Candlelight vigil for Teresa tonight

Candlelight vigil for Teresa Kok tonight 7pm at DAP PJ HQ.

Public is welcome. Please pass the word around.

No 24, Jalan 20/9, Paramount Garden,
46300, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: +603-79578022/79578127
(see map)

The vigil is being held just before the DAP CEC Emergency meeting on the ISA arrests. At 8.30pm, another vigil will be held at Bukit Aman for all ISA detainees.


54 Replies to “Candlelight vigil for Teresa tonight”

  1. LKS

    We must reclaim Malaysia for all Malaysians.
    This last 51 Merdeka there was little reason for Malaysians to fly the Jalur Gemilang, (other than the planting of the seed that is the 08 March Tsunami) and few did.
    But as a show of support that Malaysia belongs to all even if there are attempts to suppress the people, Pakatan can run a campaign in all Pakatan States to fly the Jalur Gemilang at homes, offices and vehicles following the dastardly use of the ISA and as a prelude to a Pakatan federal government and in celebration of 916.
    That will allow the people to make visible their support and in a patriotic way. We need to stay positive despite the evil that the BN government do.
    Pakatan is now in a position to show its organisation, visibility and make a stake for the Malaysia we all aspire.
    This is the time to do so.

  2. If the first line of leadership is taken in, the second must take its place; if the second line falls, the third must rise, and so on until every Malaysian stands up to be counted and to resist injustice.

  3. The New York-based Human Rights Watch said Malaysia should not resort to the ISA to silence government critics and political opponents.

    “The Malaysian government apparently thinks it can only maintain power by jailing journalists and opposition politicians,” said Elaine Pearson, its deputy Asia director.

    “Such tactics have no place in a modern democracy. The government should free these three people at once or risk irreparable harm to Malaysia’s already fragile reputation,” she said in a statement. – YAHOO ASIA NEWS

  4. Dear Anak Msia, pls take a hold of yourself? We know you are mad.
    To all folks here,

    There are only 2 problems here,
    1. Those that are beyond you – Limited what you can do
    2. Those that are within you.- That you can do

    What you can do and make a difference is to click
    Please sign petition.

    Since I signed in last nite 6.45pm till now 2.30pm, roughly 20 hrs counting there have been an increased of 1,259 new signed petition!!!

    If anyone really and truly wants to be counted, then sign in now without any delay!! Total now stand at 25,309. We can do better than that!

    Please sign petition.

    Please sign petition.

  5. YB lim, shud hold a candlelight vigil for all ISA detainees la..not only Teresa….

    [Agreed. The notice above is put up by Selangor DAP. The vigil will be for all ISA detainees. Meet you at the vigil. – Kit]

  6. yes. pls support this! slap the face whose uttered the insulting words, such as ini :”Tanah Melayu, bukan Tanah Cina, Hidup Melayu”. ????$%#@&*but only get suspended for 3 yrs from the party. Then people who is working and performing duty, being blamed and accused, and finally get into ISA detention. ALthough syed hamid said the reporter will be release today, but its already crossed the bottom line of many pl, not only chinese, but some other races. pls bring justice to Malaysia.

  7. Dear All, Moses cried out in the wilderness, Our Goment is crying Out of wilderness. Ppl here do not want to say the wrong things here. Stay calm. Let the proper PRK go to work, lets support them.

    Meanwhile There are only 2 problems here,
    1. Those that are beyond you – Limited what you can do
    2. Those that are within you.- That you can do

    What you can do and make a difference is to click

    Please sign petition.

    Since I signed in last nite 6.45pm till now 2.30pm, roughly 20 hrs counting there have been an increased of 1,259 new signed petition!!!

    If anyone really and truly wants to be counted, then sign in now without any delay!! Total now stand at 25,309. We can do better than that

  8. All Malaysian journalists should unite and ask the BN government the following pressing questions:

    1) will the government pledge that RPK, Teresa and Tan will not be tortured?

    2) will the government come up with a comprehensive explanation and allow Parliamentarians to debate on the matter as to why each and everyone has been arrested, and to broadcast the debate life?

  9. Love thy neighbours!

    Look for a Muslim or even Pas brother and hold his hand! Let them form a circle around the non-Muslims and sheild them from those like Ahmad Ismell and Bolehland Gommen who are playing up the racial card with their selective ISA arrest!

    Together, hand-in-hand we can put an end to the tyrannic rule once and for all! Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara!

  10. Yes, my heart cries out when I read this:

    “Only Tan’s father and mother were allowed to see her. They had brought some dumplings for her breakfast.”

    In this modern age, these story sounds like China a few yrs back.

    Can Non-Chinese imagine if their parents were to send them Nasi Lemak to their children in jail? What image and dignity is there?

    We must stay resolved not matter what the price. Stay calm.

  11. DAP HQ is within walking distance from Paramount Garden LRT station – 15 minutes walk.

    You are advice not to walk alone, as usual, this is Malaysia where police are busy arresting ppl under ISA the real crooks are terrorising law abiding Malaysians.

    Refer to the google map link given here :
    # vchi Says:
    Today at 14: 07.01 (48 minutes ago)

    Map here:

  12. Should we go or should we stay home?

    A gathering would mean opportunity for the Ahmad Ismell types to stir things up and if our youth retaliates.. we will have an incident that we all fear!

    Call up a muslim/malay neighbor and invite him along! or look for a muslim/malay supporter there and make him a brother!

    Stay calm. Turn the other cheek! God is with the God fearing!

  13. oh wait a minute…i am far away from pj…but nevermind,this morning i had already prayed,asking god to “teach” bodohwi and his useless gang a lesson…and hopefully teresa kok and RPK will be released without any harm…if they harm them,i will be the next V for Vendetta..muahahah

  14. Anak Msia Says:

    Today at 14: 57.39 (19 minutes )
    In this modern age, these story sounds like China a few yrs back.

    not few years, it is few decades back, M’sia is decades way back.
    well said! Couldn’t agree more. Be steadfast.
    Proverbs 16.19 ” Better to be lowly in spirit and amongst the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud”

    Prov16:5 “The Lord detests all the proud of hearts. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished”

  15. Pak lah, you should be ‘damned’ ashamed of yourself for losing control!

    Where is that little modicum of decency and honesty in you. God, I have always thought you were a little stupid as a politician, very stupid as an administrator and absolutely useless as an innovator! But I have never faulted you personally as a decent human being. Good grief, after holding you in that light for 30 years, I must say you have changed drastically! I can’t recognise you now. Try lokking at yourself in the mirror.

    30 or so years ago, when you were a little known Federal Territory Minister, we bumped as we were about to enter the lift together. You were gracious and flashed me that smile and gave way to me. I have always thought you were gracious since then even though I always thought my brains were 10 times better than yours – but you were decent, even nice. I couldn’t fault you on that score.

    But arresting Teresa Kok and the journalist – well, you must be at the end of your tethers. I can understand when all the axes come out to grind against RPK. Well, he wasn’t afraid of telling the truth – you can actually learn from him; lots and lots if you are humble enough to admit. But now – ISA arrests on Teresa Kok and Tan Hoon Cheng – I think your brains must really be wrapped in adult diapers while it is dripping – yikes! And oh, that brilliant Syed Hamid of yours. He is so damned dishonest with his words and de3alings, he would make many a crook look honest. I can’t say more.

    We all know this – bad company ruins good morals, as they say. I would strongly suggest that you hop over to PKR and PR, to begin with. All these blood-curdling UMNO hoodlums will send you to hell, litterrally. And I don’t know how your God can forgive you for fearing puny, even stupid, inconsequential UMNO men rather than your God. Sorry-lah, I am not mincing my words. I am just hoping that I may be able to save you from the fires of hell for your stupidity and for your present sins!

  16. National leaders have responsibilities towards the people of the country, whatever their political or ideological preferences and allegiance.

    The people have unalienable rights, that should be respected and protected at all times, as clearly spelt out in the Federal Constitution.

    At no time shall their birthright be abused and encroached upon by any party.

    To consider any person being a threat to national security and safety, a careful and in-depth analysis and study on that individual have to be made and factually confirmed. To do otherwise would smack of selective persecution and wanton abuse of the laws of nation, or a lack of sound judgement, or even a faulty consideration of the facts of the matter.

    ISA is not a viable and sensible alternative anymore. Taking the normal and regular legal route and process should be the preferred channel – a hallmark of a nation which has come of age and being politically and socially correct.

    If one can be detained under the draconian ISA and released very soon afterwards, it goes to show that the detainee was never a threat at all in the first place. An indication that no detailed and complete and proper investigation had been done beforehand. It also shows a grave and stark irony and acute cynicism displayed by the powers-that-be.

    Malaysia and Malaysians do not deserve such treatment any longer. We have gone past the age of intrigue and power-game play. Such mind games are also obsolete and archaic. Malaysians certainly cannot be hoodwinked anymore.

    We look forward to a more sensible and enlightened approach.

    May God bless.

  17. Hi there,

    Re: recent ISA arrests, we need to calm fears, discourage violence and beware of the play on race & religion.

    There will be a CANDLE-LIGHT VIGIL tonight (13th) 8.30pm at Bukit Aman Come and show solidarity to those detained, as well to make a stand against the draconian ISA. This is organised by GMI (Gerakan Mansur ISA) with the support of NGOs. Call me for an alternative venue if the roads are blocked (0126120177).

    On Monday 15th nite, there will another gathering at the Kelana Jaya Stadium. This was planned earlier by the Selangor State Government to celebrate Sabah + Sarawak Merdeka day, but now also to show solidarity to those detained.

    If you can’t make it, lit a candle, or better still light a lantern (festival 2moro) and say a prayer for the detainees and their loved ones, for our beloved country.

    Soo Choo

  18. Wisdom , where art thou?

    Senses and Sensibility, where art thou?

    Integrity, Accountability, where art thou?

    Impartiality, where art thou?

    Malaysia, oh Malaysia! , my land of hope and solace.

    Wither art thou headed?

    My prayers and wishes for a more enlightened future.

    Let’s pray that Unity will arise from all the tribulations.

    Let’s pray that Good Sense will prevail after all the senseless escapades.

    Malaysia, oh Malaysia, can I count on you?

  19. The three detainees are no threat to national security. AAB knows it. It is the expressed intention of the police to arrest somebody whom the public could easily discern that the action was unfair. The purpose was to lure people into protest mood so that the government might have an excuse to prevent ‘public disobedience or disturbances”, and hence a state of emergency could be declared.

    When a state of emergency is declared, the parliament would be suspended. There is no constitutional body to assess whether the government has the confidence of House of Representative. So the government currently in power will remain in power, however few the number of MPs AAB might still command. It is the desperate act of not just AAB to remain as PM, but all others who hang on his coattail would want to remain in power. Barisan Pakatan cannot form the new government even if it has secured the support of the majority of MPs in the House.

    We have to make sure that the government does not have the slightest excuse to declare a state of emergency. It might be possible that AAB is no longer in charge, or he is facing insubordination within his UMNO party.

    I suggest that instead of gathering to demand for the release of the three detainees, Barisan Pakatan should just tell the people to stay home and observe hours of silence. Let the MPs who are now learning agriculture in Taiwan to return. They might have learnt a thing or two for a regime change soon after the King has returned from his overseas trip.

    Appeal and demonstration might be useful if the person to whom we appeal has the authority to decide. It appears that he has lost everything. So, let the police try their tricks, and we should avoid falling into the trap.

    It was bad to make a mistake 40 years ago. It will be stupid to repeat the same mistake!

    I am not sure if DAP can ensure that there are no infiltrators who might be there to create incident. If the event is held, please take all precautions. DAP organizers should consider this issue seriously, and steps taken to make sure that the people who attend the function have the interest of the detainees at heart.

  20. //Penang Wanita MCA chief Tan Cheng Liang would provide counselling to the family of Tan Hoon Cheng.// the star

    The ISA arrrest of Tan Hoon Cheng was ordered by BN. Now MCA, a memer of BN wants to provide counselling to her family. MCA is a doubleface devil.

    MCA, you are a running dog of UMNO. Don’t try to shed crocodile tears.

  21. looks like ISA is getting soft now. They are using it now as a measure to protect the civilians. When ur life is threatened, they will invoke the ISA upon u…to save u from the impending threat.

    SO does that mean if we want those idiots and scumbags to sit in Kamunting for years, someone shld start these threats?

  22. We must not forget to give greater admiration for reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, for she is not a politician but a worthy pressman.

    Kudos to her.

    I have a few words for the ear of BN representatives: Can’t you see you are in complicite with brutalizing the women? You think these two women are leading a group to cause insability? What won’t you believe then!

    ‘An ancient philosopher once said: “He who has not even a knowledge of common things is a brute among men. He who has an accurate knowledge of human concerns alone is a man among brutes. Man’s status in the natural world is determined, therefore, by the quality of his thinking. He whose mind is enslaved to his bestial instincts is philosophically not superior to the brute-

    Hey BN folks, check this against yourself.

  23. This year Mid-autumn festival will be remembered…

    The delicious Mooncakes has had it role in toppling the Mongolian regime of the Yuen Dynasty.

    Now, the rakyat wanted to see the toppling of the hopeless BN government.

  24. Penang Wanita MCA chief Tan Cheng Liang, leave Tan Hoon Cheng and family alone.

    Stop all your pretence. Repent now and leave MCA just follow Lim Boo Chang’s path and you will be able to redeemed all your unknowing sins done with MCA.

    You need counseling, Tan Cheng Liang, not Tan Hoon Cheng.

  25. Tidak ada dalam ajaran islam yang membolehkan seseorang itu ditahan dan dipenjarakan tanpa pembicaraan mahkamah.

    Orang-orang yang melakukan tangkapan tanpa pembicaraan boleh dianggap “MENGHINA ISLAM” dan tindakan hendaklah diambil terhadap orang yang memutarbelitkan ajaran islam.

    Saya harap TERESA dibebaskan segera. Orang ISLAM sebenar akan merasa terkilan jika orang tidak bersalah diseksa sewenang-wenangnya, walaupun orang yang diseksa dan difitnah itu bukannya orang ISLAM.

    “ISA” memang bukan ajaran ISLAM, tapi adalah ajaran UMNO (ISLAM HADHARI). Hidup PAKATAN di

  26. Greetings!

    First of all, thanks for the candlelight vigil, it’s pleasant and I trust Teresa was able to feel the warm even in the dark room.

    The moonlight was shinning brightly; perhaps it will reflect those who misuse of their power authority and the sin side of their hearth.

    It also shines the day of ‘916’, in which will become true sooner or later.

    Appreciate & thanks to DAP HQ.

  27. Im truely sorry i wasnt being able to shown myself as i had to work from 10-10 daily in shoppings around M’ka.

    May god bless u all for being there and YB Teresa who’d been detain for the 2nd days. I really hope shes in good hands as it wasnt easy to past through day times behind the bars :(

    Bless you YB Teresa, Be strong.

  28. Many people are waiting for the time when all these UMNO criminals will be brought to justice. They are nothing but a bunch of liars acting in their selfish interest. We all have seen how they can constantly lie and deny the truth with a straight face. How evil can that be! Uuuum No we did not say that, Uuuum No we did not do that, ad nauseum. I would like to coin a new word “mengumnokan” meaning to deny the truth without shame or conscience. Example: Badawi, janganlah mengumnokan kesalahan dan kesilapan kamu dalam menangkap rakyat yang tidak bersalah dibawah ISA.

  29. Martin Niemoeller’s poem

    When the Nazis came for the communists,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the social democrats,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a social democrat.

    When they came for the trade unionists,
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a trade unionist.

    When they came for the Jews,
    I remained silent;
    I wasn’t a Jew.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out.

    Bolehland’s version

    When the UMNO Nazis came for RPK,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a Blogger.

    When they locked up Journalist Tan Hoon Cheng ,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a Sin Chew reporter /journalist.

    When they came for Teresa Kok
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a Pakatan Rakyat opposition MP

    When they shut down Malaysia Today
    I remained silent;
    It wasn’t my blog.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out.

    Fellow Malaysian’s , let’s all stay focus and keep up the pressure, my guess is Teresa Kok will be released next. I pray the Nazi goons do let her out for I feel for her old parents (what they are going through).

    RPK is tough and he is a pro and will be able to handle himself and he might just need some rest however having said that no one should be denied thier liberty, I mean no one. If one has commited a crime, try them and if guilty make them pay for thier crime.

    Talks of a hartal is going on at the People’s Parliment- share your views and lend your support.


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