. Chew is definitely not one of the handful.

  19. Can anyone pls enlighten me what is the salary being paid for the Pempena Executive Chairman and the CEO?

    I just couldn’t get it of what qualification to be at that position?

    What is the next corrective action to be taken?

    I see nothing!

  20. Hey, pls pls pls ….
    How can such high salary of RM10,000 befitting that lousy qualification?
    As a chairman of PEMPENA, she should be transparent, accountable and at least the one who know the operations in it the most.
    But what we observed from her attitude—spurning and dismissing questions which is highly-related to PEMPENA instead of showing firm financial evidences as to the way how they invested, I wonder why our government did not get alerted and keep on ‘feeding’ her in such unreasonable way.
    There are still great piles of wishes from rakyat hoping that our opposition party’s leader (who’ll be forming government soon) can keep on their efforts to suspect and expose more and more scandals^_^
    DAP Ganbate kudasai!!

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