Tajuddin of Pasir Salak – “tak sekolah ke?”

Before the disgraceful “bastard” episode in Parliament on Wednesday (5th November 2008), the Barisan Nasional (BN) MP for Pasir Salak, Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman was involved in an earlier parliamentary row when I was speaking on the Prime Minister’s Department on how the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) was poisoning the minds of the new generation of public servants with racist, communal and unMalaysian propaganda.

This was Tajuddin’s “tak sekolah ke?” expose.

Many MPs, not only from Pakatan Rakyat but also from BN, have been wondering why Tajuddin had been enjoying immunity not only for showing utter contempt for parliamentary decencies but even for openly challenging the authority of the Chair, as happened on on 29th October 2008 when the Deputy Speaker Datuk Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaffar was presiding, and Tajuddin threw the gauntlet:

“Kalau macam ini saya tidak setuju kalau Tuan Yang di-Pertua hendak ambil tindakan kepada saya, ambillah! Betul, ambillah, ambil! Come on. Let’s be fair dengan izin. You dengar ini dengar!”

DAP MP for Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh was suspended for two days over the “main, main” issue but Tajuddin got away scot-free for unprecedented open defiance to the Chair except to subsequently withdraw the statement.

55 Replies to “Tajuddin of Pasir Salak – “tak sekolah ke?””

  1. Tajuddin threw the gauntlet:

    “Kalau macam ini saya tidak setuju kalau Tuan Yang di-Pertua hendak ambil tindakan kepada saya, ambillah! Betul, ambillah, ambil! Come on. Let’s be fair dengan izin. You dengar ini dengar!”

    This is Parliament in Bolehland.

  2. very rewardful …. this is umno malays
    they are the one that play mega money politic to gain position …
    they are the one that need to create more wealth from scandals and scams projects to regain their power and wealth …
    judging on this reaction, they shows their weaknesses.

  3. Well said, ktteokt. We all know this is not the first incident. Perhaps the shocking incident of insulting Po Kuan is still vivid to most of us.

    I strongly believe that the elected MP is an ultimate reflection of his/her voters. Rewarding these thugs with our votes will only encourage repetitions of such shameful acts.

    This explains why Kit Siang remains unbeatable in Ipoh, my beloved hometown :)

  4. If UMNO keep him for the next GE, lets kick him out.
    Just hate to watch him behaving like gangster and very kurang ajar.
    Next time Pakatan MPs just round him up outside the parliament and teach him how to behave.
    Put him in the zoo!!!

  5. This Mr Speaker is useless and bias.
    I have watched three of them..and this one is the worst.
    So clear…..
    He is suppose to be the Leader in Parliament. Is he fair?
    He should get the guards…to guide that sickening ‘actor’…Tajuddin..and suspend him. No!…all UMNO parliamentarians can talk and do as they like.
    Mr. Speaker suspend Tajuddin…tomorrow…no more Mr. Speaker.
    He works for UMNO….not for the country.
    The likes of Tajuddin….is one…wanting to create trouble…..to impress Najib….he is good for next election. So did botak Albar….putting RPK under ISA..to please Najib…and now…justice…is seen..what kind of man is that so call Home Minister. Najib owes Albar a favour and will come out to defend botak. Just watch the show.

  6. Dear YB Kit
    He did go school but he did not concentrate on his studies at all. He neither listened to his teachers nor did any his his school work & home work. All he did was to learn profanities & to scheme & plot racism & discrimination of others different from his own.
    He disgraced his parents, his uncles & aunts & all his relatives who are/were his seniors as well as his school & the teachers.

  7. It’s the same bas****d everytime!
    Uncle YB Lim and TEAM PR MPs, target this MORON and blow the bas****d out of the parliament!
    The speakers are definitely having two sets of laws even in parliament!
    Any wrongdoings by the GOONS from BN can be retracted while the reverse will be upon those from TEAM PR!
    This is Bolihland!

  8. Dear YB Lim K S, may I suggest that you keep this video of this kurang ajar Tajuddin and display it to the people of whichever constituency this kurang ajar Tajuddin will be running in the next GE.Get this ninny out of parliament for good.

  9. Dia ini tarak otak, macam orang bodoh umno yang lain!
    Other noticeable brainless MPs are from, batu pahat, bintulu, pasir mas, and of course the famous one from kinabatangan.
    I remember few days ago during the live parliament telecast they invited that pasir salak idiot and attacked the opposition.

  10. What can we expect when speakers are just UMNO (deleted).
    They act on the Opposition at the slightest chance as they did against Karpal, Fong and Chong when their offences are just a fraction when compared to this Tajuddin *astard who even challenged the Dep Speaker.

  11. Hey, YB Lim, that was really funny and cool. But it’s so unfair. How come YB pasir salak’s interruption’s are ignored? he should have been suspended already. instead all he gets is a silly first warning which doesn’t even scare him. Poor guy though, must be either really blind or really dumb.. probably becoz of old age. it takes him 4 minutes to read 6 perfectly simple words from the book of standing orders, something that even a toddler in diapers can do better and much faster than him. and he’s used it like soooo many times. *sighs* and YB Lim, please bring up and end the BTN issue. Its real and its ugly. They really do have a brainwashing program there. and i quote that they really do tell the participants to vote for BN. This i have learned from a very reliable source. I hope malaysia will change for the better.

  12. Yang Kurang Ajar Pasir Salak, awak memalukan sahaja orang Melayu. Langsung tak beradab. Kalau ini sifat ikan kecil dalam BN, bayangkan betapa kurang ajarnya ikan besar dalam BN/UMNO. Kalau Malaysia diperintah dalam tangan orang najis begini, hancurlah.

  13. There is a bigger foreshadowing issue here that Uncle Lim is trying to underline. That is, those ministers do not respect the authority of Parliament. They say what they want, and forget about it. Zero accountability. It is as if they do their own stuff without caring any thing and undermine the power of Parliament.

    As far as I understand it, even UK Prime Minister have to follow protocol in Parliament. People like Najis etc etc, did not even respect the House. We do not want this kind of people to run our country. WE THE PEOPLE OF MALAYSIA REJECT THIS KiND OF RETARD AND USELESS CORRUPTED PEOPLE.

    UNcle LIm, you are doing the right thing, do not be afraid to push for what is right. RPK did the right thing and get the people’s backing. Likewise for you, you will get the people’s backing too. For too long this nation has been blanketed by darkness. It is people like you, RPK, Anwar, Husam Musa, etc are doing the right thing that Malaysians finally is going to rise up and I sincerely hope this time is for the right occassion.

  14. I wonder when I’ll call my fellow man a bastard, I pray that day will not come for I’m a human being and I fear God Almighty, and not a ‘kurang ajar’ in my upbringing. I thank my family and my God for that!

  15. This fella (like Ahmad Ismail) is the product of 51 years of ketuanan teaching. They are so full of arrogance that they don’t see how idiotic they are. They take a keris, stick in into someone, smile while doing it, then proclaim that they are innocent. It boggles the mind how this moron can stand up and accuse someone of being “kurang ajar” when HE is the one who is behaving like an animal. It is EXACTLY this kind of arrogance that brought BN down the last election.

  16. The Internet is a powerful medium of information. Before the advent of the Net, much of the goings-on in the murky world of politics will be known only by the privileged few. A lot of dirt will be swept under the carpet with none of us common people any wiser about what’s going on.

    Thanks to the Internet, we are now fed with fresh information as soon as they are up for grabs. Not only that, but video clips are also available so that we can see with our own eyes what transpire in visual form.

    As can be seen on the video posted on this blog, the debate can sometimes “get rough” and at times irrational as in the case of this guy Tajuddin who is trying to ride rough shod over others. He’s not alone when it comes to this kind of behaviour among parliamentarians especially the usual suspects from the so-called “superior” homo sapiens.

    If they cannot speak in any civilized language, then by any reckoning they are not worthy to be sitting this chamber. If those folks who elected these uncouthed MPs to represent them are watching some of their antics, hopefully they will realize that next time around, these MPs will be rejected.

    This thought may be wishful thinking on my part, but time will tell as the Internet reaches out exponentially to more people. The fact that there’s a kind of awakening among the people as they become more aware of what’s going on around them in recent years, can mainly be attributed to the Internet where comments and information are carried back and forth in nanoseconds on the wire.

    The Truth shall overcome. We shall overcome. The dark forces of prejudice, injustice and bigotry will eventually be blinded by the Light.

  17. YB,
    It is any wonder to you to have such thug-like character amongst BN law makers.After all his masters display even worse behaviour,the two kris-welding cousins and one of them is going to be our PM!!

  18. Malaysian Parliament lacks quality MPs. Not only that, the Speaker is rather impotent too. He’s not impartial and fair towards situation like these. If Malaysian Parliament have a good Speaker, scene like these would never have happened.

    However, I think it will do you good not to stoop to their level and be the bigger person.

  19. The speaker is utterly useless, look at weak his enforcement is. How can we petition for a new speaker? The current speaker is not even neutral that has breached the protocol enough for him to be sacked. You want proof? Is all on the You TUbe baby.

  20. YB Uncle Kit Siang,

    Its been a long time since I last leave a reply here. I am still a little dissappointed that Pakatan has not form the new government but I am still hoping for the day!

    Anyway, thank you for providing the videos above. It was so hilariously! Obviously only you could get those BN MPs on their nerves.

    –To Tajuddin, if he ever reads this BLOG: “I love to watch YB Kit Siang, meloncak loncak semasa berhujah, apa salahnya?” “YB Chong Eng berambut putih, apa salahnya?” As a representative of Pasir Salak, you are representing the people, especially those who voted for you! If you behave like what you’re behaving for the past few days, it seems to me that you’re an insult to the people of Pasir Salak.–

    YB Kit Siang, I enjoy your sense of professionalism. Never be emotion and speak right on the spot. Thank God that I am not a UM student but feel bad for my fellow friends in UM who has a super senior that acted and behaved like Tajuddin.

    As for the speakers and deputy speakers. I am speechless but not totally shocked. Uncle Lim…just continue to be yourself.

    As much as the parliament is dysfunctional due to some incompetent MPs, at least I can still relieve some stress (laughing) by watching some adults behaving like…(cant think of an animal species to describe them).

    Seriously, Tajuddin owes Uncle Lim, YB Kula, YB Chong End, YB Padanf Serai an apology. He also need to apologize to the voters of his constituency for his uncouth behavior that have insulted the people of Pasir Salak.

    The word “bastard” is totally unacceptable and what more “bloody bastard”. So uncivilized!

  21. this speaker is toothless..what the….change speaker pls…why cant they exercise their power and authority well..even the umpire in the badminton can make a decision on the spot..very sleepy see this kind of parliament proceeding….talk craps..

  22. many of bn assemblymen were former mat rempits la. looking at video recording of apcet mob, you will understand that many of the so callled leaders are not worthy of their name.
    they storm into the hotel like hooligans and mobsters.no wonder we are always di belakang other countries.

  23. Guys, do remember the harder you hit an UMNO guy the faster he climbs the ladder of leadership!! THE MIND HAS BEEN TUNED to such perception! Just look at the Toyol guy! how he has become a possible leader of the youth section.
    These guys are looking for mileage in the forthcoming election. You just ignore him; when they get no mileage they will stop all these nonsenses.

  24. Tats a BIG SLAP to the Dewan Speaker .. the more foul languages these hooligans use, and the Dewan Speaker chose to close one eye, that a BIG SLAP not just to BN but to the Dewan Speaker too. Carry on the ‘good’ work, hooligans.

    Note:- Silent majority is watching.

  25. the yang di pertua is so lame…….. he dare enuf to kick dap out, but meek like mouse to this datuk …..

    now i understand why americans disallowed woman and slaves to vote in the 17s/18s coz if you gave them the power to vote they’ll put monkey at the helm …..

    just like some ppl express to see woman/minority to be president for the sake of being woman/minority instead of whether qualify and capable….

  26. needless to say,an idiot would not admit that he is an idiot!
    the more the tajudin moron talks,the more the BN will suffer;even he doesnt talk,even the MCA,Gerakan,MIC,PPP and etc keep quite,we know what we are going to do on the next GE!

    yes,like someone said,the tajudin,ibrahim,BTN,ahmad ismail,hishamudin,botak syed,patail,najis,hamidi,nazi,toyo,kj,rustam,tambi chik,md md,tdm,azlina,mukris,muhidin and plenty of UMNO suckers…………….they are actually not only beasts,they are more extremed than arctical and antarctical!!!!!!!b@bi betul!!! :-(

  27. He is obviously an angry man. Angered by truths. And stoked further by his inability to find any answer to the Tata Biro Negara thingy. Like kids who are cornered and unable to fight back – he screamed and yelled and issued all sorts of unrelated challenges.

    He is arrogant someone here said. Yes he damned well is. And that is because he stupidly believed that he, as umnoputra, is tuan and the rest of us are hamba. Hei fellow penumpang/pendatang, we are all on the same boat. If this boat called “Malaysia” sank who can you turn to for help? Those who onboard of course. Dont forget that!

  28. we didnt say that we protest malays helping malays;what we meant was UMNO can not use the supposedly end NEP to extend more and more assistance to malays!if you want to help,use your own resources,own melayu fund,organisations,whatever,you can not interfere into other ppl’s interests!
    just take a very simple example,your UMNO youths went to GIANT to interupt the Management,warning them to hire more malay management staff to ‘justify’ the NEP quota!!!this is absurd,out-rageous and most ‘kurang ajar’!!!
    btw,do your govt.,GLCs making an good example of hiring staff,management and directors by folowing the ethnic ratio?

  29. I amuse and wonder where am I and who am I and would like to consult psychiatrist if I kept on hearing those so call law makers’ speech…so arrogant, naive totally no sence at all, especially the guy graduate from UM. Oh god, please help!

  30. i’ve been following the debate of the lower house in the Parliament, the only thing that i always notice and which is very common, shouting at each other, using unparliamentary words. To become a first wrold parliament, Malaysian Parliament still have a long way to go…..

    To be become a first wrold parliament, it is the MP that should take the first proactive step in reaching the goal. The simplest thing you can do is stop shouting at each other, using unparliamentary words.

    Yes, it is always easier to say than to be done! THINK….

  31. Next time around, get the people of Pasir Salak to nominate a butcher, rickshaw puller, greengrocer or anyone from around the market as candidate for MP in GE13. I am sure these people will “perform” better than this IDIOT!

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