5 Replies to “Teoh Beng Hock RCI report (full)”

  1. Clause #233 delineates the psychological-mental state change TBH allegedly experienced during that time. OK, I am not asking for an EEG report…, BUT what scientifically provable, factual evidence do the RCI have in making such an assured statement ?

    If there is no evidence to support the claim of the existence of such a change in TBH’s mental state, clause #233 is as good as a pure speculation.

  2. Oops! The “clause”s above should be “paragraph”s instead.

    But it’s really scary to think that the ‘forced suicide’ theory could be such perfunctorily established, as it was, without giving due care and attention to other factors which could probably falsify it, e.g : the scheduled wedding and the formation of a happy family, the (in)significance of the stake involved in the investigation by the MACC, and even the biological/psychological effect resulted from the rest/nap/sleep TBH took on the sofa during the 4 to 6 am period.

    Intense torturing interrogations leading to a suicidal mentality is only a possibility or a probability, but a rest/nap/sleep leading to rejuvenation (improvement) in the mentality is almost a certainty! Why did the RCI never consider that?

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