Nazri agrees to debate with Kit Siang over Teoh RCI

By Clara Chooi | July 26, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 26 — Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz today declared his willingness to debate the findings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock’s death with Lim Kit Siang.

Through his media officer, the minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, who is now in London, said he would accept Lim’s offer but suggested that the meeting with the DAP stalwart be held after the fasting month of Ramadan.

In a blog posting yesterday, Lim had slammed Nazri (picture) for saying that the Teoh RCI had absolved the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) of murder charges and called on the minister to justify his stand.

He invited Nazri to do so at a forum tonight entitled “Teoh Beng Hock Royal Commission Inquiry Report — Where is the promised truth?” scheduled for 7.30pm at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall here.

In a Twitter posting this afternoon, Nazri’s aide said: “Nazri Aziz accepted YB Lim Kit Siang’s challenge for a debate as posted on the latter’s fcbk @limkitsiang stil waitng 4 a response from YB.”

The aide added: “Nazri accepted the challenge n suggested the forum is 2 b held after Ramadhan” and explained later that the minister is now in London for the 57th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference which goes on until Thursday.

When contacted, Lim acknowledged the tweet and said he would respond at tonight’s forum.

“I did not use the word ‘debate’… I invited him to the forum tonight to explain his position. But, through his officer, he said he accepted the debate so I will respond tonight,” he said.

On Twitter again, Nazri’s aide wrote: “Nazri mahu forum mesti diadakan juga, tidak kisah dimana, berapa ramai dan siapa lagi ahli forum, dia tunggu dgn kesabaran.” (Nazri wants this forum to be held, regardless of where, how many people and whoever else takes part in it, he patiently waits.)

Lim’s challenge to Nazri came following the latter’s interview with Utusan Malaysia carried on Sunday where he declared that there was no need to form another RCI although Teoh’s family rejected the panel’s conclusion that Teoh had committed suicide.

In the interview, Nazri had also said that although the MACC needs to revamp itself, the RCI had absolved it of murder charges and this should not be questioned further.

But Lim refuted all charges, reiterating his stand that the MACC should be held responsible for the tragedy as the RCI had discovered that Teoh’s suicide had resulted from the “aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation” by its officers.

19 Replies to “Nazri agrees to debate with Kit Siang over Teoh RCI”

  1. After the fasting month of Ramadan? That will afford sufficient time for both parties to pore over/comb the TBH’s RCI report and refresh their criminal law 101/Penal Code on culpable or “forced” homicide etc. Whose moderator of Debate ?

  2. He will paint his body and ask journalists to see he has chicken pok…so no debate.
    If there is a debate….LKS will clobber him left and right.
    No UMNO B braggarts dare to face Oppositions for a debate of any subject that are important to Malaysians.
    Would love to see Najib challenge Opposition to a debate of “1Malaysia”
    All he knows is how to use that slogan to fool Malaysians.

  3. Nazri’s position – (1) RCI had absolved MACC of murder/homicide charges (2) this should not be questioned further & (3) although MACC needs to revamp itself. One can’t dispute (3). In my opinion based strictly RCI’s findings, RCI had indeed absolved MACC of murder/homicide charges. The only thing that can be challenged is (2) ie Nazri’s assertion RCI’s findings cannot be questioned further in its determination of suicide. To do challenge this, one has to tear RCI’s rationale to pieces and discredit it as well as its commissioner’s judgment and objectivity. This is not an easy thing to do. In that sense the playing field of debate is not exactly level. At first impression it appears tilted against Kit at the onset.

  4. Nazri will give excuse that UMNO Central Committee policy no debate with infidel DAP.

    Cerita habis.

    Let’s dare Nazri to debate LKS. If Nazri chickens out, then Nazri “Boh-hood”, ok?

    Telecast live over TV1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9, Astro TV and Bernama TV. Get CNN, BBC, Aljazeera to also telecast.

    I’d love to see another (what’s that former Info Minister’s name again: that something Maidin who stuttered, stammered in English, BM and Gibberish) display in Nazri.

  5. Nazri,wht don’t you get this in your head.Just made it simple.Your corrupted RCI members will do whatever their masters command them to do.Just admit it and let TBH’s family have a closure to this tragic incident.

    Forced suicide as the RCI ruled it.What is forced suicide in the presense of three MACC officers meant.Please explain it to the public.What can a guy of TBH’s build do against the presense of three officers.Fly into oblivion.Asked your goons to come up with a more convincing story.

  6. Nazri,murder is murder.Whatever way your guys spin it a man is dead.Don’t you agree that murderers should be charged as murderers in court.Let the jury decide whether they should be given the luxury to meet their makers.

  7. i’ve seen only one incident of him in parliament, and that’s enough to make me think that it would probably be a waste of time to knock any sense into someone like him, only because some people are either too proud or too thick or worse, both.

    i worry that mr.lim would be up against an idiot who’ll drag our man down to his level and beat him with experience.

  8. In Mingguan Malaysia Datuk Nazri said that although the MACC needs to revamp itself, the RCI had absolved it of murder charges, and this should not be questioned further; TBH case was “closed”, there’s no need for another RCI. Well no further RCI is the govt’s prerogative. However to challenge the RCI’s findings in court is the prerogative of TBH’s family. Please note ‘korek’ ‘korek’ VK Lingam and the two former chief justices Eusoff Chin and Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim dissatisfied with the RCI’s findings have so far successfully applied for and obtained our Court of Appeal’s decision in allowing them the right in principle to contest the findings of their RCI at the courts – and this sets the precedent for TBH’s family to likewise do so. Not that there’s great expectation o the final result, but the RCI’s report ought not to be allowed to stand without judicial review of its findings. At least the lengthy court process will keep this issue alive and in the forefront of public consciousness.

  9. If ‘korek’ ‘korek’ lawyer were accorded the right of his day in court for his purpose of clearing his name, so to speak, more the reason TBH (deceased) who lost his life in MACC precincts ought to be entitled his day in court (via action instituted by his family) to clear his name (of being implicated in suicide) and obtain justice against those who caused his death. This implies that the RCI’s conclusions and findings are by law laid down by our Court of Appeal in Lingam’s application recently, NOT final, and are still subject to review by our courts, for whatever it is worth.

  10. And one more thing, PR should put it in its manifesto and lobby for the return of trial by jury in all major constitutional, criminal or even civil case. If Lingam’s RCI could in its findings implicate two top judicial officers ie( former chief justices ) it would be a strong argument for Malaysians to place their trust in the common sense and fairness of 12 ordinary Malaysians sitting in the jury to decide on issues as contested between two opposing counsels as guided/directed by the judge. (It was during TDM’s time that the institution of the Jury system was taken out).

  11. He may turn up for the debate.
    The subject should be…’The findings by the RCI on TBK’s death”
    LKS fired on….Nazri will quote what is “1Malaysia” and all that the government have done so much for the country….bla bla bla.
    Booed by the audience he ask for patience and understandings.
    Booed more and more..he smiles and continue his nonsense.
    The more UMNO B goons try to talk big..the bigger fools the are showing to Malaysians.
    And why like that?
    What do you expect from one that is about to be jobless.

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