Abdullah – release Teresa, RPK, Tan and withdraw from precipice of new Malaysian dark age

Part 2 – LKS
Part 3 – LKS
Part 4 – Q and A
Part 5 – Teresa’s parent
Part 6 – Dr Hatta

DAP leaders, MPs and State Assembly representatives are gathered in this media conference, together with the parents of Teresa Kok, DAP National Organising Secretary, Selangor Senior Exco Member and MP for Seputeh, to condemn in the strongest possible terms the arrest under the Internal Security Act (ISA) of Teresa, Raja Petra Kamaruddin and the senior Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng.

We deplore these ISA arrest and attacks on the media and the blogosphere which also constitute a violation of the Multimedia Super Corridor Bill of Guarantees of no Internet censorship, as the ISA detention of the RPK, the live wire of Malaysia Today news portal, is as good as Internet censorship despite formal government unblocking of the news portal.

Instead of a 916 “sky change” or “political change”, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has orchestrated a 912 “sky-change” of his own, with the ISA arrests and threats to the media and the blogosphere, marking the failure of his premiership to usher in a more open, accountable and democratic administration.

It shows how little things have changed in his five years as Prime Minister – with hardly any structural and institutional reforms or changes as all the repressive laws and institutions have remained intact, just kept in abeyance awaiting to be reactivated, as has happened!

The former Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad took more than six years to abandon his “ABC” (clean, trustworthy and efficient) façade with the 1987 Ops Lalang, putting 106 people under ISA and closing three newspapers.

However, Abdullah took less than five years since becoming Prime Minister to show his face of repression by initiating the current crackdown, up-to-now a mini-Ops Lalang with three ISA arrests and against three newspapers.

This 2008 mini-Ops Lalang is completely unjustified and unacceptable for two reasons:

(i) going against Abdullah’s 2004 general election landslide mandate based on his reform pledges and undertaking to break from the Mahathir past of repressive rule; and

(ii) a totally synthetic crisis arising from gross misgovernance, as there is no national crisis, no racial tension or religious strain unlike the pre-Operation Lalang 1987 which saw serious racial tension resulting from a sustained and systematic campaign of racial polarization by irresponsible elements.

It is the height of irresponsibility to create a synthetic national crisis when the country is faced with a grave economic crisis and the national focus of the government-of-the-day should be to lead all Malaysians to address the economic crisis.

Abdullah is facing a personal political crisis, as evident from the open call by the Umno Vice President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin on him to step down as Prime Minister earlier than his timeframe of mid-2010 and the support given by Umno Deputy President Datuk Seri Najib Razak to Muhyiddin.

However, Abdullah’s personal political crisis as to whether he would have to step down as Prime Minister much earlier than the June-2010 timeline under his “power transition” plan cannot be made an excuse to create a synthetic crisis to justify the use of draconian laws and powers like the ISA and to engender conditions to stamp out attempts by Umno leaders to bring forward his timetable to relinquish the Prime Minister’s post.

All fair-minded and right-thinking Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or political affiliation, reject the use of ISA for the arrest of RPK, Tan Hoon Cheng and Teresa Kok.

RPK’s writings are open and public. He should be charged in court if he had contravened any laws of the land, affording him the opportunity to defend himself in an open trial. The detention-without-trial ISA should not be used against RPK, as it is not only undemocratic and repressive but a clear case of abuse of power.

The detention of Sin Chew reporter Tan Hoon Cheng has evoked all-round outrage by Malays as well as non-Malays, Muslims and non-Muslims.

Everyone in Malaysia is asking – why Ahmad Ismail, the person who had made the provocative, inflammatory and racist reference to the Chinese in Malaysia is not acted against but the reporter, Tan Hoon Cheng, is detainded under the ISA just for reporting what Ahmad said? What has Malaysia become when the most elementary notions of justice and fair play have become alien ideas to the leaders in government?

Teresa’s ISA detention is most ludicrous. She had been accused by the former Selangor Mentri Besar Khir Toyo of wanting to ban the azan in a certain locality in Selangor, which was played up by Utusan Malaysia. Teresa immediately denied the allegation, which was backed up by the mosque committee concerned and the PAS MP for the area also lodged a police report against Khir for the baseless allegation.

If action should be taken, the person who should be the target should be Khir Toyo. Why was Teresa detained under the ISA?

Last night, Teresa was informed at about nine something that she could be on the blacklist of ISA arrests, with the suggestion she go into hiding. Teresa refused as she believed that there is no reason why she should go into hiding as she had not done anything wrong to the country and she was fully prepared to face any ISA arrest. I am very proud of her. I am reminded of my first ISA arrest in 1969 when some party leaders advised me not to return to Kuala Lumpur from Kota Kinabalu as I was on the ISA blacklist. I refused to run away from the country, as I maintained that when the people was going through their darkest hour, the place for me was in the country with them.

The country has been swirling with speculation as to who else were on the ISA blacklist. Among the names mentioned were the DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng and myself.

Teresa has already become the first woman MP to be detained under the ISA. Is Abdullah to create another history by having the first Chief Minister in Malaysia to be detained under the ISA?

I call on Abdullah or the Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar to publicly declare who are on the ISA blacklist to be detained, whether Guan Eng and I are on the list. I will not go into hiding if I am on the list. There is no need for any cat-and-mouse game. Just make it public.

Cabinet Ministers should explain whether the three ISA arrests and action against the three newspapers had received Cabinet approval as Ministers like the Information Minister, Shabery Cik have openly defended the ISA arrest of RPK.

I call on Malaysians to be calm and go about their usual business peacefully and normally. They should not allow themselves to be provoked although there are irresponsible elements who want to engineer another May 13 or another full-scale Ops Lalang.

Malaysia in 2008 is completely different from 1969 when certain elements succeeded in creating a scenario of racial confrontation between the Malays and the Chinese over the May 13 incident. There is no racial confrontation in Malaysia of 2008, as the Pakatan Rakyat comprises all races – Malays, Chinese and Indians – and all religions!

I also want to call on Abdullah to pull back from the precipice of a new Malaysian dark age. Release Teresa, RPK and Tan from ISA immediately and cancel the show cause notice to the three newspapers concerned, or his premiership wll be stained forever by the repression and dark age of 912 – September 12, 2008.

(Media Conference Statement on ISA arrests of Teresa Kok, Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Tan Hoon Cheng held at DAP PJ Hqrs on Saturday, 13th September 2008 at 11.30 am)


248 Replies to “Abdullah – release Teresa, RPK, Tan and withdraw from precipice of new Malaysian dark age”

  1. check this out… e-mail to me from a friend
    Hi there,

    Re: recent ISA arrests, we need to calm fears, discourage violence and beware of the play on race & religion.

    There will be a CANDLE-LIGHT VIGIL tonight (13th) 8.30pm at Bukit Aman Come and show solidarity to those detained, as well to make a stand against the draconian ISA. This is organised by GMI (Gerakan Mansur ISA) with the support of NGOs. Call me for an alternative venue if the roads are blocked (0126120177).

    On Monday 15th nite, there will another gathering at the Kelana Jaya Stadium. This was planned earlier by the Selangor State Government to celebrate Sabah + Sarawak Merdeka day, but now also to show solidarity to those detained.

    If you can’t make it, lit a candle, or better still light a lantern (festival 2moro) and say a prayer for the detainees and their loved ones, for our beloved country.

    Soo Choo


  2. This is the start of a most distressing and disturbing dark age in this country. Black is white & white is black now as declared by the government. All criminals in the prisons should be set free as they are not responsible for the crimes that they have committed. It is the victims that caused these criminals to do so by being the victims. Get rid of all victims then there will be no criminals.

    Long live Bolehland logic in the 21st century!!!

  3. Kit
    WE need to let all Malaysians know what is actually happening…
    We all need to let the world know what is happening…
    We need internal & external pressure to “force” the despotic govt release the ISA detainees…

    I don’t know how… but I hope you and the leaders in PR whom we elected have the networks…

    Please help restore our country…

    Our ASEAN neighbour, our Asian counterparts, our friends in UN, and the world at large need to see how desperate people who want to flex muscle within their own party to gain support are willing to put the whole country through chaos…

    We are pushed back into dark ages…

    We need help… inside out…
    We need change… all over the country…
    The whole nation cannot be silent anymore…
    The silent majority must speak…

    The arrests under ISA is not for the benefit of the majority…
    It is a sandiwara… tunjuk “TERROR” among the UMNO leaders to gain support from thier own grassroot…

    Kit, we need help…
    We hope that you and your PR colleagues will send these through the network and restore our country’s dignity…

  4. What a brave lady Teresa is!

    You have fought for us, and we will fight for you now!

    Candlelight vigil for Teresa Kok tonight 19:00hr at DAP PJ HQ. Female comrades are requested to wear DAP t-shirts. Public is welcome. Please pass the word around. No 24, Jalan 20/9, Paramount Garden, 46300, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tel: +603-79578022/79578127

  5. BN government really make people angry and disappointed, we can not use PAK LAH as our PM right now!!!! kick him out!!! sincerely hope that 16th sept will ‘sky change’……let pak lah, syed hamid, thir toyo, ahmad ismail go into jail as they make social nervous and unstable.

  6. Well,i am not suprised.

    You guys must accept that the fact is like how North Korea have Kim Jong’s,in Malaysia it’s our UMNO leaders.I watched a documentation about North Korea where if you don’t bound or resist the great dictator,your whole family will end up in a place called Camp 21.Here it’s ISA (well 1 day our UMNO’s will introduce the same rule anyway..).I am really suprised when the person who made racist remarks walk away with 3 years suspension while the one who wrote the truth end up in ISA.So how can Syed Hamid Albar said god sake it’s for our Homeland security?I bet he learned that from Ruwanda,Congo and definitely from our ex-PM’s very best friend from Zimbabwe.

  7. in the 70’s, we always heard about James Wong, the then opposition leader in Sarawak, who was jailed under ISA. I don’t know how many years was he in prison until he joined the corrupted government. But his SNAP was divided and subdivided until he was dumped by BN.

    i afraid mahathir may become not as bad person if abdullah kept exercising unlawful action toward innocent people in earning himself the worst prime minister in the history. malaysians of different races and religions are really mad at him and the government, as well as the police.

  8. Just heard that the reporter is released.
    Apart from the candle vigil for YB Kok, it is so clear that it was UMNO’s Toyol who started the “mosque” issue that could cause public disorder. If left uncorrected it may well have led so. It was YB Kok’s wisdom that quickly came to dufuse the situation and the “mosque” people also came out to clarify and hence defused the dangerous remark that was made by that irresponsible UMNO guy. Malaysians have alot to thank YB Kok.

    Imagine someone digs a big hole in the highway to cause harm to motorists and YB Kok discovered the danger and sounded the alarm to inform travellers. Instead of thanking her for saving needless lost of lives the authority put her into jail while the digger remains at large. What logic is this????

    PAS & Islamic community should lodge police reports against the government for this ruthless, mindless, a real cause of public disorder act.

    Justice must be returned to YB Kok immediately!!!!

  9. I checked the BLOOMSBURY and the OXFORD dictionaries again to see if I had got the meaning of the word “amok” right before I use it.

    I can now confirm that it would be apt to say that UMNO has gone amok with the ISA arrests. It’s simply brainless!

  10. Sin Chew Daily News reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, who was arrested under the Internal Security Act 1960, maybe released as soon as Saturday, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

    He said Tan was detained under Section 73(1) of the Act in order to ensure her safety as police intelligence indicated that there were threats to her life after she reported on Bukit Bendera division Umno chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s allegedly racist remarks.

    “We have no intention of holding a reporter as after all she was just taking notes of the comments made by a certain party that led to a public debate.

    We need to continue applying the pressure to get them all released…

    Whatever rots the Home minister says, we don’t care…

    First goal, apply PRESSURE… APPLY PRESSURE…
    Get them released first…

    The we can fire endless salvo in reply to their rotten excuses…

    What the Home Minster says don’t make sense…
    If there are threats towards Ms Tan, then they should neutralise the threats… not Ms Tan… (WHAT LOGIC?)

    But never mind… APPLY PRESSURE… from within the country and with the help of the world community…

    I was a silent & timid Malaysian…
    But was angered and outraged to the point that I now dare to write in and also sign the petition…


  11. OMG AAB you more Sinister than you look…

    I will share my blood in vain to protect my beloved leaders, they’re my hero the nation heroes and OUR MALAYSIAN FUTURE.

    WE should not let this happen to them they dont deserve this sarcastic goverment who LOCK THEM BEHIND BARS instead this Criminals should be the UMNOputras themselve.


    Dont let it slow down, continue our effords in here…
    Its our only hope!

  12. Besides, some politicians like Ahmad and others think that ‘going amok’ is a nice brand name for UMNO. So they brandish that brand from time to time to strike terror in people.

    Malaysians should never allow brainless criminals in UMNO to take over the country.

  13. I am very sad and disappointed with what the government has been doing so far! Like you said, they are trying to create another May 13 1969. We are already mature and will deal with the situation calmly. Why all this brain drain, as all the capable persons all migrate to overseas in view of this hopeless government. I too has this idea of finding a greener pasture/another country to migrate in this morning. I have totally disappointed with our government, what is the future of our children? We are in Africa, under Apartheid law? I really hope that there is a change of everything and truly hope that 916 will happen. We badly need a change, a big cleanups of all the bad apples and to have a better future. We are Malaysian and should enjoy every right to be a citizen and we should teach our children what is right and what is wrong, but with current situation, the government is confusing the people. The person who does wrong will get away and the person who is performing his/her responsibilty will be penalised. Moreover, the matter will again depend on what skin color are you and which party are you from! I am thinking that Malaysia has become a gangster country whereby you have to play by the rules of the head of the gangster and whoever the head do not like, will be penalised by any ways! Wake up, our leaders!! “Tuhan ada mata”! I believe in cause and effect!! I will pray hard that the CHANGE will materialise VERY SOON!!! We are all watching and we know who is doing the right thing and who is not!

  14. ABB administration has put its final four nails into its political coffin by the arresting of the SIN Chew reporter. No a single right thinking will be able to reconcile this action. We fell sad and we feel totally shame by such an action. ABB’s administration is setting the racial trap to create uneasiness in the country to keep it political life. Let all Malaysian do not fall into this dirtiest political trap in this world. We must focus on what is the right agenda to fight for our right for all Malaysian. At this difficult time that not only faced by our country and the recession is real through the world let us keep our focus and never fall into this political trap other wise 50+ years will be go down the drain by this idiotic action.

  15. Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said that no more ISA arrests were expected but it will depend on the situation of public order.

    Hello, Syed hamid – what public order, tokking you? when was public order or security ever in jeopardy? Go get your numbskull checked by a psychiatrist! You are a stupid hypochondriac if ever there was one.

  16. The three detainees are no threat to national security. AAB knows it. It is the expressed intention of the police to arrest somebody whom the public could easily discern that the action was unfair. The purpose was to lure people into protest mood so that the government might have an excuse to prevent ‘public disobedience or disturbances”, and hence a state of emergency could be declared.

    When a state of emergency is declared, the parliament would be suspended. There is no constitutional body to assess whether the government has the confidence of House of Representative. So the government currently in power will remain in power, however few the number of MPs AAB might still command. It is the desperate act of not just AAB to remain as PM, but all others who hang on his coattail would want to remain in power. Barisan Pakatan cannot form the new government even if it has secured the support of the majority of MPs in the House.

    We have to make sure that the government does not have the slightest excuse to declare a state of emergency. It might be possible that AAB is no longer in charge, or he is facing insubordination within his UMNO party.

    I suggest that instead of gathering to demand for the release of the three detainees, Barisan Pakatan should just tell the people to stay home and observe hours of silence. Let the MPs who are now learning agriculture in Taiwan to return. They might have learnt a thing or two for a regime change soon after the King has returned from his overseas trip.

    Appeal and demonstration might be useful if the person to whom we appeal has the authority to decide. It appears that he has lost everything. So, let the police try their tricks, and we should avoid falling into the trap.

    It was bad to make a mistake 40 years ago. It will be stupid to repeat the same mistake!

  17. This is madness – ISA used with no sense, on innocent messengers rather than on the crooks who were out stirring emotions and troubles in the country!

    But again people who lead a repressive regime are always made mad before the collapse of the regime.

    The journalist who reported truthfully what was spoken kena ISA. The racist who uttered the filth got his membership suspended for 3 years and this was considered to be a harsh punishment!

    No wonder, Ooi Kee Beng wrote: “Double standards favouring Umno members became a common occurrence, and a blind eye was turned only when it suited party members.”

    It’s time for closure of Umno-led repression in this nation. Let’s hope all fair-minded people, including those who were or are in partnership with Umnoputras in the BN, will stand up to be counted and to say ‘Tak Nak’ and ‘Cukup lah’ to Umno!

    Reformasi, transformasi! CHANGE!

  18. teresa got arrested based on ‘unconfirmed allegation’ by khir toyo that she was involved in the petition to tone down azans.

    Malaysiakini: “According to Abdul Rahman Nasir, the head of the mosque committee, Kok had never set foot in Masjid Kinrara to present the residents’ petition.”

    so, why they still detain her without trial ??

  19. Petition to US is not enough. The NUJ must contact all their countrparts around the world and ask them to write in their local dailes what is happening in our country by the stupid Abdullahand his goverment on we selected citizens.

  20. As we Malaysians of all races & religions come together as one to up hold Justice & righteousness, let us continue to pray for the peace of God to be with the afflicted & their family members and that greater confusion will be upon the falling house of UMNO.

    Malaysians deserve a change for better checks & balances.
    May God bless Malaysia!

  21. Dear mmc2008,

    I beg to differ. They ( I assume you must be referrig to UMNO) is not trying to create another May 13. And for your information, ask Uncle Lim on DAP’s role on May 13.

    Please remember when you say rubbish about May 13, there are many who witnessed the carnage can come forward. Only they ( these simple Malays) refuse to open the old wound. What for, they asked. Will the Chinese willing to accept what DAP did durimg May 13.

    Raja Petra deserved what he gets. He really crossed the line. There is no need to insult the Prophet or Islam even if he cant stomach the government of the day.

    There is no such thing as unlimited freedom. Freedom comes with responsibility. And there is no such unlimited freedom in any country. Law must be respected. If not chaos will reign.

    If you are under apartheid, you will not have Guan Eng becoming Chief Minister of Penang. Under aparteid, his place is some isolated island , spending more than 20 years in perpetual detention. Yes. That things can happen( had already happened) in South africa and Singapore.

  22. That’s why boh-liao, it’s time for Parliament to enact the UMNOPUTRA PROTECTION ACT and start debating on it! It will ensure Umnoputras are given absolute right to insult and instigate anyone, anytime, anywhere without any legal liabilities! The most they will get is party “punishment”!

    Perhaps thereafter, they may consider applying to the World Wildlife Fund for a protection order as well, as they are facing “extinction” despite being the majority race in MALAYSIA!

  23. OMG..ISA again and AGAIN….wont u guys feel bored with it? the way that the government control a person FREEDOM..mana SUARA RAYKAT then???

    sometimes we malaysian are like watching DRAMA in our Malaysia Politic..other people outside in this country feel like watching COMEDY..with this many many things that happened recently to Malaysia, if the case going on like this..i guess Malaysia economy will have no where to go.

    If they think we are “PENDATANG”..ok fine, Singapore and many other countries will willingly accept us :) but come on..think another way round,why should we leave this country after years of developement.

    Ask the people on the street, DO YOU FEEL MERDERKA festival happening around this year? they will surely answer you : NO. even if bumiputera themself, how many people did put up their flags? ya…got, only the GOVERNMENT themself:)

    For goodness sick, please give us a peace of mind and stop the DRAMA !!! We malaysian people want is PROGRESS, not DRAMA. if u guys want DRAMA, please go to HOLLYWOOD :)

  24. Uncle Lim,

    Hanya satu jaminan dari DAP bahawa terus memelihara Islam dan Melayu, adalah satu jaminan agar tiada prejudis berterusan, apa yang dilakukan LGE amat memberansangkan, cuma komitmen menyeluruh.

    Jangan takut dengan Islam ia pasti tidak akan memudaratkan sesiapa Islam itu lengkap, cuma penganutnya yang perlu dibaiki agar mengamal dengan Islam yang sebenar, Islam mencintai keamanan dan kerjasama dengans semua agama.

    Serlahkan perjuangan ini didalam dasar DAP agar Melayu mudah menerima, ungkapan DAP Baru untuk Malaysia Baru umpamanya, membanyakkan kemasukan Melayu dalam DAP dan memperincikan dasar-dasar yang bertentangan atau tidak selari dengan komponen PR yang lain.

    InsyaALLAH semua orang akan gembira.

  25. winsoontan said :

    MCA should say something, Tan Lian Hua (Gerakan ) should say something! Dont keep quiet there! All Malaysian watching at you!


    They ARE saying something. It’s just that you must use doctor’s stetoscope to hear their very forceful shouting.

    To all who are calling for us to run to USA for help. Apalah… are we really so powerless we must run to the US like little children crying? We might just be trading our BN hantu for a bunch of white hantu… Sanctions will hurt the WHOLE of Malaysia, including poor folk who are already struggling to make ends meet.

    I hope there is no violence, but one thing for sure is that IF we ever have the privilege to cast our ballot in another General Election, BN is gone.

    I am at peace. Up to 2 years ago, I was a die-hard BN supporter, and oblilvious to the rot that is within. When I voted for Pakatan, I was not sure I made the right decision.

    Badawi, Najib, Syed Al Akhbar, Khir, Hishamuddin… now I tell you the truth – I am at peace. My vote was correct.

  26. Hi YB Lim, as lawyer by qualification proceed with the writ of habeas corpus as the first 60 days is just the time frame of investigation detention. Stop all the championing and resort to what ever legal avenues available and that will be better.

    By the way have you surf http://www.charleshector.blogspot.com?
    The title “Silencing Human Rights Lawyer by getting him committed to a metal institution.”

    Which is better?


  27. “Syed Hamid said that whether any more ISA arrests would be made depended on the public order situation.”
    The only one who is causing public disorder is SYED HAMID –

    Imagine “A” saw someone started a fire to burn down a house and she quickly extinguished it and reported the matter and she ended of being jailed by Syed Hamid while the guy who started the fire looms free with the possibility of starting another fire.

    What logic? This is “in our country we do things our way – BBC Hard Talk interview” Syed Hamid’s logic! No wonder they say ISA is “Ikut Suka Saya”.

    BTW This infamous “Syed Hamid Logic” is making its way across the world fast and will soon become a household name.

    Syed Hamid should be sued by Malaysian community!

  28. Even if Teresa really did make the petition, what is the big deal about it? What crime was it? Sensitivity? @#%^%$## !

    Many poor and hard working citizens need a few hours of good sleep in order to be ready for another day of hard work. Why should we deny them such basic right?

  29. Geram, why are these things happening in our country? Ask mamakthir and cronies! This type of leaders have no place in Malaysia. They can go and join this leader Zimbabwe, Congo and maybe North Korea. So, PR you people should know what to do next. My empathy to those arrested under ISA.

  30. Yes! Yes! Thank God
    Sin Chew Daily News reporter Tan Hoon Cheng has been released.
    Don’t forget about this lesson. Other than what PKR and other groups have done, it is also the pressure from Washington that reverse these plotters plan.

    I always heard about Goment criticising about US and demanding them not to interfere with our internal affairs. Today, illustrate well one of the many many ‘false perception’ and ‘tricks’ this Goment is hiding behind to suppress the rakyat from progressing. All these nonsence are created by the same ppl itself to serve only their own interest. You think US have no better things to do?

    Today, I felt my only freedom can be stolen away anytime. To me, the only real threat and enemy is my own ppl in this country and who is the real savior? Ppl from other country. Shame, mockery, nothing worth mentioning as far as this Goment has done for the rakyat. Playing God – God will not be mock!! Just wait.

  31. Great to know that Hoon Cheng has beenr released! But the detentions leave a sour taste in sane people’s mouths. We don’t have to speculate about the reasons but we need to respond enthusiastically for the innocent detainees in a calm and collective manner, less we fall into the trap set by the perpetrators of this dastardly scheme.

    As a country, Malaysia is very good at shooting ourselves in the foot and this latest situation just about tops it all. In a globalized economy today, that’s one more reason why investors will invest elsewhere and why more brains will be drained away.

  32. ///14. The votes that the opposition parties got were not due to a desire to replace the Barisan Nasional with the unstructured Pakatan Rakyat. They were protest votes. But is it protest against the Barisan Nasional party? Is it a rejection of race-based politics? I don’t think so. ///–TDM in CheDet.com, 12/9/2008

    TDM has clearly stated that BN practiced race-based politics, and he still believes that the people do not reject them. The term race-based politics is in the context that policies of the government are decided based on race. Also the implementation of government policies was based on race too. It further confirms that the rule of law is also race-based. This is confirmed by the latest incident where the person who made obscene utterances was able to avoid the clutches of the law whereas the person whose job was to report what happened on the ground is said to endanger national security, and to invite ISA detention. The current arrest says that the government is practicing double standards.

    TDM said that he had to balance the interest between the races. AAB shows the world how he balances the interests. When a Malay was reprimanded for his statement, and for showing his defiance against the party leadership, the Chinese reporter had to pay the price of the punishment meted out to that Malay. That is the way Malays could be pacified, in the mind of the president of the party that champions race-based politics. Certainly AAB lives in the dinosaurs’ age in thinking that Malays could not reason about what is fair. Malays having come through the 21 century where they can see first hand through TV and news on how civilized persons live outside the boundary of Bolehland know exactly that everyman is his own keeper, and they success or failure of a Malay, like AAB, need not bring them pride or shame, as the case may be. A Malay is like any other Chinese will pay for his sins, and will be rewarded for his efforts. The wrong done by a Malay and reprimanded will be as shameful for himself whether another person of another race was wrongly punished or not. The wrong of a Malay will not be put right just because a non-Malay is punished, unfairly, for whistle-blowing.

    Race-based politics are complicated because they interfere with the proper running of a government based on rule of law. Had AAB made a break from race-based politics before he has nothing to offer the ex-MBs and their cronies in the states fallen to Barisan Pakatan, he needed only to care about good governance, and will still retain his position without giving in to transition plan. But it is because he was guided by TDM’s race-based politics for ensuring captive Malay votes that he finds himself off balance when the racist games of UMNOputras are public knowledge.

    TDM seems to believe that race-based politics is still the order of the day? The single mosquito that caused so much trouble to a 26 million population nation should be burnt without sparing the mosquito net.

  33. Reporter Tan’s arrest is just to serve as a warning to all reporters – from now on if they hear any racist slur, just ignore it. They will get into trouble if they report it.

    Tan is released. I wonder she will be the same reporter as before. I hope she will.

  34. What? Only one day? And syed hamid made such a big issue out of it saying that the unpopular decision was necessary in the interest of national security and for the benefit of the majority.

    Lock them away for 2 months at least. The ISA allows that. Detain more people. Please put the fear of umno in their heads and their hearts so that they would never ever again criticise umno.

    Ah let me guess. Syed Hamid, so its was not your decision nor was it your idea to arrest the three. Someone else gave the order for arrest and you simple announce that order.

    It must be the unknown hand at work again – the same hand that was behind the blocking of MT and the blocking of parliament’s corridor.

    I hope that the owner of that unknown hand has ears and eyes, a mind and a warm heart. I want to tell him to block umno out of parliament.

  35. Sham shulA….

    RPK did not insult Islam. He commented on what is being practised here. Did you even read and understand his articles? Dont just follow the wind like lallang.

    Were you around during May 13th? Do you know first hand what transpired from DAP side? Were you part of the action?

    Come to Ipoh and talk to members of the RMR who were here during May 13th to find out what they have to say. Hear from Malay soldiers direct. Interested?

  36. lakshy Says:

    >> RPK did not insult Islam.

    RP insults Islam for a living and his blog is an example of that. If should have simply stayed away from Islamic topic as he clearly knows nothing of it and perhaps he would have been a free man today!

  37. this is bodowi’s revenge for forcing to suspend his man. its not the end. his next target is the 4 PKR MPs !!

    I predict once they land on malaysia soil, police will get to them immediately at either the airport or when they are either on the way back or to HQ to report their progress!!

    bodowi will make very sure that these MPs are napped no matter the MPs were successful or not in convincing the ‘defectors’ using ISA again . Reason is obvious – he don’t want them to create among th erakyat !! actually , it is HIM & HIS SINKING SHIP who is feeling with panic and anxiety !!

    i surely hope PK has made certain divertions to trick and outcast bodowi’s plan to capture these 4 MPs first. e.g. telling the rakyat that these 4 MPs are on the way when actually is not while PK has through tecknology, get their data on the numbers of MPs cross-overs and ‘sneakingly, finding the way to the Agung for his consent!!

    however, i’m am very sure all opposition MPS whether in or outside malaysia is now ‘heavily spied’ by bodowi’s police on their movements so MUST ACT WITH EXTRA CAUTIOUS !! Our future is in PK’s hand while BN’s doom is in PK’s hands. don’t let this event not to happen.

    i hope on 916, PK will be new government instead of being HISTORY for the oppositions should bodowi’s police round up and put into cold ice under ISA all by that time!!

  38. This is all craps…… damage has done ….. as after all an innocent journalist Tan Hoon Cheng who only performed her duty as a reporter….

    Tan Hoon Cheng, please be strong and do not impact by this as you need to be continued to be a professional journalist and continue to write for us as reporter, do not bow to evil ………

    we need more support for RPK and Teresa Kok, we need more support……

    Hidup Pakatan Rakyat, Hidup DAP/PAS/PKR…

  39. lakshy,

    perhaps shamsul need some illustrations.

    Now if I say “you are stupid” and you are not, that would be an insult.

    If I say “you are stupid because you should not have gone on the road with so little petrol” and you are now stalled in the middle of nowhere, that would not be an insult.

    RPK has his views about islam. He justifies his views with reasons and arguments, rightly or wrongly (I dont know). I urge you to go and read them.

  40. Just this morning, I was having teh tarik with my malay friend and both of us were sadden coz he was as angry as I was. Come to think of it. I felt much safer with him coz we were just common rakyat. We seek refuge in each other, from whom? Yes from our own Goment. Do I now trust the Goment to protect us and they have pledge to serve the rakyat? Don’t want to answer lah…..Sick lah.
    My word!! This ##@! says police intelligence indicated that there were threats to her life (Tan Hoon Cheng) So, this is what they do… Put her thru ISA?
    Defies every common sense and logics!!
    What intelligence is this? Simply Out of this world!!! Must be a lost aliens running this country.

  41. Syed Hamid logic principle number 1 –

    When someone threatens the life of a reporter, knowing full well who has made the threat, arrest the reporter and inflict untold amount of anxiety; fear and grieve to her family members while letting the culprit looms free. What logic??????

    Tan’s family should start legal action IMMEDIATELY against Syed Hamid and the federal government for Rm100 million. The Malaysian community should also start legal action against Syed Hamid for “brainlessly” applied ISA on the pretext of protection for an individual causing public fear & disorder.

  42. shamshul anuar Says:

    Today at 16: 40.10 (1 hour ago)
    Dear mmc2008,

    I beg to differ. They ( I assume you must be referrig to UMNO) is not trying to create another May 13. And for your information, ask Uncle Lim on DAP’s role on May 13.

    Please remember when you say rubbish about May 13, …


    1. First, he ass-u-me mmc2008 refers to UMNO. No need to ass-u-me. Just ask straight out to mmc2008 whether he refers to UMNO or something else.

    2. Then, he sees himself as the superior who tells mmc2008 to remember not to utter “rubbish”.

    Isn’t this a complete waste of time to talk to someone who

    1. Ass-u-me, and put words into your mouth, and then
    2. tells you it is “rubbish”.

    So, applying Shamsul’s techniques:

    1. I ass-u-me Shamsul likes to eat garbage.

    2. Shamsul – listen to me, just leave those garbage alone.

    Please remember when you say you like to eat rubbish, there are many who witnessed the carnage can come forward. Only they ( just ask your simple cousins) refuse to open the old wound. What for, they asked. Will you be willing to stop eating garbage?

    Garbage eaters deserved what they get. They really crossed the line. There is no need to insult decent people even if they cant stomach the garbage.

    There is no such thing as unlimited garbage. Garbage comes with responsibility. And there is no such unlimited freedom in any country. Law must be respected. If not chaos will reign.

    If you are under garbage, you will not be able to see beyond garbage. Under garbage rule, his place is some isolated island , spending more than 20 years in perpetual detention. Yes. That things can happen( had already happened) elsewhere.

    You and your likes are rubbish. Let me remind you that a lot of people will come out and tell you not to eat rubbish. But they are just kind people who prefer to let you be who you are.


    See? Doesn’t make sense isn’t it?

  43. Reporter! REPORT THE TRUTH about that and you are dead
    Opposition! FIGHT FOR THE VOICELESS among them and you are dead
    BLOGGER! SPEAK UP AGAINST them and you are dead
    HELP! Would United Nations help us? United Nations, are your hearing the dying whispers?

  44. Shamsul said:

    “There is no such thing as unlimited freedom. Freedom comes with responsibility. And there is no such unlimited freedom in any country. Law must be respected. If not chaos will reign.”

    I say there is no unlimited POWER. POWER comes with responsibility. And there is no such unlimited POWER in any country. Law must be respected. If not chaos will reign.

    Between power and freedom, which one is the more disastrous when abused? The freedom to speak, to do so loudly, carelessly, nonsensically, or irresponsibly are different levels of the same freedom. The first three levels are plain annoyance to listeners. The last could incite some emotion. And it takes a lot of inciting before collective emotion emerge.

    What about power? I have the power to arrest and detain anyone. I dont like your face, so I brand you a terrorist and lock you up for 2 years.

    Power and freedom. So which one of the two must be checked more closely?

    And lets not forget that the person who weilds the power is actually your servant. You are his master. You are the one who put him in office once every 5 years and dress him with the power to detain you and your fellow mates.

    The least you should do is to remind those whom you put into position of power to be very careful when they use their powers.

  45. I do not believe a crap what this stupid “Baldie” said. He got the innocent reporter under ISA in order to protect her. What rubbish!! Was he trying to tell the rakyat subtlely that our “efficient” police are totally useless that they cannot even protect a harmless lady. Anyway not surprise if that is the case. Malaysia boleh la.
    Actually this arrest was meant to scare her and other reporters to “dudok diam diam”.
    We rakyat are not dumb dumb like you evil doers.
    Heard that reporter Tan was released. I hope she will be the same reporter Tan as before. She and all reporters should be brave enough to report the truth on all issues that affect the rakyat. If you tell the truth we are all behind you.

  46. Muhydin is saying a lot of things to badawi these last few days. Telling badawi to pack up and leave putrajaya.

    How dare he threaten badawi like that?

    And poor badawi had to defend himself by saying that he is not staying on for fun.

    Oi, Syed Hamid where are you? PM is shakened! Detain him for god’s sake. To protect him from threats.

  47. i’ve read the appeal letter(surat rayuan)as displayed in’m’sians say the darndest thig blog’ sent by Pers. Penduduk Kinrara 5 puchong to the adun and cc’d to the Mosque Committee with regards to the noise problem emanating from the mosque nearby. And as a muslim i found the content of the letter to be absolutely NON-offensive at all. the word ‘rayuan’ and ‘merayu’ tells that this is a plea not a demand. the letter is very politely and carefully sentenced. there’s absolutely nothing offensive whatsoever. wonder those muslims who had taken offense(if there are any) hav read the letter.

    A plea was made based on reasonable and humane points, no insults were thrown to any religion. It’s then the prerogative of the Adun and/or the mosque committee whether to act on the plea or not.

    But certainly there was no insults to any religion in the letter.

  48. “Journalist freed, was held because her life threatened, cops tell Syed Hamid”
    “Syed Hamid logic” principle number 2:
    After you discovered that you have made a wrongful decision to have the reporter ARRESTED ARRESTED ARRESTED under ISA, simply push the blame to the police. Hahaha
    He is making our whole Malaysian police force looks so stupid. What logic???
    If the cops really told Syed Hamid about the reporter’s life is under threat, surely Syed Hamid & the Royal police force can think of something better to safeguard her safety than invoking ISA.

    Now, the Tan’s family must not only sue Syed Hamid & the Federal Government, they must also sue the Royal police force. This is fast becoming an unbearable JOKE!

    Syed Hamid, STOP passing the bug!

  49. The ISA past detainees like LKS, LGE, Tian Chua, Tan HC, …others are SAINT HEROs of the nation. We salute them for fighting the human rights and freedom from dirty politicians and corrupt government.

    Two ex ISA and ex Prisoner of conscience like LGE and Anwar are good future leaders of Malaysia. They learnt the Truth Survival Life to be a Free man today.
    It is time for both leaders to lead the nation and removed the corrupt greedy leaders and save Malaysia future.

    Anwar was a strong activist who played up racial tension to gain malay support in the past, but his bad karma acts were bad fired with bad faiths in return of six years jailed. Anwar sudah “bertaubat” to understand he required all races to love and support him for his political survival. Today Anwar is a learnt leader who willing to accept all races as his children and to protect the Islam, Malay rights, Malay Sultans and Constitutions as well as the rights of all other minorities’ rights and freedom of religions. Bravo ! Anwar had yet to experience ISA detention yet. Maybe Anwar is under ISA list and will get himself arrest soon if he falls into their mouse traps lay out before 916.

    We are very proud of Teresa Kok for her brave heroic actions to experience the blind folded ISA mental torture and interrogation for hours, pain and fear during detention period from 60 days to unlimited years. Tereas Kok is not alone, other Raja and Hindraf members are waiting for you in Kamunting Camp together with hundred mates to protect you.

    Pak Lah and Syed Hamid have created a shameful black history in Malaysia by detaining the 1st woman MP under ISA for her innocent whereas the dirty politicians like Broom Toyo is using azan issue as a political tool to victimize an innocent people selected woman rep for political gain in this bulan Ramadan.

    Well, if given a choice…many innocent Malaysians also want to experience ISA for a day of mental torture, fear, etc…..? Do Malaysian Mummy is under ISA black ist~? Please download the names of leaders and bloggers under ISA blacklist in UMNO-BN lead webpages to allow Malaysians well prepared in advance. Otherwise, our beloved parents, children, relatives and friends will get heart attack to witness the black Zorro men come to arrest them midnite or daylight. What say you Syed Hamid ?

    Yes, thank you to our beloved government for protecting Sin Chew Tan HC life by using best ISA dragonian law. Similar Teresa Kok and Raja Petra lives are protected under ISA law against bad karmas will happen to their securities. Please explain to all Malaysians.

    Does BN government uses ISA law to protect the victims of loan sharks too ? Interesting !

  50. ///The country has been swirling with speculation as to who else were on the ISA blacklist. Among the names mentioned were the DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng and myself///

    Don’t worry lah YB, you can go around political business as usual, the chances are very very slim and minimal that they would ever put you and the others you mentioned under ISA! :)

  51. At this very moment, Msia is being governed by the most stupid, scariest and (dunno how to describe them).

    They shouldn’t have arrested the reporter but instead give her police protection. UMNO, who has threatened to shoot her, must be arrested(The man who spoke represents UMNO).

    As for Theresa Kok, even the mosque officials have vouched for her. What are they doing!!!

    Damn UMNO, the cancerous cells in Msia.

  52. Release…Teresa Kok, RPK, Sin chew reporter Tan and ARREST AHMAD ISMAIL. Malaysia government is creating shameful show to the world EVERYDAY. The people in the world are not blind. UMNO is DICTACTOR. ARREST AHMAD ISMAIL.

  53. Ruling elites control all powers of the state – police, army, media & propaganda tools, judges and interpretation of laws and of course financial resources. They can put anyone under ISA in a sweep – not just RPK, Theresa or reporter Tan but also Anwar, every Opposition leader including Nik Aziz, every Civil Society leader and every dissident but big question is : will our UMNO/BN elites do this (which they can – and who’s to stop them?) The silver lining under the cloud is that we are not at the extreme of Uganda, and our government, though undemocratic and not adverse to repressive methods when it suits their agenda, is however not Idi Amin!

  54. ~~MCA, Gerakan
    – so called Chinese community party!
    – talk loud, the end equals nothing!

    Naive, childish!
    M – Party letters issued? = 0!
    G – People signatures activity? = 0! ~~

    What’s a golden opportunity to MCA & Gerakan! Bargain power, bullets upload; key point is “will you dare, guts to challenge your boss, battle or gamble your minister title? discharge and join-venture with PR? fight for human right?” If you can’t let go and sacrifice yourself, just stop annoying, empty talking!

    God bless MP Teresa Kok!
    From now on, will shorten my living cost (less taxes to rare (or subsidy) those corrupted or wildlife beast), and Chinese food & beverage is my only choice!
    You have your choice, you know the answer, don’t you!

    Warmest regards.

  55. Does the Botak think anyone will believe him when he says that the reporter was held for her own safety? If so, it doesn’t have to be under the ISA, right? Typical statement that Botak and gang uses to insult the intelligence of the rakyat.

  56. Yesterday’s ISA blitz is because government elites are frightened about (1) their own factionalism & disunity fighting for power (2) fear of losing power colectively to Pakatan Rakyat, come 16/9 (3) for lack of imagination and intelligence, now falls back on well tried proven methods of 1987 playing race card to unite Malay constituency disunited because of their own factionalism, deploying half heartedly a “mini” Operation Lallang to “discipline” dissidents and bolster powers etc but esentially forgetting the vast differences in conditions in 1987 from that of 2008 for such similar methods to be of efficacy and usefulness to achieve their goals.

  57. I believe those at top positions of the authority have been working all their lives in order to reach their current positions, but they have all missed out the virtues to be human, their legacies to the world??? Rubbish.

  58. Leaders please dont make Malaysian a laughing stock by the international circle. Your answers to ussage og ISA is the best comedian available in “COMEDIAN COURT”. Ha-ha-ha-ha…..(cannot stop laughing). Botak thanks for the joke.You really light up the day.

  59. Dear Malaysians,
    Q1) Why is it that ahmad ismail who was the one who uttered those racial words not ISA-ed but the person who reports,i.e.Ms Tan?

    Q2) Why was it that it is Teresa Kok who was accused of wanting to ban azan but had vehemently denied so, ISA-ed but not the reporter or the person who so vociferously play up the issue over & over again; khir toyo

    Aren’t we all Malaysians in the first place but why-oh-why this double, triple……………..standards!!!

    Some people just dont learn……………………!!!!

  60. In this age of reality tv shows, going through isa is like undergoing a baptism of fire.

    After that one would graduate to a higher level of fear factor.

    How foolish umno has been to think that isa would frighten people.

    Congratulation to Tan, Kok and RPK for passing the baptism of fire with flying colours.

  61. Noticed an idiot whose nickname begins with a Z (hard-core TDM supporter) still trying to paint RPK in a bad light.

    The notice of arrest that was given to RPK’s wife clearly states that the first reason is his exposing the govt’s dirty linen. The part about religion is merely used as a smokescreen.

  62. I, rakyat of M’sia, awaken by BN till that’s why I vote for PR!

    Asked my friends, rakyat of M’sia too, don’t you understood and awaken by BN? The answer is ‘unwelcome comedy show’, not only in local, might even internationally?

    916 yes or no, no problem, I/we can wait for next GE! Sure will make the most ever smartest choice! Bare in mind, repeat reminding myself, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is my only choice and elected respectful PR MPs! Think about it, you know the answer, don’t you!

    Warmest regards.

  63. apatakena,

    Agree with your view on Islam – Islam is not a problem but the grossly misguided and misled in decades of politics of race and religion are a huge problem/threat to the country.

    True Malaysians should protect the unique culture and traditions of ordinary bumi and ensure their best interests are fully protected for the benefit of generations to come……I believe Mr. Lim is fighting for a fairer and better society.

    Humanity is not about racial survival.

  64. Dear shamshul anuar, pls read this factual account of the above-mentioned event given by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman (first Prime Minister of Malaysia) during an interview at his residence in Penang in 1972

    “It was clear to me as well as the police that in the highly charged political atmosphere after the police were forced to kill a Chinese political party worker on May 4th, 1969, something was bound to happen to threaten law and order because of the resentment towards the Government by the KL Chinese on the eve of the general election. This was confirmed at this man’s funeral on the 9th May when the government faced the most hostile crowd it had ever seen.

    Therefore, when the opposition parties applied for a police permit for a procession to celebrate their success in the results of the general election, I was adamant against it because the police were convinced that this would lead to trouble. I informed Tun Razak about this and he seemed to agree.

    Now, without my knowledge and actually “behind my back”, there were certain political leaders in high positions who were working to force me to step down as a PM. I don’t want to go into details but if they had come to me and said so I would gladly have retired gracefully.

    Unfortunately, they were apparently scheming and trying to decide on the best way to force me to resign. The occasion came when the question of the police permit was to be approved.

    Tun Razak and Harun Idris, the MB of the state of Selangor, now felt that permission should be given, knowing fully well that there was a likelihood of trouble. I suppose they felt that when this happened they could then demand my resignation.

    To this day I find it very hard to believe that Razak, whom I had known for so many years, would agree to work against me in this way. Actually he was in my house, as I was preparing to return to Kedah, and I overhead him speaking to Harun over the phone saying that he would be willing to approve the permit when I left. I really could not believe what I was hearing and preferred to think it was about some other permit. In any case, as the Deputy Prime Minister, in my absence from KL, he would be the Acting PM and would override my objection.

    Accordingly, when I was in my home in Kedah, I heard over the radio that the permit had been approved.

    It seems as though the expected trouble was anticipated and planned for by Harun and his UMNO Youth. After the humiliating insults hurled by the non-Malays, especially the Chinese, and after the seeming loss of Malay political power to them, they were clearly ready for some retaliatory action.

    After meeting in large numbers at Harun’s official residence in Jalan Raja Muda near Kampong Bahru, and hearing inflammatory speeches by Harun and other leaders, they prepared themselves by tying ribbon strips on their foreheads and set out to kill Chinese. The first hapless victims were two of them in a van opposite Harun’s house who were innocently watching the large gathering. Little did they know that they would be killed on the spot.

    The rest is history. I am sorry but I must end this discussion now because it really pains me as the Father of Merdeka to have to relive those terrible moments. I have often wondered why God made me live long enough to have witnessed my beloved Malays and Chinese citizens killing each other.”

    This was a conspiracy at the highest level and nothing short of a power struggle, with the ‘Young Turks’ then forming the pressure group. To achieve their ends, they very cleverly used race to make the Malays rise and push the Tengku aside.

    Today, they are doing it again. This is dangerous politics. It may backfire and, instead, it may make the Malays rise against the non-Malays, like what happened in 1969 — a fire raging out of control with no fire extinguisher in sight.

    We must never allow our country to be turned into a racial battlefield again. Let politics be issues concerning policies, civil rights, good governance and justice. Let us not allow anyone to bring race and religion into our politics lest we suffer the fate of many countries around us where mass murders of entire families are made in the name of ‘bangsa’ and ‘agama’.

  65. Can we ask for temperory “UN SANCTION” again the errant Malaysia Government for violating democracy and its constitution?!

    I rather closed shop or even bankrup for once and for all. This madness must be stop!

  66. The saving grace is that although this government does twist and tweak the system here and there for its convenience, however it still plays by broad parameters of constitution and sovereignty of parliament and therefore is committed (so far) not just to perpetuate but – here’s the key – to legitimise its continued mandate to rule and govern…and by virtue thereof there are limits, intangible and shifting though they may be, to their exercise of the absolute powers that they may already have. There is a reason in this restraint : though feudal, ours is crony capitalism and making money through politics and public service is raison de etre for entering politics and hence it represents both our scourge in one sense in that it breeds endemic corruption as well as our saving grace in another sense in that if our elites behave like Idi Amin or Mugabe, they can say goodbye to economic development, investments, MSC and all kinds of corridors, so how to whet bloated appetites??? So there are limits to powers : they are subject to legitimacy of mandate and rule before both domestic and international audience; they have to justify what they do and why they adopt certain repressive measures like incarcerating A, B or C etc – and this is where our advantage lies.

    The advantage : every repressive action by govt will be countered by civil society’s, bloggers’, NGO’s Oppositions’ criticism and resistance, the latter group having proliferated and impacted public opinion in a way never seen before during TDM’s operation Lallang in 1987.

    So the channel of discourse – and contestation of views – still exist (esp in present ICT Age).

    For so long as Govt still need to seek legitimacy of rule and hence legitimate excuses for what it does (no matter how bull shit) the opposite side can equally contest, argue and dispute (and still escape repression if they tread carefully away from mine fields of issues bearing directly on inciting race and religion).

    In such a contestation, the latter group of civil society, bloggers, Oppositions and NGOs will more likely win because they draw from a greater reservoir of competent, capable and intelligent people as opposed to the government. This adds another brake to limits of the otherwise absolute powers of the state wielded by ruling elites. I will later cite some examples how this is the case in relation to the 3 recently arrested under ISA and how Tan is
    already released, Theresa will also soon be released (though RPK’s case is bit more dicey) which all goes to show the relative incompetence of the government to inititate something that it cannot follow through in the face of protest and arguments from civil society, bloggers, Oppositions and NGOs.

  67. Syed Hamid chose to arrest 2 Chinese girls under ISA in the hope to set up a crash between the Chinese and the Malays.

    But make no mistake, the Chinese are not against the Malays and the Malays are not against the Chinese.

    The truth is that Malaysians of all races & religions are sick and tired of being FOOLED around by RUTHLESS UMNO politicians playing race & religious politics.

    Syed Hamid is unfit to be our home minister!!!!!

  68. I Vow for UN SANCTION if this is what it takes, i want this crooks gets nothing from us, they just want political power for wealth.

    If UN SANCTION is the only way to stop their madness from saving our comrades and more damage to be done, i would ask for nothing more. Let us all embrace!

  69. Malaysiakini says Anwar is seeking an appointment with the prime minister as soon as possible to discuss the ISA arrests.
    He also said that Pakatan’s Sept 16 plan would not be deferred as it was unrelated to the ISA arrests. So if Pakatan’s Sept 16 plan would not be deferred what is the reason the PM should grant Anwar an audience? What has Anwar to offer the PM – a chance to defect (since its UMNO warlords are pushing himout)?????

    Anwar – very imaginative! :)

  70. This year Mid-autumn festival will be remembered…

    The delicious Mooncakes has had it role in toppling the Mongolian regime of the Yuen Dynasty.

    Now, the rakyat wanted to see the toppling of the hopeless BN government.

  71. Yesterday PM said the government will not use the ISA without concrete reason but Tan Hoon Cheng was arrested last night due to threat to her life according to Syed Hamid. Naahh.. to you AAB. You are demanded to release Teresa Kok immediately.

  72. Sorry off topic

    From CheDet.com 13/12/2008

    ///6. I hate to make this comparison but in Israel the Prime Minister has been accused of corruption and the police carried out an investigation and found there was a case for the Prime Minister to be charged. Will we see this in our Malaysia?///—TDM

    TDM is obviously saying that the government of Israel did the correct thing, and he is raising a question whether Malaysia too would do the same. (It is quite refreshing that TDM would find anything good to say about Israel. Perhaps for burning the mosquito, born enemy could be ally; it goes to show how much TDM love Abdullah, and both belong to the same race!).

    When Hussein Onn was the PM, he put Harun Idris behind bar for corruption. Hussein Onn did not practice race-based politics though he was a president of a race-based party. The person guilty was a Malay just like Hussein, but the law did not check the race and religion of the person who violated it. Beginning from TDM’s reign, and after the sacking of Tun Saleh Abas, the law had been used to protect TDM’s political power, and that was extended to his cronies. AAB has extended the use of race-based politics further. He used the party rule as excuse for sparing the offending party member from the law, but he resorted to ISA on a whistle blower belonging to another race. That was the balancing act in which TDM claimed that he was an expert.

    No, what TDM asked would not happen in Malaysia. It seems the former Prime Minister is above the law, and how can one expect it to happen to the sitting one?

    ///7. There was a case involving a deputy minister who was accused of taking a bribe of 5 million ringgit. The Attorney-General said there was no case as the person alleged to have bribed the deputy minister denied that he gave any money.///– TDM

    There were 18 sharks which should have been charged under ACA during TDM’s watch but only two ikan bilis were hauled in by AAB. The AG did not even bother to explain why during TDM’s reign.

    ///8. Perhaps if the ACA asks the PM whether he had given any money to delegations from UMNO branches, he may deny it or give some spurious explanations. Will the ACA then conclude there is no case for the Prime Minister to answer?!///—TDM

    The ACA knows better the answer and would not even bother to ask. When there is no question, surely the PM has no case to answer.

  73. I have a lot of respect for SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee.

    For he is a brave man to speak and act for his people in Sabah.

    As a contrast, look at the losers from Gerakan and MCA. If AMNO has really been derailed from original belief, then simple, walk away.

    Be a man for once.

    But of course, these people have too many dirty secrets in AMNO’s hands which complicates the matters.

    Face it now if I were you, everything will surface when BN loses power anyway.

  74. “According to Special Branch, Teresa was detained for causing ‘racial tension’, and she is now a “national threat”.
    Toyo started this so called ‘racial tension’ and during the course of YB Teresa Kok’s duty & upon discovering such danger that could cause racial riots, she quickly extinguished the fire together with the help of Islamic authority (mosque). Her action should be highly commended. Istead Syed Hamid turned around and ARRESTED her. What LOGIC?????
    I’m glad MB of Selangor is now taking her case to the Sultan.
    Syed Hamid, when will you stop bullying the helpless rakyat??????

  75. To flex the ISA at this juncture of Malaysian politics is one way for AAB to show the real power he can unleash. There the intense pschyop of 916, TDm return, and a pricky need to remind the intactness of the NEP. Flexing the ISA is no doubt a two edge sword at best, but what else can AAB flex that in one go taunts authority?

    No one favors the ISA. Not even AAB for the global repurcussions to follow is as sure as the sun rises in the east tomorrow. But AAB has to run the gauntlet of this 916, and he needed body armor.

    For all these, I beleive the flexing is now over, 24 hrs after the first one. And there are signs the detention for RPK and Kok could be ended soon enough.

  76. RPK I can understand but why did the govt choose to show their strength on a petite lady reporter and a lady MP?

    If the PM is trying to put some fear into his political enemies (who are from his own party), shouldn’t Ahmad Ismail and Khir Toyo be detained and with good reasons too?

    Teresa Kok may be to warn off the opposition from 16/9 but stopping at one doesn’t do the job. A hard working, popular lady MP isn’t the best choice to make an example of. She’s obviously going to get lot’s of sympathy.

    Ms Tan was obviously a bad mistake and has been released.

    Was it a show of strength but on the wrong victims? Maybe Jeffrey Q.C. can analyze this?

  77. gofortruth Says:

    Today at 19: 49.17 (17 minutes ago)

    Toyo started this so called ‘racial tension’ and during the course of YB Teresa Kok’s duty & upon discovering such danger that could cause racial riots, she quickly extinguished the fire together with the help of Islamic authority (mosque). Her action should be highly commended. Istead Syed Hamid turned around and ARRESTED her. What LOGIC?????
    I’m glad MB of Selangor is now taking her case to the Sultan.
    Syed Hamid, when will you stop bullying the helpless rakyat??????

    Theres no logic within Malaysian Govern this days, anything they do just to protect their own goods, allegedly acused a person without fact and evidence but his sinful act of course.

    You Syed hamid you’re disgrace to muslim and you discriminate your own faith for political gain. Shame on you, you should be put inside the bars and burn in hell!

  78. If the police were to protect Teresa Kok, they could have send some unit over to Teresa’s place to protect her instead of detained her forcefully under ISA… where’s the logic?

    Is our Agong/Sultans sleeping? Why no word or sound regarding these unlawful arrest from them? Every year we spend so much tax money to pay for the royal family expenses, isn’t this the right time they repay us? Instead of sitting at the palace doing nothing.

  79. Let us pray for the release of those who care for the well being of rakyat, and see that justice is done with more drastic punishments to those who turn againt Him and use His name for their selfish ends. Believe in Him and have faith in Him!

  80. I just saw Syed Albar’s press conference on the arrest fof Tan.

    It is the most blatant bare face lying I have ever seen. Instead of admitting a mistake, he turned around and gave excuses as reasons that insulted the professionalism of the police as well.

    What a good liar!

  81. Well PR is getting stronger and stronger with the craps happened these days by this Bee Ending who play Bee Ending Movie in Malaysian Block Busterrr Movie ….

    PR will continue to arise….to voice the suara rakyat…..

  82. AAB panicked, and so he made stupid mistakes.
    Syed is a laughing stock. First he arrested someone for threat to national security, next said he did it to protect her. Come on, step down b4 u make more stupid mistake. How can Malaysia has this type of leaders? Shame on Malaysia.

  83. It is an old tool in UMNO’s tool bag.

    When everything else fails, stir up racial sentiments on emotional issues. If there is none, create one. Use agent-provocateurs to help create a situation when public order is threatened. Then declare a state of emergency and suspend Parliament. Have the Cabinet replaced by a council to include representatives from the Armed Forces to give a semblance that the country’s public order and national security is under threat.

    Round up key politicians and political activists and detain them without charge for as long as possible. Let things simmer down. People forget and life goes back to where it was.

    Sounds familiar?

    We have passed that! The issue now is what do we do? Do we let them go down the same path as they did once before? Have more petitions signed? Call on the people to remain calm? Do nothing. Malaysians are a patient and docile lot – practical too because when their economic livelihood is threatened, they abandon their struggle for freedom in droves. They rationalise that freedom cannot help feed their families but a stable economy does.

    When will we learn as Malaysians that there are certain things in life that matter more than bread and butter?

  84. The star online published :-

    Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid said he did not order the arrests of the three people under the Internal Security Act (ISA.

    He said the action was taken by the police themselves under Section 73(1) based on their assessment of the current situation as they had “strong and good reason” to believe that conflict could happen and public order could be jeopardised. ”

    Now, isn’t the Home Minister held resposible for actions by police ? I thought the ISA order need to have signature from Home Minister or PM. Correct me if I am wrong ….

    Or else, another case of flying kite !!!

  85. I find Jeffrey’s speculation on the reason why Anwar is seeking an appointment with the PM most intriguing. Indeed, why should the PM agree to see Anwar?

    Could he be the super-mole in BN? :) This would explain all the flip-flops and blunders including the latest ISA detentions which can only facilitate Pakatan’s Sept 16 plan.

    Is this the surprise Anwar promised for Sept 16? A bit far-fetched but…:)

  86. previous blockade of access roadto Parliament now …. aiyah … total failure …. PM mentioned a thorough investigation needed to be done before ISA is executed on them. Now … do you mean you need to arrest all witnesses under ISA to protect them from threats ? I don’t see any logic.
    Khir Toyo’s accusations on the alleged interference by YB Kok on Mosque issue had been denied by the relevent religious authority. Futhermore, it’s a petition on loudness of Azan by residents. Have the police run a detailed investigation ? or simply took the short cut by browsing through Khir’s blog ? Can YB Kok’s lawyer access these details ?

  87. So far all our criticism has been leveled at Abdullah Badawi as if he alone is responsible. In fact it shows to the contrary i.e. that he is not solely responsible. He is not the main player in a power game fast spinning out of control. He is just a mouthpiece for extremist elements from within his party who are fighting for their survival.

    We have known that all along. Why then don’t we use what we know to pitch the two camps against each other and by so doing work to hasten the process i.e. force the hands of these leaders to go for each others jugular.

  88. Couldn’t agree more with undergrade2, the ISA arrests were dupped up with ‘evil-sible hands’ behind the racial issue incited by Ahmad Ismail. An evil agreement was reached by the ‘evil-sible hands’ with Ahmad to blow the racial issue out of proportion and wait for the response and start the rounding-up. Ahmad Ismail is not alone! The whole ‘evil-sible hands’ are behind him to plan the evil deeds !! This is not a simple racial issue , it is a religious war in the making ! YB Teresa Kok , the almighty GOD is with you.

  89. Want a stable growing economy?
    That stable growing economy needs to be continually well planned, budgeted, built up, maintained, with the helps of all rakyats, sufficient well qualified personnels and foreign investors too! Fair, just, transparent laws must be there too! There are other needs too!
    Can the present gomen provide all these??
    If gomen need to protect a person, need to take her from bukit mertajam to bukit aman? can’t protect her in bukit mertajam meh?

  90. To shamsul anuar and zak_hammaad, I reproduce here my thoughts earlier posted in another thread in this blog in reply to zak_hammaad –

    zak_hammaad, don’t thank me. I only agreed with you that there need to be changes and there are many ways to effect them, some smooth and others reckless. But I do not agree with your other views especially when you argue in favour of RPK’s arrest, saying that he has insulted Islam and that his arrest is not political. You have an impeccable command of English and therefore I think you are a smart person and I hope you understand this message and take it in a right spirit.

    Assuming that RPK has insulted Islam, which I do not agree as I have read and re-read his allegedly offending articles and did not find those offending, my view is that the most important message or teaching in any religion or of God is humility. To be truly humble is to be truly great. Vice versa, to be great is to be humble. God has always ask us to be humble and to forgive in the face of criticisms and insult. I am a Christian and I speak from the Christian perspective but I think that perspective is shared by Islam. Jesus was persecuted, tortured and hanged. And his last words about his persecutors were, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing”. I believe your God also asks you to be humble and to be forgiving. Would you say that He would be angry or take offence when insulted and ask or allow you or His believers to arrest or punish the person who allegedly insulted Him? Would you make Him lesser than His teaching?

    I believe in the Greatness of your God. I believe in the Great Mercy of your God. I believe He wants you also to be humble so as to be great, to forgive so as to be merciful. I don’t think a Great Wise Merciful God would sanction the incarceration and punishment of anyone who may seem to have insulted Him. Being merciful, He would say “Forgive him for he does not know what he is saying” and He would find ways to bring that offender back to Him in His own Merciful way for I think the greatest happiness for God would be the salvation of a soul, for another “sinner” to have come back to Him.

    We mortals have no right to pass a religious judgment on another for we are all sinners in our own ways, sins being just a matter of degree, and while we can try to convince, persuade and cajol a fellow brother to go back to the ways of God, all matters of religion should be left to God and that man. I do not think that God is so helpless that He requires mortals to protect Him and His teachings. Because He is God and we mere mortals, He will protect us and preserve His teachings forever and ever. We mortals would be most offensive to Him if we start to play God.

    Understood? This is only a personal opinion and should not be taken to be an insult to you or your God. I respect Islam and your right to believe in Islam. Let that be very clear. Having said that, I think most right thinking Malaysians have no problems with the true teachings of Islam which is one of the greatest and perhaps the most popular religion of the world. Only some God-playing mortals have put Islam in a bad light and that is not only truly regrettable and definitely painful to God but has the even more regrettable effect or result of making many shy away from Islam. Would not that be more offensive and insulting to your God?

    My view is that RPK has been arrested for a political reason for he is one of the greatest factor in the sinking of UMNO but a religious reason was put forth as an aberration to hide the real reason and to appease or to hookwink the Malay Muslims or to provide a more noble justification to incarcerate him. This is cowardice at its best.

    I think the greatest mistake of the UMNO mad leaders is that they think we Malaysians, Malays or not, are stupid. They think they can lie to all or most of the people all the time and still be victorious. They think the the country belongs to them. They think that they can get away with any atrocities. They think that they and only they are capable of managing this country.

    zak_hammaad, you and I know it is time we stop these bandits from further sending us and our country to hell. I truly hope and pray that your God will touch you so that you will be humbled to acknowledge the Truth and condemn, reject and eject the totally corrupted ones for the sake of our common destiny.

  91. //Jeffery has a fertile imagination, given to discussing hypotheticals// – Undergrad2.

    Agreed. There is congruence of motives between 2 who love the PM’s post: one want to stay until 2010 which his own warlords now change the sucession time table and want to push him out ; the other wants to be a PM anyway so waiting till 2010 as DPM like Najib pulling the strings from behind is no beef.

    Ultimately from rakyat’s point of view, the ideological axis/line is drawn between those those who push for reform and those from reactionary camp in UMNO defending the old order. The latter is still puppeteered by ex premier TDM out to evict present one. The present one though not walking the talk, is at least ‘renowned’ for talking about reform, which as to why he could not walk it can at least plead excuse that he was surrounded and overwhelmed by reactionary camp around him. At least intentionally or otherwise he facilitated the implosion of UMNO and delivered to Opposition a less formidable BN with less than 2/3 didn’t he???

    So there is congruence of objectives between the two men as they looked across the aisle in Parliament (recently) and smiled. Don’t forget Anwar still owed him (1) for not interferiing in his sodomy appeal, which secured his acquittal;(2) when war lords wanted to arrest him (in first round) where he had to seek refuge in Turkish embassy, it was Pak Lah that gave him public assurance of safety (after Azizah went to Putera Jaya) for him to come out.

    Who gave him passport (if it wasn’t SIL) (who according to rumour in grapevine – don’t know true or not – nearly became Anwar’s SIL had circumstances been otherwise) ??? :)

    Isn’t it true that Anwar seldom attack the PM???

  92. ///Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar has implied that Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng was also to be blamed for the public furore over the ‘Chinese squatter’ remark. ///—Malaysiakini

    Yes, the reporter should not have made factual reporting. She should know that when UMNO members violated the law, all those facts that would point to their action should not be reported. Tan has not known that UMNO members not only were allowed to break the law, they must be protected from having those information leaked to the public, and in the papers. That is the only explanation for Syed Hamid to justify his blame on Tan.

  93. “I believe in the Greatness of your God. I believe in the Great Mercy of your God. ” HB Lim

    Your God?? I’m sorry but are you saying here that there are more than one God?? Is there one for the Muslims and one for each of the other religions?

    Don’t you think that it is a little too crowded?

  94. Undergraduate,

    There is only one true God and that is my God (of course!) but we don’t want to get into that argument and that was why I specifically say “Your God” to distinguish “your God” from mine who is the only true God. To me and it is strictly my personal belief and I do not mean to insult or belittle anyone or any beliefs, all other “gods” are imitations, some good imitation, some bad. I can only try to convince others to believe in my God but I respect what they believe in in the meantime. So far as humility and forgiveness is concerned, I believe Islam does not differ from Christianity. That is really the whole point as it relates to this thread and the arrest of RPK. Cheers!

  95. We are in age of despair and turmoil. Are we not civilised enough to realize what is going on? As ciitizens, we are now confused, no more RACIAL HARMONY and divided.

    Lead by predictable and questionable government leaders. Are we ready to sit down and have an open discussion to resolve our own affairs?

  96. Well said HBLim, you have written what i was thinking about too.

    Hopefully people esp Zak understands that. No offense to any religion. We are human 1st….then we were clothed with religion and race. We have far forgotten whats human nature..to be humble and forgiving…

  97. May 13 was as synthethic as they come. So was Operation Lalang.

    Both were engineered. Work the situation to a fever-pitch situation and then invoke the ISA. Then you have the release, almost cathartic. That’s old stuff.

    So what’s new? The situation is new. It has changed. Malaysians today are no longer fearful.

    How many hundreds and how many thousands can they arrest? Millions? Can they feed all or will it be a frenzt of custodial violence.

    Other nation-states are watching. Can they afford such an intemperate indulgence?

    The rakyat on the ground are interacting harmoniously. It is certain hounds in Umno that have gone mad. Malaysians will never buy into their process.

    We only see one Malaysian insulting many Mamaysians. And that Malaysian is probably kurang ajar.

  98. Make way you people, DPM starting his campaign a little earlier
    “Muslims must be fair to all races “I promise to discharge my duties and responsibilities as the MP of Pekan to the best of my ability.”
    “This is my pledge and I hope to receive strong support from the people of all races,” he said.

    If you support DPM to become PM, he’ll become a fair PM. Overnight, he becomes your Savior, an Angel (with retratable horns).

    A little too late for showing humility, but too early for campaign to garner support to become PM, don’t you think so? Not judging though, but fruits from the same tree cannot bear different kind of fruits. The whole tree have to go.

  99. you know who syed albar is ? he is the son of former sec-gen who wished to put lky (not gerakan but the pap one) in isa, and his father who hailed from indon if succeeded in this, there won’t be sgpura today. too bad that time home minister is tun ismail instead.

    back to present, the son surpassed the father, he has the POWER to launch ISA, and I knew this will be coming…… and what can u ppl do other than holding candle lights (in the midst of tanglung festival somemore)…

  100. Yes, I know syed hamid albar.

    He is one of the most arrogant UMNO scum I have ever witnessed, not even the PM has displayed such arrogance in public.

    ISA is meant to be used against such individual and certainly not RPK, not Teresa and not ms Tan.

    HELL NO!

  101. Ahmad Ismail’s life is being threatened as well. If Syed Hamid could provide protection to Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, he must not DISCRIMINATE against Ahmad Ismail; he must also provide the same kind of protection for Ahmad Ismail, i.e. lock him up for a day under ISA.

  102. Jeffrey said that all strategies etc against Cavemen would ultimately depend on the final thrust which is the carrying out of the 916 plan. I cannot agree more. He said –

    “This means everything hinges on DSAI whether he is good for his word on 9/16! RPK banks on this promise! The dragnet is a golden opportunity to bolster his crossover plan, if real. Otherwise, if its bluff on his part, then the BN would have by dragnet called the bluff and the game is over.”

    We have been persuaded, led-on, encouraged, emboldened and consoled by the 916 “promise”. The Titanic is sinking, let’s be brave and rejoice…that is the message. But is the 916 plan real?? I have said my piece in other threads in this blog and I say it again here that if Anwar is just playing a game with us as the pawns or stakes and if he loses the gamble, we will indeed suffer like hell. In fact, we are already suffering in many ways as a result of UMNO focussing more on the Anwar threat and its internal problems and practically neglecting the business of governing the nation.

    If the plan is real and Anwar has the numbers, then what YB Lim should tell us is to be quiet and be patient and that it is only matter of a couple of days before an audience can be had before the Agung to effect a change of government. I fear that by asking us to gather in numbers for a candlelight virgil, the Cavemen may use that opportunity to create a reason to swing their clubs again. And what is the point of taking a risk if the big change that will reverse all atrocities, as promised and which is real and not merely a gamble or a bluff, is just a few days away?

    If the 916 plan is more of a gamble or bluff , it would be a travesty of justice to the people who have being encouraged by, voted for and supported Anwar. If Cavemen find that the PR are not as strong as they claim to be, they will likely be decimated before the next GE because the Cavemen have all the big clubs to hammer them. But if the PR instead of trumpeting a change of Federal government had been building up their strength slowly and peacefully but visibly in the 5 states that they now have, they would definitely have it easy in the next GE.

    Whatever it is, if Anwar indeed has the numbers, please go ahead with your plan as quickly as possible.

    In the political development in the last few months, the role of the sacrosanct Institution of the Rulers has become very crucial, more than ever in our constitutional history. Ultimately, whether to effect a change of government or to declare an emergency, the Rulers have a say. To me, unless we have despotic Rulers, it is good to have the Institution of the Rulers as another real, significant, meaningful and effective constitutional institution. Thus far, especially since Mahathir’s tirade and attack against the monarchy in the 80’s, the Rulers’ role have just been ceremonial.

    Back to the Cavemen who have been swinging their clubs the last couple of days, who is the chief among them? Many have criticised AAB but I tend to think that AAB is not the principal person. AAB has lost control of UMNO and whether he succeeds against Anwar or not is irrelevant to him – he is politically dead anyway with the implosion within UMNO. The burial is just a matter of time. If I were him, since my political life is as good as over, I would want to be remembered as the PM who saved Malaysia from UMNO by leading the exodus and walking across and joined the PR. But that is just my thought. That way he may end up in Malaysian history as the most famous PM Malaysia ever had instead of being the weakest and most useless.

    The chief Caveman is the one who has everything to lose if Anwar succeeds in his 916 plan. That leaves Najib and Mahathir. I think Mahathir is more motivated by the personal agenda of preventing Anwar from rising to become PM. The reasons are obvious – Anwar’s success would mean that the old man had been wrong all this while and if Anwar becomes the PM, the old man would feel at least embarrassment and discomfort all around.

    To my mind, as a conclusion, the real culprit and the Chief Caveman is Najib. And his nemesis is RPK who has probably done more harm to Najib than anyone else. RPK has vowed to do anything to prevent Najib from being PM and RPK’s words cannot be taken lightly at all for obvious reasons.

    Now that he is so close to become the PM, Najib would not want anything or anyone to spoil his chances of becoming PM or taint his character and reputation after he has become PM. RPK is the man who could do the biggest damage and in all likelihood, RPK has more than we know to completely annihilate Najib. That probably answers Jeffrey’s questions why the police had to ransack RPK’s house when the charge is related to insulting Islam and all the evidence for that is already in the two allegedly insulting articles already freely available in blogsphere.

    The prize is the top post in the nation and no price is too high to stop anything or anyone from him getting that prize. So, Najib is on a mad mission to eradicate all adverse evidence against him which are in the possession of RPK. If he has his ways, he will lock up RPK at his pleasure and keep him incommunicado so that he can do no further harm.

    But the Chief Caveman has to face many factions even within the confines of his cave. There is a more senior but weak Caveman in the form of AAB who has been helping Chief Caveman by making sure that the lid to the barrel that contains all the shit about Chief Caveman is not opened on condition that Chief Caveman remains loyal but that loyalty is waning and Senior Caveman may not want now to protect him anymore. Chief Caveman has also other competitors for that top prize to contend with.

    I think with a little more saucy evidence against Chief Caveman, the internal squabbles within the UMNO cavemen would lead to them burning or exploding their own cave. When that happens, the minions and the stray hyenas hanging outside the cave waiting for favours and crumbs would run asunder like ants running about when you disturb their network. Probably they would run to the PR but that entails a difficult philosophical or moral issue – do we take in shit into our fold and make it stink? The PR has to pick and choose the good ones.

    Hence, I think in the final analysis a dissolution of Parliament will happen and a new GE called either by AAB himself or by a vote of no confidence or whatever. The role of the Rulers would come sharply into focus. There has to be a caretaker government pending the GE and that would probably fall into the hands of a loose coalition between PR and some of those minions and stray hyenas led by probably Anwar.

    Would PR win Federal Government in a new GE? That is another story but I think UMNO would have been so weakened that it would be many years, like the Kuomintang in Taiwan, before it can be a force to be reckoned with again. As a result, the BN as a whole would have been so badly battled and demoralised that the only fight would be between a big and well organised PR and some mosquito parties. At some point, PAS would probably opt out of the PR and be on their own again. The politics of Malaysia would then move on from one which is race-based to one which is religion-based. Within the Muslims, it would be a battle between Modern and Fundamental Islam and within the different races, merit-based and needs-based policies would take root and flourish. Ultimately, like the rest of the world, religion would be the divisive factor. Good or bad? I don’t know but that is how I foresee the development of Malaysian politics.

    As for Theresa and RPK, I think their incarceration would not be long. Once UMNO implodes, it will be over. Earlier still if Anwar has a real 916 plan.

  103. Sin chew daily as a responsible employer….should mount a legal action against the government FOR humiliating the journalist whom was only performing her work as a journalist professionally.
    Damn the govt..for being a coward……like a cantonese saying “yau lei kong mou lei kong”….everything they say is right and what we say is wrong……
    So……this syed guy is trying to be smart but in a stupid way afterall.
    Wonder if the nose gets longer for each statement he made.
    Please release Rpk and Teresa Immediately……this message are targeted to the MPs of BN still with any conscience left.Need to pressure your rotten govt.Am sure you wouldn’t want your children to live in a country of lawlessness.Do..the right thing all BN MPs now or never.

  104. an attempt to make ABc look stupid for an early shift of power ??

    Hope all journalist have their audio and video recording devices on at all times, not to proof to the police since they do not seem to have brains on their own, but for a new Malaysia Make “Candy-camera” TV series!

    At least we could have a good laugh over our cup of coffee after a day’s hard work.

    Dont forget to pay your taxes so they could at least live a life if not like Michael Jackson, at least like Mr.Bean to keep the show going…..50 yrs and still going strong…..

    What a JokE!

    Now at least our “uneducated farmers, Naive fishermen, know nothing at all laymen” woke up and realised they are not that stupid afterall and those up there are nothing more than a bag of shit.

    What more, they have to go to Taiwan to learn how to use their shits to make their plants taste better. Hope when they came back, they would trade their seats with our farmers. We may have a Better Malaysia.

  105. Now common fellas, who is the smart alec who said that the dead called up and complained that they were being disturbed.

    And who is that smart alec that misuse the nation time, money resources and sympathy that others had done wrong to them and caused them to be backward and needed the tongkat and most absurdly that others had to appease them when everything they did became wrong including anything they ever attempted to do and anything else never tried yet.

    What a loser and we are fortunate to have met them so we know what weakness can do.

  106. My heart bleeds for Malaysia, a place I used to worship and so proud to be called a Malaysian but now in doubt of what holds for us and our future generations. No wonder why so many doctors I know, have already migrated elsewhere.

    I was joking and laugh at our own government and polical situation but being a minority race, telling myself like others that it does not affect us, but it does! We are so used to working extra hard and knowing that we do not have the same privileges as other Malaysians (A racist remark?) Do we still just take this as, don’t worry, let our leaders do their job???? We are going to be alright. No need to stock up food, start thinking ways how to defend ourselves when the inevitable arrives?

    I loved my Tanah Air without ever thinking twice and truly fortunate we do not have much natural disasters and bitter incidents. Being in the industrial sector, I have always mentioned to foreign visitors how proud of what we our forefathers and people of Malaysia we have achieved, speak fluently at least 3 languages and stood up high to the rest of the world, in Badminton, Squash, the Twin Towers, Proton (Yes, no matter what, we exceeded our expectations), the best highways, Malaysia, we live in our mother land without color or creed ( Something I learn as a Scout) to name a few…… We have seen what other neighboring countries are going thru now, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines etc. Nah, we won’t be like them, why?

    Simple, because we are not a one race country! We are Multiracial!!!!

    Here I am wondering whether I can once again call Malaysia, my HOME………….

    Can anyone shed some light here, isn’t this sad ?????

  107. Yes, stop attacking pak lah, TDM is returning to umno, muhyddin no longer support pak lah, najib is turning his head (or exposing his real face), all these happen just right before 916, while pak lah trying to hand over the administration to the opposition, if najib become the PM, it certainly won’t be a good thing for the rakyat, with the weakening economy.
    I don’t know much about the past history in the politic, the past when anwar was still in the government, how is the relationship between him and pak lah, it will be good if anyone can tell me.

  108. dont despair

    Look beyond the issues that have been discolored by race,
    look beyond the issues that have been disfigured and dismembered by greed,
    look beyond the current politicians so consumed by the opiate of power
    look beyond…together as malaysians

    we are together as one nation to forge our destiny
    one of brilliance

    The truth and righteous will set us free!

  109. Stop complaining about Malaysia, Malaysians and do something about it! If you don’t want to fight for our rights as Malaysians… you should migrate and stop bitching about things!

    Light a candle, attend Pakatan Rakyat Rallies, hug our muslim neighbours, sign the petition to DYMM Agong….

    Boycott all parties that are claiming they are defends of racial rights especially AMNO components like Gerakan, MIC and MCA!

    We do not need our rights defended… for we love our neighbours of all colour, race and religion… as do they!

  110. “Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar has implied that Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng was also to be blamed for the public furore over the ‘Chinese squatter’ remark.

    “The whole thing was started by her, (so) it was best that we talked to her,” Syed Hamid said in reply to a question during a press conference at the federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman today.

    Asked to elaborate, Syed Hamid said the ripple effects from Tan’s article had caused “the polemic and fear” thus warranting investigations by the police.

    “That information is from her and it was published. (Since) it has been published, it is best that we get to the bottom of it by getting the information from her. ”
    The above is the ‘Syed Hamid logic’ of putting the blame on reporter Tan and I beg to differ.

    Ahmad Ismail claimed that his racist atatement was meant for Malay audience only. My goodness how could he be so careless to make such abusive remark in an OPEN ceramah????? He is most irresponsible to have “disappeared” for more than 10 days and came back only to slash at the paper. The whole thing was started by AHMAD ISMAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    While he was playing his disappearing act our PM came out to say Ahmad didn’t mean it and our DPM Najib has openly come out to apologize on behalf of UMNO for he himself was present in the Ceramah. How can then Syed Hamid now accuse the honest reporter? What logic?

    Even if she is wrong, her report had gone through her editor for editing and then published. The paper openly stands by her report. Syed Hamid should if he wishes take legal action against the paper instead of BULLYING the female

    Syed Hamid, stop bullying the weak!
    You are unfit to be our home minister!!!!!!!!

  111. YB Teresa Kok did the most noble thing to stop a possible racial fire set off by an irresponsible UMNO man TOYO and again Syed Hamid got it all wrong by putting a noble; respected & good person behind bars and let the dangerous man continue to looms free. What logic????????????????? Its madness!!!!

    Justice must be returned to her without any delay!!!!!!!!!!!

  112. Dear Uncle Lim Kit Siang,

    I speak for myself, but I am sure others share the same sentiment. How can we help? It’s okay to comment and say we support, but what can a regular Joe like me do to help?

  113. Telling a Muslim majority country that they need to tone down their daily call to prayer in certain areas of the FT is not only an act of intolerance but also a call to Islamophobia. Teresa needs to clarify her remarks before she is released from the ISA. It is inciting and an insult to the Muslims in the same manner as Ahmad’s remarks were seen insulting to the Chinese citizens.

  114. Why ! Kill Toyo play up sentiment issue on Teresa, and there Teresa is in trouble under Immature Stupid Act.
    Why ! Sin Chew Reporter Ms Tan wrote the sentiment issue brought up by idiot AI , there Ms Tan is in trouble under Immature Stupid Act.
    Why double standard !!

    This is seriously screw up law in our country…

    Najis was saying today ” Be fair to all races “. pretty caring eh, and there he was ” presenting aid to the poor and single mothers in Kampung Padang Polo mosque here”.
    I don’t see all races that he aided. I wonder he understand what he said all this while. There goes the saying, mounth does not tele with heart.
    He had been preaching this phrase so many time already, but never once practise. Now whenever I heard he say this in the news, I felt disguised and wanted to vomit !! yak ….

  115. The ISA is a bad law as it gives unlimited powers to the Home Minister and no one can question that authority in a court.

    With the ISA you can be detained indefinitely, at the pleasure of the government.

    Read my blog on “…..How Bad Laws May Affect National Security”

  116. HB Lim Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 23.14

    To shamsul anuar and zak_hammaad, I reproduce here my thoughts earlier posted in another thread in this blog in reply to zak_hammaad –

    zak_hammaad, don’t thank me. I only agreed with you that there need to be changes and there are many ways to effect them, some smooth and others reckless. But I do not agree with your other views especially when you argue in favour of RPK’s arrest, saying that he has insulted Islam and that his arrest is not political. You have an impeccable command of English and therefore I think you are a smart person and I hope you understand this message and take it in a right spirit.

    Assuming that RPK has insulted Islam, which I do not agree as I have read and re-read his allegedly offending articles and did not find those offending, my view is that the most important message or teaching in any religion or of God is humility. To be truly humble is to be truly great. Vice versa, to be great is to be humble. God has always ask us to be humble and to forgive in the face of criticisms and insult. I am a Christian and I speak from the Christian perspective but I think that perspective is shared by Islam. Jesus was persecuted, tortured and hanged. And his last words about his persecutors were, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing”. I believe your God also asks you to be humble and to be forgiving. Would you say that He would be angry or take offence when insulted and ask or allow you or His believers to arrest or punish the person who allegedly insulted Him? Would you make Him lesser than His teaching?

    I believe in the Greatness of your God. I believe in the Great Mercy of your God. I believe He wants you also to be humble so as to be great, to forgive so as to be merciful. I don’t think a Great Wise Merciful God would sanction the incarceration and punishment of anyone who may seem to have insulted Him. Being merciful, He would say “Forgive him for he does not know what he is saying” and He would find ways to bring that offender back to Him in His own Merciful way for I think the greatest happiness for God would be the salvation of a soul, for another “sinner” to have come back to Him.

    We mortals have no right to pass a religious judgment on another for we are all sinners in our own ways, sins being just a matter of degree, and while we can try to convince, persuade and cajol a fellow brother to go back to the ways of God, all matters of religion should be left to God and that man. I do not think that God is so helpless that He requires mortals to protect Him and His teachings. Because He is God and we mere mortals, He will protect us and preserve His teachings forever and ever. We mortals would be most offensive to Him if we start to play God.

    Understood? This is only a personal opinion and should not be taken to be an insult to you or your God. I respect Islam and your right to believe in Islam. Let that be very clear. Having said that, I think most right thinking Malaysians have no problems with the true teachings of Islam which is one of the greatest and perhaps the most popular religion of the world. Only some God-playing mortals have put Islam in a bad light and that is not only truly regrettable and definitely painful to God but has the even more regrettable effect or result of making many shy away from Islam. Would not that be more offensive and insulting to your God?

    My view is that RPK has been arrested for a political reason for he is one of the greatest factor in the sinking of UMNO but a religious reason was put forth as an aberration to hide the real reason and to appease or to hookwink the Malay Muslims or to provide a more noble justification to incarcerate him. This is cowardice at its best.

    I think the greatest mistake of the UMNO mad leaders is that they think we Malaysians, Malays or not, are stupid. They think they can lie to all or most of the people all the time and still be victorious. They think the the country belongs to them. They think that they can get away with any atrocities. They think that they and only they are capable of managing this country.

    zak_hammaad, you and I know it is time we stop these bandits from further sending us and our country to hell. I truly hope and pray that your God will touch you so that you will be humbled to acknowledge the Truth and condemn, reject and eject the totally corrupted ones for the sake of our common destiny.


    MY GOD! That was the final blow i needed to put that annoying beever back in the cell!

    it would have take me a million years to say something like that lol!

    Nicely said HB thank you.

  117. “..all other “gods” are imitations, some good imitation, some bad.” HB Lim

    Those days they didn’t have copyright law unlike today.

    You cannot be minting one God after another. There’s bound to be a bad copy. If you do it long enough it would lead to mutation. Then we’d be in deep shi*t.

    Anyway God said, “Let us make Man in our image..”: Genesis 1:26.

  118. I understand that currently in this 2008 General Election :
    Political Party Parliment Seat
    MCA 15
    SAPP 3

    PAKATAN Need Only 10 more to go if they all hope to PAKATAN.I think we the rakayat should give more support to PAKATAN.

  119. I come to imagine if Zak was someone we knew or…

    Either ur truely the migrant zak or not, but theres one thing for sure. The BN/UMNOputras component are very close link to you in business wise which contrive to portray alchemy as somehow provoke ur concern over our locomotion.

    Good day Zak hope u can sleep well, as we wont give in.






  121. Sep 16 2008 – make it a Day of Prayer and Fasting

    Menteri Besar/Chief Minister of the 5 Pakatan Rakyat Opposition control states should declare Sep 16 2008 a public holiday commerating Malaysia Day – a day of prayer and fasting.

    It is 48 hours left to 16th Sep 2008 and it is still possible to act. Malaysians in other states can follow the example set by the 5 Pakatan Rakyat states and follow suit by joining in and observing this Day of Prayer and Fasting – Sep 16 2008.

    My fellow Malaysians of all races and faiths should go to their places of worship be it a Mosque, Temple, Gurudwara and pray for the well being of Malaysia our homeland and our friends and fellow Malaysians held under ISA.

  122. Why are you guys so hung up on Syed Hamid?

    He is insignificant in the Umno scheme of things. Like what Lord Tennyson said in the Brook, people like him come and go. Only the Brook will remain. And by the Brook, I mean the Government of Malaysiawhich appears now to be up for grabs.

  123. sudah gila punya gomen la. Trying to hang on to power by all means, really sick.

    we the people will see you soon and you shall know your fate. GE will come again Pak Lah and najib and we shall tell you we are sick of the race card you BN guys play.

    Daulat Tuanku!!!

  124. Zaki and Sham ShulA….

    I think you need to improve on your English Comprehension skills if you even think that RPK has insulted Islam.

    RPK has the highest respect and regard for Islam. He may mock how our great heroes practise it here. So please know the difference.

    Read Syed Akbar Ali’s books such as “Malaysia and the Club of Doom” and “To Digress a little” to get more insights on whats wrong with some of the practices.

    By the way, why are Akbar Alis books not banned, with him sitting under ISA?

  125. AsalUsuLMalaysiaHacked Says:

    You Syed hamid you’re disgrace to muslim and you discriminate your own faith for political gain. Shame on you, you should be put inside the bars and burn in hell!

    Hush! you may ISA-ed for insulting a muslim because muslim is islam!

  126. What Syed Hamid has said that he did not give the order for the Police to arrest all the three victims under ISA. He also said that the Police does not need his consent in theses cases and the Police can act on its own. According to him in a press release yesterday, the Police has done its own investigation and make a judgment to execute the ISA order.

    This is an anarchy even in the most uncivilized world. We have in Malaysia where the Police can act as the Investigator, the Judge, the Executor of a Law, and as a Reformer.

    Is this not an abuse of a law? Where are all the right minded people, our leaders, our judges, our NGOs, our MPs irrespective of your political affiliation?
    This is a time in Malaysia, that every Malaysian must make an honest stand that this abuse of a law must stop.

    In Malaysia, the might is always right. How sad !

  127. Time to set up the PDRM Parliament, PDRM Cabinet, Kementerian PDRM, Jabatan PDRM and Mahkamah PDRM so that PDRM can reign supreme and free from any control from above! If the actions of PDRM are not sanctioned by the Home Minister, who else can sanction them? If botak wants to pass the bug, then he might as well not be Home Minister! Or does he prefer his Kementerian Dalam Negeri to be placed under Kementerian PDRM and take instructions from the IGP instead?

  128. The Government is very “FAIR”
    Detain the innocent and set the guilty free.
    Hey come on!
    Detain Ahmad Ismail and Toyol now!.
    Syed Hamid and Pak Lah, if you all are stupid, do not think the rakyat are in your class. We know who is right and wrong. Ahmad Ismail made the wildest attack on the Chinese and you set him free.
    Theresa Kok did not complain against the mosque, you detain her. Even the mosque officials, a Muslim had come out to support her claim .
    Set RPK and Theresa Kok free. These two are real patriots and not hipocrytes.
    God protect RPK and Theresa all the time!

  129. therey is never a “minority people and majority people or a minority race or a majority race”
    Calling oneself as a mniority race or people is a show of the weak mentality ones has in perceiving the state of the affairs around oneself.

    you are all you can be, only limited and restrained by the courage, drive and energies found intrinsically inside of you.

    Whether it can be excited and turn into good use and for goodness of mankind and society solely rest on the interests and incentives derives from your early life experiences and education.

    You can be all you can be in bolihland and even better in other lands.

    If you dont for some reasons that we all know ourselves, you can still be all you can be in other lands, as what you have been running through is the sickest and bias sort of treatment you ever get anywhere else in the world such as those challenged from emerging developing nations of today’s africa and middle asia.

    But they are

  130. ISA blitz is a disciplinary gesture of ‘cracking the whip’ by a regime frightened by its own internal divisions and outside threat from PR.

    The sustainability of continuing detention of the 3 is questionable for following reasons:-

    1. in case of reporter Tan Hoon Cheng (recently released), she cannot held to be wrong reporting factually and accurately Ahmad Ismail’s wrongful racist statements;

    2. in case of Theresa Kok, Masjid Kinrara, which is embroiled in an azan controversy, said DAP parliamentarian Teresa Kok had never set foot in the mosque and that her alleged incitement was allegedly but incorrectly played up by a local malay daily due to what Khir Toyo misinterpreted;

    3. in the case of RPK, whatever allegations of seditious statements imputed unto him for ‘insulting Islam’ he could be tried under normal sedition law rather than incarcerated under draconian preventive laws like ISA; in any case as the alleged seditious articles were published through the internet medium, incarcerating him as alter ego of MalaysiaToday tantamounts to reneging on MSC Bill of Guarantee to international community that govt cannot afford, as recently evinced by its directive to ISPs to rescind unblocking of that site.

    Three other factors set circumstances today (2008) different from TDM’s 1987 Operation Lallang –

    First we have a Pakatan Rakyat coalition (PR) almost neck to neck with BN anytime on or after Sept 16 poised to take over if there are sufficient cross overs from BM componet parties.

    Second, because of PR threat of take over UMNO has to justify and legitimise its repressive actions to preserve morale of its component parties and prevent their abandonment of ship. In this it has, arrayed against it, a whole range of civil society NGOs, professional associations and bloggers that have proliferated since 1987 to mould and influence public opinion making ‘legitimising’ of repressive actions against (say the three detainees) not backed by logic very difficult to sustain.

    Third, the looming crisis in the nation’s economy that will be exacerbated further by repressive measures putting off (at least) some of the FDIs.

  131. If Syed Hamid is serious about ISA to protect Ms. Tan the reporter, this clearly shows he has surrendered his leadership under pressure from racists, bigots, bullies and criminals.

    As a Minister in position of power, trust and influence, he should gather all government resouces behind him to catch and put away those racists, bigots, bullies and criminals who threaten and incite racial aggression, hatred and violence.

  132. There is no good leaders for decades.

    Most of our leaders are reacting to the circumtances to hold on to power as long as possible – they do not mind support from racists, bigots and bullies to achieve that.

    Good leadership is not about winning, they are also about departing with a proper transition of power.

    Pak Lah, do be like the previous PM who holds on to power for 22 years and its damaging, permanent and long term consequences to the country.

    You short duration in office, with enormous bagages from previous administration, does not mean you are not better than other PMs – history will judge you well if leave office with a proper transition of power to BN/PK in the best interest of the country and her ordinary people.

  133. if so much talk is of the spiritual, i got a feeling too that our ancestors has been troubled by the treatment to their door watchers.

    maybe …….the haunt is coming and usually it comes when it is time for bed, .do your conscience allows you sleep in peace,

    for those losers and defenders of the sunset club please speak for your self , others will understand , no need to speak for others or your peers , join the crowd not the clouds.

  134. I watched the news on t.v. and the interview between Datuk Syed Hamid Albar and the reporters. He said something about Datuk Ahmad Ismail who has been given disciplinary action and also an investigation upon him. The impression given is that if Datuk Ahmad Ismail is punished, so must other people and in this case, Miss Teresa Kok, Raja Petra and the reporter from Sin Chew. 1 to 3. For each Barisan Nasional member, three non Barisan Nasional members must pay the price. Barisan Nasional would do anything including stoop so low to defend and protect its’ member who did a wrong thing. For the Sin Chew reporter and Raja Petra, it is like telling all reporters not to report what is objective or write the news in a nice way. For Miss Teresa Kok, it is to remind the opposition that BN is still the most powerful. This is a clear misuse of power. The Internal Security Act is meant for people who stir up troubles for example Datuk Ahmad Ismail. The ISA is not meant to protect any individual. If one has a problem, one goes to the court and PDRM and the PDRM will protect the individual with a court order. This is call police protection. The PDRM does not come on their own accord to take you away in the name of security like the KGB in former Soviet Union. Taking you away is called arrest. Datuk Albar thinks that only he and the BN know best and that all Malaysians are stupid fools. The other person who should provide assistance is Datuk Khir Toyo. The ISA is something like the ancient Emperor’s decree and one is not allowed to question or comment. It is used to bully and threaten all Malaysian citizens. What is the point of God giving a brain that has the function of thoughts and the function to question ? What sort of blessings will be given if one protects the wrong and punishes the right ? From another angle, this also shows that UMNO dares not to anger its’ members because they still need the members to give them the power. So no matter how the member turns the party upside down, those leaders will still try to protect him.

  135. Basically we must have religious tolerance by all parties concerned.Never bring in religion or race when you want any support.Just because you have voted DAP in does not mean that you contact DAP to solve all your personal problems. DAP have National problems to solve.
    If Residents of Bandar Kinrara Section 5 was more tolerant, YB Kok would be free from ISA. All these residents can say now is how sorry they are that this has to happen. Why don’t they demonstrate to show their concern so that they can keep YB Kok company when they ISA come for them?
    No residential area can be sound proof. Everyday we have lorries honking along to sell their goods, motor cyclists and cars roaring away . We just have to get used to it.

  136. Syed Hamid is talking nonsense. Does he mean that if anyone’s life is threatened, they will be detained under ISA? IF so, then all those people running away from Ah Longs will now have a perfect getaway – in the ISA cell!!!!

    Reporter Tan gets ISA, what did Ahmad get? Scot free!!!! I remember long time ago, Lee Kim Sai (MCA) had his Datukship stripped for raising sensitive racial issues. What double standards!!!

    Teresa Kok’s detention is just as acrimonious. Does this mean that we can get anyone detained under ISA just by wild accusations?

    For RPK, just because you can’t get his website blocked, you put him under ISA. IF he is guilty of any misdeeds, by all means charge him in open court. Don’t hide behind ISA.

    To the public, we are all doomed. If the law cannot even protect prominent people, then what about us, the lay man. This is lawlessness. We are no better than Zimbabwe, Myannmar and North Korea. Welcome to the Axis of Lawlessness!

  137. The troubles of Badawi administration is so many, its a laughing stock. But it began when it was announced he was taking over and asked about his own vision of Malaysia and he said there was no need. The most ridiculous thing about it, as soon as he took over, the spun a new vision of Malaysia in his 2004 election campaign that the electorate believed more than he did.

    Five years later, he and most of his colleagues still don’t get it a new vision of Malaysia is already here – the only question is whether BN is going to accept it, participate in it positively and mold it to everyone’s benefit or remain stuck in the past, be a spoiler and cause misery to everyone including themselves.

    Its his job to get ahead of the curve and manage it, not keep finding himself falling back on old, outdated ways resulting in a mess of things for everyone.

    This use of ISA to protect those threaten shows how incredible the idea that private rights are completely abused simply because of impotence OR hegemonic interest of special-interest groups and powerful. Is it surprising that corruption is rampant, reform of judicial and law-enforcement hardly moving, education still a confused mess, etc.?

    The very basis of a sound system is always the protection of private rights. In the best system, i.e., first world mentality as he harp on and laughed at by his critic, protection of private rights is NEVER taken lightly. And these ISA arrest simply ignores that its new precedence in destroying even more private rights. It simply, as Bakri Musa point out, cave man or neanderthal.

    The PM have to decide once and for all, rather than be trapped by the limitation of corrupted cynical political experiences of Mahathirism to either challenge that for all its worth or simply just hand it, peacefully, to someone else that can even as its difficult to imagine – namely – Pakatan Rakyat.

  138. For YB Kok’s case can the Zaini Hassan,Satim,Khir,Utusan be sued for malicious slander ? or “protected” under ISA for their own safety ? Khir was after all the perpetrator for this whole episode. DAP’s legal team should file in their case ASAP ? If there is sufficient proof from the Mosque authorities, then there is a strong case.
    I think the detention of YB Kok is a total farce. Nevertheless, watch out for the bogeyman, just like Bala the missing PI case , Ramlang and Dr Osman. The whole Mosque commitee might just disappear and replaced overnight or transferred ….
    If YB Kok is to be released, who is going to be the scapegoat for starting the storm ?

  139. The Home minister should know how to differentiate what is the state law and what is internal party discipline. He mentioned that Ahmad has already been punished in his suspension as divisional chairman for three years. What about ISA? He is the one who used the racial card in the Pematang Pauh by election but great to know that most Malaysians are matured enough not to play to his tune.

    Teresa is a decent looking, peace loving, efficient state Exco member, moderate in her views and fighting for all Malaysians in Parliament, did not utter a single word to cause damage to the inter-racial harmony in the country (unlike other UMNO MPs utterances in Parliament), yet she is under ISA.

    Makes no sense.

  140. It was UMNO’s KHIR TOYO who started the false accusation against YB Teresa Kok that she was behind a petiton to a mosque. She rightly defended herself that it was untrue and the mosque official also came out in her support.

    What YB Teresa Kok did has just defused a potentially dangerous “racial tension” that Toyo was trying to start. Her action has been most commendable. All right minded Malaysians should salute YB Teresa Kok. You just imagine if she had kept quiet about it. All the Muslims up and down the country would think its true and one dreaded to envisage the possible deadly consequencies.
    Toyo must not only be brought to book by the non Muslim community, Toyo in fact must also be booked by Muslim community. He was trying to double cross the 2 communities. PAS leaders & PKR Muslims should lodge police reports against this vicious man.

    Where is fairness in charging the person who put off the fire while letting the peson who started the fire roams free?

    We the rakyat now call upon Syed Hamid …………or the police, since Syed Hamid has chicken out to disclaim he has any thing to do with the order of arrest under ISA…. or whoever has the real authority, to release YB Teresa Kok IMMEDIATELY to the people so that she can continue to serve the people without fear & favour. She was in the middle of meetings with investors from China, we need people like her to bring in more foreign investments into our beloved Malaysia!!!!!

  141. The power to provoke ISA should also be removed from PDRM. and ISA abolished completely. Free Kok , RPK, and all ISA detainees !!!

    Also, I heard that the Emergency Ordinance can also be abused by PDRM … is it true ?

  142. gofortruth Says:

    Today at 09: 38.37 (2 minutes ago)
    DPM Najib said last night that we must be fair to all races but where do we see fairness being practiced on YB Teresa Kok????????????

    Forget about his message, its not important. He just want you to vote for him to become PM?

  143. funny thing, botak did not know he has not performed his duty rightly for the nation, he may get pats on the back from his club members but he has certainly failed in his duty in execising fair and unbias decisions for all in the bolihland regardless of race and religion

    He has failed in his duty, it appears there is classic case of acting in conflict of interest for the nation while on duty. he is struck
    between interest of his club and the people of bolihland. It must be vvery trying times as his election for office bearers are just days ahead.

    it appears there is tendencies he is confused and unable to align his thoughts when words of his decisions are spat out that whether he is speaking in capacity as homely minister or a club member.
    It can be seen he has assumed that his club’s authority in suspending privileges of that loud mouth no 2 of 2008 is valid and applicable for the nation.
    And the nation interest and well being is being decided by his club’s rules.?
    But he did not specifically say so although he tends to inclined towards that it is so…..hmmm quite stickly and doubtful, so it is indecisive and inconclusive but is illusive and seemed his sufficient weight as an instruction to his subordinates.

    rhetorics? yes as it is quite a popular word these days from his club members and cronies.

    Likewise his master must have murmur those instruction while half asleep.

  144. Dr. Hatta made a very good point. Arrest of RPK triggered by Jakim, which comes under the PM not by any public group. Why is this PM being dictated too by his underlings? Does he realize he is being dictated too? Does he even do any homework of his own rather than take actions based on the people under him that is all out to screw him over?

    Is it a surprise Muhiyiddin is NOT toeing the line? Too may people under him is not working for him. Too many frankly has little respect for him starting with his own SIL.

  145. Reading Syed Hamid justification on the arresting of the Sin Chew’s reporter Ms Tan made you totally lost and at the same time feel no just angry but very very sad on having a Minister that seem talking with no basis at all. We feel the BN government has totally lost its no only wrong direction but we can say that they have no direction at all. There is no leader and there is no command now and every body just talk and make statement as they fancy. This is the sign of the losing army in a battle, it is a matter of time really for a change to come. What we are waiting for is a peaceful change of guard. This all the Malaysian reserve to. We all want peace and justice.

  146. People i guess most of us has been given some act that will lead us to do something which are intended to happen. Some act to condition the minds of the rakyat.

    Hope you can see these acts at another point of view.

    Abdullah has been used as a puppet PM by his former, but later he defiles and wanted to gain the power of his own. He was just a Bishop in the chess game but now wants to takes over the role of a Queen. There were fractions within UMNO itself. The ISA recently were intended to create not only chaos but to further degrade Abdullah’s hold on to power.In this senario Abdullah will be use as a scapegoat to be blamed. People will increasingly hate him more.

    My point here is, there is a more powerful controller behind Abdullah nor Najib. Even the transition of power will be made to Najib. Najib role will be a Bishop as intended as Abdullah’s role before. Hope my view could broaden the perspective view. So if Najib also defiles, he will be replace.

  147. Syed Hamid said Sin Chew reporter Tan Hoon Cheng was arrested under the ISA because the police wanted to give her protection. People like Syed Hamid, who have only caveman IQ, should not be given a minister’s job – they only make Malaysia a laughing stock of the world.

  148. These are the events being expected in this game, as UMNO has been cornered & they will act like a cornered tiger waiting to be caught alive.
    In every political games, there are bound to be victims & no doubt about it. But those victims need to be mentally strong.
    Therefore, please all malaysian regardless of all races, religions & backgrounds, Lets pray that those being detain will be release soon & safe. The fight is still carry on, be strong in will.

  149. Many people are waiting for the time when all these UMNO criminals will be brought to justice. They are nothing but a bunch of liars acting in their selfish interest. We all have seen how they can constantly lie and deny the truth with a straight face. How evil can that be! Uuuum No we did not say that, Uuuum No we did not do that, ad nauseum. I would like to coin a new word “mengumnokan” meaning to deny the truth without shame or conscience. Example: Badawi, janganlah mengumnokan kesalahan dan kesilapan kamu dalam menangkap rakyat yang tidak bersalah dibawah ISA.

  150. The recent arrests under the ISA defy all logic. Those who have not done anything wrong have been arrested while the UMNOputras such as Ahmad Ismail, Khir Toyo and Mahathir who have been spewing daily poisons still roamed across the Malaysian landscape.

    Are these arrests being racially inspired so that the Chinese could go amok and than give the BN the pretext to impose emergency rule?

    Stupid BN the people have grown wiser. See there is no demonstration in the streets as you would have wanted it to happen. With this stupidity, the BN demise is a foregone conclusion. Don’t blame anyone but your own moronic acts.

    BN, get this into your head – 99% of all the problems in this country, from the days after Independence up to this present moment, have been engineered and caused by your great Mahathir mamak and his running dogs. Please don’t cause further damage to the country anymore.

  151. 3 words that says it all. What is ur Goment is trying to achieved.
    From Tunku Abdul Aziz


    Just type in Youtube search:
    Tunku Abdul Aziz: “Gov in complete moral decay”

  152. MCA just pressed the goment to release the reporter. How about YB Teresa and RPK??? Please be courage enough to ask BN to abolish ISA and release the innocent people especially Teresa Kok. We know that she is really innocent for this arrest. May God bless her safe and be released soon.

  153. there is no racial crisis in Malaysia. this bodowi n home minister have been synthesising a racial crisis…playing ‘wayang kulit’ and sandiwara to use ISA to catch innocent ppl. the culprit and guilty ones like ahmad & toyol (who are just nuisance accusing ppl.) should be nabbed. in the process, things so unreal… that.. home ministers provided stupid excuses to justify there catch of innocent ppl.. Rakyat have to use their might to eliminate this ill forces of bodohwi…We join you to condemn this mini-ops lalang and Bodohwi in the strongest term… irresponsible act, unruly actions…

  154. This is what it may look like:

    1. Evil plotters = Those sitting next to Bodohwi and those dying to
    to return.
    2. Evil Doers = AI, ISA, Entire Home Security ppl.
    3. Evil Angels = Those who speak of fairness from BM Authority.
    4. Evil Pretenders = Gerakan, MCA, etc..
    5. Evil Instigators = Those who speak on subjects that ISA is good.
    and anyone who is from ..you know.

    The most important thing the rakyat can do now is to document all this happenings. Start an archive of your own. we shall watch, learn, and someday all these may be useful.
    Stay calm and stay focus! All this will pass. We are living history from day to day.

  155. Syed Hamid logic –
    When a person’s life is threatened, Arrest that person under ISA and let that person sleeps on cement floor in a lock up cell in order to ensure that person’s safety.

    I ask all Malaysians, next time if your life is being threatened, will you dare to report to the police????????

    This “Syed Hamid logic” will no doubt find a unique place in Malaysian history.

    I suggest reporter Tan sorts legal advice from the best lawyers in the coutry to to seek damages for all the undue severe mental & physical inflctions done to her from the Police;home minister and the Federal government.

  156. Tan Hoon Cheng’s arrest under ISA and release within 24 hours is classic example of Hamid/govt’s flip flop quality of decision making (other earlier examples ill conceived petrol hike and subsequent remedial measures costing more, ISPs’ blocking & unblocking of MalaysiaToday). Here mistakes are made, then reversal, then save facing excuses which compounds the problem of further loss of face because of illogic of every step taken.

    For example, the ISA detention of Tan Hoon Cheng flies against simple notions of fair play and justice of punishing the person who exposes the wrong doer than the wrong doer himself. To back track, she was released (the shortest in ISA’s history) on an excuse that Tan Hoon Cheng was detained for her own protection by police.

    This is ridiculous for the ISA’s detention is to preemptively prevent the detainee from causing harm to security of society at large rather than the opposite ie to insulate and protect the detainee from elements in society threatening to harm the detainee.

    Besides it contradicts what Hamid earlier said – that Tan Hoon Cheng was also to be blamed for the public furore over the ‘Chinese squatter’ remark (see Malaysiakini Andrew Ong | Sep 13).

    Now to distance himself from the scandal of making the first decision to detain, he said the police acted on their own, implying that the police was free to unleash its power on its own judgment even wrongly and abusively without having to go through the Home Minister.

    Now what good is such a Home Ministry when it allows the subordinate police to act without supervision and making mistakes like this to undermine the credibility and competence of the government before the rakyat?

    Hamid is neither doing justice to the government nor (on flip side of the equation) to his subordinate (the police) by pushing negative publicity to them when the buck should stop at his office as Home Minister.

  157. Syed Hamid Jaafar was talking nonsense when he explained and defended police action. One does not have to use ISA to protect a citizen, even if that is required. Did Hamid talk nonsense because he is stupid, or he had to say that the police did act for a reason. He cannot be stupid having obtained his degree not through any NEPied university. So why did Hamid justify police action?

    The police come under the ministry for which Hamid is the minister. But Hamid might not have the control of the Police. So if Hamid had criticized the police, they might not have released the reporter, assuming that Hamid was telling the truth that he did not order the arrest of the reporter in the first place. But could he have obtained the release of the police if they simply refused Hamid’s order.

    When police can act on their own, and hold anybody for two month without trail, then they could have also arrested the minister Hamid. The police have arrested a de facto minister in the Selangor state government based on whatever they chose to believe, and they do not have the onus to prove that their action is legitimate. There is no law to say that minister in the government cannot be arrested. So, the police have as much right to arrest Hamid, as they do Teresa Kok.

    As the police are at liberty to arrest whoever they wish, they can in theory arrest the prime minister too, for two months. TDM praises Israel for taking legal action against the prime minister and asked if this could happen in Malaysia. In Malaysia, the Prime Minister will not be charged in court, but he can be arrested by the police, according to the law, the ISA.

    Since the police are not required to defend their action ISA, they can abuse their power under the law. This is a threat to the rule of law. At the moment, the police have not taken that action. But anything could happen. It would appear that when other countries have to line their tanks and military trucks to organize a coup d’etat, the police do it through ISA.

    The government should consider that to safeguard democratic rule through parliamentary democracy, ISA should be repealed. When ISA remains appointed government servants can legally overthrow the government. We don’t want this possibility to remain.

    AAB should realize, after being surprised by the utterances of his ministers against Cabinet decision that power could dissipate as fast as punctured tyre. He should do the right thing before he has to regret for his inaction.

  158. /// (It is quite refreshing that TDM would find anything good to say about Israel. Perhaps for burning the mosquito, born enemy could be ally; it goes to show how much TDM love Abdullah, and both belong to the same race!). ///

    Loh, you are being very kind to TDM and politically correct.

    This just show how much a hypocrite TDM is. Always speaking with a forked tongue and from both sides of his fangs. If it suits him, even the Devil can quote from the scriptures.

    I think TDM hates Anwar more than he hates Abdullah. The fact that he is targetting Abdullah now is due to the fact that the current PM is incompetent and it would only be a matter of time before Anwar becomes the PM. This is TDM’s worst nightmare. So, better do everything possible now to replace Abdullah with a more pliant puppet PM (which incidentally TDM initially thought Abdullah will fit this mould), and prevent Anwar from coming to power.

  159. From the NST:

    ” KUALA LUMPUR: Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng was detained under the Internal Security Act because police believed her life was “under threat”.

    Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said police intelligence had ascertained that Tan’s safety was threatened because of what she had written about former Bukit Bendera Umno division chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail.

    “She had received threats recently from unknown individuals,” he said at Federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman, stressing that there was no political interest in the recent detentions.

    The swift action was to ensure her safety, he said. ”

    If you believe this bull from Albar, then you also believe pigs and cows can fly. One can doubt the Minister’s competence. He thinks the public are fools. When will he learn?

    We are in the same league with Burma where Aung San Su Kyi is under house arrest for 19 years for her “protection” from those who want to do her harm.

    The authorities are denying Teresa her right and ability to perform her religious duties.

    The Christians are now up in arms with all-night vigils praying for her and for the country. They only do this when in major crises and pray to Allah for divine intervention.

    But Pokai Lah does nothing but sit back and let the country sink deeper and deeper into the black hole. If he has any decency left, he should just pack up and migrate to Mugabeland. And take Najib with him.

  160. Syed Hamid Albar when asked what about Ahmad Ismail said, he has been punished by the party by a three year suspension. So looks like there are two set of laws in the country, one for Umno members and another set for non-umno members.

  161. How could the police do something trangressing on a citizen’s libery (like ISA detention) without notifying or getting Home Minister’s prior consent? Is there a suggestion here that Home Minister can disclaim responsibility and acountability of police action or wrong action??? Or that police can claim “independence” from Home Ministry’s oversight and supervision? Is Hamid re-writing and delimiting traditional and conventional notion of what is Ministerial responsibility? And also re-writing the law on ISA – that instead of being used to detain for the purpose of preventing saboteurs from committing subversion and organised violence and hatred against the society and natioin, now is to provide a shelter and protective custody from those outside in society organising violence and stirring hatred and let free to do so without fear of the ISA? So the ISA now is for protecting the victim and not for the victimiser? This is re-writing the law in the most startling way!

  162. Who is the Home Minister trying to kid? Ask him to tell it to a dog and i am sure it would be barking ferociously and if it could laugh, it might die laughing at his stupidity.

    Mr Home Minister and maybe the Prime Minister whom i give (maybe) the benefit of the doubt, you are UTTERLY DISGRACEFUL in the eyes of all right thinking and peace loving Malaysians regardless of race or colour. Pls. go before you bring further disgrace to Malaysia. We don’t need people like you around anymore, so ‘moronic’ in your thinking.

    By the way, i think you may just be around for another 3 days in Putrajaya and you be on the other side of the bench in Parliament come the next Parliament sitting. U need house-moving services?

  163. I have a theory.

    Obviously ABB isn’t going to be up there for long, and everyone is just waiting to jump on him and take his seat as PM.

    Maybe, his next choice of PM, instead of najib or whoeever from UMNO, is actually Anwar? Maybe he has also lost faith in BN through all the internal squabbling and blackmailing that he is willing to forsake his party and give reigns over to PR? Maybe he knows that the moment he steps down as PM his own BN members are going to tear him apart for all the crap that has been done by his son in law? Maybe Anwar has promised ABB no action will be taken against him if PR comes into power?

    That’s why ABB and Anwar hardly criticise each other, and maybe that’s why Anwar is seeking an audience with ABB? I mean, I think even UMNO isn’t that stupid to use ISA so blatantly to the extent of arresting the female reporter, especially at this juncture in Malaysian history where public sentiment is very much against the government and abuse of power. They know that such blatant use of the ISA will only further erode BN’s popularity and credibility. Maybe it’s just part of ABB’s strategy of weakening BN? Maybe muhhydin knows it, that’s why he is asking ABB to step down?

    If not, I really don’t see how Anwar can be so confident of 916, eventhough I pray for it to happen everyday.

    Just maybe, but if my prediction is correct, I should switch jobs and become a political analyst instead lol

  164. pamelaoda Says:

    Today at 07: 28.45 (4 hours ago)
    AsalUsuLMalaysiaHacked Says:

    You Syed hamid you’re disgrace to muslim and you discriminate your own faith for political gain. Shame on you, you should be put inside the bars and burn in hell!

    Hush! you may ISA-ed for insulting a muslim because muslim is islam!

    WOW! Is that mean im gonna put in a cage beside Pete! WEEEeee!~

  165. KOTA BARU: Those detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) have themselves to blame because they chose to ignore racial and religious sensitivities of the country, said an ex-detainee.

    Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said those detained on Friday had ignored past warnings and history when they chose to propagate disharmony in the society.

    The former detainee, who now defends the Act in the context of a greater good, said he realised the benefits of the Act which allows detention without trial for a stipulated period.

  166. The arrest of RPK, Teresa Kok and Miss Tan Hoon Cheng is a slap on the face of all decent Malaysian and call on all decent Malaysian with a conscience to condemn such barbaric act.

    There are no justifications for their arrest. If you think RPK has offended islam, why not just charge him in court. Surely the AG will be delighted to prosecute him to test his legal knowledge and ability! The only reason you dare not charge him because he has done nothing wrong and you wanted him lock up because he has been exposing all your corruptions, abuse of power and wrongful doings.

    The arrest of Teresa Kok and Miss Tan Hoon Cheng is just pure racism and anti-chinese. What have they done to deserve such draconian actions against them unless you are racist and anti-chinese.

    You lie and claim that Teresa Kok was involved in the mosque petition based on that racist KHIR TOYO’s blog and now the mosque has come out to say that she was not involved in the petition. By falsely using the name of your islam religion to detain her, you have shown no respect to islam and the Agung. Let us hope Agung as head of the islamic religion, will condemn those who treat islam with disrespect.

    We demand that she be released immediately since the mosque has confirmed that she was not involved in the petition and hope that the people of that mosque will find the courage and sense of righteousness to petition to the government to release her and to restore the integrity of their islamic religion. If you don’t, the non-muslims will always have a negative view of your islamic religion.

    Although Miss Tan Hoon Cheng has now been released, there was no justification for her arrest in the first place. It was very crystal clear that she was just doing her duty as a reporter, to report the speech by that racist Ahmad Ismail. What is wrong in reporting a public speech unless you are a racist all out to humiliate the chinese?

    You also claimed that her arrest was for her own protection. The last time I check, when DSAI was arrested, his face was badly punched by your goons and swollen and his eye was black? Was this the kind of protection that you give to the detainee? By detaining a poor defenseless young lady, you have cause her to suffer severe mental trauma and we demand that you should apologize and compensate her for her mental sufferings.

  167. The Royal Malaysia Police is conducting selective persecution of political opponents and bone-fide reporters.

    This is blatant violation of internation code of conduct for professional law enforcement agency.

  168. The only PROTECTION we need is from the threat of the present govt and police who is abusing the ISA and arbitrarily arresting innocent rakyats.

    The only way I can feel “safe from this govt” is for this govt to resign on block and let PR forms new govt.

    The only way I can feel “safe from the police” is for the PDRM to stop allow “this govt” to dictate them to arbitrarily arresting rakyat for their own agenda.

    The best protection we can get IMMEDIATELY is for the botak to resign from minister position as he is the source of threat to all rakyat.

  169. Arresting an innocent rakyat and release one day later is no way to use ISA. Don’t claim you are being nice or generous.

    We, the rakyat, demand that ISA to be repeal immediately, not even modified like KTK said. Henceforth, no govt, present or future, can use ISA to arbitrarily arrest anyone they don’t like. If you need, formulate a law to charge people and allow them to defense themselves.

    Detaining Teresa Kok, without informing the family that she was being detained, and without anybody knowing where is she, is BARBARIOUS, and if you claim you are not BARBARIOUS, then release her IMMEDIATELY.

  170. Syed Albar always claim that he relied on police intelligence for his actions. When he caused a huge traffic jam in KL and Selangor he caused huge losses to businesses and bad publicity. When cornered, he claimed that he did not know because he himself was caught in the traffic jam.

    Now, he is doing the same act again. First he said the ISA was used because of police intelligence. When the stupidity and logic of his action was exposed he disclaimed all responsibility and a new spin to the whole affair.

    No wonder in just 1 short year when he was appointed the Home Minister Malaysia has gone into a tailspin what it took Mahathir 22 years to achieve.

  171. By answering he was also caught in the jam showed not only how stupid he is and still is.
    More importantly he showed how arrogance has got into his thinking and opinions.

    He has utterly lost the capability to reason , he is a vegetable already and rotting like his club members

    if the air you breathe is smelly …he could be near by.

  172. Does anyone know how to work the nomination of RPK for the
    RAMON MAGSAYSAY Award for public service. RPK should be honoured for his dedication in fighting government abuse and corruption. Let’s get him recorgnised.

    This is the difference between RPK and Syed Hamd and badawi

  173. Now UMNO is using provocation on the Chinese. Such as chinese is squatters, send out rumours that non-Malays asking the mosques to tone down the prayers “IZAN Controversy”. Flaming up both chinese and malay side.Boiling up their blood and then just use the needle to burst the ballooning tension, and whalla people are killing each other.

    I urged all Chinese & Indians, if you are somehow kill by ‘Malay’ in coming future do not retaliate and stay calm. Stand up and die as a Malaysian. We are not communists or terrorists.

  174. lakshy Says:
    RPK did not insult Islam.
    zak_hammaad Says:
    RP insults Islam for a living and his blog is an example of that. If should have simply stayed away from Islamic topic as he clearly knows nothing of it and perhaps he would have been a free man today!

    Pray, tell me. Have you really read what Raja Petra has written on Islam in his blog? I have – each and every one of them – and I agree with Lakshy: RPK did not insult Islam.

    Perhaps you are the type who just swallow everything that your so-called feudal leaders claimed without taking the trouble to read the articles yourself. The days are over when leaders can say that only they know what is best and the rakyat just agree. Are you? Then, I pity you for your pea-sized brain.

  175. Salam
    Pada semua ahli parti politik ( UMNO tak termasuk) .Ikut lah nasihat Hamid Alba,kalau anda buat hal diMalaysia? Cepat cepat minta parti anda jatuh hukuman ,tentu tak ditahan ISA.Orang tak pergi sekolah pun tahu tindakan Hamid Alba tu ‘2standard’.Sia sia saja belajar tinggi,kelulusan beli di pasar malam agaknya.

  176. zak hammad,
    if ur really an observant reader….raja petra dun and i mean dun insult islam.or maybe u dun even understand wat hes writing abt.i am not a muslim and i dun despise islam.i only despise those who think they knw wat islam is all abt and make a mockery of themselves.none religion in this world is greater than the other.religions are not for anyone to brag abt.and no religion must be used as a tool or excuse to degrade any being for personal self interest.so zak hammad if u really dun understand at all wat raja petra has been writing abt in his articles…pls find someone who can really read and understand and explain it to u as wat is written by raja petra.

  177. Let us not forget in all of this that our Malay brethren came out to speak the truth and say to the government, BN and UMNO rabble-rousers that no, Teresa did NOT make an issue of the azan call to the faithful at either of the 2 mosques.

    These are our Malay brethren who stand with us on the side of truth, justice and honesty.

    Where are you MCA? Where are you GERAKAN on this matter? No, not because you are Chinese but because you MUST stand for truth, justice and honesty.

    You are proving yourselves to once again be the running dogs that you are truly are. Will you allow politics and political obedience to shackle you from doing the right thing? Stand together with the rest of Malaysians and DEMAND that Teresa Kok is freed because the charges are pure lies, trumped-up lies by a desperate party on the verge of implosion! In this instance, our Malay brethren have come forward to protect the interests, dignity and person of a CHINESE WOMAN FALSELY accused of insulting race and religion of the Malays.

    THIS IS THE MALAYSIA WE WANT. And there’s NO PLACE for the likes of you racist scum, MCA & GERAKAN, in the NEW MALAYSIA!

  178. kerishamuddinitis,

    You are wrong. MCA and Gerakan should not openly side us now as its was a dirty trap set for UMNO to retaliate that the Chineses has group up and make a racial riot. Then they would have the upper hand to impose the curfew at the same time on the pre-text of killing spree is rightful as to protect the ‘Malay’ interest.

  179. ah mincetoiletpaper, and what do you make of Nik Aziz, Hadi Awang, Dr Hatta, DSAI speaking up to reject ISA. what do you make of Zaid breaking ranks with his party to reject such use of ISA? Are they all part of this evil Chinese vs Malay trap of racist strife that UMNO hopes will ignite spontaneously? It may have been as you suggested had the Chinese risen in protest, taken to the streets and challenged Malays on the same racist terms as UMNO did against the Chinese. But the Chinese did nothing like that, did we? did you? we challenged the issue – we simply rejected the statement that despite being 3rd, 4th and even 5th generation born-in-Malaysia Malaysians, we were labelled ‘immigrants & squatters’ here only at the pleasure of the Malays. We did NOT sling racial slurs, we did not address the issue by making equally stupid tit-for-tat statements. And our Malay BRETHREN, of the same red blood and white flesh under the skin as ours, simply rejected the nonsense Ahmad Immigrant spewed. They did not pay heed to the ‘immigrants at our pleasure,’ did they?

    So, Malaysians have come a long way. We now reject racist politics. If Malays can speak up against the stupidity of using ISA against RPK and Teresa, why shouldn’t the MCA and GERAKAN? Why shouldn’t MIC? If Zaid can break ranks and be ready to quit the Crapbinet, why is MCA quiet on Teresa Kok. They are making a lot of noise on Tan because there’s no political debit by doing that.

    MCA is a load of bull!

    It’s best that you do not contribute to such racist sentiments as well. We all have Malay and Indian friends we would readily help even if we had to put ourselves in harm’s way. So, cut the crap on race.

  180. DEar Mincefortoiletpaper,

    What a name. Anyway, I beg to differ. Yes, there is racial tension in this country. But not by UMNO. Malays are upset( And I assume you are not aware) when Teresa Kok starts messing with “papan tanda with Arabic words” on them.

    Yes Sir. People in Malay community is asking if she can violates National language, what is stopping the Malays from questioning rights accorded to non Malays during Independence.

    I told my Chinese friends on this matter. They are dumbfounded. And the next reaction is very predictable. We do not know this. Yes sir, because none of you bothered to read Malay newspapers.

    Malays are asking if Bar Council is so ready to hold a forum on ‘Social Contract” and created a blunder by having only one Malay panelist whom no malay regards as qualified to speak for them( FaRISH nOOR), what is stopping Malays from reacting; that is questioning citizenships of Chinese community.

    Constitution is sort of bargaining deal. our constitution recognises the rights of non malays( by giving them citizenship). And it also recognises that prior to the coming of Chiniese and Indians to to then Malay states, this land is exclusively owned by Malays.

    A compromise ( a wonderful reflection of ever obliging race that is Malay) was reached. In return of citizenship, some historical facts are accorded recognition. One of them is Malay Language. It is accorded as National Language.

    So when Teresa Kok starts messing up with “papan tanda( what else if not for stirring racial sentiment) , Malays are upset. They take is as not violating the constitution. Hence, question on citizenship.

    And it gets unpleasant. As any govt worths its salt has to react, Teresa Kok was detained.

    And if Uncle Lim or Bar Council wish to question some parts from Constitution such as the position of Islam ( had alreadybeen done by Bar Council) , please accept reality that Malays have no qualm on questioning your citizenship.

    And where it will lead Malaysia?

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