Teresa’s ISA arrest letter to Speaker

15th September 2008
YB Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia,
Dewan Rakyat,

YB Tan Sri,

Detention of MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok under the Internal Security Act on baseless and non-existing grounds- a grave contempt of Parliament

Three-term DAP MP for Seputeh YB Teresa Kok Suh Sim was detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) on Friday, 12th September 2008 at 11.18 pm like a common criminal on her return to her Kuala Lumpur condominium at the condo entrance and has since been held incommunicado as if she is a Malaysian version of Osama bin Laden posing a grave threat to the security and stability of Malaysia.

Parliament, as one of the three branches of government and in keeping with the doctrine of separation of powers, cannot take lightly the use of the detention-without-trial ISA against an elected Member of Parliament, as it is not just about the violation of an MP’s individual human rights and parliamentary responsibilities, but a serious assault on the institution of Parliament and the system of parliamentary democracy when an MP could be silenced and Malaysians deprived of their elected representative and spokesperson by arbitrary exercise of police and Executive powers.

This is all the more so when it is as clear as daylight that YB Teresa Kok’s detention was founded on completely baseless and non-existing grounds.

Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar has said that YB Teresa Kok was detained under the ISA as she had questioned the sensitive issues such as the azan (call for prayers for Muslims) and that could cause ill-will and disharmony.

This is a complete frame-up as there is substantive and conclusive proof that Teresa Kok had not been involved in any azan controversy.

Parliament never enacted the Internal Security Act to provide the Police with powers to detain persons to undertake a “fishing expedition” to ascertain the truth or otherwise of baseless and defamatory allegations against an MP, just as the ISA was never enacted to protect the personal safety of a journalist – the ridiculous excuse given by the Home Minister to justify the farce and scandal of the 18-hour ISA detention of senior Sin Chew reporter, Tan Hoon Cheng.

The azan allegation was first made by the former Selangor Mentri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo, which was then sensationalised by Utusan Malaysia.

On Tuesday, 9th September 2008, Utusan Malaysia (p. 7) under the headline “Ada usaha larang azan di masjid-masjid Selangor”, reported:

Ada usaha larang azan di masjid-masjid Selangor

SHAH ALAM 8 Sept. – Kerajaan campuran negeri Selangor diingatkan agar bersikap tegas dengan tidak melayan mana-mana pihak mendesak yang mahukan azan solat di surau dan masjid di negeri itu tidak lagi menggunakan pembesar suara.

Bekas Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo (gambar) membuat desakan ekoran ada usaha pihak yang dipercayai didalangi salah sebuah parti yang membentuk kerajaan negeri itu, membuat petisyen membantah azan di Puchong dan Kota Damansara.

”Bagi UMNO, kita mahukan kerajaan negeri bertegas, jangan mudah mengalah kerana apa yang kelihatan ketika ini PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) seolah-olah mengalah membiarkan sahaja perkara itu berlaku, manakala Pas pula tidak memainkan peranan.

”Ini sesuatu yang menghina Islam sedangkan Islam adalah agama rasmi, mempunyai peruntukan menggunakan Kumpulan Wang Disatukan untuk pembangunan,” katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Beliau diminta mengulas beberapa laporan mendakwa azan di Masjid Seksyen 5, Kota Damansara yang baru siap dan digunakan menjelang Ramadan lalu, tidak menggunakan pembesar suara dipercayai mempunyai kaitan dengan bantahan penduduk kawasan berkenaan.

Selain itu, katanya, usaha menyediakan petisyen membantah azan seperti itu juga pernah dilakukan sekumpulan penduduk di Puchong sejak Mei lalu.

”Di Puchong dan Kota Damansara, ada pihak mahu azan di kawasan itu dihentikan atas alasan menganggu penduduk.

”Tetapi saya percaya kalau penduduk yang membuat petisyen itu, mesti ada pihak-pihak yang mendorong mereka untuk berbuat demikian.

”Sedangkan kita mengamalkan kebebasan beragama, apabila ada penganut agama tertentu meraikan perayaan mereka sehingga membawa kepada penutupan jalan, orang Islam tidak membantah,” ujar beliau.

The next day, Wednesday, 10th September, Utusan Malaysia published an article “Azan, jawi, JAIS, UiTM dan ba-alif-ba-ya” in the column “Cuit” by Zaini Hassan, as good as pointing the finger at YB Teresa Kok when he wrote:

Azan, jawi, JAIS, UiTM dan ba-alif-ba-ya

JANGANLAH anggap apa yang saya tulis ini sebagai rasis atau berunsur perkauman. Dalam suasana negara yang dipenuhi dengan isu sensitif perkauman sekarang, tulisan ini hanyalah sebagai satu ingatan kepada kita semua, terutamanya umat Islam.

Saya amat tertarik untuk merujuk kepada kenyataan bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr. Khir Toyo yang membangkitkan mengenai ”ada usaha oleh pihak tertentu (di Selangor) yang cuba menasihatkan pihak masjid dan surau supaya tidak menggunakan pembesar suara semasa melaungkan azan”.

Bagi saya petikan itu pelik bunyinya. Bagi saya ia juga amat serius. Tidak pernah dalam sejarah 51 tahun merdeka, rakyat Malaysia sedang menghadapi situasi seperti itu. Selama ini kita – Melayu, Cina, India, Sikh dan lain-lain bangsa dan agama tidak pernah bercakap mengenai perkara itu. Kita hormat antara satu sama lain. Soal agama Islam terpelihara secara suci di dalam Perlembagaan negara. Justeru, petikan semacam itu tidak pernah terlintas langsung atau termimpi akan diucapkan.

Kini, ia berlaku. Ya benar, Dr. Khir bukan buat cerita mengarut. Ia benar-benar berlaku di Selangor. Orang Pas, yang kini mula menguasai jawatankuasa masjid dan surau di situ pun tercengang. Orang UMNO yang masih lagi menganggotai jawatankuasa surau dan masjid pun terkejut.

”Sampai macam itu sekali tindakan mereka,” kata seorang AJK sebuah surau di Shah Alam kepada saya Jumaat lalu. Beliau ialah sahabat lama saya, yang kami bertemu selepas solat Jumaat, lalu mengajak saya bersembang.

Sembang punya sembang, tiba-tiba beliau menyentuh mengenai soal suraunya. Katanya, kira-kira tiga bulan selepas Pakatan Rakyat mengambil alih kerajaan Selangor, seorang Exco kerajaan negeri itu, yang juga seorang Ahli Parlimen dari parti DAP membuat kunjungan ke suraunya. Yang peliknya, YB wanita itu datang pada waktu sebelum subuh.

Tanpa rasa malu-malu atau rasa bersalah, dia menasihatkan pengurusan surau itu supaya tidak melaungkan azan dengan kuat menggunakan pembesar suara, terutama pada waktu subuh. Katanya, ”hasil tinjauannya” pada waktu subuh itu, cuma ada imam, bilal dan dua tiga orang sahaja makmum.

”Kalau ada macam itu jangan kasi bangun oranglah (dengan azan)…” katanya kepada imam yang ada di situ.

Semua yang ada terus ‘terkedu’. Mereka berpandangan antara satu sama lain. YB yang baru tiga bulan menjadi Yang Berhormat itu tahukah apa yang dia cakap. Tidak sensitif langsungkah? Tidak sedarkah dia, kira-kira 90 peratus penduduk di kawasan itu ialah orang Melayu beragama Islam.

Jika diambil pendekatan isu yang berlaku sekarang, saya ingin bertanya, siapakah yang rasis? Siapakah yang perkauman? Dr. Khirkah, sayakah yang menulis Cuit ini? Atau, YB wanita berkaca mata itukah?

Sambil menulis kolum ini, saya menelefon seorang rakan saya, yang juga seorang YB dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Dia mengakui memang berlaku. Hasil perbualan saya, beliau berkata: ”…bukan teruk lagi, dah jadi kurang ajar”.

Persoalan saya lagi, mengapa situasi seperti ini sudah mulai berlaku. Saya tidak mahu mengulas lanjut, biarlah pembaca budiman membuat analisis dan pernilaian sendiri.

Nak dijadikan cerita, tindakan YB wanita itu tidak habis di situ saja. Dia juga, dikatakan sedang ‘memaksa’ Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) menurunkan semua tulisan jawi di semua papan tanda jalan di Kuala Lumpur.

Sekali lagi ini cerita benar. Ia disahkan sendiri oleh rakan saya, YB dari Pakatan Rakyat itu. Sebagai ganti untuk menurunkan tulisan jawi itu, dia menuntut dinaikkan tulisan Cina dan Tamil bersama-sama tulisan rumi.

”Yang ekstremnya, YB wanita itu siap bawa ‘sample’ berserta spesifikasi papan tanda jalan tulisan Cina dan Tamil itu untuk ditunjukkan kepada pegawai DBKL,” kata rakan saya itu lagi.

Seperti yang saya tanya di atas tadi, tidak sensitifkah YB wanita itu? Jawapan saya ialah, dia memang sengaja tidak mahu sensitif.

Melihatkan kepada senario ini, barulah kita tahu, siapa sebenarnya yang ‘menyuapkan’ ke mulut Menteri Besar Selangor, Khalid Ibrahim mengenai cadangan supaya diambil 30 peratus peruntukan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) untuk digunakan bagi kegunaan agama-agama lain. Sekarang kita juga tahu siapa yang ‘memegang tali’ untuk menyuruh Khalid membuat kenyataan supaya pintu UiTM dibuka kepada 10 peratus penuntut bukan Melayu.

Yang jelas kita semua tahu, siapakah orang itu yang ‘berkobar-kobar’ membangkitkan isu babi Sepang, sebaik saja dia melangkah kaki menduduki bangunan SUK Selangor, tempoh hari.

Dan, sekarang baru kita juga tahu, suasana bercelaru yang sedang berlaku – yang terbaru mengenai isu perkauman atau rasis itu memang dirancang – secara sengaja, oleh pihak-pihak tertentu yang mahu melihat suasana negara dan rakyat Malaysia tidak tenteram.

Akhir kalam, semoga Allah menyelamatkan kita semua. Amin.

YB Teresa Kok had made an immediate denial that she had tried to disallow azan in Kota Damansara Sri Serdang and Puchong Jaya.

The mosque committees in both areas have endorsed YB Teresa Kok’s denial with the Masjid Kota Damansara officials explaining that a damaged ampliflier had resulted in the calls to prayer to be made without the aid of a PA system while Masjid Kinrara mosque committee said Teresa had never set foot in Masjid Kinrara and was not involved in the azan petition issue in the area.

The PAS MP for Kota Raja YB Dr. Siti Mariah Mahmud had also lodged a police report against Khir on Thursday for his statement published in Utusan Malaysia on Tuesday, as it was “maliciously intended and aimed at raising the anger and anxiety of Malay Muslims”.

The police has no basis whatsoever therefore to detain YB Teresa Kok under the ISA for the baseless and non-existent grounds linking her to any azan controversy, as the police should have all the information to show that there is no basis for the azan allegation against YB Teresa Kok 24 hours before she was detained under the ISA.

As an active political leader, the Home Minister cannot be ignorant of news whether in the printed or electronic media to know that the azan allegation against YB Teresa Kok were the irresponsible and sole concoction of Khir Toyo and Utusan Malaysia.

Parliament and MPs also cannot pretend ignorance of the completely baseless and non-existing grounds for the azan allegation against YB Teresa Kok, raising grave questions about the efficiency, independence, impartiality and professionalism of the Police and Home Ministry in launching the ISA strike against Teresa Kok.

Parliament must take immediate action to protect the rights of MPs from arbitrary, unlawful and undemocratic attacks against MPs and the institution of Parliament.

Among the measures which Parliament can take under the circumstances are:

  1. Convening of emergency meeting of Parliament on YB Teresa Kok’s detention under the Internal Security Act.
  2. Convening of urgent meeting of the Privileges Committee to protect the dignity and privileges of MPs and Parliament from any arbitrary, unlawful and undemocratic attacks.
  3. Possible actions against Khir Toyo and Utusan Malaysia for imperilling the parliamentary role of YB Teresa Kok.
  4. An emergency motion as the first item of business when Parliament reconvenes on October 13, 2008 even before the start of the debate on the 2009 Budget.

I write to ask YB Tan Sri as Speaker to take all necessary action to protect YB Teresa Kok and the institution of Parliament in the face of these arbitrary, unlawful and undemodratic threats to the system of parliamentary democracy in Malaysia.

Yours sincerely,

(Lim Kit Siang)
DAP Parliamentary Leader
MP for Ipoh Timur


195 Replies to “Teresa’s ISA arrest letter to Speaker”

  1. I believe the police and ministers involved in abusing the law should be called as witness to the Parliament. A commission should be established to investigate the matter to find out who actually ordered the arrest. It seems the government is without a real prime minister, since Abdullah has fallen into coma. All individuals are trying to take advantage of the situation to grasp power.

  2. I strongly agreed with YB Lim for the motion, as a Sabahan I urged Tan Sri to carry out the motion to show to Malaysian what Sabahan’s view in race and religion issues where totally ignored in Sabah as we eat in same table and live in same house with muslim and christian and buddhist.

  3. This is another clear case of selective persecution and not prosecution based solely on race.

    The actual perpetrators are of a different race and they are all let go scot free. These perpetrators should be the ones to be put under ISA if the government continues to use this draconian laws against the civilians.

    The one in the north would utter racial slur and defiantly continue his degrading act is let go free with a slap on his wrist.

    The one in the central who was a former MB of a state made wild racial allegation against another law maker was even called up by the police to be investigated.

    Aren’t all these persecution on selective basis? Just because there is this ISA law available, conveniently invoked selectively? Just because the police cannot find convincing evidence against any of them to charge them in the court of law?

    This really a country ruled by a bunch of dumb bunkum.

  4. Kadang-kadang kalau ada otak pikir rational, make no sense,
    kadang-kadang ikut lawyer pikir, lagi make no akal,
    kadang-kadang ikut olang square pikir one means one, pun tada masuk akal,
    Tapi kalau pakai “Rule of the Jungle” for survival, pastinya masuk akal
    Yes! Wa sudah pandai pikir politic!

  5. I think the author of that utusan article also need a 24-hour duration ISA protection.

    I think I am not wrong to say that everyone fear for his or her life for writing that article.

    Syed Hamid pls issue an order directing his / her immediate detention for 24hours.

  6. the person who is controlling the country not running it is syed albar. simple reason is that he is privy to all their evil deeds and can finish them off. for now he is their protector and has been given a free hand to say and do anything and get away with it. people if you have knowledge of albars misdeeds pls approach the right people so that we the rakyat can take him down as well

  7. It is obvious Syed Hamid’s brains has left its moorings! Such an arrest:

    *defies Logic 101
    *offends all sense of justice
    *is a desperate attempt by a sinking UMNO to grab at a straw scapegoat and to throw a smokescreen over all its internal and national problems.

    How can Malaysia be ruled as if it is an “Animal Farm”?

  8. I agree with HJ Angus.

    There’s no excuse to postpone Parliament sitting during fasting month while enjoying ‘exhausting trip’ overseas.

    How irresponsible! They are the people’s elected representatives – Members of Parliament/Lawmakers and they are very well paid to do a job so duty must always come first!

  9. “The mosque committees in both areas have endorsed YB Teresa Kok’s denial with the Masjid Kota Damansara officials explaining that a damaged ampliflier had resulted in the calls to prayer to be made without the aid of a PA system while Masjid Kinrara mosque committee said Teresa had never set foot in Masjid Kinrara and was not involved in the azan petition issue in the area.”

    Doesnt it look like teresa has a cause for false and malicious imprisonment as well as for defamation?

    File for habeas corpus right away and then sue the government and police for wrongful and malicious imprisonment and for defamation.

    Umno is now a bunch of lost souls on the loose and on the run. Its quite alright actually until one or more of them bumped into someone on the way. They bumped into three recently and cause great inconvenience to them. Damned it. Its bloody annoying. But rest assured everyone, at the rate they are fleeing there will be none of those things around soon.

  10. … one week later,

    Syed Botak:

    “I didnt know that they were arrested and detained under ISA.”

    “I heard that teresa had a very ferocious little pekingese. The police were afraid that she might get bitten.”

    “So that was why she was taken away under ISA. For her own good.”

    “And RPK?”

    “Ah yes. MT has already been unblocked. See we are a free country. That why we decided to arrest Raja Petra.”

    “Free to do anything. You are free to write, post anything. We are free to arrest, detain anybody.”

    “Free country means you have freedom and we have also have freedom.”

  11. Just imagine any UMNO leader can claim anything and the police will take action without any investigation.

    This gives reason to why the UMNO gov must be changed or overthrown before the country is in chaos.

  12. Yea, ISA is also used to protect individuals from threats. Let’s us protect under ISA :
    1. the history teacher from SM Telok Panglima Garang
    2. Saiful
    3. Toyol
    4. Dr. Mohd Osman
    5. Mr. Bala
    6. the keris minister
    7. Mr. Ahmad
    8. Mr. Nordin

  13. this is UMNO appointed potatoe, what do you expect leh…!
    the Mr. Potato also another kind of UMNO potatoes…

    what else he can strip beside UMNO titles & positions…
    it doesnt make him more fairer than others…

    it’s the mentality, behaviors and practices need to revamp…

  14. Snippets
    St Teresa’s parents is apprently allowed to see her today.
    RPK on hunder strike – Haris Ibrahim.
    Call for Botak to resign!!
    Tonite’s Kelana Jaya gathering approved by police… we are suspicious!!

    Lets repeat the message to all… play it cool & play it smart!!
    Dun play into their hands… they want blood & violence to create an excuse!! Dun give it to them!

    Take care out there…


  15. pulau_sibu Says:
    Today at 11: 51.08 (2 hours ago)

    A commission should be established to investigate the matter to find out who actually ordered the arrest………

    The Home Minister has the power to order arrest under ISA. Any police officer can carry out the arrest once the order is given by the Home Minister. Please check website below for details.

    Internal Security Act (Malaysia)
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The worrying thing is we have such a Home Minister with unsound mind (who ordered the arrest of Ms Tan under ISA to give her protection), there is a high chance that he may abuse / misuse the ISA for cases which have nothing to do with national security.

    Prior to Ms Tan’s arrest, UMNO did not inform MCA that they wanted to arrest her under ISA (The Star).

    Since UMNO do not want to abolish the ISA, I think Kit should at least push for the requirement that before the ISA decision can be executed, it must be approved by all cabinet members including members from non-UMNO BN.

  16. Using the ISA without any basis reflects badly on the police and home minister who happens to be our Prime Minister!

    Does the thought of using your powers with some sense cross your thickbrain, Mr. Prime Minister?

    I am ashamed to have a Prime Minister like you! Compare with prime ministers like Zimbabwee you losts pants down. At least the Zimbabwee PM doe not profess to practice Islam Hadhari like you!

    sham on you arresting people like Theresa and Tan.

    Also if you think RPK is wrong, charge him in court don’t use the I ASS Eh!.

    Park lah.

  17. It has just reported in Malaysikini on the Mandarin section that Syed Hamid defense his action by saying that he has acted as a cabinet minister

    I quote what has been reported in Malaysiakini follow:-








    ????????????????????????73?1?????????????????60??????????????60????????????????????????????????????? “”
    This minister has totally utter rubbish today as compare what he say with the policemen behind that it was the police and not the minister who act using ISA.

    We are in total shame. As we believe when a person is desperate he will just act like a fool and worst he is suppose be a minister.

  18. With all the evidence and mosque officials saying that Teresa has never been involved.This then is a false accusation. DAP should sue Utusan Malaysia its writer and Toyol. This guy should be deported to Indonesia because he is causing a lot of problems and stirring the racial s@@t.Its all this chelups who are causing the problems.

  19. Sometimes it makes me wonder whether there is some unseen hand in all these. Is PM Badawi still in charge? He seem to be lost and not in control.

    He “seem” to be an upright man, but we never know. Despite his shortcoming his problem are actually inherited from the last regime, his predecessor.

    Couple with his weak leadership it has gone awry.

  20. Zaid Ibrahim has started the move out of getting himself involved as part of BN governing team,what about MCA,MIC,Gerakan,PPP,SUPP other UMNO Putras of conscience??Is Zaid Ibgrahim only the trickle that could not swell into an exodus to save Malaysia?

  21. What can PR or Lim Kit Siang do.As long as MIC MCA PPP and GERAKAN is still in BN UMNO is strong because of those parties.By arresting TAN under ISA .and letting this AHMAD bigot free to go all over MALAYSIA to spread his racial views.
    No matter what UMNO says the rakyat knows that UMNO is a racist patry.

  22. MCA is a disappointed party, no integrity but merely protect its own benefits! Look at what the Minister of Health has spoken on tv? When asked about ISA arrests of the trio, he dodges question about if Teresa Kok and PKR should be freed just like Tan, he was deaf on that question but reiterated Tan (the journalist) must be released.

    Why he wouldn’t stand on integrity like Zaid has shown even he is an Umno member?

    Now Mr Minister of Health, you should be thrash down the drain! Double standards coward!

  23. God is a God of righteousness.
    Those of you who stand out for righteousness, I have these words of God through His prophet Isaiah (About 700BC ie 2700 years ago) to encourage you:-

    Isaiah 41: 10- 13
    10 “Fear not, for I (God) am with you;Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
    11 Behold, all those who were incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced;They shall be as nothing, And those who strive with you shall perish.
    12 You shall seek them and not find them— Those who contended with you. Those who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing.
    13 For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’ ”

    Praise God! Amen & Amen!
    Let’s continue to uphold our nation and all our righteous leaders like YB Teresa Kok & YM Raja Petra in prayers!

  24. The azan allegation made by the former Selangor Mentri Besar, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo that was published and sensationalized by Utusan Malaysia bears similarity to the smear campaign orchestrated by Joseph Gobbles, Nazi Propaganda Minister to portray Jews as enemies of the German people. Utusan Malaysia is playing the role of one of those Nazi newspapers.

  25. Perhaps we should start a yellow ribbon movement in support of the two isa detainees.

    Tie it to our door / gate somewhere obvious from the road.

    Take it to mean,



  26. How’s 916? I believe it wont happen tomorrow BUT i hope it can happen. This country is hopeless if still under BN.
    Anyway, anything could happen. Who knows maybe DSAI make a special announcement end of the day tonight or the countdown to celebrate this special day 916.

  27. Young ladies, better be careful, next time police can just detain you in order to protect you from would be danger?? Can these ladies refuse such protection?
    Those who been robbed more than twice may also be detained by the police for their protection. Can these peoples refuse such protection?

  28. Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar is a big liar!

    He admitted today that he gave approval for the arrest of RPK, Ms Tan and Teresa Kok under ISA. His admission was in stark contrast to what he claimed last week when he said he did not give order to the police to arrest the trio – the police themselves carried out the arrest after informing him.

    I think it is dangerous for the government to vest an UNRELIABLE person with power to give approval for arrest under ISA as arresting somebody under ISA is a serious matter.

  29. KUALA LUMPUR: De facto Law Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has submitted his resignation letter to the Prime Minister.

    However, it is known yet whether Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has accepted Zaid’s resignation

    Its the Right thing to do – Man of his words. Congrats to Zaid for living up to his words. Thank God he has broken the bondage with Evil plotters. Good for him.

    Once Bodowi accepts his resignation, I hope PKR, doesn’t matter which party should consider getting him on. We need people like him, shame to all MCA and Gerakan. Talk, talk, no action.

  30. Unexpected move by some of the BN ministers criticising the use of ISA. If they have a good heart, they should resign now from Abdullah cabinet. It is quite sure that Syed Hamid was one who used ISA, but who else were aware of the order. Abdullah? his 4th floor boy? Najix?

    This ISA arrest is now used as an excuse by the hungry people in umno to topple Abdullah?

  31. “…The PAS MP for Kota Raja YB Dr. Siti Mariah Mahmud had also lodged a police report against Khir on Thursday for his statement published in Utusan Malaysia on Tuesday, as it was “maliciously intended and aimed at raising the anger and anxiety of Malay Muslims ” as quoted above.

    It’s only right to catch Toyo under ISA, and not Teresa who has done nothing wrong, as endorsed by 2 muslim groups. Teresa has done nothing wrong, she has dutifully perform her job as a MP. The way Hamid has used and abused ISA and Hamid himself are threats to the nation. He is breaking the laws of natural justice…The God will punish Hamid soon..

  32. De facto Law Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has submitted his resignation letter to the Prime Minister.

    What about MCA, Gerakan, MIC, and other nonUmno MPs and ministers? What are you waiting for? Why are you waiting?

    Time to do the right thing, for once in your miserable lives!

  33. YB Dato Zaid Ibrahim – God is with you, will bless you. You have taken the right step, we believe the everyone of us will be with you…You deserve the best respect and honour from us…. We have to get rid of dirty people..

  34. very saddened by this heavy-handed approach from the government, we were called jews, squatters and all we ask for is an apology and they sent them to ISA, even the people from the mosque said she was not involved hence why the arrest? this is how we are treated in our own country. My father a strong BN supporter for the past 30 years told me just yesterday how disgusted he was with the current ruling party, if my father can say that, means something is really wrong because all this while i have been supporting DAP, it must take something really bad for him to change his views in a day. i love my country malaysia and i hope my country will love me too but it doesnt seem that way. =(

  35. This ISA farce is a very dangerous tool to play with when innocent and God-fearing people are arrested. Mark my words.

    Reminds me of a true story in ancient times where Daniel, a government advisor was falsely accused and thrown into the lion’s den. When the lions refused to attack him, he proclaimed he was saved by God the next morning. Then the King threw the false accusers and their families into the lions for their breakfast.

    Malaysia will soon enter the lion’s den experience when there is confusion and intrigue…either this year or 2009. Stand firm and pray to your God that the innocent will be saved and released and the tables will turn on the wicked and puppet masters behind the throne.

  36. What can we expect from Syed Hamid, son of Syed Jaafar?

    Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tan_Sri_Syed_Jaafar_Albar to read about the ultra views of Syed Jaafar, who long ago already accused Chinese Malaysians — referring to them as kaum pendatang or pendatang asing (immigrants) — of being lodgers (orang tumpangan)! Familiar words, right!?

    A distinct sense of deja vu! Umnoputras are still bitching on the same issue for more than 40 years!

  37. Did the Speaker say : “Duduk, YB, duduk”? or “Not specific enough, not urgent, as Syed Hamid is in control”.

    As for Syed Hamid, now you can all understand why we lost Pulau Batu Puteh. He’s responsible, but not accountable.

  38. boh-liao,

    you want a good history about syed jaafar albar, get yourself this book – ‘A Moment of Anguish – Singapore in Malaysia and the Politics of Disengagement’ by Albert Lau.

    btw, it is reported that Teresa will spend another 27 days in detention.

  39. The police approving the gathering at Kelana Jaya sounds very fishy. When was the last time they ever agreed to anything of this nature when proposed by an opposition party?

    If they decide to go ahead with this one, PKR and its PR allies must take all precaution to guard against dirty sabotage work done by its enemies.

  40. I doubt the Nazis in German is the pure German. Non pure German claimed to be pure German in manipulating the fact to cause the hatred against the Jews. Again the use of race. This event also happened in our country. What a shame. This people really never study and learn from their history.

  41. An UMNO Minister has given up his high perks of office to stand by his principles. Sad that the Chinese Ministers who are mere running dogs, can’t even give up being UMNO dogs.

    MCA and Gerakan will sell their mothers for little perks and be called YBs and Datuks.
    Let me ask them. “What would you have done if Teresa had been your sister or daugther”?
    “Would you resign?” I guess not.
    Shame on you!

  42. What? 27 more freaking day? Outrages!!!!
    For what? Fabricate and plot for reasons of holding her?

    One just cannot comprehend the extend of stupidity these ppl are doing INSPITE of resignation from their own side, protest from Religion bodies, Human rights, Press, etc…..

    Know what? No one actually knows or owes up to it now, Its just floating – This extra 27 days may well came from a person cleaning the toilet. ok ok calm down, calm down. Later must go Kelana also. Better save energy for the best yet to come.

  43. Now Syed Hamid, will you please get the police to bring in Khir Toyol and Utusan M’sia’s Zaini Hassan under ISA for their protection for raising racial allegations without evidence.
    As a concerned citizen, I demand the home minister to act fairly to bring in these two perpetrators and their so called fabricated sources for interrogation and detention for 60 days.

    From the responses of both mosque committees, it is evident that there was no visit by Teresa Kok as alleged and her involvement has been rejected. Or has the home minister abdicated his resposibilities again to the police to act at their own volition. Perhaps, ‘tak cukup bukti’, let us bring them in first then let the police complete their investigation. That seems to be the procedure these days. Premptive detention, how interesting!

    Let us sack the home minister for his imcompetence and lack of credibility!

  44. do you know …

    in the 60s when singapore was a part of malaysia, umno in singapore was known as sumno?

    on 22/09/1963, tunku abdul rahman was shocked that the malays in singapore, who had always supported umno HAD TURNED THEIR BACKS on the party and had instead voted for PAP?

    fast forward …. 08/03.2008, …… here dun need to writelah you oledi know…
    history revisited is fun!

  45. Yes I agreed with Richard, the police are usually against giving permit to gatherings, why this time they approved and expected a hugh crowd. So, we have to be very alert and aware of the surrounds tonight.

  46. ok ok, just one more for MCA and Gerakan.

    These parasites forever will remain parasites. Just take only, nothing to give! Their survival is always at the expense of others especially Chinese. The Great Evil Pretenders!!!

    Ppl are talking about Abolising ISA entirely, some bloody chicken MCA youth suggest Keep ISA, maybe just modify a bit. This is a classic case of Chicken and doggy character who has no balls to stand up and fight!

    Here we are, fighting for our generation and yet these
    MCA and GERAKAN remain unmoved or untouched.
    Either you help or hinder. Obvious isn’t it?
    If you still have your pricks, then show it!!!
    Do the right thing, or be doomed into Blackholes with the entire BN.

  47. Quotable quote:

    “We believed before that wherever there were Malays, UMNO would get their support. We got it in better times, but now we know differently”

    Trivia – Who said that?
    Hint – Mentioned on the night of 27 September 1963

    History repeats itself! Then it was the beginning of the end of SUMNO. Now?

  48. he will allow, coz he probably one of the “katak” in 16 sept. without him, bn gov cannot be toppled, coz he can call parliament emergency sitting, allow mp to raise no-confident to PM and coz pm to step down to make way for anwar.

  49. BECAREFUL OF TONIGHT’S GATERING ! SOMETHING IS FISHY ON THE POLICE PERMITS ! The TOYO fellow is the most suspicious, first he tried to merge UMNO & PAS but failed, next by running this, he got a good chance of getting the nation into distress.
    Now, the colours are almost fully developed, if the nations play by their rules, then they had achieved what they want, then RPK & Terresa Kok will be in the firing squad in no time, mission accomplished by UMNO. All the PKR, DAP & PAS hard work will be a waste & good for down the drain.

  50. ====================================================
    Law Minister Zaid ‘tenders resignation’ -Malaysiakini
    Fauwaz Abdul Aziz & Beh Lih Yi | Sep 15, 08 2:02pm

    # BREAKING NEWS! updated 5.10pm De facto Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim tenders his resignation over the government’s use of ISA, which allows detention without trial, against three individuals last week


    That is a honourable act! Other ministers should do the same if they have principles and are conscientious.

  51. t is obvious that although the ISA empowers the Executive to arrest and detain without trial for national security reasons, the recent exercise of that power was arbitrarily done by only one or two Ministers. This is evident from the “shock” expressed by so many Ministers and the resignation of Zaid Ibrahim who were and still are part of the Executive.

    In the habeas corpus application which has been filed, this fact should be highlighted – the fact that such a drastic Executive power had been exercised so arbitrarily and so lackadaisically and illegally by only a few. The Executive power to invoke the ISA must be exercised by the Executive as a collective body as a whole. The “internal thinking” of the Executive regarding the existence of a threat to national security before deciding on the arrest and detention is obvious – it was completely lacking.

    Syed made the stupid move to dump responsibility on the Police. Say what you may of the procedure for arrest and detention under the ISA – I think the police is empowered to make the initial arrest and authorise the initial short period of detention – the first requirement of the existence of a threat to national security and the need to invoke and execise ISA power to save the nation from that threat must first be based on a collective decision of the Executive, not the police, because the ISA is at its root an Act to confer an Executive power of arrest and detention without trial for the specific purpose of saving the nation from grave threats to national secuirty on the Executive as a constitutional institution not government administrative bodies e.g. the police.

    The Judiciary is completely bypassed and such drastic power cannot be simply handed or relegated to the police. Nor can it be execised by only a couple of Ministers. As we can see now, the recent exercise of the ISA powers not only bypassed the Judiciary, it bypassed the Executive as well.

    The end result if the Judiciary allows such a manner of invocation and exercise of ISA powers would be that we are now under the despotic rule of a few Ministers or have become a police state.

  52. Zaid Ibrahim’s resignation speaks volume for the man but more importantly will this man’s stand on principles trigger exodus out of BN to give rise for the third tsunami to give the final death knell to this evil government??

  53. Reporter Tan gave an account of her 18 hours ordeal for being arrested under ISA:-
    How very terrifying indeed!

    I think the whole of 26 millions Malayisans in and outside the countrty are all very eager to know from Miss Tan the repoter that during the whole 18 hours under police custody, has she or her parents at any point in time been informed by any police or federal government officials that they were actually protecting her life because the police have information that her life was being threatened??????

  54. Breaking News: MalaysianInsider reports that Teresa Kok will be detained for 28 days starting from yesterday.

    Why? What has she done? What injustice is this?

    While the Khir (botox face) Toyo is living in comfort in his RM25,000 a month rental bungalow, Teresa who did nothing wrong has to stay in jail a victim of his false slander.

    There’s one law for Umno members and another law for others.

    28 days is unacceptable!! It’s an outrage!!

  55. YB Lim,

    Writing to the Speaker is a sheer waste of time. This UMNO stooge would not aceed to your request. The UMNO goons would squeeze his cojones if he does show a little common sense . Nonetheless, no harm in trying.

    Kudos to the de facto law minister, Zaid Ibrahim for giving his resignation letter to the Sleepy Head. Whether Sleepy accepts or not is immaterial. At least there is one decent human being in this rotten BN government.

    Apart from the usual talk show by the MCA, MIC, GERAKAN and those MP clowns from Sabah and Sarawak, they don’t even come out in the open and DEMAND THE ABOLITION OF THE ISA. These shitheads want at the most a REVIEW.

    I have a few suggestions for these dumbos.

    1. You can hold your positions in your relevant political parties as well as ministrial positions because many leadership posts in the parties are at stake and many people may go out of jobs and businesses.

    2. But be a man and TELL UMNO and the Sleepy Head that there would not be any BLOCK VOTING on important issues such as the REFORM BILLS on the Judiciary, the Police and the DNA Bill.

    3.. Tell UMNO that they would BREAK RANKS within the BN if and when anything contrary to the aspirations and welfare of the people are being buldozed in parliament.

    4. Tell UMNO that from now on they want EQUAL RIGHTS in BN and would not stand for 2nd or 3rd class status.

    If UMNO tries to gag you people, then do what NORMAL, DECENT HUMAN BEINGS would do.

    WALK OUT OF BARISAN NERAKA. If Zaid can, you should be able to without a second thought. Your members would SALUTE and RESPECT your decision.

    JOIN PAKATAN RAKYAT and bring about the CHANGE that the people have been yearning for after the 12GE.


  56. Malaysia is really boleh… ISA is used to protect malaysia citizen. UMNO Supreme Council is treated as a court. After UMNO’s decision that’s no futher court punishment needed for Ahmad Ismail. What has happened to Malaysia????

  57. I appeal to BN govt to arrest all Malaysian under ISA and send us to Kamunting to “protect” us all from robberies, kidnapping, snatching, murders, rapes etc. that are going on in our neighbourhoods and societies!!! We will be very “safe” inside there rather than outside!!!

  58. no point going to pandikar. why?? eventhough he wanted to help, he can’t because he doesn’t has the power to do anything. he might even scold you for trying to drag him into this matter and direct you directly to refer to home ministry. the home ministry will surely pretend dump and say he is not involved so refer to police. police will just shun away and what is the end result? JUST A WASTE OF TIME!!

    the person or people who i think can really help out is our Beloved Agung and Sultans of Malaysia!! tell them of the abuse of power by bn using ISA to instil panic to the rakyat and investors. convince and get the blessings from Agung and Sultan to arresting those bn who actually start the racism and in doing so , trying to create chaos and panic plus sufferings to the rakyat. the right way should be to charge a person , let him/her defend in open courts instead of ISA!!!!


    better also make use of your time to making a change in government as promised ASAP and the time

  59. I appeal to BN govt to stop using the short form ISA for Internal Security Act as it is inappropriate to use the name of ISA (Jesus in Quran) to detain innocent people without trial!!! We use the name of ISA to heal the sick and set people free and not to arrest and detain innocent people without trial!!!

  60. This obscene govt is deaf, dumb and blind to the outcry from Malaysians clamouring for Teresa to be released.

    Only a corrupt govt which can bribe, cheat and strong-arm its way through elections can have such a cavalier attitude to public opinion.

    Teresa Kok’s case evoke great sympathy across party and racial lines. That she was jailed on a known slander while slanderer goes untouched provoke a sense of outrage and injustice. The fact that she’s a woman also helps.

    The Chinese community is especially incensed. The longer she is held, the more harm done to MCA and Gerakan. Everyday that she is unjustly held will invite condemnation and bleed support for these 2 lapdog parties until they go to their Umno masters begging for her release.

    28 days! I don’t think so. We shall see.

  61. The arrest of Teresa is perhaps one of the most unjust and evil action by the Pak Lah administration.

    It is a complete lie that Teresa is anti-Islam. I have known Teresa since she became Kit’s political secretary after graduating from USM many years and had talked religious issues with her many times. I found her to be open-minded and very accommodating of people of other faiths. I will never believe that she will criticise, let alone attack, another religion and I speak as her friend and a pastor. When she moved into her exco office in March I went there to pray for her and she told me to pray for God’s blessing on the Muslim leaders and government staff too. Can such a God-fearing, people-loving person be so terrible as to attack followers of another faith?

    The mosque committees of Masjid Kota Damansara officials and Masjid Kinrara mosque committee have confirmed that Teresa had never offended them. So the reason for holding her under the ISA is not valid.

    Because they lack an excuse to hold her now, certain groups have obviously been asked to make police reports alleging that Teresa offended the Muslims, so that they can justifying continuing detaining her.

    I urge fellow citizens and people of all faiths to pray for justice for her and the country.

    BTW, if by the government’s logic that journalist Tan Hoon Cheng was arrested because she wrote an article on a racist remark, she was responsible for creating racial tension, then the writer of the article alleging Teresa’s so-call attack on the mosques should also be similarly treated. Why the double standard?

    If you have watched the Home Minister explaining the reason for Hoon Cheng’s arrest on TV, you will simply think he was joking. The person was arrested to protect her from threat! That’s the silliest reason I ever come across. The Home Minister seem to think that the people are stupid like many in the government.

    Another joke of the week is the Second Finance Minister’s statement to investments would not be affected by the ISA arrests but investors would have more confidence in the country!

    Sometimes, I really wonder how people with such low intellect could become leaders and ministers.

    Thank God, we still have some intelligent and brave ones like Zain Ibrahim. But they are the endangered species in this increasingly police state situation.

    I close by suggesting that we men stop shaving until Teresa is released unconditionally. I stopped shaving the moment she was arrested.

  62. Yes, each additional day RPK and Theresa are in detention, more rational rakyat will go to the Pakatan Rakyat.

    Pak Lah is is a loss! He let the Botak Hamid show off his power (but we see it as moronic act) at his and BN expense!

    We applaud Zaid for upholding what he has been preaching for the past years!

    Surprised with Krismudin’s disagreement on ISA detention of Sin Chew reporter; hope he has come to his sense!

  63. I wonder why every move of our government seems so stupid and unreasonable?
    It is not surprise when Anwar said that it is not difficult to be a better government, in fact, it is quite difficult to be worse.

  64. BN dragged the issue on Datuk Ahmad Ismail. Now they will drag the issue on YAB Teresa. At the same time, using one by one of their pawns to incite issues on YAB Teresa. This is BN’s sinister plot. The rakyat must be steadfast & toe the line of peace & harmony. Peace & harmony is not BN’s doctrine. It is their purpose of rule. If Home Minister has the power, & right mind, he will release YAB Teresa unconditionally & immediately. Not drag the matter. The power rest in him as Home Minister. Otherwise, the country don’t need one like him around.

  65. PDRM must be too busy with all these police reports they have no time to look after public security. No wonder crime rate is increasing by the hour. Criminals having a field day. No police at sight anywhere to patrol the streets at night.

  66. I was a victim of ISA detention many years ago.

    I read from malaysiakini.com about Teresa’s diarrhea problem in the detention camp. I had had the same diarrhea experience during the period of my ISA detention. The culprit was suspected to be the oily drinking water, oily food or mild food poisoning due to the unfresh food prepared during the open-fast hours but being consumed during the fasting hours.

    As a Christian myself, I would like to advise Teresa to take this opportunity to practice fasting since fasting is also encouraged in the biblical verses.

    It is not easy to expect any improvement on the food supply for the time being since the cook is a muslim who will be able to accurately guess that the food delivery which has to be performed during fasting hours is meant for consumption by the Non-Muslims. The best solution for Teresa to overcome the possible food poisoning problem will be to practice fasting and open-fast only at night. Fasting is recommended in accordance with the biblical standards.

    Those DAP supporters who live near Kampung Batu ISA detention camp may be able to pass this message to Teresa if they know the usual way of communicating with the camp guards. Therefore, please help!

    Right now, the best thing we Christians can do now for Teresa is to uphold her in prayers and to ask God to intercede and set her free immediately from Satanic attack to her body and to her godly spirit.

    May God be always with Teresa! Amen.


  67. Malaysia is moving backwards with all the dirty tactics in plitics especialy by the UMNO…..the police should arrest Khor Toyol n the editor of Utusan Melayu under “ISA” for the uttering and publishing articles that contains religious and racial remarks.

    Let’s see how “injustice” can the BN be….they have arrested Sin Chew journalist for publishing racial remarks and why is the Utusan journalist left untouched! In addition, Khir Toyo should be jailed for raising this in the press which may lead to tension among the various community. Why not use ISA on him? Just because he is a UMNO member? We will definately vote BN out…….God willing!

  68. To the new defacto Law Minister, Dato Zaid Ibrahim….you are truly a courageous and great leader who the Malaysian politician should emulate. God bless you and hope you can bring Malaysia to the next level in the near future.

  69. You simply cannot talk sense into some people’s numb skull.
    If I were to talk to such guy, I prefer to talk to monkeys which understand at least a small percentage of what I say.
    When the Mosque officials themselves come forth voluntaily to testify that Theresa did not in any way file a oetition against them , the numb skulls still cannot believe it.
    In this aspect, i can only praytp God, the Almighty to protect Theresa and ensure her safe return.
    We are with you Theresa! Theresa, A God Fearing lady, take comfort that truths will eventually shame the devils eventually!!!

  70. There might be an agreement when Umno decided to ‘punish’ Ahmad Ismail.

    Some Umno supreme council guy might have told Ahmad: OK lah, you agree to be suspended for three years and to be relieved of all your positions in Umno for three years. In return, we will lock up the SC reporter under ISA. Puas hati? No. What? You also want that guy from Gerakan. Later, maybe. OK lah, for the time being, we will also lock up another person from DAP. OK?

  71. Sin Chew at 19:07 Hamid told the press that the arrest of the trios under ISA is not the power of a Minister but being executed by the cabinet.
    My god ! MCA and the rest of the BN Ministers seems like crying with crocodile tears. Who is right and who r telling lies?

  72. Khir Toyol & Utusan Malaysia were trying to get YB Teresa Kok to “swallow a dead cat” . ( “swallow a dead cat” – a Chinese saying that “one being blamed for something one has not done”). Even the Kinara Mosque authority has come out in support of YB Teresa that she was NOT involved at all regarding the “AZAN” issue.

    Our home minister Syed Hamid now finds that this “dead cat” may not be easy to push down the throat of our much respected servant of Malaysia YB Teresa in face of much public out cry, even the de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim has thrown in the towel in disgust of these arrests. Syed Hamid is now turning & twisting & slamming her with a “JAWI” issue which was God knows how many MOONS ago. If it was a “serious enough” issue why the appropriate authority didn’t take any legal action against her.
    The original accusation & ground of arresting her under ISA was just the “AZAN” issue. There was nothing mentioned about the “Jawi” issue. Why bring it up here & now? What logic?????

    We the fair minded, reasonable thinking rakyat of Malaysia openly question the Federal government if they have a more qualified leader to take the place of Home Minister intead of a letting slimmy character that twists & turns with logic of an infant child continues to drag our beloved Malaysia through the alley of intetnational shame.

    BTW why 28 days? What’s the logic ( don’t make us laugh & cry at the same time please!)? A full moon cycle?

  73. Resignation of Datuk Zaid is a ‘vote of no confidence’ to PM. Others should follow, if they still want to redeem themselves in the eyes of the rakyat. Become independents of quit politics totally, if don’t join P-R now…maybe later lor. At least Datuk Zaid will be respected & claim some dignity as a law-maker & law-follower due to his profession. Can other BN MPs follow this prime example?

    YAB Teresa lawyers should press immediately to sue Utusan Melayu & Datuk Botox for false reporting & allegations against YAB Teresa. This is not freedom of speech, it is abuse of tongue.

  74. Deputy IGP press statement said that Tan was detained and released after 18 hours because they investigated about her case and found nothing to charge her with where else the baldie said her life is under threat???? so now which is which? Why is it that our police and government could tells lies after lies and nothing happened? What happened to that mamak campur Ahmad?

  75. Yes, political considerations dictate the neccessity of sending off this letter.
    But does anyone seriously believe this Speaker will lift a finger.
    The police warns us to allow them to carry out their work.
    Yes, you have every right to do so if you have shown yourself to be a truly professional force, one that carries out its duties without fear or favour.
    The fact that you fail on all these counts means you are not worthy of any respect, and we have every right to criticise you for all your failings.

  76. Actually my friend had worked for Zaid Ibrahim and Co before and infact it was her first job. She is a Chinese and she speaks highly about him…and he sent all his children to Lai Meng school in Jalan Ampang and that was 15 to 20 yrs ago. Imagine that time, you have a Malay that have such wisdom to think so far ahead! Thus his resignation do not comes as surprise to me and I think this chinese of mine must be very glad that she is judgement about her ex boss is right all this while!

  77. ISA is only an instrument created by UMNO to deter people or opposition from raising any issue about the unfair treatment to the non-Malays. This is really the lowest tactic only UMNO can think of.

    If ISA is really for the good of Malaysia, Ahmad Isamil who raise the racial issue 3 times on the news headline should be put in ISA for life. They even tear Tsu Koon pictures in the headlines with the whole 26 millions Malaysian as witness.

    Khir should not use the hooligans/hoodlums tactics in Malaysia. It only works in Indon.

  78. I believe there are many members & MPs of BN who speaks in the same voice as PR against the ISA on civilians.

    Kudos to Zaid Ibrahim….. & BN back-benchers…

    We speak together. Get us stand together, BN or PR, to secure the freedom of Raja Petra & Teresa.

    Laws are made by humans, to err is human… To abolish the ISA is divine.

  79. If RPK is in real danger and assuming Opposition MPs are denied access to him..then all the other right minded BN MPs or Ministr such as Zaid ought to make a drastic move to have access to him immediatly before all else fails.
    Damn the govt for acting like Gestapo.

  80. Home Minister claimed he did not order the arrest but said it was the Police. You mean the entire Police Force? WHO? IGP? ASP? SGT? WHO in the Police ordered the arrest? Perhaps Home Minister forgot he has the power to release as well as to detain. If he DOES not know about it, then why allow the detention to DRAG???

    President George Bush life is constantly under threat from terrorist, he better don’t come to Malaysia otherwise the Police will lock him up under ISA. Tell that to all visiting delegates. Be prepared for ISA if you want safety.

  81. Other BN component parties talk & talk only…those who say they oppose ISA should resign from the cabinet to show true support & seriousness to the matter. Otherwise, it’s just plain old politics to try get back some favour from public. Do a Datuk Zaid, resign. He has shown to all Malaysians he has the ‘bullocks & hair’ to do it. The rest are eunuchs & concubines at the moment.

  82. Law minister resign because he is the only minister with common sense, integrity and principle.
    Next is we have to repeal ISA,but put all the BN minister to lock up to protect them from danger.Especially Syed Albar.Very important person.

  83. looks like AAB didnt accept his (Zaid) resignation.

    Anyways about Theresa….why the NGO lodge report? Do they know what really happened or were they mooted by Khir T? Whatever he (KT) is the devil and trying his level best to instigate things. Or better he was ordered to do this….a domino in reverse act. All leading back to the Source…the prime evil master…..and we know who it is isnt it?

    All these are some massive high-level scandal and GOD knows where and when its going to end. I suppose people will say when AAB steps down or forced out but do you think so? I dont, it will never stop…as this is all a huge POWER STRUGGLE.

    The only victims will be us and our Future Generation.

    Whatever…I just pray that Theresa and RPK will be released. I have no wish to have anyone ISA-ed but honestly….a part of me just wish it a certain no. of people who truly deserves it. They are not a threat to the government but to the welfare of the nation.

    I also notice many calls of help from the royalties….do you honesty think they can?

  84. In my version of law, ( i am equally entitled to as we all are after the precedents are there for the taking)

    The Home minister ought to apologise to the people and his family for being such a stupid man denouncing the intelligence of the nation in his action for arresting the wrong people.

    Then he should annouce his unconditional resignation from all civil positions of the nation.
    Let others know that this type of behaviour and conduct is never to be practice again.
    He should then jump into the river of his chosing but his family must clean the mess by themselves.

    Bye bye

  85. Those who had felt squeamish about the morality of the crossover of BN MPs to Pakatan, this is the proof of how unethical and brutish the UMNOputras are.

    They should be demolished as soon as possible before they create more damage

  86. It seems to me that unrighteousness abounds in our country. When I got the news I immediately pray for justice to be done and early release of TKok and RPK.

    Now the evil doer like Khir Toyo, Ahmad Ismail, they may smile and happily seem to bask in their ill gotten wealth. But the end they cannot escape the wrath of God Almighty. Their punishment will be – —well HOT!

  87. Malaysiakini reported:-

    Pengerusi Masjid Bandar Kinrara, yang menerima petisyen membantah penggunaan pembesar suara untuk beberapa kegiatan agama, bersetuju dengan tindakan kerajaan menggunakan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) ke atas exco kanan Selangor, Teresa Kok.

    Abdul Rahman Nasir berkata, secara umumnya, perkara sensitif membabitkan agama “tidak boleh dimainkan”.

    “Perkara ini tidak boleh dimainkan. Terutama sekali di negeri Selangor ini, bukan saja (berkenaan) agama Islam, tetapi apa agama pun (tidak boleh dimainkan).”

    While I agree with the second part, is there any truth in the first part of his comment ? or he’s another interest party ? like in Ahmad Ismail’s case etc ? I am not accusing anyone of being corrupt but it’s seems like this whole thing is so dirty !!! Not many people seems to be sincere.
    Is he saying Teresa Kok is involved ?

  88. pulau_sibu Says:
    This ISA arrest is now used as an excuse by the hungry people in umno to topple Abdullah?
    Syed Albar had openly declared his support for Mahathir to be admitted into UMNO. This is Abdullah’s Brutus who is stabbing him in his back. Beware, the unseen hand in this sandiwara is none other than the crafty and evil great mamak Mahathir!

  89. Someone ask; I also notice many call of help from the royalties….do you honesty think they can?

    I say why should they? , they are living in the comfort of their ivory tower. Do they understand the suffering of the common people? Where is the Agung in time of needs?

    The Psalmist says: “ Do not put your trust in Nobles nor the sons of earthling man,……”

  90. I noticed that some scumbag politicians and others have been trying to sidestep topics on Teresa Kok’s arrest by simply saying religious issues are sensitive etc, and trying to mislead others into thinking that she was somehow involved.

    They have conveniently avoided the fact that Teresa was never involved in anything of that nature, which is common knowledge amongst everyone.

  91. Mr Smith Says:
    An UMNO Minister has given up his high perks of office to stand by his principles. Sad that the Chinese Ministers who are mere running dogs, can’t even give up being UMNO dogs
    Believe me, those MCA dogs won’t abandon the ship. They can be insulted, be chained and beaten and yet they will still submit to the UMNOputras master. Too much to loose and they still think they have have more time to salvage their position! This has happened to them for the past 40 years!



  93. The real trouble makers should be brought to justice. Allah does not require us to scream and shout into His ears and ask Him who the real culprits are. He already knows but He has given human beings the brains so that they can function more effectively, more responsibly and more independently. It is a consoling thought when Miss Teresa’s parents were able to meet her. All the ISA detainees will be in the prayers of many out there.

  94. OldManoftheSea Says:

    I say why should they? , they are living in the comfort of their ivory tower. Do they understand the suffering of the common people? Where is the Agung in time of needs?

    Well said OldManoftheSea. Its my sentiment too.Why should they…they will have more loose than gain.

    So stop asking the agong or the sultans anything..they are after all a showpiece in the ‘Monarchy’ world of ours..just like a few others internationally.

  95. You guys also noticed how quiet MIC is? Well all these people are in the same boat….the losers boat.They are no champions of us, they are just …..losers.

    Enuff said…well those of you who voted MCA MIC in the last elections…well…shame on you. (However i think many of them dont patronize this blog- I could be wrong)

  96. The Malaysiakini article written regarding a certain Abdul Rahman Nasir’s comments about Teresa Kok, appears to be have been written by an amateur, or there could be some hidden hand behind it (because this is Bolehland where anything can happen.)

    Why else would it just report the personal views of someone who appears totally ignorant of the fact that Teresa Kok was innocent of the allegations made against her?

    By journalistic standards, you would expect that the journalist to either scrap such an idiotic article, or point out to the interviewee: “hey, but the person being arrested did not do what you thought she had done because Khir Toyol and Utusan got the facts wrong, so what do you say now?”

    Malaysiakini would do well to ensure such crap articles are not seen on its pages again, because they are an insult to readers.

  97. Syed albar reported as scolding Zaid Ibrahim on commenting about the ISA. Said he should not comment on another ministry. Said decision is by government. So who is the government ?

    Syed Albar, Badawi, Parliment etc?????? Parliment should a committee to question the ministers on their actions.

  98. Group No. 1
    Who were initiator of forming racial parties and fighting for own race? Who reject Bangsa Malaysia?
    Umno leaders

    Group No.2
    Who is the defender of racial abusive remarks or truely fighting for racial harmony?
    Professional, Bar council, PR, Reporter, Non-racial communities.

    Who are the ISA detainee?
    Group No.2

    Who deserve to form the Malaysia Government at this moment?
    Pakatan Rakyat with dissenting MPs i.e. Group No.2

  99. Next time when caught on the hp while driving dont take it lightly.
    Those turkeys might detain you under ISA.

    Its normal for condition to be rough when changes are round the corner.

    This is called ‘Panic governing by BN’. Cracks are appearing already.
    Very soon it will be like ‘frogs crossing the river’. ie everyone going different directions.

    Hurray hurray !!

  100. someone asked why does the government have so many morons? well the answer is so that the PM feels he is smart. If he’s surrounded by morons and act smart you can pretty well guess how stupid he is..

    If teresa is released she can bring the entire gamut of law on her side to sue the government. So one can guess what the rotten egghead will do to keep her inside.

    Btw do you think the bodo can actually pull this ISA thing off? It does look like there’s someone pulling his strings.

  101. I continue to see inequality in the way PKR and DAP address this issue on ISA. Why wasn the same forceful vocal and show of solidarity now seen by DAP was not seen when the poor hindraf members were arrested? Why didnt, and why arent u pursuing their release..after ALL they STARTED THE WHOLE CAMPAIGN OF “makaal sakti” = people power. They , the true heroes have dissappeared from your scope and DAP and PKRs’ agenda. This is really sad.

  102. Sorry off Topic but it is now an hour into 16th September, a “date with destiny” that Anwar described, and the following questions beg to be addressed.

    Anwar reiterated in MBPJ Stadium once again that Pakatan Rakyat had the majority numbers to form the government on 16/9 and would negotiate with the PM the date and manner of transition of power.

    Lets make a quantum leap in faith to assume, without question, that Anwar/PR really has the numbers verifiable by statutory decalarations and written documentation. Even then the taking over of the government by such way is unprecedented, there being no specific provisions spelt out in the Constitution on how this could be done.

    Thus far Anwar has been disclosing his broad intentions to take over the government. The BN government in contrast has not disclosed how it intends to thwart it. And it is difficult for me to think, even now, that UMNO/BN will allow this to happen smoothly the way Anwar would plan it. What is going to happen? Will there be chaos??

    For starters, I have a few questions and wonder what Anwar/PR plans to do if any one or more of the following happens when Anwar/PR presents their numbers:-

    1. PM refuses to meet Anwar/PR’s leaders/delegation transition plans;

    2. The Yang di Pertuan Agong refuses to grant an audience Anwar/PR’s leaders on this matter, or if His Majesty does, he still decides that the interpretation of Article 43 (2) of the Federal Constitution does not make it imperative to change political status quo and dissolve Parliament to pave way for 13th General Elections;

    3. BN govt declares a state of emergency on the contentious ground that this unorthodox method of taking over government is (besides causing an economic crisis) is also unconstitutional simply because there are no explicit constitutional provisions providing for such a takeover to be constitutional and legal.

    Are there any contingency plan on Anwar/PR’s part in these hypothetical scenarios?

  103. m.hwang,

    This is what he was reported to have said :”Tomorrow is D-Day. We are ready to form the government. We have enough numbers and tomorrow we will make our stand clear”. According to Anwar, Pakatan Rakyat has already submitted a letter to the PM seeking a meeting for a smooth transition of power.

    Is there a suggestion here by you that DSAI once again, against the backdrop of ‘Terminator 2’ music, lied and misrepresented to – and fanned hopes of 20,000-strong crowd of supporters, and Malaysians at large, even at this hour and “date of destiny” without any means or basis to fulfill these hopes stimulated ….?

  104. His bodyguard murdered a Mongolian lady on behalf of his best friend, can he be the Prime Minister? If he can be the Prime Minister, why wait till 2010? If Abdullah step down and handover to his deputy, UMNO is finished! But, if Abdullah conceded defeat and handover power to Pakatan Rakyat, UMNO may survive.

  105. I’ve had the pleasure and honour of knowing Teresa for nearly 10 years now. And she is, without a doubt, one of the better human beings I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Forthright and direct, and with a strong sense of service that few if any other person can claim to possess.

    One thing I will always remember her for, and for which I will always hold her in great regard, was (and forgive me but this is a little bit personal) when my sister was very ill with a serious illness (life threatening one actually). At that time, Teresa was yet to be an MP, and she’d go and visit her (my sister) in the hospital regularly. Similarly, she also helped bring along some DAP people to the hospital to donate blood, when the hospital required it as my sister needed a lot of blood transfusions. What really struck me was that she did it without any publicity and without any fuss. It was such a far cry from the sickening publicity stunts that other politicians especially those from the BN indulge in when they go to visit people in hospitals accompanied by hordes from the media. Call me cynical but I always believe they do such things – not from the goodness of their heart – but to show that they care. Well, Teresa never needed to put on such shows.

    One of my biggest pleasures happened during the 8th March election when – in my first ever election as a voter – I put the cross in the box next to her name in the Seputeh constituency. I would have of course voted for any DAP (or for that matter any Opposition candidate), but the fact that it was for Teresa made me even happier for it.

    Her arrest and detention under the ISA has made me extremely upset and angry, as it has alot of people here. I am angry because it is such an affront to justice, I am angry because she is being persecuted for the malicious lies of religious and racial bigots, and I am angry because she is someone whom I consider as a friend.

    When I read about those two NGOs lodging a report against her, based on lies, lies, lies, I feel my blood boiling. If there is anything that gets me mad, it is sheer stupidity and ignorance. So I seeth. And then I ask, what can I do? What can any of us do?

    While holding vigils for her release is a very thoughtful gesture, I seriously doubt if it will have much impact. The Government has shown that it does not care what the people think. It does not care about the truth. It does not care about international opinion. The BN – or rather UMNO, since we all know the other parties are just lemmings marching to the UMNO beat, will plunge Malaysia into darkness just so they can hold on to power.

    Now, I’ve read many comments talking about “not giving them any excuses”. Well, I don’t think they need us for that, as we can clearly see that they will create their own excuses. As such, any arguments against more concrete action is null and void.

    I believe that we – as in all those who believe that the detention of Teresa Kok is unjust, invalid, and an affront to Malaysia – should engage in a campaign of civil disobedience. And here are some of the things we might be able to do

    1. Write to the Utusan Malaysia stating that you are boycotting their newspaper.

    2. Boycott shops that advertise in the Utusan Malaysia. In fact, write to them and tell them that as long as they advertise in Utusan, you will boycott them.

    3. Get your friends and family to join in the boycott. Seriously, Malaysia – for all its faults – have many alternatives for shopping.

    4. Do not attend any functions where BN ministers, deputy ministers, state ExCo members, leaders, or the police are in attendance as guests of honour.

    5. Shop and restaurant owners – refuse service to the police. If a BN person comes and visits your store for a publicity visit. Tell them politely but firmly to go away. Do not give them the time of day. Do not even shake hands with them.

    6. Furthermore, find out who the leaders of those two NGOs are. Refuse them service.

    7. If you have friends who are BN supporters or who believe that the ISA is justifiably used in this case, lose them immediately. Break off your friendship. Seriously, do you really need such stupid friends?

    In other words, do not have anything to do with the BN, the police, Utusan Malaysia, their advertisers, or just about anyone who supports them openly. Ignore them. Shun them.

    These are just some suggestions as to what we can do. Some of you might agree with me. Some of you might not. Yet to be absolutely honest, the cynical part of me does not see much hope in doing such things. At the end of the day, and as much as it saddens me to say it, more concrete and more direct action is probably needed. These people only understand one language, and if need be, we will have to be prepared to speak to them in that language, but speak it better than them.

  106. Chandar,
    though the national hype is on new detainees.
    but i believe the Pakatan’s policy is for the release of all detainees.
    in fact, i see Datin Azizah currently heads the campaign for the abolishment of the ISA, which is to the benefit of all detainees.

  107. UMNO is declining due to its corrupted leaders and ideologies, supposedly, UMNO is dying a natural death, but since it is political in nature, it looks like it’s given the death sentence, not knowing when to be hang.

  108. Jeffrey,
    i think, having sufficient numbers does not mean it will be smooth sailing.

    there are many factors in the process, like for example, how to persuade the Agong.

    how to persuade His Majesty that you have the backing of Pakatan and also BN MPs to be PM.

    if i am not wrong, the arrangement is, BN MPs needn’t jump ship.
    considering the extraordinary situation of the nation, they just support the PMship of DSAI from where they are.

    how to satisfy His Majesty that the transition will be smooth, etc. etc.

    obviously, His Majesty must be made to feel comfortable that the plan is workable and everything will be fine, i think.

  109. chandar Says:

    Today at 00: 59.58 (1 hour ago)
    I continue to see inequality in the way PKR and DAP address this issue on ISA. Why wasn the same forceful vocal and show of solidarity now seen by DAP was not seen when the poor hindraf members were arrested? Why didnt, and why arent u pursuing their release..after ALL they STARTED THE WHOLE CAMPAIGN OF “makaal sakti” = people power. They , the true heroes have dissappeared from your scope and DAP and PKRs’ agenda. This is really sad.


    I have to say to a certain extent I agree to what Chandar said. But then again I guess Hindraf started the ball rolling. By holding their demonstration (not riot as claimed by the government) they paved way for the Indians to think out of the box thereby understanding the game MIC and BN has been playing thus far.

    The fact that MIC only won 3 seats in the Parliment shows the impact of the demonstration (more so due to the heavy handedness of the government in handling it).

    Anyone still supporting MIC is a waste of space!

  110. Lim Kit Siang have seen it all. I too..have seen it all.
    UMNO have not change one bit. It is getting worst….especially.. these 27 years.
    Applying ISA on Teresa Kok and RPK…by UMNO is digging their own graves ….faster than normal.
    Jailing the reporter under ISA saying to protect her….is the kind of brains….you an expect from UMNO..to manage the country.
    Their days are numbered.
    Good riddance to bad rubbish.
    I am lucky to live to this day…to witness a true united Malaysia for Malaysians ..under Anwar Ibrahim.
    Lee Kuan Yew….was a true Malaysian…first to be thrown out..due to dirty race and religion politics.
    Lets hope…the future bring Singapore and Malaysia….much closer.It’s a real win win situation..if that happens.
    My children and grandchildren have better opportunities than me…to succeed based on what they know…and not who they need to know.
    That’s what matter most to an old man….like me.

  111. “monsterball Says:

    Today at 02: 53.47 (2 hours ago)
    Lim Kit Siang have seen it all. I too..have seen it all.
    UMNO have not change one bit. It is getting worst….especially.. these 27 years.”

    And this small man who made himself into a demi-god started the downfall of Malaysia, down the slippery slopes we are on today – Tun M. And he still dares to give his two cents (literally!) worth of his opinions and ideas in his blog. Che Det, o che det, cukuplah, cukup. Enough is enough. We have had more than enough of you in a quarter of a century. You screwed up the country big time. Now, just ride off into the sunset peacefully.

  112. dawsheng Says:
    His bodyguard murdered a Mongolian lady on behalf of his best friend..

    You really believe his bodyguards murdered the Mongolian lady on behalf of his best friend? Or his best friend might be a scapegoat for someone? ..but… does his best friend has the power to erase immigration records too..? :confused:

  113. Good morning!

    Today, the day we’d been waiting and looking forward for long, “D-Day” on 916 for new Malaysia. A Malaysian Malaysia in a peaceful form in order to form a new government, despite the fact that we are no rush…

    Also thumb up for Kit and Guan Eng who delivered across the message through yours remarkable speech from Kelana Jaya Stadium last night.

  114. There is a strong culture of dishonesty……our leaders in position of trust, power and influence had betrayed the ordinary people.

    A local Azan issue could be resolved easily by the local people living in the area……but to have an Ex-MB and major Malay newspaper involved and spinned it out of proportion with narrow and damaging politics of race and religion is totally unacceptable and dangerous.

  115. Yes, I agree with Parameswara that Agong have to be satisfy that all will run smoothly.

    But that is with the assumption that Agong can be persuaded.
    It seems to me that I did not see that at this point of time. Maybe he is unsure as to which camp to support. Maybe Hadi Awang has much influence on him for better or worst. Only time will tell.

  116. It is not as if Malaysians do not sympathise with the Hindraf but mosr do not have the guts to join an illegal demo(even if it is peaceful).

    But most folks can relate to the arrest of the reporter and Teresa who were just going about their work in a normal manner – now if these 2 people can be arrested under ISA for such frivolous reasons, any one of us can also be arrested.

  117. Botak’s sense of logic and fairplay is more suited to the land from where his father and anscestors came from. He should migrate back to Yemen once PR takes over the government.

    As for the 2nd top dog in the PDRM, his intelligence and that of his force is seen to be wanting. Giving frivolous and idiotic spins to their disasterous handling of the ISA arrests as well as the employment of balaclava clad police special unit shows that they are only good at overkill. Something akin to shoot to kill and then justify their actions with cooked up evidence.

    The day PR takes over these low lives that lead the police force and the ones who arbitrarily impose their will on innocent people with uncalled for road blocks should be shown the exit.

    The present home minister, Al Blurr won’t find it difficult to find a job in Zimbabwe with the recommendations from the old goat.

    The top dogs in the PDRM can be employed by the many security companies as ordinary guards where brain power is not necessary.

  118. The Malaysian government used to take pride in being a world model on racial harmony. Indeed, for 51 years since independence, we haven’t seen any incidence among the various ethnic groups worse enough to threaten peace & order, except those cooked up by certain politikus with ulterior motives.

    Khir Toyo is a dentist by training. He is no moron. Neither are good-thinking Malaysians. There hasn’t been any case in which the Chinese ever threaten the rights of Malays. I agree that Malays are among one of the greatest races in the world, but why practice quota system in university intake? Yet Chinese, Indians, and other races accept the cold reality, knowing well that it would be better to have Malay friends who are well educated rather than undereducated ones. But this doesn’t mean it’s fair, neither is it good for Malays themselves. Otherwise, why not the Malaysian government write to Olympics International that Malaysians be entitled to a “fair” share of gold medals instead of having to earn one?

    There has not been any real racial tension so far. So, politikus the likes of Khir Toyo & Ahmad Ismail attempted to “make it happen”.

    Mind you, Khir Toyo & Ahmad Ismail, your children are going to mimic you, believing that doing the wrong things, particularly those going against your own conscience, can go unpunished.

    Though the Talibans bombed the Buddha statutes, the Buddhists the world over merely voiced protest and never resorted to retaliate with a tooth for tooth. But the law of Cause & Effect still holds — those “dogs barking up the wrong trees” were destroyed by the US, without the peace-loving Buddhists lifting a finger.

    You might think you can get off scot-free, but the Cause & Effect will never fail — if it doesn’t happen to you, it will on your children, or your children’s children — without your innocent victims raising a finger.

  119. Sorry off topic

    ///19. One of the effects of this rigid confinement to Government buildings on the boulevard is to make Putrajaya a Malay city. Ninety five percent of the people living in Government built flats are Malay Government workers. Although the Government built flats are available to non-Government servants, there are hardly any buyers for them. Certainly there are no Chinese or Indian.

    20. I admit being guilty of setting up Putrajaya as the administrative capital. It is very well planned. But it is dull.

    21. Not being in the Government, I cannot influence anything anymore. But I hope the powers that be will read this snippet on Putrajaya. ///— TDM

    If the BN continues to be in power until 2057, the population mix would be like putrajaya. It will be very well planned. But it will be dull!

  120. Lim Koo, I truly believe in the Law of Cause & Effect… This world is created fair. Jesus once said, “Why is this baby born blind if he has never sinned before.

    When Ahmad Ismail can go scot free & Teresa detained, it is a clear downright double standards here. UMNO has accumulated a lot of karma, & whatever karma will be unleashed. This universe is fair.

    Hold the GE again and see,… DAP is going to retain Penang with a much larger majority & also PR for the whole of Malaysia.

  121. So now, tonight on 16 Sept, MCA finally spoke out against Teresa’s ISA detention.

    This leaves MIC & Gerakan the only silent ones…..

    And yes, MIC has become very very silent since the last GE… So silent that I wonder if it is still crying over split milk (Samy Vellu’s) loss 8 Mar that they don’t think about the ISA unfairness.

    Maybe they are secretly happy about the ISA in place – why, it got the 5 Hindraf men ‘out of their way’.

  122. Samy Vellu, that noisy bugger…his silence about the recent ISA invocation is most deafening. How could one be so shameless and so unprincipled is really beyond me! And this has always been their stand – detain one long enough and people would soon forget about him. The plight of the Hindraf 5 seems to have been forgotten. It’s a sad, sad situation.

  123. I have written this to Malaysiakini. And to think they have the cheek to ask Ms Kok to take a lie detector test. They should take an intelligence detector test first:

    Dear Editor

    I refer to the Utusan Melayu sensationalist article “Azan, jawi, JAIS, UiTM dan ba-alif-ba-ya”. It is quite clear from just reading the article itself (yes, non-malays can read Malay, and we can read Jawi) it seems quite clear that the so-called journalist was writing out of pure hearsay.

    For example, he writes, “Kini, ia berlaku. Ya benar, Dr. Khir bukan buat cerita mengarut.”…”Sambil menulis kolum ini, saya menelefon seorang rakan saya, yang juga seorang YB dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Dia mengakui memang berlaku”. Good work. We can call them and tell them the world is really flat, “ha, benar,” and they will probably run it on the full page tomorrow.

    Whatever happened to investigative journalism? Doesn’t the person, I believe the Editor himself, bother to check the sources and get his facts right? Doesn’t the fact that the mosque in question contradicts his allegations, which in his article he claims he heard from other people? So that’s the kind of journalism Utusan provides – one sits on the office chair, and just writes whatever people gossip to him.

    That’s a fine example of the kind of press we have in Malaysia. I dont think the people at Utusan deserve to be called journalists, they give the profession a bad name. Gossip mongers are more like it.

    Kuala Lumpur

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