Kit Siang: I will wear yellow every Saturday

Malaysiakini | Jul 13, 11

DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang has vowed to wear yellow every Saturday until the government accedes to the demands of civil society and political activists pertaining to electoral and political reform.

The demands include the release of the six PSM activists currently detained under the Emergency Ordinance (EO), the end to the ban on materials promoting the Bersih 2.0 coalition and the BN-led government’s xanthophobia (‘fear of yellow’), and the implementation of Bersih 2.0’s eight demands for electoral reforms.

The eight demands are for a clean electoral roll, reform of postal voting, the use of indelible ink, a minimum 21-day campaign period, free and fair media access, the strengthening of public institutions, and the end to corruption and dirty politics.

As implementation of Bersih’s demands is likely to weaken BN’s grip on power, wags believe the DAP supremo may well be wearing yellow for a long time.

Fresh from last Saturday’s rally, Lim slammed premier Najib Abdul Razak’s administration, calling its handling of the Bersih 2.0 demonstration in Kuala Lumpur a “national and international black eye”.

The use of tear gas and water cannon, as well as the arrest of 1,697 people and one death – allegedly caused by complications due to exposure to tear gas – was widely reported by the international media .

“Three days after the disastrous mishandling of the peaceful and legitimate Bersih 2.0 rally calling for (clean) and fair elections… there are no signs that the powers-that-be have learnt anything at all,” he said.

Lim cited the continued detention of the PSM6, the refusal of the Home Ministry to admit to police brutality during the rally, and the continued arrests of Malaysians wearing Bersih T-shirts.

Three PAS leaders were recently arrested for wearing Bersih T-shirts, one in Kota Kinabalu and two more in Johor Bahru.

In the run-up to the rally, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein had declared the T-shirts promoting Bersih as illegal. The coalition itself was outlawed on July 2 by the Registrar of Societies.

‘1Malaysia’ spirit in Bersih rally

Lim took aim at Malay daily Utusan Malaysia and by extension its owners, Umno, for suggesting that those who participated in the Bersih 2.0 rally last Saturday were traitors to the Agong.

He advised the government to heed the advice of Shamul Amri Baharuddin of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Shamsul had, at an event in Bangi on Monday, said that the challenges before a Malaysian government have evolved and that it should drop its “cold war mentality”.

“The ‘enemy’ is no longer (the) armed communist, but a civilian movement consisting of a politically awakened middle class that is wired to the global community and moved by legitimate issues,” said Shamsul.

Driving his point further, Lim made reference to Matthias Chang (right), the former political secretary to former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamed.

In a blog last Saturday, he said the rally ironically reflected Najib’s 1Malaysia and that the government’s crackdown had backfired.

“It is indeed ironic that the 1Malaysia slogan … was reflected more in the ranks of the Bersih 2.0 campaign on July 9 than in the ranks of political opportunist and upstart Khairy Jamaluddin’s miniscule band of Red Shirts provocateurs,” he wrote.

Chang boldly wagered his reputation that Najib would be ousted within six months if a general election is held this year.

22 Replies to “Kit Siang: I will wear yellow every Saturday”

  1. Najib is in a dilemma. If he calls elections this year, or at any time, he must win back the two-thirds majority. Anything less than that, he will be seen in the same light as his predecessor, and the knives will be unsheathed by those waiting in the wings.

    To call or not to call ? Maybe Fat Lo Si Mah wants to hang on to the residence and to the perks a little while longer ?

  2. My Buddhist friends wear shades of yellow all the time including Saturdays when they go to their temple. So wearing yellow isn’t a big deal.

    Let us hope no one will be arrested for wearing yellow, the royal colour.

  3. Wearing yellow every Saturday is nothing compared to 90% of the protestors who turned up last Saturday…where are the DAP so called ‘supporters’??they are hardly seen on the roads…

  4. cintanegara is as blind as a bat.
    He seems to able to read minds knowing who is and who is not a DAP supporter.
    He must have learn that skill from Tanjong Rambutan Mental Hospital.
    Concerning something yellow on every Saturday…I will do so too.

  5. Just bought a pair of yellow walking shoes…two pairs yellow Bermuda shorts….and two yellow T-shirts.
    I bet you….yellow things are hot sellers now.
    We must keep BERSIH 2 alive…since Najib having learn to accept facts and figures…all against him.
    One young Malaysian blogger have 170000 signatures asking for Najib’s resignation.

  6. It is funny how the yellow colour is now vested with symbolic and emotive meaning – signifying protest against the government’s unevenhandedness at the same time inspiring those who oppose it, and arousing paranoia of those who defend it. Well I’d wear yellow (whether its Saturday or any other day) because it has always been my favourite colour. Before Bersih yellow had always been associated with royalty.Why the star and the crescent in our national flag are in yellow colour. What does this symbolise? Don’t tell me that that colour should now be changed?

  7. Talk big we do.
    Drink tea we do too.
    Do things from the right hand and not let the left hand know…we also do.
    Others…”the men” …..who are they?
    “the men”…I guess it includes me…for I saw thousands doing much difficult jobs than me.
    I am ashamed…yet feeling proud.
    Let the soothsayers go and guess..who cares.
    BERSIH 2 show was big.
    So we now talk big…until 13th GE.
    The mission is not over yet.

  8. The funny thing is the banning of yellow T-shirt has gone over board and every tom dick and harry could be caught. It is not the demo that hurts the economy. Rally was peaceful on the organizers’ side and choosing the best possible date and time for it. The banning of yellow t-shirt will and in fact had done damage to the textile industry and retailers.

  9. Without DAP….there is no PR party.
    Without DAP…there is no freedom in Penang.
    With Penang under DAP…you have the opportunity to compare with States controlled by UMNO b.
    I am, not a DAP member..but credit must be given when credit is due.
    Without Lim Kit Siang…Malaysians will not know all the rouges and thieves in UMNO B.
    Without DAP…there is no unity.
    Now with PAS and keDAILan teaming up with DAP….as PR party…go look and compare with so call BN.
    55 years under BN is enough.
    Why talk so much?
    If you think BN will govern forever…under UMNO B leadership…you must have your head examined or fearing for change that the change will not suit your lifestyle?
    So sorry for you all depending on who you know and not what you know to succeed in life.

  10. On GE 13 it depends whether Najib believes in practitioners of those ancient occult arts on feng-shui & geomancy. If so GE 13 would depend in part on these mystical considerations! (He has publicly professed to a liking for the number 11, many people think it’s a reference to the year 2011 – though it could also mean Operation Lallang 11!) . Some feng Shui Lo opined that Najib’s birthdate shows that after August 5, his luck will start to sour all the way through November. “Najib must be forewarned. From the 1st week of September to the 1st week of October, there is a great clash between the month’s astrology with that of the nation’s birthdate of 31st August 1957. When there is a clash, it indicates that great turmoil is in store or a massive change is at hand,” the Feng Shui master forecasted as reported by Malaysian Chronicle. So he has better call for GE sometime in July Bersih pre-empted him and presented him the fall out that he risksn if he makes the call this month! If he were to think in terms of next year of the Dragon it may not be particularly auspicious for the Snake (born in 1953) like him in a struggle – Malaysia’s feng shui dragon back bone is said to be from Banjaran Titiwangsa (Mountain Ranges), which is from the North, tapering into Selangor State, controlled by Pakatan Rakyat (that stands now as if it were a dragon!). Traditionally a Snake is Ok with dragon as long as they know each other’s habits and motivations and are at peace but if they fight as in an election, their conflicting styles are such that, according to traditional beliefs, the Snake (more subtle, security conscious, indirect, sneaking from behind) will have to yield to the Dragon whose style is firm, almost egotistical, frontal, brave and open in attack.

  11. monsterball,i am proud of you too for taking part with one Malaysian(all ethnic inclusive) in the 709 Bersih rally.You and ‘the men’ deserved to talk big than those who prefer to talk dumb.Lets stay united and ignore those dumbbells.

  12. //The DAP supporters were all at home drinking tea. They let others, ‘the men’, do the difficult job.
    Now they all come out and talk big.//Sheriff Singh

    Can we trust this type of people? The saddest part is only one group fought in the battle…while others stay in their comfort zone…

  13. We don’t fight….cintanegara.
    We don’t carry weapons too.
    We are cowards that are not afraid to die for country and people.
    None of your business that another group stays in comfort zone.
    Is this your style and to provoke?
    tak boleh pakai la.
    PS: “tak tahan”…I do admire that old man from Sarawak… Sister Anne and Brother Samad…the poet.

  14. So sad one stuck-up crackpot from TR graduate who day and night clinging on rambutan tree in a remote jungle without proper visual access to the 709 Bersih rally which saw tens of thousands of participants from all ethnic background together in ‘1Bersih spirit’ bracing the brutality of water cannons and tear gas.That is so amazing and touching yet sad in a way the TR graduate missed to see the unity of Bersih 1Malaysian regardless of race and religion despite the threats and brutality engaged by the government’s forces while braving themselves in the historical 709 Bersih march to call for free and fair election.Someone should lend binocular to this pathetic dumbbell for better visual and non bias assessment when comes Bersih 3.0.We must change and kick out the tenant of Putrajaya included cinta my ass when comes GE13!

  15. hi….cintanegara…did you noticed….Marina Mahathir also walked at BERSIH 2.
    Mentalities and attitudes have changed for the better…..but you stay like an idiot all your life.
    And sad…one does not know “the men” and what he is talking about.
    I think he is a drunkard.

  16. In Kuching, 12 newly-elected ADUNs (no less) sat in a coffeeshop drinking Tongkat Ali teh-kosong kau-kau in the hope of finding their bolas.

    They dare not wear the forbidden T-shirts or even leave the coffee shop to take a walk or peee. They then quietly left to do some errands.

    Meanwhile in downtown KL, ‘the men’ were doing the job.

  17. The truth is….”cintanegara” thinks this is Najib’s Negara.
    Most sick and weird Malaysians think like him too.
    He won’t dare to respond here.
    tak tahan’s Big Big is also waiting.

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