AG must go if MACC trio not charged, says DAP

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal | July 27, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 27 — DAP has given Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail an ultimatum: Either prosecute the three Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers linked with Teoh Beng Hock’s death or resign as Attorney-General.

MACC announced on Saturday the temporary suspension of the three officers named in the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) report — former Selangor MACC deputy director Hishammuddin Hashim and enforcement officers Arman Alies and Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus — pending the outcome of an internal probe.

The commission also said yesterday that it will only probe the three officers, and has remained silent on extending investigations to other officers in connection to this case.

Last night, DAP national legal bureau chairman Gobind Singh Deo said that there were legal avenues through which Abdul Gani could prosecute the three MACC officers, citing Section 304A of the Penal Code for culpable homicide as an example.

“The AG is the only one who can prosecute, and he must inspire confidence by taking action when the RCI comes up with suggestions.

“If he cannot take action, then he must explain why action cannot be taken, and if he cannot explain why action cannot be taken he must resign!” said Gobind to loud applause from the 450-odd attendees at public forum here last night.

The Puchong MP, who is also lawyer for the late Teoh’s family, said that Abdul Gani had “no reason” not to prosecute the three MACC officers, saying that he would gladly “point out” the legal provisions under which they could be charged under.

He also said that he was preparing for a possibility of a judicial review over the RCI report.

“We did not fight for two years for you to say that no action can be taken against those responsible for Teoh’s death,” added Gobind.

DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, who was also present, demanded the police reopen the investigations into Teoh’s death following the contents of the RCI report.

“There has to be a reopening of investigations,” the DAP veteran politician said.

The RCI’s report had ruled that Teoh committed suicide as a result of “aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation” by MACC officers, particularly the trio.

The officers, described in the RCI report as “Arman the bully, Ashraf the abuser and HH the arrogant leader”, had wanted to pressure Teoh into becoming a witness in their case against his boss, Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah, for alleged abuse of public funds.

Teoh, a DAP political aide was found dead on July 16, 2009 on the fifth-floor corridor of Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam after he was questioned overnight by MACC officers at their then-Selangor headquarters on the 14th floor.

11 Replies to “AG must go if MACC trio not charged, says DAP”

  1. Charged ? These people will be reassigned, with promises of promotion. I assure you that Hishamuddin guy will be reassigned to work with the Home Ministry as his skills are definitely required there. Maybe as Deputy Secretary General.

  2. The man is rumoured for elevation to the bench of the Federal Court. That will be his reward for his loyal service all these years. A big pingat is also on the cards. All these before BN bows out.

  3. I wonder if the opposition did not assist Teoh’s family in getting some of the most well known forensic experts to testify, such as Henry Lee.

    The same for the M’a’ngolian lady. I think those real experts would have the answer.

  4. Where is the sincerity? Even with Inquest and RCI, they still can’t move an inch. Talking about perjury etc, can all these senior officers in MACC and Police be charged for not doing their jobs properly? Why do they need RCI to point out the excessive force and torture used in the investigation? Are they saying they did not know what is going on and the police did not know how to investigate whether a crime has been committed?

  5. Kit,
    Please give us the details of the settlement. Transparency, Sir.

    (Kit – Plse read Mkini story:)

    ‘Umno kafir’: NSTP settles with Lim Kit Siang

    Hafiz Yatim
    Jul 27, 11

    Veteran DAP leader Lim Kit Siang today settled his defamation suit against New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd for wrongly quoting him during the Galas by-election.

    However, the amount to be paid in the settlement was not disclosed.

    Lim’s lawyer Sangeet Kaur relayed this to reporters after appearing before judicial commissioner Dr Prasad Sandosham Abraham in his chambers at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

    “The parties are to appear before the court on Aug 17 to record the settlement and terms, Sanget told reporters outsitde the court.

    “Following the recording of the settlement on that day, the suit will be withdrawn.”

    NSTP was represented by Liew Teck Huat.

    Lim had filed the suit on Nov 8, last year on a Berita Harian report with the heading Tindakan Kit Siang tuduh Umno kafir melampau (Kit Siang’s action in accusing Umno as infidel is out of line).

    The report quoted Malacca chief minister Mohd Ali Rustam as saying that Lim made the assertion in his speech at Kesedar Sungai Terah, in Gua Musang, Kelantan, when the veteran DAP leader and Ipoh Timur MP had not been there.

    Lim in his statement of claim said the report could be construed to mean that he had interfered in Islamic affairs and that he was guilty of sedition in making the remark.

    ‘Reported directed to lower my self-esteem’

    Another possible meaning, the statement claimed, was that Lim intended to sow hatred in a plural society and that he was an irresponsible politician.

    Lim also said in his claim that the report was directed to lower his self-esteem and position, and sought general and aggravated damages for libel, as well as interest and costs of the action.

    He also said a one paragraph ralat (correction) published by Berita Harian could be used as an admission of its guilt.

    “I am unconvinced and unimpressed with what is published. There is no remorse. You need a microscope to find it,” Lim said in describing the “correction” at a press conference today.

    Following the report, three DAP officials filed police reports against the daily.

    Lim, in his immediate response, said Berita Harian and the mainstream media should be careful and responsible in what they report.

  6. Operation Mai Pul: d remains of 21 brave Sarawakians who once defended d nation fr her enemies during d Malayan Emergency were taken back 2 Sarawak, home, 4 reburial

    Wonder if they would RIP when they realised dat their sacrifice only led 2 d plunder of their beloved land by d corrupt n evil UmnoB-PBB-SUPP-BN n Pek Moh

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