Bantuan Khas Awal Persekolahan RM100

By P.P.

The purpose of this note is to share my thoughts with you.

Today my daughters received a notice from their teachers at school. My younger daughter studies at SK Taman Perling 1 and my elder daughter studies at SMK Dato Usman Awang (Perling 2). This notice was in reference to Bantuan Khas Awal Persekolahan where my daughters are entitled to RM100 each.

My younger daughter only received the note today and my elder daughter did not even receive a note but a mere announcement of the same.

This exercise requires the parents to be present with the child when the monies need to be collected. This is hardly fair given that the notice only comes the day before the event. What then happens to parents who cannot come, the school will not give the monies to the children alone.

My point is that due notice must be given to parents knowing that almost every household on the average has both parents working to support their families. This being so when due notice is given, parents can take time off to be with their children to collect these monies which can be useful.

Moreover, these events should be taking place during weekends where it would be easier for parents to attend. Most open days are held on weekends, I don’t see why this should be any different.

As for me, I have the privilege of taking time off to be at the event tomorrow but I feel sorry for those who will not get this opportunity because of the lack of time in notifying the parents.

I am very disappointed in the way the Education Department is handling this matter and I sincerely hope that change will be implemented soon for the benefit of all.

P.S might I suggest that when this exercise takes place again, the Education Ministry can give all student due notice to have an account set up under their names and have this information submitted with the ministry so that these funds can be credited into their accounts responsibly.

Yours Sincerely,
A Conerned Parent and would most probably set up a political party himself if the existing parties don’t buck up anytime soon to bring change to this Country.

10 Replies to “Bantuan Khas Awal Persekolahan RM100”

  1. “This exercise requires the parents to be present with the child when the monies need to be collected.”

    There is only ONE objective in ensuring that you are there with your child. The teacher or headmaster is obligated to say “Please vote Barisan Nasional” and your child cannot vote. Take the money. Then give the middle finger to Moo and his boys for this blatant act of vote-fishing.

  2. Since it’s a short notice as mentioned by the author,i went to collect on behalf of my eldest brother for her daughter.The teacher asked me how if my brother come the next round to collect the RM100?She surely should’ve known together with my niece at the present,i would have got permission from my brother yet she asked me that stupid question.She must be a joker.Hahahaha.I just let it go and took the money which by right belong to me and spare the joker some lectures.

  3. This is a REAL election stunt! Not all the parents ned that $100 ringgit, why can’t the money be given ONLY to the deserving children who need it more than parents who earn say $5,000 a month?
    Yes, even here, we read about pumping a $100 petrol each time his car goes to the station. This has been the typical behaviour of BN; useless publicity has been their style to hood-wink the average less informed Malaysian. it only shows that the Gomen has not proper statistics even billions have been spent on such devices! A gomen which has no other objective except tp swindle the Treasury would never keep its records clean and straight. This all part of the scheme. Malaysians are you still sleeping?

  4. When the students receive their text books under the loan scheme, their parents are not allowed to come to school. So when the students receive the RM100, why should the parents be called to school?

  5. Everything BN does is spending and not about generating income for the country.

    Over spending.

    If Pakatan win, Pakatan has to suffer and trying very hard to bear the cost.

    If BN win, even worst, BN has to raise taxes and tarriffs to cover all these mess.


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