‘Useless’ to hold another rally, Muhyiddin tells Bersih 2.0

By Lisa J. Ariffin
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 18, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dismissed today warnings that Bersih 2.0 may launch another rally, telling the election watchdog that street demonstrations are “useless”.

“To me, it is useless to do so (hold another rally),” Muhyiddin told a press conference today after attending the Federal Territory Umno Election Assembly here.

“Demonstrations won’t solve problems, they are just to show how much support you have,” he added, saying that if Barisan Nasional (BN) was to hold a similar demonstration, the pact could easily rally one million supporters.

Muhyiddin was speaking today in response to Bersih 2.0 chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, who yesterday warned Putrajaya of a potential “Bersih 3.0” rally in light of lagging polls reforms and reports of a sudden surge of voters in some parliamentary constituencies.

Muhyiddin pointed out that although Ambiga had many times said Bersih was not politically motivated, “we all know it is political”.

“The main problem here is with the electoral roll and the government has taken many steps to rectify this issue,” he said, citing the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) for electoral reforms.

Muhyiddin added that the BN government was an open government, and that there was nothing to hide.

“Whoever is unhappy can voice their discontent to the government, not take it out on the streets,” he said.

“We know the people don’t like demonstrations.”

Following Ambiga’s announcement, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders have declared their support for a “Bersih 3.0” rally in the capital city if the Najib administration fail to implement meaningful electoral reforms before polls are held.

The opposition leaders stressed that Putrajaya could avoid a tumultuous rally like last July 9 if their demands are met and recommendations by the PSC for electoral reforms are implemented by the Election Commission (EC).

Thousands of Malaysians took to the streets on July 9 to join Bersih 2.0’s rally for free and fair elections but the protest turned ugly at midday when riot police launched tear gas canisters and water cannons to disperse participants.

The widespread clampdown, which saw more than 1,000 people arrested even before the rally, earned the Najib administration a whiplashing in the international media.

Under pressure, the government had then promised a slew of reform measures, which included the formation of the PSC and the enactment of the highly-criticised Peaceful Assembly Act last year.

12 Replies to “‘Useless’ to hold another rally, Muhyiddin tells Bersih 2.0”

  1. So, when UMNO/BN holds the rally of one million, they will call it Kotor 1.0?
    OK, go right ahead with your kotor rally!!!
    And draw derision from the Malaysian public as well as the world wide audience!!!!

  2. What is scary about Muhiyiddin is that when someone like Bersih keep breaking new grounds, his answer to the challenge to him is to be stubborn, unchanging and self-important. In other words, he very very quickly don’t care what they other side is saying if he is found wrong.

    His kind of leadership is a recipe for disaster. Its borned and nurture of hegemonistic, entitled and feudal ideas. He is detrmined to be an immovable object against irresistible force. It can only end in disaster.

  3. Anyone expect Muhyiddin supports freedom of expression….forget about it.
    BERSIH rallies are about clean and fair elections and getting rod of corruptions.
    BERSIH 3 is People Power and that’s what this Muhyddin is so afraid of.

  4. And Najib asks Indians to trust him.
    He said…all Tamil schools have been upgraded…as if upgrading schools are done with money from his pocket.
    Yes MIC can thrust him…but majority Indians knows Najib can never be trusted.

  5. One says BERSIH walk is useless.
    Another keep asking Malaysians to trust him.
    He promised to get rid of corruptions and bring the guilty ones to court.
    If so..he must sue Balan to clear his name on murder and the RM700 million stolen from Malaysians.
    He must bring Mahathir to court …for lying at court …14 times.
    That he will not do.
    What trusts is he asking for?
    Forget the past 100s of billions stolen and all murders and and move forward?
    He has the cheek to talk that way…means trying luck….Indians are idiots and can be fooled by him.
    As we all can see…since after 12th GE…how they talk and act.
    Can anyone point out which actions taken have made Malaysians shout with glee..asking God to protect them?

  6. Please please stop being an international embarrassment, we beg of you DPM. Please at the very least make intelligent statements if you really must say something,Listen to yourself when you said “Demonstrations won’t solve problems,they are just to shown how much support you have”…….

    Yes DPM, if 900,000 goes to the streets in Bersih 3.0, that certainly means at least 900,000 Malaysians are telling you we don’t believe in unfair electoral processes and we demand clean elections. So yes, that is why we have demonstrations, to show you in the face what we think of dirty politics.

    But of course, you know why you say demonstrations won’t solve problems? It’s because you know that BN will, in it’s stubbornness and arrogance, will give total disregard to the voices of those 900,000 Malaysians (who foolishly put you in power in the first place a long time ago). All these BN is capable to do just to cling on desperately to power.

    BN is in a sad sad place. BN RIP.

  7. The very mention of BERSIH sends the retarded and dense UMNOputra such as Mooheedin into infantile remarks. Anyway he has always been one to shoot from the hip at his own feet. His remarks on the NFC cowgate scandal in which he played a very prominent role as the Agriculture Minister speaks volumes about his ability and perspicacity. The country will be doomed if he ever becomes the Pee Em.

  8. So basically the DPM is saying I am not listening to you. And reform will not happen. The support of the people is irrelevant to him.

    I wouuld really like to see Muhyiddin’s 1 million strong Barisan Nasional (BN) Kotor 1.0 rally.

    Can they really get 1 million supporters? And how much will they pay each supporter to attend?

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