Abdullah must work trebly hard in next few months to have credibility to talk about Mission 2057

Yesterday’s New Straits Times front-page was completely taken up by two quotes of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s speech on the National Mission for the next 50 years, viz:

“I have not forgotten about Vision 2020. It is a target for us to achieve. But why can’t we think beyond that? We are well placed to envision a century of success… ”

“All those rumours that I’m resigning in July, who is saying this? Some have said I am a one-term prime minister. We will see about that… “

I had three immediate questions when I saw the NST front-page yesterday.

Question 1: This was a speech which Abdullah had delivered as Umno President in a meeting with the “Umno political machinery and Umno psychological warfare unit” (Bernama 19.4.06) at the Putra World Trade Centre last Friday.

Why was such a speech and message delivered to the Umno propaganda and psychological warfare unit aired on RTM1? Is this an open and blatant admission that RTM is nothing more than the propaganda and psychological warfare unit of Umno?

Is this further proof of Malaysia going further down the slippery slope where important distinctions among the three separate entities of government, political party and personal interests have been completely blurred and eradicated among those vested with public trust, whether government power or charge of public funds — when the strict maintenance of such distinctions are the fundamental prerequsities to foster a culture of national integrity and to carry out a successful campaign against corruption?

The Machap by-election and the current Ijok by-election have seen such blurring and eradication of distinctions among the three entities of government, political party and personal interests reaching an unprecedented level in the past 50 years.

What better testimony than the blatant vote-buying in Ijok where money politics to buy votes started even before nomination yesterday with the announcement by Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohd Khir Toyo of RM36 million for various development projects to be implemented within the two weeks of the Ijok by-election.

Today, public-spirited voters of Machap Baru New Village took out a newspaper advertisement expressing their gratitude to the DAP for participating in the Machap by-election resulting in “overnight transformation” of life in the constituency, bringing basic infrastructure benefits which the villagers had never been able to enjoy in the past 50 years, with “unprecedented allocations, benefits and treatment” including recreation area, upgrading roads, new street lamps, upgrading of drainage system, low-cost housing, clinic upgrade and grants to the three Chinese primary schools in the constituency. (Sin Chew p31)

Question 2: Who is spreading the rumour that Abdullah will be resigning in July? This is the first time I am hearing about it and Abdullah has RTM and the Information Minister Datuk Zainuddin Maidin to thank for disseminating this rumour throughout the country until it becomes a household rumour.

Qestion 3: why didn’t Abdullah come to Parliament instead of using “the gathering of Umno political machinery and Umno psychological warfare unit” to answer the question which I had posed in Parliament during my debate on the Royal Address on March 21.

In my speech in Parliament on March 21, 2007, I had referred to Abdullah’s announcement a week earlier of “Mission 2057” to ensure continued development in all aspects since independence and after Vision 2020 had been achieved. Abdullah, who had chaired a meeting of the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council, said “Mission 2057” (Misi 2057) would become the development guideline for another 50 years.

I said in Parliament that it was “a rather tall tale that the BN Supreme Council could meet to take the policy decision to formulate Mission 2057, when it is not only dubious that Vision 2020 could be achieved but very clear that Abdullah’s Mission 2004 is heading towards a big flop”.

I had said: “Before Abdullah trots out Mission 2057 about Malaysia in another half-a-century, he should deliver Mission 2004 which he had promised in the 2004 general election to lead an efficient, clean, incorruptible, accountable, transparent, just, democratic and progressive administration which is prepared to hear the truth from the people”.

I had also highlighted in particular three areas where Abdullah had failed in the past 40 months to “walk the talk” of his reform pledge and agenda despite his unprecedented 91% parliamentary majority in the March 2004 general election.

These three areas are:

  • The losing war against corruption;
  • The losing battle against crime with Malaysians feeling even more unsafe in the streets, public places and the privacy of their homes than when Abdullah became Prime Minister.
  • Abdullah’s failure to lead an open, accountable and transparent administration — with a worsening cult of secrecy as illustrated by the refusal to make public all the privatization contracts, whether toll contracts, power and water concessions, to put them in the public domain for the scrutiny of the Malaysian public.

His predecessor, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, had already passed a public verdict that corruption under Abdullah is worse than during his 22-year administration. As far back as May 2005, Mahathir said that “corruption might be getting to a point of no return”, that it had become a culture in Malaysia with corruption almost at the “above the table” level and more and more people no longer trying to hide the fact that they were corrupt.

Two days ago, Mahathir has upped the ante and lengthened the list of failures of the Abdullah administration – “that press freedom in Malaysia today is worse than during his time as prime minister” when speaking at the 6th Perdana Discourse Series entitled ‘Media and National Development’, organised by Perdana Leadership Foundation in Putrajaya on Wednesday.

Although Abdullah has not been denounced as “Predator of Press Freedom” as had happened to Mahathir by the international press organization, Reporters without Borders, Abdullah has no cause for complacency or sense of superiority as more and more Malaysians are feeling the tightening of the screw with all the institutional instruments of press control and censorship had been left completely intact in the past 42 months, with some of these instruments being applied even more frequently than during the Mahathir era.

Abdullah should work trebly hard in the next few months to honour his 2004 Mission before next general election if he is to have the credibility and legitimacy to talk about Mission 2057 or even Vision 2020.


21 Replies to “Abdullah must work trebly hard in next few months to have credibility to talk about Mission 2057”

  1. YB Kit why do you keep on saying that our “beloved” PM is “losing war against corruption” I think there is too far fetch. In the first place he has not even drawn out the kris to fight corruption and yet you are talking about war. They will only draw out the kris to incite hatred among the various races. That is the face of UMNO.
    You can bet your last dollar that their rhetoric fight against corruption is for political savory only and you had seen it a hundred and one time and spoken about it a hundred and one time. It will take a very naive person to believe what they say.
    But do not give up hope. We have to take them on through the ballot boxes but the dirtiness in them will make the battle difficult but not impossible.

  2. i think he meant dreaming of 2057 rather than having a vision. The vison he saw in his sleep was nothing but an illusion. Probably when he was asleep Kj and gang put a subliminal tape for him to listen and envision.

    Wake up la wahai orang alim.

  3. When the PM first started, the first Christmas he sent cards to all the churches and we hoped it was the beginning of a new era under Islam Hadhari.

    Now with the many body-snatchings of so many Hindus under the guise of Islamic rehab we wonder how many years before we end up like the situation in Iraq where the Sunnis and Shias are bombing one another.

    As for the “buy elections” in Ijok we have moved from gutter politics to sewer politics.

    As for Vision 2057 even V2020 is a nightmare so let’s leave that one for now.

  4. Why do Malaysia has such a stupid and arrogant PM ? I have never really come across a country that her PM has 3 very important portfolios. Abdullah is trying to emulate Dr. M. But he doesn’t know that he is not as smart. Just look at his qualification – religious studies. God or Allah bless My. What does he do all day? Pray Allah for results ? He is not as lucky as the Arabs. All the prayings give them OIL !!!

  5. I hold no hope and had already given up on this PM ever since the Zakharia’s case. It’s high time we get someone qualified with at least a decent degree to head this country. Look south of Malaysia and we might consider buying their service to run Malaysia just like khazastan is using the service of KLIA to run their airport. How’s that for a change.

  6. I think it is not fair to knock religious studies and him being not that smart.

    After all we had a doctor before and just look at the mess we are in.
    It is one requirement of leadership and management that one must choose people smarter than you and mould them into a strong team that will produce results.

    At the moment I think he has simply too many ministers to lead and some of them already tainted to boot.

    The only good thing is that the economy appears to be still healthy but even that may falter once the oil runs out.

  7. HJ Angus, please look at the facts…

    Education ( University ) standards have gone down. Corruption has become worse. Please refer to THES and Transparency International.

    I personally had a very bad experience with the Johore Customer at 10 PM about 3 weeks ago when I was on my way to Muar after landed in Singapore from Melbourne, Australia. I was harassed by custom officers over a bottle of wine that I had in my suitcase. They threatened to tax me because I am a Malaysian. After arguing for 1/2 hour, they let me go. Of course, I had refused to bribe…

  8. No matter what he has been study be it religious or economics or may be account, for sure he is not the right candidate to seat as PM, What we do observed, he is more cakap kosong than our previous leader.

  9. No way Malaysia Umno putera -puteri Wawasan 2020 of being First World Standard gauged by World Transpency Index ..Therefore whatever Reality of PM Abdullah Verbality had NO SENSE OF MORALS….Its Just Pure Political Hypocrisy and Lies to the Rakyats ..as Umno had cultured its own MALAYSIOW DEMOCRACY >>>LOL>>>Corruption within Umno Is Damned Visible ans Uncontrollable….Lets have it all for our personal benefits..Thus Poverty level risen yr by yr,Economical TOLL had been Severe>>leading more factories ,national car industrial Closed Shop…generating more financial and petty crimes….leaving Poor childrens with no choce picking up plasticsbottles,softdrink cans and papers for sell in order to survive daily hardships CAUSED BY GOVT CULTURED CORRUPTION .
    Corruption also Weaken the Public Civil Services qualities to a stage that is even beyond words can describe ….Come to work late ,no excuse,take their time smoking ,drinking, ,,,then begin to work ..calling out the 1st queue no…bribe for Kopi $$ if possible by dirty tactic.turn out/off the queue no..settle outside seperately.

  10. ……………………………ACA Stolen Millions Ringgits of Public Funds /wealth…Undercovered up and AG abused Human Right Judicairy legislative Right inorder to free Politcians from Jail -Lockup Inhuman -detention…Judges are appointment in fovour of Prejudices….The Special Right Awards Honour Recipient.
    The rich became richers and on the other hand ,the Desperately Poor poverty stricken Families-Children have No Life Option except to go to the Garbage Dumping Grounds -Piles daily to seek a miserables living by collecting Plastiic bottles,paperboards,empty metal can etc .just to sell for a bowl of rice consumption with sambal chillies. .Alamak!!!….these above are facts of our Econ-Socio Status of a Oil Resource Rich Democratic nation …>>>MALAYSIA

  11. Finally,

    The bear who has been hibernating woke up… but woke up at the wrong side of the bed… If we think beyond 2020 we will go nuts.. this is the most moronic xcuse i’ve ever heard in my entire life.. look there are some many incidents happening in this country which is beyond AAB’s control, you cant even prove that ur capable of handling these situations wat makes you think that you can make another vision anywhere close to the word success.. don’t count your eggs before they are hatched… wah.. vision 2057… so so far one wah ah.. even Madam Zorra aso x predict wats gonna happen one ah… Do us some good k, by cleaning up all the messes den talk about mission 3098 aso we dont mind.. give the rakyat the assurity that ur CAPABLE …

    His second phrase about him stepping down sounds like a threat.. FRom which source la he heard this rumour… wah… sounds like someone is actually bothered with gossips and pay attention to them.. Hidup Bodoh land!!!!!

  12. This is what happens when the same party has been running the government for far too long. They think the entire government apparatus is at the party’s disposal, when the neutrality of the civil service is an alien concept.

    And Malaysians cannot separate the political party that runs the government from the government itself. These are meant to be two different entities. Today it may be run by BN. Tomorrow it may be run by a new coalition of parties. Policies may change but the government remains the same. Heads of departments then report to a different set of political masters. They are not replaced because of their political loyalties. They are supposed to be neutral.

  13. The problem with this country is politicians using race and religion to cling on to power. Power means fabulous wealth. It is the same almost everywhere except that others don’t have these inherent “curse”. That was why in 19th century Britain, those aspiring to be politicians must satisfy the criteria that they be well off first before they can be member of parliament.
    Anyway BN power will last for indefinite time. They have the power to make themselves wealthy and with this fortune they can buy votes furthermore they can abuse government assets to make sure they stay in power.
    In the US it is the same except that they cannot use the race and religion issue because the overwhelming majority are Christians and White. Thus even if Republicans or Democrats whoever in power gerrymander the same people who vote them in can also vote for the other the next election.

    So in my opinion Machap and Ijok will still be in BN control. Sad but true!
    I have an idea how the opposition can wrest Ijok from MIC!!
    This will have to call for extraordinary effort from PKR.
    Why not tell the people of Ijok that BN does not care for them and that policians are only taking care of themselves. All these years they are in power nothing much was done for them! Now when their votes was needed to stay in power all kind of goodies was offered!
    Tan Sri Khallid by now should be well off and the salary is not as important to him as his opponent. If he is willing to sacrifice for the sake of the future offer his entire pay as Ijok assemblyman if he is elected for the people of Ijok and for his party. Afterall the next election is coming soon he won’t have to do it for full term.
    Tell the people that and after all the goodies are given out by the BN they will get this little extra from him to show his sincerity.
    Come General Election it will be up to them who they want to vote.
    You see, if the opposition members are sincere and well off so that they don’t depend on their assemblyman pay to survive it will hit the BN hard.

  14. nobody trusts AAB except the UMNO cronies (not even MCA & MIC who has to kowtow to their recent threats), so of course he chose to speak to an UMNO machinery instead – at least this group will be dumb enough not to ask him tough questions.

    AAB is the weakest and lamest PM malaysia has ever had – everything is going downhill since 2004 – from politics to social to economics…

    (because the people still vote for BN)

  15. It is not very wise to set a target date to achieve a developed status. because if we cant achieve it…the morale of the people will be affected. however, i am sure for Malaysia’s case that even if we do not achieve it, our leaders will still declare malaysia as developed to appease people especially those who are naive and not so educated (majority in malaysia).

    Again I have to use the example of Singapore (I am not patronizing that country but it’s just hell of a good example for us and for the world), I do not recall them declaring any target to be developed…in fact they are quite apprehensive to declare so even though most western countries recognise her as one.

    For Singapore, they just set a deadline to equip all buses with wheelchair friendly features and those are the things that form the underlying neccesities of a develope status, and not the tallest this and the biggest that.

    And yea….a country that wants to be developed doesnt replace playgrounds all over the country with mosques aspublic ameneties form an important criteria for a developed status.

  16. There is no war on corruption at all but there is a subtle effort to promote corruption. The failure to take any action against the corrupted and votes buying are already the symptoms that they are more in favor of promoting corruption and not the other way round.

    YB Kit, I hope you will stop complimenting them by using the words “war on corruption”. How can they have a war when they are not even prepared to shoot the evil doers. Well they have a very good reason for not doing it because they will have to shoot themselves.

  17. Well, the psychological and reverse psychology warfare tactic is used to the max.

    They play the number games. It is by far much easier and CHEAPER to buy out the hearts of the poor (and in turn, they should be kept not too highly educated, lest the learnt of THE TRUTH). Cheaper to buy kain pelikat, than to bribe the Chinese. With the dwindling Chinese population and increasing immigrants who are islamized and given bumiputra status and all. Won’t it be an uphill task for the opposition to deny a big majority to the big bully?

    It actually cost much more to the bully to buy the hearts of Chinese. But it is easiest done with promises of more Chinese schools and upgrading facilities of Chinese school. Eventually, most of Chinese like Uncle Chong and Aunty May would be happy with immediate small gains of paved new roads.

    I don’t think opposition stand a chance against the mighty and big warchest of BN/UMNO which probably most of the wealth is located offshore out of Malaysia. Out of the eyes, ears of the commoners.

    Richness and wealth which is beyond the imagination of Pak Ngah, Mak Timah in Ijok.

  18. Thirty six million ringgit is allocated for Ijok. Land titles for the poor who had been squatters all thirty years or longer and the late Sivalingam and his late predecessors failed to help them! Now suddenly all received land titles within one day!! A sick joke to me!!!
    Roads are paved in record time. Now comes the more difficult people to “pacify”. The Chinese school hall… If they vote against BN there goes those millions promised to them for the building. Damn shrewd these buggers!
    Tell PKR to reveal all these and for Tan Sri Khalid to give away his assemblyman income to the people of Ijok and his party if he wins. Next try recruit those who don’t need this income ie. who are well off, to stand for the coming General Election. With selfless work it will save this country of ours from greedy leeches that you find in the BN.
    Follow the example of Britain in the 19th century. Do you know that those elected in office those days were not paid at all? They were wealthy and successful businessmen and they serve the country selflessly?

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