In Solidarity

Candle Light Vigil

Abolish ISA, Free all Detainees

[*RPK is out from Kamunting, but Malaysians are still unfree]

Date: 9 Nov 2008 (Sunday)
Time: 8pm
Venue: Taman D.R. Seenivasagam, Ipoh (Map)

(Free candles for all, but bring your own umbrellas just in case ~~)

54 Replies to “In Solidarity”

  1. The only way to get the UmnoBN YBs to abolish the ISA is to let them having a taste of the pie . How to do that ? Well that’s a 64 million dollars question. I hope brother Lim Kit Siang can think of a solution. Nothing is impossilbe,right ?.

  2. Very easy.

    First – Must get into power.
    Second – They will make a lot of noise unnessary. They even screamed Member of Partliment with a word “Bastard”.
    Third and Final – Enforce ISA and detain all the 60 over BN, if possible. By then, there is enough place as the existing detainees would have been released.

  3. Just vote them out. not be a sucker to let any politicians elected by us…behave as if….they are the special one…send from heaven with a title…richly dressed..have lots of money…making you feel…lower than them.
    Just look at how the act and do things. Are they behaving like elected servants??
    Are they sincerely thinking of Malaysians?
    Every .word uttered …or actions planned is a 24 hours non stop….vote fishing….capturing….bribing process.
    Bribing have been most successful.
    So do we want a government to behave like this??
    They will compare our country with less better ones.. make you see…we lucky we are….how smart management they are performing….how fair they are to all Malaysians.
    Simply….do not behave like servants to them…but be masters of our country. Believe me…we are MASTERS….with our powerful votes….combined together.!!
    Bless all those keep thinking about others….and bless those… ISA ..for our sake.

  4. Yes, throw the rubbish politician out.

    Throw all of them?

    No, remember that inside BN we have geniuses, intellectuals, professionals and smart peoples that we can use in the future of Malaysia.

    Don’t hate them, make friends with them.

    Fire will only can be extinguished by water.

    Fire fights with fire, will only creates explosions.

    Once the BN’s people regardless of their colors started to like the Pakatan Rakyat, there is no problem to rule the country.

    Please, for the sake our beloved country.

    Bring back all of our relatives that migrate to oversea, we do need them to build this country.

  5. Off topic but I just got to share some of the many moving stories told after what America did:

    Wide receiver Brandon Marshall, who had worn Obama shirts for all his interviews this season, was beaming.

    “As soon as we found out that he won, my mom called me and she said, ‘When you have your first child, just look them in the eyes and tell them, you know, you can be anything you want to be,'” Marshall said. “It happened for me and it happened for Barak and it happened for the United States.”

    Hope one day my kids will be able to say the same to their children. Many regards.

  6. America has unceremoniously sent off its Republican clowns, whilst here in Malaysian the BN clowns ( more correctly, crocodiles ) are still entrenched in power, siphoning off billions here and there

  7. To all PR supporters

    Stop wasting time and wasting our country’s resources. Our police have much important tasks to do. Do you think your parties have not created enough problems for Malaysia? Don’t try to test the tolerance limit of the government. Please do not react to such gathering announcement!

  8. Thank you. Kasim Amat.
    I am truly glad that you always come around to remind us how important unity of rakyat in create a new Malaysian Malaysia.
    I always enjoy reading your input and the way you can put messages through the same sentences to stimulate a stronger understanding of umno evil ways that have ‘ISA’ us for 51 years.
    Malaysian always learn faster when they know about the danger ahead and we all are truly glad that we have you to show us the sign.
    It’s not about PR here … it’s about rakyat as a whole to seek for the rightousness and Allah’s blessing to free us from umno evil grasp.
    Keep up your great effort and please do spend more time in this blog as we, the rakyat could not have known umno better withour your presence.
    Thank you very much.

  9. Let’s free ourselves from the shackles of racism, parochialism, negative historical baggages, communal politics, bigotry, discriminative and prejudicial ideologies and policies, “supremacist” mentality, and all that is obnoxious to all Malaysians.

    Isn’t it time to move forward, together?

  10. To all umno/bn supporters,

    Please remember that you are guests in this blog. Please behave yourself. If you think you are all so saintly, please tell us who kill the Mongolian lady, the billion of ringgit from the rakyat hard earn money gone into somebodies accounts, simply arrest innocent citizens under the ISA and the list of good things done by you all.

    You have your rights to do all the wrong and evil things and we have the rights to correct it – period!


    GE 13 – No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for the past fifty one years.

  11. Kasim Mamat.. our police are good at hiding under the tree and checking roadtax.. we as tax payer have our right to say what we want.. police are our servant.. we PAY civil servant their salary… in case you don’t know that.. so it’s person like you who is wasting the country resources.. I am going to Tmn DR this weekend.. so what you going to do? if dare, come down to Ipoh.. and [deleted]..

  12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Kasim Amat Says:

    Today at 19: 54.53 (3 hours ago)
    To all PR supporters

    Stop wasting time and wasting our country’s resources. Our police have much important tasks to do. Do you think your parties have not created enough problems for Malaysia? Don’t try to test the tolerance limit of the government. Please do not react to such gathering announcement!

    Dear Kasim:

    I pity you.

    You think you can see, but actually you are blind, you think you can hear, but actually you are deaf.

    What have you done to deserve such punishment?

    I pity you.

    May All Mighty God have pity on your soul.
    (if you have one)

    We, the Rakyat, will pray for you to “wake up”, to open your eyes and ears, so that you can see and hear the truth.

    You will have our blessing.

  13. How I wish I can attend on Sunday night
    I can only pray and visualize the beautiful sight
    Let us remember the ISA detainees in their plight
    Give them hope and a spirit strong and bright
    Let us not give up the peaceful fight
    Cos we know that what we do is right
    Even though the burden may not be light
    But together we can, unity is might

  14. There is nothing wrong with ISA, infacts ISA is a good law if ISA is executed properly.
    The problem is with the user who abuse the usage of ISA.
    We must have a law to punish the abuser………

    The Hindraf deserved to be lock up under ISA……..
    They are the real trouble makers……. lucky we have ISA to lock them up……….

  15. Great News- I see from MT that RPK is to be freed today at 4pm. I sincerely hope that Botak will not try and sneak something past him and play around with his life anymore than he already has via the application of Syed’s Law.
    What does the visionary blogger Kassim Ahmat have to say about that, I wonder?

  16. Nothing is impossible, quoting what Obama said!
    Perhaps it looked like a miracle to us.
    This internal minister has better go to resign.
    With this, we don’t know what is going to happen to N about his future, if he can really take the job as PM.

  17. Why do you think I don’t allow Kasim Amat to get involved in our AP business ? I confine him to lobbying for APs only. If I were to let him run our Ali Baba business, it would be finished for sure.

  18. When God want to punish someone he first make him thinks that he is very clever and all-powerful until he is overwhelmed by his own vainglory and folly. Then it will too late.

    Thank God for giving UMNO such colourful characters: (deleted) Abdullah Badawi; (deleted) Syed Albar Hamid; and (deleted) Nazri.

    These characters’ antics have really damaged the reputation of UMNO for being arrogant, moronic, cavalier and holier-than-thou attitude. Right-thinking people will be shaking their heads at the daily circus that these clowns have being dishing out to Malaysians and the world-at-large.

    This is what is happening to UMNO now. They are so blind to see the truth and they will keeping on repeating their own mistakes until they self-destruct.

  19. “Stop wasting time and wasting our country’s resources. “Our police have much important tasks to do…” – Kassim Amat


    Our police force has been castrated by UMNO to the extent that they are now so afraid of the Chow Road’s pondans. Like cowards, they appeared to be brave only when they appear in their red water cannon trucks and spread acid on others.

  20. We are all happy and glad that RPK has been released! May God Bless RPK and his family. Let’s continue to pray for the release of all other ISA detainees especially the Hindraf Five. Let’s not forget the real hero here – the honourable judge Datuk Syed Helmi. Datuk Syed, you are one of the few who have brought back honour to our courts of law, without fear or favour to UMNO. Malaysia needs more people like you. Thank you!

  21. ….. What The Story …..

    To YB_Lim kit Siang,

    I`m really felt not Suprise of what happen ,but i will feel happy to (USA)American cause they have create the new history to they coutry it`s self ,they believed that Skin ,Religion n other more Issue…… are not the problem to them self but they believe`s the American is A Dream Place for every one of them to believe…!!!!

    Believe it what will happen to the Future ,that had created by Must Change N Hope to change of living in better Life……..!!!!

    The chance given to (US Democraty) Mr.Barrack Obama ,because they (US_citizen) praise to hope that Mr.Barrack Obama will lean A World better then (US Repulican) Mr.John Mccain ………

    I`m impress to Mr.John Mccain by the attitude of thankful to he opponent Mr.Barrack Obama ,……N I`m impress to all USA citizen because they had the dream to believe ,to believe the dream by created the miracle on their all together ,of believing create the dream ,the change ………..!!!!

    Do you have a dream ?

    Do the Malaysia citizen had the feeling of believe the change ?

    Will Miracle happen to stop the Kerajaan alway playing ur issue puzzled problem ?

    Will Miracle happen all the time ?

    P.S thank You for reading this Issue

    you sincerly,
    from HollyWoD

  22. A great reminder from VSP to tell off Kassim Amat about the coward police who stay away from pondans, gangsters and criminals in hot areas. It is better for the police station to be located in army camp for safety reasons said PAS MP. No wonder Malaysia is not a safe heaven with increase crimes and even BN wives were killed by notorious killers today. We hardly see our PDRM policemen or policewomen patrolling the streets and do their roundings but prefer to shake their legs in the police stations and also taking their sweet times writing reports. Believe it or not ! Visit your nearby police stations today.

    LKS blog is very boring stuff if without the stupid uncivilised comments from Kassim Amat (KA). Maybe we should also welcome the “tak sekolah ke” Pasir Salak MP to support the comments of KA. Other bloggers are ever ready to challenge both ” tak sekolah ke” mentality in debating over many issues in this blog. Please avoid ” the bloody bastard” remark here as mentioned by Pasir Salak MP, MU grad buddy. No wonder MU standard “jatuh keluar” from world university ranking today. What a SHAME ?

  23. ##rankyapp Says:
    November 6th, 2008 (2 days ago) at 13: 24.09
    The only way to get the UmnoBN YBs to abolish the ISA is to let them having a taste of the pie . How to do that ? Well that’s a 64 million dollars question. I hope brother Lim Kit Siang can think of a solution. Nothing is impossilbe,right ?.##

    BNBBC and Syed Hamid(Kasim Ahmad too) should be given an educational stay in Kamunting detention centre (since the BNBBC showed some interest to ‘learn’
    by organising Taiwan trip recently).

    They should be served the same type of food as served to RPK, Teresa/Hindraf 5, no newspaper, no TV, no handphones…… so they can ‘debate better’ in Parliament and think more rationally.

  24. To abolish ISA.. we need a strong judiciary almost independent from the legislative and executive’s influences.. but if Najib continues to be PM and with his backstaff.. it looks like a return to the tried and tested era of Mahathirism.. This will certainly be a setback to reforms..

    ISA’s initial idea was good.. but it has been abused by leaders.. there are people saying we should not abolish it.. may i know why?

  25. To UMNO and UMNOputras like Kasim Amat, stealing is not a crime. Holding a candlelight vigil is a crime.

    Time is so precious to UMNO, more so when we try to distract them from their half-baked schemes to steal from the public purse.

  26. “No wonder MU standard “jatuh keluar” from world university ranking today. What a SHAME ?”

    Shame is not in UMNO’s dictionary. Ask Kasim Amat and he will tell you that he doesn’t know the meaning of this word. Then he will tell you to stop wasting their precious time – there simply isn’t enough time to steal.

  27. Anyone can be the PM? – so said Abdullah Badawi, the confirmed flip-flop PM of Bolehland.

    This is a moot point at this juncture of time.

    The PM of Malaysia is chosen by 191 warlords from one party only, who have their own selfish interest to consider. But it was claimed that there are 3 million members in UMNO. This system was put into place because it was assumed that the majority of the members (99.999%) are stupid and are incapable of exercising directly their rights to choose. So they need representatives to do the job for them.

    The problem was compounded when Mahathir introduced the quota system of choosing leaders of UMNO and with it the scourge of money politics began to choke the political life of Malaysia.

    These representatives became powerful warlords and they were able to blackmail any candidate who wishes to stand for President, and with it the PM of Malaysia. Even when one particular warlord from Klang of the istana fame went on a rampage, breaking every laws and giving orders to the local councils, he got away scot-free. The flip-flop PM couldn’t do anything to check this once-upon-a-time railway gatekeeper turned powerful warlord and even honour him with his attendance during his funeral. Even the Sultan of Selangor got spit in his face by this low character.

    Policies in Malaysia are first proposed in UMNO general assembly and then rubber-stamped in Parliament. In other words, the PM at present only heed to the whims and fancies of a narrow coterie of very powerful warlords in UMNO and not to the 21 million people of Malaysia. With their Ketuanan Melayu and dubious social-contract claims these warlords have placed a stranglehold on the politics of Malaysia. I don’t think it is possible at this moment for a PM other than from UMNO.

    Maybe, when UMNO is consigned to the dustbin of history and laws are introduced to make the selection of the PM mandatory by a broad cross-section of the population of Malaysia, then it will be possible. Until then we can only hope for an Obama miracle.

  28. Obama was born as a muslim, and he converted to become a Christian. If he is in Malaysia, he would still be considered a muslim although he converted illegally according to boleh law. So if he visits boleh one day, will he be arrested? Worst than that, he never dared to admit that he is a muslim.

    Which one is more important, your religion faith or the power? He did not want to admit because he wants the power. It looks like only Christians have a chance to become the President of USA. Will he switch his mind to admit that he is a muslim while being a president? With his religious background, will he be able to bring along a peace deal to the middle east? Let’s wait and see

  29. Is our judicial system finally striking back, after being manipulated by BN for decades? Is it time the judges started to do their real job without interference? Did the judges all wake up yesterday, after the acquittance of Razak baginda last week? The two striking cases of the release of Raja Petra and no transfer of Anwar’s sodomy trial both carried a big meaning to us. I am sure the name of these two judges will remain in the history. I hope more hero judges will appear.

  30. pulau_sibu Says:

    Obama was born as a muslim, and he converted to become a Christian. If he is in Malaysia, he would still be considered a muslim although he converted illegally according to boleh law. So if he visits boleh one day, will he be arrested? Worst than that, he never dared to admit that he is a muslim.

    Yes, in other (civilized) mature countries Muslims can adopt another faith, if they choose. Even in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world, Muslims can be married to a Chriatians with neither being required to change, and carry out their religious obligations with mutual respect. This is also true in India where interfaith marriages are accepted. People don’t get overly worried and allow their emotions to blur their intelligence like they do in Bolehland, where they haven’t worked out such a compromise due to rigidly narrow thinking from “higher” authorities dictating their thoughts like laws on society. Bolehland is terribly backward, actually! Perhaps it will be allowed to evolve in due course once all the dinosaurs have died.

  31. (sorry, excuse the spelling above!):

    greatstuff Says:

    Today at 10: 08.46 (3 minutes ago)
    pulau_sibu Says:

    Obama was born as a muslim, and he converted to become a Christian. If he is in Malaysia, he would still be considered a muslim although he converted illegally according to boleh law. So if he visits boleh one day, will he be arrested? Worst than that, he never dared to admit that he is a muslim.

    Yes, in other (civilized) mature countries Muslims can adopt another faith, if they choose. Even in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world, Muslims can be married to Christians with neither being required to change, and carry out their religious obligations with mutual respect. This is also true in India where interfaith marriages are accepted. People don’t get overly worried and allow their emotions to blur their intelligence like they do in Bolehland, where they haven’t worked out such a compromise due to rigidly narrow thinking from “higher” authorities dictating their thoughts like laws on society. Bolehland is terribly backward, actually! Perhaps it will be allowed to evolve in due course once all the dinosaurs have died.

  32. Double standards BN:
    BUTTERWORTH: The DAP-led state government has been urged to give a breakdown of the expenses for its recent trade and investment mission to South Korea, including the amount paid by the state and state-owned agencies as well as the value of sponsorship received by the 52-member delegation.

    What about breaking down the expenses of thousands of BN government trips abroad over the years. How about that of the KL mayor who spend most of his time traveling overseas at government expense.

  33. pulau_sibu Says:

    Today at 06: 39.09 (3 hours ago)
    Obama was born as a muslim, and he converted to become a Christian.”

    Barack Obama was never a Muslim though born to a Muslim father – never mind the law in Malaysia. His father was Barack Hussein Obama and he is Barack Hussein Obama Jr. He used his Christian name Barry while growing up and when he was in college and in his search for his roots, he reverted to the name Barack Obama.

    His white mother re-married and she followed her Indonesian husband who was a Muslim. He returned to Hawaii and mainland USA after several short years in Jakarta during which he attended a Catholic school – not a madrassah as some would have us believed.

    Read his book, “Dreams From My Father” – inspirational piece.

  34. undergrad2 Says:

    That’s the difference, if Barrack was born/living in Malaysia he wouldn’t have had a choice, as he’d have to be a Muslim since his father was, and wouldn’t be permitted to opt out- the Shariah court would have “intervened” to ensure he stayed that way. The law in Malaysia doesn’t give you a choice- it’s a take it or leave it situatioin. Anyhow, lets continue with pulau_sibu’s point, which states that Bolehland makes matters unnecessarily complicated for inter-faith family matters where Muslims and non-Muslims are involved, depending on who’s point of view has the upper hand, that is -unfortunate!

  35. which form of islam is correct ? The indian one.the indonesia one,the palastine one or the malaysian one ? Why is it ok for the former three countries to allow intermarriage with either choosing to remain in their original religion ? Why is it malaysia does not permit such marriage ? Why is it no consistency in the muslim faith ? . Religion is a choice,right ? Why is it in malaysia,the raykat esp, the muslim/malays didn’t have a choice to choose his or her religion .Why is it that a non-muslim must be forced to convert to the islamic faith when he or she decided to marry a muslim person ? Is this god’s law or just the authority of the shariah count ? Who is correct ? India,Indonesia,palastine or malaysia ? Will someone please enlighten me ?.

  36. After they release RPK there are ISA 65 remaining do not only ploy for political mileage give justice to them.
    So far DAP and Pakatan only talk about ISA RPK ,TK and ISA 5 Hindraf’s what about the remaining ISA 65 can u spell their name?

  37. so it seems that the topic here is about religion.. America is so democratic that people can change their religion.. Obama’s father is born a muslim.. but he grew up being an atheist.. as that went on.. Obama is not a Muslim..

    I think the freedom to think is very important.. nobody wants a planned life.. a planned thinking by their fathers.. nobody wants to born having a religion.. they should think for themselves whats best for them rather than being set by the fathers what to do.. This is the case for Muslim in Islamic countries where they are denied the chance to think.. denied the liberty they should have..

    And more importantly, I think religion should not be intertwinned with the country’s politics.. lets imagine the worst case scenario.. if Obama is a Christian extremist.. he vows to exterminate everyone not Christian.. What would happened to the rest of the world?

    Criticise US as you may like.. but they have once again done something so impressive that everyone in the world should follow..

  38. The PDRM has abdicated its responsiblities and duties in most residential areas to to local thugs, gangsters and muggers.

    These unsavoury parasites that suck the blood of ordinary folks have set up shop in most housing estates under the pretext of guarding their lives and property. They are more often extortioners than guardians of law and order.

    They blatantly declare that they have connections with the police and the organized crime syndicates that residents who do not pay up the monthly toll would be at the receiving end of their wrath.

    All that needs to set up shop as residential security guards is a shed with a barrier. The shed is most of the time unmanned and the barrier left raised. Monthly toll collections (protection money) of RM40 to RM120 (depending on the type of house) is indeed a lucrative source of income.

    Sometimes I wonder why we have such an inefficient, lazy and corrupted police force. They might as well give up their duties to the organized crime syndicates and enjoy their ‘gaji buta’ with less stress.

    Setting up of road blocks, harassing the rakyat with frequent speed traps at highways and urban roads should be more than enough to relieve their boredom.

    Their usual cry for their inefficency is not enough manpower.
    It is not extra manpower they need but to relearn to discharge their duties without fear or favour. They need to be proud of a CLEAN and EFFICIENT force instead of being lackeys of the government of the day.

  39. I have stated, on this and other websites, that the ISA MUST stay BUT for foreigners. The citizens of Malaysia must be brought before a civil, or criminal, court to answer any charges made against them. The law for the use of ISA must be laid down, so that future use of the ISA is restricted to foreigners. I have seen the government use of the ISA here in Malaysia, and overseas, as a quick-cure. I see this as a tool of a government who reach for the ISA as a tool from a tool-box of bankrupted ideas. Also to hide the government’s malfeasance. To incarcerate a citizen without charges is abuse of state power, and state criminality, there must be compensation made. I would like see this change made.
    The rest of the political detainees, for that is what they are, the citizens must worked on to secure their releases. They are in my thoughts, and so were those who were released.
    I’m happy that Raja Petra Kamaruddin has been released. He was imprisoned for eight weeks, and eight weeks too long.
    I’m glad there are neutral factors in the judiciary.
    Malaysians watch the government!

  40. born_malaysian Says:

    Yesterday at 17: 30.18
    so it seems that the topic here is about religion.. America is so democratic that people can change their religion.. ”

    The U.S. Congress is not allowed to pass laws relating to religion among others: First Amendment.

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