The pointless Lynas PSC

— Lucius Goon
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 18, 2012

MARCH 18 — Finally, the Prime Minister has come clean on something — last night he said that the parliamentary select committee on Lynas will not have the final say on the project.

Thank you, Najib Razak for this rare piece of honesty because now I will urge the Opposition and fair-minded Malaysians to boycott this committee and see it for what it really is: a public relations exercise by a government which is big on symbolism and gimmicks and nothing else.

According to Najib, the committee is supposed to engage the public and allay their fears about a project which has raised concerns about toxic waste and waste management.

Here is where the duplicity of the government shines through: they have given Lynas a temporary operating licence, have allowed the Australian company to build a plant, given them 12 years tax holiday, have rubbished fears from PKR’s Fuziah Salleh, have given the anti-Lynas movement almost no coverage in the media and have allowed the Atomic Energy Licensing Board to become a partisan outfit and now they want to have a process of consultation.

This is like a parent punishing a child for allegedly playing truant and then asking later if the child actually did play truant.

Najib is not serious about Lynas. He wasn’t serious about justice for Teoh Beng Hock. He wasn’t serious about tackling the National Feedlot Corporation. He certainly is not serious about finding where the money went in the Port Klang Free Trade Zone.

It is all about closure, about being able to tell the voters that his government did something. Not the right thing, mind you. Just something.

5 Replies to “The pointless Lynas PSC”

  1. We all know Mahathir neutered all institutions in this country to be beholden to the executive and particularly the chief executive. When it comes to real political problem the Chief executive or the cabinet faces the purpose of such institutions like PSC is to give excuses – blunt criticism, seek ways for the executives to squirm their ways out.

    They are not there for you to turn things against the favour of the executives and the ruling party..

  2. How can we believe in all these nonsense? The plant built, license given temporary or otherwise as far as with enough money it will be Kau Tiam anyway. Top on the icing tax holidays was given Lynas is laughing all the way They are thankful this country was so generous to them.

    We have seen how BN conduct it business like PKFZ, Cowgate whatever you want to term it. All rules are there but all mean to be broken and non compliance is as good as full compliance. No eye see as they can only see money money …

    Never never walk with them they will lead you to hell sooner or later.

  3. //Najib is not serious about Lynas. He wasn’t serious about justice for Teoh Beng Hock. He wasn’t serious about tackling the National Feedlot Corporation. He certainly is not serious about finding where the money went in the Port Klang Free Trade Zone.//

    But he is dead serious kabooming al-tan

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