Ahmad Ismail’s 3-year Umno suspension – “water off a duck’s back”

The Umno Supreme Council’s three-year suspension of Umno Bukit Bendera Umno division chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail of his Umno membership for his provocative, inflammatory and racist reference of the Malaysian Chinese as “penumpang” is too little, too late and too ineffective.

For Ahmad, the Umno Supreme Council decision is just like “water off a duck’s back”.

All these three attributes of the Umno Supreme Council decision being “too little, too late, too ineffective” were instantly evident from the immediate press conference held by Ahmad after the Umno Supreme Council decision yesterday, viz:

• Firstly, Ahmad remained defiant and unremorseful for his provocative, inflammatory and racist statement maintaining that he would not apologise although he accepted the Umno Supreme Council’s decision on him;

• Secondly, Ahmad declared that his “suspension” would not stop him from being active in the party, albeit unofficially, as he cannot hold posts defined in the party constitution, adding: “If my division is smart enough and creates a new post, such as division advisor, I can still be advisor.”

• Thirdly, he announced immediate plan to tour the country and explain to Umno divisions about the matter, and declared: “I promise one thing – I will make a comeback to Umno.”

• Fourthly, Ahmad’s defiance and total lack of remorse is not just individual bravado but clearly had powerful UMNO backing as indicated by the fact that he held his immediate press conference at the Umno headquarters at PWTC, Kuala Lumpur which was attended by the Umno Secretary-General Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor.

• Fifthly, Tengku Adnan’s presence at Ahmad’s press conference after being suspended as Umno for three years is most extraordinary and telling, for it could only mean that Ahmad has official Umno support or blessing for his interpretation that despite his three-year suspension, he could be appointed as “advisor” for Umno divisions with full liberty to go on a nation-wide tour to meet Umno divisions to justify his refusal to apologise for his provocative, inflammatory and racist reference of Malaysian Chinese as “penumpang”and do not deserve equal rights and to drum up UMNO support for his stand.

• Sixthly, the conspicuous failure of the Umno Supreme Council to take disciplinary action against the 13 Penang Umno division leaders who had supported and egged on Ahmad in his inflammatory, provocative and racist rants and acts in the past two weeks.

UMNO Youth leader Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said Barisan Nasional component parties should take appropriate action against their respective members if they go against party lines and raise sensitive issues.

He said the Umno decision to suspend Ahmad should also mean Barisan component parties show consistency by taking action against their own members when they stoked ill-feelings among the people.
This is the Star report:

Hishammuddin referred to an earlier incident involving Gerakan, where its Youth vice-chief S. Paranjothy created unpleasantness last year when he had reportedly said on the Internet that the Indian community were treated like fourth-class citizens.

“Hishammuddin said he called for Umno to break off ties with Gerakan due to the statement at the time.

“He added that acting Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon had asked him to not push for action to be taken against Paranjothy because of the impending general election in March.

“Now when the same situation has happened (in Ahmad’s case), the concerned party should see Umno’s decision as a sign that when we criticise someone, what comes around will come around,” he told reporters after an Umno supreme council meeting.

Hishammuddin should state whether he would agree that disciplinary action should first be taken against him for his various keris-wielding episodes at Umno Youth Generla Assemblies, in utter disregard of the sensitivities of Malaysia’s plural society and which UMNO and Barisan Nasional leaders have admitted was a major factor for the thrashing Barisan Nasional suffered in the March 8 “political tsunami”?


135 Replies to “Ahmad Ismail’s 3-year Umno suspension – “water off a duck’s back””

  1. “If my division is smart enough and creates a new post, such as division advisor, I can still be advisor.” Ahmad Ismail

    The point is, you may think your division is smart enough when they are not, because making you their advisor is probably the most disastrous action any division could have taken, in another word, if you are the advisor, they must be plain stupid.

  2. MCA president Ong Ka Ting said Umno has honoured the collective decision made by the Barisan Nasional supreme council on Tuesday that stern action should be taken against Ahmad Ismail for his alleged racist remarks.

    Three-year suspension from the party, with the possibility of being appointed as an adviser of the Umno branch.

    Is this a stern action? Tell this to the Hindraf chaps who are locked up in Kamunting.

    Anyway, what do we expect from ‘Ahmad Ismail’ whose name conceals the following messages?
    ‘Hi I Am A Mad SL’ (SL = sore loser)
    ‘I M Dial A Sham’

    As the wise man says: It’s in your genes and name! Takdir?

  3. Ahmad Ismail’s grandfather was an Indian citizen who migrated to
    Malaysia and then got married to a Malay girl. Most people in
    Malaysia like to call the descendants of Indian-Malay
    cross-marriages by the name of “Mamak”.

  4. Initially I thought its ok since this idiot for 3 years and rakyat should move on.
    But what I read today from rakyat comments I cant help but voice my disgust at Umnoputras on their 3 years suspension on this racial idiot.
    “The punishment meted out to Ahmad Ismail is really a camouflage of the highest order. This man almost threw the country into racial chaos but all the Umno supreme council can do is suspend him a mere three years. This guy will appeal so don’t be surprised if the suspension is reduced to three months.

    In addition, the Umno supreme council urged other BN component parties to take stern action against their members who cause discord among coalition parties. Why is it always the others who are bad for Umno? Have they forgotten who sparked off this whole ugly issue in the first place?

    Most disappointingly, the supreme council did not even ask Ahmad to apologise to the Chinese community over his inflammatory remarks. Is an apology too much to ask for? Even the tearing of Gerakan acting president Koh Tsu Koon’s picture was not addressed. Are we supposed to forget it happened?

    Ahmad also happily reiterated that there was no reason for him to retract his racist remarks. If this is not double-standards, I don’t know what is.

    Shouldn’t this politician be sacked from the party for the shame and damage he brought to it? Ahmad even had the cheek to comment that the prime minster was brave to suspend him. What does he mean by this? Did he think Abdullah Ahmad Badawi wouldn’t take such action?

    So many questions remain unanswered in this regrettable incident.”

    From the above comments, I beleive Umno is TOTALLY not sincere in punishing this idiot. This also let me to believe that there are more than one AI=a_sehole idiot in Umno. Even the sleepy flipflop lame duck guy and Mr.C4 are suspicious in collaborating with AI on this racial issue. On the surface they talk and look fair. But I really doubt.
    It is TOTALLY spineless and degrading for the so called component parties leaders to accept this unfair verdict.
    Again this proved that they are running dogs for their Umno masters. This praying mantis lookalike KTK is good at talking but is TOTALLY spineless and unethical to the core.
    It is sad that component parties that claimed to represent the rakyat have COMPLETELY sold us wholesome to the Umnoputras.

  5. “I promise one thing – I will make a comeback to Umno.” Ahmad Ismail

    Mahathir is back in UMNO, what is the big deal? UMNO is just like a racist hotel which gave bad services to its guest and vice versa.

  6. “In determining the sincerity of a person, one dont just take the words, but one must pay attention to the body language. If the words and body language are not the same, then sincerity is not there.

    “Ancient wise saying”

  7. “Ahmad’s defiance and total lack of remorse is not just individual bravado but clearly had powerful UMNO backing…”

    Yep, perfect sandiwara of Melayu UMNO lawan Melayu UMNO demi kebaikan Cina Gerakan dan MCA.

  8. An Anwar Flip-Flop?

    He sends mixed signals on whether his plan to topple govt is on track.

    There’s a good write-up in S’pore’s ST today.

    Call it psychological war games or keeping the internal pressure on UMNO or even schizophrenia of unstable character.

  9. Deputy police chief is talking, but where is his action? He could take action long time ago.

    So this three-year sacking is just a wayang kulit. Poor Tsu Koon got two insults, instead of just one by Ahmad (now the other one was by UMNO).

    To kill this racism by UMNO, we need to let UMNO break apart. That is to lose power. The culprit behind UMNO racism was actually due to MCA, Gerakan, SUPP,… etc – the Chinese parties. They should not cooperate with UMNO to let all these nonsense racism to go on. They should immediately breal away from UMNO and let BN collapse.

  10. [b]You see, UMNO is smart. They only suspend him SO that he can be “unofficial advisor” to other UMNO divisions and “unofficially” sow his message of hatred and racism. In fact when you think about it, it’s better for Ahmad Ismail because now he can take off the UMNO gloves which contrain him. He doesn’t have to answer to UMNO now and UMNO doesn’t have to answer to the rakyat when he starts his plan of evil. Yes… be prepared for evil to spew forth from his heart to his mouth and into the weak minds of all who will listen. [/b]

    Just 2 years ago, I was a die-hard BN supporter. Even during the March 8 tsunami, I was unsure if my vote for Pakatan was cast correctly. But now, I AM SURE. Ahmad Ismail is the personification of EVERYTHING BAD about this present Government.

  11. I love to state this again.

    by: drmaharajahrk
    Mamaks have left their roti canai stalls and taken over UMNO, i’ll prove it to you
    —- The new leader: Ahmad Ismail (mamak also??) —
    1. Tun Dr Mahathir
    2. Kadir Shiekh Fadzir
    3. Reezal Merican Naina Merican
    4. Datuk Abdul Azeeez
    5. Zainuddin Maidin
    6. Nor Mohd Yaakop
    7. Shahrizal Abdul Jalil
    8. Thajudeen Abdul wahab

    and the list goes on and on……………

  12. Before the election either the General Election or the Permatang Pauh election there were so many warnings issued by various parties eg Election Commission, Police etc asking the politician not to touch on the racial issue or else they will be punished. But, when UMNO leaders did that the closed one eye policy applies. Sedition Act and ISA are only meant for those who opposed the BN government or UMNO only. MANA ADA ADIL! APA PUNYA GOVERNMENT!

  13. “Ahmad was removed as councillor in May 2006 when he was declared bankrupt by the Insolvency Department. He was reinstated after obtaining a stay of execution of the bankruptcy order.

    On Sept 3, Penang Development Corporation (PDC) lodged a police report, asking for an investigation into the now-defunct Popular Profile Sdn Bhd (PPSB), of which Ahmad was director, for wrongfully taking and keeping RM500,000 from the state in a botched land transaction in 1998. PPSB wound up in 2005.”

    This Ah Mad is going to be bankrupt soon as this idiot mamak is full of debts.

  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamak
    Mamak is a term (derived from a Tamil word meaning uncle) used in Malaysia to describe the Tamil Muslim community and culture. Most Indian Muslims consider this term to be pejorative.

    Mamak may also refer to:

    * Mamak Gang, a Malaysian gang active since the early 1990s
    * Mamak rojak (or Indian rojak), the Malaysian version of a dish commonly prepared in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia
    * Mamak stall, a type of food establishment that serves mamak food

  15. Mr Lim,
    If any opposition member were to utter the same statements like Ahmad Ismail, would it be sufficient that they be punished under the party’s disciplinary rules?
    UMNO just did that. Such inflamatory statements warrant an arrest outright and yet he is just suspended. How nice?
    Do BN rules supercede the law of the country?

  16. “Most of the Malay had join Keadilan and PAS. The only left,
    especially from the top-post in UMNO, you can say they are
    from Indian Muslim descendants, “mamak”.


    What about Anwar Ibrahim? Not a Mamak? Anwar’s father, Ibrahim Rawather is a Tamil Muslim.

  17. It is obvious the so called “stern action” taken is grossly insufficient, as reflected in the sms opion polls on last night’s 7pm and 8pm news. 75% of the participants are of the opinion that the action taken is too light, and does not tally with the seriousness of the barbaristic behaviour exhibited by the former division chief

  18. To Ahmad – Water off a duck”s back, not even a slap on the wrist.
    To the “Penang 13” – nothing??? Sigh!
    This only proved AAB needs their support for the December internal election, AAB acted for his own personally interest and not the rakyat’s.
    To MCA Ong Ka Ting and Gerakan Koh Tsu Koon, they have just been urinated on their heads and yet still sing praises to UMNO. How do they go back to face their members and how will they get any vote from the Chinese community in the next election?

  19. Making the ordinary Malays feel he/she is fighting aggressively and uncompromisingly for their ” rights” help this political opportunist gain Malays support for power, status, influence and wealth at the great expense of a multi racial and religious country.

    Decades of narrow, short sighted and damaging politics of race and religion had enable some political opportunists to fast track their political careers at the great expense of the country.

  20. pulau_sibu Says:

    ………..The culprit behind UMNO racism was actually due to MCA, Gerakan, SUPP,… etc – the Chinese parties. They should not cooperate with UMNO to let all these nonsense racism to go on. They should immediately breal away from UMNO and let BN collapse.

    I cannot agree more with pulau_sibu’s comments. But mai add that it’s not just MCA and Gerakan but also MIC. The politicians here are just as happy as long as they get what they want.

    I would say that somehow Gerakan and MCA has done something for it’s community (pardon me if my facts are not fully accurate) but MIC did nothing but to rape its community. If you want to learn all about dirty politics and if UMNO has closed its door , go to MIC.

    Frankly I will not be suprised if UMNO and PAS decide to colloborate.
    As it is smses are flying about regarding Anwar’s alleged 916 take over. Hardcore UMNO supporters have gone all the way to say say that if the majority of the defectors are non Muslims , Anwars goverment would concist of more non-Muslim lawmakers and as such the country would be controlled altogether by them!
    Polish a turd, it’s still a turd!!

    The only way to move forward for the non Malays to remain united more than ever.

  21. When I read that the Sleepy Head and his sidekick C4 have decided to take very firm and stern action against the racist fellow, I really thought that UMNO had had enough of these fear mongering racists and had learned the lesson from the 2 tsunamis. I really thought that Ahmad Ismail would be at the least SACKED if not SENT to Kamunting.

    Ahmad Ismail’s immediate press conference at PWTC which was attended by no other UMNO bigwig than Tengku Adnan, shows the complicity of UMNO in this sandiwara.

    It is all the more obvious when this racist could suggest that he be made the advisor for the UMNO divisions when he is not even remorseful for his racist remarks.

    He would be like a rabid mongrel let loose to cause untold havoc.

    Why isn’t the PDRM taking action against Ahmad Ismail when there is enough evidence to show that he had indeed uttered seditious remarks to incite racial disharmony?

    Why isn’t the PDRM taking action against Izhar Ibrahim, the BN opposition leader in Penang who asked the reporter who made public Ahmad Ismail’s racist remarks be SHOT first if racial clashes occur?

    This BN opposition leader is in fact worse than Ahmad Ismail. He is inciting like-minded people to shoot the reporter. If PDRM is indeed impartial and the guardian of public safety, it should charge Izhar Ibrahim for sedition and let the courts decide whether he should be sent to Kamunting.

    Koh Tsh Khoon’s portrait was torn to pieces. Why didn’t the police and UMNO find out who the culprits are? Is it so difficult to find out and put an end to such uncouth and brass actions? Would UMNO tolerate if the PM’s or the DPM’s portraits are sullied by irresponsible people?

    Is justice really dead with the corruption of the judiciary and the police made to become the yes-men of those in power?

    This is another episode that the corrupted UMNOputras are going to regret. Their demise is imminent.

  22. What is ISA for ? To lock fellows who do not toe the line ?

    To whom should ISA be applied ? To fellows who are a threat to certain leaders or fellows who are a threat to National Security?

    What is the use of an Apology?Hurting some people and saying “sorry ” ?

    Why is the Government leaders so slow in locking up its own members and so fast in nabbing RPK ?

    Who are the mamak people? Where are they from?

    S.H. Huang

    S.H. Huang

  23. If aggression, intimidation, bullying and threat are the only ways to gain power and influence in our political environment, we have no real leaders with substance leading the country.

    The lack of good and real leadership at all levels is shocking!

  24. There is a smell of racism on this thread today where Mamaks are becoming a subject of ridicule. If the opposition thinks that you win the hearts and minds of others by smear, then their god Anwar has not taught them very well has he?

    Instead of being a responsible opposition leader, Anwar is a force for instability. With his arrogance and constant claim of being able to grab power, his fantastical plans are as hollow as his catchy slogans that have brain-washed certain section of the community.

    The opposition should hold out no hope in Anwar, he was a spent force the day he left prison. Not only should the opposition choose a reputable and worthy leader to lead the coalition, they should understand the Anwar will only get one shot at the top post in the next GE. It is near impossible for him to get the numbers he needs to get a simple majority needed.

    When Anwar starts to move the goalposts, it is a sign of a desperate man. I think he will continue to move the posts for the next 4 years until the GE. Those who have put all their eggs in one basketcase (Anwar) should not hold their breaths nor be bitter when he fails to deliver on any of his claims.

  25. DO you think his sincerely care for the MALAY’s?…

    Ask if he contributed ZAKAT and HOW MUCH he contributed?…

    If His Sincere He would Warship ZAKAT CONTRIBUTER not agains innocent Nation who contribute for the Nation for so long.

    You just simply USING MALAY race to protect our cronies well!…

    UMNOputras inspired defector Suharto, President of Indonesia, 1967 – 1998. “Time Asia put his family’s wealth at $15 billion.”!

    It is the main reason prostitution finale running spree in indonesian island today! The ex-premier who they trust and belove and betrayed them.

  26. The truth is that Umno is racist party with divisive racial divide and rule strategy as its core philosophy. So seriously, how can we expect a racist party to take stern action over one of its own members for putting the party’s philosophy into practice?

    Ahmad’s remarks was only one of the racist tactics used in Permatang Pauh. What about those Umno workers going house to house who spout racism much worse than Ahmad and what about all the racist banners and leaflets which BN pretended not to know the source?

    Umno only knows how to rouse and exploit racial sentiments to gain votes. This is the only game in town for them.

    If we get to the next G.E. with BN still in power, anybody want to guess what sort of tactic will be used to bully Chinese and Indians to vote for BN? If you need a hint, it’s FEAR.

  27. Zak O Zak, Though you have repented here? You have won a few friends here recently and now you are back to your devil-self. Why is it you flip-flop so often here? What is it you really want? We have told you many times, we liken your constructive critism and believed you got it.
    If you think you can stir some cheap- attention here, you’re wrong.
    we are resolved no matter what happen, just like you. The only thing that smell rotten here is you!
    I have already move on, you still stuck in your well? Grow up tots.It serve you no good with your mentality here.
    By the way, what has DSAI done to you eh? You cannot be a mamak, right? I remember you’re a CockAsian, isn’t it?

  28. The kris wielding maniac is definitely a hypocrite as well as the DPM. Why no police action taken against them for racial incitement and threatening the Chinese. What so different about them and Ahmad? If any Opposition member had done the same, ISA would have been invoked. Double standards or fear of UMNO warlords???

  29. no time for childish agenda but keep main objective on track. PK can deal with such cases when 916 becomes a reality . no more play soft soft or clean with them. this is the time to :

    1) to be cruel to be kind
    2) to lie to hide the truth

    godd luck!!

  30. YB Lim, this reminds me of an incidence many many years ago, where a person was suspended, but later to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. de ja vu, YB. After 3 (three) years, he will be welcome as a hero – even now he is a hero in the eyes of no lesser people, in status and number.

    I am sad for this nation.

  31. Those claiming to protect and defend the interest of indian and chinese please shut up.

    it MCA and gerakan the one doing the job ok.

    They are “doing it” the other way around which make penumpang look stupid.

    Please MCA MIC and Gerakan;get a pillow and try to think what have you contribute???

    after 51years, we are still penumpang(hey gerakan mca mic also same right?)

  32. Those non-bumis who still believe that the crossover of BN MPs to PR is immoral, think again. Which is more immoral:
    (a)forming a new government with the help of crossover MPs
    (b)continuing to be labelled as “kaum pendatang” by the present regime?

    Many of your grandpas came earlier than Ahmad Ismail’s grandpa, so why are you a squatter and he isn’t? It should be the other way round.

  33. This proves conclusively that our education system needs to be revamped especially the history of our people, when it produces people like ahmad ismail. Wonder if his father is an orang asli, which tribe? Even his ex-teachers said he was not that bright.
    We should all read what Marina Mahathir wrote and I quote:
    ” I’d like to ask everyone, especially those categorised as ‘Malays’, to list their family histories. And see how many of us can really go back further than three generations born in this land. I know I can’t.

    And can we, the people, think of positive and effective things we can do to counter divisiveness such as we see coming out of politicians these days? Let’s not play the blame game. Let’s think of ways, practical and effective, to counter conflict and restore harmony.”

    I totally agree with her. Yes, who better to tell the father than the daughter. There are so many families in Malaysia with Malay, Chinese, Indian and other blood flowing thru’ their veins. The Mahathirs, Badawis, Hussein Onns, Syeds etc…

  34. This country could not effort to have more people who possess characters like this AI anymore, otherwise the whole nation will be in chaos condition. Berhenti lah semua kaum, lets work together and face globalization, nanti semua tak ada makan baru tau!

  35. They said that they wanted to strike out a punishment so serious that it would be a deterrent to all future BN politicians in making racial sensitive statements.

    In the end, they meted out a 3 year suspension and he cannot hold any post in the party.

    Oh dang! This is the best that they can come up with.

    And it is SOOO…severe and scary that any BN people who hears about it would be so afraid that they would NEVER want to stray into making any racist statements from now on.

    I rest my case.

  36. ah-mad was heard to say also that he will go round all the umno divisions in the country to explain. explain what? that he was not wrong at all? that he blamed koh tsu koon and all the others? he will further incite racial hatred with his explanation i’m sure!

    his sentence should sack him all together from umno… he is still a member, he can still go round creating havoc among the umno members.

  37. A teacher that makes degetory remarks gets an “administrative warning” and transfer to a better school. When a UMNO division Chairman makes one, he gets a 3 year suspension, which allows him to work with the party behind the scenes. Everyone in BN says that the punishment is just and fair.
    Apply the same punishment to the members of Hindraf locked up under ISA. Release them and give them an “administrative warning”. Be as stern with them as you are with members of your component party.
    The double standards are scary and disappointing…..

  38. Lucia – mai kek sim, all wayang only.

    UMNO certified the whole script with Ah Koon as the real victim. But he too can’t complain even if he is really hurt – component parties in BN have never been given any consideration so why start now.

  39. “the conspicuous failure of the Umno Supreme Council to take disciplinary action against the 13 Penang Umno division leaders who had supported and egged on Ahmad in his inflammatory, provocative and racist rants and acts in the past two weeks.”
    The above inaction exposes the hard fact that there are SO MANY Ahmad Ismails embeded within the whole UMNO organisation.

    No doubt they will continue to spew poisons around the country in hope to create havoc. I think in order not to step into this deadly racial trap, this matter is best left to PAS and the Malays from PKR to handle. Chinese in PR should stay clear and focus on BN’s corruption etc. Just heard that after 8 MONTHS the drug case in JB has turned out to be “Salt” from lab analysis. All of the foreigners caught were released!

  40. Zak said :

    When Anwar starts to move the goalposts, it is a sign of a desperate man. I think he will continue to move the posts for the next 4 years until the GE. Those who have put all their eggs in one basketcase (Anwar) should not hold their breaths nor be bitter when he fails to deliver on any of his claims.


    or perhaps DSAI has learnt from our dear PM and his government. Say you are not going to do it, then do it. Say Sept 16 target may not be met, then do it. I either case, I can wait.

    We now have 3 years for Ahmad Ismail to show us his true evil self and as Malaysians witness his prowess at evil, we will be all the more convinced that it is time to change. We were blissfully ignorant for 51 years and let a lot of damage happen. It won’t take just one day Sept 16 to remedy it. But it is a start – whenever the actual date is.

    Those familiar with the painful condition when you have a boil (bisul) will understand that before it can heal, all the pus has to be drained. UMNO is the boil and all the AI’s it produces are the pus.

  41. That guy has the support of UMNO which is now playing a ‘wayang kulit’ show to hookwink the uninitiated.

    Does he or the UMNO need to make such ‘sensationally stupid’ statement trying to win over the Malays? In the next election?

    Serious damage had been done to their image in the eyes of the Malaysian and the world.

    FDI are pulling out of the country instead of coming.

  42. k1980 Says:

    Today at 14: 34.52 (47 minutes ago)
    So, limpeh pay taxes so that the BN MPs touring Taiwan can receive RM50,000 in pocket money.

    Wrong, its x10 amount you mention… RM500,000/each retards.

  43. The “severe punishment” meted out by the UMNO Supreme Council will only lead to more racists and bigots coming out of the woodwork to create more tension and chaos. But they all will be seen as heroes and martyrs fighting for the cause of their race.

    Lets see. President is part Bedouin and Hainanese. Deputy is Bugis. Others are part Hadramauts, Turks, Indonesian, Acehnese, Minangs, Indian, Pakistanis, Afghans, Arabs, Filipinos, Walla-wallas etc etc etc.

    And they called themselves “natives” of this country with full rights while the Chinese, Indians and others are mere “penumpangs” or passengers with no equal rights.

    Something is very wrong. Seriously wrong.

  44. The so called disciplinary action is all an “act” without true sincerity on the part of Amnoo. The point is what do the BN components think of this “act”? In truth, Amnoo still need and rely on members such as Ahmad Ismail, say what we like.

  45. Its been a century (100 years ) since my grandfather landed on these shores and helped to build this country to where it is today, yet me my children and grandchildren are “pendatang”. WHATa shame. mamaks and others from Indonesia who are still coming in today are putras. Maybe its time for my children to set sail like my grandfather did in 1892 and land on new shores where our contributions will be more appreciated. Think all you out there. Whats the stake for us here? More heartache and pain

  46. Malaysiakini: “Yesterday International Trade and Industry Minister Muhyiddin said Abdullah should transfer power to Najib before the agreed 2010 deadline.”
    How come a person appointed as a minister under his cabinet can turn the table around? Is this the umno culture?

  47. Latest, Ahmad is touring UMNO branches – to tell his side of the story? This is really sick, real sick. And UMNO branches accept him? Another sick sick scene.

    If a person is suspended, he can’t speak in that organisation’s function. Or is this the guage of how much power an UMNO president has now? Another sick scene.

    To make it more soap opera, the PM “suprised” by Muhyidin’s call… surprise? This is the second time he said it. In fact the third if we count his branch’s call earlier on and the PM is ….surprised? Sick sick scene again.

    Hopefully all those “katak” stories come true. I am really sick and tired with all these politics thing.

  48. For all the Pakatan Rakyat supporters,
    Many sign shows that the 13th General Election will be coming very soon.
    Do you ever wonder why the Ahmad issue can drag for so long and keep on be the headlines in the Main Stream Media which control by BeeNd?
    The Ahmad case is one of the sign for UMNO to woo for Malay voters and MCA & Gerakan to woo for Chinese voters.
    The UMNO Supreme Council’s punishment on Ahmad was expected.
    Ahmad is just chess for UMNO to letgo but in return to woo for Malays supports.
    Then the MCA and Gerakan can proudly tell the Chinese community that they had successfully voice out to UMNO about the racial issue. They are no longer the ‘Yes Man’. So the Chinese community will have different view on them from now on.
    And UMNO had take action to it member to show to Chinese community UMNO is not a racist party.
    On the other hand, the UMNO will also take this issue as a warning to the Malay community that the Malay must stay united inorder to remain strong!
    Pls tell others don’t be fool and fall into the trap set by BeeNd govt on this sandiwara.
    Once there is a defection regardless on 16th Sept or later, BeeNd govt will dismiss the Parlimen.
    For the state govt control by PR, most likely will not follow.
    That will be great as we can concentrate on all the parliament seats.
    We want to make dorah bodohwi and najis loss their seats this time round.


  49. NAR2645 Says:

    >> We are talking about the racist former division chief. Why drag DSAI into this?

    Because Anwar (like Bodowi) is a divisive figure whose rise in the public domain has contributed to racial unrest! He, like Bodowi is directly responsible for the climate of hate that has been created in a multi-racial, multi-religious country like ours. To have continued peace and mutual respect, we can not afford racial tensions.

    Do you think Hindraf or Ahmad or any other race mongers would have been allowed to get away with their slurs if Bodowi did not have a knee-jerk reaction to “reform” after 2003 landslide or Anwar’s empty reform slogans thereafter? This is what happens when you lack wisdom and clear-cut vision and means to implement them.

    * just a moment Says:

    >> Though you have repented here? You have won a few friends here recently…

    I am not here to make friends (I have plenty of friends in the real world). I am here to shake your slumber conscience to question the type of personalities and policies (lack of) you think you are supporting.

    I also want answers to my questions on the Pakatan’s marriage of convenience that will inevitably end in divorce. Do you have a viable alternative other than than Anwar or a vision that is a hodge-podge of secular nationalism?

  50. Detain him under ISA before he creates chaos:

    (The Egde) – Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail is unfazed by the decision to ban him from holding any party posts for three years.

    “No need (to retract my statement). No need for that. I am not wrong, so why should I apologise? I will not apologise,” he said at a press conference at the party headquarters after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s announcement on the action against him.

    He said he accepted the decision which was “fated”, and would make a political comeback in Umno. “Since the matter was discussed in the Umno supreme council, I accept its decision as it is our leadership. If (it was discussed) in BN (supreme council), then no,” he said.

    Ahmad said he would go on a roadshow to all Umno divisions to explain the issue.

    This road show thing shows his defiance of AAB. He will create hatred towards the other races by his actions. How can AAB tolerate such impudence unless he has no b**ls.

  51. It is so obvious that there is a power struggle in UMNO. Please read the Real Story of May 13 in Malaysia Today. We must learn from the history as said by RPK.

    I would like to appeal to YB. Lim, please let PKR and PAS to counter UMNO on the front line with DAP supporting from the back. It is so encouraging to know that PAS , instead of DAP, had lodged a police report on Khir Toyo.

  52. homeblogger Says:

    >> We were blissfully ignorant for 51 years and let a lot of damage happen.

    The founding fathers of Malaysia were not ignorant. They were visionaries who forged ahead with national development with wisdom and foresight. Every citizen of Malaysia knew their responsibilities towards each other and the nation.

    Today, we do not have visionaries. We have selfish inward looking bigots who claim to be speaking for others when no one identifies with their cause, each fighting for their own political agendas.

  53. Dear Bloggers,
    To go to Malaysia Today , just go to http:/jeffooi. at the top right hand cornner click the URL : mt.harapanmalaysia,com/2008/.
    This round about way will take you there for I have just done it. happy surfing.

  54. Uncle kit and the rest of malaysian dont demand apology from Ahmad is a waste of time. Please dont fall into UMNO ploy again, they are trying to ignite racial hatred among races to stay relevant. They are planning another 513 to prevent 916. Let the ballot box to do the talking. Let DSAI carry out his plan without any interruption. Remember if 513 break out, he will be detained under ISA.

  55. Laoshan Says:

    >> We must learn from the history as said by RPK.

    Oh yeah that’s right, let’s learn from a Islamophobic facist bigot who alleges one thing and then fails to substantiate it. History is established by facts and referential integrity; it is not a personal stress ball that can be rung by whoever claims to have alternative heresay.

    Laoshan is the type of individual that typifies Malaysia’s opposition movement.

  56. aiyo..BN in penang is pembangkak now, what duty they have to do now? 3 years suspension , what a big deal, maybe good to him, time for trip la.. can go around the world since all these BN guys corrupted so many years, sure got many money for holiday one.

  57. why pakatan keep saying 916 to topple current government..
    5 riches state already control by pakatan. i think its good start for pakatan to prove something for next 4 years election coming.
    why not be gentleman to wait next election to smack down BN? instead of crossover non stop. lets go padang to serve rakyat.
    and solve state problem. especially in selangor.
    nowaday some local council still fire by residents, and especially housing estate still facing same problem, still so many rubbish all the road side, really eye sore! and so many illegal billboard and advertisement banner hanging every where!

  58. Zak the Mamakthir brown-noser:

    Stop hijacking this thread to condemn DSAI on behalf of your hero. Mamakthir a visionary ? Which country did you migrate from ? Zimbabwe ? Mamakthir singlehandedly brought this country back to the stone-age where it is now.

  59. As a foreigner who is here at the courtesy of the government, who is Zak to condemn the beliefs of those who have been here 50, 60 or 70 years ? OK, so Zak was here courtesy of his hero the Mamakthir, so he should be polishing the mamak’s boots in his own blog.

  60. ng say eng Says:

    >> they are trying to ignite racial hatred among races to stay relevant.

    Why do you think Racial politics has flared up since March elections? Anwar, who claims to want to do away with politics is in fact exacerbating it! This is his mental-gymnastics that not many opposition supporters understand. The recent developments prompted the sleeping PM to say that “race relations are not at healthy levels”. UMNO can’t afford to play racial politics at this moment in time when their own coalition is drowing! This is Anwar’s dirty politicking to force BN to make errors one one hand, while he himself blows into the flames of racial hatred.

    BN’s loss in actual fact does not automatically make it Pakatan’s gain. Anwar’s deception is not hidden from the morally concious amongst the rakyat.

  61. gentlemen this racial ‘stir up ‘ is all planned up by BN and some top guys. they are just waiting for someone from like LGE, DSAI, etc to stir up more so that they can arrest them under ISA.
    Fortunately, it was the BN parties like MCA, Gerakan that took the bait. “they have the right bait but a wrong fish this time”

    if our No.1 and No.2 is serious ( not involved) about racial unity this guy will be under ISA already ? why need to call for emergency meeting? Just imagine what happens if LGEng, KSingh will to make this hu ha ?

    for all this abuse we have only ourselves to blame simply because we give our rights to them to be in power? 20 over years is long enough to claim is “mine it belongs to me!” like a squatters who had stayed there for 20 over years.

  62. Yo Godfather, ‘you talkin to me?’ I see that not much has changed by way of your immaturity and pointless comments. Please continue with your name-calling and laughable assumptions. I have no ‘condemnations’ I simply have suggestions and questions which you clearly are incompetent of answering. Perhaps more time spent in reading and research would help you make your points stick rather than witless time consuming innuendos.


  63. yapchee, the security of the many is a far greater a concern than the security of a few. Anwar should have been interned under ISA the moment he started to forment racial politicking for his own aspirations.

  64. Come on, Zak , who start the racial card game??
    Dont know why you blame it all on Anwar, as any rational people can see, the blame is with TDM who started the racial card game back in 1987 ! TDM was a “passable” PM from 1981 to 1987, but after that he changed.

  65. KS’s description of Ahmad Ismail’s 3-year Umno suspension as “water off a duck’s back” is spot on. I agree completely. To most Malaysians, the punishment is a mockery and after reading KS’s analysis, I understand why.


    UMNO seems to be disliked by most Malaysians because of its high handed and totally racially biased decision, which in present day Malaysia, is NOT acceptable anymore.

    I hope UMNO / BN took the FIRST STEP to enter multi-racial politics to re-brand itself as a REALLY multi-racial party without compromise.

    Having a 2 party system for Malaysia would be a dream come true for most Malaysians where-ever they are.

    BTW, Just accessed http://mt.m2day.org/2008/ and successful. No problem, lah.

  66. The government is totally different from the ordinary people……..as there is no real democracy, leaders/politicians usually do not speak on behalf of the people.

    Eg. a bad government but decent, polite and hardworking ordinary people of all races.

  67. Statesmen have spines of steel and do what is principled and right and good for the nation.

    BN politicians are shit-men who wallow in the ponds of corruption, racism and do what benefits their pockets and cronies.

    I think we all know that. Just that it makes us puke to have to repeat the same thing over and over again the trillionth time!

  68. NAR2645 Says:

    Today at 13: 36.23 (2 hours ago)
    to zak & Asalusul,

    We are talking about the racist former division chief. Why drag DSAI into this? You must have failed your karangan during school days

    I was referring to the fat gorilla AHMAD ISMAIL for your information,
    my post was direct reply for the “thead” itself, Since when i drag DSAI into this, “PKR” and “UMNOputras” are totaly different things my boy.

  69. They can suspend his membership but can they keep his big mouth shut? He has announced that he will go on a roadshow to present his case. Will Umno ask all Umno divisions and branches to bar him from speaking at their meetings? Obviously, Umno will not issue such an order, and he will receive a hero’s weclome at functions that all the various states, divisione and branches will start to organise for him to speak. Just wait and see!

    The suspension is just a token punishment, not really meant to punish but to save face for Umno and the other BN parties, especially Gerakan and its president Koh Tsu Koon. The people are not stupid to see through the whole public relation performance.

    What then should have been the punishment? Umno itself should make a police report against him for sedition if it is truly against what he said. But the Umno secretary-general’s implicit support for the man by endorsing him with being present at his press conference is a loud and clear statement that Umno will not act beyond the token face-saving three-month suspension.

  70. We used to say, to give birth to a baby you need 10 months’ duration and here wesuffer and zak expect a state to clear up the mess created previously in less that 7 months’ time. Just be practical and realistic, give them time, but no harm a constructive criticism is given. TQ.

  71. @ Zak…

    suggest u should really-really relocate a pond instead of our river, understood you have been building your nest in our country for 16 years already.

    It must be hard for you as our locomotion stirs your nest. If BN gone your gone, and take away your convenience as you can easily buy our way through the corrupted UMNOputras counterparts on projects.

    Sorry for you, what you had wish for all this years wouldn’t seems so promissing, even we lose today. Our Nation had no future but follows the footsteps of our neighbour Indonesia.

    But fight would still goes on, the Nation had spoken and its clear. The Be End will be ended sooner or later.

  72. In my humble opinion, I think lets not aggravate this racial issue any further. A supposed-to-be fair punishment has already been given to AI and no amount of grumble and babble can ever reverse the decision. Let it be and let us move forward from here to our intended objective of making a better Malaysia to live in for all. I am sure all of us adult and learned citizens have sound judgement of the existing political situation in our country. A more generous approach is required NOW by all to defuse the somewhat tense situation that we are facing and to eventually and surely gain the confidence of the lesser-learned ones.

    Yes, all of us are loving Malaysian Citizens. So, let us show likewise.

    Cheers to all!!

  73. yhsiew Says:

    Today at 18: 40.26 (15 minutes ago)
    Non-UMNO BN and UMNO are strange bedfellows, why not MCA and Gerakan leave BN instead of wasting their time in BN?

    They had their filthy hands filled with dirts already. Its do or die methods, theres no retreat for them. Tolate, and the show must go on.

  74. Today, I’ll join as many political parties as possible. Tomorrow I will keep on uttering racist statements. For each statement, one political party will suspend me for three years. That’s it. No need to apply any law or police action. Ok kah?

    After 3 years this racist Ahmad will be restored his umno membership without any repentance. RACIST UMNO!!

  75. Ahmad Ismail thought that he was just following the lead of Hishamuddin when he made the offending statements and to him if all those who demonstrated their heroism during the UMNO GA need not apologize, he might be spared. He was certainly emboldened when TDM criticized Najib for apologizing for Ahmad’s action.

    The 13 Penang UMNO Division Chiefs supported Ahmad Ismail, and they must have done so thinking that Ahmad was correct based on the action of UMNO in dealing with non-Malays in the country. Ahmad said that non-Malays should not have equal rights and that status quo should remain. He claimed that he did not make any mistake, and that must be his thinking based on his observation of government policies and action as well as his participation in UMNO policy making. The other 13 Division Chiefs agreed with him on the factual situation in the country that non-Malays were not treated equally by the government though PM AAB claims that all Malaysians are equal. The way Ahmad Ismail justified government policies hurt the Chinese community, and he was wrong to have done it. It is more so that his grandfather came from India, and his grandfather was not a Malay who had earlier migrated to India and later returned to Malaya. He is just like TDM whose father was Indian, and it was said that in his application for admission to university for his medical degree, he had listed himself as Indian for race. That was before the 1957 Malaya constitution that provided the loophole. Ahmad Ismail should have been quietly enjoying his position as Malays than to cause racial problems in the country. He would have had to join Hindraf had his grandfather not converted to Islam.

    It was not necessary for Hishamuddin to put foot in his mouth when Ahmad Ismail is suspended. BN at the meeting held a day earlier in which Hishamuddun was not qualified to attend must have discussed the issue about actions against people who went against the law, including the keris display by Hishamuddin. They had agreed that UMNO alone would deal with Ahmad Ismail, and so Hishamuddin and others who raised racial issues before the March 08 election are spared the stick. Hishamuddin’s comment about Gerakan party member was uncalled for. It shows that Hishmuddin wanted to avenge the treatment rendered on Ahmad Ismail. What is left unsaid was his disagreement at suspending Ahmad. Was he telling TDM that he was out for sale, in case the action to dethrone AAB was completed? It must be recalled that he together with Rafidah Aziz were the first to stop TDM announcing his resignation in 2001. AAB should have known well that this man could not be trusted. But dull as AAB is, he can’t differentiate between right and wrong, and it would be too much to ask him to assess human character.

    TDM said that he was trying hard to balance the interests of groups of people while he was in power. If he had upheld the rule of law, and had allowed issues to be discussed openly rather than using the divide and rule tactic to balance power blocs, the country would have attained true democracy, equality and justice. There would not be talk about race when all parties have equal and fair treatment. Ahmad Ismail would find no advantage in making those remarks, and the approach to government administration would be the choice of candidates at general election. Of course TDM was never interested in the welfare of the people. Had he the interest of the nation at heart he would not have advanced the ideas that Malays would have preferred not to have independence achieved by Tunku to granting non-Malays citizenship, and attributed it to the sentiment of Malay professionals.

  76. One moment,Tengku Adnan,the secretary general of UMNO is seating next to Sleepy Head as he meted out ‘punishment’ for Ahmad Ismail and the next moment Adnan is seated next to Ahmad Ismail at an immediate press conference at PWTC called by AI after receiving his sentence.Adnan was clapping and rooting for AI as he (AI) deviantly said he had done nothing wrong and he is going to go round the country to all the divisions to tell his side of the story.THIS IS OBVIOUSLY AN OPEN REBELLION with the secretary general’s full blessing. Why Mr. Prime Minister,no action ah?

  77. Loh Says:

    “It shows that Hishmuddin wanted to avenge the treatment rendered on Ahmad Ismail. What is left unsaid was his disagreement at suspending Ahmad. Was he telling TDM that he was out for sale, in case the action to dethrone AAB was completed?”

    When the power sharing are lesser, being govern bodies is where the money is are no more sufficient, and berserk takes over role play. This are cronies of pirates today.

  78. zak_hammaad Says:

    Today at 16: 39.49 (2 hours ago)
    I am not here to make friends (I have plenty of friends in the real world). I am here to shake your slumber conscience to question the type of personalities and policies (lack of) you think you are supporting.

    Oops sorry Zak, Silly me. Of course you are not here to make friends. Judging from the many differences you experience in this blog. You must be busy replting to everyone. You must be hellav of thick skin indeed.I don’t need you to shake my conscience. If I need I will ask, meanwhile Go shake Yours! I rather talk to my dog.
    Wheather you have friends or not, is none of my business.
    Thanks for your concern about what kind of personality or policies we choose, so long as its not your kind, we are happy, you just cannot understand simple English, do you?

    I also want answers to my questions on the Pakatan’s marriage of convenience that will inevitably end in divorce. Do you have a viable alternative other than than Anwar or a vision that is a hodge-podge of secular nationalism?

    If you first learn how to ask politely, Im sure you’ll get an answers. If you are not getting it, something must be wrong with your question, don;t you think so?

    Yes, we do have alternative, Only the blind,deaf, mute, dumb people like you still don’t get it.

    I hope these will clarify things up for now?
    Cheers – Non PKR Zak

  79. It is all a farcical SANDIWARA.

    What else can you expect from an organisation too snooty to recognise any of its fault, too stiff make any changes for the better and too drowsy wallowing in its filth to even understand the implications of its actions.

    To borrow the current catch-phrase in US politics – ‘You can put all the lipstick in the world on the Sus scrofa scrofa, it is still a Sus scrofa scrofa’.

  80. No one supporting the ideals of PR should ask that the ISA be used on anybody. They have categorically asked that the Act be abolished, so don’t contradict yourselves. Else you will be making a fool and mockery of yourself. Period.

  81. Dear YB LKS,

    Very well said.

    Must it take all the BN component parties, the police reports, the Bloggers & the rayaat’s anger & protest for PM, DPM & supreme council leaders to come to this “Lethargic” decision to “Finally” suspended the UMNO Divisional Chief, only for three years ? With all his perks & privileges intact ? – after disgracing his UMNO party and Malaysia Nationally, Regionally & Internationally.

    He is an Insult & a Traitor to UMNO, BN, Malaysia & its “Anak Bangsa Malaysia”.

    For refusing to “Apologise nor Repent” for his misdeeds, he should be banished from soceity for a long, long time.

    He must be brought to book by the “Court of Law” with all the Police reports against him.

    There cannot be “Double Standards”.

    Yes, let us see if PM, DPM, UMNO, AG, etc will follow through to “Walk their Talk”.

  82. Have we view the possibilities with respect to “conflict of interest ” from decision makers on the case.
    how can a member of a club be the referee where his club is being challenge in a debacle.

    on the other hand the club has made their internal decision lets hear what on the mind of the P.I.C. for the nation.

  83. * cheng on Says:

    >> Dont know why you blame it all on Anwar, as any rational people can see, the blame is with TDM who started the racial card game back in 1987

    It’s always interesting to read such comments. Why don’t you give examples of HOW TDM “the racial card game back in 1987” and then maybe we can discuss :^)

    * just a moment Says:

    >> Of course you are not here to make friends. Judging from the many differences you experience in this blog.

    I am neither here to seek approval or a pat on the back from fellow commentators. Blogs by their nature are wrought with difference of opinions and myriad of info.

    p.s. It doesn’t matter how ‘politely’ I ask questions, getting answers from Pakatan is like getting blood from a stone! Pakatan has no substance and no soul for substantive answers and concrete information.

  84. Please don’t lose sight of the big picture – BN is in deep trouble, especially UMNO. The cheeky way out is resorting to 68′ and 88′ method by arousing Malay sendiments against the Chinese ie manage by fear. Ahmad is the front runner this time but you can easily smell Mahathir all over the place.

    See how subtle he is putting his foot in again –

    Malays from PAS & PKR should counter his argument and make sure Malaysians of all races and religions are not fooled.

  85. Sounds more like a 3 years fully paid leave to me. Can imagine…

    Datuk AI to PM: “I have done my job. I want my reward.”

    PM to Datuk AI: “Sure. Tomorrow we announce your ‘suspension’ for 3 years. But you know lah, not really a suspension. Just to please the people we have done something. We can’t drag this any longer. It would have been 6 years for you if the plot worked.”

  86. Malaysia can no longer afford to play race based politics, the country is facing very stiff global competition.We must unite Malaysians of all races & religions together to become a single competitive force. Look at our currency today 1Sing dollar = 2.4 ringgit (In 1970’s you could use them interchangeably!)!!! Our income per capita is 4 or 5 times LESS than Singapore!!!
    Malaysia must change quick to catch up!

    France has been one stubborn country against the English language but yet in view of fast global development, they are willing to make amend today. Their education ministry is proposing for school to give additional English lessons after normal school hours (NOT THE SUPER STUPID WAY BY CHANGING SCIENCE & MATHS SUBJECTS INTO ENGLISH) and provide further intensive English proficiency courses during the Winter & Summer holidays. I’m sure Malaysia is not that stubborn to change.

    Yes, together we can catch up! All the best to all Malaysians!!!

  87. ‘zak_hammaad Says:

    Yesterday at 22: 23.30
    * cheng on Says:

    >> Dont know why you blame it all on Anwar, as any rational people can see, the blame is with TDM who started the racial card game back in 1987

    It’s always interesting to read such comments. Why don’t you give examples of HOW TDM “the racial card game back in 1987? and then maybe we can discuss :^)’

    Why go so far back? Just read his last few blogs at chedet.com

  88. LKS,
    Yes I definitely agree that Datuk Ahmad has gone overboard this time and he deserves the punishment meeted to him. But before you too go overboard about him, maybe you should be more concerned with your own backyard.

    At least UMNO has taken the rather quick decision to punish Ahmad. What is PKR, DAP and PAS (PR) doing about their members and leaders who were present at the Bar Council forum?? The only lame item I’ve heard so far is the issuance of a show cause letter.. and that happened after about a month! That must be even more `lame’ compared to the 3 year suspension meeted to Datuk Ahmad don’t you think so? Why is DAP not pushing your PKR and PAS partners to punish their members?? Or is DAP too scared to speak out against their partners?

  89. It is just another ‘SANDIWARA’.

    UMNO Supreme council’s meeting deciding on Ahmad’s case should be attended by observers from BN component parties to ensure that it is not just ‘sandiwara’ , ransparency and actual stand of UMNO on this case.

  90. opps..typing error….

    UMNO Supreme council’s meeting deciding on Ahmad’s case should be attended by observers from BN component parties to ensure that it is not just ’sandiwara’ , its transparency and actual stand of UMNO on this case.

  91. Some people still attracted by the decoy, it is donkey in disguise of a horse and it not a thoroughbred too but a rojak and it has lead the herd for 20 over years.

    meee heee or heeeee ho

    your choice

    why is every body assuming that the nkp club is the de facto authority for the nation,,,hey it only a club decision , we need the association decision….it is his club business what they had in store for him. What is in store for the association is the question and still left unanswered…the m see hair is seen again confused and assumed to speak for all by literally accepting a decision made privately of their master’s gang. It is another classic admission to all the tuanan syndrome of the bee end regime.

    So far botak dont know what to say, it appears there will be tendencies where conflight of interest will prevail in whatever decision he has in his pea brain. He is also a member of that club which houses many loud mouth like this one and so far all are scot free and pristine condition.

    lets see if others can embrace change

  92. zak_hammaad Says:
    I am neither here to seek approval or a pat on the back from fellow commentators. Blogs by their nature are wrought with difference of opinions and myriad of info.

    Bravo Gusto Zak, there you go, its alright except ur opinion at times are incomprehensible? Like any brainstorming session we need someone like you to play the Devil’s Advocate role? You’re perfect for this role, keep it up.

    p.s. It doesn’t matter how ‘politely’ I ask questions, getting answers from Pakatan is like getting blood from a stone! Pakatan has no substance and no soul for substantive answers and concrete information.

    Assuming you are right, as usual No substance and no soul here,
    Why are you still here? Surely you are a very confuse person, aren’t you?

  93. Ahmad Ismail punishment is purely public symbolism not real of course. So how do one turn public symbolism into something real i.e., hypocrisy back to the hypocrite?

    Answer: By drumming the beat of that public symbol. At least publicly non-bumis is declared entitled to equal rights and the drumming of this point cannot be let off. In order we need a broad long term anti-Ahmad Ismail campaign. Keep drumming equal rights for everyone and eventually it will happen. So everyone especially Hindraf should as part of their cause keep drumming the message ‘don let Ahmad Ismail dream come true’.

  94. Ha ha ha ha ha! What a joke! What a farce!

    I think the whole name calling thing was a non-issue. I have been called names for decades, but has it made me any less a man or a citizen?

    Why are you guys so weak that statements made by a nobody like Ahmad Ismail can affect you? Does the fact that Ahmad Ismail call you a non-citizen, make you a non-citizen? His statements can only affect you if you allow it to affect you. And by allowing it to, you have made him larger and more famous. He will one day come back as CM of Penang. It will no longer be a Gerakan CM. He will be the hero.

    His sentence? I think its a real joke. It’s like the “lesser” citizens are asking their big brother to discipline Ahmad Ismail for his words.

    Its like a sibling running to Mummy to ask mummy to punish Koko for what Koko said. Sounds familiar? Since everyone waited for that to happen, That only means you are lesser citizens! Kapish?

    And you allowed it to happen to you.

  95. This is precisely the type of action that had put me off the ruling coalition over the years.
    A set of privileged and elitist rules for the UMNOputras.
    The worst is that they have the police and judiciary in their pocket and can get away with murder, figuratively speaking – or is it otherwise now as well.
    And so, as with many who voted the PR on March 8th and have moral misgivings with regards 916, I’m praying Anwar will manage to pull it off and show those goons the door.
    Then , the new Malaysia that many of us are hoping for shall dawn.

  96. just watched malaysiakini TV “This is what Ahmad said..” What’s the relevance of telling early education by Chinese from British? It is racist remarks when speaking in front of his kumpulan only. If he didn’t mean it, he should have spoken in front of multiracial crowd.

  97. Zak the Mamakthir brown-noser:

    Look at yourself in the mirror, foreigner. Look who’s making innuendoes and childish comments. Don’t be like your hero mamakthir who steadfastedly refuses to acknowledge the errors of his ways.

  98. I can’t stop laughing everytimes I remembered how Najib appologised and yet this big mouth Ahmad refused to do so. Clearly a slap on BN leaders’ face. Chinese proverb says ” if you cannot handle family issue, how can you handle country issue??”

  99. If you are in a corporate environment and you perform a misconduct, the misconduct can either be classified as a major or minor misconduct. If it’s a major misconduct, the fella just gonna get terminated or dismissed. But if it’s a minor misconduct, most probably the fella will get a warning and a suspension from work. So in this case, seems like causing unnecessary racial tension that can lead to bloody chaos is a minor offence since the fella only got suspended. So is the message here that it’s ok to cause racial issues ??? How much longer are the gutless “so-called-Chinese-representatives” in BN gonna stand this? Shame on them… I’m glad I did not repeat the same mistake of voting from them again last Aug.

  100. Did you all not read RPK’s “The real May 13-Part 1”? Ahmad …, whatever his name, is probably the instigator for May 13, the 2nd. That’s why ISA is not used on him, otherwise he would let the cat out of the bag. Umno is hoping his remarks will incite racial riots similar to May 13 of 69 and fall into their trap. So, we should be careful NOT to react violently. Let us use our ‘anger’ in the next election and wipe Umno from the face of this earth.

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