43 Replies to “DNA Identification Act – Are we ready?”

  1. We do need some kind of DNA identification act. This is a modern forensic and identification tool. The disuse is really in the protection of the privacy and the confidentiality of the information.

    Collecting and storing of DNA information must not be allowed until a comprehensive protection mechanism is in place.

    Current government practices in securing such personal data are not up to marked. A comprehensive review must be done by a parliamentary special committee.

  2. YB Kit, just wondering, why isn’t a word about RPK released on your blog until now? I saw you at his trial last month and now his free, don’t you wanna say something about it? Just asking.

    Its something unprecedented in bolehland, rakyat can make a difference!!! even on ISA! Pls ppl, continue to stand up and be counted. It’s good if one can blog and be a armchair supporter but even better you can join any of the candle vigils.

    Pls take and make a difference thru attending one of these vigils. Thanks to those who are already doing it but have courage!! for those who are still lock up in their lives. See you all at PJ or Ipoh candle vigils tomorrow?!! Cheers

  3. YB Kit,

    I had posted this public forum on my blog DNA Identification Bill 2008 Public Forum

    I wonder if you or your office can work something in line with one comment proposal I receive from a reader:

    Why don’t we set up a website/blogsite to inform the public on the details/nature, the pros and cons of the BILL and seek feedbacks/contributions and suggestions from the public.

    These comments/suggestions should then be listed onto the website to keep the readers up to date with the progress of this Bill.

    This way, we can get more solid input into the discussions and also gauge the support/resentment of the issue on hand. This issue is too important to be treated lightly.


    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty one years.

  4. We are ready….but the country is not ready…as long as UMNO is governing.
    They are capable to do all sorts of things.
    It’s better we change the government…than proceed with suggesting implement this or that ..good ACT.
    Will Syed Albar resign….now prove vicious ans spiteful..putting RPK under ISA??? Just look at his response…no feeling of great shame or guilt at all!!.
    Will Dollah or Najib ask Syed to resign??……NEVER!!
    So….any good ACT…put on hold….but good TO talk and educate Malaysians.

  5. Clean the Judiciary, police force, ACA, Election Commission first before we talked about this act.

    This country is not ready for this Act because it could be abused by certain people. They still havent explain how Altantuya’s immigration records got erased and how C4 was taken out.
    We need transparency first!

  6. just a moment Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 51.29

    YB Kit, just wondering, why isn’t a word about RPK released on your blog until now? I saw you at his trial last month and now his free, don’t you wanna say something about it? Just asking.

    Actually, Uncle Kit already wrote about it before RPK was physically released.
    Read it here : Court orders RPK release

    And Uncle Kit is going to be at Ipoh’s Vigil

  7. I think Lim Kit Siang is fully aware..all bloggers are talking about RPK’s release…and may find it…be too obvious..if he joins in.
    Actions speaks louder than words. Lim Kit Siang and Anwar never fail to support RPK….through actions and deeds..so many times.
    I think..both are extremely happy and RPK…know these two guys..like brothers.
    So no need to put out a post.
    I am sure…….thousands who love and respect RPK would have like to participate in every event ….concerning him…before the release.
    This does not mean…..those who did not show their faces…love and respect RPK less than others…and some may show their faces..to advertise themselves. Who knows .what is in..a person’s mind..in this hypocritical country.
    That’s why..for simple clear stand…lets be for or against change of government..in our thoughts and actions.

  8. I’m for it if it helps solve crime and put the criminal to jail. But there must be safeguard against possible abuse by powers that be. Next we have to ensure our basic human rights to privacy is not infriged blatantly, i.e. the authorities must have a valid reason to collect DNA samples and to only keep it for a sepcific time, after which samples must be destroyed. If in doubt tread carefully by building in safeguards to ensure that the rights of the citizens.

  9. Thanks carboncopy Says:
    Today at 00: 14.16 (5 hours ago)
    for pointing out. I must have missed it.
    Great, I’ll be seeing YB Kit in Ipoh then.

    Reminder, PJ Folks – opposite Amcorp Mall
    Pls make time for tonight’s Vigil. Its very important
    I’m urging everyone who love this nation, believed in
    new Bangsa Rakyat, to come and witness history
    in the making.

    I understand Haris will be maning the forth in PJ
    and the Bersih Group will also be there. Its going to
    be an enriching experience for you and family too.

    Don’t just take my word. You can bring your family for
    a Sunday stroll in Amcorp Mall. Stay at a distance and
    watch. Until and unless you feel its safe, then join in.
    We know how ppl feel and we respect your decision if
    you choose not to join in the Vigil. No obligations.
    But pls, come!

    For those who decide to join in. Start a conversation like
    meeting new friends. Try it!! See for yourself. Be friendly
    and you’ll experience new Bangsa Rakyat spirit.
    Come with a friendly and a hopeful heart, you won’t be

  10. Come, come, with the inefficiency at hand, the DNA records will go missing, misplaced and useless in court or anywhere else.

    This I think is another money generating machinery for some people close to you know who,…..

    Ethically, it is wrong to keep such records. And, with Msia’s reputation of keeping records, a major disaster in records keeping is in the making.

  11. hahahahaha..Najib said …UMNO received 900 complaints on corruption…easy to complaint ..but hard to undertake.
    Let me teach him this method.
    1..Let complainant swear by the Koran…treat that as truth..sack that minister…and let them fight court in court…who is telling the truths.
    If Najib.. swears by the Koran …is treated as truth..why not apply this…to get rid of corruptions in UMNO?
    2..Another way..is get 3 complaints on the same ministers..sack him..and tell him…the 3 names.
    Taxi drivers were applied by the second method in HongKong and Singapore…….now look at the results.
    Same is being applied in Bangkok now.
    Najib went on to say….all Malaysians support UMNO and BN.
    Is he dreaming…..like Peter Pan??
    Want to get rid of corruptions…so easy …but UMNO will always have their spinning wheels go round and round….hoping Malaysians can be bullshitted by their sickening reasons.
    But we are dealing with fantasy world….people.

  12. hahahahaha..Najib said …UMNO received 900 complaints on corruption…easy to complaint ..but hard to undertake.
    Let me teach him this method.
    1..Let complainant swear by the Koran…treat that as truth..sack that minister…and let them fight court in court…who is telling the truths.
    If Najib.. swears by the Koran …is treated as truth..why not apply this…to get rid of corruptions in UMNO?
    2..Another way..is get 3 complaints on the same ministers..sack him..and tell him…the 3 names.
    Taxi drivers were applied by the second method in HongKong and Singapore…….now look at the results.
    Same is being applied in Bangkok now.
    Just go and experience the results.

  13. I thought my first one…under moderation…was..”too much”
    ..so I deleted few ..got approved…now 2 are approved!!
    Suggest ..LKS delete the second one…including this…after reading.

  14. Kit,

    Don’t let the DNA database fall into the hand of Malaysian police as they cannot be trusted.

    Please make sure an apolitical independent body is appointed to look after the DNA database.

  15. Nono, should not have this act in our country as it is not the time yet. It can be easily abused by person who is having negative intentions and having a top post in Malaysia government.

  16. Corruptions and abuse of power among the authorities and the politicians in Malaysia are major causes to the rakyat to distrust them in carryng out a clean, fair and good governance.

    Agreed with yhsiew coments, the government should form an independent DNA Amanah body to manage the DNA Database. Otherwise, no one is willing to get his/her DNA tested and keep in the database bank. “Over my dead bod” to donate my DNA cell if the government is still very dirty and corrupt.

    CSI Malaysia – Mana Boleh !

  17. Im sorry, deeply sorry for those who have experience the most sinful action from our Police and FRU bullies.
    On my way back from Ipoh Vigil, I can’t help but just kept thinking about what I have put in this blog earlier, how I regretted it for asking others to join the vigil.

    I kept receiving news about trouble developing in PJ. Im sadden despite a peaceful and a successful Vigil we had in Ipoh. YB Kit must have felt the same while we were travelling back.

    Im sick to the core. One of my friends were detained as well. But he sms me with this message: I shall not be cowed!! Although Im searching my own thoughts, what choice do we have now? I have decided that Yes!! I will not be cowed as well!! Ppl, time are really trying now, but we must not give up, not now!

    My apology if I got anyone here into trouble but I beg for forgiveness.

  18. Malaysia is a country that has some of the latest laws enacted in foreign jurisdictions known among other things for their legal safeguards against encroachments by the executive and legislative into the independence of the judiciary. But that is not all. Malaysia is also known for its selective use of its laws to prosecute its own people.

  19. If the ISA, with its supposedly many layers of safeguards, can be abused for political expedience, what chance is there that the DNA Identification Act (DNA-IA) will not be similarly abused and misused?

    DNA-IA – Deliberate New Act – Incriminate Anwar

  20. DNA is a modern forensic tool to fight crime but not to be use in the political Arena, but it is not suitable to be use in Malaysia yet because we are Not mature in Political socialization yet. Corruption & abuse of power, misuse of Law are ways of life in the Bolehland. Even DNA handle by a Independence body doesn’t mean anything as there are no real independence body in Malaysia. BN is too strong & evil , the rakyat , parliament & opposition are too weak.

    what can we do ????

  21. If he government want to develop this DNA thing, first develop and appoint real and unbribeable personnel so that the act could be materialised effectively…As the saying says “tahu beli lembu, tak tahu beli tali”. In this context, the DNA act is something we should really accept as it is a very effective way in solving crimes but not to throw innocent public into ISA under “bla bla bla” reason and the DNA act should not be used wrongly b the government over these innocent creatures…..

  22. police chief denies citizens were arrested while singing Negaraku, despite video evidence. Can you beat that ?

    when a state cannot clearly distinguish what is harmless activity and what is criminal activity, it falls into the burma syndrome.

    the core (or elite) will take harsh measures, which grows ever harsher, in the name of protecting the nation, but actually are protecting themselves.

  23. In principle, the DNA Act is ok. Its just the government and the police force we dont trust. Look, cars confiscated by the police and kept in police station can go missing or have their parts ripped off. They are not small items like drugs. And DNA data, they are even smaller. How easy to carry them around and who knows what could be done to them.

    And the conclusive evidence bit about the Act. That is not good too. How good a piece of evidence is must be tested in court to the satisfaction of the judge. What more if it is a piece of evidence which would bring about criminal conviction. This is the basic of a fair trial.

  24. taiking Says:
    Today at 09: 03.33 (3 hours ago)

    In principle, the DNA Act is ok.

    Please read the DNA Id Bill which was tabled in Parliament.

    The only thing that the govt got it right in that bill is the title!

    This bill is designed for absolute power in the govt’s hand. And if used like ISA, it is more dangerous than ISA.

  25. # melurian Says:
    Today at 12: 00.04 (3 hours ago)

    sometimes i wonder why dap always organize forums in “chinese” assembly hall, and yet they claim themselves multi-racial…..

    can’t be better to organize in “community” hall instead….

    1. Its the cheapest place for its centrality and comfort for attendees.
    2. PAS, PKR, PSM, and other civil society groups have also organised events there.

  26. Sabtu lepas PM Singapura Lee Hsien Loong telah hadir dalam satu majlis bersama pemimpin-pemimpin akar umbi Melayu di sana, berkebutlan kehadiran beliau dalam suasana Amerika Syarikat baru menyaksikan seorang kulit hitam (yang merupakan penduduk minoriti di Amerika) menang menjadi Presiden negara yang didominasi sebelum ini oleh warga kulit putih.

    Lalu dalam majlis tersebut beliau ditanya apakah Singapure bersedia untuk menerima seorang dari kaum minoriti menjadi PM. Kata Lee boleh tetapi tidak dalam waktu yang terdekat. Alasannya masyarakat Singapura masih terdorong dengan isu perkauman walaupun ia sudah semakin berubah.

    Saya ingat satu ketika dahulu semasa Lee seorang Jeneral dalam Tentera Singapura, ada dilontarkan pertanyaan apakah Tentera Udara Singapura bersedia mengambil anak Melayu Singapura menjadi juruterbang jet penggempurnya (fighter pilot), kata Lee ketika itu, Singapura belum bersedia kerana bimbang akan ketaatan juruterbang itu kiranya Singapura bertegang dengan negara jirannya!

    Obama Presiden Darah Campuran Pertama AS

    A Kadir Jasin

    [Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous TIDAK AKAN DILAYAN. Sila gunakanlah nama sebenar atau nama samaran. Jikalau menggunakan anonymous, sila nyatakan nama di penghujung komen. Ulasan yang mengandungi unsur fitnah, hasutan, perkauman dan bahasa kesat tidak akan disiarkan. Ulasan yang terkeluar daripada tajuk tidak akan diberi keutamaan.]

    PADA hari Rabu, 5 November saya singgah minum teh tarik dan roti bakar di sebuah kedai kopi Cina di Kuala Kangsar, berhampiran menara jam (clock tower), setelah mengikuti siaran langsung kemenangan Barack Hussein Obama II dalam pilihan raya Presiden Amerika.

    Kedai lama ini adalah antara kopitiam tradisional kegemaran saya. Roti bakar dan mi/mihun kicapnya cukup lazat. Kedai lama macam ini mana ada logo halal. Tapi separuh pekerja dan pelanggannya Islam, jadi kira halallah.

    Apabila saya membuka komputer riba (laptop) saya untuk melayari Internet, salah seorang pekerja Cina kedai itu bertanya sama ada Obama menang. Saya kata ya. Dia nampak cukup gembira dan dalam bahasa Cina menghebahkan berita itu.

    Banyak blogger turut gembira dan menulis mengenai kemenangan Obama. Saya pun turut gembira kerana pada awalnya saya tidak yakin Obama dan parti Demokrat boleh memang.

    Tetapi beliau memang besar dan mencipta sejarah sebagai orang bukan kulit putih pertama dipilih Presiden. Tetapi ramai pelapor dan pengulas melakukan kesilapan apabila melabelkan Obama sebagai orang kulit hitam atau orang Negro.

    Obama bukan orang kulit hitam atau Negro. (Negro dalam bahasa Sepanyol (Spanish) dan Portugis bermaksud hitam, justeru itu orang kulit hitam daripada perkataan Latin Niger.) Dia berdarah campuran. Ibunya seorang kulit putih Amerika dan bapanya seorang kulit hitam Kenya.

    Bapanya bernama Barack Hussein Obama, dari suku Luo. Hari ini kebanyakan anggota suku kaum Luo beragama Kristian walaupun ada juga yang beragama Islam.

    Saya bertanya Yahoo search (pencarian Yahoo) adakah Barack Hussein Obama Sr beragama Islam? Jawapannya: “Obama Sr. was raised as a Muslim, but later became an atheist.” (Obama Sr. dibesarkan sebagai seorang Muslim, tetapi kemudiannya menjadi seorang atheist.) Atheist didefinisikan sebagai seorang yang tidak percayakan Tuhan atau menolak kewujudan Tuhan.

    Ibunya seorang wanita kulit putih Amerika bernama Ann Dunham dari negeri Kansas yang berdarah campuran Inggeris, Irish dan Jerman. Dia dikatakan seorang “agnostic” (orang yang mencurigai kewujudan Tuhan.) Obama pula adalah seorang penganut Kristian.

    Namun, bagi sebuah negara kulit putih yang menjadikan orang Negro hamba abdi yang boleh dijual-beli, dipaksa, diseksa dan diperkosa selama 400 tahun, kemenangan seorang berdarah campuran kulit putih dan kulit hitam adalah menakjubkan.

  27. Does our government, in particular, the PM himself, know what DNA is all about? I doubt he knows from the way he commented on DSAI’s DNA being “too old”. If scientists can use the DNA of mammoths which became extinct millions of years ago to do cloning, how can DSAI’s DNA taken ten years ago be “too old”? So much on the “membina sebuah negara berasaskan SAINS dan TEKNOLOGI” as proclaimed in our RUKUNEGARA! MALAYSIA benar-benar BOLEH (mati)!

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