I accept challenge of a legal suit

Threats have been issued to institute legal proceedings against me over my statement that the police report by a MCA Operative triggered the Internal Security Act arrest of Teresa Kok.

I have issued a statement yesterday.

I am now outside the country. But I accept the challenge of a legal suit.

76 Replies to “I accept challenge of a legal suit”

  1. Greetings!

    We will fights that kind of silly threats all till the end.

    By the way, this morning while I was standing inside one of the court room in Federal High court to support RPK, a breaking new about RPK posted “Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin was sent to the Kamunting Detention Centre in Taiping, Perak this morning to begin his two-year detention without trial under the Internal Security Act.” No law and useless we are having such a beautiful well renovated court room. SHAME…

  2. YB Lim KS,
    this type of issue they would rather sue you than looking deeply into themselves. Which issue is important, comparatively, Teresa being ISA-ed without reason, or to justified MCA had never been connected to the person making the police report? Of course you accept but what a waste of time and energy on MCA. I rather see you getting into something more worthy than the proven not-much-use MCA.

  3. The best thing for us voters to do is to bury MCA at the next GE to get rid of this mosquito party.Ong Tee Keat must be taught a bloody good lesson for they still haven’t learned the lesson of 8th March,picking up an issue like the police report supposedly made by an MCA operative.Bury this Ong Tee Keat as well for thinking that he is fighting for the Chinese.

  4. Dear Mr Lim,

    We don’t call MCA the “Malaysia Chicken Association” for nothing, after discovered what they have done is wrong they just denied it, just like Ahmad Ismail claiming that he was misquoted!

    Go for it Kit, EXPOSE that operative!

  5. Mr.Lim, This threat is a child’s play for.For your age,you have seen life and gone thru so much to be seated where you are today. Dont bother about this kid.The only thing that BN can do efficiently is to intimidate its rakyat to ISA.So Mr.Lim the moment Pakatan gets the keys to Parliament ,your first assignment it to burn down the famous Kamunting, and in its place build a big school or a hospital.

  6. Ganges: ‘Mr.Lim the moment Pakatan gets the keys to Parliament ,your first assignment it to burn down the famous Kamunting detention camp, and in its place build a big school or a hospital’

    I fully agreed on this proposal but not hospital since we had one in Taiping. I want to suggest building a University.

  7. YB Kit i support ur wisdom to fight,

    IMO, We Chinese have same common sense, “that other people childrens we can’t teach, but we can give advise”. BUT MCA we’re Chinese agains chinese, i would like our corrupted chinese leaders goes down before they drag us all to hell by agreeing and following sense of money and not wisdom.

    Its time we teach them a lesson to be learn, selling out our race for sake of money priority, they forgot when they’ve gone someday the future of Chinese and other minority races in Malaysian would suffered the wrath of ISA’d if any dares to utter our right as Malaysian citizenship.

    Are these “RRA” rules stated below applied for “Unity or Repress?”
    What about the minority who lives in this country for centuries, and why we have representative like MCA/Gerakan who sale out our rights?!!!

    *The Race Relations Act. Among the clauses will be:

    1) Forbidden to question Ketuanan Melayu
    2) Forbidden to question Malay special rights
    3) Forbidden to question the social contract
    4) Forbidden to ask for equal treatment for all races
    5) Forbidden to call anybody penumpang (Umno members excepted)
    etc, etc.


  8. I’m not very convinced that those guys who went together to make the police report meant well. If they were sincere, they could have contacted Teresa to caution her. Also, we didn’t see them defending for Teresa after she has been arrested. So how do we interprete it? May be OTK can interpret better?
    My heart aches thinking the long legal process our YB Lim has to go thru, at his current age……
    Do MCA leaders feel that this is what rakyat wants? Is this an important issue to pursue for Malaysia? Or this is damn important for MCA leaders personally?

  9. I’m sure the other party is more than happy to see these two parties fighting with each other. MCA, pls don’t be arrogant, don’t waste the nation’s resources, just be a good minister to all malaysians. Show us your results that you are better than your senior in handling the portfolia you’re in.

  10. @ baochingtian…

    Well im happy to see these tail waving bunch of cronies goes down with their pride, they’re only self-proclaim chinese representative. NO righteous thinking chinese would support them from now on, my vote rather goes to PAS as long as they follows the path of being liberal!

  11. i think mca would win –

    1) the rep said he launch the report on individual basis and not behalf on the party (sinar harapan article). linking him with party name is slanderous….

    2) msm, blogs, pinpointed mca – first slander the party did not voice objection in cabinet, next is highlighting “mca rep” when it is a personal action, making everyone believes mca behind the plot and further tarnishing mca’s name.

    3) mca voiced against isa arrest on tan and teresa, and it appears many msm. to say the party another way is outrageous.

  12. 4) no evidence to link mca ? don think the polis report use the name “mca” or “saya sebagai wakil mca”…… it;s all “stereotype”, when the member of the party launch report, it is automatically perceived as mca’s job……

  13. FACT IS:

    • Failure of the MCA Ministers to demand in the Cabinet meeting for the immediate and unconditional release of Teresa Kok under the ISA; and

    • For Teresa’s ISA detention as it was based on a police report by a key MCA operative in Puchong.

    Faking it by using publicity to cheat the nation is great idea infact they cheated melurian aswell. Or maybe your just one of their cronies working hard as your doing now to distort us in here.

  14. My spectacles almost dropped when I heard what an ex-MCA minister said:

    “We should not dispute the quota system on university intake and other so-called unfair treatments to Chinese. We are from a civilization of 5,000 years, and theirs is hardly 3 hundred years. It would certainly not be fair for them to compete with us at the same starting points…”

    With due respect, this scholar of the Red Mansions (a Chinese literature classic in which the chief character cared so much for the flowers that he buried them when they fell) should enlighten himself with what Darwin said — “the fittest survive”.

    Yes, the fittest survive, not the most civilized, the smartest, nor the most hard-working.

    The ancient China reached the apex of civilization during the Tang Dynasty. But where the hell is Tang Dynasty now? It was destroyed by the less civilized, but fitter-to-survive rival.

    A monk went into the jungle and was confronted by a pack of hungry wolves. Holding fast to his belief that it would be a good deed to feed the wolves, he sacrificed himself as their food.

    We don’t want to be led by such leaders.

  15. YB LKS,go ahead with their legal suit and challenge.There are hundreds of thousands of right thinking people standing steadfastly with you.MCA or ‘Han Jian Jou Gou’ have already been thrown into the human garbage dumpsite by the people they have claimed to represent.A lot of people are spitting at the running dogs who are self serving and greedy wealth and position seekers.They are the ‘Min Zhu Bai Rui’ or the rotten eggs of our own kind.

  16. put it this way, a person picked up newspaper and read the seditious statement and went to launch report, is he guilty ? especially he launched with tidak mewakili mana-mana pihak, so is it mca got the right to clear its name. and the person is acting as “whistleblower” here. of course polis will act only on report, and it is coincident that the polis acting on his report.

    as for cabinet meeting, i thot cabinet meeting on every wednesday, surely mca failed to convince their big brother, but that does not mean they din try ….. (they tried all their best, but their best is not at your par)……

  17. like lim keng yaik said “bagi satu juta petisyen pun apa gunanya, bagi satu juta ringgit oklah”, you have hundreds of thousands ppl voice support oso tak guna one, mca has solid points in their defamation suit, best is lks minta maaf saje-ler for “misunderstanding” – piece of advice……..

  18. That ex minister had already made enough fortune that can last at least three hundred years.That is why he can afford to make that kind of statement.But he has overlooked the fact that many of his own kind are still suffering and living below the poverty line although they enjoy the legacy of the 5000 year old civilisation.

  19. what can i say? very brave to accept this challenge, however this is not a ‘who is right or wrong’ challenge. this is one way or the other, who will be crowned the donkey award? DAP or MCA we shall see? My bet on the latter one

  20. Uncle Lim, I will also support you. These mca and gerakan are useless to us, only know how to kowtow Barisan. I hope PR will not let us down thus take over BN asap. RPK are suffering. We (your supporters ) are suffering bad too. Heartbreak lah!!!!!!

  21. YB Lim,

    Your acceptance of a challenge of legal suit speaks well for your courage and spirit. Ong Tee Keat of MCA is arrogant and he should apologize to YB Lim Kit Siang publicly (before Pakatan Rakyat takes over the Government). He has insulted the chinese community and in the fact all Malaysians by accusing our representative (YB Lim Kit Siang) for more than 3 decades!

    YB Lim Kit Siang is a hero to chinese, malays and indians (All Malaysians!) while Ong Tee Keat only claimed to be a representative to the chinese community. Who are you representing now when the chinese community rejects you?

    While I used to have respect for MCA, now only Ong Ka Ting left in MCA to be a descent one at the moment.

    I am disgusted, the chinese community is disgusted, Malaysians are disgusted of your disrespect (tone of language) shown to Uncle Lim Kit Siang…even Pak Lah has yet to show such disrespect to Uncle Lim.

    Ong Tee Keat. Retract your accusation and apologize to Uncle Lim now!

    I am shocked to learn about such arrogant leader still exisit in MCA. You have shown disrespect to the founding father of MCA the late Tun Tan Cheng Lock.

  22. ganges Says:
    Today at 16: 11.51 (3 hours ago)
    Mr.Lim, This threat is a child’s play for.For your age,you have seen life and gone thru so much to be seated where you are today. Dont bother about this kid.The only thing that BN can do efficiently is to intimidate its rakyat to ISA.So Mr.Lim the moment Pakatan gets the keys to Parliament ,your first assignment it to burn down the famous Kamunting, and in its place build a big school or a hospital.


    Be careful what you do on the land. It may be haunted. How do we know how many have died while in detention over the period?


    That Ong Tee Keat, that guy wants to be MCA president. And for what? Wealth … like one of his former presidents?

    Has he got the cut? Shameless … like Ong Ka Ting. These guys have mirrors that reflect what they want to see. Pathological. These guys need help.

  23. release RPK !!! i am no expert in Islam but still very against ISA. Whatever reason, charge him in court. It show’s that the BeEnd has got a very weak case against RPK. They just want to lock him up so that he will not expose the disgusting BeEnd’s deed ? or until NTR take over ?
    We are all behind RPK !!! and PR !!!

  24. Tulip Crescent Says:

    That Ong Tee Keat, that guy wants to be MCA president. And for what? Wealth … like one of his former presidents?

    Has he got the cut? Shameless … like Ong Ka Ting. These guys have mirrors that reflect what they want to see. Pathological. These guys need help.

    Thats why WE desperately need to SHUTDOWN these evil cronies from doing further damage by selling of the Chinese future!

  25. Mr Lim,
    We can make a small contribution for your defence .
    Can count on plenty of people to come forth.
    Take them on!!! God is with you always!!!
    Suddenly MCA said that they are happy that Theresa was freed!!!
    Ha!Ha!Ha! Make my toes laugh. Before March 8 they would sing a different tune. Now after the battering they change their tune very fast!!!
    We are with you , Mr Lim!!!

  26. “Yes, the fittest survive, not the most civilized, the smartest, nor the most hard-working.” – Lim Koo

    It is not the fittest, the strongest or the smartest organism which survive but the one most adaptable to change. – Charles Darwin.

    Umno, MCA, MIC, Gerakan…the whole bunch of BN cannot change so they will become political dinosaurs soon.

  27. Come on, MCA. Forget it. The alleged operative has shown himself and given his side of the story.

    Please focus your attention to the major issues impacting the country. To name a few: abuse of power, economy slump, inflation, corruption, legal reforms, national unity deterioration.

    Any action to proceed this issue further will prove that Kit Siang is correct, that MCA is the hypocrite who chicken out in front of UMNO. You are making the chinese community sick.

    Same goes to MIC, Sammy begs to government in public for the release of Hindraf 5 to show he is doing some big favour to the Indian community.

    Please speak firmly in front Umno your principle, to show your pride having spoken the value you believe in.

    Today RPK has been sent to Kamunting for up to two years for criticizing the government. Today is the start of dark age in civil liberties. Please help to restore freedom in this country, instead of showing us you are good in barking at your political enemy.

  28. melurian, just like what u said “put it this way, a person picked up newspaper and read the seditious statement and went to launch report, is he guilty ?” Correct, correct, correct. A person picked up a statement from n/ppr and felt it was improper and made a comment. Was he guilty?
    It’s just a petty issue and i think people like yourself have blown it up improportionately. TQ.

  29. Uncle Lim, hope you have solid prove regard the guy who made the police report resulting in Terasa being detained by the police on an ISA charge. If your answer is positive then let OTK get the MCA to sue you. When this happen, do appeal for funds to pay your legal team. I am very sure the combined millions of Malay, Chinese, Indians and others will gladly contribute. Just RM1 from the millions of us, you will have a powerful war chest at your disposal. Do continue with your good work.

  30. On TV3 news at 8 PM ,HAMID said “” After investigating RPK, We found enough evidence to detain him for two years under ISA””.What bull, if the government had enough evidence why not charge him RPK in court.
    The police got so many other acts which they can charge RPK with.If the government got the prove, as HAMID said they have. Then why are they afraid to charge RPK?

  31. Dear KennyGan and all,

    Remember the “hide & seek” game we played as child?

    There was a case in which the kid who, after finishing his counts, spent hours and could not find any of his peers.

    Actually, the others did not go into hiding. They had already gone home.

    This story is dedicated to my friends holding high posts in MCA.

  32. Dear Mr.Lim Koo,
    It’s not the fittest or the most adaptable to changes that survive but the wise, physical and intelligence alone are useless when one’s having imbalance of emotion.
    It’s kinda out of place if you compare a monk with a bunch of wolves and politicians, a monk (in this case a Buddhist one)is supposed to adhere to principle of ANATTA ( non self theory ) you can find out what is it in many Buddhist websites,a politician and a monk live in 2 opposite extreme world…..:-)

    Cheers mister

  33. Well, it seems like there are many people here who cheer Uncle Lim on… but then before you do so, please do read the article in this link:


    Of course, I will also support Uncle Lim to fight out this case against the MCA dogs but then on the flip side, we also know that this will be a chance for the ARMNO gangsters to use their muscles in the judiciary to crush Uncle Lim

    If there is really no fair trial and Uncle Lim is caught in a very tight situation, please do ask yourselves if you are willing to contribute in one way or another.

    Just a thought. Walking the Talk is what Uncle Lim has been saying all these while and those who we are currently opposing do not do. Those who comment in this blog call this bunch of people cowards, good-for-nothing, leeches and so on… If we ourselves do not do something if those who put their lives and comfort for our future, then we need to look into the mirror and say the same things to ourselves.

    Signing petitions, donating $$, attending rallies… lets do our part as well and not just sit around waiting for someone else to create our brighter future. Or else we are no different from the leeches that we condemn.

    Peace to all and hope that Uncle Lim opens a can of whoop-arse on this MCA pooch.

  34. Can you even defame the MCA given all their broken promises? I mean can you defame someone who don’t have much of a reputation anyway? What is the most damaged reputation of MCA worth given their loss in the last election? RM1 or is it 0.10cents?

  35. Why MCA dare not take action against Ahmad Ismail for calling us “pendatang” when his father was also an Indian pendatang?

    As I said former MCA president Tan Kwoon Suan had been jailed in Singapore. What kind of leaders can you expect out of MCA.

    An organisation that bullies the weak and flatters the strong is hopeless.

    MCA you are good at intimidating.

    You are coward!

  36. OTK is the minister that said he would reveal the truth on the port issue.

    Where is it now?

    Why not sue the people that intimidated you from exposing the truth?

    Why sue LKS on this issue?

    Your gentleman character is questionable!

  37. Don’t blame the MCA leaders: they were born with brain defects in which they had no control. Like the 16 year old kidnappers who strangled and burned their classmate and then demanded ransom money from the victim’s family, there is no cure for their defective genes and dna.

  38. I just don’t know what MCA is good at?

    When the UMNO master gave RM2 million scumb for the Chinese schools during the Permatang Pauh election, they beat the drum as if the drum is going to break.

    I am sure if they do their job right by providing a conducive business environment in Malaysia for the Chinese businessmen, they can get RM20 or even RM200 million contributions from the Chinese community easily for schools.

  39. MCA people are renown for being CHICKEN! They blare and do nonsense and after that disclaim all liabilities! Come on, you have been CHICKEN for half a century. It’s time you MCA people stand up and FIGHT like men!

  40. Let’s play. Whether or not MCA, that person is still an MCA member when lodging the report. Unless he is not an MCA member. They also like to twist & turn their tongue. Either they learnt from other BN members this super skill or they are the ones who taught them.

    Bring out all the skeletons in the closet. MCA will chicken out. MCA = Mostly Chickens Assoc.

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